05-20-2003 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
City of Wylie
May 20, 2003
Regular Business Meeting
2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 6, 2003 Regular Meeting.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in
zoning from Agricultural (A) to Planned Development (PD) District for Village Center Mixed
Residential and Nonresidential Uses, generally located east of County Road 389 (Forrest Ross Road)
and south of Skyview Drive and north of Kansas City Southern Railroad, being all of that certain
94.16 acre tract as described in a deed to Arapaho East, Inc. recorded in Vol. 5108, Page 1984, and
being all of that certain 49.247 acre tract as described in a deed to Arapaho East, Inc. recorded in Vol.
4242, Page 1505, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, except for those certain called 16.48 and 5.5
acre tracts conveyed to Kansas City Southern Railroad in October 1998, and being in total a 121.11
acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-03)
2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in
zoning from Downtown Historic Distiict (DTH)to Planned Development(PD)District for Mixed Uses
including Indoor Commercial Amusements, located at 110 E. Oak Street, being Lot 7A, Block 18 of
the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-04)
Posted Fri ay, May 16, 2003, at 54, p.m.
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
May 6, 2003
7:00 pm
Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present.
Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present:
William Chapman Claude Thompson, Director
Michael George Mary V. Bradley, Admin Assistant
Don Hughes Terry Capehart, Assistant
Mike Phillips
Carter Porter
Commissioners Absent:
Jeff Adamcik
Tony Snider
Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Chairman George offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance.
No one appeared to speak.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 15, 2003, Regular
A motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, and seconded by Commissioner Phillips, to
approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5-0.
P&Z Commission Meeting
May 6,2003
Page 2 of 2
1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the McMillan
Junior High/Davis Intermediate School Addition, being a replat of Lot 1, Block A of the
Wylie Junior High School Addition, and being all of a certain 44.889 acre tract of land,
generally located north of Park Boulevard and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378),
being situated in the Mercer Phalen Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas.
Thompson stated that the Final Plat is an amendment to the Preliminary Plat, which will
accommodate two schools of the Wylie Independent School District. The subject Plat will create
the necessary utility easements on the 44.889-acre lot to accommodate the new Davis
Intermediate School facility, as well as right-of-way for the future expansion of Park Boulevard.
Thompson reviewed the history of the subject property and the final annexation into the City of
Wylie on December 10, 2002.
Commissioners questioned the WISD portion of widening Park Boulevard. Ronny Klingbeil,
111 West Main Street, Allen Texas, represented the engineer to the property, stated that the
WISD will extend the west bound lanes of Park Boulevard just before the flood plain. The City
and County will complete the eastbound lanes.
A motion was made by Commissioner Phillips, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to
recommend approval of the Final Plat to City Council. The motion carried 5 —0.
Thompson reviewed a population estimate submitted by the North Central Texas Council of
Governments, which compares a growth percentage of the surrounding cities for the years 2000,
2002 and 2003.
Thompson reviewed a newspaper article discussing a lawsuit between a Dallas-based developer
and the City of McKinney for preventing the company from building multi-family projects in
McKinney. The City of McKinney has the highest concentration of affordable housing units in
the county. The residential properties do not create enough property tax revenue for the school
district and more commercial tax base is desired.
Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Phillips, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes.
Motion passed 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Michael George, Chairman Mary V. Bradley, Secretary
, ,
CO of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 1
Rezoning 03-03
Wylie Lakes Planned Development
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 20, 2003
Owner: Arapaho East, Inc.
Applicant: Allan Bussell
Location: East of County Road 389 (Forrest Ross Road), south of
Skyview Drive and north of KCS Railroad
Existing Zoning: Agriculture (A) District
Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for a Mixed-Use
Village Center Community, including Single-Family
Residential for 4,000, 7,200 and 10,000 square foot
lots, Neighborhood Services Retail, and public park
The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property in order to permit a master planned
multi-use community comprising single-family residential neighborhoods of varied densities and
building types, retail uses and public open spaces. The proposal is intended to create a viable
Village Center concept as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, and, through coordinated planning
and design, better address several development constraints of the property and take advantage of
its Lake Lavon adjacency.
The entire 121 acres included within this Planned Development District are currently zoned
Agriculture (A), which is generally a holding District until appropriate urban land uses are
proposed. The property is undeveloped, except for several major water transmission lines.
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
The properties abutting the proposed Planned Development District to the south of the subject
tracts are zoned Industrial (I) or Agriculture (A) and are occupied by the railroad tracks and
switching operations. County Road 389 (Forrest Ross) serves as the western boundary of the
tract and Skyview Drive bounds it on the north. Properties to the north across Skyview are
within unincorporated Collin County, and are owned by the United States Army Corps of
Engineers and are developed as Lake Lavon and adjacent open space lands. Abutting properties
to the east are within unincorporated Collin County and developed Lavon Ranchettes rural
residential subdivision. The property covered by the PD is completely enclosed by these other
properties, which are undevelopable or already developed.
The Concept Plan for the Planned Development District divides the overall property into three
distinct portions along the lines of other ownerships. The western tract will be defined on the east
by the extension of Spring Creek Parkway as Park Boulevard, and encompasses 29 acres or 24
percent of the total PD area. This area is landlocked, by C.R 389 on the west, the railroad
corridor to the south and North Texas Water District property and water transmission easement
on the north. The Concept Plan allocates Neighborhood Service retail and 7,200 square feet
Single-Family residential lots to this western tract.
The central portion, 55.5 acres or nearly 46 percent of the total, is bounded to the west and east
by Federal Lake Lavon open space lands, to the north by Skyview and Lake Lavon and to the
south by the railroad, and is traversed on its south by major water transmission lines. The
extension of Spring Creek Boulevard as Park Boulevard is planned to dissect this tract. The
Concept Plan allocates this tract for Neighborhood Service retail, residential lots of 4,000 patio
houses and 7,200 square feet Single-Family lots.
The eastern tract, 36.5 acres or 30 percent of the total, is allocated to Single-Family residences on
10,000 square feet lots. This tract is restricted on the north and west by Federal property and to
the south by the railroad that cannot be developed for other uses. The eastern boundary is the
unincorporated Lavon Ranchettes which could redevelop in the future.
The Conditions of the Planned Development District establish the maximum possible number of
single-family detached residential lots and dwellings at 352, including 50 lots for patio houses on
4,000 square foot lots, 210 7,200 square foot lots and the remaining in 10,000 square foot lots.
The overall gross residential density is established at a maximum 2.9 dwelling units per acre. The
PD provides a substitution from the standard residential development requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance, largely in subdivision street and lot layout, with architectural regulations to be the
same as the Ordinance.
The PD Conditions establish substitute regulations for the layout of retail and commercial uses,
but require that nonresidential development comply fully with the landscape and architectural
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
Public Comment Forms were mailed to twelve (12) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting.
1. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to allow the combining of uses and
regulations of various zoning districts, which is not allowed by straight zoning, and to permit
flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development beyond the minimal
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The recent revisions to the Zoning Ordinance were
specifically designed to provide such flexibility and thereby avoid the need for PDs. However,
the configuration and disconnectedness of the subject property, the intended mixed uses of
this request, as well as both the significant amenity offered by the adjacent Lake Lavon lands
and the potential constraints to development imposed by the characteristics of the site and
adjacent rail corridor,justify its rezoning as a coordinal Planned Development District rather
than as separate development proposals regulated by differing zoning categories and limited
potential for connectivity and coordinated control.
2. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that the western half of the subject property be
developed in Suburban Residential uses, with single-family dwellings on lots of between
10,000 and 30,000 square feet. The Plan recommends Country residential uses, with lots of
one acre and larger, for the eastern half of the property. The Planning and Zoning
Commission is in the process of considering potential revisions to the Comprehensive Plan,
but has recommended these same residential density patterns of the subject area be retained as
earlier adopted. The requested rezoning to smaller residential lots is not consistent with these
recommendations of either the adopted or draft revision of the Comprehensive Plan.
However, the Comprehensive Plan revision under consideration by the P&Z Commission does
envision Village Center Retail uses immediately northwest of the subject property, building on
existing Neighborhood Service retail zoning in that area. The Village Center concept of the
Comprehensive Plan focuses residential uses around a central commercial/institutional core in
decreasing densities as the distance from the nonresidential core increases. Higher-density
residences, including smaller-lot single-family detached or attached dwellings and multifamily
dwellings, are to be located nearest to the Village Retail Center to encourage pedestrian
access. Lower-density residential uses are to radiate outward from this central core in
concentric circles, decreasing in sizes of lots and density through Suburban to Country
Residential. The proposal does generally comply with the Village Center philosophy of the
Comprehensive Plan, by locating retail uses along the new Park Boulevard corridor and
smaller lots immediately around these to the east and west and larger lots further to the east.
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
3. Although no controlling Development Plan has yet been formulated, the Conditions of the
Planned Development District provides connection of residential neighborhoods and retail
center to the public City park dedication and U.S. Corps of Engineers Lake Lavon open
spaces by requiring single-loaded streets and an 8-feet wide trail system. The trail system will
be constructed along one side of the residential streets rather than narrower side walks along
both sides. These proposals have been accepted by the City Engineer as complying with the
recommendations of the Thoroughfare Plan and Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance.
4. The Subdivision Regulations require alleys within all residential developments. The PD
Conditions require alleys except for double-fronting lot and lots within cul-de-sacs of 7,200
square foot lots and for all 10,000 square foot lots. When provided, these alleys will be
twenty-feet in width as required by the Thoroughfare Standards. Alleys are not appropriate
when lots back onto open space or the railroad corridor.
5. The Conditions of the Planned Development District establish that a maximum of 352 single-
family lots may be developed through the area controlled by the PD, including 50 lots of 4,000
square feet, 210 lots of 7,200 square feet and the remainder may be 10,000 square feet. These
residential lots are to comply with the dimensional requirements of the SF 8.5/17 District of
the Zoning Ordinance with the following exceptions:
Development Proposed Required MkaiMMIS
Conndition Requires for SF-8.5 District
Lot Size 4,000 sq. ft and 7,200 sq. ft. 8,500 sq. ft.
10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft.
Lot Width 40 ft. for 4,000 sq. ft.
60 ft. for 7,200 sq. ft. 70 ft. for 8,500 sq. ft.
70 ft. for 10,000 sq. ft. 75 ft. for 10,000 sq. ft.
Front Yard 15 ft. for 4,000&7,200 sq. ft. 25 ft.for 8.5& 10 sq. ft.
20 ft.for 10,000 sq. ft.
Side Yard 0 or 6 ft. for 4,000 sq. ft.
6 ft. for 7,200 sq. ft. 7 ft.for 8,500 sq. ft.
10 ft. for 10,000 sq. ft. 10 ft. for 10,000 sq. ft.
Side Yard,Corner Lot 10 ft. for 4,000 sq. ft.
10 ft. for 7,200 sq. ft. 25 ft. for 8.5& 10 sq. ft.
20 ft. for 10,000 sq. ft.
Rear Yard 15 ft. for 4,000 sq. ft. 25 ft. for 8.5& 10 sq. ft.
Dwelling Size 1,000 sq. ft. for 4,000 sq. ft. lots
1,500 sq. ft. for 7,200 sq. ft. lots 1,700 sq. ft. for 8,500 sq. ft. lots
1,900 sq. ft. for 10,000 sq. ft. lots 1,900 sq. ft. for 10,000 sq. ft. lots
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
6. The PD Conditions require compliance with the Architectural Requirements of the Village
Residential Districts (Figure 3-14.D) of the Zoning Ordinance. The PD proposes to substitute
the following regulations for the Land Design and Street/Sidewalk Requirements (Figures 3-
14.A, B and C) of the Zoning Ordinance.
Development Proposed Required Minimums
Contrition Requirement for SF-8.S District
Pedesbian`Linkage to Single-loaded street, 8 ft.trail in 10 ft. esm't is base,w/
Open Space for 4,000 and 7,200 sq. ft. only, connection every 10 lots
no amenities required amenities along trail
Entry 10 ft landscaped median w/in 70 ft. 10 ft.median w/in 100 ft. ROW is
Medians/Features ROW, base,
at Park Blvd.and Skyview only landscape gets points
Sidewalks 5 ft.,both sides of street 4 ft.,both sides is base,
5 ft. gets points
Yard Trees 30 ft. o.c.,both sides of street, 30. ft. o.c.,both sides,
2 in. at planting 3 in. at planting
Screening 6 ft.masonry wall w/columns 50 ft.
o.c., 6 ft.masonry wall
along Park, Skyview&Forrest Ross
7. The PD Conditions provide the following special regulations for signage for residential and
Neighborhood Service developments throughout the PD:
• All signs to identify subdivisions will be monument signs.
• Subdivision identification signs may be located within the median with approval of staff at
plat review. Residential subdivisions along Skyview and Forrest Ross shall be integrated
into masonry walls at subdivision entries.
• Monument signs shall not exceed 80 sq. ft. in area, 10 feet in width and 20 feet in height.
The current Sign Regulations restrict nonresidential signs to a height of 10 feet, but allow
an area of up to 150 sq. ft. for multiple tenant centers and 90 sq. ft. for single tenant sites.
• Fuel pricing signs for the Motor Vehicle Fueling Station may not exceed 60 sq. ft. and a
height of 10 feet. The Sign Regulations allow such signs to be a maximum of 90 sq. ft.
8. Within the Neighborhood Service retail area, the Conditions of the PD allow all uses allowed
within the NS District with the following exceptions:
• Financial Institutions with or with drive-thru(allowed only w/SUP in ZO)
• Motor Vehicle Fueling Station— 1 max. (allowed only w/ SUP in ZO)
• Drive-in or drive-thru Restaurant (not allowed in ZO)
• Minor Automotive Repair— 1 max. (allowed only w/ SUP in ZO)
• General Merchandise or Food Store 10,000 sq. ft. or less(allowed in ZO)
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
9. The PD Conditions require compliance with the Landscape and Architectural Requirements of
the Village Residential Districts (Figures 4-7 and 4-8) of the Zoning Ordinance. The PD
proposes to substitute the following regulations for the Site Design Requirements (Figure 4-6)
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Development Proposed Required Minimums
Condition Requirement of the Zoning Oreknance
Facades oriented to street w/
multiple buildings creating courts
Building Placement 50%of buildings w/in 10 ft. of and no buildings greater than
building line at Park 20,000 sq. ft. is base,smaller
buildings at front bldg.Line get
Parking Placement No parking in front along Park, Parking to side or rear is base,no
except for fuel center parking in front gets points
At least 150 ft. from intersection is
Access Drives 2 maximum on both sides of Park base,joint access between sites get
Service&Loading Screened from street&residential Not Visible from street,screened w/
Areas by masonry wall masonry wall
Screening from 6 ft.masonry wall 6 ft.masonry wall only,no plants
Residential or and
trees and shrubs extra setback based on height
10. Each phase of development within this Planned Development District shall require the
approval by the Commission and Council of a detailed Development Plan prior to platting and
the initiation of construction.
11. The applicant contends that the adjacency of the property to the extensive public-access open
space of the U.S. Corps Lake Lavon properties justifies the higher residential densities of the
smaller lots. The gross overall density allowed by this Planned Development District is 2.9
dwelling units per acre (352 maximum dwellings on 121 acres). When adjusted for some
Neighborhood Retail development, the gross residential density allowed by the PD is 3.2
dwellings per acre (352 units on 111 acres). When the 31.4 acres of Federal open space
immediately adjacent to the PD lands (not including any lake front properties across Skyview)
are considered, the gross density of the PD will be 2.3 dwellings per acre (352 dwelling on
152.4 acres) or 2.5 when adjusted for retail. If developed according to the recommendations
of the Comprehensive Plan, approximately 1.5 dwellings per acre with 20,000 sq. ft. lots on
the western 84.5 acres and one acre lots on the eastern 36.5, the PD area could accommodate
a maximum of 78 dwellings compared to the requested 352.
ZC 03-03: Wylie Lakes PD
Although not directly related to the current request, the following is a comparison of gross
residential densities of recently approved residential developments:
• Bozman Farms—2.84 d.u./ac. (1,350 SF units on 475.8 acres, including 173 ac. of open
• Woodbridge (North/Wylie)—7.1 d.u./ac. (665 SF dwellings on 93.9 ac., w/no open
- 8.45 d.u./ac. (665 Sf and 293 MF on 113.4 ac.)
• Woodbridge (Sachse w/G.C.)—2.5 d.u./ac. (980 SF dwellings on 211.5 acres, including
179 acre golf course)
Staff Recommendation:
Denial. The proposal for smaller lots is not consistent with the recommendations of the
Comprehensive Plan.
The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur
with this recommendation.
Location Map
Conditions for the Planned Development District
Conceptual Plan
Notification List and Response Forms
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Conditions for Planned Development District
Zoning Case 2003-03
Wylie Lakes
A Village Center Development
1) Statement of Purpose: This Planned Development is intended to achieve an efficient and
balanced mix of land use on diverse properties of limited connectivity and varied
configuration, located adjacent to Lake Lavon Corps of Engineers property, and the extension
of Park Boulevard.
2) Statement of Effect:This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie as adopted and amended, except as
specifically provided herein;
3) General Regulations:All regulations providing for a Village Center District as set forth in
Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts and Section 4.1 Village Center Neighborhood Service
(NS) District of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall
apply, except as otherwise specified under the provisions hereunder. The conditions
contained herein and the conditions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not
amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all of the zoning requirements
applicable to this Planned Development.
4) Development Plans: Development plans shall be submitted and approved for each and all
subsequent phases of development, and each phase shall be in conformance with the
Conceptual Plan attached herewith in Exhibit'C'; however, in the event of conflict between
the Concept plan (Exhibit'C')and the written conditions of this ordinance, the written
conditions shall apply.
5) Specific Regulations
a) Land Use
i) Residential
(1) Uses per SF 8.5/17 Figure 5-3 of City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance.
ii) Neighborhood Service(NS)
(1) Uses per Figure 5-3 for Neighborhood Service in the City of Wylie Zoning
(a) Additional Permitted uses(without a Specific Use Permit)when buffered from
proposed residential as noted in "Visual Screening" requirements below:
(i) Financial Institution with or without Drive-Thru
(ii) Motor Vehicle Fueling Station— 1 maximum
(iii) Drive-in or Drive-thru Restaurant
(iv) Automobile Repair—Minor— 1 maximum
(v) General Merchandise or Food Store 10,000 s.f. or less
b) Residential Development Standards
i) The following shall substitute for point requirements in Figure 3-14 A, B, and C.
Figure 3-14 D (Architectural Standards)shall apply per Village Residential District
8.5/17 of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance
(1) Land Design Requirements
(a) Connections and Pedestrian Linkage of Open Space and Parks
(i) For 4.0/10 and 7.2/15 areas, streets shall be provided alongside a
portion of Open Space/Parks to provide connection of open space to
residential development.
(ii) An 8 feet wide concrete trail shall be built from the 7.2/15 area southwest
of the proposed Park Boulevard intersection to a proposed public City
Park northeast of Park Boulevard. As allowed by site constrictions and
topography, this trail shall be serpentine. The trail shall be located within
right of way or within a sidewalk easement when crossing privately
owned property.
(b) Entry Medians(Divided or Boulevard Entry)
(i) Park Boulevard—one intersection with north and south segments to be:
1. A minimum of 150 feet deep by 70 feet wide right of way with 10 feet
wide landscaped median
(ii) Skyview
1. A minimum of 2 entries shall be a minimum of 120 feet deep by 60
feet wide right of way with 10 feet wide landscaped median
(iii) Remaining entries are not required to contain medians.
(c) Sidewalk Location and Sizes:
(i) 5 feet wide sidewalks shall be built within the right of way or easements
along all residential lots and along Park Boulevard per City standards.
(d) Yard Trees
(i) Large canopy, native, broadleaf front yard trees shall be evenly spaced
30 feet on-center along the street, from 4 to 6 feet from the outside edge
of the sidewalk to form a formal row.
1. Trees shall be 2 inches in diameter(measured at base)when
2. Trees shall be same specie per street for lots facing each other as
approved by Planning Director.
3. Required Streetlights may replace a tree in order to allow even
illumination of street and sidewalk.
(e) Screening of Residential Units or Neighborhood Service commercial backing
to perimeter streets
(i) Park Boulevard
1. 6 feet high masonry wall
2. Masonry columns 50 feet on-center.
(ii) County Road 389 (Forrest Ross)
1. 6 feet high masonry wall
2. Masonry columns 50 feet on-center.
(iii) Skyview Drive
1. 6 feet high masonry wall.
2. Masonry columns 50 feet on-center.
c) Residential Density and Lot Requirements:
i) Density and Residential Lot mix
(1) Number of Residential units:
(a) 352 units maximum
(2) Density(based on gross acreage)
(a) Shall not exceed 2.9 units per acre overall.
(3) Distribution of the Single Family Dwelling Unit types(as specified in the following
text: 4.0/10, 7.2/15, 10/19)shall be distributed as shown on the Concept Plan
(4) Lot mix for Single Family shall not exceed:
(a) 4.0/10 Patio Homes or Single Family Attached
(i) 50 units
(b) 7.2/15 Single Family Detached
(i) 210 units
(c) 10/19 Single Family Detached
(i) No maximum, but the total number of lots shall not exceed the maximum
number of units allowed in this Planned Development.
ii) Lot Sizes
(1) 4.0/10
(a) Lot size
(i) Minimum lot size: 4,000 sq. ft.
(ii) Minimum lot width at front building line:40 ft.
(b) Yard Requirements
(i) Front Building line: 15 ft.
(ii) Side yard setback along right of way: 10 ft.
(iii) Side yard setback interior to block: 0 ft.
(iv) Rear yard setback: 15 ft.
(c) Dwelling Requirements
(i) Minimum Square footage: 1,000 sq. ft.
(2) 7.2/15
(a) Lot size
(i) Minimum lot size: 7,200 sq. ft.
(ii) Minimum lot width at front building line: 60 ft.
(iii) Minimum lot depth for double front lots: 120 ft.
(b) Yard Requirements
(i) Front Building line: 15 ft.
(ii) Side yard setback along right of way: 10 ft.
(iii) Side yard setback interior to block: 6 ft.
(iv) Rear yard setback for double front lots: 25 ft.
(c) Dwelling Requirements
(i) Minimum Square footage: 1,500 sq. ft.
(3) 10/19
(a) Lot size
(i) Minimum lot size: 10,000 sq. ft.
(ii) Minimum lot width at front building line: 70 ft.
(iii) Minimum lot depth for double front lots: 120 ft.
(b) Yard Requirements
(i) Front Building line: 20 ft.
(ii) Side yard setback along right of way: 20 ft.
(iii) Side yard setback interior to block: 10 ft.
(iv) Rear yard setback for double front lots: 30 ft.
(c) Dwelling Requirements
(i) Minimum Square footage: 1,900 sq. ft.
d) Nonresidential Development Standards
i) The following shall substitute for point requirements in Figure 4-6. Figures 4-7 and 4-
8 shall apply per Section 4.4(Non-Residential Design Standards)of the City of Wylie
Zoning Ordinance.
(1) Land Design Requirements
(a) Buildings Placement
(i) A minimum of 50%of Buildings shall face Park Boulevard and be located
within 10 feet of the building Line along Park Boulevard
(ii) Buildings within a Block and/or Lot containing Motor Vehicle Fueling
Station are not required to be located at Park Boulevard Building Line(as
described above in 2.a.1.a).
(b) Parking Placement
(i) Except as allowed below, parking shall not be located between buildings
and Park Boulevard.
(ii) Parking within Block and/or Lot containing Motor Vehicle Fueling Station
may be allowed parking between Park Boulevard and buildings
(c) Access Drives(Private—not including restricted Fire lane only drives)
(i) Park Boulevard
1. Two maximum on north side
2. Two maximum on south side
(ii) Public Road Intersecting Park Boulevard
1. Two maximum
(iii) Public Roads fronting Residential and Commercial
1. Two maximum
(d) Location of Service and Loading Areas
(i) Screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses with masonry
(2) Visual Screening from proposed residential(for uses ii,1,a, i—v above)
(a) If a Motor Vehicle Fueling Station is built, the fuel pump canopy shall be
placed along Park Boulevard with Building placed between canopy and
residential areas to screen canopy lights from the residential area.
(b) Screening:
(i) 6 feet high masonry wall with columns 50 feet on-center maximum
(c) Or the following:
(i) 1 large canopy tree every 30 linear feet
(ii) 2 under-story trees between each large canopy trees
(iii) Headlights from vehicular movements and parking shall be screened
with shrubs, a 3 feet high masonry wall, or 3 feet high berms with 3:1
maximum side slopes.
ii) Special Paving
(1) Crosswalk on Park Boulevard shall be decorative concrete pavers, brick or stone
paving in lieu of white reflective paint striping with approval of City.
iii) Sidewalks:
(1) An 8 feet wide concrete trail shall be built from the 7.2/15 area southwest of the
proposed Park Boulevard Intersection to the proposed public park land northeast
of Park Boulevard.
(a) This trail shall serpentine and may be located within right of way, sidewalk
easement, and/or proposed City park land.
(b) Lights shall be installed along trail with type and spacing approval of City.
(2) 5 feet wide sidewalks shall be built within the right of way or easements along all
residential lots and along Park Boulevard per City standards.
e) Nonresidential Density and Lot Requirements:
i) NS per City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance for Neighborhood Services
f) Alleys
i) Shall be required for all lots except:
(1) 7.2/15:
(a) Double fronting
(b) Lots with driveways served by a cul-de-sac
(2) 10/19
(3) Non-residential
g) Signage:
i) Park Boulevard—2 signs maximum
(1) 1 -Monument sign for Neighborhood Service and Residential
(a) May be located in median if:
(i) Approved for design, placement, and maintenance agreements by City
(b) Area and size:
(i) Area: 80 sq. ft. maximum
(ii) Width: 10 feet maximum
(iii) Height: 20 feet maximum
(c) Sign shall identify development as a whole and shall not contain signage
specific to clients within commercial nor residential areas.
(2) 1 -Motor Vehicle Fueling Station may install one monument sign for display of
fuel prices
(a) Area and size:
(i) Area: 60 sq. ft. maximum
(ii) Height: 10 feet maximum
(3) Signs specific to clients are allowed on buildings
ii) County Road 389 (Forrest Ross)
(1) If signs are built, they shall be integrated into masonry walls at entries.
iii) Skyview Drive
(1) If signs are built, they shall be integrated into masonry walls at entries.
Cab Slide 148
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APPLICANT: Allen R. Bussell Greg Edwards Engineering S. APPLICATION FILE #2003-03
1621 Amanda Ct Ponder,Texas 76259
Applicant-Allen R. Bussell 621 Amanda Ct
1 Greg Edwards Eng. Services, Inc. Ponder,Texas 76259
PO Box 2408
2 Abst 688-01 Tract 74 R-6688-001-0740-1 North Texas Municipal Water District Wylie,Texas 75098
(Corps of Engineers) 3375 Skyview Drive
3 Abst 688-01 Tract 4 R-6688-001-0040-1 USA Wylie,Texas 75098
5949 Sherry Lane,Suite 1225
4 Abst 600-02 Tract 72 R-6688-002-0720-1 Arapaho East, Inc. Dallas,Texas 75225-8067
427 W. 12th Street
5 688-02 84 R-6688-002-0840-1 Kansas City Southern Railway Co Kansas City, MO 64105-1403
427 W. 12th Street
6 688-02 197 R-6688-002-1970-1 Kansas City Southern Railway Co Kansas City, MO 64105-1403
PO Box 2408
7 688-02 29 R-6688-002-0290-1 North Texas Municipal Water District Wylie,Texas 75098
PO Box 276
8 688-02 86 R-6688-002-0860-1 Wylie Simtrott, Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
427 W. 12th Street
9 688-02 207 R-6688-002-2070-1 Kansas City Southern Railway Co Kansas City, MO 64105-1403
1614 Woodmeadow Ct.
10 688-02 71 R-6688-002-0710-1 Watkins &Whitehead Partnership Wylie,Texas 75098
427 W. 12th Street
11 688-03 207 R-6688-003-2070-1 Rice-Carden Corp Kansas City, MO 64105-1403
5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1225
12 688-03 31 R-6688-003-0310-1 Arapaho East, Inc. Dallas,Texas 75225-8067
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2003 -63 / _ moo
City of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 2
Rezoning 03-04
Purple Rain Planned Development
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 6, 2003
Owner: Ann McGuire
Applicant: Norine Swanson
Location: 110 East Oak Street, being Lot 7A of Block 18 of the
Railroad Addition, generally located north of Oak Street,
east of Ballard Street and west of the First Baptist Church
Existing Zoning: Downtown Historic (DTH) District
Requested Zoning: Planned Development District (PD) for Mixed Uses,
including Indoor Commercial Amusement
The applicant is requesting a Planned Development District (PD) in order to install and operate an
Indoor Commercial Amusement (game room) within a building currently being used for retail
sales, mail boxes and snack shop. The parcel is 0.055 acres (or 2,395 square feet) and is totally
covered by the building, with the only available parking on the public street. Plans are to utilize
the eastern portion of the building as an entertainment center for video games and billiards.
The subject property was originally created as part of the Railroad Addition, one of the oldest
subdivisions in Wylie. Lots within the vicinity have been variously divided and developed over
time to the current broadly mixed configurations and uses, a number of which do not conform to
the current development codes. The subject building has apparently been in continuous use and
not lost its vested rights as a Legally Nonconforming Structure. Therefore, the existing building
may continue to be used for any currently allowed uses without being renovated to current
development codes.
ZC 03-04
The property was rezoned from Business 2 (B-2) District to Downtown Historic (DTH) District
in November of 2001 with the adoption of the City-wide revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and
Map. The DTH District allows a broad mixture of compatible uses and provides special
development and design standards that preserve the historic and architectural character of the
central area. On-street public parking spaces may count for 25 percent of the required parking for
nonresidential uses.
The current Zoning Ordinance does not permit Indoor Commercial Amusements within the
Downtown Historic District, although such uses were allowed by right within the previous
Business-2 District. The Planned Development District is being requested to allow the proposed
game activities in association with the existing restaurant and retail uses which are permitted by
right. The PD is intended to impose special conditions required to make the game activities
compatible with neighboring uses within the immediate vicinity. Failure at any time to comply
fully with the approved Conditions of the PD will result in the cancellation of the Certificate of
Properties abutting to the north and west as well as those across Oak Street to the south are
zoned Downtown Historic District and are developed in older structures and occupied with a
variety of commercial uses. Properties to the east across the alley is zoned Community Retail
(CR) and is developed in for the newly expanded First Baptist Church and associated parking.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to thirty-five (35) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting,
1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Mixed Uses for the subject property, in keeping with
the historic diversity of the old central area. Mixed uses are defined as an appropriate
combination of commercial, institutional and high-density residential uses. The proposed
rezoning for commercial recreational uses conforms with this recommendation of the Plan.
2. Planned Development (PD) Districts are intended to allow innovative development projects
which assist in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and are compatible with the
character of the subject property and neighboring development. As platted and developed, the
subject tract presents constraints (accessibility and existing structure) to its efficient
utilization, while its location within the Downtown location allows broadened opportunities
(mixed uses and shared parking). No minimum acreage is required for nonresidential PDs.
Therefore, a Planned Development District is considered appropriate to achieve both the
desired goals of the applicant and of the Comprehensive Plan.
ZC 03-04
3. The proposed video game machines are regulated by the State and the applicant must maintain
appropriate certifications at all times. The Conditions of the Planned Development District
limits the number of such game machines to 10 and requires that all prizes and awards be
products or coupons redeemable on the premise (eliminating games which are defined by the
State as gambling). The PD establishes no age limits for operation of the games.
4. The PD Conditions provide that no parking other than that available on-street be required.
The subject property was developed with on available parking other than the public spaces
within the street, apparently legal at the time for the Downtown area. The current Zoning
Ordinance intends that no more than 25 percent of required parking be accommodated by on-
street spaces (Section6.3.E.4.c.), and encourages off-site parking within 1,000 feet of the site.
But, revisions in City codes cannot render a property unusable.
However, because they normally need to accommodate longer stays and lower parking turn-
over, Commercial Amusements such as the proposed game room are required additional
parking (one space for every 100 square feet of building plus one for every employee).
Restaurants, such as the sandwich shop currently occupying the building, also requires
additional parking to accommodate longer stays (one space for every three seats under
maximum seating arrangement). Retail uses, such as the current gift sales, requires one space
for every 200 square feet of building. While these new parking requirements for retail sales
and restaurant cannot restrict utilization of the building for these uses legally permitted under
both the previous Business-2 and current zoning, the proposed game activities are not
currently permitted by the Zoning Ordinance and not protected. The applicants have been
encouraged to obtain shared parking rights on other properties, but have not yet documented
such arrangements.
Within the immediate two-block Ballard Street section of the Downtown Historic District,
several properties are developed with uses similar to those proposed by this PD and accessible
only from on-street public parking. These include five restaurants, three retail establishments
which also serve food and one game room which serves snacks. When these establishments
were initially constructed, the Zoning Ordinance in affect made no specific reference for on-
street parking to count as required for properties within the central area as the new Ordinance
does for the Downtown Historic District and cannot be determined why such construction
was permitted without on-site parking. Therefore, these businesses with no on-site parking
are all now considered to be Legally-Nonconforming and may continue to operate only until
abandoned or destroyed. Once these uses are discontinued for any reason, their vested right
to the uses and parking patterns are lost. New construction within this area has recently been
required to provide at least some parking on-site.
ZC 03-04
Staff Recommendation:
While most of the Conditions of the Planned Development District are sufficient to assure
compatibility of the proposed amusement, the PD would allow two parking-intensive uses
(restaurant and amusement) on a lot with no on-site parking and no documented arrangement for
off-premises parking. Although either one of these uses alone is consistent with similar uses
within the area and may be appropriate without additional parking, the proposed increase in
parking-intensive uses will have negative impact on the limited on-street parking. On the other
hand, on-site parking cannot be provided for any use on the subject property without
redevelopment, and to impose the revision of the code on existing development could be
considered to render the property useless without compensation.
The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur
with this recommendation.
Location Map
Conditions of the PD
Notification List and Map
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ZONING CASE #2003-04
General Conditions:
1. The purpose of this Planned Development District is to allow for indoor
commercial amusement associated with other retail uses and subject to conditions
to make it harmonious and adaptable with the surrounding area.
2. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulation found within
the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein.
3. All regulations of the Downtown Historic District (DTH) of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of February 27, 2002) are included by reference
and shall apply except as specifically provided herein.
Special Conditions:
1. The following uses shall be permitted:
• General Merchandise/Food Store
• Coffee Shop
• Bakery
• Indoor Commercial Amusement
• General Office
• Personal/Business Services
• Private Meeting Room
• Mail Boxes
• Shipping& Receiving
2. This Planned Development District shall apply only to Lot 7A, Block 18 of the
Railroad Addition, and shall not be transferred in any way. The applicant and
operation shall remain in compliance with all applicable local, State and Federal
laws at all times, and failure to do so may be considered a violation of the terms
of this PD and grounds for revocation of the PD.
3. No more than 10 game machines (such as pac-man, egg-drop, ring toss, fruit
bonus, winners touch) and table pool (billiards) shall be allowed, excluding
machines such as a pay telephone, a automated teller machine, and vending
machines for food, drinks and other such service products.
Conditions for Planned Development District
ZC 2003-04
Page 2 of 2
4. All prizes, awards and gifts from games and promotional activities shall be
provided in the form of products or coupons/certificates redeemable only on the
premises. There shall be absolutely no monetary exchange for prizes.
5. The games may be open for play Monday through Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. and 12:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
6. Front windows shall allow at least 75 percent through vision at all times, and
vision to the game area shall not be obstructed by paint, tented solar film, shades,
game machines, displays or other obstructions.
7. No off-street parking will be required. Parking shall be the public on-street
spaces in compliance with section 6.3.E.4.c.(5) of the Zoning Ordinance. No on-
street parking spaces shall be reserved or restricted only to this property or use at
any time.
APPLICANT: Norine Swanson of Purple Rain APPLICATION FILE #2003-04
110 E. Oak Street Wylie,Texas 75098
Applicant- Norine Swanson 110 E.Oak Street
1 Purple Rain Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
2 Blk 18 Lot 3A R-1 169-018-0020-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
3 Blk 18 3B R-1 169-018-003E-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
4 Blk 18 4 R-1 169-018-003E-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
5 Blk 18 5 R-1 169-018-0050-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
6 BIk 18 6 R-1 169-018-0050-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn PO Box 516
7 Blk 18 7A R-1 169-018-007A-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn PO Box 516
8 Blk 18 7B R-1 169-018-007A-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 3544 Kimble Drive
9 BIk 18 7C R-1169-018-007C-1 Peter Ko Plano,Texas 75025
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
10 Blk 18 7D R-1 169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
11 Blk 18 8 R-1 169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
12 BIk 18 9 R-1169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
13 BIk 18 10A R-1 169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn PO Box 516
14 BIk 18 10B R-1 169-018-010B-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn PO Box 516
15 BIk 18 10C R-1 169-018-010C-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
16 BIk 18 1 1 A R-1 169-018-01 1 A-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
17 Blk 18 1 1 B R-1 169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road
18 Blk 18 12 R-1 169-018-0120-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002-5952
Railroad Addn 700 Westwind Lane
19 Blk 18 13 R-1 169-018-0130-1 Gary Bowland Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 1608 Blackburn Road
20 Blk 18 14 R-1 169-018-0140-1 Mary Parker Sachse,Texas 75048-2900
Railroad Addn 100 N. First Street
21 Blk 19 Lot 1 R-1 169-019-0010-1 First Baptist Church Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn PO Box 680
22 Blk 19 2A R-1 169-019-0020-1 Billy Conkle Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn PO Box 680
23 Blk 19 2B R-1169-019-0020-1 Billy Conkle Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn Boyd Living Trust 103 S. Ballard Avenue
24 Blk 19 3 R-1 169-019-0030-1 c/o Jesse Boyd,Trustee Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn Boyd Living Trust 103 S. Ballard Avenue
25 Blk 19 4 R-1 169-019-0040-1 c/o Jesse Boyd,Trustee Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn Boyd Living Trust 103 S. Ballard Avenue
26 Blk 19 5 R-1 169-019-0040-1 _ c/o Jesse Boyd,Trustee Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn 713 Main Street
27 Blk 19 6 R-1 169-019-0060-1 Reezin Swilley Garland,Texas 75040-6324
Keller's First Addn PO Box 1002
28 Blk 1 Lot 6 R-1 166-001-0060-1 Legrant Gable Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn 109 N. Ballard Avenue
29 Blk 1 7A R-1 166-001-007A-1 Earl Wilson Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn PO Box 1002
30 Blk 1 7B R-1 166-001-0060-1 Legrant Gable Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn 105 N. Ballard Avenue
31 Blk 1 8 R-1 166-001-0080-1 Velma Crane Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn PO Box 1 132
32 Blk 1 9 R-1 166-001-0090-1 Tommy Pulliam Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn PO Box 1 132
33 Blk 1 10 R-1 166-001-0090-1 Tommy Pulliam Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn PO Box 516
34 Blk 4 Lot 1 B R-1 166-004-001 B-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
Keller's First Addn PO Box 516
35 Blk 4 2B R-1 166-004-001 B-1 Ladylike Shop Inc. Wylie,Texas 75098
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