11-30-1987 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 11-25-87 TIME POSTED 8:30 A.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 38, 1987 888 THOMAS STREET - COMMUNITY ROOM 7:88 P. M. CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 3 Consider approval of minutes for November 16, 1987 2 4 - 5 Conduct a Public Hearing on the amendment to ordinance 85- 60 which created the Benedict Estates Planned Unit Development, adding a temporary building for a sales office as an additional permitted use. 3 Consider approval of recommendation to the City Council of the amendment to Ordinance 85-60 adding a temporary building for a sales office as an additional permitted use 4 6 - 7 Consider approval of preliminary plat for Westgate Terrace 5 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1987 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, November 16, 1987, in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Bob Skipwith, Marty Stovall, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Secretary Karen Blythe. R. D. Miller and Cecilia Wood were absent. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The minutes submitted for approval were for the November 2, 1987, meeting. Chairman Brain Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made. A motion was made by Ben Scholz to approve the minutes as presented. This motion was seconded by Bob Skipwith. This motion passed with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WESTGATE TERRACE: Chairman Brian Chaney asked Roy Faires to give the members some information on this item. Mr. Faires noted that this item was referring to the center part of the total Westgate Development. He reminded the members that the Northern part has already been developed and that the preliminary plat on the lower portion south of the railroad tracks has been approved. Mr. Faires added that this would tie Westgate Way together from 3412 all the way back from 544. Mr. Faires pointed out the different zonings of this subdivision on the map to the members which are SF3 and MF and stated that one portion had been rezoned to zero lot line. He noted that it was up to the point of this present development that Fleming had been begun. Mr. Faires added that Fleming Street is scheduled to continue along in this same plain and that the property next to the Dobie Development is zoned in the same manner which meant that the developer had no other choice but to bring Fleming Street straight forward. He noted that the next property is a piece that has not been zoned but has the same configuration as the one he just mentioned which more than likely in the future will be zoned in the same manner. Mr. Faires added that the City has had the extension of Fleming Street to come straight through this property for at least the last four years. Mr. Faires referred to the maps he had given the members and noted that the developer' s map showed Fleming Street about 460' south of where it is shown on the City' s Mater Plan which does not go along with the City' s plan of Fleming street. Mr. Faires stated that as the Director of Planning and Zoning that he would recommend this item to go before City Council for non approval. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Faires to show the members on their plans where Fleming Street should be located and if the developers were aware of where the street was to be located before they drew their plan. Mr. Faires noted that the developers were fully aware of where the street was to be located before they drew their plans. Bart Peddicord asked- Mr. Faires if they had given a reason as to why they were asking for this change. Mr. Faires said they had not given one to him but had given one to Ron Homyer the City' s Engineer. Jerry Lands the engineer representing this developer of 3435 Dilido Rd. , Dallas, TX addressed the members. Mr. Lands stated the reason Fleming Street is shown where it is is because of the location of other streets that were planned in the preliminary plat of Westgate Phase I and II. Mr. Lands showed on the original plat a cul-de-sac which was creating a problem with extending Fleming Street. He noted that he had spoke with Ron Homyer and they had come up with the solution to place Fleming Street as shown on the plans he had drawn up. Mr. Faires noted that a final plat has never been submitted on these streets Mr. Land was referring to which would mean that it has died of old age and would have to go back to the board and that he had made known to Mr. Homyer that Fleming Street had to be where it was on the Master Plan because of the zoning. Mr. Faires also added that once Fleming Street passed the property line of the SF and MF zoning he didn' t have any problem with the location of the street but felt the developers who acquire this property will feel that they have been cheated because they will have to make a big curve across their property which will cost them twice as much. Mr. Chaney pointed to Mr. Land' s developer' s property line. Mr. Faires noted that it was their phase line. Mr. Land retaliated and said it was their property line. Mr. Faires stated that if this was so then this property has been subdivided illegally because it has always been shown as one piece of property and that it had not been brought before the Planning & Zoning Commission for approval. Brian Chaney asked Mr. Faires if this was something the City' s attorney needed to looked into. Mr. Faires said yes, and that they needed to get the City' s attorney to file an injunction to declare all sales of this property invalid. Chairman Brian Chaney brought the discussion back to the board and noted that he was agreeing with Mr. Faires that Fleming Street needs to be matched up according with the original plans. Mr. Chaney noted that Mr. Faires would talk with the City' s attorney about the possible illegal subdivision of this property and make sure there wasn' t a failure of memory and if there was not, let him take action from there. Bart Peddicord made the motion to table this item. This motion was seconded by Ben Scholz. This motion passed with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF FINAL PLAT FOR WESTGATE INDUSTRIAL PARKS Mr. Faires addressed the board and reminded them that they had seen the preliminary plat and had approved it a few weeks ago and they were now looking at the final plat for approval and that it has meet all of the city engineering requirements and is recommended by the city engineer for approval. Brian Chaney asked if the City Council had made any alterations. Mr. Faires replied they had not and that he was recommending approval. Bob Skipwith made the motion that they recommend to the City Council that this final plat be approved as shown. This motion was • seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion passed with all in favor. Chairman Brian Chancy asked before they went to the last item that they consider the memorandum from the Park and Recreation Board which was in their packets. Mr. Faires addressed the board that the first time he had seen this memorandum it had been brought to his office to go before the Planning & Zoning without going before the Parks & Recreation Board, at which time he advised this party that the City did not have the personnel or staff to enforce this issue. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Faires who had brought this forward to him. Mr. Faires stated that it was one of the members of the Park & Recreation Board. Marty Stovall asked if other cities the size of Wylie have this type of ordinance. Mr. Faires said no, that cities the size of Plano and Austin, etc. that have a Park & Recreation Director that has taken two years of Horticultural have this type of ordinance. Marty Stovall asked if there were any types of ordinances for companies such as Sandin, when it comes to Wylie, for landscaping. Brian Chaney felt that this item would deter larger companies from coming into Wylie and that we need these larger companies to support our tax system. Marty Stovall stated that he felt most companies would want to landscape anyway. Bart Peddicord stated he had read this memorandum about four times and feels that it would take at least one and maybe more experts to enforce this. Mr. Peddicord felt that some issues in this memorandum were not within reason. Brian Chaney stated that at the passing of the Parks Tax or Land Donation Ordinance he had felt it was a little strict but realized that it was needed for the future citizens of Wylie, but this issue he feels is too much. Mr. Faires told the board that the City Manager wanted the Planning & Zoning Commission to know that they are in the process of hiring professionals to do a Master Plan for the City that will include some beautifications along some thoroughfares. Chairman Brian Chaney asked if they needed to action on this issue. Mr. Faires said no, but they would like for them to put it on their November 30, 1987, agenda. Chairman Brian Chaney requested this item to be put on the November 30th agenda. ADJOURN: There being no other business, a motion was made by Ben Scholz to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion passed with all in favor. Brian Chaney - Chairman Respectfully submitted Karen Blythe - Secretary APPLICATION TO i Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 III Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 ra Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 ' NAME Stanegrove Builder's Council ADDRESS 120 Kristen Lane Wylie, TX 75098 • LOT 4 BLOCK , A SUBDIVISION Stonegrove BASIS OF APPLICATION: JInterpretation Special exception for use or development Variance 1 Rezoning 1 Exception to Building Code EXPLANATION: We are requesting an amendment to Ordinance 85-60'Bch created the Benedict Estates Planned unit Development. • Said amendment to add a temporary building for a sales office as an additional permitted use. _ 1 SIGNITURE of APPLICANT r..,.e•� DATE IA 1--47 Must be accompanied by filing fee of $ • • Received: 0 Date: fcw— COO€ EN CEMENT OFFICER = :�cncr% • • Nt. 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