04-18-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 4-15-88 TIME POSTED 8:45 A.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1988 7:19 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2009 HWY. 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 2 Consider approval of minutes for the April 4th meeting 2 3 - 4 Consider approval of recommendation to the City Council for an Ordinance amending Ord. No. 85-23A Zoning Ordinance adding to the - - definitions and adding Special Use Permit to Industrial Zoning. 3 5 - 6 Consider approval of recommendation to the City Council for an Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 87-1 Private Club Ordinance 4 7 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for Preliminary Plat for Twin Lakes Subdivision, Phase 1 (located on S. Ballard adjacent to the Southside Fire Station) 5 8 Consider approval of recommendation to City Council for Final Plat for "Approved for Construction" for Twin Lakes Subdivision, Phase 1 (located on S. Ballard adjacent to the Southside Fire Station) 6 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES APRIL 4 , 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, April 4, 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner and time required by law Those present were Brian Chaney, Chairman, Board Members R. P. Miller , Bart Peddicord, Marty Stovall , Secretary, Robin Belz , City Secretary, Carolyn Jones, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Ben Scholz , Cecilia Wood and Bob Skipwith were absent. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 7th meeting were submitted for approval . Chairman Chaney stated that the last paragraph discussed constituted spot zoning showing industrial zoning . It was incorrectly rezoned in 1984 and created a spot zoning. He made a request to rezone it retail once again. Mr:- Peddicord made a motion to approve with the corrections made. Seconded by Mr. Miller. The motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING OF LOT 1C, BLOCK 9: Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires stated in 1984 a rezoning was requested and granted to zone the property industrial . At this time nothing resembles the presentation to justify this request. Mr. Faires feels due to spot zoning it needs to be rezoned retail . Chairman Chaney asked if anyone would like to speak for the rezoning of lot lc block 9 . Mr . Chester Zikowski was present at the meeting speaking as a citizen living in the area who also spoke with neighbors in the area speaking of whom were also in favor of zoning it retail . He stated he was in favor of rezoning the property retail because there is a narrow road by his house that he felt would have to be inlarged if it was zoned industrial . He felt zoning it industrial would interfere with his property due to the road, so he was not in favor of zoning it industrial . Chairman Chaney asked if there was anyone present who would like to speak against the rezoning of block 1C. Mr . Mel Sherwood was opposed to the rezoning of the lots for the reasons being: 1 When Mr . Sherwood purchased the land he was assured the property was zoned industrial . 2 Mr . Sherwood feels the resale of the property after being rezoned retail would be limited . 3 Mr . Sherwood has a 5 year contract on hold with a company named The Tamar Group that plans to use it for industrial purposes. 4 Mr . Sherwood feels there would be an accusation of dis- crimination due to the business adjacent to his property directed at him. 5 Mr . Sherwood is contemplating on selling the land but only based on the fact that it is zoned industrial . He stated it would jeopardize his sale if it was rezoned retail . Due to the reasons stated above he asked that the lot not be rezoned retail . APPROVAL OF RE-ZONING OF LOT 1C BLOCK 9: No action was taken due to tabling . Mr . Chaney asked that we table and go on with public hearing. A motion was made by Mr . Peddicord to table until further investigation on the plats. Seconded by Mr . Stovall . This carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR RANGES: After some discussion the Board instructed staff to bring forward an ordinance permitting indoor ranges in an industrial area under a specific use permit, but no outdoor ranges would be permitted. Mr. Stovall made a motion to recommend an indoor range to Council for approval . Seconded by Mr . Miller . This carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION CONCERNING PRIVATE CLUBS: Mr . Faires presented a letter from Rob Dillard the City Attorney concerning new laws from the State of Texas and what they will permit the City to control . After discussion an amendment to the zoning Ordinance was directed to be presented for consideration at the next Planning and Zoning meeting . There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney , Chairman Respectfully submitted : Robin Belz , Secretary ORDINANCE NO. BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-23A BY ADDING THERETO IN SECTION 32 , A NEW DEFINITION FOR PRIVATE CLUBS SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. AND BY ADDING TO SECTION 19 A NEW HISTORY UNDER THE SPECIFIC USE SECTION TOWIT: SHOOTING RANGE - INDOOR. PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE, PROVIDING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500 .00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS The State Legislature as strictly curtailed the authority of the City to control Private Clubs serving alcoholic beverages and, WHEREAS The City Council has determined that for the health, safety and welfare of the community such establishments should be controlled to the extent permitted by the Legislature therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS THAT SECTION 1 Ordinance 85-23A section 32 is hereby amended by adding there to a new definition to be numbered 32 .25 (b) to read as follows ; 32 .25 (b) Club Private/Serving Alcoholic Beverages A business serving alcoholic beverages which derives in excess of 75% of its gross revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages or is a massage parlor, nude modeling studio, or other sexually oriented business . SECTION 2 Ordinance 85-23A is further amended by adding thereto in the section covering specific uses a new listing to be numbered 8 and to read as follows : 8 . Shooting Range-Indoor SECTION 3 REPEALING CLAUSE - That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE - Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invalid , the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 3 SECTION 5 PENALTY - Any person firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500 .00) for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6 PUBLICATION CLAUSE - This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THIS DAY OF , 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. BEING AND ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS REPEALING ORDINANCE $87-1 PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE, PROVIDING SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500 .00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS the 70TH legislature of the state of Texas in House Bill No. 1652 . Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, included the enactment of a new section, Section 109 .57 , providing that a regulation of a city may not impose stricter standards on premises or businesses required to have license or permit under the Alcoholic Beverage Code than are imposed on similar premises or businesses that are not required to have such a license or permit and: WHEREAS The City of Wylie has an ordinance imposing stricter standards for restaurants having a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conflict with said House Bill No. 1652 and: WHEREAS The City Ccouncil is desirous of removing ordinances that cannot be enforced therefore: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS THAT SECTION 1 : Ordinance #87-1 is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2: REPEALING CLAUSE - That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect . SECTION 3 : SEVERABILITY CLAUSE - Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid , illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4 : PENALTY - Any person firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500 .00 ) for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5 : PUBLICATION CLAUSE - This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS, THIS DAY OF , 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: April 13. 1988 TO: John Pitstick. City Manager FROM: Ron Homeyer , Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. * Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning Preliminary Plat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning Final Plat to City Council Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : RHiam cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer . ' . `- / OLD Hwy To _~~ ~~_~~ -_-� -_ --�- ~_' X�wl ~~�=, == 62.83, - \ °���~ =�= \ . ~ ~ ~"�_ ^ - ALANIS DRIVE TWIN LAKES SUMVISION o ow (BUSINESS-1 0 Al in io Pg. o 0. 21 POINT OF BEGINNING - -sip 31.71 Ld CITY OF WYLIE ror Appi,,V,il" PARK LAND DEDICATION 6,70 ACRES TOTAL IN.FLOODPLAIN 4_00 ACRES PARK LAND(NET) Oi SY IiA APPROXIMATE�LIMTT FLOOD PLAIN CONCRETE kd�E�4.7%LIME STABILIZED I'TYP-� 6"7%LIME STABILIZE( PRE-LIMINARY PLAT SIVEGRADE SUBGRADE TWIN- LAKES,�SUBDIVISION TYP.-ALLEY TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL CROSS SECTION STREET CROSS SECTION LOT SUMMARY PHASE 1 NO.LOTS ZONING 47.49 ACRES bIJIT-OF41HIE sa SSW MEMORANDUM DATE: April 13. 1988 TO: John Pitstick, City Manager ^, FROM: Ron Homeyer , Asst. City Engineer t SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning Preliminary Plat to City Council ** Final Plat to Planning and Zoning Final Plat to City Council Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : RH/am cc : Public Works Director • Code Enforcement Officer 8 / W « ,r I • - �- OLD ADV.7e .,.; j, I Q 1 Dralnope Eaeemanf tDedloatad to the Clty of Wylte I ty ee paste Instramant In V6i._,Pq.,_t C/TY OF WYLIE THIRSK INCORPORATED \ . ,,L,. \\ \\ CURVE DATA - N 90°00'00"E 1499.00' I I No. A 8 1 T L ° ° I 90.00'OOM 40.001 40,00. 82.83' `i T- , ` - 2 300.00.00° 50.00' - 261.80' r a *•�•T'«•° ALANIS sao°oo'oo"E t499.o0' DRIVE _ _$W I 3 252.42'32°_50.00. - 220.53' 1 t 699.00 305.00. 305,00' 190.00. -�O M 4 28'40'04" 50.00' 12°78' 2 5.02� °r r•aorosao O I I ALANIS 0aM TWIN!WS eUa0151510N 'i 25'2S t35.00 120.00 1c25 25V _1D3.GG' 120.00' �25'25' r18'.,I,QO -�o I ��A, 539.00' -0 20.B.L. T_il -p r 208L._ 'p oI 20BL. -1,b (20',L. T of O - M' ael za ro 14 "o °n I I6 N°s 1 ' 16 IIZC o Irk"iSF-I) 45'ti y m m ,Fn 1 O NN41°43'35..Eis‘ LOCATION MAP m I"","ti-I 135.00' I20.00'1111'--i-, 135.00 120.00 t•-t--' -I 45.07' 1 NTS (a135.00' ii Emxp • _I TUE,w12000 --- 11 +�° N 8 Eo••m•nt U o 0 o ti W � >^ � � �S+ � ) 0001 «I -'I Z (BUSINESS'I) m „ \ f �' O OJ9 3.All lots are Zoned"SF-2"unless otherwise noted. DWI �f _ J Q= m 4 (- 4 o_ �\ , ' 4.Lot 20,Black D,shall be reserved for temporary park access I) m_ in - 13 ^ s 13 • ,u . m 12 o O until future development provides permanent park access;at G tlr w �_„--I- w n 4 o 0 50 100 200 300 that time lot will be released for sale and building purposes, O N _-r -r �.-�1-�-O" " « N p_ (SF-I) '1' \ QIN' O O i-S'TU E:Eiic 1 _ p p O ,LN _,._.�7 \Y' O N 'l+4 • \ I� b p Ew.m•nt ems'Tu EI•Hr "p Q 0 O "- 10. \ ,'y z 13 pp g 5.Park Dedication of 6.70 acres includes 2.7±acres in Flood 'd O �'" . x 0 n_ /\ g tS SCALE, Plain leaving a Net Park Dedication of 4.00,acres. This Park o In_ - Eu••2,, o n ni 5 0 Cn'TvEl..rn• \ ,o tSF-4,, 6 '8.t• \ 9 JO =I O 5 r - 12 m, r' in C , 12 ° p0^_ Elm m try p y� ,� 8 9e Dedication Acreage shall waive any Park Fees required for this 0 =OIO p O .m Z N , = O= �.d'�p`p .."2/ P /� + subdivision(Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase I)and any future m0 =- „ N O « " D 0 <�^c 2d,�� �'25g 4'OP O\ 92��Qp � development T.162 ut of Thirsk Corporation's 158.06 acre tract and e w i 4.\°,3 1-',',4�° 94, L, ',\ Thirsk In.8.762 acre tract. wl -So a' - CI. 6 - II 6 - II a a - II an ryU c2 ��4.o(s1411 - \ C Q,¢g 6.Flood Plain information taken from Flood Insurance Rate'Map _ 9 00 r T 6 _ m, s, Community Panel Number 480130 0535 B,Collin County,Texas, �° �� 0 100.00' m ,.+�100.00' p Effective date March 16,1981. 'o I « m " „ ° p \' ?J THIRSK INCORPORATED Z o a o a n $ ~ M e'T>, \� {FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) 7. -R Tea O ,on O g ,± TLi lee 'nio 5.00 -.I7 18 ._ t„Op� AN F°°tSF-1)�.: (SF-t> tS9-I) e \' �"', Drainage Easement(Dedicated to t e Cito \' --p `�,,x�- a orate Instrument in Voi. Pq.6 O / by°p_.-� - m 25 B.L.. �54: !/ ar �'\.. .L. a ru E,r,,,Ee.•m.M 'l6' s'EJo "�"' m 12 76 m m20'B.L_ @ I 208.L. , : ---, ,r--, - - ""' 5.00- 80.00'---80.00`'►�'-II6.70'---• • �, 81.00' 70.00':I5' 85OC{' 96.00' 96.00 I 96.00 6 -120.00'- ° I20.00' 15' 120.00'. ° --,I--' 120.00' 15 120'Ob'. ��F--I 1-� I25.00 p25'25. • '� 9 �'-.• ,n I 305.00. 305.00' 310.00_t a 470._Oo' • v ra 30oO00�� �4,,,, rrF s �', esy.00' DRIVE • s 2 I'N _ I N90°o0'00"E.2089.00i' L >S �•.� °gs Q -�, MARTIN « ° �- \ S �` N « « a N N ° °. °, ° ° 71.00 ...:82.y0'• P 20 •qs, �Ufr/'rY.Foe�� ~~� '" TI.00 80.00' I5' 80.00 TI.00' s 2 81.00' 70.00,I5 85,0�' 96.00 96.00 87.00' TI.HO' - - G " 2'B.L. - 502_� 4y (sr.., e+. r_.... 25'B.L. °o, 8. O 5 'F �ry S o 25.B.L.o. _o I b 0 p p Q • . . ` - 22 I,f ,,p_4• $(48 47 46(o I 45 . 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 N 34 m m 33 N 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 . 25° 24 ,�i W 23 ` 1 O S?4 \� I-Ds u ,oi „, p I N zs - /•n1 « « ►. " 7t.00 40.00' _ - 15'ut _ N 8('�'7`42 E -. „ a „ • _ 1 POINT OF a.,"-'•-/ „ „ „ „ „ „ TI00' 40A0e L`ci AOAO' TI.00 a ,1 4. _•-188:I6'� men341 131.73' Ilify Eais (!INN N 'lo'E""."'o.,,,% r\°45 1 96,00 96.cd 87..' 71:00 - n 'n. :- .. - N89°55 12 I.00"s7o.00' ., , 1 - S 90°0000 W 2583.79 RAYMOND COOPER Fr,.I/2°I.R. � �Soufh line Thirsklnc:158.06 Acre Tract � 0.62' , (0 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE, m Oj LEGAL DESCRIPTION i.ow ALL�MEN BY THESE PRESENT that I WARREN L.CORWIN de, ,{E op T-.,,� N w NII _ F,R ED M088S ` hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and ,tA t.;. I - THENCE S 89°53'42"W 924.38 feet with said South line o a accurate survey tlf the lanQ,that the bornez monuments shown 'p0 W I Being a tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry • 1/2 inch iron rod£n same; ry CITY OF WYLIE Survey Abstract No.23,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas, were pieced under my.supezvlsion in aedotdenee with the plett in5y,' s O g and being out of that called 158.06 acre tract as described rules end regulations of the City of Wylie,Texes.t Q- PARK LAND DEDICATION THENCE N 89°55'12"W 132.29 feet dontinuing with said South '\,,,,:‘,4621, ARF r..6,'J p 1 in a seed tb Thirsk Corporation N.V.,recorded in Volume 534, �N O N Page 223,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,and line to a /2 inch iron rod in same for a southerly SOMthMee� O out of that called 8.762 acre tract described in a deed being .corner of•his tract,being the Southwest corner of said 8.762 ,^gQZ6.70ACRESTOTALacre tract; '�? � � C.^r e"' � -U 2.T0 ACRES 3INFLOOOPLAIN recorded in Volume 2819,Page 865,of said deed records,and / ..�..,.x•'L' 7/1,^r-',� r of beingl more particularly described as follows: WARREN L�OAFvIN "'C �.° ° THENCE N 00°04'48"E with the west line of said E.762.acre RPS No.4621 '''"''" ly 4.00ACRES PARK LAND(NET) p tract,at laid 8 feet a e t inch iron rod being the Northwest ~ Z, COMMENCING at a point in the centerline of Old Highway No.78 corner of said 8.fee acre tract and being be the the line a POINT OF �P' (Ballard Street-60'RRa}being the Southwest corner of the �p�s4° Z N 89°5Ss'I2"W Allen Atterberry Survey; of said(1)L: acre tract,and continuing for R fatal distance STATffi pf TEXAS 1 r t3 /Sr4 2,�', 9°511 W COMMENCING \t of 297.10 feet to°1/2 inch iron rod: COUNTY OF COLLIN 1 4j,� V o Q �� ' THENCE N 8dista distance E with the South line of the.Allen Atterberry THENCE S 00°00'00".W 2583.79 feet to the PLACE 00 BEGINNING •SS ty4 N 89 53 4�E 63�.3t --. Survey,a distance of 30.00 feet 5.a acre inch iron rod found, and containing 47.44 acres of land. • Before'.me,the undersigned,a Notary POblie in and for said Z being the Southwest corner of a 25.19 acre tract as described ,,Cdunty and Stet.,on tN1a day personally appeared WARREN L.CORWIN, 419', Q £n Volume 1117,Page 352,of said deed records,said point being •COUnt to m•to be the person whore name 1s appesubsared WARbed on the s4. �` O in the East line of said 01d Highway No.78; s 0 foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to ma that he executed some O M for the purpose and consideration acknowl dged to me that he (,•; THENCE N 00°00'00"E with said East line,at 277.00 feet a W 1/2 inch iron rod,being the Southwest corner of said 158.06 , , Given under my bend and seal of office,thin the day 1` NC+• acre tract and the Northwest corner of said 25.=9 acre tract, .is, ,1984. / , -00 and continuing for a total distance of 279.61 feet to the POINT ` N,RgK PCRE;S OF BEGINNING,being a 1/2 inch iron rod in said East line for I • s -dam• the Southwest corner of this tract: _ -.- _...._-.-.- NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Nb�ery Rub�iC in and.,for the State of Texas. 2 to . o▪ THENCE N 00'00'00"E 925.00 feet continuing with said East line, THAT,THIRSK,INC. is the owner of the above described '" 8,Z6 IT being the West line of said 158.06 acre tract,to a 1J2 inch "Recommended for Approval" iron rod set in same for the Northwest corner of this ract; project and does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein N tp described property as TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION'PHASE I,an addition o Z THENCE N 90°00'00"E 1499.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set to the City of Wylie,Texas and does hereby dedicate to the public u7.-1-APPROXIMATE:LIMITS OF THE 100 YEAR use forever the streets,alleys and easements shown heron. P R FLOOD PLAIN ' •, for a Northeast corner of this trac; Date f THENCE S 00°00'00"E 17.36 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set .'This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances rules, Chairman,Planning 6 Zoning Commission for an interior corner of this tract; regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie,Texas. Sidewalks City of Wylie,Texes shall be constructed by the homebuilder in accordance with the Appzoved for Construction requirements of the city of Wylie,Texas. u S 89°53'42"W 924.38' T,r,,S 46°47'2"E 370.45 feet to a"2 inch iron rod set i for an interior corner of this tract; EXECUTED this the=5 day of..,'*,,,,,,L,_, 1989. FINAL PLAT THENCE S 59°24'14" 44.65 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod set for - , TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION an interior corner of this trat; THIRSK,INC. ,, ,. 't THENCES 64°19'48"E 625.51 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set .Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date •t' for an interior corner.of this tract,said point being in the �\ �/ /l �/ '""n LOTPHASE 1 South line of said 158.06 acre tract,alsAeing in the North i.)'.Z-') /..,-G.-ef-- Accepttd SUMMARY line'of the above mentioned 8.762 acre tract; '' "/ ..,rya .. ' THENCE N 89°53'42"E 103.49 feet with the Sovth line of said --'y,.•°r' NO LOTS ZONING ��. bein the North line of said 8.762 acre -'' ,";,_.•' 47.44 ACRES OUT OF THE 158.06 acre.tract, 9 ""- bate tract,to a.1/2 inch iron rod set in same; STATE OF TEXAS P ayo�r�C�ty of Wy13e,Texas 8 SF-1 THENCE S 64°i9'48"E 146.44 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod; rt COUNTY OF COLLZN E The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas, 6, SF -1 ALLEN.ATTERBERRY.SURVEY`ABSTRACT NO:23 ,.. "" 'Sty. Before me,the.undersigned,a notary public i a d�for said haAeby�Cdrtifies that the foregoing final plat o£TWIN LAKES IN TWE THENCE N 25°40'12"E,at 70_71 feet cross the South line of >>;15,,7 r •,.., Coun nd St'ate,on this daypersonally appeared EUBDIVISION,.PHASE I,as addition t41 the City of Wylldee'Waof nub- 9fi LOTS TOTAL ,f p, £d"8'6 acre tract,being the North line o£said feet acre „J••'k i „•, ,known to me to be the person an f£car whose mittedtothe City 0ouncil on the Y t 11y,:�+,y( ct and continuing for a total distance of 125.00 feet to ,1.,1989;and t�e Council,by formal ft;=,r' tra name£s subscribed to then foregoing instrument ana a nowledged to ' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN cot NTY,TEXAS a 1/2 inch iron rod;' _ action,then end here nctlepted the dedicdtian of'streets; , gtv," .�s�S me that he executed the same.as the act of said THZRSK;,ZNC. said ''''''1''' r 1�,- arslt`that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the t.- alleys,parka easementl,public plsc8s and*ate:end sewet PREPARED.APRI L,1988 �A. THENCE S 64°19'48" 112.42 feet rail 1/2 inch iron rod, OWNER �` ins of said 158.06 sore tract and ° ?,;.`=H r* purposes and consideration therein expressed,and.in the capacity Corinc£isfurheraauthorizedtth MayorUt�iWt�e�dtlfea;qceptance J INCORPORATED "•t N point being£n the South 1 ,. therein stated.. ( THIRSK INC A,f l'C F�1 the North line of said 8.762 acre tract; :,\,y i thereof by signing h!s name ae berelnaboVb s'UbslRrfbed. ±"'' C _ 9090-8 SKILLMAN DALLA51TEXAS THENCE N 89°53'42"E 535.31 feet with said South line and said ^r; y GGiven Gunder mp hand and seal of office,this the s1-day of ,s Witaeen my hand this e' day e[> • ` • ' ' -North line to a 1/2 inch iron rod; ' 4• �'-`'� 1989 •A.D..19�•. �.•` j'"'�,,, PREI+ARED 8Y �"��,; 4i ° '15"W 277.00 feet y,asvpsaid B.762 acre tract `. W THENCE S 00 21 0 y".•�,�Q., ,. Mi'°,e i..t r^ ,-s, \ t' _ ovtheast corner _L''t rti Y 1 _ ' aaNrt eeavherly 5 `r.\� ,.. + ran rod for thEE ICJ - >:•.. to a 1/2 inch id 8.762 •-. ,., - ® -..�., �� ..� :"_-.. ,..� � w of this tract,said point be ley Ls taEe Routh line of sa '" =s.'adp.,a ��CO 1NIN ENGINEERING,' 504 MAIN ST. ALLEN,,�7EXAS> .. ."�`�r ' Notar Public�yn and.or,the.State of Taxe - +" fir,,-..,.._ fir@'�rset I .