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04-05-2005 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission City of Wylie April 5, 2005 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday,April 5, 2005 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 15, 2005 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 29, 2005 Work Session. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Cooper Retail Addition. Subject property totals 5.8 acres, being part of the S.B. Shelby Survey Abstract Number 820, being all of Lot 8 and part of Lots 9 and 10, Block A of Wylie Industrial Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 8, Page 55 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas and being all of those certain portions of Cooper Drive right-of-way described as Parcel 1 and Parcel 4 abandoned by City of Wylie Ordinance Number 2004-40 recorded under County Clerk's File Number 2004-0182264, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being all of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 4572, Page 3563 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and also being all of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 5815, Page 2219 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for retail development on a single lot, being all of an unplatted 1.20 acre tract of land located at the Northeast Corner of Brown Street and Country Club (FM1378). 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the ZLAN Corner Addition situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract Number 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of that certain tract of land conveyed to Zlan, Ltd. by Special Warranty Deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 94-0029160, Land Records of Collin County, Texas. 4. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for retail development on Lot 1R-2, Block C, being all of a 1.065 acre tract of land in the Woodlake Village Addition. P&Z Commission Meeting April 5, 2005 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for commercial and single- family residential uses of varied densities, being part of a 111.848 acre tract of land situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, conveyed to Iona H. Ingram and being part of a 87.282 acre parcel of land called Tract 2, conveyed to Mary Allene Jones, from the partition of the Estate of Mollie Sachse, described in Partition Deed recorded in Volume 826 at Page 579 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of a 111.848 acre tract conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Deed recorded in Volume 05102 at Page 04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of the DRCCT. (Zoning Case No. 2005-01). This item was tabled from the March 1, 2005 meeting. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses, being a 59.234 acre tract of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Collin County, Texas, located south of Sage Creek Phase 8, North of FM 544 and west of FM 1378 (Country Club Road). (Zoning Case No. 2005-03). This item was tabled from the March 1, 2005 meeting. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses, being a tract of land situated in the A. Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas, said tract being out of a 45.07 acre tract described in Volume 309, Page 285, Collin County Deed Records, and a portion of Lot 9, Block A of Stoneridge Farms Phase I as recorded in cabinet K, Slide 778, of the Collin County Deed Records. (Zoning Case No. 2005-09). 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Wylie. ``‘ 1" v: ADJOURNMENT .-- • GG Posted Friday, pril 1, 2005, at 5:00 p.m. 'tt - fvt) 11* THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FO DISABLED ATTENDI MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 March 15, 2005 Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Eric Alexander Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Red Byboth Renae 011ie, Assistant Planner Don Hughes Claude Thompson, Director Dennis Larson Kathy Spillyards Commission Members Absent: Dave Hennesey CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:14PM. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Byboth gave the invocation and Commissioner Alexander led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Kathy Welp, 1508 Evelyne Court, expressed opposition of McMillan Ranch Apartments, on McCreary Road and McMillan, which is a Planned Development District (PD 99-32) and part of Creekside Estates, not only for the housing values but the lack of concern and honesty from the developer. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 1, 2005 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 2 of 9 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for office/warehouse buildings on three lots located at 120 Regency Drive, being all of a 2.187 acre tract of land of the Regency Business Park Addition, Phase Two. Thompson stated that the applicant is proposing to split the existing Lot 6 into 3 separate lots, in order to construct three single-story masonry office/warehouse buildings. The replat for Regency Business Park Addition, is on the current agenda. The Site Plan does comply with all applicable regulations and technical requirements. Jeff Nix, Nicom Construction, Inc., 119 Regency Drive, represented the applicant, stated that there is a utility easement going north and south on the west side of the property. The building on the east side of the property will be occupied by Nicom's business. The property is located on northwest corner of Capital and Regency. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes and seconded by Commissioner Spillyards, to approve the Site Plan. Motion carried 5 —0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for the Regency Business Park Addition. Subject property being all of Lot 6, Block A, of Regency Business Park Addition, Phase Two. Thompson stated that the Replat will create three commercial lots. The Site Plan for these lots is on the current agenda for consideration. There is significant drainage and electrical utilities easements occupying much of the subject lot. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to recommend approval of the Replat to the Regency Business Park Addition, to the City Council. Motion carried 5 —0. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 3 of 9 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Ambers Cove Addition. Subject property being all of a certain 12.963 acre tract of land described in a deed to George F. Keltech, as recorded in County Clerk's File Number 97-0017475, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the L.B. Outlaw Survey, Abstract No. 676, Collin County, Texas, and the Nathaniel Alterberry Survey, Abstract No. 1099, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Plat with create six (6) single-family residential lots, each under 2 acres. The property is within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, and cannot be annexed into Wylie due to lack of contiguity. However, the applicant has stipulated in Private Deed Restriction that when the property is annexed into the City of Wylie, the houses must connect to city sewer. The water is provided by Eastfork Water District. The Plat does dedicate 50 feet of Right-of-Way for Troy Road. There is a private road making the properties located behind the subject property accessible onto Troy Road. Terry Beard, Keller Williams, 201 N Ballard, represented the applicant, stated that the subject property is owned by Ron Robinson. The properties are listed as one acre lots, with the minimum house size of 2,500 square feet. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Spillyards, to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Amber's Cove. Motion carried 5 —O. Vice-Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting for a short break at 7:30PM, and the meeting was reconvened at 7:37PM PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses, being part of the Francisco De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 688, and being all of that 14.755 acre tract of land conveyed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6349, Collin County Deed Records, all of that 34.872 acre tract of land conveyed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6354, Collin County Deed Records, all of that 14.760 acre tract of land conveyed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5700, Page 3087, Collin County Deed Records. (Zoning Case No. 2005-05). Thompson stated that the subject property totals 64.38 acres, west of Kreymer Lane and south of Brown Street. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 4 of 9 Twenty-three (23) notifications were mailed to the property owners surrounding the subject property. Twenty-five written responses were returned twenty-four in opposition and one written response was returned in favor of the request. The opposition represents over 27 percent of the total land area within notification area, requiring a super majority (75%) approval vote from City Council. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that the entire tract be developed as Country Residential (1 ac lots). The number of lots illustrated on the Development Plan is 193, or a density of nearly 3 lots per acre, compared to a potential of approximately 63 lots or one lot per acre density as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. The easement corridor of a major overhead electric transmission line traverses the northwestern corner of the tract, occupying 0.96 acre, and this area cannot be developed. Staff recommends denial because the plan does not conform to the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan. Jerry Sylo, Jones & Boyd, 17096 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas, represented the property owner for the subject property, stated that the proposal is compatible with surrounding developments. Due to the depth of the subject property 27 of the lots will be 8,500 to 10,000 square feet, 109 of the lots will be over 11, 000 square foot and the remainder 57 lots will be 10,000 to 11,000 square foot. Vice-Chairman Larson opened the public hearing at 7:50PM. Tony Warren, 1030 S. Kreymer, spoke in opposition of the zoning change, and expressed favor for lots on one acre. Diane Yates, 3209 Ranch Drive, Garland, owns 10 acres south of the subject property, complimented and encouraged the Commissioners to keep their vision and appreciate ability to keep City of Wylie a beautiful city and recommend denial of smaller lots. Amy Tolleson, 1036 S. Kreymer, spoke in opposition of the zoning change and expressed concern for the amount of traffic and recommended one acre lots. Toni Rowe, 1500 S. Kreymer, spoke in opposition of the zoning change, and in favor of one acre lots. Vice-Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing at 8:01AM P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 5 of 9 Commissioner Hughes asked Mr. Sylo if larger lots will be considered. Mr. Sylo stated that looking at the financial perspective the larger lots will not work for the company. The Commissioners and Mr. Sylo discussed a compromise to the proposal and expressed approval of larger lots with larger homes. After much discussion, Mr. Sylo requested that to table the item until April 19, 2005. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to recommend to the City Council to table the zoning change 2005-05, until April 19, 2005. Motion carried 5 —0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Single-Family 10/19 (SF-10/19) District for single-family residential uses, being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the Francisco De La Pena Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that 63.500 acres tract of land described in a Warranty Deed from Waldine A. Little to Jack M. Little, dated September 19, 1980 and being recorded in Volume 1306, Page 582 of the Land Records, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case No. 2005-06). Thompson stated that the subject property totals 63.76 acres, and is located east of Cimarron Estates and west of CR 434/Bennett Road. The property was annexed into the city on July 24, 2001. Twenty-seven (27) public comment forms were mailed, one hundred ninety-one (191) written responses voting in favor, including eighteen (18) within the legal notification area, and one opposing the zoning change. Most of the responses were opposed to a high school and supportive of the proposed residential. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential (10,000 — 30,000 square foot lots). The request does comply with Comp Plan, the Suburban Residential lots are intended to average 20,000 square foot and larger lots nearer to this average would be more compatible with the existing acreage developments to the south. Wylie Independent School District has expressed interest in the subject property for a high school campus. Ryan Betz, Skorburg Company, 3838 Oak Lawn, Suite 1212, Dallas, Texas, represented the applicant/developer of the subject property, stated that upon the Plat submittal a dedication for right-of-way to Bennett Road will be included. Homeowners Association will be maintained, with two ponds, the Park Board has not reviewed the plan, so the open space could be dedicated to the City. Vice-Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 6 of 9 Diane Culver, 2918 Jamestown Drive, spokesperson for eleven property owners, spoke in favor of the zoning change, and submitted a petition to the School Board and with City Secretary in opposition of the school and in support of the proposed single-family residential lots. Mike Christiann, 5002 Bennett Road, spoke in opposition of the school and spoke in opposition of four houses to one acre. Troy Rowe, 2938 Jamestown Drive, spoke in opposition of the school and in opposition of smaller houses compared to the previous submittal with larger lots. The Commissioners discussed with Betz the lot size, house size and the drainage on the property and decided to make a recommendation to the City Council. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Spillyards, to recommend approval to the City Council of the zoning change 2005-06. Motion carried 4 — 1, with Commissioner Alexander opposing. Vice-Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 9:20PM for a break and reconvened the meeting at 9:28PM. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Planned Development (PD) to allow for off-premise signage, being a tract of land situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey Abstract No. 820, being all of Lot 8 and part of Lots 9 and 10, Block A of Wylie Industrial Park, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 8, Page 55 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being all of those certain portions of Cooper Drive right-of-way described as "Parcel 1" and "Parcel 4" abandoned by City of Wylie Ordinance Number 2004-40 recorded under County Clerk's file No. 2004-0182264, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being all of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 4572, Page 3563 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and also being all of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 5815, Page 2219 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case No. 2005-07). Thompson stated that the property totals 5.8 acres, and is located east of Cooper Drive and north of State Highway 78. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 7 of 9 The property includes three lots previously platted as part of the Wylie Industrial Addition and the old Extruders tract. These will be replatted into a 4-lot retail complex, with Cooper Drive being extended through the center to connect with S.H. 78. A medical clinic by Baylor Health Care will occupy the northern-most rear lot immediately, but uses have not yet been announced for the remaining lots. The Baylor facility will be partially obscured from view of traffic along S.H. 78, especially when additional retail buildings are constructed in front of it facing S.H. 78. Eleven public comment forms were mailed to surrounding property owners, and two were returned voting in favor of the project. The current Sign Regulations require that all signage must be located on the property to which it is related, and prohibits signs on other lots or easements. The PD proposes a planned program for signage for the 4-lot center which complies with the spirit of the Sign Regulations and provides adequate identity and direction for each of the lots. Such off- premise sign is especially important to identify the Baylor facility for its potential emergency medical functions. Sam Satterwhite, Director, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, 2000 Highway 78 North, represented the applicant of the subject property, stated that the purpose of the Conditions to the Planned Development is for a signage package, which allows cross signage for multi-uses on the frontage to S.H. 78 with a Kiosk or monumental sign. There is only one signage per uses, but no multiple signs for each use. Vice-Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing, and with no one coming forward to speak, Vice-Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing. With no further questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth to recommend approval of the zoning case 2005-07,to City Council. Motion carried 5 —0. 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses, being part of the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, being the resurvey of a 4.54 acre tract of land described and recorded in Volume 3828, Page 301 of the Collin County Land Records. (Zoning Case No. 2005-08). Thompson stated that the property totals 4.54 acres, and is located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. Abutting properties to the west are platted as the Caldwell Estates and those to the north are within the Eldridge Additions, both created in 1962. WISD and City of Wylie ownership and facilities abut the tract on the south. P &Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 8 of 9 Twenty-four (24) public notification forms were mailed. Two responses were returned both opposing the request. The Planned Development envisions a cloistered neighborhood on a private street. Houses will be a Neotraditional/New Urbanist design, with smaller yards and shared common open space. These innovations are intended to justify the PD. The property is accessible only from Thomas Street. A drainage channel platted to WISD separates the tract from the private Pirate Drive. The PD proposes 20 lots of 5,100 square foot or larger. The smallest detached residential lot currently allowed by Wylie's Zoning Ordinance is 8,500 square feet, and attached duplexes/townhouses but occupy lots of at least 3,500 square feet. Mardy Brown, Dowdey Anderson and Associates, 5225 Village Creek Drive, Plano, Texas, represented the applicant of the subject property, stated that the lots will be single-family detached one-story houses, and focused to the senior citizens market. Vice-Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing. Jerry and Beth Weatherman, 505 Hilltop, spoke in opposition of the zoning change because of the traffic, the density and expressed desire to see the property left alone. Kathy Zawisza, 508 E Stone, spoke in opposition because of the density. Marvin Fuller, 355 Donna, spoke in favor of infill developments, expressed concern of traffic onto Thomas Street, and expressed opposition for rear-entry lots and recommended a retaining wall surrounding the property on Thomas Street. Vice-Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing at 10:30PM. Commissioners expressed the concern of retaining wall, and density. Due to the additional discussion from the Commissioners on the perimeter screen, Vice-Chairman Larson re- opened the Public Hearing at 10:45PM. Marvin Fuller, 355 Donna, stated that if lots 1 and 2 were combined and the roads straight through lot 3 as entrance, and realign lots 1 and 2 face to the south, which will allow two access drives. Vice-Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing at 10:50PM. P & Z Commission Meeting March 15, 2005 Page 9 of 9 Commissioner Hughes expressed concern of the small lots and house size. The Commissioners discussed the Conditions for the Planned Development, after much discussion, the applicant agreed to modify the PD with the following changes: Special Conditions number 3, minimum of 50 percent 1,400 square feet and 50 percent 1,800 square feet; Number 9, Roof Materials will be architectural dimensional shingles with a 6:12 roof pitch, Unit with same street elevation will be 4 lots skipped same side of street, deleting Park Dedication number 15, and inserting six-foot screen wall, with cedar board on board with cap, wood to the outside and rail post to the inside and masonry columns with 25 foot on- center on the north, south, and west side of the property. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Spillyards, to approve the zoning case 2005-08, with the following amendments to the PD Conditions: 50% of the lots will be 1,400 square feet and 50% will be 1,800 square feet; roof materials will be asphalt dimensional shingles, 8:12 roof pitch, 4 lots will be skipped same side of the street; number 15 deleting park dedication and inserting six-foot screen wall with cedar board on board with cap, wood to the outside and rail post to the inside and masonry columns with 25 foot on-center on the north, south, and west side of the property. Motion carried 4 — 0, with Commissioner Hughes departing the meeting before motion was made. MISCELLANEOUS Thompson stated that Commissioner Seely has submitted his resignation, and Vice-Chairman Larson will be chairing the meetings until the elections in July. The City Council will be appointing another Commissioner to take Commissioner Seely's place on March 22, 2005. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth,to adjourn the meeting at 11:17PM. Dennis Larson, Vice-Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JOINT-WORK SESSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 March 29, 2005 Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Eric Alexander Claude Thompson, Director Scott Ames (present for item 2 only) Red Byboth Dave Hennesey Dennis Larson Kathy Spillyards CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order. WORK SESSION 1. Hold a work session with the City Council to discuss a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for commercial and single- family residential uses of varied densities on 185 acres located south of FM 544 and west of Regency Business Park. ZC 2005-01. Thompson stated that the proposal was tabled by the P&Z and will be reheard April 5. The major concerns require Council direction include proposed lot size and residential density which does not conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and the extension of McCreary Road. Chris Holsted, City Engineer, addressed the McCreary extension, stating that the City is negotiating a land swap with the City of Sachse to locate all of the McCreary extension on the Jones tract so that it can be constructed entirely as part of this development. He also stated that the land fill can be utilized for park and recreation activities. Herschel Leffel of Meritage Homes, the applicant, presented the proposal and led the discussion of land uses and lot sizes. He stated that the adjacency to the land fill and deteriorated Regency industrial development and the major overhead electrical transmission line dictate smaller lots and lower cost homes. P &Z Commission Meeting March 29, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Council/Commission members responded that instead of smaller lots these adverse conditions dictate fewer, larger lots and higher values if not commercial/industrial uses rather than residential. Orville Jones, property owner, stated that his family has stewarded this land for 5 generations, and it was the wish of his mother (a successful realtor in the Park-Cities and Preston Road area)that the land be developed for the mixed uses as proposed. Also present but not speaking were Rob Adams and Stacy Stockton of Adams Engineering. 2. Hold a work session with the City Council to discuss a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for single-family residential uses on 59 acres located north of Lakefield Drive and the Wooded Creek Addition, east of Sage Creek Phase 4 and 7 and south of Sage Creek Phase 8. ZC 2005-03. Thompson introduced the proposal, which was tabled by the P&Z to be reheard April 5. The proposal continues the same lots sizes of the existing Sage Creek development but does not comply with the recommended larger lots and lower density of the Comp Plan. Chris Holsted addressed concerns that the proposal created too much traffic congestion, especially along Claybrook. He reviewed the traffic study which concludes that the proposed development as well as existing development does not burden Claybrook, and that adequate alternative routes are available to provide normal traffic relief and emergency access. He stated that the applicant has proposed to extend Mainstream to Riverway, which will additionally reduce potential for congestion. Neal Heckel of Ashton Woods Homes presented the proposal, assisted by engineer John Bull of Dowdey-Anderson. He stated that Ashton Woods has increased house size and cost throughout Sage Creek as the market allowed, but there is no market for acreage lots. They also plan to provide 30 acres of public park land with a trail, and believe that this provides the effective density close to that envisioned by the Comp Plan. Council/Commission generally recommended that larger lots were most appropriate for this isolated pocket surrounded by natural open space, and asked the feasibility of an additional north-south street along the west side of Muddy Creek to provide additional access (suggesting that the Thoroughfare Plan be restudied to consider such). Also present but not speaking were Bruce Prine of Ashton Woods, property owner Ronnie Housewright and realtor Chris Lander. P &Z Commission Meeting March 29, 2005 Page 3 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting at 7:10PM. Dennis Larson, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5,2005 Consent Case Name: Cooper Retail Addition Action 1 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Public Hearing Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Cooper Retail Addition. Subject property being located on SH 78 east of Cooper Drive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The property totals 5.8 acres. Approximately half was previously platted as three lots of the Wylie Industrial Park Addition, and the remaining area is the old Extruders tract,which has never been platted. This plat will create 4 lots, with Cooper Drive being extended through the center to connect with S.H. 78. A medical clinic by Baylor Health Care will occupy the northern most rear lot immediately. Although the remaining lots will be compatible retail and office uses,their definite occupants have not yet been identified. A zoning change was approved by P&Z on 03/15/05 and will be presented to City Council for consideration and approval on 04/12/05. This request will change the zoning to Planned Development (PD) District in order to provide a coordinated signage program whereby lots share signs as in a unified commercial center. The proposed uses are permitted within the proposed PD. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 - M, OWNER'S CERTIFICATE NOTES: APPROVED AND ACCEPTED 1.)Bearings are based on the plat of WYLIE INDUSTRIAL PARK,an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County, WHEREAS.The City of Wylie Economic Development Corporation and Shafer Plaza XXXIX,LTD.,a Texas limited partnership a s. Texas,according to the plat recorded in Volume 8,Page 55,of the Mop Records of Collin County,Texas. "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" are the owners of a tract or parcel.of land situated in the City of Wylie,Collin ounty,Texas,being part of the B. '4' Shelby Survey Abstract Number 82a,being el of Lot 8 and part of Lots 9'c d 10,Block A of Wylie Industrial Pork,an 2.}Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of city ordinance and state law,and addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 8,Page 55 of the Map Records of Collin County,Texas and being all of those certain portions of Cooper Drive right-of-way described as"Parcel 1"and"Parcel is subject to withholding of utilities and building permits. 4"abandoned by City of Wylie Ordinance Number rrtI 0 recorded under County Gterk's File tyllir 2004-0182264,. Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Dote: Deed Records of CollinCounty,Texos and beingg aIi of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic `•; City of Wylie,Texos Development Corporation recorded in Volume 4572,Page 3563 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and also being all of that tract of land described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 5815, CURVE TABLE Page 2219 of the Deed Records of Collin County,.Texas and being all of that tract of loud described in deed to Shafer Curve Length Radius Delta Chord Bearing Chord Distance "ACCEPTED" Plaza XXXIX,Ltd.,a Texas limited partnership recorded in Volume 5856,Page 3315,of the Deed Records of Collin 1 44.01' 175.00' 14.24'31" N7513,9, 43.89' County,Texas and being more particularly described as follows: 2 52.36' 50.00' 60'00'18" N2016'22"W 50.00' BEGINNING at a Ti inch iron rod with cap stomped"LONE STAR"set for comer in the northwesterly right-of-way line of ,,.i.,. 3 15.68' 125.00' 07'11'14"'N71'57'20, 15.67' C-3 Mayor,City of Wylie,Texos Date: State Highway Number 78(o variable width right-of-way)said iron rod being the most southerly corner of said Wylie 4 169.25' 175.00' 55.24'44" N83'S5'S4"W 162.73' Radius=1538.24' Economic Developmnt Corporation tact(Volume 2c813512, 815 Page 2219)and being the northeasterly corner of Lot 3R,Block , 5 157.00' 125.00' 7117'56" N7519'18, 146.89' length=418.38' „....„,,,,,./.. A of the Replat of 78 Corner Addition,Lots 2R1&3R,Block A,on addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat r,'; 6 39.27' 25.00' 90'00'00" S23'21'44"W 35.36' Delta=15'4'S$" thereof recorded in Volume P.Page 296 of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas 7 76.97' 50.75' 90.00'00" N23'21'44, 69.30' /'" Chrd.Brg.=N72'S8'15"E The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,TeXg,hereby certifies that the.foregoing final plot THENCE North 83'3300'Weat,along the southerly""en:soil Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract(Volume {.�•f 8 54.43' 26.00' 124'44`40" N49'15'44"W 44.30' Chrd.Length=417.07' of the COOPER RETAIL ADDITION to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day 5815,Poge 2219).passing at 77.86 feet westerly corof sain,l3 and the southenycomer of said LotBand olang y,,,, 9 ''106.69' 49.00' 125'45'10" 549'15'44"E 86.83' �. of ,2005,and the Council,by formal action,then and there accepted the dedication of the northerly line of said Lot 3R and the southerly line of said Lot 8 and Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract r^ streets,alley,Darks.easement,public please;and water and sewer Tines as shown and sat forth In and upon (Volume 4572.Page 3563),in ail,a total distance of 217.87 feet to o Ye inch iron rod found for ornar at the D � said piai and said Council further authorized khe Mayor to note the acceptance thereof.by signing his name common southerly comer of said Lot 8.and Lot 7 of said additbn,said irn rod also being In the northerly line of sold ,-''' as heretnabove subscribed. Lot 3R and the southwesterly comer of said Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract(Volume 4572,Page 3563); ' ----- ( Lout,et.5Y/ railroad) Witness my hand this day of ,A.D.,2005. THENCE North 0627'00"East along the common line of said Lots 7 and 8 and along the westerly line of said Wylie ' ': Economic Development Corporation tract(Volume 4572,Page 3563),passing at 200.00 feet the Common northerly corner of said Lots 7 and 8 and the southeasterly corner of said obondoned.Coper Drive right-of-way"Parcel i",and (a 100'right-of-way) also being northwesterly comer of sold Wylie Ecnomic Development C'r17c1 tin tract,ih ail,a total distance of 228.00 feet ton'X'cut in concrete set for comer at the northwesterly comer of sold"Parcel 1"; - °` City Secretary THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the northerly line of said"Parcel 1"and along a curve to the left whose tK, "••-`.;r`s° City of Wylie,Texas chord beora North 75'34'00"East,43.89 feet,.having a radius of 175.00 feet,'d central angle of 14'24'33"and an arc 4 �.L'i tii' Ingth of 44.01 feet to an"X'cut in concrete set of the end of said curve to the left; '•,k"' Existing 15'Utility Easement .:'' .r .,4,' Line Easement Yulume 8,Page 5, Easement To City of Wylie c�,,`%"` THENCE North 68'21'44"Eost a distance of 10.06 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with sap stamped"LONE STAR"set at the {`r; Volume 8,Page 5, M.R.C.T. , northeasterly corner of said"Parcel i"and in the curving easterly terminus o said Cooper Drive right-of-way and a �'• M.R.C.,T. Volume 809,Page 610, Vicinity Map Ty.k', D.R.C.C.T. S68'27'44"W westerly 1 ne of said Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract(Volume 4572,Page 3563); (not to scale) 1'Ira (Abandoned by this plat) M Abandoned B This Plot) 75.00' \ ( Y ) THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said curving easterly terminus of Cooper Drive right-of-way and a weatany Utility Mary Geneve Hughes Nne of sold WyNe Eonomic Development Corporatin tractantl alonga curve to the left whose chord beora North ;' �•..� Easement .y� Volume 3997,page 0865, ., .,#` .----' ''� `n• DR.C.C.T. s 2016,2"West,50.00 feet,having a radius of 50.00 feet,o control angle.of 60'00'78"and all arc Imgth of 52.36 feet Block A,Lot 2 r to an"X"cut in concrete set for corner,being the southerly comer of said"Parcel 4"; •-� ,P Site s� _ .,,.r \��`; r �• ' THENCE South 68'21'44"West leaving.said easterly terminus and along the southerly tine of said"Parcel 4"a distance J,, •-- _ _____'________.\-�, \ 87,185 sq.ft./2.001 acres ,/y,0 9g6 C9,76 s of 10.66 teat to an"X"n concrete set at the beginning of a curve the right; ' Cooper -.F_ THENCE In a weterly direction along said southerly line of"Para'4 and along said curve to the right whose chord. (." ece-..-_,-„ .- - J "� g30 \g boars South 71'S7'20"West,15.67 feet,having a radius of 125.00 feet,a rental angle of 07'11'14 and on arc length�-. \ ` �,,•'� / v \ rj2�°LE$'20"E of 1,68 feet to an"X"cut in concrete eat for gamer and being South 1214'00'West along the southerly projection of r, / Easement To Texas Power / / \ F.M.544 the common tine of said Lots 10 and 11 a distance of 19.22 feet from the bommn southerly comer of said Lots 10 , Ti 239.34' and 11; l�_� and Light Company i / >a..- °m, Kirby 1� V'Me 1R.C:Page 110, / / i°•\ m I I+r. :ri .Y\ j THENCE North 12`I4'40"Eost passing soil commn southerly porner and along the common:line of said Lots 10 and 11 J and sing the westerly line of said Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract a distance of 236.28 feet 4o a�inch a"x r Ak W 3 622 / �•x' 16.70' tie'<1 v.•'� irn rod with op stamped"LONE STAR"set for comer in the southerly line of a 100 foot wide D.A,R:T;right-of-way 1 S68�'�y4a \ . �•`� toent -'� 71.23_ 2q•03, le/ee 9• ((fornleny St.Louis&Southwestern Raitrod),said iron rod oleo being the common northerly cornn of said Lots 10 and ,f ' 7,a•'�-•�` •%!` °se • 2 / - C-4 Qo toF it and the most northerly northwestely comer of said Wylie Ecnomic Developmnt Corporation tract; it ` (2 \ N Lot 1(. �. "a uL1«tiy�3,6a,'.2'`l 1.fi8 s�aexce't THENCE in a easterly and northeasterly direction along said D:A.R.T.right-of-way and the northerly line of said addition '• I<, and said Wylie Economic Development Cor orotin tract and elan a curve to the left whose chord bears North 4` Lot 11,Block A / \r ,,,-" e s°n- a `` WYLIE INDSUTRIAL N N Y Nr}o, N 2tk�e,Pa°\ / Qc°QyeQt 72'58'15"East,417.07 feet,having o radius of 1538.24 feet,a central angle of 1514'58",passing at 160.00 feet the `f ^, I r\ Utilit F ,k/ \ `03 / northeasterly comer of sold Lot 10 and continuing o total arc length of 418.36 feet to o{t inch iron rod with cap - PARK J w Easement\ c^ �..•• .tit W/ - / /i stamped"LONE STAR"set for corner of the northwesterly corner of that tact of land described In deed to Mary ,,,,,t , Genene Volume 8,Page 55, "L"I i N�` // c'6�l/ \ \ !/? of a',''�6 northeasterly comernof said Wylie Economded in Volume ic Developm Development Corporation tract;65 of the Deed Records of Collin County.Texas and being the f,f 1 568'21'44"W o e E 1�•. M,R.C.C.T. p ' Y '� \ 384.23' C_, //f/ yto�t`��Q�, THENCE South 20'48'20"East along the common line of said Wy1le Economic Development Corporation and Hughes tract; r p -"'` / .¢°Go�O•G passin the southerly comer of said Hughes tract,the easterly comer of said Wylie Eonomfc Oevelopmnt Co poration Se / \ ,/,/. bo'¢G' tract Volume 4672,Paga 3563)and the northerly corner of s ied°14ie Economic DevelapmentCorporation tract(Volume 1. r. �^ C ¢0' 5815,Poge 2219)and along the easterly line of said Wylie EonomIc Development Corporation tract(Volume 5815,Page ''t N I /• / ) Job 2219)and the westerly line of the remainder of that tract of land described in deed to Collin County,Texas recorded in °" "Paresis p 2,ri and 4" ^' �'('�' \ / ///1 Volume 4930,Page 2156.of the Deed R.ords of Collin County,Texas,in all,a total distance of 239.34 feet to a 14 y',,,. Cooper Drive `, l / 5p0 0 9r1\/�' \ \ // '°/%/�/./� cap P Y 9h- Y 9 Y 1 R•. Inch iron rod with c stamped"LONE STAR"set for comer in said northwestori ri t of-wa Tina of State Hi hwa L ight File No.Abandonment ,,,/ / / Number 78,being the easterly corner of said Wylie Ecnomic Developmnt corporation tract(Volume 5ii 5,'age 2219} td it ,,ryrkI cj ° � G�/ G/ �.A e5�� �;,..••"' \ \ / 9R / f of said Wylie Economic Development Corporation tract(Volume 5815,Page�2219)a distance of 511.41 feet to the POINT a., ' Ay9„ ,,,,•�+ \` / / `rS \ • / OF BEGINNING and ontaining 252,717 square feet or 5.802 acres of land. e�. P.K.Nail ..,j /` \'•. \ / / 'dR;"'D. Found L_3 2A00 '.....,./ // \\� �\ 1 / il:$ "X"Cut In 30g2 // // \ :\ \ / / NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Concrete:Found \ (control mnument) 3 ry / \\ / // 6.71 That,the Cit of W le Ecnomic Develo ment C oatfon and Shafer Plaza XXXIX,LTD„a Texas limited 4 "p°tGe\ of / // \':,\\\ 15'Utility Easement ^// •/ / partnership,eating by and through its duly autho led agent,does hereby adopt this pbt designating the "�''� �.3 // / \ \: \ (Vol.8,Pg.55) / .,/ / herein above described property as COOPER RETAIL ADDITION,an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County, `' / \. \ (Abandoned By This Plat) // / Texas.The easements shown thereon pre hereby reserved to the purposes indicated.The utility and fire lane // // �\ i/ S'• easements shall be open to the public fire and police units,garbage and rubbish collection agencies,and all C/^ }'� >w'" / / 15'Utility Easement \ :\ // /. / public and private utilities for each particular use.The maintenance of paving n the utility and.fire lane ooper Drive / / Volume 783,Page 631, ,\ \\ // / easements is the responsibility of the property owner.No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or other .., / / D.R.C.C.T. \ \ // / improvements or growths shell be constructed,reconstructed or placed upon,over or across the easements as (a 50'Right-of-Way) \-` / / (Abandoned By This Plat) \ \\ // ,,,,,,/ �e�Fec �1 shown.Said easements being hereby reserved for mutual use and gccnlmodation of all public utilities using or 15'Utility Easement / / \ // / Q°se, desiring to use the same.All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or Voi.8,P 55) ,(Abandoned By This Piat) /\ /I2EIIII1iii11 ,`,\e.,\\ / //\ / /\\''•• \ / / \ 1, �,;•,•/ (Any public utility than have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading "%"Cut in \ \ / / '</ ` meters and.any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by the utility).Water main and ( ' / Block A,Lot 1 / wastewater easements shall oleo include additional area of working space for construction and maintenance of Concrete:Found \ \ / �( \ / / // / the systems.Additional area is also Conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes,deanouts,fire (entrd monument) /<\/ �/ hydrants,water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or improvement line and \' �°: 137,411 sq.ft./3.154 acres / / / desarfptin of such addition easements herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. t X"Cut in I /\ %•.. \ / Concrte:Set I / �Y\ \\ / / This plot is approved subject to all plotting ordinances,rules,regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Line.Table a `,,y� Texas. L-•i N68'21'44"E 10.08' - `C, O' // // \ '••\\\ // /f �/' ,�N1 jc Witness my hand,this the day of ,2005. _ L-2 S68'21'44"W 10.66' - ' I / / "� \ // .../ '� �Yx`\�(}� oil L-3 S21'38'16"E 5.31' r.t,�„„'1 d0 / / \ \ / /� i' V t' L-4 S2118'16,-5.31' .1~ 1 / \ \ '\ o Cit of W le Economic Develp ment Cq oration -:J i Lot 7,Block A J fWLEINDSUTRIAL •K/ �` 'V' Shafer Plaza XXXIX,LTD.,a Texas limited partnership .1 S I p, } O / 15'Easement and /"'�.,,; / �, / 1\ '/ Right-of-way �/''`�:'' /fie'ei ,�^� / - 3 ,1P 1 e•tV / To T.P.deL.Company 15'UtilityEasement //'� ' g°')`o eon - i MAR Q 200 ,i /to /'�`�--Volume t72,Page 112, (Vol.8 Pg.55) / / aEoAe �<o� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE i,j ty / O RP.R.C.C.T. •••/ J Q 4•. / Steven G.Shafer-Manager / {Abandoned by this plat) // OQ G. w / Z' I .••:•, ./, e{9p,`tsG.o`° / 8y- -. - >t$ / // // / F°e x Q eQ°t STATE OF TEXAS: / / /// ./ o.,0 `0, / COUNTY OF COLLIN: STATE OF TEXAS: REPEAT „_ 1/2"Iron // // / .'/ °ao / •. Rod:Found // °,• COUNTY OF COLLIN: tP / / / / era / KNOW ALL MEN d THESE PRESENTS:That I,Bonnie eW.d White,a Registered curate on l Land Surveyor in the 611•PE I� ' IL DEXTIO� `y t / / // •,/ `¢ State of Texas,do hereby declare that I have prepared this plot from on accurate on-the-ground survey of BEFORE ME,the undersigned,o Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this day personally appeared L..... ..... / / , 15'.Utility Easement / / the Ind,and the monuments shown hereon were found or properly placed under my personal supervision and SAMUEL SATTERWHITE,.known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument LOTS 1 AND 2,BLOCK A / (Vol.8, g.55) // / In accndance with the Platting Rules and Regulations the City of Wylie,Texas. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the prupoae and considerations therein expressed, (,, / '�---__ f / / / and in the capacity therein stated. ,, / / 4-.� / situated in the 44 gg � / / // Porn/ 40.S s7�`F GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day ofT 2005. S.B.SNELBY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.820 / / Of Bnnie W.White 1 S.von 't4o•?k ', 1/"Iron �� Peel/an/al Texas Regtstrotfon No.4555 ° Tn City of Wylie,Collin Count,Texas+"- 77.86' P /an/ ..4N'Nie l.'Yi}I1 °. Y Y1 , ';t§•. Rod:Found / •^y ..••. 4 ° I +.,Y / // _ `,Aa 4555y.Q Notary Public in and for the STATE OF TEXAS 1/2"Iron Red �sy,:ISS •i4 252,717•sq.ft./5.802 acres } / /// With Cap Stomped ,4'•°•: Lot 3R,Block A N83`33'00"W // /�\ // "LONE STAR":Set STATE OF TEXAS: .,SU•� - ' // / 01 COUNTY OF COLLIN: STATE OF TEXAS: 217 87' COUNTY OF COLLIN: Scale:1"-40' Date:February,2005 I, REPEAT 78 / // lq• BEFORE ME,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this day personally appeared ' / / 24'Common Access Bennie W.White,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and BEFORE ME,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texos,on this day personally appeared ¢,g CORNER ADDITION // / O S ace Easement ST1 G.SHAFER,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument / `' / / 5ry P acknowledged to me that ha executed the same for the prupoae and Cnsiderations therein expressed,and in and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the prupoae and considerations therein expressed, Surveyor. (1st Revision) // // / y0 (Vol.P,Pg.296) the capacity therein stated. i"^ and in the capacity therein stated. lone Star Survey's L.L.C. Volume P,Page 296, / P.R.C.C.T. McKinney,Texas 75069 i 25'Building 20'Utiliky /�' Line GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of 2005. (214}544-2170 GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of 2005. Owner: Qwe.; Wylie Economic r,L Easement (Vol.P.Pg.296) lY (Vol.P,Pg.296) -- .Shafer Plaza XXXIX,LTD. Development Corporation ky r 't r:"'"'^ SUSAN R.LACY{ 3001 Knox Street,Suite No.207 2000 N.State Highway 78 �'" NotaryPublic in and A the STATE OF TEXAS I°'• se,.r«rwm�.«r..] Notary Public in and A.A ABA OF TEXAS Dallas,Texas 75205 Wylie,Texas 367 ��y x,1"S xY[mMYY",rMYr 02.1b9000 {214)361-7778 (972)442-3367 ry,' j, CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5,2005 Consent Case Name: Zlan Corner Addition Action 2 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Public Hearing Exhibits: Site Plan Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a retail development on a single lot,being all of an unplatted 1.20 acre tract of land located at the NEC of Brown Street and Country Club Road(FM 1378). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing a convenience store with a motor vehicle fueling station on a single lot. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie, and includes a tabulation of how the development regulations will be achieved. The property has been zoned for commercial uses since 1986 and is currently zoned Neighborhood Services(NS). Convenience store and motor vehicle fueling station is a permitted use within the current NS District. The Zlan offices and electronic assembly facility occupy the eastern half of the property. TXDOT has approved the driveway locations with the 30' radius on drives and cross access to the property to the east. A Preliminary Plat creating this and two additional retail lots is on the current agenda for consideration. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 SITE DATA SUMMARY TABLE W 0 ZONING NS F PROPOSED USES CONVENIENCE STORE p F N W/GAS SALES '. 3 LOT AREA 48,217.7S.F.OR 1.11 AC. LL o NORTH BUILDING SQ.FT. 2,997 S.F. 4,` • g 0 20 0 HEIGHT OF BUILDING 18,1/2" CANOPY SQUARE FOOTAGE 2,448 S.F. w ' N d I CANOPY HEIGHT 18.-0" r z N SCALE 1"=20' I ( ( STANDARD PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 19 a HANDICAP PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 1 ZONING NS CDPARKING SPACES PROVIDED X1.ci I', • • LANDSCAPE R002IRED 9,643.55 S.F.(20%) Ali w NIS LANDSCAPE PROVIDED21,179.28 S.F.(44%) a� IMPERVIOUS AREA(PAVING) 21,639 S.F.(45%) �^ w rn ! 2 PNOJEGT I I 'I Ir LgIr p~ LOCATION W^.• Z g LANDSCAPE POINTS CHART � ' u 5 0 2 30'R ( - 24'FIRE LANE EASEMENT -24'ACCESS EASEMENT ELEMENT DESIRABLE POINTS FROM i (FOR POINTS) PROPOSED LANDSCAPING 17 LANDSCAPING A.EXCEEDS 20%SITE LANDSC. 20 �'� VICINITY MAP ,� b1 a TRASH ENCLOSURE IN REQ.YARDS --jt\ NTS 3 44'R N 90°00 00 E N 300 00 W/6'MASONRY SCREENING 44'R� B.LANDSCAPEINSIDEAND REAR YARDS NOT 4 g ,,,, o N OTHERWISE REQUIRED 10 m o --- ° O • O 15'R�AREA LIGHT •10 R o \ LANDSCAPING OF A.LANDSC>50 SF PER SPACE 10 20 � (TYP.) \ � I!� � O � 20'R I PARKING LOTS B.NO SPACE>40'FROM Cg c r \ 1 LANDSCAPE AREA 10 rg r O I- R O O ❑ ❑ 10 0 0"• Np0 I C.LANDSCAPE PEDESTRIAN 0 o -m;OO I ) CONNECTION TO MAIN Z 0 cn c,( ❑ ❑ (�� 1 ENTRANCE p -24'ACCESS EASEMENT a ( * c VISUAL SCREENING NO POINTS AVAILABLE NA B oT m I,- LANDSCAPING OF A•USE OF ROCK OR OTHER 10 C 12 o 3 O OI STREET NATURALLANDSC FEATURES J a O I O ❑ ❑ (� FRONTAGES B.INCREASE IN MINIMUM a g LANDSCAPE LO o 60x49 LANDSCAPE 7-ELEVEN m N ',.:2 2 997 SF B.INCREASE OF PUBLIC WALKWAY 0 m O O 'j 3 O Oi `� (\ ZONING NS D.PROVISION OF SPECIAL 0 ,y'N o m O BENCHES,LIGHTING ETC. N Z el z �IP w o U r` I 30.00' 10' 2715' ❑24.00'❑ 6t�.00' 9.70' 98.65' (� TOTAL LANDSCAPING POINTS PROPOSED 60 ¢ r 0O0 34.00' 1 B.00' � '� a 3 0 DEDICATION a 11,0 I O1 TOTAL LANDSCAPING POINTS REQUIRED 55 M PHONE j❑. ❑ ❑ _..___ fi O -TOTAL LANDSCAPING.P IN•TS AWAH_ABL-E- 140 z X AIR/WATER ❑ ❑ SITE DESIGN POINTS CHART w ` 13'R , __15M_REGULAR_ \ O o ELEMENT DESIRABLE POINTS -24'ACCESS EASEMENT, ' (FOR POINTS) ~ (1 0 0 \ 20'Rk R I N V 3 R ----_-_ 20// ( / BUILDING A.BUILD.AT FRONT Z RQ° ID C/l- °° \,rn ` PLACEMENT YARD LINE<20> 0 01 ,�,6 S��, 10M PREMIUM u \44'R B.BUILDINGS=<10,000 SF<10> 10 Q' 3 SJ,, �� \� 4 R N I 44 R/ X m �' •9 40'R \ ( C.FRONT FACADE ORIENTED LL1 Q m 0 R u2 L / TO STREET<10> 10 Q Z w VENTS LANDSCAPE 10 R c,, -- 10'R PARKING A.NO PARKING IN FRONT a 0 3 W W W W N 8a°O9 OO W �— -- LANDSCAPE PLACEMENT 0 W O V W yy W 2�J 0.0 7 p OF BUILDING<20> W W W W W W W W W W EXIST.8"PVC WATER B.ONE ROW PARKING IN (n J J FRONT OF BUILDING MAX.<10> 10 Q� W W W W W A.COMBINE ACCESS POINTS N U W ✓1Qr(jY" WITH ADJACENT TRACTS.<20> 20 EXIST.F.H. B.LANDSCAPE TREATMENT ACCESS DRIVES OF ENTRANCES<10> 10 Z 30'R 79.05' C.DIRECT CONNECTION OF __-=--- BUILDINGS TO STREET<10> 0 0 _3-- D.ANY DEVELOPMENT NOT ABLE V 192.24' 30.00' TO MEET BASE"B"STANDARD MUST HAVE 10 ADDITIONAL NA / ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES POINTS I 30'R // PROJECT No: 05073 BROWN STREET (P.M. 3412) /- POINTS CHART LOADNI NOF DRAWN BY:_ 2DW ti A.NOT VISIBLE FROM STREET ELEMENT DESIRABLE POINTS FROM SERVICE ARMAS BUT PROVIDE SCREEN<10> 10 CHECKED BY: AG \ (80'R.O.W.) // _i (FOR POINTS) PROPOSED ELEV.FEATURES TOTAL SITE DESIGN POINTS PROPOSED 70 PROFE950Nn&ER CEANOAAE E - 1.BUILDING (1).TWO COMPLEMENTARY MATERIALS MATERIALS<10> 10 TOTAL SITE DESIGN POINTS REQUIRED 60 M NM 6,,ED uwwp\ FOR ANY PURPOSE WITNOUL THE / / (1).BASE STANDARD TO FACADE TOTAL SITE DESIGN POINTS AVAILABLE 120 WRIT ENCONSENTOFTHEOIMENSION \ / 2.BUILDING NOT FACING A PUBLIC cRouP / / ARTICULATION STREET BUT VISIBLE / FORM FROM A PUBLIC STREET<20> 20 SITE PLAN / OF AND \ /i // MASSING (2).ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING. ZLAN CORNER i VARIETY TO FACADE � / WITH COLORS,MATERIALS BLOCK A,LOT 1 D s�I rS LI[117 r // OR TEXTURES<10> 10 1.20 ACRES MAR30 (1).PITCH ROOF 6112 RESIDENTIAL OUT OF THE ZOOS 1 PITCH<20> 0 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.22 ay_ / ARCHITECTURAL (2) W PITCH ROOF 6/12 RESIDENTIAL CITY OF YLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS �,, COMPATIBILITY / PITCH WITH ADDITION OF MARCH 9,2005 HIPS AND DORMERS<20> 0 SHEET NUMBER 1 / OWNER: APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: ---� / TOTAL ARCH.FEATURES POINTS PROPOSED 40 ZLAN,Ltd. The Dimension Group Lane's Southwest Survey /-� / TOTAL ARCH.FEATURES POINTS REQUIRED 35 1615 W.Brown Street 10755 Sandhi!!Road 2717 Motley Drive Suite B ( 1 Wylie,Texas 75098 Dallas,Texas 75238 Mesquite,Texas 75150 V 1 I (512)417-4674 (214)343-9400 (972)681-4442 CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5,2005 Consent Case Name: Zlan Corner Addition Action 3 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Public Hearing Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Zlan Corner Addition. Subject property being a portion of a 9 acre tract of land owned by Zlan, Ltd., at the northeast corner of Brown Street and Country Club Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The Preliminary Plat under consideration will create three (3) retail lots. Lot 1 is 1.207 acres in size and the subject of a site plan for retail uses also on the current agenda for consideration. Lot 2 is 2.052 acres in size and Lot 3 being 5.741 acres, and no uses have as yet been proposed for these lots. The subject property has never been platted and is currently zoned Neighborhood Service (NS) District (has been zoned to allow commercial uses since 1986). The Plat dedicates a 30 feet right-of-way for Country Club Road(FM 1378). A Site Plan for a convenience store with a motor vehicle fueling station on Lot 1 is on the current agenda for consideration. However, uses for Lots 2 has not yet been announced, and no site plan has been submitted. Zlan offices and assembly facility occupies lot 3. The currently adopted Comprehensive Plan recommends this property be developed for single-family residential uses, and the proposed revisions to the Plan reaffirm this residential philosophy. Approval of the subject plat will protect the rights to develop the property for commercial uses. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT 1 03/31/05 1 Fs\ ,,, -,,,,_,„_ STATE OF TEXAS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE rtli=!.AiVITacii1O:22.it?trOrWrli:.tgliirClornly!ilen:dand A.CM / FilTNO!Illogivticd'il2:4!deellOn:7,1y!T.:gYg°:1.morm!;.;24:..TIY,5I:V;ir,ed \ ----. / 1,2,'in°41-All°T '1V17"Ir,Vribl,',A7h.!r011671.:°:,1dbre?ricirili,.irsiet.IginctV(r;rligr.ri:it:PF,i:trrg:Vsainir 7 '.. ra":2:1rDe:dg;reoVrd:dTd!?COunTyT:Irk's Ole 2714,,0019675:gLralgRecOrdS.Coilg P ilNairiOn'el;g!a7U?!? lf171:7EliOW :Vegil4int;M: F414V,;;hdthe I N / I Erot:41::!,11:%:t;,,,,...t.cyc,pad, ,,,:!,!Fm we,ca go Roc.ioid iron rod al.being a he I I ___-_-_-______ ', Tinereel;1:4,Nr/2.111111 Trrit:OdSio:Trolir tirneralrh:*ELVIIOWilint Orgrilati'ydITROad / .1:::!1 J.Johnson by Deed recorded in Volume 5142.Page 1371.Land Records.Co in oun y. 1 /,' It'IngdTgirilir;131i:riihi0 Th:g:N:Oiliii!::FOATd'Ilhain4:5 17iTel'''1'::7A ;!4°6"cr° EAST 89,8\4‘' 509.,3_4_,____ 5,0 _____/, L-cFN / FIR • . 300.00' \\\ \ I \ TiraiNi:itt:d1?1::1KiF9dYAi:i:liEd.:091:ialVergft4;8!gtfilrtOftheillLAWOV"t ,,-------- ' -----. \ / / . ---', \ NOW.THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 1 / 1-'------- . TVI.eTn.L..1..,:V4147r.sl:ott 1:1=Ir.i:r1;',..TWAIgErlAmog704-4",' , // \ !..7.F:',ii!:;il':Erg:i1.!q:IPniii::i:illbF:;1'4I 4 .1":'1! ":1.1";°:1:;:°:'dr... /1 - \-----___ 528 _ i h:TTeTurrrigh7lloPb"%'Clinlik14 t1;119a17::.:G:e:IY79:i:i:Ildr:i:ri:IneliVei:F: bs ---_, ' :J \`i /..• 528 ,I ----- )\ / UNic!1!1"1::ersn'g!'fatr ihl"D'On'e":7 trt:ofrilni raletoreral:7901,:r42;:eli:::;n1;::TilhOtrtn. noCes:1;y1c4 any tim.p7...rWrige permi..i.o?any...! / k,,- / \ k)/ car 2 .2005. 2.052 ACRES / By. 2LAN.LTD. / I \ I / • 'I / L-:.11/4 \ ( ,' I 1 / / BIRAlaFVF,TrTD. GEORGE A.SPENCER.President . ( / or 3 I 5.741 ACRES(1 ')\\'"--------- / ' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN T:mb.r,itP,h.foregoing instrument eed eekeeelem,ed to me that he.....,.d the some for 526 0 GIVEN under my Hand and Seal of Office the_____day of .2005. PAKSTMENT'SVO. , \ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texan \. ZONING: NS NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE\ ) ---'\ ‘ `,-, ' Z •<7, • , \ LOT/ / 1 \ \ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /.207 AC \r,'D \ / I i °1=i LY:).T...17.1:r!:;t:r1.4.f: 7,17g.TA:$14111.9 hgT::grArg:MILV:11hrgrty.t.eT:=""p" v 1 E-XX>k XXX 1 i TO • N44'16:51" • 72.10 \ j I 'BUILDING L . • ,___,, _...., ___ 74 '-------2 BATINING THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE ,, REGIISTRVIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No.2509 a L___ ------- ---1-TH 8.WATER -- , N 88°09'00'IV 760.15,1' __ ___ ___,______ STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF DALLAS 2 30-::: \\\ P%gbili.4;41Mnile'dLii :YY'd i:liaiir;:hiquiiruiid iEii: g;tortr;:h:gP4ii!delndhg c!7' ---___. BROWN ASPHALT STREET (F.M. 3412) 1 L__ 8.WATER cOrn:?1:2,i:::rg:%IroxPo:::d!gg GIVEN under my Hand and Seal of Office the_____doy of , 524 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas ENIED RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL OWNER: PREL I M I NARY PLAT P E: ZLAN. LTD. .? Pillgli"giFFIVER°:11W.DT8"111"°vi°LATI" sir4Tin,,71:74.a.t......n,co.....on 16/5 W. BROWN WYLIE. TEXAS 75098 FOR REVIEW ONLY APR 0 5 2005 '3. CONTACT: GEORGE SPENCER Ph. 512-417-4676 , Av ZLAN CORNER ADD I T I 0 'BY' ' rA BASIS OF BEARING: LEGEND APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ! EAST ROO'LINE OF COUNTRY CLUB ROAD r)_ LiFiLiWN LOTS I , 2 AND 3, BLOCK A g '''' FIniFINE ACCEPTED REVISIONS iUTILITY WARNING ilA4A4F*'WER F,M.2514 3-28-05 t NOVL°gEOW1411407ETTV IF 2 ,NoLLINK FENCE F.M.2514 3-30-05 TV-HVEr 9.000 ACRE TRACT WINO UAritUeRaNg101,FEVTOWN°W ITT,. M FarUlog" Ift;.;:1;;°}1:1:1'pih.:5111°°""''°""c''Y°f wY11°'TIIIIiit:tYtilf;::tliii:" ,SITE ! Y>NlYTAII-nr0aTEDW'ATCHRAITIEVIVASPEECRIFIAT IrAMTTI), fiNtEWOUND IMMEVeR RAS"T Y'LLY FP$ FFag nOpHoNE ,,= 'aii!ys.epcirkg. CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.22 I, y MAR302H5j ia"W'71'UrIT'T ° . T * Yelles'ang"rd ihd 4:.:;111:,1"4 .410: =.i.14.1r:g.g1 ';!:: ''..544 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS V MIRM4 POWER O:d =::atibVO:illred**T*r"* „,, 2' Mq,eig,E, Witness my hand this day of VICINITY AMP LANE'S SOUTHWEST SURVEY I NG I NC. DATE: MARCH 2005 rCI (NO SCALE) 2717 MOTLEY DR. SUITE B i 24 Dc411".!T,... MESQUITE.TEXAS 75150-3812 SCALE I..50' so°Lir::25. i. T. Phone(972)681-4442 Fax 681-4829 FILE No.RP-745 -w bon,0 70 CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 Consent Case Name: Woodlake Village Addition Action 4 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Public Hearing Exhibits: Site Plan Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a retail development on a single lot, being 1.065 acres of the Woodlake Village Addition, Lot 1R-2, Block C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The property will create an 11,200 square foot single story building on lot 1R-2, Block C. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie, and includes a tabulation of how the development regulations will be achieved. The subject property was originally platted in 1988 as multi-commercial Woodlake Village Addition. More recently in 2004 the property was replatted for the development of Wal-Mart Supercenter and to create additional commercial lots and create access easements. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 I i i N 1 LOT IR-I, BLOCK C j WOODLAKE VILLAGE EX. ZONING - CC 1 , EX. USE - RETAIL I 1,--- ,-: . .--- ,--- ,,,i ,,, ,--- - 1 EXISTING ; _, , F--- %MP ,---- ''' PARKING [---- ) 1 1 ,n , , 1--`,, 1 1 -- PARKING I EXISTING 31' ,9' SCAWEET I § I . ....,.............,................Mq.t...............M3031'131E . EX. ''). mu 1 ) r 10'LAAA BTE DING SETBACK LINE 15' --S!RI 11 1 I / g w 1 , ,,---- SNTB ISM( I ,A. 1 i I 5'CONCRETE WALK ' i 1 LOT IR-5, BLOCK C ! :1-, 1 WOODLAKE VILLAGE : . . q: I BROWN I EX. ZONING - CC ! (4 LOT IR-2, BLOCK C •w ca loi cykiRiorpsaviNasopRE pp N ' i mliSiall" t., WOODLAKE VILLAGE Avt(D6mi mAETSISNRicFsckAVINTO -,,,,, 2 I PROP. USE - UNKNOWN kilZkil. 46,391 , ',:' ... :9, AREA LOT bi . LOCATION MAP LOT IR-I, BLOCK 1 ;r4 1.065 ACRES :rij ; ti k ; 1 6 NOT TO 1110ALO WOODLAKE VILLA( EX. ZONING - CC :2 ; iZ PROP. USE - RETAIL L' l' E EX. ZONING - C vi !cs44 0 , 4 EX. USE - RETi Ifigif,yFI.2p,-DIAT!thElar, ,i ,,, Fli ? 1 I 1 "1 -. ow I THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN 56 PICIFaiiiielr 12 1 n GAS I h------,--I' 1 i in LAND PACES F=11721elPsF - - {LSA 1 ZONE 0 YiliFiCLik D PLAINT . I -"" gif3T.IP fiKsi2i,Ase4SIT) I ig; .; 1,; 20.5',. 24' 1 iji , L!, 152.4' -I" 20.5' ! 2 . i !11.31• , i I i 6'CONCRETE WALK l*IIY" -I 0 1 / 1 ,\ i 1 Of i/ 1 / \\ : '..,! (i)10,0 0,PARKINGN 0 ____AC IR,NLIIIILLUt&5.EDICIILLISE.. .14.5./.___ .....t...;1_2‘s_71G: _LSA /1_1i I E SPACES(YP., ...: ! ___-----/ 1 / N. ij: E / — -----pRmnsp2 Li. ...),.1,,,;, /k : lagg_21!_MPTPAL FUT RE c7i PAY r ss EASEMENT g2Z PRZRE2 ILEEVAL Fatir 0 1 -- -------- 1 -EXISTI78,16'epeTpNEMENT 7 til ' I I PlittilLIEWER:-- 1 ,' am 10 DEVELOPER: TpX201 P RKIN FRONTIDWYLIE.L.P. NBEN.E.183 STREET i ;1_1=_..,_,Z.,-___A_._ INA.21LORIDA 33180 LANDSCAPE AREA(LSA) 15 :I STOP STOP I-0 E4b2gr-****-* - -- Wer:317-------------- Rna15192I8192 "s% ----- --73-.-:"'jLQIEL--------' _.- ENGINEER: I- APPROXIMATE \ 6,,0-- HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES. INC. filfiThje IIIIIIMAIII:1F. \ S.i. 101910,6145LMBERGER.P.E. PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8FR K(4r6IFITIIIIT° ' = ARCHITECT: RNABEEPCTS VARIABLE WIDTH MeAilieli 3720 1 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS POINT TABULATION ILDINBRIMEngBIENIcEtEt507,1111520S2c24756iRnE POINTS A POINTS LANES SOUTHWEST SURVEYING JIM LANE 111118151EgaltaligidiPilligTOMT iTALCOMTS 2717 MOTLEY DRIVE SUITE B LOT 1R-2.sWA WOODLAKE VILLAGE FIKE:Pg4itlill" TOTAL-60 POINTS(60 REQUIRED) LANDSCAPING POINT TABULATION 1. mimpuiEwite CENTER NOTE'SITE IS TREELESS ,-,,,,,1,,j LANDSCAPING1: IN REQUIRED YARDS LANDSCAPING DALEMORV004-NY POINTS 1: r1075744 NR:11:3g1:88 il:'1'65 ACRES - J liOTHERWISE ileSITINSWEIPURINERTIA(4,3O-siF4870i)-"POINTS 5. LOT COVERAGE:24.14% 6. PARKING REQUIRED:56 SPACES ,'! MAR 3 1 2005 SITE PLAN Ido 7. piREASE455,0Z1100/200=56 SPACES TOTAL-65 POINTS(55 REQUIRED) 8. HANDICAP PARKING REQUIRED:3 SPACES _ 'At(+617iPALFEATP'7.6. PROPOSED RETAIL DEVEL8PMENT------' ARCHITECTURAL POINT TABULATION 9. HANDICAP FARKILPARNISEITTELag5/25-3 SPACES LOT 1R-5,BLOCK C,WOODLAKE viLLAGE ADDITION 10. LANDSCAPE REQUIRED:20%PROPERTY AREA.9.278 SF CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS IMIANTAiigartigNiElliaillE:t 10 POINTS 11. LANDSCAPE PROVIDED:11.271 SF 12. TREES REQUIRED:1 TREE PER 1000 SF LANDSCAPING WATER METER SCHEDULE WITH ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS)-10 POINTS 13. TREES PROVIDED:12 TYPE SIZE NUMBER SANITARY H TvAINDBE=NMENTAL ENGINEERS 124 MOM ROA,WYLIE TEXAS 76092(272)44244E2 TOTAL POINTS-40 POINTS(35 REQUIRED) ,& DOMESTIC 1" 1-PROPOSED 6. IRRIGATION 1" 1-PROPOSED NA DESIGN DRAWN DATE SCALE NOTES FOE NO. him ' MM. CAD. 20: 1'28' SP.DGBIER .21 Cl C L_ ; r _ _ ' ,pd c STRUCTURAL C) 0 2*-0. , COLUMN LINER.T.U. We_i R.T.U.f!,EYONO___ US A=4.0 E.I.F.S.CONTROL JOINT A-50 E.IF5.CORNICE 0-.1 R.T.U.5EYOND7 PfRE-CAST SEE DT-I/A-4.0 TYPICAL \ / 4-4.0 1 MEDALLIONS TOP OF PARAPET I LIJE OF ROOF / A-40 0 7.g.'1;471,2.*2.F:T" 1"---** - 1 •7.g‘J'07SraA"RING -1.,-,...L__. ......................... , _ 1 ..1. = , 1 e 7.07‘T=4NT '''''r ""'"th","'1'''LI''E11;111'""""'"1'h11;111,111Miirirdill 1',1,laitilli,illi1111",',1,1`,r,,ffliii1110,,thli11111111 ,",IffininifillialiallidiiiiiiNiliii:i,111111iii ll',1(1,i,111,111,11,!ill'k,111011111.11411111111111itdli jilllitiltilillidiffilailtifill1111,1;11,111A11111111111114111101111',111(Willillinliiljiiliffirn i':, , SPLIT FACE C.M.U. I ----111:11 III I , -7r\----' COLOR 5 , >.,------- , < ) _ - 0-7-.`67.42';,ti--..., , i _ _k_III: ;. L L ..... i 1 '.---Y,-----1-. 1 . -i- __ ____________ ____, ti E.1 0:tr-smi-tfz- 1 -- _ ..1'. - , i III .." moTE: ALUMIKIM FRAMED \--SI.AGE SY TENANT(N.I.C..r. PROVIDE ONE SWEET(4,0.X ALumiNum Rp,,,,, NumeeR A.SI.OF DOORS TO USE PINEAPPLE GROVE c.v.*, FABRIC AILNNG(TYP., PROVIDE ELECTRICAL JUNCTION S.-09 CF EXTERIOR GRADE FABRIC AWING(TYPJ ISE 0E7...PINED 5Y TENANCY. STAIR OSS,248M-GGS .1 BOX t EMPTY CCNDUIT TO PLYWOOD IN LIEU OF DENSGLASS LCCATION SPECIFIED ON SHEATHING•LOCATIONS SHOW CLEAR ANODIZED,ALUMNUM ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS.(TYPICAL) STOREFRONT SYSTEM. 1 1 ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL ; Eli 4 A1.0 FRONT ELEVATION(Southerly) A5.0 MEDALLION ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"=1.-0" SCALE 1/8"=1,0" Z .11 T mpn job#05055. T EIP.S.COONICE, .., p_- T gerh ‘117 T ..........._ MS SET / A 4,, - .M ONTRO FM.ESEYO c.,,,NT.. C.I.4.CONTfIZOL Mil CONTROL I i .,, / .7.L6?A,S7144T". e .LE0. ,4;A: '..-. ."'""..* I CM.U.CJ cp.. ..---\,_ JOINT-DT-2/A-4.0 JOINT-DT-2/A,4,122. __, M7-4%1" — _ TOP.....'=....- -.'*1;,. OF PARAPET tliETVEZZ. .tP.J01Sit 5:AR" N - == - - - -,-== G -t----' 7-L-E'L'= '''' T- - -WI.---7,r741.7-'-'" ........ri 11-7.-..".1; ,-,._,..7 ELT mrinialrie TO.JOTTEgE7A1121-?.G. ,O,L,., ........ _- - C 0 •• AR R1 AWASH *2 ---L,•11..."" -1_,..1.1' T'7- ,ALUMINUMc FRAMErmME0oTAL -,--•• ..-, l• ot‘ct . ........... IIIM oUL NG, ......1111111111111 all ......11111• all ahrmmounamearaliartrimuummirmomonma.....s._imaltssimumemmu... L,- , 771, VIRMIXIMMEATRAIMIEraLTAREFJ&TrailSrAMUNIZEIVILTis ,--T',...,-1-,,I'-1-1-', F.,..— DUVPSTER ENCLOSURE '- --"1- -17,31---t"14"-"T",,,,:"*--"--ii-E''---r-L'11-L--I.'--L ' '',........›....< ....._....,,_..1- 1111r11111MI MIBIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU/M,,,, --_,=L_ DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE SEE SHEET AS-It A , i-H-L--r-'-','--i,-=-- ,-. PAINT ON SPI-IT - >'''- T.O. 07,„-..\,..01:4;NT 7--,- ,71.•..Z.',#TT, r =filrLIT- JeNn-lvir---7, risi SEE SHEET AS-. ti) 2, ,1.--,i. fEit-f..-P,,,H-'---Thk;',T,'..' '-',1'-t--t,--T,-'-'-15_--)' t- ,---,- e*--tT.1-,:---.!:,- ,---,3 ---- .-t-t,---14.''IIH' 1-,..f' f _ ,._-_,_-_,,t.EL'72---- T-FACE '- '"""i-L--, -1,--„,,,_ _...__L, - "‘,'-coLova*4 -=,-,-='- ---, -- ,__1. =ti,,1_ __,_,_., 7 ..,-,p4,,- _T- 7 SPLIT-FACE CM. 1 I „-rL",,,,,A-44,,_-=';'",,,,, ,_,I-TLP":_!"'"T"tr,_;,_-_-F",-'":,,),_,,-.9.-„,_,___,,__4%,.4..a,,_-_ ,_,,,,_,Iiii_#="-L2.,,i-,-;„..,, _=••Vrtrigt....=••.r....,......m.aa=t..n..=...j;: , -.1 ,_ .1..„. , _,..,7„, PAINTED,COLOR*3 &-,===",-,',11,*=1":", "T- --'' -'-'-rh-,- --1---1-L'' j_,4-L''',„._'L,.'--7-1T-,,,Tj.---T''::Lr_,_,_I__ __,. :2- _ .-'1--,.._,...-`,..1-_ _i_ ELa,•2'-tr. ',sat,' all --"--1 . "Iir.,--L-...22".-T-Ei.„.' Rim---,-:,,,, .I-1,...--" --,Vaiiiir=iimum ••••••••••••^•••••••••••• ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E, , ...:'p-,--,_,,,,.. ,, ,,__F.:71-7 - , ,_I,,1_, r _ __ ......p_,,_,_,,,,,,,,1_,L_Li T.O.CM..VENEEIR 1 int. ---,- •• tti = iummairr ant T umemiammannint as 0,1,,,i,„. ..„:TE---, MI,S. o ' --'7,: filega, 131,11„„, ....rj,,,r3,5Yataj ."....... FINISHED R-0-0-12-4' w SNEE,FLOOR i ... ••• 1 ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR A3.0 I SIDE ELEVATION(Westerly) A2.0 SIDE ELEVATION(Easterly) SCALE 118..1, SCALE 1/8"=1, 1 i GRAPI-I IC LEGEND i T (1) RT.U.BEYOND C) (D 7:. ,..._7 . il 1 TCgrl:gw.,47,SCW:11381.' = al- CO 1' 0). 1 1 ink .MCONTRO E.IF.S.CORNICE, 1___ __i TYPICAL .U.CONTROL C..U. L ... ;1 qv' If...IGHTING WALL 2,x 2,PRECAST CM.U.CONTROL .iSEYOND JOINT-DT-2/A-4.0 JOINT-DT-2/A-40 = ±"0 ,I JOINT-DT-2/A-4.0 LINE OF ROOF F--- _ 1 STONE MEDALLIONS LGHTING WALI- PACK .M.U.CONTROL JOINT-DT-2/A-40 rt.u.coNTRoL. I JONI-DT-2/A-40 LIGHTING WALL PACK PARAPET BEYOND LIGHTING WALL I , 41. 1 5,PINEAPPLE PACK L_____-____] ,COvoRyLOR t COASTAL ,,,,,, • %,:, .00 M al. imitiagair 11111lMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7 co i: , -11111111111111K11111111& ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ LII,E OF IROOF BEYOND -.....**-..**-- ...=,---..---**... -*............ --• *1'11-;;;....----------='*-...".*=.1.."- ...."I'l"....."'It--;.. .1*-- ...j"-aiafii.;...i....*".-"'"- -"" swarinaliffirril.--1 7 '.....micorinowaszt torinsing. ... .......F•wmp,tcs,: =ro .it- wigicarifirii,diarjeirmcr. At.--L4......., ...,,..,,, ria.........., • ':':s ANTIQUE WWITE PERMIT SET - w -,------ ----,?--L---, „- , ,, ---_,,-,------ ..- _ ,- ,._; -..-, E47,, , _,_, r-p-----,-,arm.— if - __.1 d. Af...j' c.m.u. , _.,,,,,-____,_ ' --,--, _SEARING Cll.. -ii"-'' nun -.,,----_-_ ausimme ir_rr_17.P.A.Diki. ,..,-,.,-,....e, I, r-e,.-r- ..1-1.--,,,O1/141,04 il .---'..1 i -17-,4'.....P.T.' IT. 1.1.- 9Ef.,.......C...•- ' rf,a-R-T----L,_Amu— i_f- _if- PAINT NM FP-AM A. ,..,,‘‘r..-r . . .--LT.,-,-LT., i..- -=....''. -i OR 1,4OOLOR*4 CO -4 --,_'-''' ........,itit• '-'--t- DOOR TO MATCA t'. --r----r-, SPLIT FACE VENEER -COLOR 5 PAINT 03/07/05 --T tr-- T-L- re CO ' 5ENJAMIN MOORE 7.-1,FtTjj-77.-1,-,:11- t7L-7:"7-7,2,-_-,,-1i I''T-',1-_"-•t_-,''r't"',"4'-_,7I-,-I.-,--.-'' -.`t-i'T'i-t '-'"'---="LY-'T.-t., -'- r. ,/. .,_..t..„a.L_.i. ..oR.4 --- --5 01214 WARMEARN. REV. DATE , 'a i l_ ''.-" ,---,, T •7 -LT' \_L-71, / 7_1____ OM. ,'a,_1_,± ____ , '_,--,. on _ _Lii. 7,--3:,„-t.,..„ . ,,,,,,,,_ , , .,--,-. h..—.•—ii.i-. _:......,.. _y---,... :_r p --- 1--_,-,-7_- SESPEL PITA FINATCEED C CMO.UL.OTRO A I et ft g I E'D'FleC;OR I',"5,,-1,--7:-,1--E- IASI HALF MOON A i i lir DUMPSTER ENCLOSUI. PAINT DOUNSPOUT t '-'-= CREST. 'I SEE SHEET AS-10 PAINT KM.FRAME A. ...TOR HEAD 1 JA TO 1 DOOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL,COI-OR*4 MATCH ApCENT WALL, , 1 , A ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR A1.0 REAR ELEVATION(Northerly) ,1 ARCHITECTURAL 1, ELEVATIONS 1' i 1 . 1 1' ... A2.0 CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-1 (Jones Tract) Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 1 Exhibits: Location Map Miscellaneous PD Conditions and Development Plan Other Notification List/Map and Responses AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for mixed uses, including retail and residential of varied densities. ZC 2005-01 This item was tabled by the P&Z on March 1, 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial. The request does not fully conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan for large-lot residential, nor does it offer innovations to justify a PD other than variances from the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. SUMMARY: Owner: Estate of Mary Allene Jones Applicant: Adams Engineering This item was tabled at the March 1, 2005 P&Z meeting. The applicant has subsequently made revisions to the request, and the attached supporting documentation reflects those changes. Notification and advertisement of the request has been repeated since the tabling, although staff concludes that the proposed revisions create less intensive impacts than those advertised and discussed at the March 1 public hearing. The Commission may, at their discretion, either continue with discussion following the closed public hearing or reopen the hearing to receive additional citizen comment. Notification/Responses: Twenty-eight (28) notifications mailed, with four(4)written responses returned for this version(2 opposed and 2 favoring). Requires simple majority to approve. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for mixed uses, including retail and residential of varied densities. ZC 2005-01 This item was tabled by the P&Z on March 1, 2005 SUMMARY (Continued): The property totals 186.56 acres, south of FM 544 and west of Regency Business Park Addition. The property is traversed by the undevelopable 150 feet wide right-of-way of a major electric power transmission line (approximately 9 acres), which legally describes the property as the northern Tract One of 130.7 acres and the southern Tract Two of 55.8 acres. The Development Plan also suggests a construction phasing pattern. The current request proposes to divide the property into two major uses. The northern 60 acres along FM 544, for a depth of 1,000 feet, is designated for Corridor Commercial uses. The remaining southern 127 acres is designated for 345 single-family residential lots of 10,000 square feet each, for a density not exceed 2.76 lots per acre. The previous proposal allowed a total of 434 lots (332 at 7,000 s.f. and 102 at 10,000 s.f.) for a density 3.8 lots per acre. The currently-adopted Comprehensive Plan recommends that the eastern half of the property be developed as Suburban Residential with lots averaging 20,000 square feet, and the western half to be Country Residential with lots in excess of 1 acre. This Plan would yield a total of approximately 226 lots or a density of 1.2 lots per acre. The request does not conform to the recommendations of the current Comp Plan in regards to residential densities. However, proposed revisions to the Comp Plan recommend that a strip of perhaps 200 feet deep along FM 544 be Corridor Commercial uses, and the PD proposes such nonresidential frontage but at a greater depth of 1,000 feet. The proposal does conform with this potential recommendation of the Comp Plan. The Conditions of the PD provides that residential development must generally conform to the standard requirements of the SF-10 District, except for narrower lot widths and yard setbacks. Minimum house size is 2,000 sq. ft. and 75% must exceed 2,400 s.f. with 50% being larger than 2,600 s.f., compared ti the 1,900 sq. ft. required by the standard SF-10 of the ZO. Houses must be 100% masonry, with 8:12 roof pitches and dormer/gable, the same front elevations must be separated by 7 lots (rather than the 4 of the ZO), and approximately twice the number of yard trees are required than currently required by the ZO. However, no porches or building articulation/off-sets is specifically required. Nonresidential/commercial development must comply fully with the standard requirements of the Corridor Commercial District of the Zoning Ordinance. The PD provides for the extension of McCreary Road as a 4-lane divided roadway south of FM 544, as envisioned by the Thoroughfare Plan. The proposed development will dedicate the full right-of-way for this thoroughfare as well as provide complete pavement through the residential portion and 'h of the pavement thru nonresidential. Wylie is negotiating a land swap with the City of Sachse for a portion of this corridor. The PD proposed that alleys not be residential alleys not be provided, but requires that 25 percent of the total houses have side entry garages. The PD identifies no park land dedication, and 17.25 acres will be required for the proposed 354 lots. About 4 acres of open space is illustrated on the development plan. 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Statement of Effect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie as adopted and amended, except as specifically provided herein. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT— NON-RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR DISTRICT General Regulations: The commercial tract within this Planned Development Districts location within the proximity of the residential land uses of the Suburban Residential District and the Village Center are intended to accommodate the development of office, retail and commercial service-related uses for the neighborhood residents. Permitted Uses: Land uses permitted within non-residential areas, indicated as Tract A shall include those uses allowed in Article 5 Use Regulations, Section 5.1 Lane Use Charts, Figure 5-3 Land Use Tables, Non-residential Districts, Commercial Corridor Districts (CC) and Section 5.2 Listed uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. Commercial Corridor District (CC): Tract"A" Tract A is to be developed in accordance with the development standards as defined in Article 4 — Non-residential District Regulations, Section 4.2 Business Districts, B. Commercial Corridor District (CC), Figure 4-4 — Commercial Corridor District (CC) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. Non-residential Design Standards: The Section 4.4 Non-residential Design Standards shall apply to the commercial development within the Planned Development District in the Commercial Corridor District (CC) classification. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT— SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS General Regulations: All regulations providing for single family 10/19 as set forth in Section 3.2 Suburban Residential Districts of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply, except as otherwise specified under the provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein and the conditions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all of the zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development. 1. Exterior Wall Materials —A minimum of 100% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone or masonry. 2. Roofs —roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle and have a roof pitch of 8:12, Additionally, all roofs shall include dormers or have a combination hip and gable roof. (This item shall be worth 10 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 3. Fences and Walls - Fences may not exceed 8 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. All rear yard fencing adjacent to dedicated park land shall be wrought iron material, 6 feet in height. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 4. Screening —The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: a. Clotheslines b. Drying racks c. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind d. Yard maintenance equipment e. Wood piles and compost piles f. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and green houses. g. Garbage can and refuse containers. Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. (This item shall be worth 0 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 5. House Elevation -No like floor plans shall be constructed adjacent to each other. Additionally, there shall be a minimum of 7 lots skipped on the same side of street or 4 lots skipped on the opposite side of the street between units with the same floor plan and same elevation. (This item shall be worth 10 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 6. Mailboxes — Mailboxes shall be paired at the property lines and shall be of one style throughout the development. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 7. Side Entry Garages— 25% of the total number of units shall have side entry garages. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements.) If the floor plan contains space for 3 cars in a split design, then the plan shall be considered a side entry if a least two of the garage spaces face the side. 8. Landscaping -The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: a. Trees — a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. b. Shrubs —twelve (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house. c. Grass — solid sod from the fence to the curb. 9. Alleys —The alley requirement for this planned development shall be waived. 10. Density—The total number of residential units for this planned development shall not exceed 345 units and the total density (based upon gross acreage) shall not exceed 2.76 units per acre overall. Specific Regulations: This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie Single Family 10/19 Suburban Residential district (SF-10/19) except as noted below: Figure 1-1 — Single Family Planned Development District cfat:slZe (Sq.tt)r X x��.:ntr«�',` 04# V �}�`�"�- I10,0 V4, i ^,r, Lot size 10,000 Lot Width (feet) 70* Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 81* Lot Depth (feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots (feet) 120 Iwelhng Regulations _. i,. , '"!fii:WW,155 Minimum Square footage See chart below Design Standards Level of Achievement See section of Zoning Ord. Ward Requirements Front Yard (feet) 25 — 20' w/side entry* Side Yard (feet) 6* Side Yard Corner Lots (feet) 15* Side Yard of Allowable nonresidential use (feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 25 Rear Yard Double Front Lots feet 30* WAG' N i+ ) w Front Yards (feet) Behind Rear Building Line of Main Structure Side Yards (feet) 5 Rear Yards (feet) 10 Rear Yards Double Front Lots (feet) 15* Side Yards Corner Lots (feet) 15* Minimum Distance From Main Building (feet) 5 Area of Building Maximum cumulative building size 2,500 square feet; or Lots 2 Acres or Less (square feet) 10% of lot area Lots 2 Acres or More square feet) s 5% of lot area whichever is less '" ,, "`'tr a ,�� �a a �,��, ,r Wl eight o `trtrc t res. � . 14W 4 W , ,: , Main Structure (feet) 2-story Accessory Structure (feet) 36 * Represents a Variance from SF-10/19 District Minimum Square Footage of dwelling: 10% > 2,000 — 2200 square feet 15% > 2,200 - 2400 square feet 25% > 2,400 - 2600 square feet 50% > 2600 + square feet PLANNED DEVELOPMENT— GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance dated February 27, 2002. 2. Procedures of the Planned Development District: a. Zoning Exhibit: A zoning exhibit is hereby attached and made part of the approval for this Planned Development District. This zoning exhibit, indicated as Exhibit"C" sets forth an overall property boundary description and the designation of each zoning tract, identified by a number which corresponds to the tracts defined in this Exhibit"B" Planned Development District Development Standards. b. Conceptual Plan: The Conceptual Plan is hereby attached and made part of the approval for the Planned Development District as Exhibit"D". c. Development Plan: Prior to any development under this approved Planned Development District, a Development Plan for each phase must be submitted to the City of Wylie for approval. The Development Plan shall suffice as the Preliminary Plat for the residential single family tracts or districts. The Development Plan shall suffice as the Site Plan for non-residential tracts or districts. The Development Plan shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council prior to the issuance of any building permit for construction. d. In the event of a conflict between the Development Standards and a Development Plan, the Development Standards shall apply. • i -1 i .i 1 ' Ill 0 - 5 ir,1{ g \ 1 l ,' L lei 9 AFT' �a�SED ._REA��RD��r /•' 11 i 4111111111 I .di wars\-1.1 _ e , , . nu _ , ,,,IL. , i 1 7 1 alritY - 1- -- - - .b I� r#t 4 II HI1_ _ 1 c % uLi r 1 X , 1 -- , _ -11 '- i 12"1 r -% r .t,‘,. 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''',4''S',.'44 4,:.+'; '...4 4.c 4 Ai.iii,4---4.'--0•.---••=-,,.. -.•:. -- - — ,_,....4.,,, „.--,4-41.:,,;;.* .,"'_';',..:-..-'' . " .1 .4k,' ..1';' 1';''''''' ''''f•'. '4'172:LF 1 .... .. . '''.'... .1, , e4.'-' ' .-••.-0-*-.-- .... ;447 754.' ** 1A1--TW I ,,,,,..,...•„—' - J ,--•- ••‹.•$i-g.,•,•*, _. • 11 1-10D I , - 1 i ---- 1 1 ro.R. -..e•-- 0 ..,..----. ZONING CASE #2005-01 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Stacy Stockton with Adams Consulting Eng �.- Q APPLICATION FILE #2005-01 500 Nolen Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 A6.AitM6-r :% # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX ID. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS ` Applicant- Stacy Stockton 500 Nolen Drive 1 Adams Consulting Engineers, Inc. Southlake, Texas 76092 McCreary FM 544 3245 Majestic Circle 2 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-8451-001-0010-1 Wessington Properties LLP Conway, Arkansas 72034-8392 Moss Addn Moss Brothers 3455 FM 544 3 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-2820-001-0010-1 Real Estate Management LP Wylie, Texas 75098 Moss Addn Moss Brothers 3455 FM 544 4 Blk 1 Lot 2 R-2820-001-0020-1 Real Estate Management LP Wylie, Texas 75098 Williams Addn Kathleen James 818 Parkdale 5 Blk A Lot 1 R-4673-000-0010-1 _ c/o Sherry Berman Southlake, Texas 76092 Williams Addn Kathleen James 818 Parkdale 6 Blk A Lot 2 R-4673-000-0020-1 c/o Sherry Berman Southlake, Texas 76092 Corvette Addn 3101 W. FM 544 7 Blk A Lot 1 B R-3165-000-001 B-1 Four Collins Group Corp Wylie, Texas 75098 Corvette Addn 3101 W. FM 544 8 Blk A Lot 2 R-3165-000-0020-1 Four Collins Group Corp Wylie, Texas 75098 FM 544 Springwell Addn 6399 Willow Springs Road 9 Blk A ( Lot 1 I R-4803-00A-0010-1 Nejat Destani La Grange, Illinois 60525-4466 FM 544 Springwell Addn 8519 Cherry Hill X 10 Blk A Lot 2 R-4803-00A-0020-1 Bruck-Robertson Family Ltd Dallas, Texas 75243-7025 Jacobs Addn 509 Vinca Place 11 Blk A Lot 1 R-1955-00A-0010-1 Jacobs Family Trust Jacksonville, Florida 32559-4431 Regency#1 110 Regency Drive X 12 Blk A Lot 1 R-1949-00A-0010-1 Austin Wylie Realty Ltd. Wylie, Texas 75098 Regency#1 6071 Willow Wood Lane 13 Blk A Lot 2 R-1949-00A-0020-1 Masoud Azimi Dallas, Texas 75252-2394 Regency#1 6604 Jupiter Road 14 BikA Lot 3 R-1949-00A-0030-1 Farhat Mann Plano, Texas 75074-2016 Regency#1 401 St. Michaels Way 15 Blk A Lot 4 R-1949-00A-0040-1 Jerome Smith Rockwall, Texas 75032 Regency#1 401 St. Michaels Way 16 Blk A Lot 5 R-1949-00A-0050-1 Jerome Smith Rockwall, Texas 75032 Regency#2 PO Box 51676 17 Blk A Lot 6 R-2208-00A-0060-1 Marilyn Pennington Amarillo, Texas 79159-1676 Regency#2 PO Box 6037 co 18 Blk D Lot 1 R-2208-00D-0010-1 Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. Greenville, Texas 75403-6037 - PO Box 6U3 O Regency#2 19 Bik D Lot 2 R-2208-OOD-0020-1 Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. Greenvill�T�ax 51��03-6037 Regency#2 Amarillo, Texas 79159-1676 20 Bik D Lot 3 R-2208-OOD-0030-1 Marilyn Pennington PO Box 51615 Regency#2 Amarillo, Texas 79159-i 676 76 21 Bik D Lot 4 R-2208-00D-0040-1 Marilyn Pennington 5925 DeWitt 7 Street Mary Allene Jones c/o CraigJones Sachse, Texas 75048-3701 22 Abst 835 Tract 1 _ R-6835-000-0010-1 Mary Alle e Jones 5925 DeWitt Street c/o CraigJones Sachse, Texas 75048-3701 23 Abst 835 Tract 2 R-6835-000-0020-1 PO Box 219071 24 Abst 835 Tract 3 R-6835-000-0030-1 ONCOR Electric Delivery Company Dallas, Texas 75221-9071 BC Wood PO Box 1042 25 Abst 835 Tract 17 R-6835-000-0170-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie, Texas 75098 2114 Lakemere Drive Arthur Willis Garland, Texas 75041-1 41 7 26 Abst 835 Tract 24 R-6835-000-0240-1 7 Regency Drive ® 27 Abst 835 Tract 28 R-6835-000-0280-1 Hargrave Home Repair Inc. Wylie, Texas 75098 9 Regency Drive 28 Abst 835 Tract 33 R-6835-000-0330-1 M-Tex Industrial vSu Ep Supply Co, Inc. Wylie, Texas 7 098 29 FM 544 Texas Dept of Transportation McKinney, Texas 75069 30 31 32 33 34 . 35 36 37 38 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-01. VI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-01. Date,Location&Time of .< Planning&Zoning • Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 1,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas • Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 22,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: awLL BST ney_. (please print) nn Address: I REgENCY Y1-1E 7 oq2 Signature: CM,Lk) � n tti Date: 05 COMMENTS: OZMOIER-e-,/fkL. Ulnwn o€4'f l &L - RE5f466-Nrm.L. /XOT BE .5-O l N�usTi2!H-t-1G�mm PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: `{ b ( P . Rob e r s �- gem t✓ai 'h el ' (please print) Prue k-Poke( Address: �,' ,.'fed' ---=- ' `- �,. Pa' Signature: 1y44./ se. /a-44-6 OW net( Date: I a /0 S 71 (Ai is COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: //ar (aye- [Iv Re ìí, �(�', (please t) Address: ! ��e-ncJ r f , TX 7 o9 Signature: Cam- 42,7 Date: 3`c 9- (9 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 //' I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning C..ace #2005-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 1,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 22,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: FE-C, lP(fl C (please print) Address:" < . ( 3-7 erretThVi I t-e - `7 c lure: a `l _..1 "-"(—_.Date /< COMMENTS: CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-03 (Housewright/Sage Creek 9) Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 2 Exhibits: PD Conditions and Concept Plan Miscellaneous Notification List/Map and Responses Other Traffic Analysis AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for single-family residential uses. ZC 2005-03 This item was tabled by the P&Z on March 1,2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial. The request does not conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan for larger lots, nor does it offer innovations to justify a PD other than variances from the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. SUMMARY: Owner—Ronnie Joe and Suxanne Housewright Applicant—Ashton Dallas Residential This item was tabled at the March 1, 2005 P&Z meeting. The applicant has subsequently made revisions to the request, and the attached supporting documentation reflects those changes. Notification and advertisement of the request has been repeated since the tabling, although staff concludes that the proposed revisions create less intensive impacts than those advertised and discussed at the March 1 public hearing. The Commission may, at their discretion, either continue with discussion following the closed public hearing or reopen the hearing to receive additional citizen comments. Notification/Responses — Sixty-six (66) notifications were mailed, including the 48 properties within the legal notification area and the 18 providing written response for the March 1 hearing. Written responses representing twenty-six (28) properties were returned, twenty-five (25) opposed and three (3) favoring. Requires simple majority to approve. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Change in zoning from Agriculture (A)to Planned Development(PD)District for single-family residential uses. ZC 2005-03 Tabled from March 1 meeting. SUMMARY (Continued): Property totals 59.24 acres, west of Sage Creek Phase 4 and 7 Additions and north of Wooded Creek Estates, effectively land-locked between existing development and the Muddy Creek floodplain. The request is to expand the existing Sage Creek Planned Development District (PD 99-9) for single-family residential uses. The floodplain occupies the eastern two-thirds of the tract. The currently-adopted Comprehensive Plan recommends lots of 1 acre or larger, and revisions to the Comp Plan currently being considered recommend medium-density residential (10,000 to 20,000 square feet lots). The requested smaller lot size of the PD (8,400 sq. ft.) does not conform to either of these recommendations. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development. The proposed PD offers somewhat larger minimum lot and house size than currently exists within the Sage Creek development, but little innovation beyond the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. No site constraints have been documented requiring lots smaller than recommended by the Comp Plan and neighboring properties to the east. The PD zoning is not justified The Conditions of the PD establish a minimum lot size of 8,400 square feet, which is smaller than the minimum currently allowed by the Zoning Ordinance but somewhat larger than those being developed in neighboring subdivisions (67% of Sage Creek lots are 7,200 sq. ft. or larger and the average lot size in Wooded Creek is 8.5K s.f.). Ranch Creek Estates, across the creek to the east, is developed with rural lots in excess of 10 acres. The previous proposal requested a minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. The PD provides that 50% of the houses must be 2,400 square feet or larger, and a minimum house size of 2,000 square feet. This size is larger than the existing Sage Creek subdivision and Wooded Creek, as well as the minimum currently required by Wylie's zoning regulations (1,700 sq. ft.). The previous proposal requested a minimum of 7,200 sq. ft. The PD generally follows the design requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance, except for narrower lot widths(60 feet rather than 70 feet), side yards(5 feet rather than 7) and smaller porches (14 feet rather than 20 feet). The applicant has not documented why the development cannot comply fully with the standard regulations of the ZO. The PD now provides 30 acres of land as public park and proposes to construct a trail through the Muddy Creek floodplain, as well as a private amenity center of approximately one acre. The proposed 95 lots will require 4.75 acres of park dedication (fees or equivalent in lieu of land because under 100 lots). The Park and Recreation Board has recommended acceptance of this concept. The PD waives the required alleys, to continue the character of the existing Sage Creek development which does not provide alleys. Alleys are provided within the Wooded Creek subdivision. The PD proposes to extend Mainstream Drive to link with Riverway Lane for additional traffic access/egress. The attached traffic analysis, approved by the City Engineer, concludes that such an alternate route is not justified by the anticipated traffic generated by this and recently approved Sage Creek developments. . . „ • i i, j i i i i 1 1 \':.-71------_,........._________..„____,....i• • 1 -~ 1... .._ _.._._.._.._.._............_.._.._ I I 1 1 1 1 i • ii r; • 1 i ; , i _,.1., ! _���0tit UO�CU� 4 1 1 1 I j I • I i -..-.. j 1 I ! ! 1 1 i j j j j IIP 1 : . 1 j j ! 1 j ! I 1 I 1 Cr)i pi I \ %r-- -s.. 1 Lo 1 ! 4 say I [... ......... j),CI -±1 IItI ,II\-,-iI-.38Ii° it7i ' i j iim • vp.-�-- 4 7 1 ti'i Fk ,, 1 0l,y.W:CM ` j ! 9FF' d^5` '11)7Z L",h.�'f: l 2 ili`-F4{�a�rqr : f 1 i y L.._.._.._d:. T w% 6^i P-c..•.e •7 i ® V t.. 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P 4 r lie \r. 14C4-.�k Y1;g: �i7,''S"dd.`QnYi\ 4,10 r. /\\\ I, Q. * ,e- itTO m) la••••,n,lok.IG .„,...Iiii.L.,...w miNIIIIN ing''"NITI 1111111111111. 41 ai 1 risrl a ailt-sir, ammo . ,/, , : • • ;ow f inollill allis immom mow,limi al 111- i , ! ivip' tion ' imam 111D1� 4 M•�+ �'`C} gMIN ��1ift mom, i ma as No 111� _ ,." ; ,_ . _ ,� :.��. .�_ "'" swim: . • .-, a 11111111/ , ! 21111116111111aLra•ftlig { ., 1 = r== it ,,;inal11111 ;3 \ -. mom ,AM- N Wail111► ,J 1a Exhibit"B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Sage Creek Phase 9 (Housewright Tract) Zoning Case#2005-03 General Conditions: 1. This Planned Development District shall not effect any regulation within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of SF-8.5/17 District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3 A.3 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance(adopted as of February 27, 2002) are included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. 3. The attached Development Plan(Exhibit C) shall serve as a Preliminary Plat. The Development Plan shall conform to the written conditions of the Planned Development, but in case of conflict between the two,the written conditions shall prevail. Special Conditions: 1. Lot Mix Maximum number of Single Family dwelling units permitted in this Planned Development shall not exceed 95 units Minimum Lot Size will be 8,400 square feet 2. Lot Size Minimum Lot Width (at front building line): 60 feet Minimum Lot Width(at front building line) of Corner Lots 60 feet Minimum Lot Depth: 120 feet Minimum Cul-de-Sac Lot Depth: 90 feet Conditions for Planned Development-Sage Creek Phase 9 1 3. Dwelling Regulations Minimum Dwelling Size on any Lot: 2,000 sq. ft. Minimum Dwelling Size on 50%of Lots: 2,400 sq. ft. 4. Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard 25 feet Side Yard 5 feet Side Yard of Corner Lots 15 feet Rear Yard 20 feet 5. Yard Requirements—Accessory Structures Front Yard behind rear building line of main structure Side Yard 5 feet Rear Yard 5 feet Side Yard of Corner Lots 20 feet Minimum Distance from Main Building 5 feet Max Area of Accessory Structure 80 sq. ft. 6. Height of Structures: Main Structure 36 feet Accessory Per existing Sage Creek CCR's (currently 8 feet) 7. Alleys No alleys shall be required within this Planned Development District 8. Design Standards The following will substitute for Section 3.4, Figure 3.14 of the Zoning Ordinance Exterior Facade (Main Structure) 100%brick, stone Chimneys Chimney enclosure required Roof Pitch 8:12 or greater with architectural grade overlap shingles Conditions for Planned Development-Sage Creek Phase 9 2 Roof Materials Asphalt shingles, no wood shingles Paint rooftop accessories to match Units with same street elevation 4 lots skipped same side of street 2 lots skipped opposite side of street and No identical floor plans side by side Front Entry Cover 14 sf minimum front porch, 5' minimum width Residential Mail Box locations Paired at Lot Line, same style throughout Garage Doors Offset, 12" minimum, maximum 50% of elevation 9. Signage,Entry Feature and Medians No signage, entry feature or median element will be required within this Planned Development District as this is an additional phase to an existing community that already has signage, entry feature and medians. 10. Sidewalk Lighting Decorative low height solar lighting will be required within this Planned Development District. 11. Crosswalk Construction Specialty pavers will be installed at all crosswalks within subdivision. Pavers will be installed at a minimum width of 4 feet 12. Park Dedication City of Wylie Park Fees shall not be waived or reduced for development within this Planned Development District. The Owner/Developer may dedicate acreage in lieu of fees and/or use comparable funds to provide park improvements within this Planned Development District. The cost of park improvements shall be equal to or greater than the park land dedication requirements in effect at the time of platting. All park improvements shall be coordinated with the Director of Community Services or his designee, prior to initial construction of the development. All park improvements shall be installed and/or fees paid prior to City acceptance of the development or as otherwise agreed to between Owner/Developer and the City of Wylie. Subject to Parks Board approval, Owner/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Wylie approximately 30 acres of land within this Planned Development District. Park land dedication is located on the eastern portion of the Planned Development District. Subject to Parks Board approval, Owner/Developer shall construct an 8' trail system within this Planned Development District. Trail shall be located in the area just west of Muddy Creek. Trail Conditions for Planned Development-Sage Creek Phase 9 3 will tie into trail constructed within Sage Creek Phase 8 to the north of this Planned Development District. This trail will be located within the dedicated park land referenced in the paragraph above. 13.Access Bridge Construction Subject to Parks Board and City approval, Owner/Developer shall construct a 2 lane roadway and bridge across City owned land that extends Midstream Drive westerly across the creek and connects to Riverway Lane. Bridge shall include sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Conditions for Planned Development-Sage Creek Phase 9 4 . ilar --- 'NV ® S ®e I L221 ao ,9 ,o to ./' 11\\ I I _-- l0 2 l 4 5 8 l 8-j'9 '10 1'l 1e Pt M ® _ __ 1'I I IlI1 11 GRAPHIC SCALE 12 22 r 20 19 le 17 16 1a -- 13 12 I I MI6 l n,IiiiJ IT T ,. - J I 5 , u ' --ARYY-LAME-------.—� ,, I - WIMP MC'MIX p,r - " --o ZL ae -219N0¢S/A4gL Y(90) 20 19 is to 15 ® .-011 I!1 ]' \ N897T70T 982.10' 2 l 4 s c o e 9 10 a to 3 E Id 9 Yf ♦ �I I 1 3 ...._ - t i 1 I e 5 3 B 9 to i" m' a VICINITY MAP s z ao L a r� Nor To scAtE ,6 15 +1 ,J 11 tB i R a 1 PROPOSED PARK LAND DEDICATION § 9 WR 11 ® 9 3 9 'A S 10 ,2 O 11 , za 5 m 23 22 21 20 1P fe ,l le 15 , 21 6/6'S6'3r'M 6S3.3Y e ,, 2FA______________...___. \, as T e r 2a el , al ® 32 2e 2T 21 g 9 nY 35 51 SJ S1 JO A a6 26 aSAGE CREEK $ serx]'1�R me]e� PHASE IX 8 r 95 LOTS'-59.234 ACRES * I r i CONCEPT PLAN ZONING SIINMARY-PO N0.____ AN A001TI0N TO THE CITY or WYLIE o I MOSCS SPARKS SVRYET ABSTRACT N0.849 C� MIT.Lot Area 8400 Sr. COLLIN COVNWY,TEXAS 1 I SPar MIT.Lot WIOfi a e0'0 went IL]0 Corner Lots MARCH 2O05 SCALE,1'=100' Mr.Lot DeplH'100(al-de-avc,eyeefara) OWNER M.front lord=25' A8N10N DALLAS RERIDE!(1IAL,LLC. MIT,Rear lord=20' 1331800 Montfort Drive, Suile 00 e 972-490-3255.Ertl.12$ Mh,510e Yord=5.Interpol 5'Comn g ENGINEER ANDOWDEY,ANDERSON&ASSOCIATES,INC. 9LSNRE.&5*AL oso Y owns 17W+9I4551 5.4955 / 4 " . 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Lot 7 -sl- ........,..,„:4.6 ,, ,,-1-;,—.I" Drive q ::jzi3'ttlk-i7L.--r-raei .. -:--L .)\''r .,' _ _ __ __—_,_-,..... ___ ____,,,..,,,,,, .....,:x..,-....,:i.,..L.:).. ..az.50,,,-,i-ctatzz.,...2il_fa.,. :-.,,,,,,-6 ,-,..;, si - um - .. 1 II livill ■,,,,,..t 12 17() liniligyi, Ert• tori ba . irrIE r3 0 — 18 19 . r_...._.... ,,,,, ~ esimr, , I . i ., io ! /, I - Liao/ • . ,7 mit w i ZONING CASE #2005-03 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Neal Heckel with Ashton Dallas Residential,Li alb, 0 APPLICATION FILE #2005-03 13800 Montfort Dr, #100 Dallas,Texas 75240 ii��.. i1/41146 r >< • # I BLK/ABST I LOT/TRACT I TAX I.D. # I PROPERTY OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS 7 Applicant- Neal Heckel 13800 Montfort Dr, #100 1 Ashton Dallas Residential,LLC Dallas,Texas 75240 814 Riverhead Drive Sage Creek 4 i 2 Blk B Lot 70 R-8203-00B-0700-1 Ashley Shahan g Riverhead 098 3 Blk B le,Texas 75 098 X Sage Creek 4 Wyllie,Texas 75098 Lot 71 R-8203-OOB-0710-1 Juan Sanchez Sage Creek 4 3001 Claybrook Drive 4 Blk H X Wyllie,Texas 75098 Lot 21 R-8203-OOH-0210-1 Deborah Donahue 3000 Dylan Drive Sage Creek 4 5 Blk J Lot 23 R-8203-00J-0230-1 Michelle Mansell Wyllie, 5098 6 Blk J lll Margote,Texas 7 5098 Court XSage Creek 4 Wyllie,Texas 75098 Lot 24 R-8203-OOJ-0240-1 Melissa Guerra 3000 Claybrook Drive XSage Creek 4 Wyllie,Texas 75098 7 Blk K Lot 1 R-8203-OOK-0010-1 Dana Alvarez 3002 Claybrook Drive Sage Creek 4�� 8 Blk K Lot 2 R-8203-00K-0020-1 Tracy Glover \Wile,Texas 75098 3004 il Claybrook Drive Sage Creek 4 ile,Texas 75098 9 Blk K Lot 3 R-8203-0OK-0030-1 Paul Kaltenback yIll ,T Plano 7 098 Sage Creek 4 kwy 10 Blk K Lot 12 R-8203-OOK Ol 20-1 Goodman Family of Builders LP Plano, 3001Texas Dylan Drive Sage Creek 4 Wyllie, 75098 11 Bik K 13 R-8203-00K-0130-1 Robert Shea ylli ,Texas Plano 7 098 Sage Creek 4 kwy 12 Blk K Lot 14 R-8203-00K-0140-1 . Goodman Family of Builders LP Plano, Texas 902 Rockt 5 9 v4636 Sage Creek 475098 De 13 Blk K Lot 15 R-8203-00K-0150-1 Jason Gathright Wyllie,904 R Texas Texas Drive Sage Creek 4 14 Blk K Lot 16 R-8203-00K-0160-1 Paul Rudolph 1380098 Ile,Texas Montfort 75 750 98 Sage Creek 4 ex T #100 as 75240 15 Blk K Lot 17 R-8203-OOK-0170-1 Ashton Custer LLC Dallas,90 Texas o Sage Creek 4 75098 16 Blk K Lot 18 R-8203-00K-0180-1 Cedrick Jones 9 ille,ll R Texas as Drive Sage Creek 4 75098 17 Blk K Lot 19 R-8203-00K-0190-1 Garry England Wyllie,li Rockto Texas Texas Drive Sage Creek 4 Wyllie,Texas 75098 18 Blk K Lot 20 _ R-8203-00K-0200-1 Ammon Talbot WY Sage Creek 7 13800 Montfort Dr. #100 19 Blk B Lot 58 R-8158-008-0580-1 Ashton Custer LLC0 13800 Dallas,TexasMo t Dr.75 7524 4#100 Sage Creek 7 Dallas,Texas 75240 20 Blk B Lot 59 R 8158 OOB 0590 1 Ashton Custer LLC PO Box 2055 Sage Creek 7 Sonoma,California 95476 21 Bik B Lot 60 R-8158-OOB-0600-1 John Canis 9001 Conde Lane#37 Sage Creek 7 California 95492-8578 22 Blk B Lot 61 R-8158-OOB-0610-1 Noel Plumb Windsor, erhe Sage Creek 7 Wyllie, erhe Drive 23 BIk B Lot 62 R 81 58 008 0620 1 Vishnu Yeliu 716 Riverhead Drive X0 Punta Bala Drive Sage Creek 7 Beach,California 92075 24 Blk B Lot 63 R-8158-008-0630-1 Mark Wolgin Solana802 Riverhead Drive Sage Creek 78 7509 25 Bik B Lot 64 R-8158-00B-0640-1 Richard Smith 804 R,ve Wyllie,Texas 09e he Sage Creek 7 Wyllie,Texas 26 Blk B Lot 65 R-8158-008-0650-1 Renato Porras 806 Riverheadxas75098 e Sage Creek 7 TexasDrive X27 Bik B Lot 66 R-8158-008-0660-1 Louis Lam 1300 Wyllie,Texas Dr.75098 Sage Creek 7 as,Texas 75240 #100 28 Bik B Lot 67 R 81 58 008 0670 1 Ashton Custer LLC Dallas, Riverhead Drive • Sage Creek 7 810Wyllie,Texas X 29 Bik B Lot 68 R-8158-00B-0680-1 Isaac Florentine Wy Riverhead 75098 e Sage Creek 7 X 30 Blk B Lot 69 , R-8158-00B-0690-1 Zachary Nichols lie,Texas 75098 3000 Eastwood Drive Sage Creek 7 31 Blk F Lot 20 R-8158-00E-0200-1 Rona Fitzgerald Wyllie, 98 Ille,Texas 750 750e Sage Creek 7 75098 32 Bik F Lot 21 R-8158-00E-0210-1 Thanh Le Wyllie,Texas Texas eras Bryce Drive Sage Creek 7 e,Texas 75098 33 81k G Lot 20 R-8158-00G-0200-1 Kevin Porter ylilli 3001Connor Lane Sage Creek 7 0 Texas 98 75 34 Bik G Lot 21 R-8158-00G-0210-1 Matthew White 13800Wyllie,Montfort 75Dr. 98 Sage Creek 7Texas 752#100 Dallas, 40 35 Blk H Lot 20 R-8158-00H-0200-1 Ashton Custer LLC 114 Dall ll Luna Road 40 Wooded Creek 210 36 Blk A Lot 1 R-8138-00A-0010-1 Mercedes Homes Farmers Waanch,Texas 5234-9421 Wooded Creek 37 Blk B Lott R-8138-00B-0010-1 Gwendelyn Monahan 38385098 ile,Texas 75098 Wooded Creek Oak Lawn #1212 38 Blk B Lot 2 R-8138-00B-0020-1 Wooded Creek Estates Ltd Dallas,as,TLexas na Road 75219-4513 Wooded Creek #210 39 Blk B Lot 3 R-8138-00B-0030-1 Mercedes Homes Farmers Waanch,TexasCra 5234-9421 Wooded Creek Wyllie,Texas 75098 40 Blk B Lot 4 R-8138-00B-0040-1 Melisa English 11494 Luna Road#210 Wooded Creek 41 Bik C Lot 1 R-8138-00C-0010-1 Mercedes Homes Farmers Branch,Texas 75234-9421 Lake Ranch Addn 5410 Royal Crest Drive 42 --- Lot 7 R-0785-000-0070-1 Larry Swingle Dallas,Texas 75229-5543 Lake Ranch Addn 5410 Royal Crest Drive 43 --- Lot 8-A R-0785-000-008a-1 Larry Swingle Dallas,Texas 75229-5543 Lake Ranch Addn 1001 Lake Ranch Lane 44 --- Lot 10 R-0785-000-0100-1 Rodney Whined Wyliie,Texas 75098 PO Box 835 45 Abst 849 Tract 15 R-6849-000-0150-1 Ronnie Housewright Wyllie,Texas 75098 PO Box 835 46 Abst 849 Tract 16 R-6849-000-0160-1 Ronnie Housewrlght Wyllie,Texas 75098 1717 S.Jupiter Road 47 Abst 849 Tract 17 R-6849-000-0170-1 Thomas Mannewitz Garland, rlan Oakexas 75042-7719 3838 Lawn#2 48 Abst 849 Tract 51 R-6849-000-0510-1 Wooded Creek Estates Ltd Dallas,Texas 75219-4513 49 50 51 52 March 30th 2005 To whom it may concern: I own 59 acres in the center of Sage Creek/Lakeside Estates/Wooded Creek Estates development area. I attended a workshop on March 29th which addressed the issues from the surrounding citizens and the City of Wylie. The citizens who attend the meeting were concerned about the traffic situation on one oh their streets. There was a study conducted on the street in question. The results from the study concluded that traffic flow at peek hours was a score of four. Congested street problems have been documented at a score of eleven during peek hours. Ashton Woods is prepared to build an additional bridge to allow another traffic flow out of the housing development. The citizens who attended the meeting expressed no concerns about lot or house size. The representatives for the City of Wylie expressed concerns about lot and house size. They want to see one acre lots with a larger house. I do not disagree with this plan. However, in this specific case, the surrounding three sides to the property in question have been approved by the City of Wylie for smaller lots and house sizes. The proposed lot and house size by Ashton Woods will fit in proportion with the existing neighborhood. To have one acre lot/ homes in the middle of a neighborhood with 8,000sq.ft. Lots /homes would potentially lead to the failure of saleing the one acre lot/homes. In closing I am oh the opinion that the proposed development plan by Ashton Woods would allow the homes to sell at the current rate which would help the City of Wylie and Ashton Woods. Respectfully yours, Ronnie Housewright Page 1 of 1 Claude Thompson From: Scott[scott@mcmurdiegroup.com] Sent: Friday,April 01,2005 12:06 PM To: cthompson@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Sage Creek Phase 9 and Ashton Woods Claude, I was at the work session on Tuesday and have been paying attention to the happenings with regard to Phase 9 in Sage Creek. I know the council and P&Z board mentioned they had of the a lot ofpeople e p l whoe 9op. While thl p phase of ow building. I want to express my view and indicate that am inwith some people do not want the building I also know they re are a realizeit ot of willnot have who are the the communhty e and many who do not care if it goes in because Ashton Woods has made a good proposal and I know that after nthe ding to iamenitiesthey ev center since revised t eirin quality proposal and will have larger lots. With them adding a bridge, homes,it is a positive proposal. • Some are concerned that the new phase will lower the value of their h homes.Wit o not diee see this ha p ni,the slue of enin The is AW finishing the building and g oe only eking that I see happ g e homes will increase. The homes wills of hhe same if not better at The city will have 20+'acres of park land that will be available to ty than what we currentl have and the holots to will bigger. There are no negatives the homeowners. While I know it is flood plain, thatnand that parkris la great park that people userland is in Flood plain and has been ever since it opened years ago regularly. To have paved biking and walking trails for us is a great benefit as well. dy The size of the neighborhood is not too big. The traffic is not overwhelming igas the the sto d indicated as quality elas the individual(I think city engineer or manager) indicated at the meeting. By adding access points to a number of phases, and not create hazards for the people on Claybrook. ting and be PLEASE take my comments into consideration,as I will be out of town at the the bonexta d is ableZ e to heawill of pion. able to express my concerns in person. Please make sure o lie a better community. Please contact me at Thank you for all you do and the work that is put making r con erns. 972-907-0110(w) or 214-850-7443(c)with any questions or Thank you again for your time. Scott McMurdie Scott McMurdie,Partner The McMurdie Group 100 North Central Expressway Suite 1214 Richardson, TX 75080 (0)972-907-0110 (F)214-292-8889 Securities and advisory services offered through FSC SecuritiesCorporation, member NASD/SIPC and a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. 4/1/2005 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: -T+�(✓ilC�. e( Ut�L GIN :tr (please print J Address: 2D2. CI ck` b cx3v . v.Lj[i `gig Signature: Jk.,frviA ••I �-� Date: 3I2--451 11 COMMENTS: \ J e , \kit-1 .!c( one n-h on -I-hc 1i e- kikloud c( I (Lt. Sec /cSh-lw i CC-C-eAt- lar tC v' Si7 I cal +h i S pyD c ascle-t-ck rc =-ct h e, k�c.A,ia- ISM ) I k.-e � Sec 5 o� O - C .� v 'CAM ��- -�-h� Cqmex• 1 -1-1c\e__, cat rre,vJ c Vacpr -F. 03/01/2005 13:55 9724426598 PAGE 02/05 March 1, 2005 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Zoning Case#2005-03(Sage Creek,Phase 9) To Whom It May Concern: My name is Jessica Kaltenbach. I reside and have resided at 3004 Claybrook Drive for about 15 months. I am here tonight to speak to you about my concerns about the proposed Zoning Case with respect to Phase 9 of Sage Creek. Primarily, I would like to bring some facts to your attention relative to the street layouts and traffic patterns of the area. As I mentioned, I live on Claybrook Drive and my comments will largely focus on the impact that Phase 9 (and the recently platted Phase 8)are likely to have on that street,what I consider my street. Claybrook Drive is a 27' wide residential street with 20 houses on both sides. All homes on Claybrook have front entry garages, so all traffic to and from these homes are on Claybrook. In addition, 60 homes being built directly north of Claybrook Drive via Dylan Drive and the 111 homes of Phase 8 currently have entry and exit access via Claybrook Drive. In sum, the existing homes or homes approved to be built that are utilizing Claybrook Drive are approximately 211. Traffic analysts estimate that each household makes 10 vehicular trips per day which means that Claybrook Drive is already slated to have 2,110 cars traveling its length per day. Furthermore, Claybrook Drive is 1,400 feet long, a length that exceeds current City subdivision ordinance regulations stipulating a maximum of 1,200 feet in length. Extending the street by another 400-500 feet increases the probability of drivers to increase speeds exponentially. This is a great concern to me since I have two young children that occasionally play in the front yard with other small neighbor children. In fact, the Sage Creek neighborhood has attracted many, many families with children because of the placement of Groves Elementary inside the subdivision. Long streets with no stop signs and no speed bumps provide fertile ground for disastrous accidents involving speeders and children. The proposed Phase 9 has its main entrance and exit point via Claybrook Drive. It offers the most direct route to and from the property. This will potentially result in an additional 100 homes, 1,000 cars traveling on Claybrook Drive. This brings the total potential vehicular travel to 3,100 per day. Although there is a south exit on Wooded Creek Avenue, this will be a less likely traffic route since it requires multiple turns onto other roads just to get to FM 544. In fact, residents of Phase 9 would have to travel south on Wooded Creek Ave. 'A mile, turn east onto Sequoia, turn south again on Wood Edge Avenue, turn west onto Lakefield Drive and finally 03/01/2005 13:55 9724426598 PAGE 03/05 turn southeast onto Springwell Parkway to FM 544. Claybrook Drive offers a much more direct route and will surely receive the bulk of the traffic from this development. In conclusion, residents of Claybrook Drive fear that our street will feel more like a thoroughfare than a residential drive. We are seriously concerned about the higher volume of usage, in general, as well as the increased potential for speeding. We understand that this street was not built as a cul-de-sac and that the subject property will ultimately be developed. However, we believe the concerns expressed above are legitimate and should be considered when deciding how the property should be developed. We respectfully suggest that stop signs be mandated at the intersection of Claybrook Drive and Wooded Creek Avenue (also named Hunters Way in Phase 8). Additionally, we urge the city to consider another southbound roadway running along the southeast edge of the subject property directing traffic to Lakefield. Finally,we advocate for requiring larger lot sizes which would yield a net result of fewer houses and cars generally. Thank you for your time and hearing our concerns with regard to this important issue. Sincerely, 9tN4;ea GHQ bLdt€AL6 0 Jessica and Paul Kaltenbach 03/01/2005 13:55 9724426598 PAGE 05/05 Whereas the following undersignedconcerned residents of Sage Creek request that Ashton Woods(or any builder)be directed by the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council to guild homes in Phase 9 as follows: 1. Build homes in Sage Creek Phase 9 starting at 1990 sq.ft.at the,ranging up to 3,200 sq. ft. 2. Increase the minimum lot size in Phase 9. 3. Increase the amount of surface street lighting in Phase 9. 4. Increase the street access to Phase 9,which is currently proposed as one main entry off -Claybrook Drive. Printed Name Signature Residential Address Phone Date Number tit!).. ? D MOW. . a... & ilLa 3oc�o c..i l� ct oda-4A33 _ a.l ai IG.to�!cr. � . L 3po . C-Zy brook. 412-yag-391t a p,ztos v, ,t tivT, �l It Soot 6Yo81z�r 91Z tigZ?43z i? as Pioo-fl�A�r +Cihr 3o,L L iper- ,Z,,t-NYL-zi61 =-figor Aralf..5 Y �_��, 3 Aa3 cL Qoo �1.°t?a tiVi=tit, al."-e6 tes (1 , 0. •E 13601 breOlLDt 7�. 1Ii./ - °S- � ax "'Taut �% ' � � xs lcs•tag_ 7.(f9Z•53t1' Z- •6 '`' ; ; Ls✓ 3,at efrivzsetwit Q77.461042 z.Jz.i Jo , 1:-/e;Ali♦1C64 3t67 tic Y lxa2-7 2 47 c \� S L, - 3/P Cic Iiad �` f-f W Z &t 4Dr ViteAbir, A> Weil 6/tit - -q(01-0511 z-2?-0 ? tt ' Z 2-7-Cis- 7 `-1 V , Dv, , (D 1 � ti Page 1 of 1 Claude Thompson From: John Mondy [Mondyjs@msn.com] Sent: Saturday, March 05,2005 12:52 PM To: Mander119@aol.com; mayor; Claude Thompson Cc: FrauChic@aol.com; pauanderson@deloitte.com Subject: Re: Phase 9 Sage Creek Subdivision opposition As I was not present at the meeting nor have I seen the minutes I will forward your email to the planning department for a response to your concerns and clarification to comments made by commission members. John Mondy —Original Message-- From: Mander119@aol.com Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 7:03 PM To: mayor@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: mander119@aol.com; FrauChic@aol.com; pauanderson@deloitte.com Subject: Phase 9 Sage Creek Subdivision opposition Dear Sir, On Tuesday evening I attended the Planning and Zoning meeting. I live at 3012 Claybrook Dr on the corner of Dylan Dr. I now think moving to Wylie 6 months ago is the biggest mistake I have made in a long time. I bought a lovely home here thinking I would be in a nice quiet community. Now, however, Ashton Woods Homes is planning on opening Phase 9 of Sage Creek subdivision with 100 homes with only ONE way out, down Claybrook Dr. I figure that 400 cars per day will pass my house on a 27 foot wide street. That's to FIRST problem. Secondly, Phase 8 was ok'ed by the Planning and Zoning Commission before I bought my home. I have come to find out there is only ONE way out of those 100 homes, down Dylan Dr. That means ANOTHER 400 cars will pass my home each day. The planning and zoning commission asked the large group of Sage Creek Homeowners at the meeting if we were willing to pay for a million dollar bridge from Phase 8 to Riverway Dr. I could not believe what I was hearing. The city, the planning and zoning commission and Ashton Woods Homes got us, the citizens who live on Claybrook Dr. and Dylan Dr. into this mess. Why do we have to pay to get out of it? Why can't Ashton Woods pay for half of the bridge? They are making millions of dollars on these subdivisions, surely they can afford it. At the P&Z meeting, Ashton Woods conceded to build bigger homes on larger lots in Phase 9, but didn't mention ANYTHING about solving the traffic problem. I bought this home all on my own, after enduring a divorce two years ago on our 25th wedding anniversary and then 9 days later finding out I had breast cancer and becoming an empty nester. I took Wylie would be a nice quiet place to live. Thank you, Michelle N. Anderson [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus] 3/8/2005 Page 1 of 1 Claude Thompson From: Russell Raper[drassociates@verizon.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 12:09 PM To: cthompson@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Regarding Last nights meeting My name is Danielle Raper/3203 Warwick court/Sage Creek Development I wanted to say thank you for caring about the further development of our city. The"furnitue mover"impressed me. I'm glad to see you want to improve Wylie. Most of us citizens feel like maybe Wylie is not planning for our future and developing our city in a positive manner. Last nights meeting gave me hope that you are starting to put a halt to the cheaper/smaller housing that in 5 years is going to tremendously hurt Wylie. We are at a stage now that we still have so much land to develop that we could do great things. Please think of our future. If we continue to allow the cheaper housing then we are going to lose people. I won't stay if it gets any worse because I need my home to appreciate in value not go down in value. I hope that when Ashton Woods comes through again you might think about the following as to what type of people Ashton Woods are: After purchasing a home you go to the Design Center to look at what upgrades you want to add to your home: When I asked for granite -unavailable to the Wylie neighborhood When I asked for a double stove-unavailable to the Wylie neighborhood as were a great deal of other upgrades I put my foot down and got what I wanted by a lot of people in this neighborhood were turned down on many upgrades they wanted and wanted to pay for. Ashton Woods doesn't think Wylie is good enough of a neighborhood to offer nicer upgrades-Wylie is the only neighborhood that they build in that these options are not availble. Why are we not good enough??? Wylie is a quick buck to them. We do not look like there other well planned out communities. I have driven through many of their communities-(the others are much more beautiful with many more amenities and overall has a more beautiful appeal). Please stick to your guns and make them build a bigger(2400 plus) home site and a better product(Trails of West Frisco is not topline but is so beautiful). Don't let them get away with the small lots and small homes. 2000 square feet is not big enough. Don't we have enough of this already. 3/8/2005 Mar 01 05 04: 40p WILL & MEL YAP 972-5303584 p. 1 Planning & Zoning Commission 2000 Hwy 78 North, Department of Planning Wylie, TX 75098 Reference zoning case# 2005-03 March 1, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: We are one of the families who live at Claybrook drive in Sage Creek. Being one of the homeowners, we strongly oppose to the expansion plans of the Ashtonwoods development. The proposed plan for the Sage Creek expansion which is the phase 9 will bring additional homes which would mean an additional traffic at Claybrook drive, being the only access for phases 4 and 8 and soon to be phase 9. If it's going to be a very busy street, we could no longer be assured of the safety of our kids considering the increase in number of the passing vehicles along the street going to and from that proposed additional phase. If they would come to think of the traffic and the noise that it would cause us especially during rush hours, it is not going to help us at all if these will pursuit. Additional homes would mean additional family members in the community who would be using a single pool. If the Ashton Woods development would not put an additional pool out of their plans of constructing more houses, how the homeowners could be enjoying using its amenities if it would be so crowded in the future. This may not help increase the values of our home. As one of the members of this community, we would like to express our opinion on this matter. Me and my husband won't be able to attend the meeting tonight at 7:00 pm with the Zoning and Planning Commission but I hope that this letter would serve as my voice to let you know our concern and how it's going to affect us and other family members who live in this community. Thank you very much and we are hoping for your kind consideration. ,_erei 4:- ilfrid d 1'nelda Yap 3117 Claybrook Drive Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 of 1 Claude Thompson From: Seitz,Teri [Teri.Seitz@wyiieisd.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 01,2005 11:39 AM To: cthompson@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Sage Creek Addition As a resident of Sage Creek, I am against the proposed plat that Ashton Woods is bringing before the committee this evening. I feel like that lot sizes should be bigger and the square footage of the houses should be over 2000 sq. ft. If more low end housing goes in it will only continue to decrease my house value that was purchased over 3 years ago. Not to mention the burden to school system which is overcrowded and the schools can not keep up with these developers. Thanks, Teri Seitz 3504 Brookside Drive 3/1/2005 Page 1 of 1 Claude Thompson From: Emily Bustamante [emily_bustamante@msn.com] Sent: Thursday, February 24,2005 3:41 PM To: mayor@ci.wylie.tx.us Cc: cthompson@ci.wylie.tx.us Subject: Ashton Creek Proposed Phase 9-Sage Creek I•ear Mayor Mondy and Planning and Zoning Board- I have been a resident of the Sage Creek development in Wylie for the last 18 months.Ashton Woods will be presenting a plat proposal to he Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council to guild homes in Phase 9.I feel their proposal does not benefit Sage Creek I'esidents,nor does it provide benefit for the City of Wylie. I have two major issues with the proposal.First,Ashton Creek proposes lot and house sizes that will not bring the value of our homes in he right direction.The proposed minimum lot and house size should be increased to a minimum that will not cause further decline in our -xisting house values.Secondly,the proposed Phase identifies Claybrook as the major entry for the additional 90-100 homes.Claybrook is lready an over congested street.I believe the homebuilder should be required to develop a new road to 1378 or 544 as a main point of -ntry. hank you for your time and consideration in this matter. I mil Bustamante 3000 Stonecro• Ln W lie TX 75098 Find files on your PC instantly with the new MSN Toolbar Suite beta—FREE! 2/28/2005 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: (; \2 A`0 C�d—�-Z— (please print) Address: 3o z C_knbeb 0IL ©c �')c '1 S o 2 E Signature: a, (::2rz Date: 1.2d/05- COMMENTS: t^m h�� d el A c).rt C, C 1 c l)(- ,>k • Z r\ Ph C CAn pl DA\\Y,._ +S CrL kj(br Pn VI4eY Qflci (�kte.JCt V\Q Sr:r.,it C ,1! V sL1= (r ck `�v� � �� L ��r.Cti!1 fV'l.��, r,_ t L 1�y`1,S STrL°e 4� ca e [� r,* �- Ir cn 1A t`er F n p Cf r si'S`ee_* MCt �.. -[--^AS dIC— 4-k E.`\ S2 C- iL. trt.1 (9(b,* t 5 <•‘..At.1\4¢ PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26, 2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: AEl30AH- µ RYA-Ai PYLE (please print) Address: 3001 GIQU/bvook. Drive WLy I ie , T% 75o4i8 Signature: 4/),dLk. v' Date: MaAck 14t j 0 a6 COMMENTS: Ai m / PIO vim' j wtp(i cd -'Ls 491 ' t - rec.icQ)¢kti of G(J b • +k- 1Yr crC �r� -Car (Auk. ' j I. 1h cn.a o.¢I -fnya G §-A r 6 ra19-fL le ' * b c jjes - 155c . , . . 2t�w?roped) v ba.,.e d eG'eit i (k w rapoSeei ?,oni+i �'o bwtld �ohie& wl*t1 a,2le.t, lol'" a44. YIO,r►e size 3 . 1, c re seed qitt3t o-F I iiFe to -tivz coknpnce..,619 due 10 mom, rests ces hai-ietki Pa some, 110A- u`iii es (rev') Ova. too as ii,e tomficc -{, , Ge1i9-tr ,ut1coi-t veitaec . -77V/Illf- 0-eleft (.' ./2thWitAi- - VO a& ,d-td€4.- yate,i4 ,u46(.4 Amcbt4e) • (Pintauti)-7)9/te__ 03/01/2005 13:55 9724426598 PAGE 04/05 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Cam 1t2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 1,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 22,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: "T aL4-1 + 3 es S t Ca ea i La ei (please print) Address: 3Oot.1 L ljrook Ors ve Signature: ( ' G2.4, li/C•k) Date: '' I -Q 7 COMMENTS: diklAailAUSc1�i1G t .Qi�i�.t.VC iNt...41A4 •,C1.Q.l�U��za ,cleft 4 tio /14raztfol. 9 io ci4td • Plwxu $1 Pilau 9 /vim-/ at/ 4i/2v iv") a Y%tot0� p)th) e (a .0 7'.cri4t. .it.-J /0:?0 4teRA atoll-€.>a 0 /1614 • PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 1,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 22,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Me t1 ss& D (please print) Address: 300 t may out lit : 5-bcig f2 Signature: 0/1 Dt/) Date: .3l 7 J 0/1 -449e-t-zd COMMENTS: (e lie riot( tncud-) t' ec612 Loaf qc r ale fiLk) ho( i {;( 1l(flicks . !AI int0 r Qft?, !vs. (sr\bpt h -Mu di-) (e--zon t +kis fates! I ;s a la vf peaCQ&/ $r`�P i n rsu✓ %Si h iha . 03/31/2005 09:50 9724426598 PAGE 06/06 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Depathuivut of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case # 5-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 2L - t �04.40.4_� (please print) Address: ?`P, ci:A 752,9'7' Signature: Date: 3/3 ,a'S COMMENTS: 03/31/2005 09:50 9724426598 PAGE 05/06 �f--- PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Commission meeting: Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ;�►i. n :� `L'1 iti (please print) t U� Address: 20(p 9—Wet V(/�n`J-6' VY 1 r Signature: Qv4tL Date: COMMENTS: 03/31/2005 09:50 9724426598 PAGE 04/06 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. y/ I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning April 2005,7:00 pm Commission meeting: Tuesday, Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: rucR- Lt - 144.,„f fu- (Keen Ann) (please print)Address: 20 721.w hems. Tar Wyt —rc 15O' Signature: Date: • '05 COMMENTS: 03/31/2005 09:50 9724426598 PAGE 03/06 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date.,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas (� pCo\k(wmg. si)Name: ���t\�ll� �ci1► `r'1Stt (please print) Address: ,1�—Rytr(-\e.CL(1 - Wy Ili, 1--,( 15O Signature: C j__ .� �------ ---‘ Date: _.,0-1)S COMMENTS: 03/31/2005 09:50 9724426598 PAGE 02/06 i PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Car", #2005-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: :1 CIA-.0 J (please print)Address: )(0 ((,,h I vc1ZA1E-1tN LuYi-IG , '1�o946, Signature: Date: .3 3 0 5 COMMENTS: March 21, 2005 Mr. Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Sage Creek Phase Eight Wylie, Texas DAA Job No. 03071 Dear Mr. Holstead: Ashton Woods is currently proposing to improve a tract of land located to the east of the existing Sage Creek Phase 7 subdivision. The issue of increasing traffic along Claybrook Drive if the proposed addition is approved has been raised by the Planning and Zoning Commission. First, the existing conditions of the traffic on Claybrook will be analyzed and then the future traffic conditions, if the proposed addition is approved, will be analyzed. The methodology for trip generation is from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. Under the existing conditions, the number of homes that access Claybrook Drive is 100% of Sage Creek Phase Eight(111 lots), 100% of Sage Creek Phase 4 located north of Claybrook Drive (59 lots) and 100% of the residential homes located on Claybrook Drive (41 lots). Table 1. Existing Site Related Trip Generation Summary LAND USE QUANTITY& DAILY AM PEAK-HOUR PM PEAK-HOUR SINGLE FAMILY INDEPENDENT TRIP TRIP ENDS TRIP ENDS VARIABLE ENDS TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT PHASE FOUR (NORTH) 59 492 41 10 31 48 31 17 CLAYBROOK 41 342 29 7 22 34 21 13 PHASE EIGHT 111 926 78 19 59 91 58 33 TOTAL 211 1760 148 36 112 173 110 63 Under the current conditions the maximum calculated peak-hour trips are 173 along Claybrook Drive. C•Mine,,,.ntc and cettinoc\rhnlcted\I Heal cettinoc\Temnxary Internet Filec\01.K 1 17\1 tr Wvlie-Traffic 1 91 OS(71 tine The next scenario was calculated based on platting the proposed Sage Creek Phase Nine with 100 lots. The construction of Sage Creek Phase Nine will allow traffic from Sage Creek Phase Eight to also exit south on Wooded Creek Avenue through Wooded Creek Estates to FM 544. It is estimated that 80% of the traffic from Sage Creek Phase Eight (111 X 80% = 89 lots) and 80% of the traffic from Sage Creek Phase Nine (100 X 80% = 80 lots) will continue to travel along Claybrook Drive and the remaining 20%will travel along Wooded Creek Avenue. Table 2. Proposed Site Related Trip Generation Summary LAND USE QUANTITY& DAILY AM PEAK-HOUR PM PEAK-HOUR SINGLE FAMILY INDEPENDENT TRIP TRIP ENDS TRIP ENDS VARIABLE ENDS TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT PHASE FOUR (NORTH) 59 492 41 10 31 48 31 17 CLAYBROOK 41 342 29 7 22 34 21 13 PHASE EIGHT 89 742 62 15 47 73 46 27 PHASE NINE 80 667 56 14 , 42 66 42 24 TOTAL 269 2243 188 46 142 221 140 81 Under the proposed conditions the maximum calculated peak-hour trips are 221 along Claybrook Drive. For a residential street, a density of less than 11 pc/mi/In is required for a Level of Service of A. Under the current conditions, the density of Claybrook is calculated by 173 pc/hr T 2 lanes = 87 pc/hr/In. The design speed of Claybrook is 30 mph. The current density is 87 pc/hr/ln _30 mi/hr= 2.9 pc/mi/in. For the proposed conditions, the density of Claybrook is calculated by 221 pc/hr T 2 lanes = 111 pc/hr/In. The current density is 111 pchr/In = 30 mi/hr= 3.7 pc/mi/In. In summary, at peak-hour there will be approximately 3 vehicles per lane under current conditions and 4 vehicles per lane under the proposed conditions along a mile section -A of Claybrook at any given time. Cj�ybrook is adequately designed to carry the cal�ci.lated traffic with a level of service of A. There have been discussions between the City and the Developer of Sage Creek Phase Nine about the possibility of constructing a connection from the intersection of Midstream Drive and Rockton Drive located at the north end of Sage Creek Phase Four to Riverway Lane. The connection would be constructed over an existing drainage channel located on property owned by the City of Wylie. This connection would further reduce the amount of traffic traveling on Claybrook Drive. Although the capacity calculated for Claybrook Drive provides an adequate avenue so that the traffic is not delayed due to congestion, the amount of vehicles on the street has raised C:\Documents and Settings\cholstcd\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK117\Ltr Wylie-Traffic 3 21 05(2).doc concern regarding the safety of pedestrian traffic. Factors, other than street capacity, may be taken into account to determine if an additional connection is needed between the northern portion of existing and proposed Sage Creek to Riverway Lane to further reduce the traffic on Claybrook Drive and improve the general safety and welfare of the residents of the Sage Creek community. Please review the attached information and let me know if you would like to discuss any of the items further. Sincerely, John W. Bull, P.E. Cc: Bruce Prine—Ashton Woods • C:\Documents and Settings\cholsted\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI 17\Ltr Wylie-Traffic 3 21 05(2).doc CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 Consent Case Name: ZC 2005-09 (Collins Tract) Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 3 Exhibits: Location Map Miscellaneous Concept Plan and Design Standards Other Notification List/Map and Responses AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for single-family residential uses. ZC 2005-09 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Denial. The requested smaller lots do not conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan nor to sizes of existing neighboring developments, although the requested larger house size exceeds both the Comp Plan recommendations and current surrounding developments. SUMMARY: Owner—William& Wendell Collins and Linda Housewright Applicant—Adams Engineering Property totals 37.842 acres, west of FM 544/South Stone Road and south of Stoneridge Farms Additions. 34 acres annexed April 23, 2002, and remaining 3.4 acres is to be added from Lot 9, Block A of the Stoneridge Farms Phase 1 Addition. Notification/Responses — Four written comments received, three (3) opposed and one (1) favoring. Opposition represents 77%of the notification area, and a 75% affirmative vote of Council is required for approval. Comprehensive Plan recommends Country Residential(1 acre lots). Request does not comply with Comp Plan. Planned Development zoning is intended to establish a minimum house size of 3,000 square feet compared to the 2,100 sq. ft. allowed by straight zoning. PD is justified to accomplish this request of P&Z. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 03/31/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council concerning a change in zoning from Agriculture(A)to Planned Development (PD)District for single-family residential uses. ZC 2005-09 SUMMARY (Continued): The subject tract is effectively land-locked, being long and narrow with developed properties on three sides, allowing access only from the narrow frontage of FM 544. Development of this configuration as one-acre lots as recommended by the Comp Plan will likely require undesirable single point of entry, double-sided lots, over-length streets and/or dead-end utilities. The PD Conceptual Plan illustrates 60 lots and the PD Conditions establish a minimum lot size of 20,000 sq. ft., although 54 lots(90%) exceed this minimum and two lots exceed an acre in size. Properties abutting to the north are within Wylie and zoned Single Family-10/19 District, but are developed as the Stoneridge Farms Addition with single-family residences on lots of one-acre or larger in size. Properties abutting to the west are owned by the City of Wylie and developed as Community Park, although with an underlying zoning of Single Family-8.5/17 (SF-8.5/17). Properties to the east across FM 544/South Stone are zoned Planned Development District (PD 2002-52) for mixed uses as the 495 acre Bozman Farms PD, the initial phase of which is under construction as the 50 acre Lake Trails of Bozman with lots ranging from 7,896 square feet to larger than 12,000 square feet. Ultimately, Bozman Farms may have as many as 1,350 lots which may average as small as 7,630 square feet. These existing or platted lots are larger than required by the requested rezoning. Properties to the south are within unincorporated Collin County but within Wylie's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), and are developed as the Twin Oaks Addition of single-family residences on lots of one acre and larger. The PD Conditions establish a minimum house size of 3,000 sq. ft., compared to the 2,100 sq. ft. allowed by standard SF-20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Dwelling sizes in Stoneridge Farms average approximately 2,346 square feet and dwellings within Twin Oaks average about 1,971 square feet. Easements for major underground utility corridors traverse the northern side of the tract and cannot be developed, requiring additional setback distance and effectively serving as an open space buffer from the neighboring Stonerideg Farms. A gravity sewer main is available immediately adjacent to the western property line, within the Community Park. The addition of the Stoneridge Farms Lot 9 makes connection to City sewerage much more feasible. , leotner#1900 6 Drive - > • -0 1 ' 7112f114fP Lane ap • . \.. . 0 Via ,.... .- ' I 411111-R4 ...... . . . , oresijI &Sae one uwithis- ••• *4 . 111 ' -3 I a• 1 ,0 n a o e P . # e co . Aut mn 1-ill •lime 1111,10t r,____ . . '1111111101-NI NI lis___ IN...1 II- IT , , • ", - 4 1 Lo -54,47 MINIMINIMmumaintivTaT- I It i I a: ! > ! i i 1 i i 1 1 i r - v., 1 C , .. i 1 1 i wpm ..:. , i , , . 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LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2005-09 EXHIBIT "B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas 1. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Statement of Purpose: This Planned Development is intended to achieve a suburban residential district in an area currently zoned agriculture. The subject property is situated in the A. Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas, said tract being out of a 45.07 acre tract described in Volume 309, Page 285, Collin County Deed Records, and said tract described in Volume 2359, Page 296, Collin County Deed Records. Statement of Effect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie as adopted and amended, except as specifically provided herein. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT—SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS General Regulations: All regulations providing for single family 20/21 as set forth in Section 3.2 Suburban Residential Districts of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply, except as otherwise specified under the provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein and the conditions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all of the zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development. Specific Regulations: This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie Single Family 20/21 Suburban Residential district (SF-20/21) except as noted below: Figure 1-1 — Single Family Planned Development District Lot size(Sq. ft.) Lot size 20,000 Lot Width (feet) 100 Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 115 Lot Depth (feet) 150 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots (feet) 170 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square footage 3,000* Design Standards Level of Achievement See section of Zoning Ord. Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard (feet) 30 Side Yard (feet) 15 Side Yard Corner Lots (feet) 30 Side Yard of Allowable nonresidential use (feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 30 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 50 Yard Requirements—Accessory Structures Front Yards (feet) Behind Rear Building Line of Main Structure Side Yards (feet) 5 Rear Yards (feet) 10 Rear Yards Double Front Lots (feet) 25 Side Yards Corner Lots (feet) 30 Minimum Distance From Main Building (feet) 5 Area of Building Maximum cumulative building size 2,500 square feet; or Lots 2 Acres or Less (square feet) 10% of lot area Lots 2 Acres or More (square feet) 5% of lot area, whichever is less Height of Structures Main Structure (feet) 36 Accessory Structure (feet) 36 * Represents a Variance from SF-20/21 District PLANNED DEVELOPMENT—GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance dated February 27, 2002. st tSCAL 2"CI'1g1 I THESE PLANS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY 1 NM.ovalel end•aaM hew Neer,err rare NsIi D.M c..a JURISDICTIONAL ENTITIES t v f look W roe•r,M me•4107 more ran MIK*a marl*.1I1 tome ID.CCON Caen DM NV.•or•O.or V.bar Me oar ra.l dove.•a Varna fO01. hC•L•C7d1 W VM man W1MMM•roarm r Irra .E000RIM•1/2 OrM•n lk w Mord.M ea Sr.r ere 4t01•W � 11211111112� rM W r W.ea n FY Warr Sr.100 Wt ORa n w 4•.W Ii vrar••4 "•tllllr___� rarr 11�WMMYy N.M MT•OY l60•rW•s/•M LW wIw \I„'--- L 2.,r... . •a lacer• L rNr 2W pre MI OMR W w•of Illlll.ir! r M rY fT 10.•.l.ye.•.•r 4•.••...r.r 1.1.I.••••4 am1U CURRENT ZONING: AGRICULTURE r �,,,,,,,,,;,�� S R T.Na Nee W ar Ur,•armor M ISM.1T Ln.ton r worm re r 4a I PROPOSED ZONING: PD I �t Add rrramp al re aOO Mr MW r Nor r n r4 Ll2.owe bat { .,••e.r Owl arw L 1ro.M.••••m.Ire•I•..ran..a.I Talk �IIIIIIII� On►W0.0.01 rWn r•1/r M r L rf..enf..rrrnfr al add oorrr M r pr od.•I rot Soalaar far Sr wow A F.rer•Ito.+tor �Illliitlt�■Ilil s 0•r M•0•a Imd Cowls Tar revM L C T to a a•M 1 00M(d rx w a d N Rooral odd.fora/nme�feMl Kll•00'M 111M1•an1.1'MWrR.rod S IODIDE N•r•1 rawer.•Worm M tY.0.•1b ` _yt[�,^+ 10102 Nee 0171.E IONA•dream M 2M12 Lee 3 Ni 11DKS AWN WNW •dream M>MS LeeAI �t•.M MIII�r.'.■ - �1121 WM roe WWIr•• Inn MNrr•f 19 Not ` GRAPHIC SCALE Y WOKE 1 1...t,r I.O.•armor•r If1012 tot: • ... fr s .m w f� a jilt! 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Southlake, Texas 76092 Stoneridge Farms #1 811 Oakbrook Drive 2 Blk A Lot 9 I R-3718-00A-0090-1 Paul Molesworth Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #1 821 Oakbrook Drive 3 Blk A Lot 10 I R-3718-00A-0100-1 Peter Dickenscheid Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #1 901 Oakbrook Drive 4 Blk A Lot 11 I R-3718-00A-0110-1 Billy Blanton Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 911 Oakbrook Drive 5 Blk A Lot 12 I R-4003-00A-0120-1 Dion Alvarez Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 921 Oakbrook Drive 6 Blk A Lot 13 I R-4003-00A-0130-1 Joel Orr Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 931 Oakbrook Drive ® 7 Blk A Lot 14 I R-4003-00A-0140-1 David Cannon Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 941 Oakbrook Drive 8 Blk A Lot 15 I R-4003-00A-0150-1 Larry Jackson Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 951 Oakbrook Drive X 9 Blk A Lot 16 I R-4003-00A-0160-1 William Murray Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 1001 Oakbrook Drive 10 Blk A Lot 17 I R-4003-00A-0170-1 Thomas Van Eaton Wylie, Texas 75098 Stoneridge Farms #2 1011 Oakbrook Drive 11 Blk A Lot 18 I R-4003-OOA-0180-1 James Pearson Wylie, Texas 750981021 Oakbrook Drive Stoneridge Farms #2 098 Texas 75 12 Blk A Lot 19 I R-4003-00A-0190-1 Jimmy Dunn 103 Wylie,Oakbrook 098 Stoneridge Farms #2 e, Texas 75 Wylie, 098 Drive 13 Blk A Lot 20 I R-4003-00A-0200-1 Gary James W Oakbrook 098 Stoneridge Farms #2 Drive 14 Blk A Lot 21 I R-4003-00A-0210-1 Robert Hall Wylie, 098 1 Oakbrook Texas 75 098 Stoneridge Farms#2 Wylie,10 Texas 75098 15 Blk A Lot 22 I R-4003-00A-0220-1 Walter Martin Lake Trails Bozman Farm 1771 International Pkwy#127 16 Blk E I Lot 1 I R-8449-00E-0010-1 Lt Lake Trails 544 LP Richardson, Texas 75081-1865 Lake Trails Bozman Farm Lake Trails of Bozman Farm HOA 1771 International Pkwy#127 X17 Blk X Lot 1 R-8449-00X-0010-1 c/o Lt Lake Trails 544 LP Richardson,1645 E FM 544 75081-1865 18 Abst 23 Tract 19 R-6023-000-0190-1 William Collins Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 2000 Highway 78 North 19 Abst 23 Tract 23 R-6023-000-0230-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Bill Lovil, P.E. PO Box 90 20 FM 544 Texas Dept. of Transportation McKinney, Texas 75069 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-09. ►° I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: S USA t\t A� vJ 1 " PEA KSC>Li (please print) Address: 10 CA t13 R(?C)jC t 3 Y L$ E ( '1 7 O9 Signature: /'aftoQn Date: 3 j B - COMMENTS: AGA i K) 6 ARE NOT A P POSE TO BuLp t ljc- Hous vrl 6 $u 6aecr P 12.ot7EP '' AC;4 1 J 2EOutSr `rNE( 13E7 Bur ot1 L ACRE Lo j S LE 5 `r NAki 3/4- ACRE. 'DC 1."),I i i4N r A L0 i 6. 1-1-/6 NOR. S► Pe OF�SU t CUr PRdpER:T`/ `" 63 h►nd Our pr+/ U,t:14Y CAL 'i ►- IS p Ro PEP-:T`/ ReQmki '` C ucd.N nzy rNNT LS i 1-iE R€ASC L)e. MvveD j i U Ge---r out-r O 11-» t' C r7`(. Ps, koPiK!G YbuR Dec PRC PITY tu. BE: P,-EsavLOD -TD c Lot ReQU e t" OF o-iHE OUJK1 -RS w HO s PROPERTY ARE ADJAcF l ACRE LO-T-5 6 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 1,0 1_LL tAk ` 0 _ Mkf .1�� (please print) Address: (1 S `^- -qL 17s�Ct Signature: Date: 3(t/CC. COMMENTS: hi4C=0 (SC (c ' e.J z tt)y e Clt PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: kr Ll� �'-- VQt`S 5 41 g%( •- (please print) /� Address: a ? ( � u �c.�4 �L o f2? em , K � eri Signature: .G,�EG Date: 3 J CO i,! TS: / Q ies,Sx rr u L e_ !-Ce � [ ,�-e-k-e-- 6 v LQ.ry S S d co To - t t v o '"` i r Liatx-e, ,„,5( u Ce5yt"-a et...i-ee,A-e S 1-t-ie t i c .5 t e &itU e s scrcas1-v PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 JI am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2005-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2005-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 5,2005,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 26,2005,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: OC\V 'CA `\ CANNA 0 d1 (please print) f� Address: q 3 1 0 a k:b COO k D r:v e Wilie 7--X 75--07 Signature: .. - ..) k ciA.A.,„,,,,,„ Date: 3 --IL 1 O d _ COMMENTS: CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 Consent Case Name: Comprehensive Plan Revisions Action Prepared By: Claude Thompson Public Hearing 4 Exhibits: 3 Miscellaneous Other AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consideration a recommendation to the City Council regarding certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Wylie. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval SUMMARY: The Commission voted on February 2 and 15, 2005 to recommend certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, and on February 16, the City Council endorsed the proposed revisions and directed the Commission to obtain citizen comments as required by State Law. The proposed revisions were also the subject of a joint P&Z Commission/Council work shop on February 8, 2005. A public hearing has been scheduled by the City Council for April 26, 2005 to consider adoption of the revisions. Once the revised Comprehensive Plan is adopted, the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations will be revised accordingly.Some lands are already zoned and/or platted for uses other than those recommended by the current Comp Plan as well as these revisions. If platted, these have a legal right to develop to the code which was in effect at the time of platting and may be developed as previously anticipated regardless of the recommendations of the Plan. However, lands which are not yet platted have no vested rights and must be developed in full compliance with these revisions and the development requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance. APPROVED BY: Initial Date Department Director: CT \ 3/31/05 1 AGENDA SUBJECT: Hold a public hearing and consideration a recommendation to the City Council regarding certain revisions to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Wylie. SUMMARY (Continued): An Analysis of Comparable Annual Tax Revenue is attached to provide some indication of the economic impact of the proposed revisions. The analysis indicates that lower-density residential of larger lots, even when occupied by larger and more expensive houses provide less annual property tax revenue to the City than do smaller lots of higher-density residential with less expensive houses. It also indicates that a similar acreage of commercial uses provides at least four times the annual revenue (combined property and sales taxes)than does residential uses. The following is a summary of the revised land use philosophy of the Comp Plan. 1. A more vehicular-oriented land use allocation criteria will be substituted for the current pedestrian- oriented "Village Center" philosophy of the Plan, more closely reflecting the realities of Wylie's natural land character and existing rural development pattern, and will result is less commercial uses and lower- density residential developments. 2. Retail and commercial uses will be limited and oriented to major traffic corridors for vehicular access and to avoid impacting residential areas, including a hierarchy of development patterns. • Neighborhood services such as convenience goods and personal services will be limited to less than 10 acres at major intersections. • Community retail offer comparison/shoppers goods in centers of about 30 acres and will be limited to three areas—the new Town Center at SH 78 and FM 544, FM 544 at CR 1378/Hooper and SH 78 and Park Blvd/Spring Creek. • Diverse and intensive mixture of commercial uses will be allocated along the major traffic corridors of SH 78 and FM 544, but designed in unified clusters. 3. Residential development patterns will provide three density levels in attempt to provide a balanced variety of housing options. • High-density residential, including small-lot detached and collective attached dwellings, will be allocated to infill areas already developed or zoned for such densities and house types. • New residential developments will be limited to three density levels, and located by their distance from traffic corridors - 10,000 sf lots with 2,400 sf houses -20,000 sf lots with 2,600 sf houses - acreage lots with 3,000 sf houses. 4. Industrial uses will be divided into two types. • Light industrial will accommodate assembly and warehousing/distribution envisioned by the Business Center zoning, largely within existing centers platted for smaller developments • Heavy industrial will accommodate manufacturing within campus settings envisioned by the Industrial zoning. 5. Institutional and public/semi-public uses may be located within any use areas, as appropriate to best service the other land uses which they support but designed to be compatible with surrounding uses. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE DISTRIBUTION PHILOSOPHY The Comprehensive Plan provides general guidelines for the appropriate location and concentration of development for the major types of land uses, and, thereby, provides a basis for planning public services and infrastructure, within Wylie and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The Plan offers generalized criteria for the testing of zoning regulations and requests for changes in current use, as well as for evaluating newly arising issues and uses. Both the quality and quantity of public as well as private development can be directed by the philosophy of the Plan, in order to determine how best to utilize Wylie's only nonexpendable resource—our land. The following philosophy provides criteria for allocating commercial, residential, industrial and public land uses within the Comprehensive Plan. Application of these criteria will assure the suitability of future land development patterns to achieve the common goals of both the public and private sectors. COMMERCIAL Commercial land uses provide retail goods and personal services as well as employment opportunities to support the local residential population, and public sales tax revenues to supplement property taxes. However, commercial uses are also major traffic generators, and these uses should be located along thoroughfares, preferably at major street intersections, to avoid negatively impacting residential neighborhoods. Wylie's potential to support commercial land uses is constrained by its limited ultimate population and the competition of near-by regional-scale commercial centers. To serve the future population, three types of commercial categories are proposed, defined by their primary service function and named by the appropriate zoning classification of the current Zoning Ordinance. Neighborhood Services These are retail/office centers smaller than 10 acres intended to serve immediately adjacent residential neighborhoods with convenience goods and services, and accommodate the uses of the Neighborhood Services(NS) and Office (0) zoning. These uses should be clustered in unified centers and designed to reflect the character of the adjacent neighborhoods which they serve. The centers should be located at one or two corners of 4-way intersections of major thoroughfares (4 to 6 lanes), approximately two miles apart. Community Retail Community commercial centers serve the populations of several residential neighborhoods with comparison shoppers' goods as well as convenience goods and personal services. These should accommodate the uses of the Community Retail (CR) zoning, be unified in plan and design, and be located at major intersections. The growing commercial complex at SH 78 and FM 544 should be encouraged to become Wylie's New Town Center, attracting the broadest diversity of commercial functions and reflecting the community's overall character as its central place and focal point. Other community retail centers should be more residential in character to blend with adjacent neighborhoods and subordinate to and not competing with the Town Center, and these should be located on SH 78 at Park Blvd. and FM 544 at CR 1378/Country Club. Mixed-Use Corridor Commercial This category should be the most diverse and intensive mixture of commercial uses. These uses are located along major thoroughfares to accommodate easiest vehicular access. They accommodate the broadly-varied uses of the current Corridor Commercial(CC) zoning district, from convenience retail and services to light industry. Such uses are planned and constructed as common"strip" developments or independent free-standing establishments with common joint/cross access, but are guided by design regulations of the Zoning Ordinance and screened from residential adjacency. RESIDENTIAL Wylie has historically been primarily a residential settlement, and most of its remaining land is suitable for a variety of housing types. Wylie should continue to grow as a"bed-room community, with residential as the principal land use, while providing a balanced variety of housing opportunities. Future residential development should be planned to provide a choice of dwelling types but in compatible neighborhoods which reflect this historic low-density rural character. This philosophy demands that less land be allocated to nonresidential service uses, but more to roads, parks, and schools and other residential-support uses. Three levels of residential density are proposed, based on the current zoning classifications. High-Density Residential This category includes small-lot detached and collectively attached dwellings, and should be limited to infill areas already developed or zoned for such densities and housing types with no expansion. Variances from the current code regulations may be required to accommodate such in-fill development or the redevelopment of older areas developed in compliance with earlier codes. Medium-Density Residential This category includes only detached single-family dwellings of not more than 4 dwelling units per acre (minimum lots size of 10,000 sq. ft.). These are designed as traditional suburban residential neighborhoods located closest to vehicular thoroughfares and urban services such as retail, schools and parks. Low-Density Residential This category is to accommodate the rural residential development, with lots exceeding 1-acre in size. Such lots need not accommodate agriculture uses, and must be 2 acres or larger to accommodate livestock or cultivated crops. These areas may have rural/estate streets with no curb or subsurface drainage, and be furthest from thoroughfares. INDUSTRIAL Industrial land uses primarily provide employment for the local population while providing manufactured products for the region and world beyond, as well as generating private revenues through employment and sales and public revenues through taxes. Industrial uses can generally be divided into two categories, depending on the intensity of the operations and their consequences, and their locational requirements depend on such impacts. Heavy Industry Heavy industry generally includes the more-intensive processing and manufacturing of raw materials into usable products, and such operations normally create the most obnoxious consequences. Heavy industry requires access to regional transportation(highways and rail) and resources(water) as well as special utilities, and should be isolated or buffered from other land uses on larger campus settings. The northeast area of Wylie, as well as the existing Premier Business Park in the southwest, provide these unique locational criteria. This category corresponds to the Industrial (I)District of the current Zoning Ordinance. Light Industry Light industry includes less-intensive assembly, warehousing and distribution of products, as well as people-based office-oriented operations and even intensive commercial activity. These uses are related to the Business Center(BC)zoning district, although setback requirements of the BC must be adjusted to accommodate the platted smaller lots. Such operations can be located on the smaller lots within existing Century, Regency and Wyndham industrial districts, as well as the expansion of the Wyndham area toward the north. INSTITUTIONAL/PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC All private development requires certain public or quasi-public support use, which must be planned in coordination with the private uses. Municipal Uses Some municipal uses (such as business offices) need to be centrally located and equally accessible all residents, while others(such as fire stations)need to be decentralized and equally accessible to all residences. New municipal offices should be located within or adjacent to the planned Town Center to help enforce the image of this area as Wylie's central address and destination place. Utilities (such as water and energy) have unique design criteria which largely dictate their location. Public utilities must be within or adjacent to the other land uses which they serve, but should be located as well as designed so as to blend with rather than detract from the character of the surrounding primary uses. Streets and roads make development possible, and their capacity largely dictate (or are dictated by) the potential density/intensity of the various uses of land. Thoroughfares should be planned in accordance with the current Thoroughfare Plan and Engineering Design Standards. Schools and Houses of Worship Schools and day care operations as well as churches and other religious instructions generally belong in proximity to the residential populations which they serve. However, as major traffic generators, these institutional uses should be placed to the exterior of residential neighborhoods and clustered together when possible. Parks and Recreation Public parks and recreational facilities should be located in accordance with the adopted Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Both public and private leisure amenities should be designed as an asset to the residential uses rather than detract from them with traffic and other nuisances. ct: 04/05/05 ANALYSIS OF COMPARABLE ANNUAL TAX REVENUE FOR VARIED DEVELOPMENT TYPES RESIDENTIAL Assumptions: 27.5 acre site, less 25% streets 0.695/$100 tax rate Lot Size & House Cost Number Lots/Houses Property Tax Revenue 8,500 sq. ft./$150,000 105 $109,464 20,000 sq. ft./$300,000 45 $93,825 1 acre/$500,000 24 $83,400 COMMERCIAL Assumptions: 27.5 acre site with 233,000 sq. ft. buildings, personal property and inventory (As currently with Albertsons, Home Depot, Bank of America, Wendys, Quiznos/Wings-to- Go, ProCuts/StarNails, StooksberryDDS, Kwik Kar Lub and Dry Cleaner as well as 2 vacant lots and tax abatement). Property Tax Sales Tax $195,573 (incomplete) $200,000 (conservative estimate) Printed from dallasnews.com Page 1 of 2 DS< DallasNews.comTfr ?ll\A `'C ahrgiattoptornints Xi* .Ncv „e • 0\ _ro'ck b y 'It's not going to be a fun summer,' city manager says nb Tax rollback closes Bedford library •��► yk/e/ 4"'‘ N/C. 08:27 AM CST on Friday,April 1,2005 �?�f�[ ' By LAURIE FOX/The Dallas Morning News ` BEDFORD—Sara Wyatt's son Max rose early Thursday morning to finish reading his stash of books before his mother returned them to the Bedford Public Library. It will be awhile before the 6-year-old can check out any more of his /iICLIOK INFlGE '�%�TO ENLRRGE favorite readers. s 144 Ms. Wyatt and other library patrons were greeted Thursday by closed doors �ro 4 4 and heavy-hearted workers who took their books—but couldn't let them + ` borrow any more. • ' On Tuesday,the Bedford City Council voted to close the library and several • other city facilities for at least six months to balance the city budget after a RON BASELICE/DMN recent tax rollback. Monica C. Phillips checked in books The Bedford library closed Wednesday evening and will be open only for Thursday at the Bedford book returns. Public Library,which has been open only for returns State officials said it's the first Texas library they know of to close. since Wednesday night. American Library Association officials said it's the first library in the country to close since 1989. A tearful Ms. Wyatt called the move unacceptable. "I can't tell you what this library has meant to our family," she said. "The schools expect you to read to your kids, to help them with their homework. How are we supposed to do that without a library?" Peggy Rudd, director of the Texas State Library, said Thursday that other nearby cities have contacted her office about instituting nonresident fees for Bedford patrons to use their libraries. Euless officials said Thursday that they had a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Bedford as long as that library remained open, even part time. Now, Euless officials said they would decline library services to Bedford cardholders. Pools also will be dry and some parks and medians overgrown this Also Online summer in Bedford. The fate of the Senior Citizen's Center—which is co-owned with Hurst—also is up in the air. ricom Karin Kell1_y_reports A divided City Council closed Bedford's water park, pool and Bedford Tell Us: What are your http://vvww.dallasnews.com/cgi-bin/bi/gold_print.cgi 4/1/2005 Printed from dallasnews.com Page 2 of 2 Boys Ranch Activity Center and laid off 50 city employees. Officials thoughts about the cuts in also decided to cut back on park maintenance, such as mowing. services in Bedford? City Manager Chuck Barnett said he met with city staff Thursday and would deliver word of layoffs to employees personally. He has helped organize a Wednesday job fair to help them find new jobs. The budget cuts cap a tumultuous several months for the city. In March, a margin of just 10 voters approved a property tax rollback that city officials say made it necessary to make the roughly $3 million in cuts to balance the current budget. After years of keeping the property tax rate stable, council members approved a 27 percent increase in the tax rate, from 38.9 cents to 49.5 cents per$100 of assessed property value. Members of a group called Bedford Citizens for Responsive Government pushed for the tax rate to be rolled back to around 40 cents. They say they don't believe the budget cuts are needed because they're not convinced the city's budget and services are in as dire a condition as city officials contend. Mayor Rick Hurt said: "Lives and families will be impacted by this. But we have to have a balanced budget. To not do anything would bankrupt this city." Marleen Watling,the library's deputy director, said she and a few staff members will remain at work for eight weeks. Others have been given two weeks' notice. "We're not sure we'll be open again in October," Ms. Watling said. "There are no guarantees right now." Mr. Barnett said that he hopes to find the money to reopen some facilities when he begins planning next year's budget in a month but that it may include a proposal for higher taxes. In the meantime, he said, "It's not going to be a fun summer in Bedford." E-mail lfox@dallasnews.com Online at: http;//www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/040105dnmetbedford.1404e.html http://www.dallasnews.com/cgi-bin/bi/gold_print.cgi 4/1/2005 = muds U.10,11.4 IDA g1,0,0 ul.Px id if9 rei61:S1372,1 :::::::i El 1V1311.11403 .-) 1.1112C30311 .nund-rvrau I!2ntindrmounsuslis lvau..norn ,. -.... ........:-. ;'' ''' .'• .'''''..7'‹•' :', , •• -- — '.- X •c,_.7.-----. - 1 - iftly4 . .----, \ • -'-' • •• - '----.., •• ..-.--..,,...41''' ?Pqt,111:,'.2.3.09,--:-, --,,.... - _. .--,,•;,' ...'.'_.., . . i- ,./ ,:(.., , •_'-..1::'.,,-s--:'-'1::.••!.1/,:.:14.'-:,Iii,,',6-,.,:;:,.,-,--.;,;.:_--},:-.-,-,,...,:,,_-.... ) , . -,-,--•76. •,-.... .:.S_.-,' / -X5'•:- i;:, -..-'''''':4-3V./,'N''''''''1 '17-;i1j.' 2111,irk'''''.14,.`;•-.,,,;?:1":71;:.;.::-.•:-:;'J:-- '',.. ‘2, 11.1.''" ec--','Ilit'r:..'• ":.. ' • ,-- -.•.1A. . 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