06-07-2005 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission , ' 4 City of Wylie June 7, 2005 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Tuesday,June 7,2005 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 17, 2005 Regular Meeting. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Creekside Estates Phase IV Addition. Subject property being a tract of land situated in the Lewis M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, and in the J. W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, and being a part of that called 97.831 acre tract of land conveyed to Campbell/Wylie Partners by deed recorded in County Clerk No. 98-0032454, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses of varied densities, being generally located in the northwest corner of South Stone and Vinson Roads, and more specifically described as a 185.1449 acre tract of land situated in the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 725, the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980, the Nathaniel Atterberry Survey Abstract No. 1099, and the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas and the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1114, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being all of a 53.42 acre tract of land and a 134.33 acre tract of land conveyed by deed to Mrs. Thelma Rice by Lone Star Boat Co., recorded in Volume 561, Page 226, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case No. 2005-13). Tabled from the 5/17/05 P& Z meeting P&Z Commission Meeting June 7,2005 Page 2 of 2 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for neighborhood retail services inclusive of multi-tenant retail, financial institutions with drive-thru, sit down fast food services with drive-thru and light automotive, being generally located on the southwest corner of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and Parker Road (F.M. 2514), and more specifically described as a tract of land situated in the William Patterson Survey,Abstract No. 716, Block 1, Tract 4, Collin County, Texas, and also being out of that tract as recorded in Volume 445, Page 15, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and also being that tract as conveyed to Billy Joe Goen and Evalyn Goen, dated June 9, 1962, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of the William Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, Block 1, Tract 5, being out of that tract of land conveyed by J. T. Massey to Joe Taylor, et us by Deed dated January 26, 1952, recorded in Volume 445, Page 15 of the Collin County Deed Records. (Zoning Case No. 2005-10). WORK SESSION 1. Discuss potential revisions to the Zoning Ordinance to conform to recent changes in the Comprehensive Plan. ADJOURNMENT ili diic EAL i E c "r-L'-e€6 (0 e il • G'r � „'',,y4lE TEXPs``��Posted Friday, J e 3, 2005, at 5:00 p.rclAii �'''irr+++J +++�``�� THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 May 17, 2005 Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Eric Alexander Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Don Hughes Renae 011ie, Assist. Planner Dave Hennesey Dennis Larson Commission Members Absent: Scott Ames Red Byboth Kathy Spillyards CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hennesey gave the invocation and Commissioner Alexander led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Chad Jordan, 3105 Charles Court, Wylie, addressed the Commissioners with concerns on current agenda item on McMillan Ranch Apartments, to make sure that all building codes are met. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 3, 2005 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Alexander stated that he led the pledge of allegiance and not Commissioner Ames. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Hennesey, to approve the minutes with changes noted. Motion carried 4— 0. P & Z Commission Meeting May 17, 2005 Page 2 of 6 ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Multi-Family development on 18.7676 acres, being a portion of that called 112.1246 acre tract conveyed to Campbell/Wylie Partners, according to the deed filed of record in Volume 4343, Page 1370, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; and being a portion of that called 4.9455 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert V. Thurmond, Jr., according to the deed filed of record in Volume 5179, Page 1282, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop 224 multi-family dwelling units on 18.77 acres in the northeast corner of McMillen Road (Park Boulevard) and McCreary Road. The property was zoned MF with a Planned Development District (99-32) on October 1999. The Site Plan complies with the conditions of the PD and will comply with all other applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. The Final Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. Commissioner Hennesey questioned the retaining wall. Robert Voelker, NuRock Development, 700 E. Sandy Lake Road, Suite 146, Coppell, Texas, applicant for the development, stated that a wood fence will be on the east and west property lines, which will separate the residential district from the subject property. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to approve the Site Plan as submitted. Motion carried 4—0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for McMillen Ranch Addition. Subject property being a portion of that called 112.1246 acre tract conveyed to Campbell/Wylie Partners, according to the deed filed of record in Volume 4343, Page 1370, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Ms. 011ie stated that the Final Plat will create an 18.7676 acre lot for multi-family development. The Site Plan was previously considered on the current agenda. The Plat dedicates an additional 60 feet right-of-way for the improvement of.McMillen Road as the Park Boulevard regional thoroughfare. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Hennesey to recommend approval of the Final Plat for McMillen Ranch Addition. Motion carried 4—0. P &Z Commission Meeting May 17, 2005 Page 3 of 6 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Lost Acre Addition. Subject property being a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, being a 3.00 acre tract of land as recorded under County Clerk No. 96-0014543 of the Collin County Land Records. Ms. 011ie stated that the Preliminary Plat will create two residential lots totaling 3.00 gross acres. Lot 1 is 1.33 acres in size and Lot 2 is 1.38 acres in size. The property is within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the city limits of Wylie, and will comply with the construction regulations of the County. Currently no sewer line connects with the surrounding properties. The property currently has an existing residence on Lot 1 which includes a septic system. The developer will dedicate 40 feet of right-of-way for existing East Brown Road. Fred Bemendorder, 2000 Avenue G, Suite 810, Plano, Texas, surveyor for the subject property, stated that the owner will be selling Lot 1 with the residence, and keeping Lot 2 for future development, but no plans have been designed as of yet. The purpose of the Preliminary Plat is to set the boundaries for the two lots. With no further questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Hennesey, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to approve the Preliminary Plat for Lost Acre Addition. Motion carried 4—0. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Southbrook Phase II Addition. Subject property being a tract of land situated in the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980 and being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to Beazer Homes of Texas, L.P., according to the deed recorded in Volume 5541, Page 2286 of the deed records of Collin County, Texas. Ms. 011ie stated that a Preliminary Plat for the subject property was approved on May 14, 2002. On February 2002, the subject property was zoned as a Planned Development District (PD 02-08), which specified no alleys for the lots on the east and north of the property. The property will create 131 single-family residential lots on 40.6225 acres. The PD established a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet and lot width of 65 feet. The plat dedicates 2.5 acres open space, 0.68 acres of which is to count toward park dedication with the remainder of the park dedication requirement to be provided in cash or equivalent value of improvements. The Commissioner's approval of this plat will be contingent upon reconciliation of outstanding park dedication issues with City of Wylie Park staff. P &Z Commission Meeting May 17, 2005 Page 4 of 6 When Southbrook Phase One was approved by City Council, the applicant agreed to escrow the funds for improvements, however this has not been paid. The 0.68 acres complies with the park dedication for Phase Two only. Richard Hovas, Tipton Engineering, 6330 Broadway, Suite C, Garland, Texas, stated that the developer changed management teams and there was miscommunication on park fees. A check in the amount of$44,000 was paid last week. The agreement made with Parks and the developer was to go back to the original agreement of using the funds for improvements. This is the portion that is not in the floodplain. A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Hennesey, to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Southbrook Phase 2, contingent upon reconciliation of outstanding park dedication issues before the Council meeting on June 14, 2005. Motion carried 4—0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Planned Development (PD 01-14) District to Planned Development (PD) District to remove the current residential/non-residential ratio, property being located on the Southwest corner of Ballard Avenue and Brown Street at 311 N. Ballard Avenue (Zoning Case No. 2005-11). Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property was platted as Lot 17, Block 2 as the Brown and Burns Additions. The property is located on the southwestern corner of Ballard Avenue and Brown Street, two major thoroughfares. The lot is 65 feet wide and 125 feet deep, totaling 8,125 square feet in size. The lot is occupied by a building 3,386 square feet under roof (2,772 square feet air conditioned). In March 2001, the City Council approved a Planned Development District(PD 2001-14)to allow the construction of the structure and mixture of residential and nonresidential uses. The applicant desires to modify the PD which contains certain provisions that restrict the proportion of residential to nonresidential uses, and the required parking. The adopted PD provides that not more than 45% of the structure be used for nonresidential purposes. The applicant desires initially to utilize the building completely for nonresidential uses, but to retain the flexibility to use it either for completely nonresidential, completely for residential or any combination of these uses. P &Z Commission Meeting May 17, 2005 Page 5 of 6 The adopted PD provides that two on-site parking spaces shall be provided for the retail uses and two on-site spaces provided for the residential use, and that this on-site parking must be located to the rear of the lot. The proposed PD requires that four (4) on-site parking spaces be provided, located to the rear of the lot, and that the drive and garage may count toward the required parking. Four vehicles may be accommodated within the existing drive and garage, in compliance with this requirement. The Zoning Ordinance provides that within the DTH District parking for residential uses must be on-site, but that parking for nonresidential uses less than 4,000 square feet are not required to provide on-site parking but may utilize on-street parking, and that up to 25% of the required parking may be provided on-street. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant variances for up to 75% of the required parking within the DTH District. The existing 2,772 square feet building will require fourteen parking spaces if used entirely for retail and personal services and ten spaces if used entirely for office uses. Frank Banfill, 1207 Mobile Lane, Wylie, Texas, applicant for the subject property, stated that the desired business is a missionary travel agency and general offices with no commercial walk-in. This would employ approximately ten employees. Concrete was added to the side which will allow a total of eight parking spaces in the rear of the property and there are two parking spaces located in the front. Commissioners discussed the parking requirements and the PD Conditions which includes retail. Commissioners expressed their concern of parking and traffic for the area if retail was included in the PD, especially with the property being located on the corner of Ballard and Brown. Mr. Banfill agreed to delete the retail use in the PD Conditions. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the Commissioners, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to recommend approval of zoning change 2005-11, with stipulation that Special Condition of the PD does not include retail and no variance for parking. Motion carried 4—0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) District to Special Use Permit (SUP) District to allow for Indoor Commercial Amusement, property being located at 1776 SH 78 North (Zoning Case No. 2005-12). Applicant is requesting that application be withdrawn. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is requesting to withdraw the application. P &Z Commission Meeting May 17, 2005 Page 6 of 6 Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. With no one coming forward, Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Hennesey, to accept the withdrawal from the applicant on Zoning Change 2005-12. Motion carried 4 — 0. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses of varied densities, being a 185.1449 acre tract of land situated in the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 725, the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980, the Nathaniel Atterberry Survey Abstract No. 1099, and the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas and the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1114, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being all of a 53.42 acre tract of land and a 134.33 acre tract of land conveyed by deed to Mrs. Thelma Rice by Lone Star Boat Co., recorded in Volume 561, Page 226, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case No. 2005-13). Ms. 011ie stated that prior to the meeting tonight, the applicant submitted a request to table the subject item until June 7, 2005 meeting. Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. Karen McGinnis, 803 Bayou Court, Wylie, Texas, questioned the location of the zoning change from commercial use to single-family use, and if current building code would apply. Chairman Larson stated that the property is located at the intersection of FM 544 and Vinson Road at the triangle and the applicant is requesting the property to be a Planned Development District with conditions that will stipulate the building code, if different from the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Hennesey, to table the item until the June 7, 2005 Planning and Zoning meeting. Motion carried 4—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander,to adjourn the meeting at 8:00PM. Dennis Larson, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: June 7,2005 Consent Case Name: Creekside Estates Phase IV Addition Action 1 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Public Hearing Exhibits: Final Plat Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Creekside Estates Phase IV Addition, generally located east of McCreary Road and north of McMillen Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The Final Plat for the Creekside Estates Phase IV Addition includes 51.4399 acres and will create 114 single- family residential lots. The rezoning of this property from SF-3 to Planned Development District (PD 1999-32) for Single-Family uses was approved by the City Council in 1999. The Development Plan approved with the PD also serves as a Preliminary Plat for all phases of the development. To date, three phases of single-family residential lots have been approved, creating a total of 455 lots as well as recreational and environmental open spaces. The Final Plat substantially conforms to the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District and Development Plan, and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 05/25/05 1 BLOCK K BLOCK L BLOCK S BLOCK T BLOCK U Lor NO. SQ.FT ACRES LOT NO: SQ.FT ACRES LOT NO. SQ.FT. ACRES LOT NO. SQ.FT ACRES LOT NO. SQ.FT. ACRES 10117 ,L.g1:12 10318 V1r696 VICINITY MAP lEOTI Et ;°2470 git I i 10156 2;7 liirli 1:LOT 0.2269 If,g,T1..1i .13° iiiii 4 31018 0 .7121 .7018 I'I 87T-.!, LOT 5 l °0 1 099 i 0: _ /4 ALS tgl:ii 1,3%2 13760 glig: rl I 7=0 11434 1228653 ii! LOT 5 30572 1 ri tgl" = Of413 lifFT 87;7 If irg/lirr. Ei iiiii .1966 14174 tLiif? VIP LOT 40 13760 BLOCK 0 15 0.1967 ;31gE LOT NO. SQ.FT. ACRES LOT 12 tOi ‘/.iF9ig 0.1967 0.2396 LLL Og TIT:MI 88 5 58,5851 4:44 11 Os:1E 0.1966 Nor th PARKER ROAD C.R.247 'fil ii 19iii0 1121; gilt i34..s7, 11:0T;i 13177 altil 15585 0.3578 11-111.2 Pt CO'ggl LOT 13 LOT 14 OT/8 LOT 19 :7610 /LOT 20 8 3 ifli7°7 g..11;; OT 15 0..1466 0.1966 0.1966 0.2479 0.2965 0.1966 'O.' rgi ii IP 0:.19;; Ei5 F.3737g i.1197i 1111 lil 111 0.1976 i * MCMILLEN CENTER LINE TABLE CENTER LINE CURVE TABLE 0.1976 0 100 200 300 NUMBER DELTA RADIUS ARC BEARING CHORD Tg.„1,1;6: M NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE L-1 N 02'43,3-E -102.40' C-1 0859,8- 4720.00,741.38 N 86,30.47.W 740.62 Graphic Scale 1"=100' L-2 N 0118'59-W -196.83' C-2 00,3'05- 4720.00 72.88 S 8114'16-E 72.88 g:.71:i: L-3 N 0118,9, -280.00' C-3 86.32'35- 200.00 302.09 N 5515,9.E 274.18 f'.17 U111 l!gi g..2.0 MAPSCO PAGE 662-K REMAINDER OF CAMPBEL/WYLIE PARTNERS TRACT L-5 ,N 0118,,9--WW - . C ' . 00 2108669.5.065 SS 8849,7491'275.-EE 2108667.5.031 CC#98-0032454 C-6 13'30'12. 5280.00)244.38 S 8111'02-E /241.50 L-6 N 0220'09-E -1..06' CALLED 97.831 ACRES C-7 83'50'55" 100.00 146.. S 62'20'35.W 133.63 L-7 S 2025'07-W -151.47' D=13.05'33. L-8 8i1A:iiiiiii) ,11A11-1 R=420. S 2027- -5, W 190.45' C-8 0302'49. 5000.00 265.89 N 771522.W 265.86 A A00' L-9 S 1219'41.W -88.02' BLOCK V 4 5 A'022009.E-21.24' S 8739'51°E-50.00' PILAtril ,,,I rPtillii.13 A=1238.50' CI-1=5810705T L-10 S 000110.E -333.79' LOT NO. SQ.FT ACRES I 2 , ,,„. I I I . I 51 , i CL=1235.81. 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RUBY DR:-50-5'C--, ' -7*65' 7 --' 9 3:'''''18 '''''',' /74' / Rs / II ------_______ 1 , 2 '2':„,' 3 4 'E',,',- sb,,, .tN,' .L'- : - , _9:--529' 5.2R;O--7-------------. ."-- .65:-'` -- -., 7 .;`' , .?.,i 5 ',4.,-, ',-.'c' -''.--:, -.:' 6 ,,''s..''" 7 al 8 8-o'3' 9 .8:, .-'7--- .- --7•,' ---7•65' -- -....'2. I,L6I i'y, / 7 4-- 10 ?-:.' .R., .. _ // '1.2'11A7. -•-_____ -`94.45,i 1 9: Agas,, RIVERCHASE,PHASE 3 CABINET 0,PAGE 262 , 7 1 1,9 88.17' 73.64: 73.64' .64' 7.64• 7.64• 3 64• ' ' '''' •-•I'' 1 .' 12 ''''''.- '''' . 26' 41 •'-,: 4. 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FP 4.9 p 4. P ao.9. ,,,,,12., 1 11 CO, N 8558'13'W-350.62' N 89.48'23.W-2.38' S 86'29'37375.46' F L '`,, '-'-5 '''' 4 '' 5 -''''') 6 .' -'''' - ,_ 2 ., ,,,, '''',,,, ,I, 8 ,,,', 9-,,,IP s8912.54%.134w 5/8*I's cvoALLL.E,DT:11:131,010:::::1:ZSD2EN:ED .±,2 L , -- .7 8,02---70.92-,_ -•----- 25. ' r, ,i, !-I. I„,5.00 1 0. ---2,1-1-7,1----__-1_-ESLIE 1,---' ' ' --,.... --L 4.1,2• - 1' 1 ''' ©ci g 588.59'371.1-2("°'FINAL PLAT OVED DENI MAY 005 ..S 89.33'32:W- ,,,,,-•77,,,,-'-f--,,,,-----,----- -- 5.,..I.E. 7•_74.9, ---. 24.2 L, r- F?9., CREEKSIDIE14ETSOTTAALTLEOST,SPHAE 511JUN 0 2 2005 ', ' D.,6810'41---,-;.;•_ --(--_' ----- ,, 6 8- I ' ''-. • I 1 I i • ...• - 'I S89.58 50 W.t 4.S89.5850 W CALLED 112.18 ACRES 51440 ACRES SIT,ATE/I)IN Ti iE •,.1 R12575.03.,, , ,1 ,1 ,;1 8 R42575.00' ---,,,,,,,--- M, 0--382.52' --1;7;:_----_,„---,--____ ----,,,,r -643Y--1-11 6 115.00' r. J.B.PRINCE TRUSTEE VOL.3223,PAGE 956 -1,331.7wIii ' fli, '-',,:', ',.j'CH--.N 82108'28.W, •-, „' ...I7 __..__;= .;,,,.-T•, I de 3 ,r--.7..75. - 1 ® -1 ii-3-7,-, - i,,,, " i ,, d i __-...- L. 8.85' ,I i.---„,,,, LEWIS wM m.Mll TAcRHSEHLAL il_511._USRUVREVY,SURVEY a BAsBTSRTARc TA C NO oN.O.,_,,..0 Tr: 83.5 _1 il._t___L__________________L _L__._ (AaaA,-..,..,j1.a, As,,,,'-t,',,,19:- 1.3 ,_,1?,P. .. 1,, EHC 248.38 4,:l (1 4 a'8'. CITY OF WYll_dE .,,,, . Selling a portion of this additfon by PROPERTY LINE TABLE metes and bounds Is a violation of 1 1 I' ' 114 I ''xr;-----1 NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE City Ordinance and State I,.angd._ OWNER/DEVELO E'12_ L-1ii:tgercatncr b:Zirpdertricni" pECROLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS -----------------___ L-2 N 8,6,7-W -50.00' L-3 N 02.43,3-E -13.23' ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE,PHASE IV,DEVELOPMENT,INC. 8325 DOUGLAS AVENUE,SUITE 650 ,(40. 1 1, L-4 N 00.01.10.W -15..' DALLAS,TEXAS 75225 4B1r4°4c k Ne t.r:CL'aep:nt:tVrvol Dallas,Texas 75204 L-5 S 89'58'50.W -50.00' 214.691.2556 (214)824-3647 SANIT-RYCISVR ENMENT L-6 S 00.01'10, -13.00' CONTACT:GARY J.DEFRAIN - ---t-VOL.4784,PG.1931 2,dc7 RECORDED IN CAB. _, PG. Date,May,2005 Sheet 1 of 2 Job No.C04350 • Zg/d/TVL7ID,Y:CP'AINNERS" VOL.44,5G.747 - - - CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: June 7, 2005 Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-13 (Rice/Braddock Place) Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 1 Exhibits: Location Map Miscellaneous PD Conditions and Development Plan Other Notification List AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development(PD)District for single-family residential uses, property being generally located west of South Stone and north of Vinson Roads. ZC 2005-13 This item was tabled at the request of the applicant prior to the public hearing at the May 17,2005 P&Z meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial. The request does not conform to the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan for larger lots, nor does it offer innovations to justify a PD other than variances from the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. SUMMARY: Owner: Charles Rice Applicant: Skorburg Company The property totals 185.1449 acres, west of South Stone Road (old F.M. 544) and north of Vinson Road. The property was annexed into Wylie on September 28, 2004, and is zoned Agriculture (A) as a holding district until appropriate urban uses are requested. The property was previously occupied by a rural homestead. Notification/Responses — Of five (5) notifications mailed, one (1) written response opposed to the request was received (and that from beyond the notification area). Requires a simple majority vote of Council to approve. Comprehensive Plan— • Recommends 72% Suburban Residential (minimum 10K lots) and 28% Country Residential (1 ac lots). Residential density does not comply with the recently-adopted or previous Comp Plan. • Eliminates 0.4 ac NS(zoned such since 1985), complying with newly-adopted Comp Plan. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 05/27/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for single-family residential uses. ZC 2005-13 Tabled SUMMARY (Continued): Planned Development zoning is not justified, and the applicant has not demonstrated why development cannot be accomplished through standard zoning districts. The request offers limited innovations other than reduction of regulations of the adopted Comp Plan and code, nor does the property reflect physical constraints requiring variance from the Plan or code. Proposed Conditions of PD- • maximum Single Family lots, 450 w/park and school to 600 w/o park and school (proposed density+/- 3.9 to 5.1 d.u./ac., compared to 2.5 recommended by Comp Plan) • minimum lot size of 7,500 s.f. w/60%larger than 10,000 s.f. and 10% larger than 12,00 s.f. • Modified dimensional requirements - Type A lots- minimum dwelling size 2,400 s.f. on 10K& 12K lots, 70% of total (compared to 27%at+1 ac. and 73% average of 20K by Comp Plan) - lot width 70 ft. (compared to 75 for SF-10& 100 for SF-20) - reduced side and rear yard - Type B lots-minimum dwelling size 2,400 s.f. on 50%, 2,300 s.f. & 2,200 s.f. on 50% (compared to 1,700 s.f. for 8,500, 1,900 s.f. for 10K& 2,100 s.f. for 20K) - 70 ft. lot width(compared to 75 ft.) -reduced front, side and rear yard setbacks • Development requirements same as ZO, except - no garage doors facing front street, except for 2&l s where the single door may face the street - landscaped berm w/rail fence to replace perimeter solid masonry wall • No alleys required-but no garages shall face the front street, all other functions (access, utilities, drainage) are handled by other means, and alleys are not appropriate adjacent to thoroughfare, open space and existing rural residential without alleys. • Realigns Elm Drive as a 60 ft. R-O-W Secondary Collector street. • Transitional buffer against existing residences, to SW to be a min. 10K backing lots w/2,400 s.f dwellings, and to N to be min. 12,000 s.f backing lots w/2,400 s.f dwellings and tree buffer. • Tree preservation- save 25% of riparian trees 8 in. or larger, and all hardwoods 8 in. or larger w/in 3 ft. of perimeter property line. ZO requires consideration of all trees 6 in . and larger. • HOA to own and maintain street medians, green belts and common areas. Proposed park land totals 27.2 acres, and the required dedication is between 23 acres(if 430 lots are platted) and 30 acres(for the allowed maximum 600 lots). Approximately 4.5 acres of the proposed dedication is occupied by the major electric transmission line, but none is within the floodplain. WISD has agreed to purchase an 11-acre elementary school site w/in the subject property. Boundary discrepancy at Vinson Road must be reconciled at platting. The proposal is exactly the same as that approved by the P&Z on March 1 but denied by the City Council on March 22, 2005. **Alit''♦�♦♦ i w 1 1 `�E .-_.. .._.i.._._____-___i__.. ' i ' . i i . ii . i r i ,�....___.._..___. __i I..o.. • • do . i ' i i i i _... l..J L.._..__J - i i i i . - 1 ' i • . ci Ll f'\ ''''' . .._ ._.___ Subject . . . . Property . • . . .. ...,•• . _ i L , , .- Allill' MMft*• * , .1404110,„ ,,A,.,. • 44 \--. ��.- .11Ni In ter 4V . tt. 44#41. : EN MI nu Ell IIII ,.* ftlakr ,/, 440 , ♦ •:\t‘. ti � ♦ ♦ I ,.; ' ' i N'.....NNN\------- -1 1 i 1 1 --1,---r71-1.. r Li' vr-r- V V y,:."' I- 4* t 1 t i i.i i 4.-„,,,s .400, ..• ..,„„.k •,.. ,,,,,,, /77.7'\ '''. ;... I I I l l l l l l �� ����i+. • -,46 0 40, /40, N. LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2005- 13 Exhibit "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Braddock Place Zoning Case#2005-_ Planned Development Requirements: I. Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is to permit the development of BRADDOCK PLACE. II. Statement of Effect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as adopted and amended, except as specifically provided herein; III. General Regulations: All regulations providing for a Village Center District as set forth in Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts of the current Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply, except as otherwise specified under the special provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein and the conditions of the current Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all the zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development. Concept Plan: Development shall be in conformance with the Concept Plan attached herewith; however, in the event of conflict between the Concept Plan and the written conditions of this ordinance, the written conditions shall apply. Subsequent Submittals: A Development Plan shall be submitted for public hearing review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The Development Plan shall conform to the approved Concept Plan and conditions of the Planned Development, and shall serve as the Preliminary Plat. IV. Specific Regulations: i. General Residential Regulations 1. Density: The maximum number of Single Family Dwelling units permitted in this Planned Development shall not exceed 600 S.F. Units. In the event the Parks Department accepts the proposed Park depicted on the Zoning Exhibit the maximum number of units shall be reduced to 500 units. In the event Wylie ISD elects to construct a school on the proposed school site depicted on the Zoning Exhibit, the maximum number of units shall be reduced to 560 units. In the event the school and park are both developed according to the Zoning Exhibit, the maximum number of units shall be 460. 2. Lot Mix: A minimum of 10% of the Single Family Lots will be in excess of 12,000 sf. A minimum of 60% of the Single Family Lots will be 10,000 sf or greater. No Single Family lot shall be less than 7,500. For the purposes of determining these percentages, all calculations shall be on a cumulative basis. 3. Alleys shall not be required as part of this Planned Development. However, no garages shall face the street in front of each Single Family Lot. This can be accomplished either through swing driveways or alleys. However, when three car garages are constructed on a lot and a "2&1" configuration is used, the single car door may face the street. Garages may face the street on a corner lot side yard. 4. Distribution of the Single Family Dwelling Unit types shall be distributed within the development as shown on the Development Plan/Preliminary Plat submitted with each phase. ii. Single Family 1. Lot Area: The minimum permitted lot areas are: a. Lot Type "A": 10,000 s.f. b. Lot Type "B": 7,500 s.f 2. Lot Width: The minimum permitted lot widths (measured at the building line) are: a. Lot Type"A": 70 feet b. Lot Type "B": 65 feet 3. Lot Width of Corner Lots: The minimum lot widths of corner lots (measured at the building line) are: a. Lot Type"A": 75 feet b. Lot Type `B": 70 feet 4. Lot Depth: The minimum permitted lot depths are: a. Lot Type "A": 100 feet b. Lot Type`B": 100 feet 5. Lot Depth in Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted lot depths on double front lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 120 feet b. Lot Type`B": 120 feet 6. Minimum Dwelling Unit Square Frontage: The minimum permitted square footage is 2400 s.f. 7. Main Structure Front Yard: The minimum Front Yard Setbacks are: a. Lot Type "A": 25 feet b. Lot Type "B": 20 feet 8. Main Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yards (measured at the building line) are: a. Lot Type"A": 10% lot width b. Lot Type `B": 10% lot width 9. Main Structure Side yard on Corner Lot: The minimum permitted side yard setbacks adjacent to a street are: a. Lot Type "A": 15 feet b. Lot Type `B": 15 feet 10. Main Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yards shall be the lesser of: a. Lot Type "A": 20 feet b. Lot Type`B": 20 feet 11. Main Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted rear yards on double front lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 30 feet b. Lot Type `B": 30 feet 12. Main Structure Height: The maximum building height of any residential main structure shall not exceed 36 feet on all lot types. 13. Permitted uses: Permitted in all Single Family Residential Districts shall include the uses specified in the SF 8.5/17 District. 14. Accessory Structure Front Yard: Accessory structures shall be located behind the building line of the main structure for all lot types. 15. Accessory Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yard for accessory structures shall be 5 feet for all lot types. 16. Accessory Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yard for accessory structures shall be 10% of the lot depth for all lot types. 17. Accessory Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted rear yard for accessory structures on double front lots shall be 25 feet for all lot types. 18. Accessory Structure Side Yard on Corner Lots: The minimum accessory structure side yards on corner lots are 10 feet for all lots. 19. Accessory Structure Minimum Distance from Main Building: The minimum separation between the main building and an accessory building shall be 5 feet for all lot types. 20. Accessory Structures Building Area: The maximum cumulative building size for accessory structures on any lot shall not exceed a 600 s.f. maximum. This does not limit amenity centers that are part of a single family development. 21. Accessory Structure Height: The maximum building height of any accessory structure shall not exceed a maximum height of 36 feet or 2 stories on all lot types. V. Single Family Base and Desirable Requirements of the Village Residential District (Figure 3-14) shall apply fully to all phases of the Planned Development. 1.A landscaped berm and split rail fence shall be allowed along FM 544 in place of the required masonry screening wall. The berm shall be planted with a combination of hardwood and evergreen trees, irrigated by an underground system, and grassed with Bermuda, buffalo, or a rye/Bermuda mix. All open space areas will be maintained by the HOA. VI. Common Area Platting: All street medians, green belts and common areas not dedicated to the City must be maintained by the HOA, and shall be clearly delineated as such and the acreage shown for each common area on the final subdivision plat. VII. Tree Preservation: Toward the goal of preserving as many existing trees (8 in. caliper or larger) possible, a tree management plan provided by the owner as preserves at least 25% of the riparian tree cover shall be approved by the director of planning prior to commencement of any grading or infrastructure or improvements within the area of this Planned Development. VIII. Landscape Zone: In an effort to preserve the agricultural heritage of the Rice farm, as indicated by the existing fence line trees, the developer shall preserve all hardwood trees with a caliper of 8 inches or greater located within an edge zone that extends 3 feet from perimeter property line. IX. Screening and Landscape: A screening and landscape berm with split rail fence shall be provided along FM 544 in lieu of the brick screening wall . The berm shall have a sculpted, undulating form. A conceptual landscape plan to be provided with the Preliminary Plat. X. Transition Zone: In an effort to make a land use transition from the existing homes in the Twin Creek Ranch Subdivision, the developer shall establish an edge, one lot deep, of lots along the south western property line of this development that have a minimum lot size of 10,000 square foot and a minimum house size of 2,400 sf. In an effort to make a land use transition from the existing Pulliam residence north of the Property, the developer shall: (1)Establish an edge, one lot deep, of lots along the northern property line of this development that have a minimum lot size of 12,000 square foot and a minimum house size of 2,400 sf. and (2) Create a thirty foot (30') landscape buffer between the Pulliam property and Braddock Place that will be planted with evergreen trees thirty feet (30') on center along the edge of the property. XI. Homeowners Association: Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any dwelling unit, a set of bylaws and/or other restrictive and appropriate covenants and/or homeowner's agreement as approved by the City Attorney and duly recorded in the Deed Records of Collin County, to establish and maintain a Homeowner's Association for the ownership and maintenance of all non- dedicated common areas and improvements within the Planned Development District, shall be filed with the Building Inspections Department. XII. Amenity Centers: The developer will construct an amenity center in the Subdivision. The amenity center will feature a pool, playground, and cabana. The amenity centers will be for the residents of Braddock Place only and be maintained by the HOA. XIII. The Developer of the Braddock Place has met with the Wylie Independent School District and discussed the following terms for an elementary school site in Braddock Place: i. A mutually agreeable site within Braddock Place. ii. The exact size, location, and circulation pattern shall be shown on the Development Plan submittal for that portion of the Planned Development. L [i •II 7----, i. 35' MIN. - SPLIT RAIL 1 FENCE II--Ir ( SLOPE 1 ..}, ....! /SUBJECT 1 , , ! ! BERM DETAIL 30 OPEN SPACE WITH •,-....... .7;..14-&-' NTS CEDARS 49 30' O.C. (OR OTHER EVERGREENS) . ! . 1 VICINITY MAP • ! NTS T ,,„,L.., . , ,,,,-, ) ' ',/"" ''../ i 80' TYP (70' MIN) 65' TYP (65' MIN) r-- 20' 1 r-- 20' 1 rill 1111144:Mit ! ..... .... , , .z , .z . 15 15 ii 111111 1111: t -.1 ....-7' OR 10% 18 --..1 -..--6.5' OR 1 0% 18 411-11111.1111111hille i ii.1 • I1I 1L I i 5i • !•tI 4- -- POTENTIAL „ L ; ELEMENTARY i ,' : Ii SCHOOL SITE / j i'.' ,/ i I— 25' FRONT 20' FRONT I__________j— 1-----1 ii / „ r i : i !._. ..._ I .1------t • /'.,.• ,, iiI i Ili is •.. :. . TYPE A TYPE B 1---11/41--DRP4,---1 .-.-,___._..... . i .• !I TYPICAL LOT DIMENSIONS • i ---.- " PARK.--"-' i! PITS ... ii..„. . A MINIMUM .....- .." ..,OF 60% OF THE TOTAL LOTS MUST - .-BE 10,000 SF, OR TYPE 'A' LOTS. 1 _. .---. i• . . MAXIMUM HEIGHT - 36 FT „ i-' 4 1 . \ I \ _._ i•' IA.C.1111.7 I ...-' I i i I i I i i 11 • i i i i I i I i • i ..• 4 . . iii „ .• ! ...„ ., • ., , i • ,, i, .•, . _._._._.______.___ .-111, PARK •-•• iL !• i _.3..--• .--'" .--#. A \. . ibb. •\ 1! 40' \ • ., ,--‹ \74 • . • • / • / 1110111,_._•_. \ ti\ , \.) i „- > , • .\.'7 4,1111" • . . .. •-"" 111111 —! 0 !. • / '. /. i:' / • N. / /- 1 r ,i! t i % / •% -\•,. ./, / ,,• . , , , , ., if .. , .,. .,- ,• . . •, .,.# . A i i , , , i 4/1 No . , .\-.. , ........_ i 1 ,! i •. \. . • 4 \ • • • ./. \ '• I ! I ! .1% iz /. • ',.. ,/ ., . 4/. ',.• .•., i i i \ . . .4V . • • ilfit I i ! \ / '‘ • 4,1111,,...,. ... \I-/ .! ' ' '‘........------9%. 10\,. '•.,4110 4#\. .,. COLLIN COUNTY:z ./ ir.411P'-‘. ...7 DALLAS , ‘,.:44..-.....,:: COUNTY; 11'fl.N.1#4' ) „.. / ,!-- ....._._ „...„ .„ .. \*--•-/-1'z _.„ .- ,,, ... .\ -, , -,..; ., /.. , >..,5',\ \\. , I. ALL COMMON AREAS, INCLUDING BERMS ALONG FM 544, ARE 'c4r. '' , TO BE MAINTAINED BY HOA. ' . z 2. 10% 40 OF THE TOTAL LOTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION SHALL BE l?..\ 4! 1.t5• / ,'N A MINIMUM OF 12,000 SF. •. %.0. . / V7 3. MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 12,000 SF SHALL BE REQUIRED ADJACENT .., • / 0 ./ TO THE 30" OPEN SPACE AT THE NORTH EDGE OF THE TRACT. 0' 400' 800' 4. MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 10,000 SF SHALL BE REQUIRED ALONG ., / iiiiim THE SOUTHWESTERN PROPERTY LINE OF THE TRACT. SCALE: I ' = 400' PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: BRADDOCK PLACE SKORBURG COMPANY KENNEDY CONSULTING, INC. ZONING EXHIBIT 3838 OAK LAWN AVE., SUITE 1212 808 S. COLLEGE ST., SUITE 300 1185.2 ACRE TRACT DALLAS, TX 75219 214-522-4945 MCKINNEY, TX 75069 972-542-1754 WYLIE, TEXAS NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Ryan Betz of Skorburg Company APPLICATION FILE #2005-13 3838 Oak Lawn Dallas, Texas 75220 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant- Ryan Betz 3838 Oak Lawn 1 Skorburg Company Dallas, Texas 75220 Dallas County PO Box 9790 2 Abst 1 114 --- 65111431510050000 CMH Parks Inc. Maryville, TN 37802-9790 210 S. McDonald Street 3 FM 544 Collin Co. Commissioner's Court McKinney, Texas 75069 210 S. McDonald Street 4 Elm Drive Collin Co. Commissioner's Court McKinney, Texas 75069 Alen Clemson 411 Elm Street, 2nd Floor 5 Vinson Road Dallas County Commissioners Court Administrator Dallas, Texas 75202 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 1 am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case / #2005-13. \�°// 1 am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-13. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, May 17,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 14, 2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: '...__4. l'i,.) ( ) (please print) Address: l C6 —Th..)Li ) (ICL.CS A) V u 0 Id)e9 7- k 7 50( Signature: / C�,// (A�j Date: ,// -q COMMENTS: I am unclear on the zoning request for Zoning Case 2005-13 regarding the size of homes and lots. Although I realize development of the area will happen, I would once again like to remind the planning department of the traffic situation in the area. There are only two lane roads in and out of the area. With the high density d`eveTopment currently being built in Bozman Farms and in the current rezoning of the Collins tract, traffic conditions will just continue to worsen in the area. As I have stated in the past, the area is primarily large lots and there are some very nice homes in the area. I would hate to see the southeast side of town become the residential nightmare type area the rest of the city is becoming. Most of the area is county residents and we moved to that area for the reason of space between the neighbors. I would like to see the lot sizes stay in the rage of one or '/z acre lots minimum (preferably one acre lots) with homes sizes not below 3,000 square feet. Cheryl Smith � . ) � ------_'_-L | . .. � ' -�_ .... '- . | � | r-- _ -�'- ------ ` --- ---- i i | . _ ! / »nv' --- ------'----'--------'-- '-------- ! _ . L | | . ^ ) / wJ.1de ^� o n�^ U U N°~� u �K 8& �U�~~�� ~ U _� ~�~"�^~� ~°�' ~^�' » Property Y ~ / ^ >^ y / -~ PY�o '' W N0h� �� �� °° ������ 8� - 1 | �� CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: June 7, 2005 Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-10 (FM 1378 at FM 2514) Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 2 Exhibits: Location Map Miscellaneous PD Conditions&Development Plan Other Notification List AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture (A)to Planned Development (PD)District for commercial uses, generally located in the southwest corner of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and Parker Road(F.M. 2514). ZC 2005-10 This item was tabled at the request of the applicant prior to the public hearing at the May 3,2005 P&Z meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: Owner: Dennis and Dave Bell Applicant: Stephen Schattner of Imperial Holdings The property totals 2.138 acres in two separate parcels, west of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and south of Parker Road (F.M. 2514). The property was annexed into Wylie in 1999, and is zoned Agriculture (A). It is currently occupied by a Contractor's Storage Yard and a single-family residence. Notification/Responses — Six (6) notifications were mailed, and no responses have been received at posting. This request requires a simple majority vote of Council to approve. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 05/27/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for commercial uses. ZC 2005-10 SUMMARY (Continued): The requested retail/commercial uses conform to the recommendations of the recently-adopted Comprehensive Plan. The Plan recommends that such neighborhood retail be allowed at intersections of major thoroughfares such as the subject site. Planned Development zoning is requested in order to allow certain uses not currently allowed by right by the standard zoning. The PD proposes to allow financial services with drive-thru windows and minor automotive repair without Specific Use Permits, whereas the Zoning Ordinance allows these within the Neighborhood Services (NS)District only by approved SUP. The PD also proposes to allow drive-thru restaurants which are not allowed at all within the NS District. The development will otherwise comply with the standard requirements of the Neighborhood Services District. Staff believes that these added uses are appropriate at this major intersection, and the PD zoning is therefore justified. Commercial uses have already developed at this intersection of two regional thoroughfares, although none as yet within the City of Wylie corporate limits. A diverse mix of commercial uses, mostly convenience goods and personal services such as envisioned by the Neighborhood Services District, exist to the south of the subject tract around the intersection of the eastern Parker route. Parker Road will be realigned at some future date to remove the existing off-set jog, most likely by the extension of the western segment across Country Club. The exact route of this future alignment and how it may effect the subject property is unknown at this time. Subject ,n Properly • • I 3 LUCAS CITY LYi rs `--'.i F% 1 • LUCAS CITY L MTS --. --._. - -r— -- _- - ---.- -—r— � a VVVVVV 4, H i L____T___i_,_.:". 1____ ' ___.,..,___,_: -.rk r -:•• .i. 4 , . C • I __. { Y. �Y` '� g ft :a:_ 0 m I No.00*" I nMII♦ '---•------- -- = - k 111intt►n _ EE' • iiiii♦♦t n!��Itttuuitt0�� ���,j!! 1111111 -- f11l!utttl_T■I_L11IIIIIII/1_I1' tniimmo_131I4 $��Iln11f1 -- f�U♦1].�: I11♦♦♦♦♦♦♦1 -'r"_ ♦♦n1nt���♦tttt `get11n1111n1 1111:►�.c�v ��♦I�I�r:'v'u• lmnititmn1U11��; �. *-.1 ,. . i1t1111111 ii♦ _ -I/ii11d �����•�111♦1♦♦� i'' -#♦u1111111.uIUuti♦ �inuuuiui immu-- to ♦�. 0 Ium111 11�1♦u�lii , 0 � m =nu1 ♦1■o- i � �mm - Mum ♦ uu♦ 1 n♦nfl♦1lttt I P4uM - --._.__. _ _ --_;; ' !- 3 00...cWOIF,AWIROCANNI: 1 1 1 1 ,/ i' L $t1II....7,,,, ,,::. ,:.. ::8 : ,...r._Li ilrl \,: I .." 1111�11�1,� _ -i _ 1_ LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2005- 10 Exhibit B (Conditions of the Planned Development) Zoning Case No.: a_00 'iU Conditions of the Planned Development Disctict Southwest Corner of FM 1378 and FM 2514 in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas ABSTRACT A0716 PATTERSON, WILLIAM, BLOCK 1, TRACT 4, ACRES 1.138 with an address of 2695 Country Club Rd ABSTRACT A0716 PATTERSON, WILLIAM, BLOCK 1, TRACT 5, ACRES 1 with an address of 2675 FM 1378 A. General Conditions: 1. The purpose of this Planned Development (PD) District is to allow for neighborhood retail services inclusive of multi-tenant retail; financial institutions with drive-thru; sit down and fast food restaurant services with drive-thru; and light automotive. 2. This Planned Development District request shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances, unless specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the existing Neighborhood Services (NS) Zoning set forth in Section 4.1.A of the Zoning Ordinance (as adopted November, 2001) are included by reference and shall apply as specifically herein. B. Special Conditions: 1. This Planned Development District Permit shall apply only to Abstract A0716 Patterson, William, Block 1, Tract 4 and Tract 5, and shall not be transferred or applied to other uses or properties in any way. The applicant and operations shall remain in compliance at all times with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. 2. The following uses shall be permitted as functions of the PD: a. All uses allowed within the existing NR District b. Retail, financial and restaurant services with drive-thru's without SUP c. Light automotive repair with service bays 3. The drive-thru service window will not be located on any wall that is facing public streets 4. The applicant shall be in compliance with the existing NR code in every respect with exception to conditions indicated in Section B.2. above: HOLDINGS, L. P, ' .IMPERIUM -HOLDINGS .COM 6350 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE 163 1802 CRESTHAVEN DRIVE DALLAS,TEXAS 75240 AUSTIN,TEXAS 78704 972.385.1907(phone)972.991.1192(fax) 512.587.5679(phone)775.305.1800(fax) City of Wylie Attn:Claude 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 Claude: We just wanted to verify our understanding of the P&Z meeting last night is the same as yours.Below is a list of approved uses. Thank you for all of your help. 1. Animal Clinic or Hospital—With Special Use Permit 2. Automobile Rental-With Special Use Permit 3. Automobile Repair,Major—Not Allowed 4. Automobile Repair,Minor-Permitted 5. Body Art Studio—Not Allowed 6. Car Wash with Attendant(Full Service)-Permitted 7. Car Wash without Attendant(Coin Operated)-With Special Use Permit 8. Club or Lodge(Non-Profit)-Permitted 9. Contractors Maintenance Yard—Not Allowed 10. Dry Cleaning or Laundry,Drop-Off or Self Service(On-Site Dry Cleaning and Laundry Operations for Cleaning)-Permitted 11. Cleaners(Commercial)—Not Allowed 12. Equipment Rental-With Special Use Permit 13. Food Processing-Permitted 14. General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f.or less-Permitted 15. General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f.or more-Permitted 16. Home Improvement Center,Lumber,Brick,or Building Materials-With Special Use Permit 17. Household Equipment&Appliance Repair-Permitted 18. Motor Vehicle Fueling Station-Permitted 19. Pawn Shop—Not Allowed 20. Personal Service Use-Permitted 21. Restaurant with or without Drive-Through Service—Permitted 22. Restaurant with Drive-in Service—Not Allowed 23. Truck Machinery&Heavy Equipment Sales,Service or Repair—Not Allowed 24. Vehicle Display,Sales or Service—Not Allowed 25. Financial Institution with Drive-through Service-Permitted 26. Financial Institution without Drive-through Service-Permitted 27. General Office-Permitted 28. Medical Clinic-Permitted Thomas Glendenning • . • r r-, • : --simmisr-- ,.. . ' ' • . . . . ' • . ,r-,„ ,. • .,44 ...„, t•croi t44 '.i?.'•41--: ;c:. 4.'. --,:s.t)-- - ro•ra I A ki....10,P*47S ,,N4 41, I k 4 , / i..4%;`•L.11^ .... ! i 1 . ' le'l , ,/. ILI gs 1 r c..) , . / ,' ,. . Qz,,,, ,.,1 ui IfiSzilk y •= .4—, 1 . :3t,r,,3 7),---,, t , t4,li 1"J;N:, F ^,. c.) I •1,,,,,,,tt7.3 cl 5,, 'Pc = 1 , ii. ',II;v•,;,-..,....r,,...1 - t,; c•T4 CD 1 r I r F.(,-2,': ) s....., 1 ''' „„„.i I 4" 1 4.. ro,;„„ ,.fr;.„,J.,,', ,A,,,,3 SW go . .. . . IIIZA i r 41. WM •010 WM Wye* ril, , •• 4' 1 I -; I , i 1 . 1 #^4 / "4111;10#4 , t•)..II oo CD i cr 1 r :sv ,,,, - 1 I re) ;-,- 1 - i• "sakielVra ig,.-- ,„„,,,,,, / I t VA I i 1 I rm—,.1.,. . OW . . *Ai WO •••• 415516 WIN OM INIft...11±— I'r b-1 Air#IP OW IMO Ow srl)es' ....„_.... ... 111" ' - 1 47•01.. --- " - t ..ii - '4,4 ,;,..t.• i • •10,11**IMIMMINOMMIIIII0 * • r Sr ‘c,5,1,,,•• 74) -,. .1,, A ,-4, ,•,,,, 1,,,.•--s---,-',v NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Stephen Schaffner of Imperium Holdings, LP APPLICATION FILE #2005-10 6350 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 163 Dallas, Tx. 75240 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant- Stephen Schaffner 6350 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 163 1 Imperium Holdings, LP Dallas, Texas 75240 One Cornerstone Lane 2 Abst. 716-1 Tract 4 R-6716-001-0040-1 Dennis Bell Rockwall, Texas 75087-8301 One Cornerstone Lane 3 Abst. 716-1 Tract 5 R-6716-001-0050-1 Dave Bell Rockwall, Texas 75087-8301 2625 FM 1378 4 Abst. 716-1 Tract 7 R-6716-001-0070-1 RM Young Wylie, Texas 75098-7748 6935 Taylor Lane 5 Abst. 716-1 Tract 9 R-6716-001-0090-1 Bradley Webb Wylie, Texas 75098 4411 Parker Road 6 Abst. 716-1 Tract 32 R-6716-001-0320-1 Thomas Sessums Wylie, Texas 75098-7 7 1 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ou-h5 ide Linitts ( FM2614 ( Parka oa4') i //6-/ Tr T"r52 I /-NI c I ± I - - -� Tr v7S5- vl8.-- - 1 r to ct� . r Try � � I l loo ' ZONING CASE #2010 - i( MemoCity of Wylie To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners Franz Mary Bradley THRU: Claude Thompson Planning Director Date: June 9,2005 Re: Zoning Ordinance Revisions Attached are the Residential and Nonresidential District Regulations for your review. This is junction with the Residential and Nonresidential point design standards which was distributed at the last meeting. Please write your recommendations down and at the next meeting all recommendations from each Commissioner will be discussed with Staff. If you have questions please feel free to contact Claude at 972.442.8159 or Renae at 972.442.8157. I am available if you are unable to contact Claude or Renae at 972.442.8158. 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 (972)442-8158 * Fax(972)442-8115 ARTICLE 3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS SECTION 3.1 COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS The Comprehensive Master Plan calls for the establishment of country residential areas outside of the village centers and its surrounding suburban residential areas where the country and or rural atmosphere can be preserved. These districts provide for very low density residential development and agricultural uses which will preserve the amenities of a rural environment and provide a buffer between the village centers and its adjacent development. A. Agricultural District(AG/28) 1. Purpose: There exists in parts of the City, land which is presently used for agricultural purposes and to which urban services may not yet be available. These lands should continue to be used for agricultural purposes until needed for urban purposes in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Master Plan. It is anticipated that lands currently zoned and used for agricultural purposes will eventually be used for more urban purposes as the City develops.Newly annexed areas that are predominantly used for agricultural purposes may be zoned as an agricultural district until other zoning is required. Agricultural districts outside of the Comprehensive Master Plan's designated village centers would be expected to be rezoned to a country residential district in the future. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Agricultural District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-1 -Agricultural District (AG/28) _Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) Minimum 2 acres Lot Width(feet) 200 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 230 Lot Depth(feet) 300 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 300 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 2,800 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 50 Side Yard(feet) 20 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 50 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 Rear Yard(feet) 50 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 50 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet) 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: a. Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. b. A minimum separation of 100 feet between agricultural buildings and dwelling units on the same lot shall be maintained. Agricultural buildings for the purpose of this provision means those buildings used of the raising of crops or animals, or for the storage of agricultural equipment, supplies, or products. c. A minimum setback of 100 feet from the property line shall be provided for any agricultural building. d. Accessory structures on lots greater than 5 acres in area do not have to be behind the rear building line of the main structure. B. Single Family-1 Acre District(SF-1A/26) 1. Purpose: SF-IA/26 is a single family residential district for detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 1 acre without any large animals and a minimum lot size of 2 acres with large animals. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family— 1 Acre District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-2-Single Family 1 Acre District(SF-1A/26) Lot Size No Large Animals With Large Animals Lot Area(sq. ft.) Minimum 1 acre Minimum 2 acres Lot Width (feet) 150 200 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 175 230 Lot Depth(feet) 200 300 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 200 300 Dwelling Regulations No Large Animals With Large Animals Minimum Square Footage 2,600 2,600 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 90 50 Side Yard(feet) 20 20 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 40 50 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 30 Rear Yard (feet) 50 50 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 50 50 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet) 36 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 36 4. Additional Provisions: a. Refer to additional requirements in Article 7,General Development Standards. b. A minimum separation of 100 feet between agricultural buildings and dwelling units on the same lot shall be maintained. Agricultural buildings for the purpose of this provision means those buildings used of the raising of crops or animals, or for the storage of agricultural equipment, supplies, or products. c. A minimum setback of 100 feet from the property line shall be provided for any agricultural building. SECTION 3.2 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS The Comprehensive Master Plan calls for the development of suburban residential areas surrounding the village centers. These districts allow for single family, detached housing within the rings surrounding the village centers. Higher density single family districts are more appropriate close to the village centers while the lower density districts may be placed further away from the village centers. A. Single Family-30 District(SF-30/24) 1. Purpose: SF-30/24 is a single family residential district allowing detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family-30/24 District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-3-Single Family 30 District(SF-30/24) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 30,000 Lot Width(feet) 125 Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 140 Lot Depth(feet) 175 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 195 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 2,400 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 30 Side Yard(feet) 15 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 30 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 30 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 50 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet) 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. B. Single Family-20 District(SF-20/21) 1. Purpose: SF-20/21 is a single family residential district allowing detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family-20/21 District, including density,height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-4-Single Family 20 District(SF-20/21) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 20,000 Lot Width (feet) 100 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 115 Lot Depth(feet) 150 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 170 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 2,100 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 30 Side Yard(feet) 15 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 30 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 30 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 50 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet) 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. C. Single Family-10 District(SF-10/19) 1. Purpose: SF-10/19 is a single family residential district allowing detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family-10/19 District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-5-Single Family 10 District(SF-10/19) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 10,000 Lot Width(feet) 75 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 90 Lot Depth(feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 120 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,900 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 25 Side Yard(feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 25 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 Rear Yard(feet) 25 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 45 Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. SECTION 3.3 VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Village Residential Districts provide for appropriate land uses and density of uses within locations designated as village centers in the Comprehensive Master Plan. Residential uses within and immediately adjacent to the village centers provide a built-in support network for businesses located within it. Village centers provide a focus for civic, commercial, entertainment and service-related uses for a neighborhood. A. Single Family—8.5 District(SF-8.5/17) 1. Purpose: The SF-8.5/17 district is a single family residential district allowing detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 8,500 square feet. This is the highest density single family detached housing residential zoning allowed in Wylie and is intended to be adjacent to village centers. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family-8.5/17 District, including density,height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-6-Single Family 8.5 District(SF-8.5/17) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 8,500 Lot Width(feet) 70 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 75 Lot Depth(feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 120 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,700 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard (feet) 25 Side Yard(feet) 7 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 25 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 25 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 45 Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. B. Townhouse District(TH) 1. Purpose: The TH district is a single family residential district allowing attached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 3,500 square feet. The Townhouse District is intended to provide flexibility for development of properties that are providing open space, preserving natural areas of value, or avoiding areas with environmental hazards. The Townhouse District should be adjacent to or part of a mixed use development within the village centers. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Townhouse District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-7-Townhouse District(TH) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 3,500 -exterior w/side yards 3,000 - interior wino side yards Lot Width(feet) 30 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 45 Lot Depth(feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 120 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,000 - Duplex(2 dwellings) 1,200- others(3+dwellings) Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 15 Side Yard(feet) 0 or 5 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 15 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) NA Rear Yard(feet) 25 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 45 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. C. Multifamily District(MF) 1. Purpose: The MF district allows for high density residential development immediately adjacent to, or within, village centers. The Multifamily District provides for the development of multiple dwelling units on the same lot. Dwellings may be placed in one or more buildings and multiple buildings may be developed on the same lot. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Multifamily District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-8-Multifamily District(MF) Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 43,560 Lot Width(feet) 100 at street with length—width ratio of 1:3 or less Lot width of corner Lots(feet) NA Lot Depth(feet) 150 with length—width ratio of 1:3 or less Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) NA Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage EF- 600 sf; 1 BR-750 sf; 2 BR-900 sf; 3 BR- 1,000 s.ft. Maximum Density 15 Dwelling Units/Gross Acre Building Separation between detached buildings(feet) 20 or height of building,whichever is greater. Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 30 from any street frontage Side Yard(feet) 20 from any interior lot line Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) NA Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) NA Rear Yard (feet) 20 from any interior lot line Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) NA Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 36 4. Additional Provisions: Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. D. Manufactured Home District(MH) 1. Purpose: The Manufactured Home District allows for mid-density manufactured home parks or subdivisions immediately adjacent to, or within, village centers. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Are provided for both a manufactured Home Subdivision and a Manufactured Home Park, These development standards are shown in the following charts. Figure 3-9-Manufactured Home Subdivision (MID Lot Size Lot Area(sq. ft.) 7,200 Lot Width (feet) 60 Lot width of corner Lots(feet) 70 Lot Depth(feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 120 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,000 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 25 Side Yard (feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 20 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use(feet) NA Rear Yard(feet) 25 Rear Yard Double Front Lots(feet) 40 Height of Structures Main Structure(feet 30 Accessory Structure(feet) 15 4. Additional Provisions for Manufactured Home Subdivisions: a. Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. b. Manufactured housing design and construction will comply with manufactured housing construction and safety standards published by the department of housing and urban development pursuant to the requirements of the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act(Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 5221f, as amended)and all manufactured housing will be subject to inspection by the building official. c. All manufactured housing within a subdivision shall be set on a solid slab structure or pier and beam foundation.Additional rooms in the subdivision, such as enclosed porches, etc., shall be constructed on a solid slab. d. Accessory buildings will be either manufactured or constructed in accordance with city codes. Figure 3-10-Manufactured Home Park(MH) Lot Size Lot Area for the Park as a whole 2 acres Lot Area(sq. ft.)for Manufactured Home Pad Site 5,550 Lot Width(feet) 100' at street with length—width ratio of 1:3 or less Lot Depth(feet) 150' with length—width ratio of 1:3 or less Overall Density 7 Dwelling Units per Gross Acre Lot Depth of Double Front Lots(feet) 120 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 1,000 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Pad Sites Front Yard(feet) 20 Side Yard(feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) 20 Rear Yard (feet) 10 Maximum Coverage 25% Minimum separation between Dwelling Units 20 Yard Requirements—Overall Site Open Space—Recreational Areas(Parks over 20 200 sq. ft. per DU DU's) Minimum Open Space regardless of number of units 4,200 sq. ft. Height of Structures Main Structure (feet) 30 Accessory Structure(feet) 15 5. Additional Provisions for Manufactured Home Parks: a. Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Standards. b. Screening. Screening shall be as described and required in this ordinance, as amended, and this section. (See typical lot and layout following this section.) c. Open space. Open space recreation areas shall be free from traffic hazards, easily accessible to all park residents, and centrally located where topography permits. d. Sidewalks. Sidewalks must be 2 feet from the curb, of standard construction as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance, as amended, with a minimum width of 4 feet. e. Fencing requirements.The manufactured home park site shall be fenced as follows: (1) The entire area of the manufactured home park, including open spaces and other required improvements, shall be fenced. This perimeter fence shall be provided regardless of abutting property uses or zones and shall be placed just within the property line.The fence shall be constructed of masonry and shall be at a minimum height of 8 feet. Such fence shall be kept in good repair. (2) Any site sideline shall be screened for a distance of 200 feet to a height of 8 feet where there is 200 feet available. (3) The remaining fence shall meet the existing zoning requirements. ABERNATHY iva ROEDER �� -�� 6e. BoYDL JOPLINPC • MEMORANDUM • DATE: June 1, 2005 TO: Mayors,Council Members,City Managers, City Administrators,Clients and Friends of the Firm FROM: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin' RE: 2005 Legislative Update The 2005 Regular Session of the Legislature has been adjourned. Many bills affecting municipalities of all types were presented. For your information, some of the most significant survivors are outlined below. Most of the bills below have either been signed by the Governor, or sent to the Governor for signing. The Governor has 10 days from receipt to either sign or veto a bill, or it becomes law without his signature. Please feel free to contact any member of the firm should you have a question regarding any new legislation. Some Bills that may be of interest to municipalities are as follows: a. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE AMENDMENTS i. Chapter 245-Vested Rights: S.B. 848 &S.B. 574 (Both of these Bills have been signed by the Governor): (1) Adds that a contract or agreement related to construction of water or sewer facilities is considered a"permit" for vesting purposes; (2) Allows vesting to start even if an incomplete application is filed, but application may expire after 45 days if the city gives certain notices of the deficiencies to the applicant within 10 business days of receipt of the application and applicant does not correct [Note: You should be aware that a municipality may still deny the plat within 30 days for failing to meet ordinance requirements, including incomplete information. Denial stops the clock from ticking, prevents vesting and removes the burden from the city of ensuring the applicant has submitted everything. We recommend that you contact us regarding reviewing your ordinance to add amendments for your protection in response to this legislation]; (3) landscaping,tree preservation, and open space or park dedication are now exempt from vesting; and TO: Clients and Friends of the Filet May 31, 2005 Page 2 (4) impact and development fees now freeze at time of vesting,not at the time the plat is finally filed. ii. Chapter 212-Moratoriums: H.B. 3461 (This Bill has been signed by both the Senate and House and is waiting to be sent to the Governor): (1) the procedures for enacting a moratorium on commercial development have been adopted. iii. Chapter 380-Economic Development Programs: H.B. 918 (This Bill has been signed by the Governor): (1) Economic development programs authorized by this Chapter may now be utilized in the ETJ. iv. Chapter 398:Special Events: S.B. 1253 (This Bill has been signed by the Governor): (1) If certain criteria are met, sales tax revenues may be used to support a special event if it will provide substantial economic benefit to the city. v. Chapter 212-Municipal Subdivision Regulations: H.B. 1835 (This Bill has been signed by both the Senate and House and is waiting to be sent to the Governor): (1) If the city requires as a condition of approval for a development that the developer bear a portion of the costs of city infrastructure improvements beyond the city's minimum adopted standards for on- site development by the making of dedications, the payment of fees, and/or the payment of construction costs, the developer's portion of the costs may not exceed the amount required for infrastructure improvements that are roughly proportionate to the proposed development as approved by a licensed professional engineer that is retained by the city. vi. Chapter 271-Purchasing and Contracting Authority:H.B.2039(This Bill has been sent to the Governor): (1) States that a municipality waives sovereign immunity as to suit in state court for breach of contract when it enters into a purchasing contract authorized by Chapter 271 of the Local Government Code, but limits the types of damages that may be sought against the municipality. TO: Clients and Friends of the Fii in May 31, 2005 Page 3 b. GOVERNMENT CODE (OPEN MEETINGS ACT) AMENDMENTS i. Chapter 551-Open Meetings: S.B. 286 (This Bill has been signed by the Governor): (1) requires mandatory open meetings training for members of )1f. governmental bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act starting in January, 2006. c. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CODE i. Chapter 26-Beer and Wine Off-Premise Permits: H.B. 937 (This Bill has been signed by the Governor): (1) Retail stores selling beer and wine may now offer free product samplings in the store. ii. Chapter 105-Hours of Sale and Consumption: H.B. 168 (This Bill became effective without the Governor's signature): (1) Alcohol maybe sold(with proper permit)and consumed at a festival, fair or concert between the hours of 10:00 am and noon on any day. Note: Bills can be viewed at www.capitol.state.tx.us 382691.111 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE DISTRIBUTION PHILOSOPHY The Comprehensive Plan provides general guidelines for the appropriate location and concentration of development for the major types of land uses, and,thereby,provides a basis for planning public services and infrastructure,within Wylie and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The Plan offers generalized criteria for the testing of zoning regulations and requests for changes in current use, as well as for evaluating newly arising issues and uses. Both the quality and quantity of public as well as private development can be directed by the philosophy of the Plan, in order to determine how best to utilize Wylie's only nonexpendable resource—our land. The following philosophy provides criteria for allocating residential, commercial, industrial and public land uses within the Comprehensive Plan. Application of these criteria will assure the suitability of future land development patterns to achieve the common goals of both the public and private sectors. RESIDENTIAL Wylie has historically been primarily a residential settlement, and most of its remaining land is suitable for a variety of housing types. Wylie should continue to grow as a"bed-room community,with residential as the principal land use,while providing a balanced variety of housing opportunities. Future residential development should be planned to provide a choice of dwelling types but in compatible neighborhoods which reflect this historic low-density rural character. This philosophy also dictates that less land be allocated to nonresidential service uses, but more to roads, parks, and schools and other residential-support uses. In order to address the public revenue deficit created by dependence on residential property taxes,the development requirements of the Zoning Ordinance should be enhanced by increasing dwelling size and making the currently-optional amenities required on all new construction and thereby increasing the value. Three levels of residential density are proposed,based on the current zoning classifications. High-Density Residential This category includes small-lot detached and collectively attached dwellings, and should be limited to infill only,to those tracts already platted or zoned for such densities and housing types with no expansion of this category by rezoning. Variances from the current code regulations may be required to accommodate such in-fill development or the redevelopment of older areas developed in compliance with earlier codes. Medium-Density Residential This category includes only detached single-family dwellings of not more than 4 dwelling units per acre (minimum lots size of 10,000 sq. ft.). These developments should be designed as traditional • suburban residential neighborhoods located closest to vehicular thoroughfares and urban services such as retail, schools and parks. Low-Density Residential This category is intended to accommodate the rural residential development, with lots exceeding 1-acre in size. Such lots need not accommodate agriculture uses, and must be 2 acres or larger to accommodate livestock or cultivated crops. These areas may have rural/estate streets with no curb or subsurface drainage, and be furthest from thoroughfares. COMMERCIAL Commercial land uses provide retail goods and personal services as well as employment opportunities to support the local residential population, and public sales tax revenues to supplement property taxes. Such uses should be located along thoroughfares, preferably at major street intersections, to avoid their traffic from negatively impacting residential neighborhoods. Wylie's potential to support commercial land uses is constrained by its limited ultimate population and the competition of near-by regional- scale commercial centers. To serve the future population,three types of commercial categories are proposed, defined by their primary service function and named by the appropriate zoning classification of the current Zoning Ordinance. Neighborhood Services These are retail/office centers smaller than 10 acres intended to serve immediately adjacent residential neighborhoods with convenience goods and services, and accommodate the uses of the Neighborhood Services (NS) and Office (0)zoning. These uses should be clustered in unified centers and designed to reflect the character of the adjacent neighborhoods which they serve. The centers should be evenly distributed throughout Wylie, located at least two miles apart at one or two corners of 4-way intersections of major thoroughfares (4 to 6 lanes). Community Retail Community commercial centers serve the population of the entire community and several residential neighborhoods with comparison shoppers' goods as well as convenience goods and personal services. These should accommodate the uses of the Community Retail (CR)zoning, accommodate a broad diversity of uses,be unified in plan and design, and be located at major intersections. Three locations are recommended for this category: including the central commercial complex at SH 78 and FM 544; to the east SH 78 at Park Boulevard; and to the west FM 544 at CR 1378/Country Club. Mixed-Use Corridor Commercial This category should be the most diverse and intensive mixture of commercial uses. These uses are located along major thoroughfares to accommodate easiest vehicular access. They accommodate the broadly-varied uses of the current Corridor Commercial (CC) zoning district, from convenience retail and services to light industry. Such uses are planned and constructed as common"strip" developments or independent free-standing establishments with common joint/cross access, but are guided by design regulations of the Zoning Ordinance and screened from residential adjacency. INDUSTRIAL Industrial land uses primarily provide employment for the local population while providing manufactured products for the region and world beyond, as well as generating private revenues through employment and sales and public revenues through taxes. Industrial uses can generally be divided into two categories, depending on the intensity of the operations and their consequences, and their locational requirements depend on such impacts. Heavy Industry Heavy industry generally includes the more-intensive processing and manufacturing of raw materials into usable products, and such operations normally create the most obnoxious consequences. Heavy industry requires access to regional transportation (highways and rail) and resources (water) as well as special utilities, and should be isolated or buffered from other land uses on larger campus settings. The northeast area of Wylie, as well as the existing Premier Business Park in the southwest, provide these unique locational criteria. This category corresponds to the Industrial (I) District of the current Zoning Ordinance, and should be developed in larger, campus environments. Light Industry Light industry includes less-intensive assembly,warehousing and distribution of products, as well as people-based office-oriented operations and even intensive commercial activity. These uses are related to the Business Center(BC)zoning district, although setback requirements of the BC must be adjusted to accommodate the platted smaller lots. Such operations can be located on the smaller lots within existing Century, Regency and Wyndham industrial districts, as well as the expansion of the Wyndham area toward the north and Regency to the west. INSTITUTIONAL/PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC All private development requires certain public or quasi-public support use,which must be planned in coordination with the private uses. Municipal Uses Some municipal uses (such as business offices) need to be centrally located and equally accessible by all residents,while others (such as fire stations and water/sewer pumping) need to be decentralized and equally accessible to all residences. New municipal offices should be located in combination with other compatible public and private services to create an efficient and coordinated Town Center to serve as Wylie's central address and destination place. Utilities (such as water and energy)have unique design criteria which largely dictate their location. Public utilities must be within or adjacent to the other land uses which they serve, but should be located as well as designed so as to blend with rather than detract from the character of the surrounding primary uses. Streets and roads make development possible, and their capacity largely dictate (or are dictated by)the potential density/intensity of the various uses of land. Thoroughfares should be planned in accordance with the current Thoroughfare Plan and Engineering Design Standards. Schools and Houses of Worship Schools and day care operations as well as churches and other religious instructions generally belong in close proximity to the residential populations which they serve. However, as major vehicular traffic generators,these institutional uses should be placed to the exterior of residential neighborhoods and clustered together when possible. Parks and Recreation Public parks and recreational facilities should be located in accordance with the adopted Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Both public and private leisure amenities should be designed as a complementary asset to the residential uses rather than detract from them with traffic, noise, incompatible designs and other nuisances. ct: 05/12/05 SECTION 3.4 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS A. Points Required All properties must meet base requirements provided in this section for Land Design, Street and Sidewalks, and Architectural Standards. In addition, properties must also achieve points in each of these categories,based on the location of the property. The required points are detailed in the following sections. B. Purpose of Residential Design Standards 1. Land Design Standards.The purpose of the Land Design Standards is to provide for public pathways,to provide public access to open space,to provide enhancements along pathways, and to provide for village and suburban residential walkways. 2. Street and Sidewalk Standards.The purpose of the Street and Sidewalk Standards is to provide for street treatments, pedestrian sidewalk and crosswalk standards, and to address location criteria of subdivisions adjacent to major thoroughfares. 3. Architectural Standards.The purpose of the Architectural Standards is to provide standards for exterior facades, roof quality, repetition of residential unit designs, garage doors, and façade upgrades in village residential areas. C. Design Standards Review 1. All residential development shall achieve at a minimum the required number of points in Figures 3-12, 3-13 and 3-14. 2. Details of the Land Design Standards are included in Subsection D, details of the Street and Sidewalk Standards are included in Subsection E, and details of the Architectural Standards are in Subsection F. FIGURE 3-11—DESIGN STANDARDS INDEX r e:,c' i& Country Residential Districts with or AG/28, SF-1A/26 See Figure 3-12 without adjacency to open space Suburban Residential Districts with or SF-30/24, SF-20/21, See Figure 3-13 without adjacency to open space SF-10/19 Village Residential Districts with or SF-8.5/17, TH, MF, See Figure 3-14 without adjacency to open space MH FIGURE 3-12 COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT(AG/28, SF-1A/26)REQUIREMENTS A.COUNTRY LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties with adjacency to flood plains, open space, electrical or water easements, or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Lake Ray Hubbard. PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Public Open Space Easements 10' open space easement and 8' trail 20' open space easement 10 39 Perimeter Walkways and 10' buffer with 4' walk a. 20' buffer with 4' walk 10 or Landscape b. 20' buffer with 8' trail 15 40 Connections of Open Space to 30' connection, 4' walk, every 10 lots a. 50' connection 5 or Residential Development b. 50' connection with 8' trail 10 or c. Streets alongside open space 25 41 Lighting and Furnishings along Lighting—low-height solar lighting a. Exercise equipment 10 open space easements and trails every 200' b. Water fountains 10 Benches with backs every 1/2 mile or c. Decorative paving 5 portion thereof d. Enhanced cross walks 5 Total Number of Land Design Points Available 80 Total Number of Land Design Points Required 25 B.COUNTRY LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties without adjacency to flood plains, open space, electrical or water easements, or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Ray Hubbard. _ PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Perimeter Walkways and 10' buffer with 4' walk a. 20' buffer with 4' walk 10 or Landscape b. 20' buffer with 8' trail 15 Total Number of Land Design Points Available 15 Total Number of Land Design Points Required 10 C.STREET AND SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS (For all Country Residential Districts) PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 43 Curvilinear Streets Meet standard city requirements Provide curvilinear streets 20 43 Entry Features and Medians 100 foot right of way for 200 feet. Landscape median 15 Brick or stone walls 43 Signage at Entries Signage incorporated into entry wall None NA or monument sign 44 Pedestrian Crosswalks Connected system, striped Paver,brick or stone 10 45 Sidewalk Locations Both sides of street, continuous None NA pathway 45 Sidewalk Width 4' concrete a. 5' concrete 10 or b. 8' concrete 15 45 Sidewalk Material Concrete a. 20%special paving 10 or b. 50%special paving 15 46 Sidewalk Lighting Low height solar every 200' Signage on decorative lighting poles 10 47 Location of Required Alleys Screen parallel alleys from view No alleyways parallel to streets 20 47 Screening of Res. Units Backing Screen with masonry or concrete No residential units backing onto streets 20 onto Major Thoroughfares walls Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Available 125 Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Required 30 D.ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS (For all Country Residential Districts) PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 49 Exterior Façade Material 100%brick, stone or masonry stucco None NA 50 Front Entry Cover 40 square feet covered front entry; 60 square feet covered front porch 20 min 2 1/2 foot roof covering 50 Chimneys Chimney enclosure required Brick fireplace matching exterior 5 51 Roof Pitch 6:12 minimum roof pitch a. 8:12 or greater 5 b. Dormers, or combination hip and gable 10 51 Roof Materials Asphalt shingles,no wood shingles. Architectural grade overlap shingles 5 Paint rooftop accessories to match 52 Units with same floor plan and 4 lots skipped same side of street, 7 lots skipped same side of street, 20 same street elevation 2 lots skipped opposite side of street 4 lots skipped opposite side of street and and no identical floor plans side by no identical floor plans side by side side 53 Garage doors on street elevation Offset,min. 5', max 50%of elevation a. Doors recessed from main front facade. 10 b.Not on primary street elevation 20 Total Number of Architectural Points Available 95 Total Number of Architectural Points Required 30 FIGURE 3-13 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT(SF-30/24,SF-20/19,SF-10/22)REQUIREMENTS A.SUBURBAN LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties with adjacency to flood plains,open space,electrical or water easements,or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Lake Ray Hubbard. PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Public Open Space Easements 10' open space easement and 8' trail 20' open space easement 10 39 Perimeter Walkways and Landscape 10'buffer with 4' walk a.20' buffer with 4' walk 10 or b.20'buffer with 8'trail 15 40 Connections of Open Space to 30' connection,4' walk,every 10 lots a. 50' connection 5 or Residential Development b. 50' connection with 8'trail 10 or c. Streets alongside open space 25 41 Lighting and Furnishings along open Lighting—low-height solar lighting every a.Exercise equipment 10 space easements and trails 200' b. Water fountains 10 Benches with backs every 1/2 mile or c. Decorative paving 5 portion thereof d. Enhanced cross walks 5 42 Pedestrian Linkages to the Village Clearly defined pedestrian linkage a.No unit more than 3,000' actual distance 15 Center b. Separate 8'hike and bike connection 30 Total Number of Land Design Points Available 125 Total Number of Land Design Points Required 45 B.SUBURBAN LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties without adjacency to flood plains,open space,electrical or water easements, or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Ray Hubbard. PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Perimeter Walkways and Landscape 10' buffer with 4' walk a.20' buffer with 4' walk 10 or b.20' buffer with 8' trail 15 41 Lighting and Furnishings along open Lighting—low-height solar lighting every a.Exercise equipment 10 space easements and trails 200' b. Water fountains 10 Benches with backs every 1/2 mile or c. Decorative paving 5 portion thereof d. Enhanced cross walks 5 42 Pedestrian Linkages to the Village Clearly defined pedestrian linkage a.No unit more than 3,000' actual distance 15 Center b. Separate 8' hike and bike connection 30 Total Number of Points Available 90 Total Number of Points Required 35 C.STREET AND SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS (For all Suburban Residential Districts) PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 43 Curvilinear Streets Meet standard city requirements Provide curvilinear streets 20 43 Entry Features and Medians 100 foot right of way for 200 feet. Landscape median 15 Brick or stone walls 43 Signage at Entries Signage incorporated into entry wall None NA or monument sign 44 Pedestrian Crosswalks Connected system, striped Paver,brick or stone 10 45 Sidewalk Locations Both sides of street, continuous None NA pathway 45 Sidewalk Width 4' concrete a. 5' concrete 10 or b. 8' concrete 15 45 Sidewalk Material Concrete a. 20% special paving 10 or b. 50% special paving 15 46 Sidewalk Lighting Low height solar every 200' Signage on decorative lighting poles 10 47 Location of Required Alleys Screen parallel alleys from view No alleyways parallel to streets 20 47 Screening of Res. Units Backing Screen with masonry or concrete No residential units backing onto streets 20 onto Major Thoroughfares walls Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Available 125 Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Required 55 D.ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS (For all Suburban Residential Districts) PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 49 Exterior Façade Material 100%brick, stone or masonry None NA 50 Front Entry Cover 40 square feet covered front entry; 60 s.f. covered front porch 20 min 2 1/2 foot roof covering 50 Chimneys Chimney enclosure required Brick fireplace matching exterior 5 51 Roof Pitch 6:12 minimum roof pitch a. 8:12 or greater 5 b. Dormers, or combination hip and gable 10 51 Roof Materials Asphalt shingles, no wood shingles. Architectural grade overlap shingles 5 Paint rooftop accessories to match 52 Units with same floor plan and 4 lots skipped same side of street, 7 lots skipped same side of street, 20 same street elevation 2 lots skipped opposite side of street 4 lots skipped opposite side of street and and no identical floor plans side by no identical floor plans side by side side 53 Garage doors on street elevation Offset, min 5', max 50% of elevation a. Doors recessed from main front façade. 10 b.Not on primary street elevation 20 Total Number of Architectural Points Available 95 Total Number of Architectural Points Required 30 FIGURE 3-14 VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT(SF—8.5/17,TH,MF,MR)REQUIREMENTS A.VILLAGE LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties with adjacency to flood plains,open space,electrical or water easements,or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Lake Ray Hubbard. PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Public Open Space Easements 10' open space easement and 8' trail 20' open space easement 10 39 Perimeter Walkways and Landscape 10' buffer with 4' walk a.20'buffer with 4' walk 10 or b.20' buffer with 8'trail 15 40 Connections of Open Space to 30' connection,4' walk,every 10 lots a. 50' connection 5 or Residential Development b. 50' connection with 8' trail 10 or c. Streets alongside open space 25 41 Lighting and Furnishings along open Lighting—low-height solar lighting every a.Exercise equipment 10 space easements and trails 200' b. Water fountains 10 Benches with backs every 1/2 mile or c. Decorative paving 5 portion thereof d. Enhanced cross walks 5 42 Pedestrian Linkages to the Village Clearly defined,direct pedestrian linkage No unit more than 1,300' actual distance 10 Center Total Number of Land Design Points Available 90 Total Number of Land Design Points Required 30 B.VILLAGE LAND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS For properties without adjacency to flood plains,open space,electrical or water easements,or property adjoining Lake Lavon or Ray Hubbard. PAGE# ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 39 Perimeter Walkways and Landscape 10' buffer with 4' walk a.20' buffer with 4' walk 10 or b.20' buffer with 8'trail 15 41 Lighting and Furnishings along open Lighting—low-height solar lighting every a.Exercise equipment 10 space easements and trails 200' b. Water fountains 10 Benches with backs every 1/2 mile or c. Decorative paving 5 portion thereof d. Enhanced cross walks 5 42 Pedestrian Linkages to the Village Clearly defined,direct pedestrian linkage No unit more than 1,300' actual distance 10 Center Total Number of Land Design Points Available 55 TOTAL NUMBER OF LAND DESIGN POINTS REQUIRED 15 C.STREET AND SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS (For all Village Residential Districts) PAGE# ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 43 Curvilinear Streets Meet standard city requirements Provide curvilinear streets 20 43 Entry Features and Medians 100 foot right of way for 200 feet. Landscape median 15 Brick or stone walls 43 Signage at Entries Signage incorporated into entry wall None NA or monument sign 45 Sidewalk Locations Both sides of street, continuous None NA pathway 45 Sidewalk Width 4' concrete a. 5' concrete 10 or b. 8' concrete 15 46 Sidewalk Lighting Low height solar every 200' Signage on decorative lighting poles 10 47 Location of Required Alleys Screen parallel alleys from view No alleyways parallel to streets 20 47 Screening of Res.Units Backing Screen with masonry or concrete No residential units backing onto streets 20 onto Major Thoroughfares walls 48 Village Res. Pedestrian Decorative pavers, brick or stone, None NA Crosswalks striped 48 Village Res. Sidewalk Material 20% specialty paving 50% specialty paving 10 48 Village Res. Street Trees Front yard trees Front yard trees evenly spaced on both 20 sides of street Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Available 130 Total Number of Street and Sidewalk Points Required 55 D.ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS (For all Village Residential Districts) PAGE# BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS Element 49 Exterior Facade Material 100%brick or stone None NA 50 Chimneys Chimney enclosure required Brick fireplace matching exterior 5 51 Roof Pitch 8:12 or greater with architectural grade Dormers,or combination hip and gable 10 overlap shingles 51 Roof Materials Asphalt shingles,no wood shingles. Paint Architectural grade overlap shingles 5 rooftop accessories to match 52 Units with same floor plan and same 4 lots skipped same side of street, 7 lots skipped same side of street, 10 street elevation 2 lots skipped opposite side of street 4 lots skipped opposite side of street and and no identical floor plans side by no identical floor plans side by side side 54 Village Residential front entry cover 20 sf minimum front porch, 5' minimum a.Porch railing part of front porch design 5 width b.40 sf minimum front porch, 5' minimum width 10 54 Village Residential Mail box Paired at lot line One style throughout development 5 locations 55 Village Residential garage doors Offset, 12"minimum,maximum 50 Not on primary street elevation 20 percent of elevation Total Number of Architectural Points Available 70 Total Number of Architectural Points Required 40 SECTION 4.4 NONRESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS A. Points Required All properties must meet base requirements provided in this section for Site Design, Landscaping, and Architectural Features. In addition,properties must also achieve points in each of these categories, based on the district in which the property is located. The required points are detailed in the following sections. B. Purpose of Nonresidential Design Standards 1. Site Design Standards.The purpose of the Site Design Standards is to provide for building and parking placement, access drives and the location of service and loading areas. 2. Landscaping Standards.The purpose of the Landscaping Standards is to provide for landscaping in required yards,parking lots and street frontages. 3. Architectural Features.The purpose of the Architectural Features is to provide for exterior building materials, building articulation, form and massing, and architectural compatibility. C. Design Standards Review 1. All nonresidential development shall achieve at a minimum the required number of points discussed in Figures 6 through 8. 2. Details of the Site Design Standards are included in Subsection D, details of Landscaping Standards are included in Subsection E, and details of the Architectural Features are in Subsection F. FIGURE 4-6 SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS PAGE ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE POINTS 65 Building Placement a. Entrances and/or facades oriented to the street. a. Building at the front yard line. 20 b. Building footprints no greater than 20,000 square b. Individual buildings w/footprints=or< 10 feet in NS and CR Districts. 10,000 square feet. c. Multiple buildings placed to create plazas, c. Front facade oriented to the street. 10 courtyards, landscaped areas w/connecting walkways. 66 Parking Placement a. To extent possible, parking to side and rear of a. Site plan with no parking in front of the 20 building in NS, CR. and CC Districts. building. 10 b. Parking spaces at least 10' from residential lot b. Building with no more than one row line. parking in front. 67 Access Drives a. Minimum width of 24' turning radius of 25'. a. Combined access points with adjacent 20 b. Access drive at least 150' from intersection. tracts. c. Access drives serving developments greater than b. Landscaped treatment of entrances. 10 30,000 sq.ft. shall have separated median, or be c. Direct connection between buildings and 10 separated at least 150' from each other. street. d. Any development not able to meet base standard"b" shall be required to earn an additional 10 points. 68 Location of Service a. Service and loading areas shall not be visible a.Not visible from public street but provide 10 and Loading Areas from a public street or adjacent residential lot. masonry screening. b. Developments unable to meet the above are required to have masonry screening walls w/gates. Total Number Of Site Design Points Available 120 Total Number Of Land Design Points Required 60 FIGURE 4-7 LANDSCAPING POINT REQUIREMENTS PAGE ELEMENT Base Standard Desirable POINTS 69 Landscaping in a.At least 20 % of site shall be landscaped in a. Landscaping that exceeds the minimum. 5 pts/5%- Required Yards NS, CR, & CC Districts; 10% of site in CR& total of 20 CC Districts for single buildings of 100,000 sq 10 ft. or more; 10% of site in BC and I Districts. b. Landscaping is required in the front yard. b. Landscaping in side and rear yard not c. Landscaping is required in side and rear yards otherwise required. adjacent to, or across the street from residential. 69 Landscaping of a. Site plans requiring more than 12 spaces a. Landscaping in excess of 50 sq.ft./space. 5 pts/10 sq Parking Lots required to have 50 sq.ft. of landscaping per ft—total of space. 25 b.No parking space further than 60' from b. Parking lots with no space further than landscaped area on site. 40 feet from a landscaped area. 10 c. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have c. Landscaped pedestrian connection to landscaped islands at end. main entrance. 20 d. All parking rows shall have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. 71 Visual Screening a. Required screening in strip at least 5' wide, No additional design attributes plants 3' in height when planted, include one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of area. 71 Landscaping of a. At least 50% of required front yard developed a. Use of rock walls or other natural 5 pts/10% Street Frontages as landscaped buffer, at least 10' in width. landscape features. increase— b. Trees required in buffer, in groves or belts on b. Increase in minimum width of landscape total of 20 a 30—40' spacing. buffer. 5 c. Required trees at least 3" in caliper. c. Increase in width of public walkway. d. At least 4' meandering concrete walkway on d. Provision of special benches, pedestrian 5 perimeter when adjacent to thoroughfare. lighting other streetscape elements. 10 Total Number of Landscaping Points Available 140 Total Number of Landscaping Points Required 55 FIGURE 4-8 ARCHITECTURAL POINT REQUIREMENTS PAGE ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE POINTS 73 Building Materials a. Buildings constructed of 100% masonry a.Use of two complementary primary 10 materials in NS, CR, CC, BC and I Districts. facade materials to help achieve facade b. Roofs with pitch greater than 2:12 use specified articulation,visual variety and/or roofing materials. architectural detailing. 73 Building a. Walls not exceed height width ratio of 1 to 2 a. Application of base standards to facades 20 Articulation,Form without variation in massing of facade. At least not facing a public street. and Massing 25% of facade offset at least 4'. b. Use of Architectural detailing and/or 10 b. Entrances must be emphasized with materials to provide variety in visual architectural elements. appearance. c. Ground floor facades in NS, CR, &CC Districts required specified features along 60% of length. 77 Architectural a. Buildings in the NS and CR Districts shall be a. Buildings with pitch roofs meeting 10 Compatibility architectural compatible with surrounding minimum requirement of residential neighborhoods. development. b. Buildings in CC District adjacent or within b. Buildings with hip roof sections, 20 200' of residential areas shall be dormers or two or more gable roof architecturally compatible. sections at right angles to each other. Total Number of Architectural Points Available 70 Total Number of Architectural Points Required 35_