11-18-2003 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission , .- .. .. III City of Wylie November 18 , 2003 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 4, 2003 Regular Meeting. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for The Cascades Phase 2 Addition, being all of a certain 15.987 acre tract of land, generally located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), north of The Cascades Phase 1 Addition, and south of Parker Road (F.M. 2514), and being a portion of that certain 53.7251 acre tract conveyed to Cascade Companies, L.L.C. by a Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 4607, Page 1881, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and including all of a called 0.8000 acre tract conveyed to C.T. Beckham by deed recorded in Volume 1901, Page 545, DRCCT, and including all of a called 5.1533 acre tract conveyed to C.T. Beckham by deed recorded in Volume 4605, Page 1399, DRCCT, and being situated in the James McUlmurry Survey,Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the McCreary- F.M. 544 Addition, being all of a certain 7.2575 acre tract of land, generally located north of F.M. 544 and east of McCreary Road, as described in a deed to Heatley-Moist, Inc., Trustee, recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0021299 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ADJOURNMENT e sted Friday, tuber 14,2003,at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting November 4, 2003 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: William Chapman Claude Thompson, Director Don Hughes Mary Bradley, Admin. Assistant Mike Phillips Carter Porter Chris Seely Kathy Spillyards Commission Members Absent: Staff Members Absent: M.G. "Red" Byboth Terry Capehart, Assistant Planner CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Porter called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Claude Thompson offered the Invocation and Commissioner Phillips led the Pledge of Allegiance. MISCELLEANEOUS ITEMS Vice-Chairman Porter introduced and welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Spillyards to the Commission. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. P & Z Meeting November 4, 2003 Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 21, 2003, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 1. (Commissioner Spillyards abstained). ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for AutoZone, being all of a certain 1.116 acre (48,613 square feet) tract of land, generally located north of State Highway 78 and east of F.M. 544, being part of Lot 2R, Block A of the 78 Corner Addition (Walgreen's) situated in the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that on June 3, 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a Site Plan for an Auto Zone Store on this property. The lot was to be created by the administrative Minor Plat dividing Lot 2 into two lots. However, the owner of the property took back 45 feet of the lot on the west side and the applicant was forced to completely redesign the site and thus resubmit for Site Plan approval. The property will be replatted by Minor Plat in order to create the lot. The subject lot for the auto parts retail store is approximately 6,219 square feet on 1.116-acre. The remaining lot is undeveloped and 3.102 acre in size. Commissioner Seely noted that there are more parking spaces provided than are required. In the north east corner there are two parking spaces where the ability to maneuver vehicles in and out of the parking spaces is a concern, and recommended removing the space along the east parking line. Clark Smith, RLK Engineering, 111 W. Main Street, Allen, Texas, represented engineer for the subject property, agreed to remove the parking space and convert that area to additional landscaping. Commissioners also expressed concern that the dumpster is located at the front door, and requested that it be angled. Thompson stated that location of the dumpster is unfortunate but easily accessed and there are no good options. If angled more than currently shown it will interfere with the lane for the parking spaces along the front of the building as well as a truck for loading. If angled toward State Highway 78, the gate will be part visible. Commissioners discussed the ability to maneuver vehicles in and out of the handicapped spaces which are beside the dumpster. P & Z Meeting November 4, 2003 Page 3 of 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, and seconded by Commissioner Seely, to approve the Site Plan with the parking space on the east corner removed for additional landscape. Motion carried 6—0. MISCELLEANOUS 1. Thompson stated that after the first of the year the Commission will hold elections for Chair and Vice Chair, now that membership has been stabilized and completed. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Phillips, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. Motion carried 6—0. Carter Porter, Vice-Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary CHy Of Wyk Action Item No. 1 Final Plat The Cascades Addition Phase 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: November 18, 2003 Owner: Cascades Companies, L.L.C. Surveyor/Engineer: Hickman Engineering Location: Generally located east of Country Club Road(F.M. 1378),north of The Cascades Phase 1 Addition and south of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) Existing Zoning: Planned Development District(PD) for Single-Family Residential Uses Summary: The Final Plat under consideration will create 55 single-family residential lots (and an access easement to the 4.5066-acre public park built in Phase 1.) The subject property totals 15.987 acres in size, and is the second and final phase of The Cascades residential development. The City Council initially approved rezoning for the subject property from Agriculture (A) District to Planned Develop District (PD 2002-20) for Single-Family Residential uses in February 2000 followed by the approval of the Concept Plan and Preliminary Plat in May 2000. The Final Plat for Phase 1 was approved in September 2000. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period". Final Plat—The Cascades Addition Phase 2 Issues: 1. The Final Plat substantially conforms to the Concept Plan approved with the Planned Development District and Preliminary Plat, and complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. 2. The required parkland dedication for the entire PD has been met in Phase 1 and no additional parkland is required in Phase 2. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. Attachments: Final Plat F.M.2514 OWNERS CERTIFICATION WHEREAS Cascade Companies,LL.C.Is the owner of a tract of Iona THENCE along said curve to the right having centre angle of 5113'24",on i i,c6iticiirri;oc!,,,,E lc,,,,,,,,,ne.'itde,t1EncwIFI'dcieriliw:it,,,uitil:Fif:4:1:Fir; amrcENdcis:a.nocrte hof4:68d.33,:set to 11/2"Iron rod set"RPLS 554, LAKEEyel`fDRI F.M.2514 PARKER RD. Wor7ranty Deed recorded in Volume 4607,Page 1881,Deed Records,CZ „ 09 4 41 m utes,22 seconds,West,122.96 feet to a ..?,,i. I d g g.TOOCi TG7r7ItZetdcOteryt:(te:IC7T.c13:g;rne7d:g rtOrded in"idotur. 11‘2.th:°I:41.174":721,15/46".gil.t:7 beginn'"''n"-"""""r" .:.'', . ".CLRZETpEAACEETT ----'1 ! .g.:;,:Lfgli9r,,P,10:231,3fge?,,e1,11",cOrilhCIT:,F,i?,,ind„d;41,7,:efd',„,114 Ta'rirdtat'orle7.17ettetcth:112'ihrrnrnrEodeeseettre'R7trg44.1,''''7 g is. t''''' ,,,3 LAKEWAY DR. THENCE North 71 degrees,50 minutes,09 seconds,West,179.32 feet to a 8 9 1/2"Iron rod set"RPLS 5544, r, SITE occ.721,3,:ilonsrg.F.:::,t4IVIT'umnnt3,°`,1'.7,1V,Tirenedt:rde, THENCE North 12 1,egree,19 minutes,45 seconds,East,215.00 feat to a Lg..g -100 0 100 200 ,7., ,F21,::rIli:podofegginei:A.FtiEnt'itEtiZE:Fd:::Lfl:terrt.t'dea 4 3 2 1 GRAPHIC SCALE cTrdlt:VId42c.rfort tearrt2"hertgr:Irtett"ege,ef 18.55'4'.7 . / 0100N 12F47orolNi5rr;d:f8;5,/:55,0551rEllii,1%,";;75:547t5n:iht5stterl',,Zrnro:" ?:;ThigaS:Egt:irpo:11,47,11fof:E5:55t141PratlITT14.701:71,71r MVROTLIE.AllnAAODEDSWN F, LINE TABLE Li S 53'06'57"W 142.51' ANCHOR DR, :::,,,,,,,, •E 6 L2 S 36153'03"E 100.08' 'LT.. WINDWARD T11;:'''Ci,Ucruotdh sse't"IarLrg5°44.;'"""'57""nds'\e"t'l'el f"t t" THENCE Nort 89 degree, r,e.s.,3,,,,,,,:,a,,c,,1 , APPROX.SURVEY UNE 89 E Vi'c',FT02 8,f. ,,,op cT,PAUL L3 S 69'581,W 123.73' XrgiFIEGAggs N .01'09" _.843.24 , TII-ANLSoruotdh.3.8,ifezes,55434.7inutes,03 seconds,East,100.08 feet to a rourotohr,..h.th.t....'°f()-2-1:rtf-t 1..7.c'''i'''''''.TI r'''''°:'id WM.BURNETT SURVEY ABSTRACT..56 fig"Fra 1611.r. 96.21r. VICINITY MAP Ty-Atitsor.::3t,,,ainc48„:„inuto.,57 seconds,West,175.00 feet to a UNeoEf NVitd,),.00..ctle,g,, ,dlon,ltrzt, ,,I=0,1,79,,,,, J.McULMURRY SURVEY ABSTRACT N0.629 I g 32'i, i1 1 ig 1 1.0 ' h' L6 CSU 4R4V'4E2'11T"AWB LE5 0.02' 37 I.714. 38 I2 ,4 ,,7, ';'''' t'.- C1 A=30122'07" R=400.00' L.212.01' C2 A-5113.24" R=412.0, L.368.33' EASEMENT NOTE: radius of 400.00 ,-,, ff1 ,, ,..,-.8, h....2,s 84.45' moo' _3:n7II'ii.,.... f, a, The NTMWD easement restricts construction of :rd?:taar:::9.72127'll'fee:tt:ea 1%2)7:',1.07:t°I.F7Pt!;g4422.°7"'" IsErt:4rFE" 'd:17feen'nnis':e7t egnoldfr:':Etr7a't o':filagRnede:°;ido r.i ,.,:',,,,,,..,,,,,,... 73.00. 73•00. 96.54' C4 A.42106'49" R.235.00. L=172.73' permanent structures such as foundations,walls, ,,o,\ ,,,, s,Z,...27, 4,,,.,...!' 23.. C5 A=42.38'51" R..255.00' L.189.81' poolsiand permanent storagerbuildings.Items such 'T,'/'`'elon"rrot`d1:1'1211rL7655454,7'nu"'"7n'Wee'S'eE fee td e '''''''''''.1':781'ex:*7''''''' "urne 7'"e 3"'"ed ''''' \..",l'ils.,\ a ,66.01'03. R.250.00' L=288.06' laasndtcvaepwirrplfaennr:atsPe,linckr':actrot:ngearaMZr"1 'TiiriU°ruotoh:';12[8515°414,7'uta''""nds'West.248'2't t°' "r'EiH''CEEN''Efo?t'll'd::fnoF'I'o,°odfr'nFI!?nTIt'i'ejCiot:1'r:'t51/li"87inr'I:'EI.''''''':dn'''''::' \\ ‘t,\A VOLUTZ251v,VAgE570 .W. 25,'';,:l Pi - - .•R''''"1 s"'I'.w 25.2'AcPctsR"JITGE ,....'''8.9'4" ::" C7 A=36.55'49" F2=255.00' L=164.36' C5 A.36.22'46" R=250.00' L.158.74' eore:7errgro'neoefrefo(2:1170Tie011:thbw::ve[golenrEft0'retnceS IS limited to one(1.0')foot.Installation of fences will \\''':1'.:4N, ,_, ,,, , IF,IP 40 4 b JOHN MOSER [eoecearoneOrreCrZailes'OTdferce'reand IPo'urthdeaTi'on-rIMMII. TilINChEonSoru:.3.6t,1,,,,sg,5434.71nutes,03 seconds,East,16.31 feet to a \,A\sii,,\ FP, 8 i PQ 7 1,3. 8 P,,m ? , 1l'. ... .1, 4. ,,,,,45. ,, ,L,, 'k 44' L., 123.23 L -- „„ u, VOLUME8.1112,A;AgE 1078 eNerZeciessfuerrn err F:rs'Ploriebril7t7i.forlratfiTral tE e THENCE South 69 degrees,58 minutes,10 seconds,West,123.73 feet to a '..,,,,,,,,,z,,,„ z ,25.00, ,.,...,,..,4.--,s 89157'14.E 1 il...1 77,,sr.,w I I g,22. li lif.8 a...3 WO POINT OF ive-r vVpifpr:17r;eterunretrider,thar7:strr,ftohre 1/2"iron rod set"RPLS 5544"; \,h,\'',,,,\ ,,, S 89157'14"E ' . I I ,..., ' F.'1 P ' 41 8 BEGINNING POINT OF IED'ythtlei2edteev'el'o7ere,'ecttereaOrTeOEFII'ghcfgTowTVIIEteee Til-/IpChEonS7.1,,Izen52464.71nutes,22 seconds,West,50.13 feet to a \\l',\k\ gi, ,,,"1,,,, 0*,,,i moo' 10 ,,,, '',,,,,,I ..g.• •A 4 r, ,,,, ,,, 5/8 IRON ROO s 88,,w ww11,-. S:89.01.09 W 248.22' ,,.7., \C8'.... .\\9A's 5 W/C,PcpUND 234.2e. COMMENCING APPROXIMATE CI,.T LINE the responsibility of the developer,contractor or THENCE South 67 degrees,40 minutes,27 seconds,West,14153 feet to a \ N 89.0313"E 228.21m i.02,' ,.,.ZEND 1/2"Iron rod set"RPLS 5544, , COLUN COUNTY - 17(1 N 00185.1"W ..... ,',,.."-\‘''', \ \,,,::9 42 Ti 1./1:1,1 OLS oruotdh.4:3,,larLesesi J41.7inutes,41 seconds,West,77.77 feet to o CITY OF-VJYLIE - -ii jc,,,,,m,,,,,•- ' ,r- --!31'97.:"e4. LT I.g 4.1..,L3,, rci.,, "HOE" ,... \\ \ \ - ..\'ir\e, \-1,s',:is' L1 4, 46 C NOTICE: 7.70,7s7ota.2.3t'ari5A434.mbiu7,"%le%ZinZw:7>wflt'277:°tO feet 71:4 V• 1.,1E0t6L,1,,,NDOs fks PAOR,111NATZ(T)1-,II Sci.Ar\DDURI g lig,Ags INT,ES AND hoving o roc...1 412.00 feet; 5 :0\'‘,,,,,,,,,,,:\.,,,,\ -. \,,, g ,, ..... 2 *4§ •:, ,.,,,,''',,.:',, ,,,,.4, 2, !, voLculi:EFTL,Rgut"L462 LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDDINGTAT4 \ \ ,4\-V.' 25s:',.?'.?.4°E .! \''''' \\ ..---'''' '•---IC1 U11LITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. , ,\ *r., \\ ,,..1,.'r r1191*-- j , s ,E P 2.'g-ET,EgkXt2.E.S2r,hoiro2.PART OF PLANNED ' I 1 '2,,! S 36'5303"E ,,,,,, 7., 22 Vp),„ 163 1' FLOOD NOTE: 7. s..„ -, • o 1,:: ,„..,,,,, ,, • , , „_______,,, 1 C7, h;;;;;000101. TTIOelDeeroeueT:ilYe ehT17e r0e2,rt'eaereeefleorcecl trc:Ic:litei,wanlhoZsE;t7;X;10(0thdifr7streate.:Gth'e' -4,,. ,/,,,, LT:seMdappoft0er.COJI,i,FNI iiC,o,u;t4,T.79,r6,Community Panel No.48085C0465'-',.: CASCADE COMPANIES L.L.C. 2 <:.„ 4 , , ,N\\ 2o ,:'\,,,,, 0 CLIFFORD ROWELL VOLUME 4607,PAGE 1881 a' , ,4., 4.5066 ACRES 1'*. e, <f'. ' VOLUME 3525,PAGE 19 ,, /,,,, / 2, \_„.,,,, ,\ ,..p.„., ;,•,,_4... THE TAZZArZEONTr. 4:4'4';. ::''''4''\''\:\:\''':\'-'4:\ ,,„12.153 ACRE REMAN9ER : A),,..,861-,,!,,o• ,/,,,,,/ / ,,/ GENERAL NOTES: ZONED MF 8,c B-1 N , /i'l",,,,,,, 11' ,..002,0 / //,,,,,,47., 1.'A',1',1722'n't:ON'Rign rEPRNFL's'IgN441.11M'CjTituvgtR,Torm. •'•".'6'. 1,44// ,•/: ..., , , ....7„. 22 LEGEND STONECREST TRAIL ,s,,.. ,/..,.../i 4./ ), • „ , \\ CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ,,,, ''..5 1 fl//ii 81..) \\ %Siv.,c. B.L. BUILDING LINE Recommended for Approval .'/,°•, '-,4' PRIVATE UTILITY EASIvIENT \\ \' gitayirrcnfar,Aiiyili:laninei,nl 3c Zoning Commission Date: 2 11, 4 9 ib''' L=242.26' , Date: 0 V 94.05' ,,,,, 91.28' i' 4?1 I j/ el/ / / 7: 5 1:)c) ° OWNERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Approved for Construction Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas CM2 h-, .. '' .*! ',,„7,,,,,14 '''''" • /°,''s'''., : , THAT,CASCADE COMPANIES,L.L.C.ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE UNDEF2SIGNED ITS DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT,DOES HEREBY ADOPT THIS PLAT DESIGNATING Accepted ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,AND I DO HEREBY DEDICATE Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date: d1, 13 ,,,,,,,,..," o7..4-`-'.-o° ' 4,,,,;•:,,,.,,,,.;,,,,,,, ' , 8 ,k.'"I,:' Z i, gAIIIIIIt2. i - THE CASCADES-PHASE 1 _----_4 '77,9°.3,0,-,-,?.W g,,C t3'l i.,,%.''7.".775C:,:;,4',,,'..,•-,..•.•4•.••.-:,•„„,,,,,,,C,.,.,.,g,,C 1P•.O 2.‘p 28','.'f•. - TO THE PUBLIC USE THE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON. ThdidthCitSt fthCit fWyie, Texas, ,,• 7 WITNESS MY HAND AT JOHNSON COUNTY,TEXAS hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of The Cascades, Phase 2 an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day of 2003,and the Council,by THIS DAY OF ,2003. ‘Ck' i 4,''''' 0 ,.2'. ® formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alIeys, 12 parks, easements,public places,and water anti sewer lines as shown .:(-j;j 5 and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further LI.: 1 Es 8 - F----2-6-11:\I-(5'0,,---,----R'E PR'v,- i',,,..%"3::,*•','". .7 • ' .aw, ------____ RANDY NOLAN authorized the ma.pr to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove described. 0 „ Witness my hand this day of ,A.D.,2003. 4 9 2 12 'N ------------ 3 _---1- 13 14 \\\ ------- STATE OF TEXAS Cditt';So7cZytZr,Y Te.s 0 \----.- COUNTY OF COLLN 15 BEFORE ME,THE UNDERSIGNED,A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED RANDY NOLAN,KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE OWNER/DEVELOPER: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: , 17 PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT,AND ACKNOWLEDGED FINAL PLAT , c,:dTFEF,°;‘,APLAANJ,s'siut-rf',22, I,MATT POWEL,REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF TEXAS ITEPIRfSTIT'STE1FDYE;g1T3ETDHIE,R5OrEDIg'S OITErlil,5,1rEWIPSYERAEZR1t'UN=LYON STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF JOHNSON TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED. DALLAS,TX 75225 'FOS:,c),LktFits'ungE4E4'TY 47=1 rEVATIRE\INT"'THE M"UVENT5 55T°R THE CASCADES 214-739-2733 IFsFolEi,sJ BYo'ss4t7i5sEARILs's:YGsiblEtiiiio!T'rtA;i11,7E"ILsc;iiiliTmmilk.F,A,FluoiE;AwLs s GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS DAY OF ,2003. ,'...ii.O*F...Z.,..'-'-.., ;,04E41,11;..T HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THEFPURPOSE AND CONSIDERATIONCTHEREIN'' PHASE 2 SURVEYOR: li, JA*** •-2 _---- ' /;.4%:''..a,..'74$1;, BEING 15.987 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JAMES LB RI SURVEY, , mArr POWELL • . '1, ,I1, ‹).., ,, POWELL —1--, 1SISMISMEOneL5A-41 5 SURVEY" ,..1Z4..A.1.57761kETC...... GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS_DAY OF .2003. NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF TEXAS ABSTRACT NO.629,JOHNSON COUNTY,TEXAS AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAN AS RECORDED BY DEED VOLUME 4607,PAGE 1881, LAND SURVEYING D[S] DATED:1110.03 ' '......gail..."'?"., DEED RECORDS,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. _ ' 1 OF 1 PLS JOB NUMBER 2003180-01 City of Wylie Action Item No. 2 Final Plat McCreary-F.M. 544 Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: November 18, 2003 Owner: Roemer/Haskins, L.C. Surveyor/Engineer: Carroll Land Surveyors, Inc. Location: Generally located north of F.M. 544 and east of McCreary Road Existing Zoning: Corridor Commercial (CC) Summary: The Final Plat under consideration will create 2 lots totaling 6.6943 acres and 0.5631 acre for right-of-way dedication for the future widening of McCreary Road for a total of 7.2575 acres. Lot 1 is 2.5505 acres in size and will be developed in the future as retail. Lot 2 is 4.1438 acres in size and will be developed as a self-storage facility. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Site Plan for the self-storage facility on October 7, 2003. A Preliminary Plat was approved by the City Council on October 28, 2003. A separate Site Plan will be required to be submitted for approval when the Lot 1 retail site is ready to be developed. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipal authority unless it is disapproved within that time period". Final Nat — McCreary-F.M. 544 Addition Issues: 1. The proposed Final Plat for the McCreary-F.M. 544 Addition complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the State and City of Wylie. 2. The Plat provides additional right-of-way for the future expansion of McCreary Road. No additional right-of-way required for F.M. 544. 3. Common access is provided by a joint access easement between Lots 1 and 2 and to the property to the east. The driveway cut for the primary entrance off of F.M. 544 will have to have prior approval from TxDOT before any release for construction or building permits can be issued. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid The applicant is aware that development impact fees must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. Staff Recommendation: Approval. Attachments: Final Plat SELLING A PORTION OF TNIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS 15 A VIOLATION OF CI,ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND 15 SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING COUNT,-OF COLLIN OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS --______________ :C;tiAyr:oEfc'°W;1 iTet,7c;inr'Ce°I u°n'tc,mTd:al tsu,t-i:dGI:beL'in;Ea:11CI:oef:Ta5:t racr kts°SF'1 anvedYI c onA'vet;e'dd toN°1-11 e'a't'leI y- i i i 1 pfl:eisdt,Rlencco.Fucsoteen,n,cbyoundte/ed Tree,,caosrdeand din,Ceonl,lin,C:r7t,y,C,I,ecuriko1,5,,Ficilee Ncroi,:1,6.-,,Os02,012„71,,,,, T13,E.,,GI,NitNINriGghita_t,a,_,)1/a2y11,irbonein,pint,,Four,nodrtfheora:torcnoerrneirn otfheostoruotcht iainfe ionofdtchone,Deaylelads,A,,rer_iourRpahpyid °-----L-____ 300 Joint Venture by deed recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No.93-0100086,Deed ,,:ii•II ..V1 2'..., i - ___ Records,Collin County,Texas; 8.ig•.•• C.-i'ig , ___________ 15i-f,z t .,,::: - THENCE South 84,4'2811East with the south line of said Dallas Area Rapid Transit rZo.2. ' "2 right-of-way o dista-ice of 645.13 feet to a PK nail in wood corner post found,being, .i,71•-,>,.,,,, a. ,i; D ALL AC, northwest corner of Lot 2,Block 1 of t,Moss Addition,as conveyed to floss AREAan A r.Th Construction by deed recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No.92,022956,Deed 8-ii2-:.•I',_1;,III:' "l''-' ________:7„ I'D - A _ Records,Collin County,Teras; TRANSIT 483, THENCE South 01,7120'West with t,common line between said Lot 2 cnd said -- ,,,,,.3.1 ,g;;:., .i•'-'71 - ---7----I/CILII I' FND Heatley-Moist Tract a distance of 455 83 feet to a I/,capped iron rod found For corner in GRAPHIC SCALE the new north line of said F.M.No.544; 1/211 CAPPED IP.sET (;00' R.0.N.) **S84 . ,, , . . - THENCE South 5'1.54'1,West,with the new north line of soid F.M.No 544 o distance POINT OF •,7- i — — ____02_12f_IE iiipi.j... smm ,575.77 feet to o I/2f copped iron pin found for corner; BEGINNING 1 ,.FEET) THENCE North 44'4214611 West,with the new north line of said F.N7 No.544 a distc,ce I 1 1 inch=40 ft. of 14.06 feet to a I/2“capped iron pin found for corner; ___ K.N4,,N THENCE North 00-37'0,East,with the new north line of said F.M.No.544 a distance oF 30.00 feet to o I/211 capped iroa pin found for corner; I ___. I'IIPO'Sps.'FI;Zr II I ----- THENCE North 5,5711,West,with the new north line of said F.,No.544 a distance oF 50.00 Feet to o I/2''copped iron pin found for corner; , I I ' I I THENCE South 00°3710,West,with the new north line of said F M.No.544 o distance of 30,0 feet to o 1/2'1 copped iron pin found For corner; THENCE South 45°1711411 West,with the new north line of said F.ri No.544 a If.1 \\/7/1 distonce of 13.74 feet to o I,coPPed,ron P,f.nd ft,cor-P,to the c°1-Prn°1-1 17.1 Pf the - aforesaid Heatley-Moist Tract and said Murphy 300 Jant Venture Troct; ,r H , I THENCE North 01°38131'1 East with the ca-nmon line between soid Heatley-floist Tnact and said Mu,hy 300 Joint Venture Tract a distance of 526.46 feet to the .... ,-.,,,, i i POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 7.2575 acres of land gross ond 6.6944 acres LoN I 11' I I net of[and more or less_ (3,137 Gross Sq,Ft,and 291,607 Net So,F, _ ,..L.2, Zi , 201',LOPE il DPAINAGE EA MEN c34, '' ,/ V 3,2,F.542 'E I NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS. LOT 2, BLOCK I That i1e '.4/74.'314-•1 the owner of t,property described in this plot,oCtin0 bY , I I 4.1435 ACRES ,H 150/505 S.F. m in fee simple cnd to t,public use forever,the streets and alleys shown thereon rind does furt,r dedicate to the public use Forever the eosements shown thereon for the purposes indicated. All eosements dedicoted by this plot sry,be open to,without limitation,oll public and privote utilities using or desiring to use t,some for the (:).,--', in I c0 purposes dedicoted No building,fence,tree,shrub,or other structure,improvement,growth shc•Il be -7, • CO constructed,reconstructed or placed upon,over or across any easement dedicated by this plot. Any public or <••-:' c.7-0 1 I I in privote utility shall have.(17 the right to remove and keep removed oll or any port of any building,fence,tree, 1 0 In S II- " Nr , CZ,' 1 i ,TP 1 I egress to or from cfnd upon the such easements for t,pw-pose of constructing,reconstructing,inspecti,, patrolling,maintaining ond odding to,enlorging,or removing oll or parts of its operation without the necessity at >-"rt-j- any time of procuring the permission of anyone. The maintenance of paving on utility a,fire lane eosements is II ,,,C,f'„''' 1 1 the responsibility of the property owner. Ali water a,wastewater easements dedicated by this plot shall also include an additional area of working space r-lURPH, BOO.JOINT VENTURE -...-- 1 , LOT 2, BLOC, I for construction,reconstruction,additions,enlargements,and maintenance including such additional area necessary ,11-27O,1,3-010005o 1 1-1-10,'.31 HO-_,ADDITION for installation and nnointenonce of manholes,cleanouts,fire hydrants,water services and wastewater services From NC3C;r5.411qI 1 fY LL'122 ir,C,APPED i P SET - - ._, liiireii:,,,plot ap oved subject,to all applicable ordinances,rules,regulations,a,resolutions of t,City of Wylie, 5--' ...._.,-,_ cc.92-0022556 ',,'I'I wITNES,r7lY at l lie,Texas,this the 00,7- day oF 9.....4.7 al 'W I I I BY: de AUTHORiZED IGNATURE in II 19 I I I I STATE OF TEXAS i CO I CO I . COuNTT OF COLL,i - I 0 (,1 Bef,e noe,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared 6461,*.t..;-, ,known to me to be 0 Z LOT 1, BLOCK 1 ilr?-_.cl _< N the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the I -1- giyen under rny hand and seal of office this_.c.46,doy of___alt," _,2004 2.5505 ACRES N , 0 Gitm.,1Avyr.- 111,101 I Ln Notary Public for ond in the State of Te,,as - ' I „ FiLilFS:r'I'.-C:A-Ii:-:•CF37I'ILT El I I •--, _._ ---- SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE ,,,,,EM: Notary Public I KNO,ALL MEN B.,THESE PRE.ENTS. ..,,,,,j,; State of Tex, o Comm Expires 00 26.7.1297 - I' I 7. .. 4tiet Car oil,b f t, h v d thi I t fi t I d t f I -.S.q01 N(11,1-1-1 TEX!,1-1UNICIPALB, _,,1_,CIE,,, ,LE,,,,Te,.,E,r,1ENT DISTRICT EASE,1ENT . ' '''l i,'.°1,,,,c„:1'•.,_,,,,e/or,, :,,-,7-e,-,7,",X0—.,-,,-4,',!;,7,7),eoper,y5ge,°`,-",[7,': ic;er,,,,,,-,,;:r-vei,i',„"r-r-,,,,' .,cordon--wit/PI,.is:."ui r air,ations of the City of Wylie,Texas. --.......,. i I F , , , F.E.3 ,',3.,:•96r..?:. 6895711.11 , -4,..- 500'33 0,111^1 30.00, , I I ,, 50.00,,..,,. I/:cNA000qE 30.00 I__. P 0 e.sional Land Surveyor No 512,1 :jAM ssoicihii5 ,„ 545'14114HW 13.74 \ , 101- ';',-, 444,42146fiN 14.06 303 ,31 7r S..TE OF TEXAS. COUNT,OS COLLIN. 'A 5 9,,,,, '..PP ',,,,gn.•A. 47B.77' ' ,-1 1,2,CAPPED i P.END 00.C, BEFORE ME, tie undersigned,a Notary Public in ond for soid County and Stot.,it,,O..iii‘a,\11,•Personally appeared -- - - - 58c:1°54'19"W 575.77 1/2,APPED i.P SET Ty ' " GI, under my handir s7Lofm...oLfice,this FN NO 544 r:-::,) .CNotary Pu bl. in and for t,State of Te,•os _/- 1 . . , AwAI 57.4-1 FINAL of ZPLAT ,A D,2004 ,...„2.20,37 ROH.) McCREARY-FM 544 ADDITION ,econornended f,Approva 7.2575 ACRE TRACT UP0_3__ COLLIN COUNTY FILE NO. 96-0021299 Chair-man, lonnind f Zonin -monission T,undersIgned,the,ty Secretor,of t,City of Wylie, Teyas hereby cert,f,es that the MOSES SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.849 ,ty of Wylie, Tevas ,y, ,,, t,City of Nylie LU.,subnootted - 3 t'ciretgh'e)City C-ouncd on the 1 day of 200;ona the Council,by formal CITY OF WYLIE FY,.M-,.ENACR IN5G44S ABSA SREEDC OORN D,ED E INN OCR.CT.H(CLLIENRE KO'SF l'Ar,, , aChceloatrucenehisn,i,l aafb,unordvt eh wesar utbeasru ctrohniabdre idzse.a edc wetenpri e,1,fl IhlaL ec tc reepettasn,ceo dteioye,cepoof ckbsy,seaiagdsoeinmd enhtis,npaumbliec aS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Dd„12•1;/03 ::,‘,.......-..../>, FILE NO.`46-0021,,, D.R DC T. May, , ity o L'Iyil'-- Witness my ha,this ..,Y'e do,,:-. ... ' - 2004 CARROLL LAND SURVEYOR'S, INC. g I. SEAL I =1 CONTROLLING MONUMENTS ARE WOOD CORNER ::-.... ... e,,,,,/ , ,," 1008 STONEWALL STREET SUITE No. F POST FOUND AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF l'Accepte, LOT 2,BLOCK l•OF MOSS ADDITION AND I/2l' ''1-......"' ' GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 PNONE: (972) 840-1506 IRON ROD FOUND AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER City Secretor ' .. 11Ln,ss OF A TRACT OF LANE'CONVEYED TO MURPHY City of Wylie,Texas JOB No. SCALE. DATE DRAWN BY. 30C JOINT VENTLJR.E IRECC,DED FILE NC.c13-01000,, D.R.D.C.T. May r,City cAiy .18-1504PLAT D=4, SEPT 15,2005 CADE,