10-03-1988 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 9/30/8S TINE POS'sED 5 : OOP .M. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1988 7: 00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-3 Consider approval of minutes for September 19, 1988 meeting 2 4-5 Consider recommendation to City Council on the revised final plat for Twin Lakes Phase I (located on S. Ballard next to fire station. ) Discussion of master land use plan 4 Oral General discussion Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, September 19 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Board Members Bart Peddicord , Cecelia Wood, Ron Jeffries , Tom Pritzkau and Marty Stovall . Those present for staff was Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Secretary Robin Belz, Engineer Ron Homeyer and City Manager John Pitstick. Board Member Bob Skipwith was absent . Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bart Peddicord corrected the minutes of the August 15 , 1988 meeting as follows: first page, last paragraph , second line should be idea not ideal . Second page, second paragraph, second line, City Manager John Pitstick said dedication of half of the street- to continue with, " would be sufficient" . On the last page third paragraph , third sentence insert "the county bond election" after the word since and take out the word it. Also Mrs . Wood said in the first item, approval of minutes she did not say she wanted to correct the voting to not show a number for and name a person who voted against . She stated that she wanted it to say, "She wanted consistency and continuity in the voting when typing the minutes" . CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING OF LOT 3 BLOCK 35 RAILROAD ADDITION: The piece of property is a triangular piece property and the staff was concerned with the shape. Mr . Faires stated that he and the Engineer Ron Homeyer went over the plans for the building and it would be a tight fit but it would fit . City Manger John Pitstick stated that in the future we will be getting a lot of requests and pressures for B-1 zonings , and that was something he wanted P&Z to consider when making a decision on this request . Mr . Chapman of 311 Woodhollow Circle Wylie, Texas was present to speak in behalf of the request . Mr . Chapman owns the property. He stated that three years ago there was a blanket zoning on the property which zoned it retail . He felt the only way he could utilize the property at this time was to re-zone it B-1 . He stated it would be much appreciated if the request was granted . Mr . Mitchler of 309 Highland Dr . Rockwall , Texas who is purchasing the property was present and stated that the business he wanted to put there was a quick oil change operation. He intended to make the appearance of the building attractive with landscaping and an old fashion country look. Mr . Chaney asked him if he was aware that Hwy 78 would be widened and if he would be willing to dedicate 20 feet R.O.W. to the City. Mr . Mitchler replied that he was not willing to dedicate the property at this time because of the uncertainity of the state completing the job, however he is aware that the possibility will cause a difference in his set back requirements . After some discussion Chairman Chaney closed the Public Hearing . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE REZONING OF LOT 3 BLOCK 35 FROM RETAIL TO B-1 : Mr . Chaney made a motion to recommend to City Council the rezoning of lot 3 block 35 from retail to B-1 . Seconded by Mr . Peddicord . The motion passed with three in favor and three against . CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING 95 .49 ACRES ABSTRACT 841 FROM AGRICULTURE TO INDUSTRIAL: The staff stated that this is presently Sandens property and they are building on it at this time. The staff stated that this is being brought before the Planning and Zoning Board due to the fact that it has not been officially zoned industrial and a hearing is needed to re-zone this property. After some discussion the public hearing was closed . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE REZONING OF 95 .49 ACRES ABSTRACT 841 FROM AGRICULTURE TO INDUSTRIAL: Mr . Peddicord made a motion to recommend to City Council the rezoning of 95 .49 acres out of Abstract 841 from Agriculture to Industrial . Seconded by Mrs . Wood . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SMITH ESTATES: This plat was presented once before to the Planning and Zoning on July 18 , 1988 . The City Council denied the plat for various reasons . After some discussion Mr . Jeffries made a motion to accept the preliminary plat for the Smith Estates with the stipulations that it meet full sub- division requirements now set up by the City. Seconded by Mr . Stovall . The motion carried with in all favor . i f CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT TWIN LAKES PHASE II : There were some corrections to be made on the preliminary plat . The corrections were made and the final plat is ready for approval . After some discussion Mrs . Wood made a motion to recommend to the City Council the approval of the final plat for Twin Lakes Phase II . Seconded by Mr . Pritzkau . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF MASTER USE PLAN: Mr . Pitstick presented a map showing existing zoning in the South-West quadrant of the City, he then presented the percentages of acres in the respective zoning categories in the City. Mr . Pitstick stated that there is no " ideal City" however , these percentages in the existing City seem to be fairly balanced between the different categories . He suggested that the Planning and Zoning Commission could possibly wish to consider some other use for land that has not yet been annexed , than that which has been previously land use planned for that property . The presentation closed with Mr . Pitstick suggesting that the commission take the map home and study it , also that they should possibly drive by and look at the properties in question to see how the land could best be utilized in the minds of the individual commission members , for action at a future date. GENERAL DISCUSSION: There were favorable comments made about the new packet format and the additional information contained therein . There being no other business a motion was made to adjourn . Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Robin Belz, Secretary i f i OA Ts: September 28, 1988 10: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ['Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan Q Final Plat (Revised) NAME: Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase I LOCATION: South Ballard Ave. @ Al ani s ZONING: B-1 , SF-2, SF-1 ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Corwin Engineering PHONE727-1032 OWNER: Thirsk, Inc. C/O John Tobin Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL ® YES OYES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO This development has been revised to allow for the existing high- pressure natural gas line which was originally planned to be moved, but has now been left in its original location. The street names have also been changed, as suggested by the City Council . The Park dedication area has had the boundary adjusted to accomadate the lot lay-out of Phase II . 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J _� i `__ - ___ 9O'00'OO"W 2583.79p /6. ___ RAYMOND C 1 19>' N.South lens Thor.Inc.15806 Scow Trost up! /l LEGAL DESCRIRIOS' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: }c.h �I lV FRED M0138$ N0'A_ T THESE PRESENT that I WARREN L. CONWIN 1 141, Being a tract of lend situated In the Allen A berry THENCE S 89'93'42•N 924 Je tees with said South lane to a cart 9} prepared this plea from e actual end 4 _ Survey Abstract No. 2J. City of Wylie, Co3lvntCounty, Texas. 1/2 into iron rod in sax accurate surveyrca'. the land, that t n a " O$ and being outof that called 156.Le a tract s described [e pleceCunoer my supervision an n sordencexwathne he splet 'r 01N • a deed to7hirskaCorporation N recorded a volume 534, THENCE N 89'S5'12"N 332.29 feet c tin ins r th said South were end regulations of the City of accordance Texas. Page 223, of the Deed Records of Collar.cCounty,nT and line [ a 1/2 a rod v motor lee southerlySouthwest O of[ celled 0.762 c acre tract described a d being O to t s tract, being the Southwest cornet of said 8.762 recorded involume arir Page 865c, let s d records, and acre tract: O being more npartvc ulerly de scribes as fullers, e 0 THENCE M 00.04'48• E with the West line of meld 8.762 acre Z COMMENCING e a point inc erline of Old Highway No. 78t 277.00 feet a 1/2 anche it n rod being t Northwest9 plo L. CONe4}• POINT OF \ 4 (Ballard Street-60. ROW) theeinge the Southwest cornet of the tract, of said 8.762 a and beans i the So f 1[ne RPS 4621 COMMENCING l Allen Atterberry Survey, c corner frsaid 158.06 acre tract, andtecnnt suing for a tonal distance of 297.10 fee[ t a 1/2 i rod; STATE OF TEXAS I THENCE N 89.54.48.E math the South lane of the Allen Atcerberry the COUNTY OF C0...N I Survey, a distance of 30.00 feet t a 1/2 in rod found, THENCE S 00.00'00•w 2503.79 feet [ PLACE OF BEGINNING beano the Southwest corner of ••25.15 acre tract scribed and containing 47.44 acres of land.o g in Volume 1117, Page 352, of said deed records, said point being Before then undersigned. a ,airyNotar Public in and for in the East line of said Old Highway Wowe78; County and Staid this day personally appeared WARREN L. on th4 M TWICE M 00'00'00•E with said East lane, •t 27).00 feet a known eg to o de the and noose name tos me subscribed recut. 1/2 into Iron rod, being the Southwest corner of said 158.0E for•ER.,pus ose andt� d acknowledged shed re d.< W acre tract and the Northwestof said 25.19 a for the purpose d band and therein expressed.. 6flOe m and continuing for a opend at I79.61 feet acre the POINT o Given ender n and seal of office, Chia the OF e BEGINNING. being a 1/2 i rod an said Gast lane for - , 1986. el the Southwest corner of this street, NOW L ME RE h THEREFORE, RNON AL N BY THESE PRESENTS: btary Pub lac in and for [I THENCE N 00"00'00•E 925.00 feet continuing with said East lane, of Texas. e 0/ being t t line of said 156.0E acre tract. to a 1/2 Inch THAT, THIRSr., INC. a e owner of the above described CD iron rod•et an sense for the Northwest corner or this tree[, project a d does hereby adopt Chas platdesagnetang the rein •Recommended for Approval' Z described property as IN LAKES SUBDIVISION PHASE 1, n eaaation • THENCE N 90.00.00•E 1499.00 feet i • 1/2 inch iron rod set the City of Wylie. Texas end d hereby dedicate t the public for a Northeast corner of this tract, use forever the mtreets,elleys and easements shown heron. THENCE S 00.00.00•E 176.36 feat to• 1/2 inch iron rod set This plat approved subject to e11 platting ordinances. rules. Chairman, Plaeaiog 6 Sonsng Commission Date for an interior corner of this tract, regulations and resolution of the City of Wylie, Texas. Sidewalks City of Wylie. Team shall he constructed by the howebuilder i accordance with the THENCE S 46.47.22.E 370.45 feet t a 1/2 inch iron rod set requirements of n he City of Wylie, Tea... Approved for Coestruction for an interior corner or this tract, I EXECUTED this the day of , 1988. THENCE S 59.24.14•E 444.65 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod set for an anterior corner of this tract; THIRSE, INC. THENCE S 64.19.48.E 625.51 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod fore interior corner of t tr aid bein n nr p the South line of said 158.06 acre tr also being t the North Mayor, City a[Wylie, Texas pate line of the above mentioned 8.742ee tract; Accepted THENCE II89.53'42•E 103.49 feet math the South line Of•ate capped 158.0E are tract. being the North line of said 8.762 acre tract,to a 1/2 inch iron rod set an same, THENCE S 64.19.48•E 146.44 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod; COUNT OF TEXAS 1 Mayor, City of Wylie. Texas pate STAY OF COLLIN 1 • THENCE M 25.40.12•E, at 70.71 feet cross the South line of Before we, the undersigned. •notary public i and for said hereThe byyaersigeed, the City foregoingry of the pClat of Wylie, T said 156.06 acre tract, being the Norths line of said 8.762• e County and State, on this day personally appeared n SUBDIVISION,certa Pee E I. the foregoing final ity[Of TWIN was and continuing for a total distance of 125.00 feet to . known to we to be the end officer chose mitted PHASE 1, an addition to the City of Wyl rof tract,▪ inch iron rod: subscribed tothe fore instrument o witted to the City Council 9n the day of name asforegoing attof.a[ d acknowledges t epte and the cationl, by formal THENCE S 64.19.48.E 112.42 feet toa 1/2 inch iron rod. said r that he executed the se•e mast the act to said no`por, INC. action. tarn c • o streets. point beingin the South line of sid 158.06 acre tract and purses.n executed he. :. of such corporation awn for t e n, •s easements,forth[en the dedication 1.• eta, � purposes stated.an.aeerauonwtherein expressed, and in he capacity he alleys. pits a public places •net.•water and sewer the North ilia of said 8.762 acre tract. [ 1 baron•.a•t sort`i a also. •sap plat end„ia thereof lest bar- he[lzed he woo[to note the a b.d.ace THENCE N 89.52.42•E 535.31 feet with said South line and said Given under my nand and seal of office, this the day of eMreo[by signing bah name as Mre in•bovee•uhpera subscribed. North line tO I 1/2 inch iron rod:[p , 1988. Witness Cr band this day of THENCE S 00.21.15•W 277.00 feet• said 8.762 acre a 1/2 inch iron rod for the mostacross Southea of this tract, sold point being in tea South line of said corner. z City Se try tart' acre tract, Notary Public in and for the State of Texas city o!Wyate, Tamps