07-17-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-14-89
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1989
1 1 - 5 Consider approval of the minutes for
June 19, 1989 meeting
2 Election of Chairman of the Board
3 Election of Vice Chairman of the Board
4 6 - 7 Consider approval for recommendation to
City Council on the replat of Lots 1 , 2,
3, 4 , and 5 Block A Stone Grove
Phase 1
5 Discuss duties and responsibilities of
the Board
6 Adjourn
JUNE 19, 1989
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met
in regular session on Monday, June 19, 1989 in the Council
Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and
notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner
required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian
Chaney , Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord, Bobby Jennings, Jim
Ferguson, Bobby Skipwith, and Cecelia Wood. Staff members
present were City Manager Charles Norwood, Code Enforcement
Officer Roy Faires, City Engineer Ron Homeyer , City
Secretary Carolyn Jones , and Secretary Debbie Fletcher .
PEDDICORD. City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered the
oath of office to the Bobby Jennings, Cecelia Wood and Bart
Peddicord . Chairman Brian Chaney welcomed the new member .
motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes of
the May 15th meeting. The motion was seconded by Jim
Ferguson. The motion carried with all in favor .
PAST AND FUTURE. City Manager Charles Norwood asked that
the Planning and Zoning look at the wastewater collection
system project and keep in mind that the board was the
planning commission of the city. Mr . Norwood explained that
the Texas Water Commission had mandated this project, and
also explained that this project is over two million
dollars. There is some good news, Mr . Norwood stated that
the City has been cited by the Environmental Protection
Agency because we did not file for a permit . In December,
the City staff met with this agency and the fine was lowered
to $8 ,000 , but today the fine has been lowered to $4 ,000 and
North Texas Municipal Water District is taking care of this
fine. The next thing is Texas Water Commission has sent an
enforcement order assessing fines on the City for the by
passes . The enforcement order had set one fine for by
passes, but today the staff was notified that the fines h `Z
been reduced .
another plus is that San Antonio Savings and Loan has .��
agreed to put in the sewer line through their property , if ��
this does happen it will be a savings for the city.
Mr. Norwood stated that when he looks at the wastewater
collection system improvements and the widening of FM 544
and Highway 78 , this city has a lot of potential . We are
just now seeing the good times for Wylie. Tonight we are
going to lay the ground work for the wastewater collection
system, we have to keep moving forward if we want the City
to keep growing. The Council and staff have been making
contacts asking for donations of easements for the
wastewater collection system improvements. The next step is
to have the contract let by December , 1989 and work to begin
shortly thereafter .
Chairman Chaney asked how this 2 . 3 million dollars will
effect the budget . Mr . Norwood said it will effect it
greatly, looking at a pay out of two million over twenty
years . Staff is looking at eight cent tax increase or to
adjust the water/sewer rates for half and taxes for half .
This would mean another $5 .00 to $6 .00 on your water and
sewer bills . This is going to be expensive that is why we
are asking each of you to help support this by talking to
your neighbors or any civic group you can address.
Mr . Ferguson wanted to know how long this fine from TWC
would be in effect . Mr . Norwood said the fine is enforced
until we are out of the pump and haul business, which will
be December , 1990 if everything stays on schedule.
Chairman Chaney asked about the impact fee study. Mr.
Norwood stated that Council has authorized this study at the
last meeting . Mr . Norwood asked Mr . Homeyer to come forward
and make the presentation on the wastewater collection
system improvements . Mr . Homeyer excused himself as he had
just received an emergency call .
Mr. Norwood then asked Mr . Roy Faires to come and make the
presentation. Mr . Faires said the plan will put a gravity
flow line from Southfork Mobile Home Park to FM 544 and FM
1378 and then pump back up to Steel Road Industrial Park
before being pumped to the treatment plant. This plan will
also illuminate the park lift station that has been giving
us some problems and will pump to the Twin Lakes lift
station and then to the treatment plant. There will also be
a parallel line from Rustic Oaks to Highway 78 this will be
in one of the older sections of town. There will be a 4 "
force main from Newport Harbour to Presidential Estates,
however if San Antonio Savings comes through with this other
line the 4" line will not be necessary. There will also be
a line installed on Highway 78 from the steak house to
Eubanks Lane.
Chairman Chaney wanted to know if these are temporary
systems . Mr . Faires stated they are lines being built for
the future.
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Mrs. Wood asked if we are illuminating a lift station. Mr .
Faires said yes, the one at the park.
Chairman Chaney wanted to know if the mobile home park in
the tri-county area had installed water and sewer lines.
Mr . Faires said first water , but this is in East Fork Water
District so the City lost those lines, but the sewer comes
into the force main which takes it up FM 544 to Stone, over
to the park line and then to the treatment plant . Chairman
Chaney wanted to know the expected life of a 4" force main.
Mr . Faires said it depends on how it is installed . Mr .
Norwood said the reason you have a force main is to pick up
from one district and take back into the system. Ideally a
good system will have gravity flow except where it is a must
to use force mains to get it back to the main system. Mr .
Norwood said this plan is the best possible plan we could go
with for our City.
Mrs . Wood said $2 .3 million is just for the collectio• 42Pr1
system, what about the treatment plant . Mr. Norwood aid
yes, this is for the sewer collection system and e
treatment plant will be completed in September, 1989 . The
improvements to the treatment plant will enable us to handle
two million gallons per day. The citizens are already
paying and additional $5 .00 per month now for the treatment
plant improvements . If the regional system comes about, for
Wylie, Rowlett, Sachse and Murphy, then Wylie can connect
into this with out much expense.
Chairman Chaney wanted to know with the way our system is
set up now, how would we get to the regional plant . Mr.
Norwood said probably with a lift station to pump it over .
Mr . Faires said it is possible that a gravity flow line
could go in the creek bed and flow into the regional plant .
Mr . Jennings wanted to know if we would get revenues from
Murphy if they pumped into our current system. Mr. Norwood
said Murphy would contribute to our bonds on the treatment
plant and North Texas Municipal Water District would bill
Murphy part of our monthly charges .
Mrs . Wood wanted to know how the staff was going to sell
this to the citizens , when most of the comments are going to
be "my and my wife bought a house in Wylie 40 years ago and
in a few years there was a sewer line put in we had to pay
for and we have to have it cleaned out every year" . Mr .
Norwood said it was important that each board member talk
and think positive about these improvements and to
understand it is not just the City, but it is an order from
the State. Mrs . Wood wanted to know how are we going to
maintain what we have and what we are putting in . Mr .
Norwood said we have to go in with a good maintenance
program. Mr . Norwood said when you provide capital
improvements you encourage orderly and quality growth. Do
not let developers come in and jump all over the country
just because the land is cheaper. As you grow, the water
and sewer rates and the tax rate should increase. If you
look around, maybe this has been our problem,t4have been
keeping the utility rates and taxes at the same rate for a
number of years and it has caught up with us. You must
raise taxes and utilities to maintain what you have. Mr .
Norwood also stated that you can not maintain your city on
strictly residential areas, you have to have commercial and
industrial . The City of Wylie needs to balance out its
growth pattern . Sanden International is a great improvement
to our City.
Mr . Skipwith said thee6 �r sect is not going to help 90% of
the citizens. It do one penny for us only keep the
state off our back. Mr . Norwood said looking at direct
benefitAap w, you are absolutely right , the advantage is
gettingcT ate off our back, because what ever the penalty
is , you will have to help pay it . Also it will bring growth
which will help revenues with our City. Mr . Skipwith said
this has happened because of poor planning, that we had
nothing to do with. Mr . Faires said yes, but *there is
nothing we can do to undo this without a project like this .
Mr . Norwood said for years Wylie has had the lowest water
and sewer rates and tax rates without an increase, then all
of a sudden we had to make a big jump to catch up, and today
it is in our best interest to try and correct this problem.
Mrs . Wood said we did wake up and found out we had missed
the train. Then the city manager, city council and planning
and zoning comes in and they have the solution and by the
time we go with this, the person is gone and we are still
having the problem. The next person comes in and it starts
all over again with another solution . We are just being
cautious before we back any more plans. Mr . Norwood said
these plans are certainly a very conservative approach, had
this plan been submitted five or seven years ago, we would
not be here tonight talking about it . But it wasn ' t and it
is never to late to present it and it is very practical .
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Chairman Chaney requested on the next
agenda to have the election of a chairman and vice chairman.
Also this board is to have the emergency and disaster plan
for the city, this is in accordance with the Home Rule
Charter . Mr. Peddicord said the new police chief has asked
me to help work out a system on calling and getting
information out to the public. Mr . Faires said in the
problem with flooding , it is controlled by laws from the
Federal Flood Plain Administration , we control this through
development . Mrs . Jones said TML Risk Control is working
with our public works department on hazardous spills and
evacuation procedures. Chairman Chaney said he would like
to see all these areas working together .
Mrs. Wood said she would like to thank the person
responsible for the trees being cut down on Akin Lane. I
want to say a big thank you. I also want to say, it might
have sounded like I was not in support of the collection
system, but I am in support of this.
Mr. Jennings stated it was a pleasure to be on the board and
he thanked everyone for the warm welcome.
Chairman Chaney requested a work shop on the next agenda for
the new board members regarding the duties of the board.
Mr . Skipwith stated that the board should not look at just
one area, but at what would be best for the entire City of
Carolyn Jones, introduced Debbie Fletcher to the board, Miss
Fletcher will be the secretary for this board .
There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made
by Mr . Skipwith to adjourn, seconded by Mrs . Wood. The
meeting was adjourned with all in favor.
Brian Chaney, Chairman
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Jones , City Secretary
TO : Planning and Zoning Commission
and City Council
FROM: Department of Public Works
DATE : July 11 , 1989
SUBJECT : Preliminary Plat ** Replat
Final Plat Site Plan
NAME : Replat of Lots 1,2, 3, 4 & 5 Blk A - Stone Grove PH I
LOCATION : Stonehenge Drive between Stone Rd . & Foxwood Ln.
OWNER : First State Bank, Wylie
Date of P&Z Commission Meeting : July 17, 1989
Attached is a plat application and plat of the proposed
layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments
in terms of their respective requirements. Comments are as
follows :
The proposed replat is being requested inorder to enlarge
the corner lot at the intersection of Stonehenge Drive and
Foxwood Lane to accomodate the desired house.
The plat layout meets a ! 1 of the subdivision requirements
except for the provision which requires all of the lot lines
in a curve to be radial to the street curve. This provision
was not enforced on the common line between lots 2A & 3A.
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(90' R.o.w.) Francisco Ds La Pino Survey, Abstract No.U$
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City of Wylie
Date: July 1989 Scale: 1'•50' Jab No. MON
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