08-17-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I August 17, 2010 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 17, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 3, 2010 Regular Meeting. August 17,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council amending Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.D (Office), 5.1.E (Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement), 5.1.F (Retail, Personal Service & Commercial), and 5.1.J (Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards and parking requirements relating to office, amusement, and retail uses, specifically car washes, Inside Commercial Amusement, check cashing business, and home occupations. ZC2010-04 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 13th Day of August, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday,August 11, 2010 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko arriving late. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, Monica Wyrem, Intern,and Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Jordan gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. Commissioner Kopchenko arrived for the meeting. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 20, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Jordan, to approve the minutes from July 20,2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6—O. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Concept Plan/Site Plan for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 on three lots on 4.1 acres, generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Minutes August 3,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 5 Ms. 011ie stated that the Concept Plan/Site Plan has come before the Commission in March 2010. With changes in the Egress and Ingress, which also affected water lines within the North Texas Municipal Water District easement, the applicant withdrew the previous approved Concept Plan/Site Plan and Replat and re-submitted including the revisions. Ms. 011ie reviewed the property layout, property dimensions, and Site Plan for the Cartopia Car Wash for the newly appointed Commissioners and for a refresher to the other Commissioners. The Site Plan is for a 5,396 square foot single tunnel full service car wash, located on 1.2 acres. Tunnel entry will be from the north and exit due east, there will be no bay door facing FM 544. A revised Replat is on the current Agenda for consideration. The lot numbers will not be Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 5, but rather, Lot 1R, 2R and 3R to be consistant with typical Replatting procedures. The Site Plan for Cartopia Car Wash is on Lot 2R. A Final Site Plan will be required for Lots 1R and 3R prior to development. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is providing a five foot visual screen at the rear of the property, with a masonry enclosed dumpster. The property line of the car wash is 100 feet away from the residential zoning boundary to the north and 200 feet to the nearest residential structure. Commissioner Tamez questioned the lighting at the rear of the property. Mr. Dinesh Mehra, 2000 E Lamar Blvd, Suite 600, Arlington, TX, represented the applicant, stated that the lighting will be security lights. The car wash will close at 6:30 or 7:00 pm, and will close earlier in the winter. A motion was made by Vice Chairman Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve the Concept Plan/Site Plan for Williams Addition on three lots on 4.1 acres, generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Motion carried 6 —0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the Replat shows significant changes in the access easement, as well as alternative layout for the water lines that intersected with the NTMWD water easement, from the Replat that was submitted in March. Thus, the applicant withdrew the previous plans and resubmitted the attached to reflect such changes. An accommodating Concept Plan/Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration. The Lots will be revised to Lot 1R, Lot 2R and Lot 3R prior to submittal to City Council. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Vice Chairman Wright, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating three commercial lots for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 1R, 2R, and 3R. The subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Motion carried 6—0. Minutes August 3,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 5 3. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located at 507 Thomas Street. Ms. Wyrem stated that the applicant proposes to construct a single story commercial style building of 7,533 square feet on 4.62 acres for use as a House of Worship. The existing one story residential style brick structure will be used as church offices when the new structure is completed. The proposed building will be constructed primarily of face brick with stone and stucco accents. A Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. Commissioner Dahl questioned the access for fire lane. Mr. Haskins stated that the fire lane is a hammerhead to the south of the property,which allows for trucks to turn-around. Commissioner Kopchenko questioned the material for the awnings. Mr. Bryan Rogers, Better Design Resources, LLC, 511 Rustic Place, represented Designer for the property stated that the awnings will be standing seam with metal roof. A motion was made by Commissioner Jordan, and seconded by Vice Chairman Wright, to approve the Site Plan for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located at 507 Thomas Street. Motion carried 6—0. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located on 4.613 acres at 507 Thomas Street. Mr. Haskins stated that the Preliminary Plat establishing boundary lines for a House of Worship located on the northeast corner of Thomas Street and Pirate Drive. The Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration. A 24 foot Access and Fire Lane Easement is dedicated by the Plat. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Waterbrook Bible Fellowship, a Worship Facility located on 4.613 acres at 507 Thomas Street. Motion carried 6—0. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural/30 (A-30) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to be located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Zoning Case 2010-03 Ms. 011ie stated that the rezoning is for a 2.772 acre tract from A-30 to Commercial Corridor (CC) District. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E Brown Street. Minutes August 3,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 5 The applicant, Mitchell Planning Group, LLC, is requesting to rezone the property to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to allow for a convenience store selling gasoline, beer and wine. A final site plan and final plat will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for recommendation and approval. Prior to construction of the new facilities, two metal storage buildings totaling 18,800 square feet will be removed. The applicant is proposing a single story building on the site with two separate canopies to house twenty (20) gasoline pumps. Twenty (20) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet, and two responses were received; one in favor of the request and one in opposition of the request. Chairman Johnston questioned the location of the floodplain. Ms. 011ie stated that the FEMA Floodplain Zone "AE" runs along the northern property line and includes a heavily vegetated tree line. No part of the building or canopies will be located within the floodplain. Chairman Johnston asked how much higher is the pumps and building located than the floodplain. Ms. 011ie stated that the floodplain issues will be addressed in the Site Plan submittal. Ms. Karen Mitchell, Mitchell Planning Group, P.O. Box 137118, Fort Worth, Texas, applicant for the subject property,presented a brief slideshow outlining the background and existing locations for RaceTrac Petroleum. Ms. Mitchell stated that RaceTrac Petroleum is proposing to construct a 4,997 square foot single story convenience/retail/gasoline facility. The estimate tax revenue is 108,000 for the city annually. Mr. Travis Henegar, P.E., RaceTrac Petroleum, 3225 Cumberland Blvd., Atlanta, GA, stated that in response to the concerns of the floodplain question, the flood elevation maps listed is 09, the finished floor elevation (FFE) is generally 23', which is well above the 100 year floodplain. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. With no further questions, a motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural/30 (A-30) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to be located on the northeast corner of S.H. 78 and E. Brown Street. Zoning Case 2010-03. Motion carried 6 —0. Minutes August 3,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 5 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 7:05PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes August 3,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 5 This page is intentionally blank 114/11:' Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 17, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2010-04 Date Prepared: April 30, 2010 Exhibits: Draft Ordinance, Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council amending Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.D (Office), 5.1.E(Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement), 5.1.F (Retail,Personal Service & Commercial), and 5.1.J(Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards and parking requirements relating to office, amusement, and retail uses, specifically car washes, Inside Commercial Amusement, check cashing business, and home occupations. ZC2010-04 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.D (Office), 5.1.E(Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement), 5.1.F (Retail,Personal Service & Commercial), and 5.1.J(Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards and parking requirements relating to office, amusement, and retail uses, specifically car washes, Inside Commercial Amusement, check cashing business, and home occupations. ZC2010-04 Discussion In researching permitted uses associated with office, retail, personal services and commercial uses, and where such uses are located throughout the city, including parking requirements for various indoor commercial amusement facilities, staff offers several amendments in an effort to better streamline and quantify certain use categories. Specific uses researched include financial institutions, car washes, commercial amusement or recreation, inside, and home occupations. The elements that are surrounded by these type uses need to be specifically addressed. High volume traffic areas need some oversight. Under Section 5.1.D Office, Financial Institutions are currently categorized as "with and without drive-thru services". As the market has changed and as varying facility types have evolved, it is apparent that our ordinance should be updated to reflect a more streamlined category. Staff is proposing to broadly define the financial institution category where it is not all-inclusive. The proposed amendment would classify such uses as: 1. Financial Institution,with drive-through a. Definition: Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution with drive-through window means a facility granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking as a state-chartered bank, savings and loan, or credit union for the custody, loan or exchange of money, and the extension of credit that provides drive-in window service for customers in motor vehicles. This term excludes a check cashing or payday loan establishment, loan or mortgage broker, stockbroker or other financial institution without a state bank charter. An automatic teller machine is not considered a bank. 2. Financial Institution,without drive-through Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 a. Definition: Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution without drive-through window means a facility granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking as a state-chartered bank, savings and loan, or credit union for the custody, loan or exchange of money, and the extension of credit that does not provide drive-in window service for customers in motor vehicles. This term excludes a check cashing or payday loan establishment, or other financial institution without a state bank charter. An automatic teller machine is not considered a bank. 3. Financial Institution,Alternative a. Definition: A non-depository, check cashing business, payday advance or loan establishment, money transfer business holding a Money Transmission or Currency Exchange license with the Texas Department of Banking, car title loan business or an automatic teller machine. Section 5.1.E.1 Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside is currently listed as a single category, and thus the use has only one parking requirement. Staff research has lead to a recommendation that the Zoning Ordinance divides Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside into two distinct categories with different parking requirements. Staff recommends that the current parking requirements of 1 space per 100 square feet of floor area be retained under a High-Density category. The uses for this category include billiard parlors and arcades among others. These uses typically have a high occupancy potential as the amusement devices themselves have relatively small footprints and use a small floor area. Staff also recommends that a second Low-Density category be created that would be parked at 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area, plus four spaces per unit of entertainment. The uses in this category typically include bowling alleys, miniature golf facilities, and batting cages. These uses have a lower occupancy potential as the amusement devices themselves have a large footprint and can use a majority of the available floor area. 1. Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside a. Low-Density (1). Definition: Low-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee, where the space used by the equipment for the games or entertainment preclude occupancy of a majority of the floor space. These types of uses include, but are not limited to bowling alleys, miniature golf, and sporting practice cages. b. High-Density (1). Definition: High-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee, where a majority of the floor area is usable for occupancy. This use typically includes but is not limited to billiard parlors, arcades, and other coin-operated machines. Currently car wash facilities as defined in Section 5.1.F Retail are allowed by right in Community Retail (CR), Commercial Corridor (CC) and permitted through approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) within the Neighborhood Services (NS) District. Through staff research, most car wash uses (self-service or tunnel) are restricted to either more intense commercial districts or require SUP oversight. While Staff understands the need for car washes for our city and its citizens, we must also consider specific criteria that put into place certain safeguards as it relates to site layout. The proposed amendments will address greater setbacks from residential districts as well as where vacuum areas and/or detail areas are located on the site. Water conservation and smart water use plays a substantial role in the protection of our environment. Providing Page 3 of 3 commercial car washes provides an alternative for individual property owners who would otherwise wash their vehicles in their driveways. Although the TCEQ considers individual residential car washing as an "occasional incidental non-storm water discharge," a small amount of pollutants including oil, grease, wheel cleaners, and soaps are likely to be contained in the discharge flowing from the individual's site. Eventually, this discharge can enter storm drains and flow into our lakes, rivers, and streams. Commercial car washes are typically water efficient and have measures installed in them to capture oil, grease, and sediments so that these contaminants are not discharged into the environment. Aesthetically, car washes can be designed to be compatible with the surrounding area. However, in the unfortunate event of the business failing, the reuse of such a facility is very limited and lends itself to a vacant building that will blight the area until it is demolished and the entire site is redeveloped. Staff is proposing several additional provisions to safeguard site design,including but not limited to: 1. All washing facilities shall occur under a roofed area with at least two walls; 2. Limit where vacuuming and detailing takes place on the site; 3. Distance from the building to a residential district line; 4. Implement provisions to construct a permanent screening fence or wall not less than six feet in height along any site property line which abuts a residential district. 5. Require all car wash uses to seek approval through an SUP. In regards to Section 5.1.J Accessory Uses, 9. Home Occupations, staff recommends an amendment to the language that would allow customers to retrieve previously purchased items from the business owner's address. The current ordinance states that"there shall be no sale of merchandise which requires customers to go to the property". This statement as it is written prevents the pick-up of such typical home sale items as cosmetics,pre-packaged spices, candles, firearms, books, etc. Today many consumer purchase items via the internet, telephone, or at product-sponsored home parties Some of these transactions, due to State and Federal regulations, have additional steps in the process that necessitates the products being delivered to the sellers address and not to the customer who originally made the purchase. A change to the home Occupation Ordinance would allow for these transactions to be completed in Residential Zoning Districts. The primary change in text removes the statement that there shall be no sale of merchandise which requires customers to go to the property, and replaces it with sales from orders previously made by telephone, internet or at a previously held off-site sales party may be filled on the premises. Another safeguard being proposed is to limit the total floor area to be used for the home occupation. No home occupation shall exceed 10 percent of the total floor area of the principal building, this would include attached garage, and shall not be located within any accessory building. It is not Staff's intent to simply make this an open-ended market where residential neighborhoods would begin to resemble commercial districts. Therefore, certain safe-guards are proposed to insure that residential neighborhoods continue to maintain a residential character and not allow an over-abundance of traffic that is not customarily associated with single-family dwelling areas. Approved By Initial Date RO 08/13/10 Department Director r[i: Zoning Ordinance ARTICLE 5 USE REGULATIONS SECTION 5.1 LAND USE CHARTS Buildings, structures and land shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the following Land Use Tables, subject to all other applicable requirements of this ordinance. Page lof 225 ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS Zoning Ordinance Residential Districts Permitted Uses Non-Residential Districts Low-Density Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Residential Density Residential Uses Residential AG/3 SF- SF- SF- TH MF MH D. Office NS CR CC BG L I H I DT SB 0 IA/ 20/ 10/ H 30 26 24 1. Financial Institution S S P P (with drive-thru) 2. Financial Institution P P P P PPP (without drive-thru) 3. Financial S S S S S SS Institution, Alternative 4. General Office P P P P PPP 45. Medical Clinic P* P P P* P* P P P=Permitted P*=Permitted with additional requirements when located in this district. S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit Residential Districts Permitted Uses Non-Residential Districts Page 2of 225 ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS [i: Zoning Ordinance Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses Density Density Residential Residential Residential AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF MH F. Retail, Personal NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO 30 IA/ 20/ 10/ 30 26 24 Service & Commercial S 1. Animal Clinic or S P P Hospital 2. Automobile Rental S P* P P* P 3. Automobile Repair, S S P Major 4. Automobile Repair, S P P P S Minor 5. Body Art Studio P* P* 6. Car Wash S PS PS 7. Club or Lodge(Non- P P P P P profit) 8. Contractor's S P Maintenance Yard 9. Dry Cleaning or P P P P P P* Laundry, Drop-Off or Self Service 10. Cleaners S P* P* (Commercial) 11. Equipment Rental S S S P P 12. Food Processing S P* P P 13. General Merchandise P P P P* P P P or Food Store 5,000 s.f. or less P=Permitted P*=Permitted with additional requirements when located in this district. S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit Page 3of 225 ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS Zoning Ordinance D. Office Uses 1' Financial Institution,with drive-through a. Definition: Bank headquarters or branch ofoF-Gnondol institution with drive-through window means a facility granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking as a state-chartered bank, savings and loan, or credit union for the custody, loan or exchange of money, and the extension of credit that provides drive-in window service for customers in motor vehicles. This term excludes a check cashing or payday loan uatab|iahrnunL loan or mortgage brokur, stockbroker or other financial institution without o state bank charter. An automatic teller machine is not considered a bank. for the custody, loan or exchange of money, and the extension of credit that provides drive in window service for customers in motor vehicles. b' Permitted Districts: Soo Land Use Charts in Section 5.|. c' Required Parking: One space for every 300 square feet of floor area. d' Required Loading: Square Feet^r Floor Area Required Loading Spaces 0— \0.000 N^uc \0.00\—50.000 \ Each additional \00.000^r \additional fraction thereof e' Additional Provisions: None %' Financial Institution,without drive-through u, Definition: Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution without drive-through window means ofbci|iiycroniudo charter under the Texas Department of Banking oao state- chartered bonk. aovingaond |oon, orcrudiiunionfbrihucuaiody. |oonoruxchonguofrnonuy, and the extension of credit that does not provide drive-in window service for customers in motor vehicles. This iunn excludes o check coahinc orpoydov loan uaiob|iahrnunL or other financial institution without aioiu bank charter. An ouiornoiic teller machine is not considered obank. o through window means u facility for the custody, loan or exchange of money, and the extension of credit that does not provide drive in window service for customers in motor vehicles. b' Permitted Districts: Soo Land Use Charts in Section 5.|. c' Required Parking: One space for every 300 square feet of floor area. Page 4of225 r Zoning Ordinance 4.;or�i�f•1�kf.n:. d. Required Loading: Square Feet of Floor Area Required Loading Spaces 0— 10,000 None 10,001—50,000 1 Each additional 100,000 or 1 additional fraction thereof e. Additional Provisions: None -3 Financial Institution, Alternative a. Definition: A non-depository, check cashing business,payday advance or loan establishment, money transfer business holding a Money Transmission or Currency Exchange license with the Texas Department of Banking, car title loan business or an automatic teller machine. b. Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section S.I. c. Required Parking: One space for every 300 square feet of floor area. d. Required Loading: Sc uare Feet of Floor Area Rec uired Loadin a S aces 0— 10,000 None 10,001 —50,000 1 Each additional 100,000 or 1 additional fraction thereof e. Additional Provisions: In addition to requiring a Specific Use Permit, an Alternative Financial Institution as defined in Section 5.I.D.3, shall comply with the following regulations: (1) Hours of operation shall be established by City Council; (2) No outside queuing; (3) Must have an indoor waiting area large enough to accommodate all customers; (4) A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located at least 1,000 feet from any lot containing another alternative financial institution, as measured in a straight line between the nearest point from one property line to the other property line. (5) No lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located within 500 feet of the rights-of-way for any 4 lane divided or greater thoroughfare as indicated on the most current Thoroughfare Plan. (6) A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located at least 300 feet from any lot zoned or used for residential purposes, as measured in a straight line between the nearest points of one property line to the other property line. Page 5of 225 ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS Zoning Ordinance 4. General Office a. Definition: General office means a place for the regular transaction of business. b. Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1. c. Required Parking: One space for every 300 square feet of floor area. d. Required Loading: Square Feet of Floor Area Required Loading Spaces 0— 10,000 None 10,001—50,000 1 Each additional 100,000 or 1 additional fraction thereof e. Additional Provisions: None 45. Medical Clinic a. Definition: Medical clinic means a facility for examining, consulting with, and treating patients with medical, dental, or optical problems on an out-patient basis. b. Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1. c. Required Parking: One space for every 300 square feet of floor area. d. Required Loading: Square Feet of Floor Area Required Loading Spaces 0— 10,000 None 10,001—50,000 1 Each additional 100,000 or 1 additional fraction thereof e. Additional Provisions: NS District: If the building is over 5,000 square feet, an SUP is required. LI and HI Districts: May only occupy up to 10 percent of the gross floor area of a building. E.Recreational,Entertainment&Amusement Uses 1. Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside a. Low-Density (1). Definition: Low-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a fee, where the space used by the equipment for the games or entertainment preclude occupancy of a majority of the floor space. These types of uses include, but are not limited to bowling alleys, miniature golf, and practice cages. (2).Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1. (3). Required Parking: Four spaces for every bowling alley, golf hole, batting cage or other unit of activity as prescribed by the Planning Director, plus one space per 500 square feet of floor area inclusive of the gaming areas. Page 6of 225 Zoning Ordinance (4). Required Loading: None (5). Additional Provisions: None b. High-Density (1). Definition: High-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or ames of skill to the eneral public for a fee, where a majority of the floor area is usable for occupancy. This use typically include but are not limited to billiard parlors, arcades, and other coin- operated machines. (2). Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1. (3). Required Parking: One space for every 100 square feet of floor area and one space for each employee. (4). Required Loading: None (5). Additional Provisions: None F. Retail,Personal Service& Commercial Uses 6. Car Wash a. Definition: Car wash means a facility for the washing or cleaning of vehicles. A car wash may be: (1) a single unit type which has a single bay or a group of single bays with each bay to accommodate one vehicle only where a person uses a high pressure hose to wash the vehicle by hand; or (2) an automated single unit type which has a single bay to accommodate one vehicle at a time; or (3) a tunnel unit type which allows washing of multiple vehicles in a tandem arrangement while moving through the structure. b. Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1. c. Required Parking: Type of Car Wash Total Number of Parking Spaces Required Single unit,not automated Automated single unit Tunnel unit 1 per employee d. Required Loading: None e. Additional Provisions: (1) The following off-street stacking spaces are required: Page 7of 225 Zoning Ordinance Type of Car Wash Total Number of Stacking Spaces Required Single unit, not 2 automated Automated single unit 2 Tunnel unit 5 (2) Bay openingsshall not face public streets or adjoining' residential properties. (3) All washing facilities shall occur under a roofed area with at least two walls. (4) Vacuuming and/or detailing area may be outside the building but shall not bu within 50 feet ofthe front property line and shall not bu closer than 100 feet from any uaidundo| district. (5) Vacuuming, and/or detailing, area may be outside the buikding, but aho | not be within 200 feet of the dchts'of-wov for any 4 lane divided or greater thoroughfare as indicated on the most current Thoroughfare Plan. (6) The building shall not bu |uaa than 150 feet from any uaiduniio| district. (7) A permanent screening fence or wall not less than six feet in height shall be constructed along any site property line which abuts o uaiduniio| district. During site plan review, the Commission may o||ovv o living screen to be combined with or in lieu of the solid screening. J. Accessory Uxmx 9' Home Occupation u, Definition: Home occupation means an occupation that is incidental to the primary use of the premises as a residence and conducted on the residential premises by a resident of the procni000. b' Permitted Districts: Soo Land Use Charts in Section 5.|. c' Required Parking: None, other than required for the primary structure. d' Required Loading: None e' Additional Provisions: All permitted districts: (|) 000dvorhoomonts, signs or displays are prohibited. (2) The appearance of the structure shall not be altered, nor shall the occupation within the dwellings be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises to differ from its residential character either hy the use of colors, cno\odolo, construction, lighting, or by signs, or the emission of sounds, noises, dust, odors, tucnoo, smoke, or vibrations. (3) The total floor area io bu used for the home occupation shall not exceed l0 percent of the total floor area of the principal building, including attached garage, and shall not be located within any accessory building. (3) All employees shal ho members of the resident family and shall reside on the premises. Zoning Ordinance (4) There shall bono sale ofmerchandise which requires customers to go to the pneporty.5o|ua from orders previously made by iu|unhonu, iniucnuioroio sales party may bu filled on the premises. (5) Pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be limited to that normally associated with residential districts. (6) There shall hono outdoor storage of materials or equipment; noo\orogoof\oxioor hazardous materials, including ammunition and gunpowder, nor shall merchandise be visible from outside the dwelling. (7) The use of utilities and community facilities shall be limited to that normally 00000io\od with the use of the property for residential purposes. (8) There shall be no use or storage of mechanical equipment not recognized as being part of normal household or hobby use. Page 9of225