08-21-1989 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1989 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 4 Consider approval of the minutes of the July 17th meeting 2 Discussion of ETJ - meaning, use, need (map inserted) 3 General Discussion 4 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that a committee of the City of Wylie will meet at 7 :00 P . M. on the ili — day of C11� e�.�, ,1989 , in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Co Alex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda . 7-1 f C CarolynA �,' Se tary ' POSTED THIS THE /, /Lj DAY OF95. 40671-- ,1989, AT Y,40 A M. PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING JULY 17, 1989 MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission pi' the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, July 17, 1989 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Comp l e:: . i quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, 'Vice Chairman Bart F'etticord :, Bobby Jennings, Bobby Ski owl th, and Cecelia Wood. jim Ferguson was on vacation. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Fair+as, City Engineer Ron Home;.er _;.t'v Secretary Carolyn Jones and Secretary Debbie Fletcher. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19TH MEETING. Chairman Chaney said on page cne, second to last par eg aph "fine"line ne ' fine __howl t be c +Rini rid to "fines" . Lnai rman last t-. - Chaney also stated that on page one, last three, pa=a; - a_h, "has s agreed" should be "La_ tentatively a rrr I . Bart Fe+Lico i said '_7 ._r-,r E'C, i_C°n line, "illuminating ' needs t:_ be changed to "eliminating' . He ale__ mentioned that on the third page, the third paragraph, second line, "Mr . Norwood 1 " _c said" . 11 Bert aid" needs to be corrected i_C' read 1( Norwood �c�I+_. Fetticord added that on page four, t`;n- first paragraph, fourth line, "have la e been" should l =1 : J be 1 ' _ -c. _ been" . i _ - stated nori page fou;'` second paragraph, second line, rr want should te corrected ec ._e1_ to say " I t fjc c _ie four , seccnd paragraph, line -five, getting state' needs to r be +=f:c, i,.;e+=, to -ad IGEt_.. 10 the . Cc f'=1lf+_tll'_J t ==+r"rE'cticiic: on �'+c.ve f;=+i_ir , second p:=tr;_=ttra.p;t, line 1n1-.= - 'tut "but .L. _l Wood it " -hcl..iiL; be uU.<_ I � Cecelia t• _,ramd made a m,uyi+=+n to i 1 389: approve tthe ;minutes #for the :June '- i7�_�? meeting - i +'h the B_r t r__t i .. - __ 1 y.. _ T' not«_'C corrections. L�,_yr _ r"_t_i_7 +_vr +__ __-lJn�i«=U C�'-tr:' tf-ii:_i+_+rt_ ; ?ne motion carried with all in favor. Mr. Fai.res. Cod:_ Enforcernent Officer stated that in renar ds to page four, GENERAL__DISCUB ION, he has ordered several J -Emergency Preparedness �booklets. L , _ChairmanChaney -='.I " this sounds mood, there are several plans such as this ant this will give l.u:: .r opportunity t' to look at several of them, and make us aware, then we can decide which would be best f o r_ us. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Bobby Skipwith made a motion to reelect Brian Chaney as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Cecelia Wood seconded the nomination. The motion was carried with all in favor . Chairman Chaney thanked everyone for their support. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Bobby Skipwit -i made a motion to reelect Bart F'etticord for Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning; Commission. Cecelia Wood seconded the nomination. The motion was carried with all in favor- . Vice Chairman Pett:icord thanked the members. CONSIDERATION OFREPLAT OF LOTS la. =s_..3,_ 4s AND_5_BLOCK A OF STONE GROVE PHASE 1 _FOR CITY COUNCIL. City Cit ; Engineer , Ron Homeyer said we will be making four l.ot=_ cut of five to accommodate prospective pec..Live buyers. 7.: P! and common property lines are not radial with the curve. 1€ simplify matters, the best option is to deviate from the or-dinen e with a other line. A nor- radial ! J y , lot_ All. l e r-.�.,�i_t.i.r��ii'ent. i�a e I. met . Bobby askt=o if homeowners I n the sub-division were T - 1 notified of the ri=lJla+._1. , : = notification necessary? R+.-:', Pai res answered by stating that it is not a. requirement of sub--division reoul. ation= c:-;l in zonin:1 matters is notification required. 1 ! this case, all you have to do is amend the planned - iiis t developinent, This is not a standard sub-di aision, it iss planned Unit development. Therefore you can do anvthina with u want -; . �. Bobby+•, 4IeP-in1f-!gs asked is the purpose of the ordinance stipulating the lot line has to follow the curve.. Mr. Fai.rea said it is to assure us =+f having adequate front yard width at the building line. Chairman Chane•, added that if also makes setbacks come out orderly . Bart Pattic +rd said the staff recommends this without reservations. Motion was made by Mr . Petticord to •r t-_u;iimt'ild to the C.it.,. Council the approval of the replat. The motion was seconded by. Bobby Jennings. The motion carried w: th all i.n favor. . DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD. Chairman Chaney suggests that tonight they do a broad, general overview on what Board members feel is critical . These items will be on the agenda for discussion at the next and future meetings_. It might be best to discuss one topic at each meeting instead of several to keep us on track and to help the Board members find out what most concerns the Council . The items of major concern to the Council will be discussed first and items i will be discussed last . It might the rns of least concern __.- take several months to complete these discussions. Mr . Ski pw:i thl suggests for us to wait for Jim Ferguson and new members before starting discussion of specific_ items. Chai rman Chaney suggests seni or Board members state items needing clarification. l t_�_+ �E� the Mr. friar+=�. said a good item 1C�r- discussiondiscussionwouldwouldid new flood plan maps welch includes all of Collin County. The maps show you everything wheich been annexed into the City of Wylie. Mr. Fai ree said it might be ae long as two to three months before the map ie available. Mr`_. Wood suggest= future discussion of ordinances and sub- division ordinances. Possibly a quick run through as to why and the reason behind the ordinance. This should help the members. of the Board to better- underetand tne ordinances. Ch:=.:i rmd-- _Taney said ETJ would ba good general di ec.us'si or topic to discuss et the next ii ieei_inn . ri.J seems to to what has ceusec the most trouble. Then at the meeting after next another topic will be discussed. Cheirinan Chaney stated that Mr . F.ai =s will soon have the information of different types of Eme-gency Plans through the Federal al Ei,ergencv Management Administration F. E, M. A. . , Mr, Fairee said Mr. Norwood addressed the Council at the t " - aboutthe f Super Committee �. C{�� I,�.�C 1 1 1<_' idea e L"i of a take _ r i i r the future. _ar..e �_�T the master pan, planning�'I11 n+J and parks T�Jr +._I Sim Roy Faires said in further discussing this with Mr . Norwood, that he suggested sub-committees off the Planning .and Zoning Commission might work best and Mr . Norwood agreed. The sub- committee would back the 7Clillllltte� then report to Planning and Zoning Commission, with information for the entire Board before going on to Council . Mr . Fai rep. L sueoest„'' th e - 11t' Board members start thinking of what item you want to have the most input on. Mr. Jennings asked if there was a master plan for the city. Mr. Fai rep said we have two maps which shows land ese. Bobby Jennings said he would like an opportunity to see the. 1 and use map. 3 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Skipwith mentioned on W. A. Allen Drive and Foxwood he noticed paper blowing everywhere from roofers working in the area. He asked if the City has ever considered having builders throw trash in a designated area? Mr. Faires said this would be difficult to enforce with the present level of staffing. Mr. F'etticor-d asked on new development, the main entryway into a sub-division, is there a way to amend the ordinance so that streets can be half again as wide as other streets? Cars are parked on both sides of the street and its next to impossible for two cars to get thr-oudh. Chairman Chaney said this is an item that will be discussed at a future meeting. There being no further- discussion♦ a motion was made ty tir . Skipwith to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fetticord. The meeting was adjourned with all in .favor. Ear i an Chaney, Chai rman Respectfully submitted. Debbie Fletcher , Secretary