05-03-2005 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
City of Wylie
May 3 , 2005
Regular Business Meeting
2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098
Tuesday,May 3,2005
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 19, 2005 Regular Meeting.
1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Birmingham Ranch
Addition. Subject property being a tract of land generally located west of Parker Road and east of
Birmingham Farms Phase 14 Addition, and being part of a 16.039 acre tract and being all of a
15.486 acre tract of land conveyed to T. F. Birmingham and Hattie A. Birmingham Trusts
recorded in Volume 2362, Page 90 of the Deed Records of Collin County Texas and being all of a
0.522 acre tract of land conveyed to Wylie Independent School District recorded in Volume 1187,
Page 15, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in
zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District to allow for Neighborhood
Retail Services being situated in the Williams Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, Collin County,
Texas, and being a resurvey of a called 1.138 acre tract of land described in a deed to Dennis Bell
and Dave Bell, of record in Volume 4765. Page 3150, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas
(Zoning Case No. 2005-10). Item to be tabled to the June 7, 2005 meeting
1. Hold a Work Session to discuss revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. \N``_1 0 F
ADJOURNMENT . (-?: _� '•.F` ;
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Posted Friday, April 29, 2005, at 5:00 p.m. ''•, �y ......''*Ps‘,•`��
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
April 19, 2005
Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present.
Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present:
Eric Alexander Mary V. Bradley, Secretary
Red Byboth Claude Thompson, Director
Scott Ames Renae 011ie, Assist. Planner
Dennis Larson
Kathy Spillyards
Commission Members Absent:
Dave Hennesey
Don Hughes
Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
Commissioner Byboth gave the invocation and Commissioner Alexander led the pledge
of allegiance.
No one appeared to speak to the Commissioners.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 5, 2005 Regular
A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Ames,
to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0, with Commissioner
Spillyards abstaining.
P &Z Commission Meeting
April 19, 2005
Page 2 of 4
1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for
Watermark Estates Addition. Subject property being a tract of land situated in
Rockwall County, Texas out of the L.B. Outlaw Survey, Abstract No. 173 and being
part of a 19.456 acre tract generally located east of the intersection of Troy Road and
County Line Road and south of Sunset Estates, being a part of land conveyed by
deed to WM Watermark 19, L.L.C. as recorded in Volume 3382, Page 161, Deed
Records of Rockwall County, Texas.
Thompson stated that the Plat will create 43 single-family lots, each exceeding 10,000 square
feet. The alley waiver was approved by City Council in September 2004, and the Preliminary
Plat was approved in October 2004. The Plat dedicates a 50-foot right-of-way for Troy Road.
Commissioner Alexander questioned the purpose of Lot 13, Block 2. Skip Klinefelter, 1771
International Parkway, Richardson, Texas, represented the developer, stated that Lot 13
dedicates an area for landscaping in the entrance of the subject property.
With no further questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner
Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to recommend approval of the Final Plat
for Watermark Estates Addition to the City Council. Motion carried 5 —0.
2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for retail development on Lot 1R-2,
Block C, being all of a 1.065 acre tract of land in the Woodlake Village Addition.
This item was tabled at the April 5,2005 meeting.
Thompson stated that the purpose for tabling on April 5, 2005, in order for the applicant to
submit elevations to show the required awnings over the rear of the building. The elevations
provided to the Commissioners reveal that the doors in the back of the building do have
The property will create an 11,200 square foot single story building on lot 1R-2, Block C.
The property was recently replatted for the development of Wal-Mart Super Center and to
create additional commercial lots and create access easements.
With no questions for the applicant or for staff, a motion was made by Commissioner
Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to approve the Site Plan for Lot 1R-2, Block
C of the Woodlake Village Addition. Motion carried 5 —0.
P &Z Commission Meeting
April 19, 2005
Page 3 of 4
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding
a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for
single-family residential uses, being part of the Francisco De La Pena Survey,
Abstract No. 688, and being all of that 14.755 acre tract of land conveyed to D.R.
Horton-Texas, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6349, Collin County Deed
Records, all of that 34.872 acre tract of land conveyed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd., as
recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6354, Collin County Deed Records, all of that 14.760
acre tract of land conveyed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5700,
Page 3087, Collin County Deed Records. (Zoning Case No. 2005-05). This item was
tabled at the March 15,2005 meeting.
Thompson stated that the public hearing was opened and discussed at the March 15,
2005, meeting and was tabled at that time. Prior to the meeting tonight, the applicant
submitted a letter requesting that the item be tabled until June 21, 2005. The
Commissioners could either make a decision on the tabling or act on the item since it was
discussed previously.
Jeff Miles, Jones & Boyd, 17090 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas, represented Engineer for
the property, stated that in discussion with D R Horton, who is the applicant, there has
been no resolve as to which way they want to head on this particular item. The request to
table is because the fees have been paid for the development; and if denied, there would
not be time to resubmit all over again.
The consensus from the Commissioners was to open the Public Hearing and hear from
the public, and then make a decision.
Thompson stated that the property totals 64.38 acres, west of Kreymer Lane and south of
Brown Street. He gave the summary of the property presented at the March 15, 2005
Twenty-three (23) notifications were mailed and twenty-five responses were returned, and
all were opposing the zoning change. At least 20% of the notification area responded,
making the vote from Council require a 75%, super majority vote when the zoning goes
before the Council.
Chairman Larson opened the public hearing.
Amy Tolleson, 1036 S. Kreymer, spoke in opposition and wanted withdrawal from the
applicant until the development will meet the Comprehensive Plan of 1 to 2 acres.
Chairman Larson closed the public hearing.
P & Z Commission Meeting
April 19, 2005
Page 4 of 4
A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner
Alexander, to accept the request to table the zoning change 2005-05 until June 21, 2005.
Motion carried 5 —0.
Thompson reviewed an article from Dallas Morning News regarding some cities
requiring home builders to post a security bond depending on size of residence to cover
future construction.
A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner
Spillyards, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30PM.
Dennis Larson, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary
Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: May 3, 2005
Consent Case Name: Birmingham Ranch Addition
Action 1 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie
Public Hearing Exhibits: Final Plat
Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Birmingham Ranch Addition,
generally located south of Park Boulevard, west of Parker Road and north of Brown Street..
A Preliminary Plat was approved on November 2, 2004. An alley waiver was approved by City Council on
January 11, 2005.
The property includes 16.039 acres and will create 53 single-family residential lots. The Final Plat complies with
the Subdivision Regulations and with requirements of the SF 10/19 District of the Zoning Ordinance as well as
all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie.
The City Engineer accepts the 40 foot street right-of-way as proposed to connect to Parker Road, because of the
adjacent existing Northeast Water Supply of Wylie facility and the width constraints of the property. Fire also
accepts the cul-de-sac length of Lone Star Court. Developer is not required to make improvements to Parker
Financial Consideration— Parkland fees will be paid in lieu of land dedication. Development impact fees shall
be paid at building permitting.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: CT \ 04/26/05
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Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: May 3, 2005
Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-10 (FM 1378 at FM 2514)
Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson
Public Hearing 1 Exhibits: Location Map
Miscellaneous Letter requesting tabling
Other PD Conditions&Development Plan
Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from
Agriculture (A)to Planned Development(PD)District for commercial uses. ZC 2005-10
Convene the hearing and table consideration of the request to the June 7, 2005 P&Z Commission meeting.
The applicant has requested that consideration of this request be tabled to the June 7, 2005 Commission meeting.
However, as publication and notification of the request has been completed in accordance with State law, some
action is required by the Commission at the current meeting. The Commission should convene the hearing and
allow any citizen comment, but may either accept the applicant's request and table/continue the hearing until
June 7 or recommend action to the Council.
The request is generally to provide for convenience retail and personal services of the Neighborhood Services
variety, on lands currently zoned Agriculture but occupied with commercial structures in the southwest corner of
FM 1378 (Country Club Road) and FM 2514 (Parker Road).
The requested commercial uses do not conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. However,
the Commission is currently in the process of considering certain revisions to the Comp Plan, and the subject
request is directly related to the outstanding question of the sufficiency of commercial uses.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: CT \ 04/28/05
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ZONING CASE #2005-10
Page 1 of 1
Claude Thompson
From: Stephen Schattner[SSchattner@imperium-holdings.com]
Sent: Monday,April 25,2005 10:19 AM
To: cthompson@ci.wylie.tx.us
Cc: scott@hunsaker-property.com; chris@hunsaker-property.com
Subject: Rezoning Case#2005-10
1. Please see attachment for Addendum to Legal Descriptions and Conditions of the Planned Development for case#
2. We request a Table from the initial hearing on Mia3 2005 to June 7 2005
3. Please reference the attachment for further information.
4. Also,as of April 25,2005,we have not received any comments from the City on our initial application from March
28,2005. Please advise us if there are any needed revisions.
5. Please email me for acknowledgement of receipt of this email.
Thanks again.
Stephen Schattner
North Texas Office:
6350 LBJ Freeway,Suite 163
Dallas,TX 75240
Central Texas Office:
1802 Cresthaven Drive
Austin,Texas 78704
Imperium Holdings,L.P.,A Full-service Real Estate Solutions Company
Development,Ltd.Brokerage Services,Architecture,Engineering,Surveying,Construction Management
\WW..im erium=holdin s corm
The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual(s)designated above. You are hereby notified that
any use,copying or distribution of the information contained in this transmission by anyone other than the recipient(s)named
above is unauthorized and strictly prohibited.If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender
immediately. This communication does not reflect an intention by the sender or the sender's client or principal to conduct a
transaction or make any agreement by electronic means.Nothing contained in this message or in any attachment shall satisfy
the requirements for a writing,and nothing contained herein shall constitute a contract or electronic signature under the
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,any version of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any
other statute governing electronic transactions.
Exhibit B
(Conditions of the Planned Development)
Zoning Case No.:2005-10
Conditions of the Planned Development District
Southwest Corner of FM 1378 and FM 2514 in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas
2695 Country Club Rd
2675 FM 1378
A. General Conditions:
1. The purpose of this Planned Development (PD) District is to allow for neighborhood retail
services inclusive of:
a. Animal Clinic or Hospital
b. Automobile Rental
c. Automobile Repair,Minor
d. Car Wash
e. Club or Lodge(non-profit)
f. Dry Cleaning or Laundry,Drop off or Self Service
g. Cleaners(Commercial)
h. Equipment Rental
i. Food Processing
j. General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f.or less
k. General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f.or more
1. Home Improvement Center,Lumber,Brick,or Building Materials
m. Household Equipment&Appliance Repair
n. Motor Vehicle Fueling Station
o. Personal Service Use
p. Restaurant with Drive-in or Drive-through Service
q. Restaurant without Drive-in or Drive-through Service
2. This Planned Development District request shall not affect any regulation found within the
Code of Ordinances,unless specifically provided herein.
3. All regulations of the existing Neighborhood Services(NS)Zoning set forth in Section 4.1.A
of the Zoning Ordinance (as adopted November, 2001) are included by reference and shall
apply as specifically herein.
B. Special Conditions:
1. This Planned Development District Permit shall apply only to Abstract A0716 Patterson,
William,Block 1,Tract 4 and Tract 5,and shall not be transferred or applied to other uses or
properties in any way. The applicant and operations shall remain in compliance at all times
with applicable local,state and federal laws and regulations.
2. The following uses shall be permitted as functions of the PD:
a. All uses allowed within the existing NS District
b. Additional uses allowed without Specific Use Permit, Temporary Use Permit, or
additional requirements,as indicated in A.1.
3. The drive-thru service window will not be located on any wall that is facing public streets
4. The applicant shall be in compliance with the existing NS code in every respect with
exception to conditions indicated in Section B.2.above.
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Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: May 3, 2005
Consent Case Name: Comprehensive Plan Revisions
Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson
Public Hearing Exhibits: Land Use Philosophy
Miscellaneous WS
Hold a work session to discuss certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan.
Provide direction to staff concerning the proposed revisions.
In February, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, and
on February 22, the City Council endorsed the proposed revisions and directed the Commission to continue with
the approval process as required by State Law. These proposed changes were also considered at a joint
Commission/Council work session on February 8.
At their April 19, 2005 public hearing, the Council voted to continue discussion of the proposed revisions to the
Comp Plan until the May 25 meeting. The Council requested further research and recommendation related to
the sufficiency of retail and commercial uses and the proportion of residential densities (lot sizes).
The Commission is to discuss these issues, and may entertain citizen comment or direct additional information
from staff. However, no action can be taken at this work session to modify the Land Use Philosophy and Map
previously recommended to the Council.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: CT \ 04/28/05
Hold a work session to discuss certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan.
SUMMARY (Continued):
The following is a summary of the revised land use philosophy of the Comp Plan. This philosophy is the
same as reviewed by the Council earlier except for slight revisions in the retail and industrial categories. At
their February 22 hearing, the P&Z Commission voted to expand lands allocated to light industrial uses to
include the area west of the Regency Business Park, and to add additional neighborhood service retail to the
far southeast quadrant. These amendments are reflected on the attached Land Use Map.
1. A more vehicular-oriented land use allocation criteria will be substituted for the current pedestrian-
oriented "Village Center" philosophy of the Plan, more closely reflecting the realities of Wylie's natural
land character and existing rural development pattern, and will result is less commercial uses and lower-
density residential developments.
2. Retail and commercial uses will be limited and oriented to major traffic corridors for vehicular access
and to avoid impacting residential areas, including a hierarchy of development patterns.
• Neighborhood services such as convenience goods and personal services will be limited to less than
10 acres at selected major intersections.
• Community retail offer comparison/shoppers goods in centers of about 30 acres and will be limited to
three areas — the new Town Center at SH 78 and FM 544, FM 544 at CR 1378/Hooper and SH 78
and Park Blvd/Spring Creek.
• Diverse and intensive mixture of commercial uses will be allocated along the major traffic corridors
of SH 78 and FM 544, but designed in unified clusters.
3. Residential development patterns will provide three density levels in attempt to provide a balanced variety
of housing options.
• High-density residential, including small-lot detached and collective attached dwellings, will be
allocated to infill areas already developed or zoned for such densities and house types.
• New residential developments will be limited to three density levels, and located by their distance from
traffic corridors
- 10,000 sf lots with 2,400 sf houses
- 20,000 sf lots with 2,600 sf houses
- acreage lots with 3,000 sf houses.
4. Industrial uses will be divided into two types.
• Light industrial will accommodate assembly and warehousing/distribution envisioned by the Business
Center zoning, largely within existing centers platted for smaller developments and the expansion of
the existing Wyndham and Regency Additions.
• Heavy industrial will accommodate manufacturing within campus settings envisioned by the Industrial
zoning, allocated to existing zoning within the Premier and railroad yards areas.
5. Institutional and public/semi-public uses may be located within any use areas, as appropriate to best
service the other land uses which they support but designed to be compatible with surrounding uses.
The Comprehensive Plan provides general guidelines for the appropriate location and concentration of
development for the major types of land uses, and, thereby, provides a basis for planning public
services and infrastructure, within Wylie and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The Plan offers
generalized criteria for the testing of zoning regulations and requests for changes in current use, as well
as for evaluating newly arising issues and uses. Both the quality and quantity of public as well as
private development can be directed by the philosophy of the Plan, in order to determine how best to
utilize Wylie's only nonexpendable resource—our land.
The following philosophy provides criteria for allocating commercial, residential, industrial and public
land uses within the Comprehensive Plan. Application of these criteria will assure the suitability of
future land development patterns to achieve the common goals of both the public and private sectors.
Commercial land uses provide retail goods and personal services as well as employment opportunities
to support the local residential population, and public sales tax revenues to supplement property taxes.
However, commercial uses are also major traffic generators, and these uses should be located along
thoroughfares, preferably at major street intersections, to avoid negatively impacting residential
neighborhoods. Wylie's potential to support commercial land uses is constrained by its limited
ultimate population and the competition of near-by regional-scale commercial centers. To serve the
future population, three types of commercial categories are proposed, defined by their primary service
function and named by the appropriate zoning classification of the current Zoning Ordinance.
Neighborhood Services
These are retail/office centers smaller than 10 acres intended to serve immediately adjacent residential
neighborhoods with convenience goods and services, and accommodate the uses of the Neighborhood
Services(NS) and Office (0)zoning. These uses should be clustered in unified centers and designed
to reflect the character of the adjacent neighborhoods which they serve. The centers should be evenly
distributed throughout Wylie, located at least two miles apart at one or two corners of 4-way
intersections of major thoroughfares (4 to 6 lanes).
Community Retail
Community commercial centers serve the populations of several residential neighborhoods with
comparison shoppers' goods as well as convenience goods and personal services. These should
accommodate the uses of the Community Retail (CR)zoning, be unified in plan and design, and be
located at major intersections. The growing commercial complex at SH 78 and FM 544 should be
encouraged to become Wylie's New Town Center, attracting the broadest diversity of commercial
functions and reflecting the community's overall character as its central place and focal point. Other
community retail centers should be more residential in character to blend with adjacent neighborhoods
and subordinate to and not competing with the Town Center, and these should be located on SH 78 at
Park Blvd. and FM 544 at CR 1378/Country Club.
Mixed-Use Corridor Commercial
This category should be the most diverse and intensive mixture of commercial uses. These uses are
located along major thoroughfares to accommodate easiest vehicular access. They accommodate the
broadly-varied uses of the current Corridor Commercial (CC)zoning district, from convenience retail
and services to light industry. Such uses are planned and constructed as common "strip" developments
or independent free-standing establishments with common joint/cross access, but are guided by design
regulations of the Zoning Ordinance and screened from residential adjacency.
Wylie has historically been primarily a residential settlement, and most of its remaining land is suitable
for a variety of housing types. Wylie should continue to grow as a"bed-room community, with
residential as the principal land use, while providing a balanced variety of housing opportunities.
Future residential development should be planned to provide a choice of dwelling types but in
compatible neighborhoods which reflect this historic low-density rural character. This philosophy
demands that less land be allocated to nonresidential service uses, but more to roads, parks, and
schools and other residential-support uses. Three levels of residential density are proposed, based on
the current zoning classifications.
High-Density Residential
This category includes small-lot detached and collectively attached dwellings, and should be limited to
infill areas already developed or zoned for such densities and housing types with no expansion.
Variances from the current code regulations may be required to accommodate such in-fill development
or the redevelopment of older areas developed in compliance with earlier codes.
Medium-Density Residential
This category includes only detached single-family dwellings of not more than 4 dwelling units per
acre (minimum lots size of 10,000 sq. ft.). These are designed as traditional suburban residential
neighborhoods located closest to vehicular thoroughfares and urban services such as retail, schools and
Low-Density Residential
This category is to accommodate the rural residential development, with lots exceeding 1-acre in size.
Such lots need not accommodate agriculture uses, and must be 2 acres or larger to accommodate
livestock or cultivated crops. These areas may have rural/estate streets with no curb or subsurface
drainage, and be furthest from thoroughfares.
Industrial land uses primarily provide employment for the local population while providing
manufactured products for the region and world beyond, as well as generating private revenues
through employment and sales and public revenues through taxes. Industrial uses can generally be
divided into two categories, depending on the intensity of the operations and their consequences, and
their locational requirements depend on such impacts.
Heavy Industry
Heavy industry generally includes the more-intensive processing and manufacturing of raw materials
into usable products, and such operations normally create the most obnoxious consequences. Heavy
industry requires access to regional transportation(highways and rail) and resources(water) as well as
special utilities, and should be isolated or buffered from other land uses on larger campus settings. The
northeast area of Wylie, as well as the existing Premier Business Park in the southwest, provide these
unique locational criteria. This category corresponds to the Industrial (I)District of the current Zoning
Light Industry
Light industry includes less-intensive assembly, warehousing and distribution of products, as well as
people-based office-oriented operations and even intensive commercial activity. These uses are related
to the Business Center(BC)zoning district, although setback requirements of the BC must be adjusted
to accommodate the platted smaller lots. Such operations can be located on the smaller lots within
existing Century, Regency and Wyndham industrial districts, as well as the expansion of the Wyndham
area toward the north and Regency to the west.
All private development requires certain public or quasi-public support use, which must be planned in
coordination with the private uses.
Municipal Uses
Some municipal uses(such as business offices) need to be centrally located and equally accessible y
all residents, while others(such as fire stations)need to be decentralized and equally accessible to all
residences. New municipal offices should be located within or adjacent to the planned Town Center to
help enforce the image of this area as Wylie's central address and destination place.
Utilities (such as water and energy) have unique design criteria which largely dictate their location.
Public utilities must be within or adjacent to the other land uses which they serve, but should be
located as well as designed so as to blend with rather than detract from the character of the surrounding
primary uses.
Streets and roads make development possible, and their capacity largely dictate (or are dictated by)the
potential density/intensity of the various uses of land. Thoroughfares should be planned in accordance
with the current Thoroughfare Plan and Engineering Design Standards.
Schools and Houses of Worship
Schools and day care operations as well as churches and other religious instructions generally belong
in proximity to the residential populations which they serve. However, as major traffic generators,
these institutional uses should be placed to the exterior of residential neighborhoods and clustered
together when possible.
Parks and Recreation
Public parks and recreational facilities should be located in accordance with the adopted Parks,
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Both public and private leisure amenities should be designed
as an asset to the residential uses rather than detract from them with traffic and other nuisances.
ct: 04/19/05