07-18-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-15-88 TIME POSTED 3:00 P.M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, JULY 18, 1988 7 :00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Oral Oath of Office to re-appointed member 2 Elect Chairman for period from July, 1988 thru July, 1989 3 Elect Vice Chairman for period from July, 1988 thru July, 1989 4 1 - 3 Consider approval of minutes of the June 20 , 1988 meeting 5 4 - 5 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Final Plat for St . Anthony Catholic Church 6 6 - 7 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Preliminary Plat for Wylie Shopping Village (located on SH 78 adjacent to Wylie Hospital) 7 8 - 9 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Final Plat for Wylie Shopping Village (located on SH 78 adjacent to Wylie Hospital) 8 10 - 12 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Preliminary Plat for Twin Lakes Phase II (located on S. Ballard behind Southside Fire Station property commonly known as the Thirsk Corp. Property) 9 13 - 14 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of Preliminary Plat for Smith Estates this property is within the ETJ of Wylie (located on SH 78 east of CR 384) ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 10 15 - 15 Conduct Public Hearing on the re-zoning of the Texaco Station on Hwy. 78 from Retail to Business 1 this property is out of the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820 11 Consider recommendation to City Council for approval of re-zoning of the Texaco Station on Hwy 78 from Retail to Business 1 this property is out of the S. B. Shelby Survey , Abstract No . 820 12 Oral Discussion of Master Thoroughfare Plan 13 General Discussion 14 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES 7 :00 P. M. JUNE 20, 1988 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie, Texas, met in reqular session on Monday, June 20, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A luorum was present. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman Brian Chaney, BQb Skipwith, Marty Stovall , Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, Roo Jefferies, Tom Pritzkau; Ray Faires, Code Enforcement Officer; John Pitstick, City Manager; Ron Homeyer, Engineer; Carolyn Jones, City Secretary : and Robin Belz, Secretary. Chairman Craney called the meeting to order. OATH-OF-_OFFICE : City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered oath of office to Board Members: Ron Jefferies, Bob Skipwith and Tom Prztzkau. APPROVAL_OF__MI*UTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the May 16, 1988 meeting. Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made. Mr. Peddicord stated that on the second page last paragraph last sentence the word (he) should be removed from the sentence reading as followE : He presented a plot plan that covered every aspect of what would be placed outside the building for sale. Mrs. Wood stated tnat on the first page in item no. 1 the first sentence second line 1998 should be 1988. In the fifth sentence the word (will ) sNould be anced after the word tanks, reading as follows: Staff reqAests that if they stay with at least 1 acre lots septic tanks qiIl be accepted. In item no, 2 the third sentence should read as follows: Staff stated that Mr. John Webster responded to the standard public hearing letter that was sent out by the City, and Mr. Webster said he did not have a problem with the permit as long as the alley staye, clear. Chairman Chaney asked if there were anymore corrections to be made ano if not a motion be made. Mr. Peddicord made a motion that the minutes be accepted with the corrections made. Seconded by Mrs. Wood. The motion passed with all in favor. APPROVAL.-OF- FINAL PLAT FOR MOUSGA-SWITZER ADDITION: Mr. Chaney asked if the staff had any comments to make on the plat that was being presented. The Staff stated that this was the same plat presented about a year ago, the plat was ` � never filed and laid dormant until now, but the plat is at a point where it needed to be approved and brought to council for the McDonalds project to proceed. After some discussion Mr. Skipwith made a motion recommending approval to Council of this addition, as being the final plat shown. Seconded by Mr. Ped d i cord. The motion passed with all in favor. r - - OF �rU.5E v TC THOROUGHFARE l= PRESENTATION i::;t'j ��RUF .;�i; Mf-, �R !�-3i�Rt?US'---t-�;t? PLAN: The staff ,stated that the reason, for this plan was to help guide the f:-,t Ur-e developers in the area cf what we need and expect From them, and also for easy access in, out and through the ....it'd. The last thoroughfare plan that was done was in 1380 and 1t was done ty an agency outside of the City. We are now a totally different town and wanted to get the clan up to date of what we needed and what would work for the City. It 1 = a preliminary plan and is only 4 = r- discussion and we are not making any decisi:::; on it as far as ee<cepting this. particular plan. This plan can ``,'e changed and probably will be changed several times before a final plat is made. The staff stated the main thing to remember is that everyone needs to plan for the future not the present. The staff stated that at this time the two ,'a jor things to accomplish were: 1 ) , _ create a loop system through the City and T- look. at the downtown area. We are proposing to close off some cf the railroad cr:ssings and making a loop around downtown with two one 'way streets. After some discussion a motion was made ty Mr. Peddic = . _l to get with Council for a proposed Master Thoroughfare Plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jeffe-ries. The mot ion passed with all in fa,ior-. GENERAL DISCUSSION; Mr. Stovall l asked if the City had a street sweeper and asked if there was any way they could run it down his street about twice a week. Mr. Pitst ick replied that they did not use it that much and if they ran it down Mr. . Stovall' s street everyday, every other citizen in Wylie would want it to run down their street. Mr. Stovall replied that he is haying a problem with standing water and it is creating a nesting area for mosquitos. Mr. Pitst ick. stated that the problem would ce taken care c:f. Mr. Chaney stated that he was not aware that his term expired in 1983 and asked if it could be put on the ne;:t Council agenda that he be reinstated. W Mrs. Wood commented an who cleaned up the ditches /n Wylie, and that she Felt if the ditches were kept alesn it might nelp tne streets, and the proolem with standing water io them' Mr. Prztzkau stated that there was a pile of tile at the corner of Gaston and Kamber that had been there for some time and wanted to know if it could be cleaned up. He also stated that he has mad a tire sitting out for BFI to pick uo fop several weeks and he has called them and they stated tMere would be a ten dollar fee for picking the tire up. He stateo that her Me attended t4e last Council meetinq that BFI was present at, tMey stated that, they would pick up anything that two men could lift. Mr. Pritzkau was questioning why BFI stated this and if they going to charge him to pick the tire up. Mr- pitstick stated that the problem would be ta4en care of, but tne statement that BFl had made was false as far as the contract read ard would find owt why it was said. There being no other business a motion was made to adjouy: with all in favo~. -------------------- Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted ----------------------------- Robin Be1z, Secretary DA TI: July 13, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: °Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan ® Final Plat NAME: St. Anthony Catholic Church LOCATION: Ballard Ave. @ Brown St. ZONING: SF - 2 ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR B.L.S. & Assoc. , Inc. PHONE 771-3036 OWNER: Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas, Thomas Tschoepe, Bishop Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL OYES ❑ YES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO 151 ORIG. DATE I/ 3 / 86 , REV. DATE IL/6/87 x41f9'LZ /M e - - o • 3 s n J S CO vmmommomoor Z • • • • H ����• LIMITS m m DATE: July 13, 1988 ?0: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ❑Preiiminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan ❑ Final Plat NAME : Wylie Shopping Village LOCATION: SH 78 Next to Hospital ZONING: Retail ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Tim Bennett Engineers, Inc. PHONE 276-8527 OWNER: Wylie Shopping Village, Ltd. Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements . Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL 1J YES ❑ YES, WITH STIPULATIONS ONO 67 ( F. M. .-_L 344j �,, �� e w X ,co ./ ,,. 4, / ; 2 p Ze i k'1)\ Di'll ; , ),\Ii% , \A-W \\) \ 1 i i ;2 3 c • • WYLIE HOSPITAL r i I '8 i ; ii 2' 2 --____2 0 DIRNIG 91 ESM`L T i ., DA TZ: July 13, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ❑Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat OSite Plan ]Final Plat NAME : Wylie Shopping Village, PHI LOCATION: SH 78 Nest to Hospital ZONING: Retail ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Tim Bennett Engineers, Inc. PHONE 276-8527 OWNER: Wylie Shopping Village, Ltd. Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements . Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL ® YES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO 8 ,' bpi ( F. M. 5 4 4 ) w� Z-____________Z___.> e w , 74-V.7 / , 1 , / ZC e\- .• 3 5 III' I ki) V . 4\14 % Oil ! ______ Io 12 \, 13 '5 • WYLIE HOSPITAL 1 6 18 20 __------ -- 2 -7++20' D1RNGet UTIL.i ESM — - DATE: July 13, 1988 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ® Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan [' Final Plat NAME : '-twin Lakes S/D, PH II LOCATION: So Ballard ST. Behind South Fire Station ZONING: SF - 1, SF - 2, SF - 3 ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Corwin Engineering PHONE 727-1032 OWNER: Thirsk Corporation Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL DYES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO This plat is for the remainder of the Thirsk Corp. Property. /PO DATE: July 13_ 198E TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: 9 Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan ❑ Final Plat NAME: Smith Estates LOCATION: SH 78. EAst of CR 384 ZONING: N/A (Wylie EI'J) ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR B. L. S. & Assoc, Inc. PHONE 771-'in'36 OWNER: Robert & Mary Smith Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements . Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL OYES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO This plat represents a property division outside the city limits of ?7vlie, but within our E.T.J. It has water service from NTM D and the lots are large enough to accomodate septic systems for sewer service. Adequate access has been provided for all of the lots as well. Therefore, we recormend that this plat be approved as presented. 7 /3 ;' t, et --� sl tract ro ..y.a t. l to cn • .. nra.e to vnlr.. ♦u. P•6. s•7, Hoed Record*, Collie teeter, het••, ..� tae6 •,.r• '- - -`r_- more particularly described a• follow., ,q •', X Pro 1--J'' BEGINNING at the point of lntereection of the north fin. of State Highway No 78• with the •••t Ilse of *aid Si °ere • e RAIL'- �,�._- __ tract, a le" iron stake for cornet, LET __ r. $--' --"" THENCE, alongthe north line of State Nighrry No. 78, the following, A �^ �{ __ • I .._ 8.86'1e'29"4 • duunc♦ of 17.16 feet to the beginning of • curve to the left hoeing a teat r•1 eagle eP S'NYI' MAP $- . eat 40 and a.. •* a'� Around radio. of 2792 le feet a concrete monument to for corner• curve,- � - said curve • dl•unca of 208.76 feet to the and of said curve, a concrete annurnt for corner] B 6 g0 8.77'40'04"W , a distance of 295.77 feet to the beginning of a curvet to the left having • control eagle of 5'81'07" T. j -d7 ,tea '� `\ \ and • radlue of 1762.01 feet, a wooden monument for cnrnen J 5 67•S+ /•E `\ +.9+• ` \ Around said curve a distance of 17B 18 feet tohe end of • ld ve • it" iton, stake for corner. _ C,\ �_..-- �, \ THENCE, N.2'30'06"Let, leaving the north line of State Highway No. 76, • distance of 128245 filet to a plat ea tho worth �_ -�6�1�\\\ \ \ line of said 51 scr• tract, a kJ" Iron stake for corners i �t 1 \ \ THENCE, 8.67°7A'O1"E., along the north line of said 51 acre tract • dlatance of 644 H6 feet to the northu.a corner el \ ` said S, 8.2 tract, , fence distance o poet for corners >a \ \ \� THENCE, 8.2"27'79"Met, a dlatance of 586.37 feet to • e" iron OP BEGINNING I for corner] \..� THENCE, 8.2°27'77"4., • dlatance of 571.19 [eve to the PLACE Or BRC INNI NC and containing 17.844 acres of loved. dqt rjBN �._ \\L°r-!\\]\ \\\\ \ �aY 88CQBSMDED FOE APPROVAL. \\ A 77ate° dq�. !.A.13' .etc. 10 64 m �.It JA7\rh,`` ` :\\ � � �Fa CHAIRMAN, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DATE \\ CITYMI Or MFOR TEXAS \ ,, / ��400 vt APPROVED FOR PRRrAtATI011 OF VIRAL PLAT. \ `� .— \ / MAYOR, CITY OF HYLIE, TEXAS DATE CO 6.. \ 4/9,70' ` �O. 117fd 00' •-Of.se `\179.70 \ " 17s 00' \ In t�:+�-.eat \\ \\ 14 0 \ '-$111.--III ° ti \ f G�t76p° \N.- ---- 41 600 `°' vl + AS ` PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY A 07 ) set!/+ Ac. \\) b � ~ 9° SMITHESrArES ft%k• _, .....19.1.21... .1, ko ecu / / o tat,OC112' ee/ / •g` W.C. TW/TTY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 9/8 / mm / �g'FB E.r✓. CITY OF WYL/E COLL/N COUNTY, TEXAS h) ,� V h OWNERS 6a V__.„.., ,r.,B eo' ttf w,rA twn.�a[a°f.+e Service t we _ -- — "' „s ROBERT AND MARY SMITH ' — I 40/0 H/GHWAY 78 NORTH ,,, ; �, •K WYL/E, TEXAS 75098 a<v /\ 1--/ -*--�-�' sq —.P° PHONE /-2/4-442-/737 N 0,fIM bt 1.10 \let rpe„ne d V�—� . . _ I/ / ` ( I h III ., �� ^�—--�/ J) J ...I...." j SURVEYORS / ter' I '�` f•tr B.L.S. 8 ASSOC/A TES,/NC. �' -✓ • oe.Pg/' ee•/+'29'w RT / BOX-/42-E / S/OS ROAD "D / �-- = 2. "15. ./--"1 .+*'-1. - -/716 ROCKWALL, TEXAS 75087 /fe"'- -7 11 _ -�� °a 6.00'02y PHONE /-2/4-77/-3036 i `•¢. 'r _—_ l� HIGHWAY NO. 78 Ma /1lfroc° STATE SCALE lee/Oa JULY /2, /998 J � APPLICATION TO 0 Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 )5,fr Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 71 Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 ' NAME O 2t1 L • ADDRESS /OA e. /hJ-1 Ji' j 7` LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION J2dqtLJ e e,/,,,, ' ,,war.A.,,..at. • BASIS OF APPLICATION: Interpretation riSpecial exception for use or development ElVariance tg Rezoning , 5) ,9 lf- Exception to Building Code EXPLANATION: /gr ut y etaii,,f --• 0-Li .c.I Jtt.P j„.,m a 1 1 7 ../i,. D''x- Ac _del a- _t 44iL"L' 1 A.thooti oi °AI x Jufitiatay., 7 • ; j SIGNITURE of APPLICAN'glr DATE (p— / dG e • depit6a-tei7x., Must be accompaniedby filing fee of $ '2(—t4' .,,4>)114.4....-(44 4-ly &A -1714'?"2-1;111-• Received: • ,� Date: 4 - /3- ere _ _ ,,. d X5' ,/' - . ./ / . 07 5 es 5 6 a� cc5 ie+".. OR `0.k '/ zz RS INC. ,. / ZCCjx‘c.)° mooI , II [1\ I r SCHOOL / „, 1 6 5 4 B 3 /., n-c° �' 1 + ! 15� WILLIAMS S / 0 / 4U ,\f \ ./ \' \ HARTMAN SCHOOL io KIRBY - - .....7 r...............---....1 ir...--..............„ r...—____,...-___ STREET