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08-15-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Date posted 8-12-88 Time posted 5:00 P.] AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1988 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 4 Consider approval of minutes for July 18th meeting 2 5 - 6 Consider approval of Final Plat for Tucker Estates, located in the Branch Peninsula within the ETJ of the City of Wylie 3 Oral Discussion of the first phase of the Master Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Wylie 4 Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES 7: 00 P. M. JULY 18, 1988 -he Planning and Zoning Commission for t`;e City cf wviie. ^e;: as . met in regular session or: Monday , •Jul 18. 1,=.88 . in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Comple': . A auor_im was present. Notice of the meeting had been o'os ted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were: Chairman . Brian Chaney . Bob 'Siowith . loin F'rit:kau , Cecelia Wood , Bart F'_ddicord , Mart . Etoval l , Rom Jeffries , code E ntor =ement Cf+ . _=r , Roy Fam -es , M_anacer- . ,. torn Ena: ' leer . Hon =1ome`:'er . Secret =tr i , `.aril `:'n Jones and Jed =tar , Pocln Be! : . _�:.ai r!rnanhare' Called ti e :re= _i nq to order . OATH _OF_OFFICE: carol .-r-- _one= a.Jmi fete- ed oatn LT Board Member Br I an Char;e .. ELECT CHAIRMAN: Mr . _k:1pwith made a motion tc, re-elect Brian Ch.ane'. for Be"_o ided b ,fr . S7d . all . Inc motionTiotIDE .vi to al . i " . _ ,or . ELECT VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr . Jet-tries made a motion t - - t n _-- - _ _o _ . mac 1r . rudicor-d . _�_�n"bed J . 'Ir . 3 _o'ral _ . one motion _arrmei w1 _n .al . - a , or . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The •711 _utes submitted tor aoor oval :were - or the j'-:-:C 1988 meeting. Chairman ,`late: ase 1?' there were ar; corrections to be made. Mr . JefTries stated that his name did not have an e in, it oe=ore the letter- r spei . _ . as +ollows Jeffries_ . . Mr . Ped:dicor-d stated that in the last item fifth paragraph i =JB'; shoui D be 1988. hair an Chaney ased . there were anymore Corr ectio and t not , a motion be made. Mrs. Wood made a motion that the minutes be acoact=d to {- _or- __t i one 3e-o oroed O . ?Ir . 7t oval 1 . ! -ir_ passed with all in +a .,or . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC: Mr . Chaney ask ed if there had been a preliminary plat shown on this item. and whether or not it was required by state that one be shown. The staff stated that there had not been a preliminary plat and that it was not required by state t' show a preliminary plat before a final plat was approved. , he staf = stated that in a ma;Or subdi ,.ision it was better to have a preliminary plat but for this particular item it was not necessary +or One. Mr . Chanev stated that if there was net anymore discussion on this item he =_ouoh:t a motion for approval . Mrs. Wood mace a motion to recommend to the City Council the ctC p'•__ti:___ of this plat wit- the aticul ati •Gn th,itt up t'o - =ot cf the . i cht of way was dedicated to the i t . _e_ondeO b''% Mr . _=dd oor�. Themotion passed with all in f a Cr . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE: The staff stated that there would be a. median C-._ for a turn in to tne sh0Gpi no tenter . and that art eareeement would have to be made with the hospital for joint Use easement . '. h e _t -.J: - _t - * -'' � _ay = __. _��. _ � _ tney were :vcr-r; , '❑ with the hosLita at this _ Ti_ , b,_'.`_ _-.ere had been c. comment on what the ou: - C. of the n(_sp i feel was. The le staff s tdtao that you might .:a ` to stipulate a _. r!t access easement With hospital . Mrs. Wood '.•J_Y s concerned about traffic 1 _ flow and felt trit it was nor"-.- -lr_+ or+or ._fnotner entrance and e it from the par ins lot _3w:a , from Hiolhwa 79. The staff stated it could be stipulated in the motion that there be another entrance and _ i t. Mr . Cher._, stated that with the stipulations of a loint assemert of foot wide and T. foot deep with the Martine: property , and a _oi nt access of 7.5 foot easement with the. hospital a ,notion he made. Mr . Fedditora made a motion to recommend the approval of the preliminary plat +pr W':l _ e Shoopin❑ Village located on SH 78 cant tC w I i _ Hospital aub ect to of nt access easement Wi =n;e- hcsc - _.•1 and additional Joint access with the Martine: property. A 20 foot wide and CO foot deep easement at the corner of the Martine: and tne shopping village property . Seconded tv Mr . Jeffries. The motion passed with of in favor . ,-bra. Wood opposed the motion. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE: Mr . Chaney ststeo that this item was the same as the above item and that e _rvtnina had already been discussed and a= ed that a motion Pe made. Mr. Stovall made a notion to recommend to the City Council recommend tre approval of the final Plat Wylie Shoppind V11lape with the stipulations of ioint access to the Martinez property and joint access to the Hospital with the same dimensions for the above motion . Seconded by Mr . F'rit: kau. The motion passed with six In favor . Mrs. Woco oopoeeid the motion . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL O PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES PHASE II : t v1 Mr . -har.ev questioned whether or not we ".clS(i'"an ordinance requiring the de e i :Per s to up put a w__ l i The staff stated there was no croinarce stating such but , if they did cut _lp. jJ� the 'Nall the C_ t . would be responsible for maintaining it . S Mr . Fritzk. u =-'ocested that we adopt an ordinance •._r screened walls. =ytter some discussion Mr . =-klcwlth made a motior- r _ re__:)mmend __ . Jourcil the pi e1 iminar . di ?t for T-.4: , Lake__ rt.c=_ . . De a.C_Ef, __ .- i -i the st i pul .fit s ns t at the triangular piece of r _or=r- - located on the pat be medicated to the City . `n; the lettering an,� - ^ ari - - of toe lots and blocks coincide with Phase I and c-n _. •o ._ on from the phase i plat . Seconded ded ..� . Mr . Feddicord. The motion passed wit . all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SMITH ESTATES: Mr . Chaney asked if they would be required to put i r concrete roads. Mr . Fitstick: stated we could not make them put in concrete because they had 50 foot frontage on highwav 78 and technic:al _l that met the requirements of the ordinance. The staff stated that the plat met all requirements, water is ceing supplied DV East Fork water supol ,: corporation and the lots are of sufficient size to support a proper septic system. H motion Was made b Mr . ritZF::au to recommend the plat for approval . Seconded oV or Jeffries , motion carried with ail in favor . CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF THE TEXACO STATI_ON ON HWY. 78 FROM RETAIL TO 8-1 : F'ub l ] c hearing Was opened by Chairman Chaney. After discussion puollo heari .op was closed. 1 CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FOR RE-ZONING OF THE TEXACO STATION_ ON HWY. 78 FROM RETAIL TO B-1 : After -further discussion inc1 _tdiha a staff statement that what we had was in fact in verse soot zor. ng. A motion was made by Mr . ! rit: au to recommend the re-zoning seconded cv Mr . Peddicord. The motion passed with si ': in taior and one opposed. DISCUSSION OF MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN: Mr . F'itstick acain discussec _ne thoroLuc4hfare Ulan and requested guidance from the committee as to how they woui I like to approach the overall ci = 5 1of' . It was decided to enlarge the map . n quarter section_ and diccis5 each quarter se r a t al -. andthen d i s _ .s_ .n a There Cci nQ no other Dual n F=.s a Slot _ _n was made to adcurh with ai l in fa'yor. Chairman Sr_:C7itted `iobin Selz , sec. _ _ar . Dar!: August 12, 1988 ?O: Planning and Zoning Commission PROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: OPreliminary Plat [] Replat O Site Plan © Final Plat NAME: Tucker Estates LOCATION: Wylie ETJ, Branch Peninsula, CR @ CR 438 ZONING: Not Applicable ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Roome Surveying, Inc. PHONE OWNER: Paul E. Tucker Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL 'DYES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ONO This plat is a simple subdivision of land in the Wylie ETJ. The tract has access on CR 470 which is in a prescriptive right-of-way; therefore, I have required the dedication of half of the necessary right-of-way for the roadway. The tracts of land have adequate land area to accomodate septic systems for sewer needs. The decision made on this plat will set a precedent for future subdivisions on the Branch Peninsula. The City must decide if it intends to extend its boundaries into this area, if so, then we need to enforce our Subdivision Regulations strictly on all subdivisions in this area. ma..c4Tlrl COT. ' roan OI COtl le OR"Y 4 L 1 II TU.r TOI4ry• nrr OI nit. 1.11 I. / NNNNI••, 1 , le . 1 1NY 111.»I\I.Irr T.IINII. 1\1• Ole. 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IN ere* 1//- .Irolr n µM so re , / ` II•re•111 • t.l•1•.Per Ne.nr.. e..../F0,..1le •./NI eN IF r/E0.St1».I♦r AVM." R / Nr..la ..N eke wt.•.0•F..w•1e..ytl O1.4.0\..N 1.t..... 444 11/ it ON11» ".• .I. .III ..01.10.••a01••• •.» 0.1 !Ti.I1 NI»».11.1» II I.I NMI a-.• 44.1101/4 OM"VIM V CV \\II ...IF« Mt rr IA.••• WI Pt • Y F::-.:191. T:7 T.riT' + BLOCK A f • ••••••r,•••• •. ♦P C'~ -- IN......11w1.•y CIII F,..u.r SI aN Oar.1 Ira.. IL Ow 11• ......... 1100 r1N N TNl4 .IIIC.O •. •N..... t. 164 Cat II YPII. .•. e.yln.. . ay City \ nr wan :[ T._�I:T 4'oe tT:.. --t--TLC •••• •••aN C I \`\ Or vIC.1 INww.�M..'.sal.01•t•aN• NO e.w.tbe , tr •.••» .•.1 trey a. ••F••N..I wy..'• 1 t..1 OP .1• tll,r' ♦ Ir•./•• W.I. _: ✓ 11 1ni.ir.• t.e.a •1 1•w ••I...t..... ••' ...... volt." ' r n MOW n1 -__._._.1r•I jr. sof •1 .w1 w IN........I •/ r•.•r.t. t• "le" lnt, re.• / •1 1.• "lit. C..... FN •• r• .•. .1 1 •ee T.bed••1..1e•e1 1T,-T - �....V/ ..11 .r..t •a IN la....•t..•. •1 0...tr •••. F. t» at\ • .0.4. / .r-• .r.t. 'It\ N., r n .l . eel. "mt. 0.'01'11' "et, . 01..wra .1 401,1I "et 1 e. 14•a .•. 14 , It•. 1. • •r•• •.t 14.411 »'If'10' KN. vit. Ilea •I • ..» • 00.14'40^ for ••11 II IN1 •.'. ..I.t•N•' "eV /e.'• tee" •n.••e• .I 1N.11 ... .• .. art.rN .•I Nrltnl 11 t..••1^ a 00 ' 0. Ili ..•. .•r11r1. n1 •n't,'.N• ••.•..•...... ....w1•'w'OFI•: I.' I.. e.1•S, el"it 4. F..�.• FINAL PLAT "1, •'....I I •" r ee4 r w or 4.00 BLACK OAK ESTATES ,ea.'. I .1•la..e J 11..41 INt 1 i ?'_ iAeM.• CI.w�.t. lY AI.Ir.el NA. 1011 A CITY OP WYLII -COLLIN COUNTY- 1500$ I• - �� •rile .AYI !. I ro, ♦t. 10, eel !0 KAII r'.OW 1 T I. • I•A• efaVAINGL.INc ...... M.