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08-19-2003 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission City of Wylie August 19, 2003 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 5, 2003 Regular Meeting. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Meadowview Estates Addition, being all of a certain 34.088 acre tract of land, generally located west of North Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514) and north of Brown Street (F.M. 4312), as described in a deed to Saddlebrook Investments, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5404, Page 1042 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family 8.5/17 (SF 8.5/17) to Planned Development (PD) to allow joint residential and retail uses, located at 405 N. Ballard Street, being Lot 1A, Block 2 of the Russell Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-10) ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday,August 15, 2003,at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting August 5, 2003 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Red Byboth Claude Thompson, Director Michael George Mary Bradley, Admin. Assistant Don Hughes Terry Capehart, Assistant Planner Carter Porter Chris Seely Commission Members Absent: William Chapman CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Chairman George offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 15, 2003, Regular Meeting. Thompson stated that Building Official Dale Jackson recommends changes on page 4, paragraph 4, deleting "Wood siding and vinyl is not allowed" and inserting "We should allow more flexibility for materials used for infill lots, with staff approval rather than Planning and Zoning", and change the Planning and Zoning to "Commission" in the last sentence of the same paragraph. P &Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 2 of 8 A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to approve the minutes with changes noted. Motion carried 5 —0. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Single-Family 20/21 (SF-20/21), located west of F.M. 544 and south of the Stoneridge Farms Addition, being a 34.306 acre tract of land as described in a deed to William L. Collins recorded in Volume 309, Page 285, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, situated in the A. Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003- 07) Thompson stated that the 34.306 acre tract was annexed into the City of Wylie in July of 2002 and is zoned agriculture (A). The applicant is proposing to rezone to Single-Family Residential (SF 20/21) District in order to develop a subdivision of single-family residences on half-acre lots. The Park and Recreation Advisory Board has not yet reviewed the proposed park dedication and trail connection. Thompson also shared a marked up site plan showing how one-acre lots could be platted and still maintain looped streets and utilities. Thompson stated that Public Comment Forms were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of this request, and at the time of posting only one Comment Form was returned. However, since that time three additional Forms were received, all opposing the request, and later responses were made available to Commissioners. Staff recommends denial because the proposal does not comply with the recommendations of the adopted Comprehensive Plan or with existing adjacent development patterns, and the property reflects no physical constraints to development which justify the smaller lots proposed. Chairman George questioned the availability for City sewerage system for the development. Thompson stated that the closest gravity main available for connection will require an easement across a private lot to the west of the subject property, although there is also a connection across F.M. 544, in the Bozman Farms Planned Development. Chairman George questioned the reason for half-acre lots versus the Comprehensive Plan's one-acre lots. Commissioner Byboth expressed concern of the number of smaller lots within the City of Wylie and encouraged larger lots. Harry James, 1171 International Parkway, Suite 127, Richardson, Texas, represented the developer, stated that the area market does not dictate one-acre lots and due to the slowing economy building half-acre lots is necessary. The proposed development will be a quality subdivision with walking trail connection from Bozman Farms, the park and school to the west, if an access easement is purchased from the property owner. P&Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 3 of 8 Mr. James stated that the gas line easement to the north of the property can not be utilized for open space and trail as it does not directly connect to schools and parks, and this area will be platted as lots and maintained as private property. The Homeowners Association will maintain the park areas if the City does not accept them as public dedication. However, the developer believes that some connection should be opened to the school and park to the west and east. Thompson stated that the normal development process is to get land zoned, engineering done, and then line up a builder or several builders, which promotes some premature planning and zoning. The current flexible development regulation is intended to reduce such premature development. A Site Plan or Zoning Exhibit, with a tabulation showing the architectural and landscaping requirements as well as lots and setbacks, is required at all rezoning. Chairman opened the Public Hearing. Jamie VanEaton, 1001 Oakbrook, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the rezoning, and encouraged the Commissioners to follow the Comprehensive Plan recommendations. Commissioners questioned if sufficient space is available for building on the lots with the easement to the north of the property. Thompson stated that structures can not be built on an easement but that fence and parking can be built and that all lots are proposed with sufficient building area. Paul Molesworth, 811 Oakbrook, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the rezoning, and expressed concern of the noise which smaller lots and homes will create in this rural area and encouraged the Commissioners to follow the Comprehensive Plan. Gary James, 1031 Oakbrook, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the rezoning, and encouraged the Commissioners to abide by the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Byboth questioned the procedure for annexing the subdivision Twin Oaks, which is to the south of the property. Thompson stated the State is moving toward no septic tanks, and the State is allowing the city to take in such properties located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction that can be served with city utilities, such as water and sewer. The City can not annex land involuntarily, but responds to voluntary annexation. However, the Twin Oaks development has other problems, such as dead-end street too long for fire service, and annexation may not be a viable decision. Linda Housewright, 1645 E. FM 544, Wylie, Texas, spoke in favor of the rezoning and stated that the development would be an economic benefit to the area. P & Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 4 of 8 Skip Klinefelter, 1771 International Parkway, Richardson, Texas, represented as the developer, stated that there are several ways to loop streets and connect to sewer, and to the parks with half-acre lots, but creation of one-acre lots limits these options. Chairman George questioned the location of the walking trail. Klinefelter stated that the requirement for a sidewalk is five feet wide and the proposal is an eight-foot wide trail. Thompson responded that the base requirement for sidewalks is four-feet wide and points are given for five-feet wide, but trails must be at least eight-feet because they accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle use. Many park trails are ten to twelve feet wide, with wider soft trail equestrian horses beside the concrete trail. Dorothy Molesworth, 811 Oakbrook, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the rezoning and expressed concern for the animals on private property if school children increasingly cut through the property. Klinefelter stated that the location of the walking trail is in the front of the houses in the subdivision, which can be policed for safer use and will prohibit others from cutting through property. Chairman George closed the public hearing. Mr. James rebutted stating that the major difference between half-acre and one-acre lots is not the front width but the depth of the lot, so that there is minimal visual difference from the street. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Porter, to recommend denial of the rezoning, for ZC 2003-07, because the proposal does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried 4 — 1, with Commissioner Hughes opposing. Chairman George adjourned the meeting for a break at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:00 p.m. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for Mixed Residential and Nonresidential Uses, generally located east of County Road 389 (Forrest Ross Road) and south of Skyview Drive and north of Kansas City Southern Railroad, being all of that certain 94.16 acre tract as described in a deed to Arapaho East, Inc. recorded in Vol. 5108, Page 1984, and being all of that certain 49.247 acre tract as described in a deed to Arapaho East, Inc. recorded in Vol. 4242, Page 1505, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, except for those certain called 16.48 and 5.5 acre tracts conveyed to Kansas City Southern Railroad in October 1998, and being in total a 121.11 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003- 08) P &Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 5 of 8 Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property in order to permit a master planned multi-use community comprising single-family residential neighborhoods of varied densities and building types, retail uses and public open spaces on a 121 acre tract of land. Thompson reviewed the Concept Plan for the Planned Development District which divides the overall property into three distinct tracts. The western tract totaling 29 acres proposes 8,500 square feet Single-Family residential lots and public park land, as well as some Neighborhood Services (NS) retail. The central tract of 55.5 acres proposes Neighborhood Service retail, patio houses designed to Townhouse regulations and 8,500 square feet Single-Family lots, as well as a public park. The eastern tract of 36.5 acres proposes Single-Family residences on one acre lots. Chairman George questioned the difference between the current proposal and the request for a rezoning denied in June. Thompson stated that the earlier request would have allowed 352 lots or a density 3.2 dwelling units per acre. The current request attempts to address the earlier concerns of high-density and provides a density closer to that recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. The Conditions of the Planned Development District limits 293 residential lots including 80 lots for detached patio houses and/or attached townhouses, 185 lots for 8,500 square foot detached lots and the remaining 28 lots of one acre or larger. This is a density of 2.4 dwellings per acre. When considering the neighboring 31.4 acres of Corps of Engineers open space, the effective density is 1.9 units per acre. Allen Bussell, Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc., 1621 Amanda Court, Ponder, Texas, represented the developer, stated that every tract of the Planned Development will connect with five-foot sidewalks or walking trail, so residences are within walking distance of the retail and open spaces. There was discussion on the placement of the sidewalks. Bussell stated at this time no definite layout of the sidewalk is determined, but one option is to integrate the sidewalk into an easement on a lot, which separates the sidewalk further from the street. Mark Stiles, K & B Developments, represented one of the owners of the development, stated that the adjacent property is owned by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, which surrounds and intertwines with the subject property. Developers have discussed possibly leasing the Corps open space to City of Wylie as a preserve park, but the City does not want such maintenance responsibility. The proposed development will use the open space regardless of ownership. Stiles stated that the proposed development will serve to stimulate redevelopment of the deteriorated residential area by adding better street access and retail services. Chairman George questioned the location of the Village Center and the Townhouses along Park Boulevard. Bussell stated that this is a Concept Plan and such details can be addressed when each tract is submitted for separate Development Plan and Preliminary P&Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 6 of 8 Plat at a later date. Thompson stated that Park Boulevard is still in the design stages; therefore the elevation of the proposed retail and townhouse property along Park Boulevard is not determined. Mr. Stiles stated that several builders are interested in the property, as well as commercial developers. A Homeowners Association will maintain the entryways and open spaces within the development. There will be three retention ponds in the development, and the development will create a rural community and offer several options of homes including townhouses, 8,500 square foot lots and the one-acre lots. The Conditions of the Planned Development locks in the number of single-family residences for the overall development, however, the number of residences in each phase may change. Commissioner Byboth questioned the safety aspects regarding the single-family residences abutting the railroad. Mr. Stiles stated that the builders will be required to build fences on each lot, which will be a screen to the railroad. Thompson responded that an environmental analysis had been completed in the multi-family property abutting the south side of the railroad and concluded that the limited environmental problems can be mitigated by normal residential construction such as insulation and screening. Chairman George opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Commissioner George closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Seely, to recommend approval of the zoning change 2003-08. Motion carried 5 —O. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Business Center(BC)District to Planned Development (PD) District for a restaurant with drive through service, located at 1301 Century Way, being Lot 1, Block C of the Century Business Park Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-09) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning to a Planned Development (PD) District in order to allow construction and operation of a restaurant with drive through services. Sit-down restaurants are allowed in most districts, but drive-in services are limited to vehicular-accessible in Commercial Corridor and Community Retail Districts. The property has been platted as Lot 1, Block C of the Century Business Park Addition since 1986, and totals approximately 1.7 acres in size. The applicant plans to use one (1) acre fronting Highway 78 to construct a restaurant of 4,254 square feet as well as associated parking. There are no current plans for the remaining 0.7 acres to the east of the subject site, but this restaurant is of sufficient size to be developable. P &Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 7 of 8 Roland Dickey, Dickey's Barbeque Restaurants, 4514 Cole Avenue, Dallas, Texas, presented a slide presentation showing different Dickey's Barbeque Restaurants in the area. The drive-through services will not be facing Highway 78 or Century Way and the parking will be on the side. The building will be made of blue metal trim masonry stone, a fireplace chimney and will comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 100% masonry. Wood entry doors with walglass will be on the front, and all storage and delivery areas are screened with walls. Mr. Dickey states that the restaurant will staff 10 employees at any one time, and all parking complies with the City's ten-foot by twenty- foot size requirements. Chairman George opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Chairman George closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to recommend approval rezoning of Zoning Change 2003-09. Motion carried 5 —O. ACTION AGENDA 1. Review proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and consider calling a Public Hearing. Thompson reviewed the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance which were discussed by the Commission in a Work Session on July 15, 2003. These revisions relate to exterior building materials for residential uses, the size and materials for accessory buildings and the permitting of temporary uses. Another revision not discussed but which should be included is the building encroachments included in the Zoning Ordinance. Thompson reviewed the revised wording for existing Section 3.4.F of the Zoning Ordinance requiring masonry products for exterior façade material. The revisions will allow the Building Official to grant exceptions to the minimum standards when the material demonstrates equal durability as masonry or historic/infill/theme conditions are met. The appeal regarding material will be made to the Construction Code Board, if the Building Official determines that a product does not demonstrate the same durability as masonry. The revised wordings for Accessory Buildings, Section 2.5.D of the Zoning Ordinance were reviewed. Attached accessory buildings will conform to the masonry regulations applicable to the main building. Detached accessory buildings will conform to certain floor and height size, roof shape and color of materials, as well as setbacks, according to the size of the accessory building. Bonafide farm structures are treated as an exception, but the other regulations apply to accessory buildings within both residential and nonresidential districts. P &Z Meeting August 5, 2003 Page 8 of 8 Temporary Uses will be issued and administered by the Building Official rather than the Planning Director in Section 5.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, but otherwise remains unchanged. New allowances for building encroachments into required yards will be added to Section 2.5.E. These will apply to both residential and nonresidential districts to allow certain normal architectural appendages to occupy yards, and be administered by the Building Official. A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to schedule for a public hearing to consider these revisions on September 2, 2003. Motion carried 5 - 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to adjourn at 11:00 PM. Motion carried 5 —O. Michael George, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary t(11. City of Wyiie Action Item No. 1 Final Plat Meadowview Estates Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: August 19, 2003 Owner: Allegheny Land Company Surveyor/Engineer: Adams Consulting Engineers, Inc. Location: Generally located west of North Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514)and north of Brown Street (F.M. 4312) and west of the Pointe North Addition Existing Zoning: Single-Family(SF 8.5/17) Summary: The Final Plat under consideration will create 109 single-family residential lots and right-of-way for the extension of Ann Drive. The subject property totals 34.088 acres in size. This tract of land was rezoned from Industrial (I) to Single-Family (SF 8.5) Residential District in February of 2002 with the adoption of the revised citywide Zoning Ordinance and Map. The Preliminary Plat for the subject tract was approved by the City Council on September 24, 2002 as Stiles Crossing but was never finalized as such and the property was subsequently sold. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period" Final Plat—Meadowview Estates Issues: 1. Several major water and gas transmission corridors traverse the property, and the development anticipates using these corridors as a greenbelt pedestrian trail system. An existing gas pipeline easement, which transects the subject tract, has been abandoned by separate instrument that was recorded with the County on June 3, 2003, is also designated on the Plat as being abandoned. 2. The Plat provides for much of the right-of-way needed to complete the extension of Ann Drive toward the east to Ballard Avenue. 3. The current Thoroughfare Standards require that streets be 31 feet of pavement within 50 feet of right-of-way and alleys provide 20 feet of right-of-way and 12 feet of pavement. On September 10, 2002, the City Council approved a waiver of rights-of-way widths for the subject property, allowing the proposed alleys to be 12 feet of pavement within 15 feet of right-of-way. The existing Pointe North Addition abutting to the west provides streets, which are 27 feet of pavement within 50 feet of right-of-way and alleys of 10 feet pavement within 15 feet right-of-way. Alleys are not appropriate where lots back to the railroad and thoroughfares(Ann Drive). 4. On August 30, 2002, during the Preliminary platting process, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board agreed to accept open space land as dedications to the City but since it was all in easements or in parcels smaller than one acre it would not count toward the park dedication requirement and funds in lieu of land would be required to be in compliance with park dedication requirements. 5. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The proposed Plat provides an appropriate transition between the new requirements of the current code and the existing Pointe North developed in compliance with the previous requirements. Attachments: Final Plat FO,,UN: W o [-_)o Panay Surway • 30.Easement for Right-of-Way Jesus Espinoza and vvife,Marcella Espinoza FOUND 1/2 INCH to North Texas Municipal VVater District Volume 1641,Page 1 AbeRrauft Nc). 696 YELLOW CAPPED REBAR D.R.C.C.T. Volume 508,Page 37,D.R.C.C.T. FOUND 1/2 INCH e'''. STAMPED"RPLS 4653" (Easement centered on pipe) YELLOW CAPPED REBAR ..' STAMPED"RPLS 4653" S 8 8°45 44“E 1/2 INCH CD . • cm. _____„, _______ , 3ii.89, 780.06' S8921106nE 475.68' 'BAR I ,,A) 0 C3 i.t: . - - _665,59. N89.11VV 13.00'- 1,1 1 6 I 11 -rs- It; .16 ,...,..„ 6.60 --.....,„ ''--.1., 5'Utility,Wall Lk"' , 234.78' 430.91' , •• - CM i.T.4 Ann Drive .8. ...ti --1.'' -----. ,----42.,-,3,---- J,,,„, ,.,, 1 36,m5, (Variable Width R.O.W.) Landscalring...men` :-.7) N89°11'06"W , L-..I.T •••••...,,, ,,,,,, cm,-"`'"146.50' I , N89.45'28"W CM S89.45,8"E t 154.00' ,i CM ,r., IP''''" Et 1.4D lek, 2 - 25'Buildiii- - CP CO -C.', ',is'A ii).• ts, § „ _ 1 6 5 4 „:9'' ,.. r,2- 15 :-7 -,::::1 r,' 19 g ,R.' 16272 sf §- i 8506 sf s d , &s: 8919 sf 4 g - -L-60.*60-:3•18'------ 25;fe';:(217--- . ---. .____I PI \ I\ -, z .1 N89.45'28"W i_., ,toj 121.50' I A l l'77.23•07, ,/ 0 ---""""A• ,.._ 70.00' 70.00' 70.00' 86.13' I 1 ',.'' tback --. 5 cl .2=9 ,, \,..., \ 6 f,=51 \:._5'Utility i \ et' ' / _, ,,,. V 9705 sf L., ,74 1. © -,1 Z')•-• C.g. ,,,:-,s „ . 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Square feet 1 N89.45.28, I .•••""-f B• L - 4 0 f_i ...50, - , inney ane cm 67-, ---9.2.„, /0.2 ,,,, ,,,%4, ./,,,A; ,e4/ if/- Radius=1998.59' A.Length=1092.15' Vicki "•' -1 A la' -4 / -81.47 f .' - / / 1 4 Delta Angle=31°18.36" FM3412) 8516 sf / Chord Length=1078.61' 1--'78:2-17--L=3.79' 9.8.7,--.... / 1 3 , s ,,, / Chord Bearing=S32.19.20"W N • 85075 sf -'1'1 1 I i------ / ' / Brown Street -1 2 N89.45'28"w I ri-, .2s• •l• / IP '6,,., 4`•4- .,./ , <i' 4' '2 i 3's,, /,,/,/ (11/4) 4° .r'.. 121.50' „ I- I.996"f ''' 10 ri'.• ''-----.I I °SP. f' ''' - / / /el 44' ,S.0 Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) I -o AI § ,-;;,, -Ft-is,... `1,),c, ,,t " 15 (Dallas Mapco Page 663-T) . 9124 sf li 111 3274 sf 4,''-''m/•;'',"''' / ,e /.44•/ /v9 112 46 s f ..• :S , /1 1 FinPaage°11'oPf 3l 8505 sf 1 4)7 /,,,, Id!, ,,s4' / r t I'-'' 1 r''' 8 RF 71 3, 4, ' .1 / If-/ 1 7 $',co' Meadowview Estates _ . 9871 sf . / / ‘c,,,,'":I C., an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas -1 - I 1, 30 10862 sf ,,1 being 34.088 acres in the S.B.Shelby Survey,Abstract Number 820 4 I g / 9124 s f s f .4,„ *.r1 8505 sf „ 9 I - 867!"21:so, Key Map-N.T.S. in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas August 2003 03.9.2=-.....--,,,, - 44pAy I I L._51.,1.____ .iii• ctiziivs Owner/Developer Engineer: Surveyor. • ---------------"-----------------""--NDa Vinci 4P40,2 8...brook hives...,lAd. Adams comamag„i.e.,ma. . 11T4,1tr11:=EVIO 5'l'ieli've'Sui'55° JPH Land Surveying, Inc. Southlake,Texas 76092 Dallas,Texas 75287 • Tel:(817)329-6990 Fax:(817)329-7671 200 North Rufe Snow,Suite 123,Keller,Texas 76248 Tel:(817)431-4971 Fax:(817)43.924 Tel:(972)248-8155 •-.• -' • N Lot 5 b Block 3 Lot3 P S89°45'28"E til Block 3 �1 99 __,80.09,,,,, s�ti n5 9s d, !I.94 _ r ri ti /4 '° tid' / w �� L`'�� o� / / N Lot line 'DS SSA�y°' SI��z18 /^^ / OTq„� 0 50 100 150 /y ,''�- N89°45'28"W \r' \ y v j //~/ / S80°09'51"E 1 1 zS, 31 / / j 1$ scale:I"-so' - + , 3.00' o b 107.08' S89°45'28"E 6 8644 sf / ,./ - 9124 sf •• a P 3 ( o N CM,,v 1� ! 11898 sf / 0 580°09'S1"E `F. a 8505 sf I a' O o I I 7y, S69°ll'S„ / p/ / / 4,60 S,,, ` rn^f 6.28' 0 1-33.09� P Z / N7,0 '/ /q 121, 6 F 1 /, / 121,51,k' `r Lot 2 N89°45'28"W 9 \ SS4" ! / n Block 3 121.50' i r I \\ Court //b,� / 9SST µ' ^' i l //r Radius=1960.09' N s (- t'8?98___ v� /! ,� �� ~ 32 / // /~ 19 / Arc Length=1333.95'(1334.98') 2, ° 8644 sf / / 1 / o t it o t " Detail"A" \�o 2 A! s I `- 5 C1 / a/ 9124 sf o r-Delta Angle=38 59 35 (39 0123) scale:1:=10' 15'Alley o Bsos sf =! w N `_-•-- 12159 sf O szl°0 / / / N68° / �^ Chord Length=1308.36' 99-62' LI I - I 4 ", / ',so, l lb jl 121���„W ~ Chord Bearing=S28°37t06"W o \ N89°45'28"w I ] 11353 sf /y� btg; /((J n /v d �- f 12i 8°e. rj--- � / J33 j/ / !� / Street Right-of--Way b 1- / / / 2 0 g a v�•U ! _ I S89°45'28"E now q 8527 sf j y/ / l / 9124 sf / Rl•o w V 1 W I j 133.16' 4'n^bl S6g° ! / �z gip; 09 1 N y 30J l -l /. Ar7p° / rn o„A a w 10916 sf ! w b ( I?I y3 8 F l l l 123 1,15' y ! o w 3 c 'l l p l sl l W V .J o o A 101 sf c, t!i ro ❑i / /V --- q q CM / / ------ ( 25'Front Setback 121.50. / , , 34 / gi / j i i r / h Vicki Lane I L S89°45'28"E _I 8718 sf l f l 096 sf / N 1 O 1 1 j Vicki Lane S89°45'28"E 146.50' 163.35' J / I S'8p° .tl UI IN / 4 v c. (50'R.O.W.) o 14.16' -I 117-99 I�' I n / ,-7 ; 30'Easement&R.O.W.to j o D j j i N (50'R.O.W.) c u 2 ^ I ---_ I /_- North Texas Municipal Water District ^Q I x Lot I I Lot ro t 1367 sf L=2o.o8' I I W i Volume 512,Page 511,D.R.C.C.T. G�AI 1 p I A1zL5o' 31 j h 35 I _1 cm L: j5°oT31° _J - i i o r n N S 126.Si - + I o 1 I I.a N -1 n oo ry N 10578 sf I 1 - 4N I S89°45'28"E 'r - -- N I I I j ¢bH m I °oo 1 154.83' i L �� -- I I I V b 3 6 Y I _ - - - 25'Rear Setback 0 o e C/1 L----•---•-•--J L--------•----J I ry 106 �-6,CM__.-+� 22(Open Space) w °ry° 9963 sf m j I r h '2, -1A CM z a, v v I Cj r- i8 - 54101sf o w i a 1 -t ��a'-- 161.91; i- .0 t.� 589°45'28"E • I 10632 sf - 15„E '- N88°23'S3"W ~ S.'U / 121.50' ! I -1'0 / - N19°3-- Spa°e� r -139.08' "� Alley Right-of-Way 3 5 1-- - 320.31 23 15'Alley o 1 0 -- - ,"- c1 Line Table •or 8505 sf =' - �18 R atet pisM gs 55- I 9213 sf 1/2 O[NCH i - -- etasM`�tce'129 D CCT ! NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE REgAR �89°�5'28"E - '- N s668.eag 73p0 ( v I N88°23'S3"W LI SOl°36'07"W 10.36' Typical Building Setback Detail i 14.50'� - Vo1uo' fi 1 I24.61' L2 S44°29'29"E 17.00' Scale:1:=30' - - 3 6 j °O w -I. °o L3 S88°23.53"E 35.08' �4- r135°p3 1"16p76 j o m ry IA N79°31'15"E 105.86' a 3 I 3 24 L5 S63°33'09"E 25.00' o -(`men Space), w ] N D 7934 sf 3 0 I r, 1 N 8518 sf n L6 S18°18'08"E 11.06' bbH lzlso' +' I ! 37 � j .p Q N89°59'l4"E - 36 O 1 L7 N72°OS'S4"E 12.84' CJ I 38 0^ 8739sf o v . N88°23'53"W L8 S88°23'53"E 9.28' 14079 sf 12240 sf I L9 S88°23.53"E 10.87' Ra��CJ - °• 1 25'Building � j I 112.46' i. °p Setback I e Ll0 506°24'00"E 1.96' � `'z"� Ix -------------------------------- I w FOUND 1/2lNCH a"n g ! °0 I i` h 1 , Lll N08°09'49"W 15.00' 0 1 0 a YELLOW CAPPED REBAR L12 S80°00'50"E 25.00' ate,U _ 33 w�,I a L 152.53' 70.00' 83.00' I o I 25 STAMPED"RPLS 4653" ',-,1 J ry 10940 sf 1 z o 1 9592 sf Curve Table LCM 588°23.53"E_ "'. Sikorsky Court CM , CM 329.94' a I ii I a oo NUMBER DELTA ANGLE CHORD MRECTION RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH 25.01' ----- 1'25.00' W 63,38"ti _ �1 o -Pi (50'R.O-W.) 329.93' ••CM a N75° Z.' Cl 15°39'35" S09°25'54"W 290-00 79.26 79.01 I Harvest N N30°885 \ �\ sa / / I p145"k O C2 59°24'48" N29°27'S2"W 200.00 207.39 198.22 Ann Beod ,, M 12 Q\ /� 1 moo. !bb p2 7' C3 27°22'19" S76°04'19"E 300.00 143.32 141.96 O \ \ 70.00' 70.00' 70.00' \ C13/�^ ! C4 39°00'OS" N19°44'36"E 300.00 204.21 200.29 b0 m O ___.-•'�51 13.77' V /. CS 30°53'26" N74°18'45"W 100.00 53.91 53.26 Z 32 L=S3.02' /- 25'Building 38.52' ...„.../ C6 24°34'01" S25°41'22"W 2299.09 985.79 978.25 � i Setback __ C7 113°53'06" S43°32'12"E 30.00 59.63 50.29 15359sf .rV -- 3 3 3 3 ,Z 26 C8 24°46'53" 576°47'39"E 527.00 227.94 226.16 Kathy N N ' i''* 31 r 30 1 29 `° L8 0,^, 1� 12734sf C9 90°00'00" S44°45'28"E 30.00 47.12 42A3 Vicld g 10538 sf c 6848 sf o 8846 sf o 8844 sf °�^ 27 �,1, C10 90°00'00" S45°14'32"W 30.00 47.12 42.43 FM 3412) 51 11801 sf o�o' Li C11 90°00'00" S44°45'28"E 30.00 47.12 42.43 I Brown Street C13 135°00'00" N69°06'07"E 50.00 117.81 92.39 BlcoCkl 4 rh C14 82°49'30" 547°48'45"E 30.00 43.37 39.69 94.66' I CIS 42°29'01" N14°50'31"E 30.00 22.24 21.74 Vicinity Map lO 119.10' 70.00' 70.00' 70.00' C 16 164°Sd'49" N72°09'S4"E 50.00 143.91 99.13 (Not to Scale) 'YJ5 �7 604.94' 134.39' 46.80' `! ( C17 14°17'24" N82°02'24"W 494.50 123.33 123.01 (Dallas Mapsco Page 663-T) �� I N88°25'19"W FOUND 1J21NCH je ° •o YELLOW CAPPED REBAR Pa e 2 of 3 e0 q c STAMPED"APES 4653" g �� ¢ Final Plat 1 •g 4„�i \\ U L o� ,d,i v c°D`! `'�,CUN 00 LV/ of .50',''may agU tj0.2. V. V wP�.g �..ia 0 ��N� N�� 400u �� Blocks 1-4 paE d grnwr, ;>�orx gvrna dd�d °1 # N W N#Q V x. ti l • b v-UC] Meadowview eta �° � U eadowview Estates=> �� sates O ' Li G r an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County;Texas A ra Li N p 1 �ti being 34.088 acres in the S.B.Shelby Survey,Abstract Number 820 V wO qs� } in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas o oO�n7�i o o����Qcolduf�o®� I August 2003 Owner/Developer: Engineer: Surveyor: Page o S7480 rook Investments,Ltd. 500 Nolen Tess,Suite 550 JPH Land Surveying Inc. 9 o , Key Map-N.T.S. By:Allegheny Lmd Company Adams CtTrili n En ©�(�Q�� ��� ° ° ° ° ° 17480 Dallas Parkway,Suite 110 8 ��,Inc. Southlake,Texas 76092 Dallas,Texas 75287 7 Tel:(817)329-6990 Fax:(817)329-7671 200 North Rufe Snow,Suite 123,Keller,Texas 76248 Tel:817 31-971 Fax:817 31-924 Tek(972)248-8155 ( )4 ( 14 Y ' ,City of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 1 Rezoning 03-10 405 North Ballard Avenue PD Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: August 19, 2003 Owner/Applicant: Rebecca and Archie Henderson Location: 405 North Ballard Avenue, being Lot 1, Block 2 of the Russell Addition Existing Zoning: Single-Family(SF 8.5/17) Residential District Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District to allow limited Retail and Bed&Breakfast Inn in association with residential uses Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning to a Planned Development (PD) District in order to allow initially the operation of a gift shop and also the ultimate operation of a bed&breakfast inn within the family home, on their residential property. The subject property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential (SF 8.5/17) District, having been rezoned from Single-Family 2 (SF-2) District in February of 2002 with the adoption of the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Map. Both the current SF 8.5/17 and the previous SF-2 Districts allow residential uses on lots of 8,500 square feet or larger. Retail uses are not allowed within either of these residential Districts, and Bed and Breakfast lodging was not a specified use within the previous Ordinance but is allowed within some residential and nonresidential districts of the current Ordinance. ZC 03-10: 405 North Ballard PD The Russell Addition is one of the original subdivisions which created Wylie, and the subject property has been platted as Lot 1, Block 2 of that Addition since its beginning. The lot totals approximately 20,385 square feet (0.47 acre) in size. It is developed with a wood two-story Victorian-style residence which is approximately 115 years old, as well as wood detached garage and storage building of undocumented age and a metal carport. A gravel drive, primarily located on the neighboring lot to the north and used by both property owners, provides access to the garage/storage building and carport. The applicant plans to initially convert the storage building of approximately 536 square feet to use as a gift and antique sales shop. Later, it is proposed to operate a Bed&Breakfast lodging as a secondary use within the family residence. Surrounding properties are developed for residential uses of varied age, size and style. Similar properties along Jackson Street to the west are redeveloping into townhouses, although the subject request is the first evidence of redevelopment along the Ballard Avenue frontage. A church complex occupies the property across Ballard to the east. Within the center of the block partially abutting the subject property to the northwest, are three land-locked lots accessible only by the gravel drive serving the subject property. These lots were created by some undocumented previous division of a single lot approximately the size of the subject lot, but appear on County records as official lots and have provided public and private utilities. One of the lots, that abutting the subject lot and served by the joint gravel drive, is developed by a small wood-frame house which is occupied. The lots were intended to be provided access by an alley which was never officially dedicated and has since been barricaded by the City to restrict traffic short-cuts through the residential block. However, with no access to a publicly-dedicated street the land-locked lots are both Legally Nonconforming and inadequately accessed for emergency and refuse services, and some solution to this issue should be addressed. Public Comment Forms were mailed to twenty-five (25) property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. Three Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting, two favoring and one opposing the proposed rezoning. Issues: 1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential uses fir the subject property. The proposed mixed uses, especially the free-standing retail, does conforms with this recommendation of the Plan. However, the area is the second lot (one-half block) north of the Downtown Historic District (DTH), and the requested rezoning conforms more to the mixed-use philosophy of the DTH. Although the Comprehensive Plan recommends confining the DTH District to south of Brown Street, the area is transitioning from the older single- family residences to higher-density Townhouses more appropriate for DTH adjacency, and could be reconsidered for extension of the Downtown Historic District.. ZC 03-10: 405 North Ballard PD 2. Planned Development (PD) Districts are intended to allow innovative development projects which assist in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and are compatible with the character of the subject property and neighboring development, as well as allow appropriate response to constraints to development imposed by the site. The requested PD provides a response to the neighboring land-locked properties which is otherwise not readily available to the City. Conditions of the PD require that a paved joint access drive be provided to serve the land-locked parcels, which will be accomplished by the partnership of private owners, but would otherwise require costly land purchases and alley construction and maintenance as well as possibly condemnation and legal action to accomplish. The Planned Development District is justified because it addresses this off-site constraint and allows mixed uses on the single site. 3. Home Occupations are allowed by right in all residential districts. However, the proposed gift shop does not qualify as a Home Occupation because it requires customers to come to the property for the sale/service, thereby increasing traffic and parking within a residential environment. Additionally, the applicant desires to place a sign on the property to advertise the retail use, and such is not permitted for Home Occupations. 4. The Conditions of the Planned Development District the existing residence as well as the accessory buildings from any exterior change, thereby protecting the historic character of the subject lot as well as neighboring properties. 5. The proposed gift shop is clearly a retail use, and is not allowed within any residential district. Furthermore, the limited access to the location by the jointly-used gravel drive attracts heavier retail traffic into an existing residential neighborhood, although parking for the gift shop will be located on the subject lot. The proposed sign, desired for the retail, is a further visual nonresidential intrusion into the residential character of the neighborhood. Although the applicant has stated that they plan to operate the gift shop only temporarily, the Conditions of the PD establish no limitation for such operation. The PD could limit the tenure of the gift shop to the start of operation of the Bed & Breakfast (allow either individual use but not both at any one time), but no specific time limitation can legally be placed on zoning. 6. The proposed Bed and Breakfast Inn is a residential use, but is intended for larger lots(20,000 square feet and larger) and is not allowed within the smaller-lot SF 8.5/17 District. However, the subject lot, as well as those abutting to the north and south, are larger than the 200,000 sq. ft. lower threshold allowing B&B Inns. Parking for the Bed&Breakfast will be provided on- site. The site's amenities such as size, off-street parking and swimming pool, as well as its location within walking distance of downtown retail and entertainment venues, supports the requested short-term lodging. The Bed and Breakfast will not, therefore, detract from the neighborhood's historic residential appearance or use. ZC 03-10:405 North Ballard PD 7. The Development Plan illustrates the layout of existing facilities. The Planned Development District prohibits new development or major modification of existing development. 8. It is possible that the three land-locked lots could be eliminated by replatting and redevelopment as either single-family or duplex/townhouse residences fronting Jackson Street. Such reorientation and redevelopment would leave the narrow access drive available for only the two residential properties fronting Ballard Avenue. This would better support the subject request, especially the residentially-related Bed and Breakfast. 9. The neighboring property owners, most effected by the zoning change, support the request. A conceivable future scenario might include both of the adjoining and joint-access lots providing Bed and Breakfast lodging. The concern about potential on-street parking raised by the church is eliminated by the requirement of the PD that all parking for all uses be provided on- site Staff Recommendation: Approval. The most objectionable part of the request is the free-standing gift shop, which is not compatible with the residential neighborhood. However, this retail use is proposed to be only temporary until the Bed and Breakfast is operation. The proposed gift shop is small and all parking will be provided on the large lot, so it is not anticipated to impose a negative impact on the surroundings. Related Home Occupations, such as craft making, could be performed on the lot currently. The Bed and Breakfast Inn is a compatible and appropriate accessory use for the neighborhood, and can be accommodated within the existing facilities without spillover of negative impacts in the neighborhood. The proposed sign is appropriate for the B&B operation. The proposed development and use provide at least a temporary and limited response to servicing the land-locked properties, especially the currently occupied residence. The requirement to secure a legal joint access drive and to ultimately pave it cannot be achieved in any other means currently available to the City. Attachments: Location Map Conditions of the Planned Development District Development Plan Subdivision Plat Notification List and Map and Responses , =vent ne u � na ne , c i o 11 ` 1_,.i a) I , NM MI p ` L - \z- O .. ./,lV..-T 1 IIMi MI /- / I I MN O+,/is . i 1 1 I Subject 1 Property . 1 i 111111 1 1Lo n 1 1 Ii _:_ 1 Lone _i._.. i j �- I i j I j %` I ree k 2 V1J1 :ret 3 I 11 I Wes rown St `- te t pi _ °< Last Brown Street - [ a) II Je erson Street o • ' NM int*#4 el 7.11 . ..... ,4 E?aiiøøc — _ CO ! i J ' Marble Street Marble o ar a ree 111vON- i ...•.... • i —N +• I I 1 _ — cn / Oak Street o Oak street ;, Ook street E p _______-_-. H.) I - 0 to v. ,...,././. A /--. 0 0 ry ,-4 E lipt treet - ®° c!..,..,..,.. I P i r"-" xrezn, c`n MastersAvenue I I I H LI IIII�I Flemin S ree: m v o I I ,: i i ji li i urt . ' mum oliora > I: a moo< 1 i 4O i v u er ! ./. 7-r__ 11111 in OM raj LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2003-10 CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 405 North Ballard Avenue (Lot 1A, Block 2, Russell Addition) ZONING CASE 2003-10 General Conditions: 1. The purpose of this Planned Development District is to allow for limited retail uses and bed and breakfast lodging on a residential property, subject to conditions to protect its historic residential character and make the uses harmonious and adaptable with the surrounding area. 2. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the Downtown Historic District (DTH) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of February 27, 2002) are included by reference and shall apply except as specifically provided herein. Special Conditions: 1. No uses shall be permitted except for the following: • Single-Family Residence • Gift Shop/Antique Sales within the current storage building • Bed & Breakfast Inn within the current residence 2. The premises and exterior appearance of all primary and accessory structures shall be maintained and/or replaced as shown on the Development Plan, in a manner which conforms to the historic residential character of the existing structures and neighboring properties. All structures shall conform to the front, side and rear yard setbacks of neighboring residential development, and shall be constructed of exterior siding consistent with that of the majority of residences along the block face. 3. The current storage building and garage may not be uses as a temporary or permanent dwelling, but only as accessory storage use for the primary residence. The interior of the storage building may be converted to accommodate the gift shop. 4. The existing gravel drive shall be converted to a joint access easement to serve the subject property as well as the abutting 407 Ballard and the three land-locked parcels to the northwest (Lots 2C, 2B and 2E). This joint access shall be secured permanently by replat or deed, 24 feet of concrete paving as required by the Thoroughfare Standards, and in place prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy fpr the Bed & Breakfast. Conditions for Planned Development District ZC 2003-10 Page 2 of 2 5. No parking related to the proposed uses shall be allowed on Ballard Avenue at any time. Off-street parking shall be provided at the following ratios: • Single-Family Residence, 2 spaces • Gift Shop, 1 space for each 200 square feet of building • Bed& Breakfast, 1 space for each guest room The residence and gift shop may utilize the existing gravel alley/drive, but all parking must be accommodated on the subject property and no parking shall be allowed within the drive or on neighboring properties. Other required off-street parking shall be in place prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the intended use, and shall be paved and comply with the current Thoroughfare Standards but need not be covered or enclosed (in keeping with the historic character of the area. 6. One free-standing post sign shall be allowed. This sign shall be located within the front yard and shall be no more than 4 feet in height above grade and the sign face shall not exceed 8 square feet in area for each side. Signs attached to buildings shall be limited to nameplates building address, name or purpose, and shall be no more than six inches in height. 7. All employees of the gift shop shall be members of the resident family. 8. Conversion of the primary residence to accommodate the Bed & Breakfast shall be as approved by the Building Official. The resident family shall be operator of the Bed & Breakfast, and shall live on the premises. Cooking facilities within guest rooms shall be prohibited, and individual guest occupancy shall be limited to one month within any three-month period. 9. Clotheslines and drying racks, play apparatus and game courts, bird houses, dog houses, pool dressing/mechanical rooms, gazebos and decks and patios shall be allowed within the rear yard. No detached accessory buildings other than those existing at the time of approval of this PD, and no outside storage of any equipment or materials other than wood piles and compost piles shall be permitted at any time. 10. Fencing shall be allowed in the front and side yards, and shall be limited to a maximum of 4 feet in height and a minimum of 50 percent open area. A live plant hedge shall be permitted in the front and side yards, and shall not exceed 4 feet in height. Other perimeter fencing may be wood and shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Pool fencing shall comply with the Building Code. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Zoning Case No. 2003-10 i. .'.'.' . . .. .ti•.;.'. . . ..'.,'tG ' C +FT. lv1.0-).•, .• .;. .__• . 1s .RtiYt1''.'... . . . . . °. . . , . •5•B0*06.57' •.E• ; • 152.10'• rT+o 1/2- , '.rj 7is' ;Iv . - VfND 1/2" Lw. 1., Gift r • I • , I•.••• Proposed �..w • I Shop - .` • ,' ,. •ciI:tL i Parking / Proposed I 2s.2' , . �"'P01�• Area a Sign STORAGE �C I _ l2.1• OtR�2TIIRY � �rti.+.�_•_�,..�J S •cor ! CAR11G[ M4J 4 17.2' • "' ..- % \ ! BED AND BREAKFAST • W 0 Y _ -+ �.;� Two STORY FRAAi i 6 N t^ l_. RESrDMCC - gas' Q L v-- 41.s ►' "' 0.468 b �¢ a1• ' ifs ACRES N aB PUMP _AC //� y - .r 'l 7PA�J .. 4 ( L ( 4 S 89'a0'0V' W 1.14.117' k''''KM. (p.p. rres> >so.oe) 4e..uz` vlbort9.'a I.rlt WRNS A00 Tar I VOWS.it S1 ►AOC SA: Y.R_LL.G7. I North _ , en 7 1 8 22 N. kilhir g 2 2 6 27 fit`'. I Clunk illik CC+i 0 • 6 7c . 73 . R -z pp0\�\O RV ; � L M Sr 6-4,, 20'gL .1 viral ..• \ �N�` �� 141 ..s,,� 1* 114 kt t4/1 ' ► 17-Q 6r1 7 1t. Il v .\\NN. t r ii.g. I . . i11 . 0 7 7 SI11 32e 111• ' p OM M 'II t j ,8 ,� C • w n trea t c --_-_. a� 111 4 a . o . _ > tL.4.•,1 31 t; < 104 1011 1 141 4 3.4 5igkort-C 01 9 a)22ro 15 , 6 1-'18 01 14 I/I " _ ,• I it NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Rebecca K. Henderson APPLICATION FILE #2003-10 405 N. Ballard Avenue Wylie,TexaS 75098 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 405 N. Ballard Avenue 1 Rebecca K. Henderson Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 405 N. Ballard Avenue 2 Blk 2 Lot 1 A R-1 173-002-001 A-1 Andy Sawyer Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 11548 C.R. 736 3 Blk 2 Lot 1 B _ R-1 173-002-001 B-1 Albert Thompson Princeton,Texas 75407-4628 Russell Addn PO Box 921 4 Blk 2 Lot 1 C R-1 173-002-001 C-1 Lummie Wolfe Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 409 S. Ballard Avenue 5 Blk 2 Lot 2A R-1 173-002-002A-1 Scott Mills Wylie,Texas 75098 V- 6 Russell Addn 1 1 1 1 Wheelis Road Blk 2 Lot 2B R 1173 002 002E 1 Otis Ferguson Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 1111 Wheelis Road 7 Blk 2 Lot 2C R 1 1 73 002 002C-1 Otis Ferguson Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn PO Box 875 8 Blk 2 Lot 2D R-1173-002-002D-1 Alan Gauthier Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 1111 Wheelis Road V 9 Blk 2 Lot 2E R-1173-002-002E-1 Otis Ferguson Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 419 N. Jackson Avenue 10 Blk 2 Lot 2F R-1 173-002-002F-1 Donald Drain Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn =�/-Q I(�} Uc( t3 too PO Box 654 `tb'T a l(a,,A 1/ 11 Blk 2 Lot 2G R-1173-002-002G-1 Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn PO Box 654 12 Blk 2 Lot 2H R-1 173-002-002H-1 Martha Watkins Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 100 Jackson Avenue 13 Blk 2 Lot 3A R-1173-002-003A-1 Anita Lemons Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 509 N. Ballard Avenue 14 Blk 2 Lot 3B R-1 173-002-003E-1 Jim Klugh Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn Scott Living Trust PO Box 1568 15 Blk 2 Lot 3C R-1 173-002-003C-1 Joel &Margaret Scott Trustees Wylie,Texas 75098 Russell Addn 5810 Southampton Drive 16 Blk 2 Lot 3D R-1173-002-003D-1 Jerry Cooper Richardson,Texas 75082-4942 Brown &Burns Addn 401 N. Ballard Avenue 17 Blk 4 Lot 18 R-1 156-004-0180-1 Rita Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 401 N. Ballard Avenue 18 Blk 4 Lot 19A R-1156-004-0180-1 Rita Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 401 N. Ballard Avenue 19 BIk 4 Lot 19B R-1 156-004-0180-1 Rita Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 102 W. Brown Street 20 Blk 4 Lot 32A R-1156-004-0032A-1 Jay Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 102 W. Brown Street 21 Blk 4 Lot 32B R-1 156-001-032B-1 Jay Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 102 W. Brown Street 22 Blk 4 Lot 33A R-1156-004-0032A-1 Jay Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns Addn 102 W. Brown Street 23 Blk 4 Lot 33B R-1 156-001-032E-1 Jay Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 x St.Anthony's Roman Catholic PO Box 190507 Lot 1 R 2389 000 0000 1 Diocese of Dallas Dallas,Texas 75219-0507 Bill Lovil, P.E. PO Box 90 24 Ballard Avenue Texas Dept. of Transportation McKinney,Texas 75069 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 25 Brown Street Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3 2D 2E 2A _ e- c- , A‘.., '.- \- Rtt 2F 28 2H 2C }. 2G 4 , ,,1 , , '1 . V v P. 3 ----/'7" 4 ...... V A 9A \ 33A 19S �, Prow rn r 8 33E3 c 39D 32A 328 VI1 ' 1OB / ---.._- -, a.\(As f i 7 c....- Fr I I Do PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2003-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2003-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 19,2003,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 9,2003,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: G /p'7d " Y ri St A 5 C7r ,if f/rt MailYl/Auld (please print) 0 weir Address: Li 0 7 /V. / c J4 rc/ Xi/ - uJ LIl l e( 7 Z 7 )7 ef Signature: .�� --' — Date: 0/2---CeA COMMENTS: �� ,My eet h z'S PA�A "Pc ► /!-r c'y i/P Si pe:e it 4 C u 1-4--Cv2,fh 01,--1§1 ( per-', n i uuv/ vc--=, es-,-,,›, 0/' /kr. ,R r-ici, /a-1 i yr(.. 1 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 / I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2003-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2003-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 19,2003,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 9,2003,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: f,., _.,A I':: t . (please print) G i l l wt i Address: is lli,'T EX- Signature: Date: / lj- a COMMENTS: f r III EDOA N,3A ii, ipAo f i 3 t:‘,_.1._ # O 1 J RLo tt ) 2 g, 2 G, $ 2 C Art:--1- * 1.- - 013 (o© 2 - b O 2 g r t R 10-0 620 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2003-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2003-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 19,2003,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 9,2003,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: p(, It o 0 (l ✓n Corn ea e print)I Address: ,f 7 /t e q- i �_ -(.l a Signature: p j% Date: — '�'— Q 3 COMMEN S: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2003-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2003-10. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 19,2003,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 9,2003,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas 1 Name: (-` I 19- /-1 (please print) Address: l'/ >1 /3 el-72- ,,e--f—c-L— t,DJ L i [ 7,J c9� Signature: se2 Date: y- J C COMMENTS: