11-14-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation c eatlon Board CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Minutes Monday, November 14, 2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present: Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Dan Chesnut, Cristine Price, Jim Ward and Jeff Harris. Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Dale Oaks, 1401 Churchill Way, Rowlett addressed the Board and thanked them all for their support of the Planet Kidz youth program. He stated he had been working with Mr. Diaz for five or six years on the program and that timing was everything; now just wasn't the time. He said his door was always open should the interest in trying the program change. Mr. Oaks felt that the new Recreation Center was built to use. He has current programs running in everything from Recreation Centers to churches and schools. Keith Reinhart, Parks and Recreation Director at Saginaw, built a brand new Recreation Center 10 years ago and the program has been running since it opened. There has been no damage to the facility or gym floor and if there were, he would take care of it. He said the Board was amazing and thanked them again. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 24,2011 meeting. Board Action Motion from Member Robas, seconded by member Harris to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon approving a recommendation to City Council to amend Section 78- 110 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances limiting animals to certain park areas. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz notified the Board that the verbiage was refined by the City Attorney and specific ADA wording was added to comply with the current laws. The item would most likely get on the City Council agenda in January due to their holiday schedule. Board Action Motion from Member Rose, seconded by member Chesnut to approve the recommendation to City Council to amend Section 78-110 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances limiting animals to certain park areas. The motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider and act upon final Community Park concession stand design. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed the meeting packet with the Board and began by an overview of the JC Commercial letter notifying Teague, Nall and Perkins of their costs for building the concession stand. He - explained that any changes to the proposed design would require additional pricing and there was less than $6,000 left for changes; which would also impede the progress. None of the changes suggested in the last meeting were reflected in the design or pricing. The contractor is prepared to price the requested changes from the October meeting so that the Board could decide which changes were affordable. Member Price asked if the breakdown could be brought back. Mr. Diaz suggested if the Board moved forward that he could still bring back the requested changes pricing at a subsequent meeting. November 14,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Member Harris asked how soon it was going to break ground. Mr. Diaz said it was still in the preliminary design phase that it still had to go before Building Inspections and Fire Inspections. Liaison Diaz explained that JC Commercial would expedite plan review as quickly as possible. Member Harris summarized that there was still time to make some changes and Chair Hiney suggested they be submitted as change orders. The reason the building cannot be rotated 20 degrees is that the water lines are already installed. Member Rose suggested any variation from the turn didn't work due to the field layouts. Chair Hiney pointed out that at 20 degrees it looked intentional and anything less made it just look crooked. Member Ward asked if we could take off some of the decorative items like the identifying sign to use to pay for some of the changes requested. Mr. Diaz indicated he would find out. Upon discussion of the need for an entrance sign of the park Mr. Diaz informed the Board it would be a separate item that hasn't been budgeted. Member Harris asked if it was possible to use the artist from 'The Catch' to design something that incorporates the front sign. Chair Hiney indicated that was up to the Art Board. Mr. Diaz said that at Founders Park historical plaques are placed on the walkway to the Softball fields and not considered art. The art for Community Park will be determined by the Art Board but the location and theme was determined earlier this year by the Park Board. Chair Hiney asked for a breakdown to build the building. Mr. Diaz indicated the Contractor has bid the entire project including the building and he didn't think we would be able get a whole building breakdown. Ms. Hiney stated she only wanted to know what the contractor was calling "decorative items" in the additional $57,900 added to the base price of the concession stand. Mr. Diaz said he would obtain that information. Member Robas asked if Mr. Diaz could get some pricing on adding skylights or other natural lighting so lights wouldn't be necessary during the day. Member Price asked if representatives from the contractor could come to the next meeting. Mr. Diaz said he would ask. Board Action Motion from Member Ward, seconded by member Robas to approve the final Community Park concession stand design with the provision that we can use the decorative item money with flexibility. The motion passed 6-1 with Member Price voting against it. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss current parkland dedication ordinance. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz explained to the Board that the ordinance needed to be reviewed as noted in the ordinance on a biennial basis.. The last time it was reviewed was in 2006. In speaking with Chair Hiney she requested that we look at how we compare with the surrounding cities and he would bring those comparisons back to the next meeting. Member Robas stated his concern over the fees and would be looking forward to seeing those comparisons. Member Ward asked for a brief history of the plans for parklands in the flood plain, i.e. the 40 acres behind Muddy Creek. Mr. Diaz said there was some flexibility built in the ordinance that states we could accept flood plain but it would not figure into the parkland dedication fees or land; it is reviewed on a case by case basis. Member Ward asked if there were any exceptions whereby the developer was using flood plain in lieu of land dedication. Mr. Diaz said he'd been with the City over 10 years and he'd never seen it but that there was a time when they didn't have ordinances where it might have happened prior to that time. 5. Discuss Tree City application and Tree Preservation Ordinance process. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed the letter to the Board from City Manager Mindy Manson. Member Rose asked Shohn Rodgers why there was a disconnect between his statement at his prior presentation that he was confident in our ability to meet the financial requirements of Tree City USA and the City Manager indicated otherwise. Mr. Rogers said the difference was that he was confident we could meet the requirements now, but we did not have any sustainable data collection procedures in place. Mr. Rodgers did note that the Parks Division would begin tracking parks maintenance functions with an in house system starting November 1, 2011. Mr. Diaz notified the Board that they are also getting new tracking software for Parks and Public Works that will assist with tracking work functions Chair Hiney asked why we couldn't just have an ordinance without the Tree City portion. Mr. Diaz stated the Manager wanted to wait until we were prepared to do it all at once. Chair Hiney felt it was a good idea to put an ordinance in November 14,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 place taking out all the Tree City USA references. Mr. Diaz would see if he could do that. Member Ward stated he felt we have earned it and that for just one person to disapprove was unacceptable and he would respond personally. Chair Hiney requested the information from prior years to see if we met the qualifications prior to all the construction projects. Mr. Diaz indicated that that was part of the problem it wasn't tracked in the earlier years. A tracking tool is the only way that we can track costs that fit the program. Mr. Rogers indicated he was more concerned about the trees and following the Tree City plan than whether or not we're are labeled an official "Tree City". 6. Discuss litter receptacle and bench samples. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz showed the Board the samples of the receptacles and benches made out of milk jugs and other recycled items with a very long lifespan. Member Robas asked the price difference between the two samples. The bench that we currently have at Wylie Lake is$200 less than the other option (around $360). The sturdiness of each is about the same. They are both very graffiti resistant but can't be painted. To add the logo they could be routed or plaque added. Member Harris asked if they had blue to go with the selected color scheme. Mr. Rodgers indicated there was a limited pallet offering and blue wasn't a choice. Chair Hiney inquired if they were shipped assembled or unassembled. Mr. Rodgers said they had to be assembled. Chair Hiney remarked the Lutz family has a great router and she was sure they would work with the City to route out a logo on the bench back prior to assembly. She also asked how we had budgeted for the bench and can replacements. Mr. Rodgers indicated that$20,000 had been budgeted for total replacement of cans and benches in the Central Zone with A&I funds. Chair Hiney requested they route a large logo as opposed to a small one. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Rose. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. by unanimous consent. / ` ATTEST: /^ ,2.,. !i._ ' Na cy Willis,(-Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair