11-02-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 10/29/87 TIME POSTED 5:00 P.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1987 800 THOMAS ST. - COMMUNITY ROOM 7:00 P. M. CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 2 Consider approval of minutes of October 26, 1987 meeting 2 3 - 4 Consider recommendation to City Council for possible amendment to Ordinance 84-10A Building Code 3 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that a committee of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 P. M. on the 2nd day of November, 1987 in the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street, in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the above agenda. e/_!Z 4 Carolyn s, Secretary POSTED THIS THE 29TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1987. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 1987 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met for a called meeting on Monday, October 26, 1987, in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman Brian Chaney, Marty Stovall, Bart Peddicord, Cecilia Wood, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Secretary Karen Blythe. Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Bob Skipwith and R. P. Miller were absent. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the October 15, 1987, meeting. Chairman Brian Chaney noted that in Item #2 third to the last sentence and under ADJOURN second to the last sentence Bob Skipworth should have read Skipwith. Also, in the first paragraph of page one Vice-President Ben Scholz should have read Vice- Chairman. Mr. Chaney asked if there were any other any corrections. A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes with the noted corrections. Marty Stovall seconded the motion. This motion carried with all in favor. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST FOR RE-ZONING FOR MULTI ZONING ON 158 ACRES OUT OF THE ALLEN ATTERBURY SURVEY ABSTRACT 23 (COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE THIRSK PROPERTY) : Chairman Brian Chaney asked Roy Faires to give some information on this item before opening the public hearing. Mr. Faires located the Thirsk property on the map. He stated that this property is zoned under the old SF1 and SF2 which corresponds with our present SF2 and SF3. What the developers are propsing is to rezone 57 acres to SF1, 22 acres to SF2, 67 acres to SF3, 5. 7 acres to Retail and 6. 5 acres to Business. Mr. Faires stated as a member of the staff he would recommend approval of this zoning as requested. The Public Hearing was opened at this time by Chairman Brian Chaney for anyone who wished to speak in favor of this item. Mr. William Kaufram of Master Plan addressed the commission. Mr. Kaufram noted their company had been working with Thirsk on the planning of this property. Mr. Kaufrarn stated that after meeting with Mr. Faires, the previous City Manager and the current City Manager and obtaining information about the city' s master plan, current zoning and other information they have tried to take the key points in the city' s comprehensive plans and work them in while matching the surrounding zoning so the zoning they touch the neighbors with will be equal to or of higher zoning. Mr. Kaufram pointed out on the map where they were planning the zoning of retail and business. He stated they were trying to buffer their business from the existing residential with their own residential and what they are proposing is a plan that meets the criteria of providing a variety of housing types, meets the zoning of the surrounding properties and would provide a development that would be a credit to the city. Chairman Brian Chaney asked if anyone else would like to speak for this item. James Griffin asked if there were any provisions for parks. Mr. Chaney informed Mr. Griffin that this would be taken up during the platting of this property and not during the zoning. Marty Stovall asked what the ratio of people per house was. Mr. Faires stated according to Cog it was 2. 75. Marty Stovall asked if layout of the lot' s property lines of the SF1 would go to the center of the creek. Mr. Faires informed him that would be a platting matter and we were only considering zoning tonight. Chairman Brian Chaney asked if anyone would like to speak against this item. No one addressed the commission. Mr. Chaney closed the public hearing. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR THE REZONING OF THE 158 ACRES OUR TO THE ALLEN ATTERBURY SURVEY ABSTRACT 23 (COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE THIRSK PROPERTY: Chairman Brian Chaney said that personally he felt this was a very organized and well planned venture. He asked for questions or recommendations. Marty Stovall recommended to the City Council to approve the zoning as presented. Cecilia Wood seconded this motion. This motion passed with all in favor. ADJOURN: There being no other business, a motion was made by Cecilia Wood to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Bart Peddicord. This motion passed with all in favor. Brian Chaney - Chairman Respectfully submitted Karen Blythe - Secretary ORDINANCE # , //) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUILDING CODE (ORDINANCE #83-15) BY INSERTING INTO ARTILCE 1 , SECTION 1, 2, & 3 CONTAINING A PENALTY CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 : That Section 1 of Ordinance 83-15 be, and it is hereby amended by the insertion of the following: (B) . In order to abate the proliferation of buildings subject to early and premature deterioration and to reduce fire hazards within this community, all residential and commercial buildings shall be constructed of masonry walls ; that is , exterior walls shall be at least seventy-five per- cent covered with masonry on vertical surfaces , excluding windows , doors , and other normal openings; or with materials with equivalent fire- retardant and structural qualities as approved by the Building Inspector. (C ) . Framing Requirements : The appropriate sections of the 1982 Uniform Building Code are hereby modified and the following are the minimum wood framing requirements for all structures within the City limits of the City of Wylie, Texas : 1 . All wood studs shall be on a maximum of 16 inch centers . 2. All wood ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches and shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches as centers . 3. All wood hips and ridges shall be constructed with a minimum nominal 2 inch by 8 inch material except when formed by a truss. (D). It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to own or maintain any dangerous building as that term is defined in Section 203, after having been notified of the determination that such building has been inspected and declared dangerous or unfit for human habitation by the Building Official . (E). The Standard Housing Code as published by the Inter- national Council of Building Officials 1983 edition, copies of which are in the City Secretary' s office, is hereby adopted. (F) . Appendix 12 of the Uniform Building Code is hereby adopted. SECTION 2: —Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction , shall be fined in a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200) , and each and everyday's violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offence. SECTION 3. Severability: All ordinances or parts of the ordinance in conflict herewith are specifically repealed and are superseded by this ordi- nance. All other parts of such ordinances are not repealed. Savings Clause: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clause, and phrases are separable, and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining 3 phrases, clauses, sentences , paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of unconstitutional or invalid phrases , clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections. SECTION 3. Protection of the public health and safety requires that this ordinance take effect immediately upon adoption. DULY ADOPTED ON THIS THE 16th DAY OF February, A. D. , 1984. Robert B. Squires , Mayor ATTEST: Carole/20,-/7 e iiffcretary