04-02-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet &nTf asTeV AGENDA Vme A ree REGULAR MEETING o. 00 4/00 rJ PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1987 7 :00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Consider approval of minutes. 2 Consider presentation on behalf of Roger Finholt, Developer of Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Estates regarding a change in the designation of the greenbelt area in that park. (Presenter - Evelyn Hamilton. ) 3 ADJOURN `. MINUTES PLANNING 8^ ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURBDAY MARCH 19° 1987 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wy1ze. lexas met in a Regu1ar Meeting on Marcm 19, 1987 in the Community Room at 8i/`} Thomas Street. A quorum was present, notice of the meetinq nad been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman 6rzan Chaney, Vice-Chairman ben Scholz, R. P. Miller and Jay Day zs. Those absent were Bill Chapman. Ken Maui..: and Fred Ouellette. Representing the city staff was Gus H. Pappas, City Manager; Roy Faires~ Code Enforcement Officer and Amanda Maples, Secretary. The meeting was called to oroer at 7: 00 p. m. by Chairman Brian Chaney. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF M�NQTES OF MARCH 5, 1987 - Vice- Chairman Ben Scholz made corrections to the following in Item No. 3: impact fees, gentlemen, Fiscal Impact Studies, capable, City s, yield, sense and variable. Vice-Chairman ben Scholz made a motion to accept the minutes with the noted corrections. R. P. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF WYLIE RANCH EAST - This annexation was initiated at the request of the majority of residents in Wylie Ranch East. Letters of intent to annex have been mailed to the remainder of the property owners and we have had no opposition from those people. Wylie Ranch East is surrounded on all sides by the City Corporate Limits. Mr. Pappas addressed the board saying that Wylie Ranch East is surrounded by Wylie and is located East of Wyndham Estates. This is a ranchette type subdivision. Recently these people have wanted street repairs and City services so the Home Owners Association got together and requested annexation. Chairman Brian Chaney opened the public hearing. Marge Favor of 315 Kelly Court came forward saying that she was under the impression that everyone in the subdivision would be informed of these meetinqs' She stated that the only person who nad received any information was one person who was an involuntary annexation. Mr. Pappas stated that the letter was a standard letter, sent out to all involuntary annexations. He told Mrs. Favor that he would be glad to qxve her some blank letters to give to the other homeowners. Mrs. Favor said that in the letter it mentioned something about zoning and a fee. She was unclear as to whether they would have to pay a fee to be zoned. Mr. Pappas explained that most annexations are done on modest, large tracts that may in the future have a different use. l guess what we are saying is that if you want a particular zoning, you need to request it. In this case, the property is all residential and it would suprise me if anyone wanted to act on an individual basis and request a different zoning. Mrs. Favor stated that she had a petition signed by some of the home owners of Wylie Ranch East requesting SF1 zoning. She said that there were 20 existing homes ranging from 1600 to 3000 sq. feet. The average lot size is from 1 to 2 acres and the current value of the subdivision is over 2 million dollars. There are 8 vacent lots bringing the value up to approximately 3 million dollars for the entire subdivision. Mr. Pappas informed Mrs. Favor that this board could not maxe a decision on zoning tonight. That would be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Pappas also stated that almost all of the homes would fit into SF1 zoning with the exception of a few homes which are under the 1800 sq. foot minimum. You should be aware that if you request SF1 and are awarded that zoning" in the event of a catastrophe where 90% of the home is destroyed and it must be rebuilt, it would have to oe rebuilt at the 1800 sq. foot minimum. Mrs. Favor said that most of the people with the smaller sq. footage homes had signed the petition. Mrs. Favor stated that in a recent newspaper articie she read about an involuntary annexation and them demanding services. She asked about the people in this subdivision that would be involuntarily annexed, would they have to pay their share for services? Mr. Pappas said that according to law an involuntary annexation must have reasonable access to hard services within 3 years or they can petition for deannexation. In the case of your subdivision, you already have reasonable access. There being no further questions or, opposition, Chairman Brian Chaney closed the public hearing and brought it before the board for discussion. Chairman Brian Chaney asked how may land owners were in favor of the annexation. Mrs. Favor said that out of 28 tracts, 22 were in favor and on some of the vacant tracts they were unable to contact the owners. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Pappas, if the value on the tax roll is 2 million dollars, what would the taxes be in the first year? Mr. Pappas said about 10 thousand dollars. Chairman Brian Chaney said that Fred Ouellette had contacted him with a concern that the streets be put on the Street Reconstruction Program and what percentage would the property owners pay. Mr. Pappas said the the property owners currently pay about 39% of the reconstruction. Chairman Brian Chaney asked when the street would be put on the program and in the long range planning, when could they expect the street to be fixed? Mr. Pappas said that there is a good chance that the street could be redone in the first year. Currently there are three streets ahead of them. The streets that are in Wylie nave not jumped at the program. Birmingham, Stone and maby Cottenbelt, also the street in the Park will be redone first. While the people in Wylie Ranch East were pursuing their, problem with the County, in researching the plats, they +ound that in 1979 tne City reviewed the plat as an ETJ review and accepted the dedication of the streets. This is not normal but the County is reluctant to redo streets that oe1ong to Wylie. This means that Wylie has an obligation to repair those streets. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that there is currently a hellicopter in use in tnis subdivision, how would our ordinances effect that use. Mr. Pappas said that at this point there is no regulation prohibiting the landinq and taking off of a hellicopter in the City. They would be responsible for public safety and the noise under, our standards. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that since the City is already responsible tor the repair of the streets this would be a good annexation. Mr. Pappas stated that there is a recent law which states that if a City surrounds a tract on 3 sides it must be annexed within a certain period of time, so it is inevitable. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz made a motion to accept the annexation request. Jay Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 3 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 4 ACRES ON FM 2514 - This property is described as Tract 7 out of the I . & G. N. Ry. Co. Survey, Collin County Abstract 1059 and is located on FM 2514 (Parker Road) . The City Staff has initiated this annexation and the proper notification of the property owner has been made, notices of the public hearings placed in the newspaper etc. This annexation together with the annexation in Item No. 4 will take us to the ETJ line with ST. Paul . Mr. Pappas informed the board that on Item No. 3 and 4 the property is located in 2 different abstracts so they have been separated into 2 different ordinances and 2 public hearings. He said that this is one of the last remaining tracts along the Wylie, St. Paul ETJ line. Chairman Brian Chaney asked what existed on this tract. Mr. Pappas said that is was a single residence. Chairman Brian Chaney asked if the land owner had responded to the annexation. Mr. Pappas said that he had lost track but that the land owner was present tonight. Chairman Brian Chaney opened the public hearing. Mrs. Joyce Pockrus of 2200 McCreary Road, owner of 2 and 2/3 acres, came forward stating that the information which she had received from the City must be very old. Prior to 1978 the 5 acre tract on the other side of the road was sold to Wylie Northeast Water Supply. In 1980 I bought 4 acres and since then I have sold 1 and 1/3 acres. I have a current survey of the property. We were under the impression that the Water Company property was not in the ETJ of Wylie and we ask to be excluded from Wylies ' ETJ. You don ' t have anything to offer me except a tax bill . I don ' t need water, sewer, or streets and I do not want to be annexed. in the future if we decide to do something with the property we may, at that time, want to annex. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that the City firms up its borders by annexing. One thing that we try to do is to protect your property with zoning. Mrs. Pockrus said that it would be hard for them to sell the property for a residential use because there is a barn on the property adjacent to their property. The barn smells and no one would want to live next to that smell . Mr' Randy White, owner of 1 and 1/3 acres in the North quadrant of the 4 acre tract, Volume 2229, Page 261 of the Collin County records, stated that he did not understand what he would gain by being in the City. He said that he runs a part-time electrical business out of his garage and he doesn ' t want that to be effected. Mr. Pappas stated that annexation is something that a City does to extend regulations as well as providing services. It is not a barter system. Mr. White asked Mr. Pappas if he would be annexing only half of the triangular shaped road and if so who would maintain the road. Mr. Pappas said that it is not at all unsual for a City line to be down the middle of the road. Usually what happens is the two Cities work together either through some kind of agreement or a formal contract to maintain the road' Mr. Pappas asked Mr. White if they were aware of a major thoroughfare that would be going into this area? Mr. White said that they had heard of it for years but they would believe it when they saw it. Mr. Pappas explained that this is not a State or Federal Highway so no big power will sink funds into it to make the road suddenly appear. This road will be an extension of Park Blvd. that will join Parker Road right in front of your, property. The street will be in the City of whos ETJ it goes through and will be funded by developers along the way and various Cities. There being no further questions or opposition Chairman Brian Chaney closed the public hearing and brought it before the board for discussion. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that this board had recently turned down an involuntary annexation because we did not feel that it should be part of the City. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz said that in this case he did not feel an urgency to annex. R. P. Miller said that the people are against the annexation, I don ' t feel that it is a good idea. Chairman Brian Chaney said that there are other land owners in the City that deserve protection. Jay Davis said that he felt that protection would be the greatest benefit if we annex this property. He asked Mr. Pappas what the tax exemption would be for this property if it had agricultural zoning. Mr. Pappas said he could not calculate the taxes without knowing what the assesed value of the property is and what their agricultural exemption is. Chair-man Brian Chaney said that he felt tnat this property would eventually oecome a part of the City anyway and that it should be annexed and regulated to benefit everyone now. R. P. Miller, asked what advantage would these people have to being annexed and requlated now as opposed to later. Mr. Pappas informed the board that this property would probably remain in its existing use until things start to happen out there. They would immediately be protected by fire and police. Currently they receive police protection from Collin County. they receive fire nrotection from us without paying for it. He stated further that at some point this property will oeqin to change and if the property is in the ETJ and is not suodivided we would not have any control ' We don ' t have any control over zoning in the ETJ at all , it must be annexed in order to control zoning. Mr. White said that he was under, the impression that if there was a fire in that area that the County would pay Wylie and then bill the home owner. Mr. Pappas said that was not true. The City of Wylie has an agreement with the City of St. Paul that we provide fire protection to citizens within their City and we would be reimbursed. If you have received a letter from St. Paul then it is in error because you are in the Wylie ETJ. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz stated that due to the ETJ agreement between Wylie and St.Paul and the nature of this property. I really don ' t see the need to push for this annexation now. I feel that the qovernment is involved enough in our lives as it is. Mr. Pappas asked Mr. Scholz if he would feel that it was an appropriate time to annex this property after they had installed an offensive use? Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz said that he was aware of that possibility. Mr. Pappas said that is the most significant factor in this annexation. Jay Davis made a motion to annex the property. Chairman Brian Chaney seconded the motion. The motion died with a vote of 2-2. ITEM NO. 4 - PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF 74~913 ACRES ON FM 2514 - This annexation, initiated by the City, consists of several tracts individually owned. The proper notification has been made to each property owner and the proper, notices of public hearings have been placed in the Wylie News. This annexation and the one in Item NO. 3 will close our boundary line with the St. Paul ETJ line. Chairman Brian Chaney opened the public hearing. Mr. Bill Downs of 601 Parker Road, owner of tract #40 and #24, came forward stating that he had come to the meeting with the attitude that this would be a hostile meeting, due to the tone of the letter which he had received from the City. My assumption was that I am automaticly annexed. This letter is not an invitation to a wedding rather, an invitation to a hanging' I suggest that you look into that, You might find less opposition. Why sir, do you want me for a member of your City? Chairman Brian Chaney responded that it is the job of this board and of the City Council to protect the property owners of the City of Wylie both now and in the future. The City Staff and this board have taken many hours to make plans for growth and to make ordinances that protect the City. Mistakes have happened in the past with abusive uses and it is our job to protect the property owners so that these mistakes won ' t happen again. Mr. Downs said that the only thing I have heard so far is that this protects me from my neighbor and gives me fire and poizce protection which I already nave. According to the City Manager there is a reasonable amount of time in which I can expect hard services, 3 years~ yet I will become a part of the tax base now. Why not wait 3 years to annex me when you can provide me with services7 Mr. Pappas informed Mr. Downs that sewer would be available for him to tie into immediately if he wanted to do so. Mr. Downs asked if he had a choice. Mr. Pappas said yes. Mr. Downs said that he had a choice to tie into the sewer but he did not have a choice in the annexation? Mr. Downs asked what the zoning would be on this property if it were annexed--- Mr. Pappas said that the ultimate use would be Retail and B2 but for the time being you could enjoy any agricultural exemption that you may have. Mr. Downs addressed the board saying that his neighbors, who could not be present tonight, have asked him to convey that they do not wish to be a part of the City of Wylie and that he felt that now is not an appropriate time to annex this property. " l employ you not to use the power that you have. Mr. Jack Parr came forward to speak on the annexation. I have done more for the City of Wylie than it has ever done for me. I let them run a sewer line across my property and they promised me that I would be tied in. It has never been done. I gave 3 1/2 acres of land for FM 2514 free at no cost. l feel that this is just another tax deal. No one out there plans to develop or sell their property. Ray Turner came forward saying that he was against the annexation. Mr. Connley came forward saying that he also was against the annexation. Mr. Pappas asked these land owners if they would like to become a part of St. Paul . All replied no. Mr. Downs said that the property owners did not feel that they needed to be protected from each other' There being no further questions or opposition Chairman Brian Chaney closed the public hearing and brought it before the board for discussion. R. P. Miller said that he could not see that annexing this property would do anything but create more conflict between the property owners and the City. I feel that the City would loose more than it would gain. Vice-Chairman ben Scholz said that these people have used tnis 1and +or such a long time as their home, I can t see them putting an abusive use on it. Jay Davis agreed. R. P. Miller made a motion to deny the request for involuntary annexation. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1 . ITEM NO. 5-7__E�QPLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING OF A PORTION OF RUSTIC OAKS IV - This request for rezoning actually involves only a portion of the SF3 and 2F sections in Rustic Oaks IV. The revised plat will show that the SF3 lots will actually remain the same with all SF3 specifications remaining in full force and effect. The 2F lots have been redesignated as ''0" lot line houses and therefore these additions must be handled as a Planned Development. The City zoning requirements also specify not less than five acres for a PD, thus this developer is including the SF3 portion in order to meet that requirement, but will still put SF3 housing on those lots. The 2F zoned area was slightly less than five acres' The combined acreage is now 7. 674 acres. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that he had a personal conflict of interest concerning this item and that he would step down and Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz would chair this part of the meeting. Mr' Faires said that the first time these people came before me with the desire to transfer the 2F lots into "0^ lot line, I had to refuse them because they could not meet the 5 acre requirement. They only had 4. 4 acres in the 2F so they had to incorporate some of the SF3 into the balance until they had 5 acres. I see no reason to object to this, it will not increase the density and will create owner occupied homes. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz opened the public hearing. Mrs. Debbie Chester of 413 Elliott St. came forward stating that it was important to the residents of Rustic Oaks to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. We would like to obtain a buffer between our homes and the apartments. We feel that there should be more single family residents there. Mr. Pappas said that the North side of Fleming Street is zoneo SF3 and the South side is zoned 2F or duplex. If this zoning change is approved the SF3 lots will stay the same and the duplex lots will become "0" lot line homes or garden homes. I think this is what you want. Mr. Chester said that if what we understand is true you will have the support of 99. 9% of the homeowners in Rustic Oaks. Mr. Mike Howland of R. D. M. Development said that they were trying to do exactly what the home owners wanted which is to create a buffer between Rustic Oaks and the apartments. In our economy today, duplex housing is not feasible. If you will allow this change in zoning then I have builders ready to buy the lots. Mr. Durk Gallagher of 410 Elliott came forward and was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Randy Slack of 407 Elliott came forward and was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. C1ement Sparks of 409 Elliott came forward and was in favor of the rezoning. . Mr. Charles Sigmond of 4Z9 Elliott came forward and was in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Art Brumfield of 420 Elliott came forward and was in favor of the rezoning. There being no further questions or opposition Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz closed the public hearing and brought it before the board for discussion. Mr. Pappas said that he would like to ask the Planning and Ioning Commission to give consideration as to whether or not at all points in the future we should allow a developer to transfer acreage just to meet a 5 acre land requirement. I think that should be discussed at a later date. Jay Davis made a motion to accept the request for rezoning from 2F to PD. R. P. Milier seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-C). ITEM -NO. _-6- - APPROVE FINAL PLAT/CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR WESTGATE CENTER PHASE % - These plat/construction plans are being returned for review and consideration. Chairman Brian Chaney stated that the last time these were before the Planning and Zoning Commission there was some question as to the Railroad Crossings. Mr. Santry. City Engineer, informed the Planning and Zoning Commission that the railroad crossing had been eliminated from the plat as it should be. He stated that this is railroad property, if they follow procedure they will grant signalization and an easement to cross the property. The railroad company requires us to provide them with all information concerning the road and how it will cross the tracts. The permits have already been granted for the approaches to State HWY 78 and FM 544. Relative to obtaining the Railroad Crossing, it is a long and argueous trail . The application for a railroad crossing was sent to the Superintendent of the Northern Division of the Santa Fe in Ft. Worth in November of 1986. As an example of this. we have one crossing that was sent on the 10th of March 198b~ over a year ago. This process is hung up because until recently matters of this nature were handled in an office in Amarillo which is now in the process of bein9 combined with an office in Topeka Kansas. The Railroad will only deal with governmental entities, they will not deal with developers. Once we have sent a letter to the railroad requesting a crossing they will investigate it and contact us with an estimated cost, the City will have to guarantee that cost ano we will obtain a letter of contract from the developer to pay for the crossing. We pay the Railroad Company and they construct the crossing. In essence Westgate Way will go from HWY 78, in a 100 ft. divided r. o. w. , to Hwy 544, then North to connect with the Westgate Subdivision, Phase I . Further~ Mr. Swayze has asked for some rather large lots along Hwy. 544, we have asked him for a statment that prior to the replating of any of these lots or prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, the Perimeter Street Fees must be Paid to insure that when Hwy. 544 is widened we can make it a better, road. Mr. Pappas said that because of the time involved in securing the railroad crossing it would be inappropriate to make the approval of the plat contingent upon securing the crossing. The staff recommends approval . Chairman Brian Chaney asked how binding the letter from Mr. Swayze would be for securing payment for the crossing. Mr. Santry said that the letter would be such that Mr. Swayze would be bound to reimburse the City. Mr. Swayze addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission saying that he was disappointed about having to be present at this meeting he thought that this could have been handled with a letter. He stated that they woulo not turn dirt on this project until they had assurance of a crossing. Mr. Pappas said that Mr. Swayze was saying that the property would not be developed without a crossing. I am not sure about that but, the property would be more valuable with the crossing. So if it is approved he has incentive to pay for the crossing. If it is not approved he will change the thru street to a cul-de-sac and he will need a replat in order to accomplish that, in my opinoin the City is protected. Ben Scholz made a motion to approve the final plat/construction plans for Westgate Center Phase I . Jay Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 7 - APPROVE FINAL PLAT/CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR WESTGATE CENTER PHASE 11 - Mr. Pappas stated that the staff recommends approval . R. P. Miller made a motion to approve the final plat/construction plans for Westgate Center Phase II . Jay Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Swayze addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission saying that he felt that in the future current business should be put at the top of the agenda and public hearings should be put last. Mr. Pappas said that it has always been a practice of the City to make it more convenient for the public than the developers. Mr. Pappas said that it has occured to him that we could save a lot of time if we had a workshop to discuss some basic things relative to zoning. Chairman Brian Chaney said that he would like to discuss involuntary annexations. How does the Council feel about them? I feel strongly about firming up our borders but some don ' t feel that way. I 'd like to know the Council 's opinion on these annexations and whether we should proceed with them. Mr. Pappas stated that the Council could not have a pre-vote on annexations. Involuntary annexations should be staff initated. Voluntary annexations should be accepted. We should give primary consideration to firming up our borders, second we should annex large tracts of undeveloped land due to the possibility of an unattractive use. Third, we should annex islands. Those instructions are two and a half years old and no Council` as a body, has changed those instructions. At this time I am still operating under those guidelines. Chairman Brian Chaney asked if everyone wanted to put on the next agenda to set a date for a workshop. Mr. Pappas felt that it would be better to wait until after the election. All agreed. ' _3][EM NO. 8 - ADJOURN - Jay Davis made a motion to adjourn the March 19y. 1987. Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Brian Chaney, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Respectfully Submitted: -- -Amanda Maples,Maples, Secretary