06-20-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY - JUNE 20, 1988 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Oral Oath of Office to new members 2 1 - 3 Consider approval of minutes of the May 16th meeting 3 4 - 5 Consider approval of Final Plat (Revised) for Moussa- Switzer Addition located on SH78 between the Texaco and the Dairy Queen 4 Oral Presentation of proposed Master Thoroughfare Plan 5 General Discussion 6 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that a committee of the City of Wylie will meet at 7 :00 P. M. on the (9/A1 day of ,1988, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal )4/,721., Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. ( ,,,, Ca , 4) ro yInes -City Secretary P42 POSTED THIS THE /f.74-A; DAY OF (.4�,, 1 , 1988 , AT //c 0 :190 4/6'44 M. PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES MAY 16, 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, May 16, 1988 at 7:O0 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner and time required by law. those present were Briar, Chaney, Chairman, Board Members, R. P. Miller, Marty Stovall, Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wc.od, Code Enforcement Officer, Roy Faires, City Manager, John Pitstick and Secretary, Robin Belz. Bob Skipwith and Ben Scholz were absent. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the May 2, 1998 meeting. Chairman Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made. Mr. Peddicord corrected the minutes as follows, in item number two last paragraph first sentence take the word (and) out and the sentence would make more sense, reading as follows: After discussion with the staff, Board Chairman Chaney asked if there was anyone to speak for or against this item. In item number four last sentence add the word (the) after (to) , and take out the word (of) after council and add the word (the) after (accepting) and the word (as) after (standards) , reading as follows: Mr. Peddicord made a motion to recommend to the Council the re-plate •_+f Tract 5 Butler Estates with stipulations of not accepting the roads because they do not meet existing City standards as required. In item number five third paragraph second sentence take out the word (within) and just add (with) after the word (stay) , reading as follows: Staff requests that if they stay with at least 1 acre lots septic tanks be accepted. In the fourth paragraph first sentence make the word (collector) instead of (collectors) , reading as follows: The particular road we are discussing is a collector road. In the second sentence, add (and) after the word (County) , and take (at) out of the sentence after the word (set) , reading as follows: Staff stated the road at this time is maintained by the County and Staff is recommending that some improvement be made on the road and be set at least 27" minimum with requirements for curbs and gutters and that the street will last at least 20 years, due to the fact that when it is brought in to the City we won' t have to maintain it for some time. In the sixth sentence take out the words (to) and (have) , with the sentence reading as follows: Mr. Pitstick stated that any street can last long if it is built right, Staff was just wanting something that they would not have immediate maintenance on. In the first paragraph on page four in item number five second sentence add the word (to) after the word tied and change the word ( lots) to ( lot ) and add the word (size) after that, reading as follows: Mr. Chaney questioned Mr. Cook as to whether he was tied to the lot size. In the fourth sentence same paragraph add the word (that ) after the word (Mr. Cook) , reading as follows: Mr. Chaney stated to Mr. Cook that in the future when the sewer was available he could go with smaller lot so he felt Mr. Cook was asking the City to ignore the ordinances. In the last item second paragraph Mr. Stovall stated he also mentioned that there was an existing problem with standing water that he commented on at the meeting in general discussion that he wanted to add to the minutes. Mr. Peddicord said on the last page third paragraph first sentence to add (do) after the word (we) , reading as follows: Mr. Peddicord stated he noticed a number of pockets that are not in the City Limits that need to be cleaned up, and wanted to know what we could do about it or what can we start to annex to be able to clean it up. Cecelia Wood stated that on the last page in the second paragraph, first sentence, to change word (electricity) to (utility) , and to add in the comment that "she questioned as to whether or not we could see that the drainage of the ditch be maintained" and in the last sentence the words (to) and (adjourn) should be added after the word made. Mr. Chaney added that on the first page, the first item last sentence the word (plane) should be spelled (plain) . Mr. Chaney asked if there were anymore corrections to be made and if not to make a motion on this item. Mr. Peddicord made a motion that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Seconded by Mrs. Wood. The motion passed with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE REQUEST OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR WYLIE LANDSCAPING AND EXTERMINATING CO. : Mr. Chaney asked before opening the public hearing if the Staff had any comments to make on this subject. Staff stated that when the building was used by Prock' s, they had a similar permit, for outdoor sales of plants only. Staff stated that Mr. John Webster responded to one of the letters that were sent out by the City, and Mr. Webster said he did not have a problem with the Permit as long as the alley stayed clear. Mr. Faires stated that we did limit ❑rock' s, the company that was there before, to plants only, and the Staff asks that this be granted under the same conditions. Mr. Chaney asked if there was anyone there to speak for the item. Mr. Jim Caton was there representing the company. He presented a plot plan that covered every aspect of what he would be placed outside of the building for sale. 2 Mr. Chaney asked if there was anyone there to speak against the item. There was no one. It was decided that the presented plan should be marked Exhibit A and made a part of the permit. Mr. Chaney then closed the public hearing. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR WYLIE LANDSCAPING AND EXTERMINATING COMPANY: Mr. Chaney stated that the plot plan presented by Mr. Caton clarified all of the questions the Board had. Mr. Chaney stated the only thing that needed to be added to the motion is, that it would be a 1 year Specific Use Permit only. Mrs. Wood stated that the lots should be specified, since it was not clear on the reference that they would be using both lots. Mr. Chaney asked that a motion be made. Mrs. Wood made a motion to recommend to the City Council the issuance of a Specific Use Permit for Wylie Landscape and Exterminating Company, for lot 1&2 Block 20 Railroad Addition for outside sales of nursery and bedding plants as per Exhibit A for a period of 1 year. Seconded by Mr. Peddicard. The motion passed with all in favor. There being no other business a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted Robin Belz, Secretary DATE: June 13, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ❑Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan !Urinal Plat (Revised) NAME: Moussa•-Switzer Addition LOCATION: SH78 between the Texaco and the Dairy Queen ZONING: B-1 ENGINEER/SUPERVISORDavid Petree Surveyors PHONE 352-3271 OWNER: Moussa-Switzer, Joint Venture Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL OYES * YES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO The approval will need to be contingent upon the payment of the Perimeter Street Fee and the dedication of five (5) additional feet of right-of-way on State Highway 78. All other requirements have been met. ONO'S CONIFc - an STAtt OP 111AI 0R1lY0'1 COTIDICAW COIIA'W'n COu1N 1101 ALL M0 R TAN NT 110M1 t W,MUSSA.INIRq y01N1 M OW IS TMOPK OP LM 01O A T1r IN ANT 1,OM/0 OCTAL00 WOW COUP/INN I I11IAVIS MIS PLATT O[Pl IO.MOW WNW ANTIACT M.111,1111MT0 IN MICITY OP NL1l, M1 N:TWL MINIS 0f Pa um)N0 11MT us W000 N0110N/DONIN CONIT,TWAA1,NO1110 ICING Mr C01AIN 1.1N WO WV ONTO MOULT WACOf OIN A[�1 10 MIDI0MT0 CN11/1T"A"IN W10 007 010 MLA IN !IW/,MW 01 NO AC0 PLATTING OA NONAICATTOO IV MICITY 11N0100 W10W0 1i MT 1,30 MO MACY W 1000)NNIIIT"A"IN MO 00000 IN MIL! ACOP VI CITY LLE. IO.11 0,Mot NI Of TMMD Wm=OPCO LIN G4111Y,TOMS,NO WINS 101.1/PSTIC1IAKY 011011110 a FOLLOW. 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