01-18-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 1-15-88 TIME POSTED 5:00 P.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1988 7:00 P. M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS ST. CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 3 Consider approval of minutes of the January 4th meeting 2 4 - 5 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for Final Plat For Construction Only for Westgate Center, Phase I (located between FM 544 and Hwy 78) 3 6 - 8 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for Final Plat for Construction Only for Westgate Center, Phase II (located between FM 544 and Hwy 78) 4 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, January 4, 1988 in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in a time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Marty Stovall, Bart Peddicord, Cecilia Wood, R. P. Miller, Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, and Candi White, Secretary. Bob Skipwith arrived late. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE NOVEMBER 301. 1987 MEETING: Chairman Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made to the November 30, 1987 minutes. Mr. Peddicord stated that on the second page, second item, the third word should have read "sell", rather than "sale". He also noted that six lines down, in the third item, Marty Stovall had asked if they already had a sales office in the development, and that there didn' t seem to be an answer in the minutes. Mr. Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, replied that there was an answer, but that it probably should be clarified to say that there was a sales office set up, but that it had been moved. Mr. Peddicord also said that the word "had" needed to be added to the first sentence in the last item. A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes with the noted corrections. The motion was seconded by Ben Scholz. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL FOR A ZONING CATEGORY FOR A FIRING RANGE: Chairman Chaney asked Code Enforcement Officer, Roy Faires, to comment on this item. Mr. Faires explained to the commission that the zoning ordinance is a permissive law, rather than a prohibiting law, therefore anything that is not specifically listed as permitted, is automatically prohibited. Mr. Faires went on to say that someone had shown some interest in opening a firing range in Wylie. He also said that after much discussion, City Manager, John Pitstick, asked him in what zoning a firing range would fit. Mr. Faires explained to him that there wasn' t an appropriate zoning. He went on to say that his recommendation would be a specific use permit and only in an industrial zoning. Chairman Chaney asked Mr. Faires what kind of ordinances other cities have for firing ranges. Mr. Faires said that most cities don' t have firing ranges. Chairman Chaney said that he didn' t see a problem with an indoor range, but felt like there might be a problem with protection of the citizens with an outdoor range. He also felt like there might be a problem with the ordinance in Wylie that prohibits firearms. Mr. Miller wondered why a city without a firing range would want one. Mr. Faires explained that the city couldn' t just tell a man that they don' t want him or his business. Ms. Wood asked why the city couldn' t specify a hundred acre radius on either side of a range. Chairman Chaney also asked if provisions could be listed, such as pistol and archery, without shotgun and rifle. Mr. Faires answered both questions when he said that there must be an area that is large enough for shotguns, but wouldn' t have to approve the specific use permit. Ms. Wood asked if archery consisted of bow and arrow, as well as cross bow. Mr. Faires said that cross bow shouldn' t even be considered. Chairman Chaney asked if the range could be limited to all indoor use. Mr. Faires said yes, and that whatever the commission decided would be taken before the council for their thoughts before an ordinance was constructed. Mr. Scholz was concerned with constructing an ordinance that was sure to hold up. Mr. Faires said the commission needs to be sure and enumerate why such a permit was denied, and could be tied into the zoning law and be denied due to health, safety, and welfare. Mr. Skipwith stated that he would definitely like to see heavy restrictions on an outdoor range. Mr. Miller felt like there should not be a long time span on the permit and that it should have to be renewed every year. Mr. Faires explained that ny time limitation could be specified, but that a gun range would be a capital investment, which should be kept in mind when setting the time limit. Chairman Chaney stated that the commission should decide on some distinctions that need to be made to take before the council, such as long rifle, shotgun, long bow, cross bow, pistol, automatic weapons, indoor and outdoor ranges, and setting perimeters that would be legally acceptable without overstepping authority. He also felt like there should be a time provision on the permit and that it should be limited to Industrial Zoning, which would automatically solve some problems that could be caused in other zonings. Mr. Miller asked if there were any positive reasons for having a firing range. Chairman Chaney said that it would help the sales tax revenue. Mr. Faires added that the ammunition alone would help the sales tax revenue tremendously. Chairman Chaney also said that Mesquite has a firing range that is a nice place, and has no problems, and fee4s-t-het•-Wy44- -would -- benefit from one also, provided there were defini-te limitations. Mr. Miller asked if there is an appropriate place in Wylie for a range. Mr. Faires said that the prospective buyers were looking for cheap land and something in the flood plain, and there are only a couple of places which would be appropriate. Mr. Faires also said that with the present zoning restriction controlling noise and pollution at the property line, the commission could go with an indoor range with permitted use in Industrial Zoning. Mr. Skipwith said that he would like the commission to specify that there be one person as a supervisor for a specified amount of users. Mr. Faires said that another thought would be to have a specific use within the zoning category and a comprehensive ordinance governing firing ranges in general. He also added the possibility for annual licensing. Chairman Chaney made a motion to table this item for Mr. Faires to come back with a specific use permit and ordinance governing such. Mr. Skipwith seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor. ADJOURN: There being no other business, a motion was made by Mr. Skipwith to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Peddicord. The motion carried with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully submitted: Candi White, Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: . A ii /2 / 98S TO: John Pitstic1 . City Manager FROM: Ron However. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval ttI1STG ,4 Tt CE_n/7EE2 ) PH I The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Preliminary Plat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Final Plat to City Council D Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only ❑ Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS: Twits a T RE /912E JEg1 .S A 1eEV I6E0 L 441) USE ,L4ill FDA A PEEv/cusL y A-MetAVE,) F AM-L. ,L4T 7X'u c T/o j pi_A-4l s . 7W/S REv/ s/oN Cots AJEcEasAA V BEc,Ia a� (CC,vo A,t/c ,1N3 ST 4 7 46 ENC' i EQ u /R E AwEAf7S. RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File MRi� arm OA ova n-, , IMMINLajimusjimmil _.. ! - A*, a i all r i -air Tway .. ..... Yrb Y Os r..�1 r•N«Y IW room/N w Si [•1/1• IZio na[t' I#0.r isa� LAM, r I..ur LC::••&nap:Item p.MONO Ill w r r as al 11•►11•,�/NN,[Ir[/~'w• lrt.IN' 7Mr/i• i� el: rl rr.ri whir M Mao/yI�[••y�"�"�y S ! A IS,SO' .rae•ar' ' wally 7 /N N' USN* JAR Or' IeW11)b r••It•N•W M...•h w.rr..r L 1Sl 7L' I W rob Ur r IN W Co li6r TIIr�•••NII i r W r.NY•••,•.••,••IO•.rr[Olt•LOON' An -.T"'-- a A NY.11' 1110 0' !r,[I CO• '+.•.t7•a•ri'R..aL/a•[«r�r.w.Ilr Y rr 1Y fN N•ur N• 1«Ir mow.. �� R Jb fV tM1o[o' 141 Ia' sect,A.m AI•411 Ila•ma 1••aft-4 yl•r. I wN Y Ib MM r�• 7 •T 7a' JOO.Si' eel•M' •�1V r INN•b' •maw Y Y,.frlrl W••WOO Y�r►Y 1•I.1�_ 1C. L rfa NI' 1047l' NU/• i t.N •!••.r.•d1.n•Mw N.I/r 41.• I ' /♦"[ Y1.n•M.I r.Iq•IIr W«h w Y ryr•%.YN N rr.yN yam. 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'Omni Oa ooperarspor I Iliac air es was.ire yural=w GIII Mwr..r Y=CI.r Y SM..f•r.•••NIA«,Y.r.•••.1•f. rr / ,1• IerNaRfi�7tt�,NyN[I/ ryll•N w Oly:ill, WIW N W m',,hr11 N .r •-•T14 .7.we- 1 r w OW/•/1.N1«I•.wY r•7:r•F•/ ••,..I.•,•wN11r rN•W WIC •jr W«Or N W yr !O•N,. . 1•r1r W ,Mr,rr rM•Nt W•«r br•••ir �U hY..r1rl•r N•1r..N••I.1r•NNIII.• „lour WOW IN WM M•1_. •4., IS1rZ:•nLn,IT1,Y M71•,on.WOO.OW WIIITS:asOtriE allr Q /+ a FINAL PLAT 0.M[N: JONN P PlooMNTON / WESTGATE CENTER f I a.r AO,'ICNUAs 7N11 PHASE ONE / 1 Isla n:-tt,o CONTACT N C 1rATrt D.1TI1101LANO 11MV[Y , ABS, NO OM 1 LOCATION MAP 111.1441••O7 CITY OF WYIAt, CO►LIN Cabol/ . TtlA1 aAk AN4• POONOTON •.r NO•t.O/N.I ttl / .w...........•w•.N:......r I v MEMORANDUM DATE: . JA/1J /Z 19SA TO: John Pitsticl'C. City Manager FROM: Ron However. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval wi1Tn Art eE/ ,e , P/l.11" The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. O Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning O Preliminary Plat to City Council air/Final Plat to Planning and Zoning O Final Plat to City Council O Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only - O Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS: 771/eS f�/ /t T RE s(,ii s A eci/two 1 Alt -6'E ?L./44! Fe/C 4 P#EYIousL Y A,iroVE-J f NAL fiMr AAtl d/3-aL{CTin_/l PL4 h . ri//S REvis/6 Al W,1s NEcE.3A V BEc4a zi dF ECGAzoa ri AAib STA7 4 EA/eV A.E.Qu IREA•tEAfrs. RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File MN I Ma I I 1....."---"----------"-----"------ I. Y W moo. 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FINAL PLAT ; I A WESTGATE CENTER oraar Mir90.io.190110 rON PHASE TWO IL MSO,MIMI /NI4 _ INSI It2•0940 a tfalCNl•MI tyty[T yeT p coil 1 cONr•Cr a WWII 1t eavaitN tI[ r N re qr IOCA ION M Itl•1••e-twr Cn► •r rail ,_r I N01,1at111 Itat i • w-!'r�..�__. A4y rNpr.•• rail 0700.4.444.4410.44444..•. .• ' I . n • j /ww1. w` NMI.Y M. fDgl[YN w 4WW.. QrAr. WIMP 1.44410 1 HJil' 441.01r. t7f>0 IA?,1mtw. .I.w r rur�11r,, r w..1.a«1./,wt Ali ..I.,t f' /{rstr INN rrlalrl ib..• roam C. MI r•..r,r•••Yrr•t•tW1 L fA.fl' t•t A' NIr/II.w.tour 0.?MO aa.'mat Y too 4tl•t NM..4uu ryas. N. •111 Jt11Z7' Vohs.SIN. 1 •l,r rrttrl Y I..I t••T r rrrlu Irld/r r•r.r/Y t t •NJ•9•' •7• rM./11l d Or 1'r11Y Comm lad broods,r r,r r..art tt•Ir I1 r•n,{r Al rIr N. • J•'7; •n s.'' 1r..r r Iw11•r. allI /f�se' slaw; ins.' /I♦fa' NI•1 N..1114 r•f/I- •w load I+t r...GM.QUINN w•.0•.I•r r••mat.awl mama L t•t L t••N' Ut•►t' 1r••w•,Lr.1 IN WA 1•4YY.t 1101 W,r•l,Dieu.S.OP11.B, ors r II • '�/��• •t'q'00' Dieu► I.W1' '`•.;1 VIr••le,no wr•IN.w mad IN fie to•SIC tom tw r•Ir tOI�' Kf/7' /rt I••1/1' rd•I1 Iv rr ••Iu•• T I.7J' 1•t It' POP 11' .WI•d•f1W'aa•,• . r I II air- Y;. qaa'_ map' L IS,PO' 1e1.71' /f1.0/' DNC[.11 N a I,, H/.ii Irk to•in.1M mil rt N.IN.Ii[ f1y�Y lrr, '•Y[Y[t W[b �M� -- SIM.'t,[.N Y'1[7..YI.11•Mw 1/Y M r.1.•t lot UN N.11 Y • I I I I {IIYNIL IEKt i�•r1••I•�w•Mfa 2' • 'I N HI.1�Yn r•f•t'•r1 low 1.N Ir.{•f-Ir1w Y Ms rya r'MI • 1 YII errs Ib�•1•/•r N•1/1'IM td r(r r • ' Mr[.TMIwT[l MCI. [.01 Y'•D L.W,/l•lr,Y.1/Y rd w N.W r•y1•�It,'0�[.1 .�,{„ ''I I ,rrll.lill••�•w"•'1101 • MCI,INN d U•1['pY.•mar Y IN.S►ti r•t,yr Ir•t\•1 N 10• -i. ,r•Y'r W1 b••y flail,[.'r'M'6164 fd aa"[.am*Ill Y•IIY td w Ir re r o/torn•. 11 r1/2' C. /Y W+1r� W •1/Y tor td or N.arms I•ON amts..Itw w ON♦.1 A{.I. ` •. K00.OS' E. - [03 D' y,+.,,' fltil,rIrla f N. NN Ir,Mar tie.••I•rust Its w Ir 1.11$•.Y,Ir•Y I allt-d�,• M I/1'Ir d am Mr •l� tb'({•.I.o.I1/.A..•n•••I! i SIMI. M.dra1'17'[..1051.[Ylrt l•W Nat M r •rr o Mu.aY•rrr•Mot r L.rr • /•V TM,7 oiy •• o- { war N mod. Walt{r•r mI BLOCK A + 1 r °r Ma AM Mr w Mil wrss{. \\, r•••••••t•C•. A••••• 1•rrr.l..•(yY� L17 J•l1 I. ItMlarar, ,r /11/Dry I r&m.am 1 Yt tarry.Illu tl• �•Minas Y air•GtI 211o.Ii11 aas row Y •rrtltlr/.Np.t/ ,fir :c.........••••'w ?re to MrII•tI1•Ww.t r wall salts 1rr•r, m l r`~f� I I LOT 1 I` apINNIN[Wr/r tie roof/ N.{•r Mali forms Ms 'ram Inketore MAN \ .. \ -_� I 1111rtt1 r••II rs w fI1M u r�•`'.'�yr maral V 'W rtllr rrrt•I Y r•Y ewe or. r•r'!u'r• \9, i IIION•TI[Iµ ZONING �' [a7y030'[ i[uI Wreath',,u r'w.rr<•V"`•.1,•t�e.,;� ,rr,'r`• pal of ••~+u Ir' •�tftr.ti� .{1.�' SI . 1���• // 132.71. w.•t al Swt Irlrrawa sal iy,www r�w'�'aye err ma ter y/eer rMsow.al wuwtwtrr d• t/r.M/t [fWtiewrYyWrpml r w// w•W 111Tr W 1111•Li IL M O Taw.tw tie w w .Ir ' \ ,... \ 11•.•7' HI 1 ...it / y Stall w 1W{ yft�_ a COMMIT a ;11) / ,' •,\ �� �T- `; n •y '.ewdMON M..l•rfi .r.t•tallafalmat Iit""uwi.` rot:r+..w..:,. fri::it Iw•Y[M.ruf _`_ _ ' .;' T•1 DD.•D' trier.{••.r Y tie Met I{..N•rod warp 1r•11110r / 1 / 4 l•t67 tY = 1� ; WW1 use w MAW w[w.w N. w.u. .o•d .INS • //, -- _ram` /// ` .zTiss.i...�rsa Nissem ••tY -� _ALL NY IN DOOS ONMIES, °1101 MA�R�I�IN�EZ �, r•�• .q • • rr t }• fC'' • y I .i tVIM i:trillrw••Mm�:.~rt roar•r.r u:��+N1 ��N[M r rtw rawer ammo d tie Y,l �.cIIL-.. �'S :lir. w ` ' rc ".1t.4�t N wt,MrM arms Irrrl ym..ulr.411.611 • 11• 1 A•.MDO'D1• NoM •I.a\ R•iD7.00' .RILf/nffHMI Of 122 aoOWSOf•2/111A7, D T•la..a[• rw•�w.•lIryr.u.rra.d«Yr,t[..rt.n n+w to mod I. ... rrV1. .a2 Hasa Two E•DOa.ft' •rrttlrdY'y r.ON�•rrlr Y 1r Y r Ir IMMO tw1j.[rl.w�•m[N[ma i f~rIw`r..1 ad '�7� ra•T•{T• car4a•\\\\ rrrr•r.IN rlrrwu alfal tar w MA w MA r{maI W.r{• Irma Samaras 7 `• •'10 c. at 7 • tm 1 \\\\\ [ors IWY r r a No ILO a WM \ .\\ I '��M N7a•Ir'I 'try /J Maim0` nanoTaw a[lie'~aeasim[ Rd / / 'l1lp Ai ' . • ate/ / 511[!♦I�r0/0�w" }♦1 tD0'r.aN r ass,Tow �. $I S COMM M11 III % .irt�r`"Ii�1�"'taIN UI . ~� 1 / [�r7 r at. of S s611t •Irr[[I rr1LY•Ilt•r.[YN[lie •l'IF 1 / Mr •T r ur mill: ml mom r U. arQ r . •I awrlr.MNf[..[r r rr ralipml form.•7- thereof y IIr1{Ur rYi•Y�deas Wy�VwIlrII �W NI how y'� �' f• Ir_tlMar •imla W w r r•ar MONO r p N.w K IIIL,. J w[iTOATT O L.sl • / / t ie►.OW raS'LU.taut YM[It.wl ►: • PS • /• )� `• FINAL PLAT aMeal R NNNIIt17p1 WESTGATE CENTER i Al ' °D I TM* PHASE ONE INa/71a-pp iLOtAYK1N w. 001"""1 N• N., a anaQaAUMWLr a , ADwr.Na SO aTY OP WYI/[.au�w Q[llr7v , Mall_•Y&ATM Arai 11{••rr•.r lF '.;__MI- •, N7