03-18-2003 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
, I
City of Wylie
March 18, 2003
Regular Business Meeting
2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 4, 2003 Regular Meeting.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change
in zoning from Commercial Corridor(CC)District to Specific Use Permit (SUP) for
Commercial Amusement, located at 702 Highway 78, being Lot 2A of Block 2 of the Oaks
Retail Addition, east side of S.H. 78 and south of Brown Street, City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-02)
2. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a
proposed amendment to Section 4.4.E.1.a(Nonresidential Design Standards for Landscaping)
of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
Posted Friday, March 14, 2003, at 5:00 p.m.
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
March 4, 2003
7:00 pm
Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present.
Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present:
William Chapman Claude Thompson, Director
Michael George Mary V. Bradley, Secretary
Mike Phillips Terry Capehart, Planner
Carter Porter Sam Satterwhite, Dir., WEDC
Tony Snider
Commission Members Absent:
Jeff Adamcik
Don Hughes
Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Chairman George offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of
No one appeared to speak.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 18, 2003
Regular Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, and seconded by Commissioner Phillips,
to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O.
P &Z Commission
March 4, 2003
Page 2 of 4
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a change in zoning from Single Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) to
Commercial Corridor (CC), generally located east of North Ballard Avenue and
south of Paul Wilson Road, being all of a certain 2.00 acre tract of land situated in
the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688-1, Tract 201, City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-01).
Thompson stated that the subject 2-acre tract was annexed into the City as part of a 46.5-
acre tract in September of 1984, and was zoned for residential uses at the time of
annexation. In April of 1994, 14 acres immediately abutting the subject property was
disannexed due to City's failure to provide sewer services and adequate fire and police
support to the area within the five year time limit. In September of 2002, the City
Council denied a request by the current owner of the subject tract to be disannexed from
the City. That request was based on the lack of City services to the tract and the owner's
desire to develop uses which were allowed by the County but not the City.
The subject tract is abutted on north, west and south by unincorporated Collin County,
and these neighboring properties are occupied by sparse rural residential or agri-business
uses on lots in excess of two acres in size. To its rear and to the east, the property abuts
the treatment and storage facilities of the North Texas Municipal Water District
Both Paul Wilson Road and Skyview Drive are currently rural roadways, and generally
dead-end routes at the intersection where the subject tract is located. However, Park
Boulevard is to be extended as a regional thoroughfare to align with the Skyview
corridor, and be improved to six lanes with divided median. Paul Wilson will remain a
local two-lane street, even if reconstructed in the future.
Thompson reviewed the current Comprehensive Plan recommendation of Country
residential uses, but reminded the Commission of their recent recommendation to revise
the Plan to recommend that the subject area be a Village Center with retail uses at the
new intersection of Park Boulevard and Paul Wilson Road. The proposed rezoning is in
compliance with the Commission's recommended changes to the Plan.
The applicant intends to develop mini-warehouse for boats and other self-storage on the
subject property, and such use is only permitted within the Corridor Commercial (CC)
District. While, the requested Corridor Commercial District may allow some more
intensive uses which may not be compatible with residential uses, the CC District is
considered appropriate for frontage of major thoroughfares such as the planned Park
P &Z Commission
March 4, 2003
Page 3 of 4
Boulevard. Furthermore, the NTMWD properties restrict the extension of such CC uses
in a strip fashion toward the east from the Park/Paul Wilson intersection and subject
property, and neither the City or County can regulate land uses within the unincorporated
The subject property will be required to connect any new development to the City sewer
system, which is not currently available. This will require extension of trunk lines some
2,500 feet as well as possible lift stations, at the expense of the private developer.
Commissioners questioned the alignment of Park Boulevard and the date such
construction will begin. Thompson stated that the County will construct Park Boulevard,
but that the date projected for construction is not available at this time. The schools
located on Park Boulevard west of Parker Road should help the priority of the Park
extension, and the eastern section is needed to keep S.H. 78-bound traffic out the
downtown historic area.
Commissioner George opened the public hearing. Mr. Michael Blocker, 1719 Mapleleaf
Falls Drive, Allen, Texas, the applicant for the subject property, stated that the intention
is to develop a high quality facility for boat self-storage. It will be built in two phases,
the first phase will begin immediately and the second phase will depend on when the first
twenty units are occupied.
Commissioner George closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner
Chapman, and seconded by Commissioner Porter, to recommend approval for the
rezoning. Motion passed 4— 1, with Commissioner Snider voting in opposition.
The Commissioners adjourned for a work session at 7:35 p.m.
1. Consider proposed changes to Section 4.4.E.1.a(Nonresidential Design Standards
for Landscaping) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
Thompson reminded Commissioners that required landscaping for all nonresidential
districts was increased in the newly-adopted Zoning Ordinance, from 5% of site to 20%
in Neighborhood Services, Community Retail and Corridor Commercial Districts and to
10% in Business Center and Industrial Districts. Required parking spaces are also larger
than normal at 10 by 20 feet with 24 feet wide aisles. This increased landscaping and
parking requires larger sites and increases the cost of construction within Wylie when
compared to neighboring cities.
P &Z Commission
March 4, 2003
Page 4 of 4
Most grocery stores will be 65,000 to 85,000 square feet, and department stores will be
130,000 square feet and larger. The proposed break at 100,000 square feet will
accommodate these retailers, as well as the industrial-type uses anticipated by the current
regulations. Wal-Mart has stated that they cannot comply with both landscape and
parking requirements on their 18-acre site and will not go through a public hearing
necessary for a Planned Development District. There possibly will be other retailers
having the same difficulty complying with the code as adopted.
To address these special cases the following proposed amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance is recommended:
Amend Section 4.4.E.l.a of the Zoning Ordinance to require 10% of site
landscaped in CR and CC Districts for single buildings of 100,000 square feet and
larger on a single lot.
The Commissioners questions if the benefits of Wal-Mart coming to the City are
significant enough to support the proposed changes to the new code and for all sites city-
wide. Sam Satterwhite, Director of Economic Development, stated that the local sales
tax will be approximately $571,000 a year, the employment of about 200 employees, and
the widening of State Highway 78 up to Kreymer/Spring Creek Parkway with a signal
light at the intersection. No tax incentives have been given to attract Wal-Mart here.
Commissioners expressed a desire to reduce parking rather than landscaping, as such
helps improve air quality. Thompson stated that the larger parking is for perpendicular
spaces only and does not address diagonal parking. However, the Herzog/Woodbridge
PD approved angular parking spaces of 9 V2 by 18 feet. Council has recommended 10 by
20 parking spaces. Council will be reviewing the parking on March 11, 2003, and the
Commissioners were encouraged to come.
Thompson stated Public Hearings on the proposed amendment have been called and
published for the P &Z Meeting on March 18, 2003, and the City Council on March 25,
2003. Commissioners may recommend whatever revision they believe is appropriate to
accommodate these larger retailers.
A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, and seconded by Commissioner Phillips, to
adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Motion passed 5 —0.
Michael George, Chairman Mary V. Bradley, Secretary
. 1
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Cif of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 1
Rezoning 03-02
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: March 18, 2003
Owner: Carl Terry
Applicant: John&Tamra Mitchell
Location: 702 Highway 78 North, being Lot 2A of Block 2 of the
Oaks Retail Addition, east side of S.H. 78 and south of
Brown Street
Existing Zoning: Corridor Commercial(CC)) District
Requested Zoning: Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Commercial
The applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) in order to install and operate an Indoor
and Outdoor Commercial Amusement (skating center) in a vacant parcel of an existing retail
center. The parcel consists of a building of approximately 6,000 square feet and associated
parking as well as paved and unpaved open space. Plans are to utilize the building for skating,
video and other game machines and concessions for food, skates and other products, and to use
the outdoor paved area for temporary/movable skateboarding and the grassed area for volleyball.
The subject property was originally created as part of the Oaks Retail Addition in 1983, and was
reconfigured as the current 1.9-acre Lot 2A by replat in October of 1991. The property was
rezoned from Retail to Corridor Commercial (CC) in November of 2001 with the adoption of the
City-wide revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Map. Commercial Amusement uses are allowed
within both the current Corridor Commercial District and the previous Retail District only with an
approved Specific Use Permit (SUP).
ZC 03-02
The Zoning Ordinance requires a Specific Use Permit (SUP) as a means of establishing special
conditions for allowing certain uses in a manner which is more compatible and consistent with the
character of adjacent property than that use may normally be at other locations. The Planning and
Zoning Commission and City Council shall evaluate a request for an SUP to determine its
probable effect on adjacent properties and the community as a whole, and may impose any
reasonable conditions on the granting of an SUP. Failure at any time to comply fully with the
approved Conditions of the SUP will result in the cancellation of the Certificate of Occupancy.
Properties to the north are zoned Corridor Commercial and are developed with a variety of
commercial uses. Properties to the west were platted as part of the Railroad Addition, one of the
oldest subdivisions within Wylie. Lots to the northwest are zoned Corridor Commercial and
developed for such uses, and to the southwest is zoned for Multi-Family (MF) Residential and
developed with a variety of dwelling types. Properties to the east are zoned Single Family 8.5/17
Residential and are platted and developed in the earlier SF-3 District regulations as the Oaks
Addition. To the south is a cemetery which is within unincorporated Collin County and not
subject to City of Wylie codes.
1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Mixed Use for the subject property, which is defined as
an appropriate combination of commercial, institutional and high-density residential uses,
especially concentrated along major thoroughfares and within the older central area. The
proposed commercial recreational rezoning conforms with this recommendation of the Plan.
2. Public Comment Forms were mailed to thirty-two (32) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. Two Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting, both opposing the
requested zoning.
3. The existing development does not comply with some requirements of the current Zoning
Ordinance, specifically including the building exterior façade materials, parking space size and
paving materials, landscaping and screening of adjacent residential uses. Section 9 of the
Zoning Ordinance provides that such structures which were made nonconforming by changes
in City requirements may continue to operate but shall not be encouraged and shall be brought
into compliance if and when that structure is vacated for a period of six months. A vacation
of premises is defined as having utilities terminated for the six-month period. City records
indicate that, although the previous tenants have not occupied the property for several
months, City water has not yet been terminated and the property remains technically in use.
Therefore, compliance with the current regulations can not be required, but some degree of
compliance may be negotiated as a condition of granting the requested SUP. The Conditions
of the SUP address residential screening, maintenance of the drive and parking, restriction of
access by through traffic and control of outdoor lighting.
ZC 03-02
4. Nonresidential uses are not generally considered compatible with single-family residential
uses, and a required fence once screened the commercial center from the adjacent residences
to the east. That fence has been removed and this lack of screening allows uncontrolled
pedestrian and even vehicular traffic between the subject property and the residential
subdivision. The higher elevation of the subject nonresidential property increases the potential
for illegal spillover of light and noise onto the neighboring residences creating potential
conflicts between the uses. The Conditions of the SUP provide that within 90 days of
approval of this SUP a living plant screen will be installed along the eastern property line and
adequately maintained.
5. Primary access to the property is from State Highway 78 on the north by access easements
through the retail center, and this private drive has deteriorated and does not comply with
current City code. Access is also allowed from Marble Street on the southwest and this route
is used as a short cut through the property, creating congestion unrelated to the center's
existing uses as well as the potential for conflicts with parking and proposed outdoor uses on
the subject property. The Conditions of the SUP provide that within 90 days of approval of
the SUP deteriorated portions of the internal drives and parking within the subject property be
adequately repaired and a living plant hedge will be installed to restrict access from Marble
onto the property during the duration of use of the property as an Outdoor Commercial
6. Lighting for outdoor security, parking and game areas will be located and hooded to direct all
lighting onto the subject property so that no direct lighting is directed onto adjacent residential
7. The subject tract lacks the visibility from S.H. 78 which is necessary for successful retailing,
although the collective address and attraction of the larger center does mitigate this handicap
to some degree. The proposed amusement use is less affected by visibility and access, and
promises to provide a potentially successful utilization for a currently vacant and unprofitable
Staff Recommendation:
The Conditions of the Special Use Permit provide for adequate transition toward compliance with
current code requirements and mitigate potential conflicts with neighboring uses.
The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur
with this recommendation.
ZC 03-02
Location Map
Conditions of the SUP and Site Plan
Notification List and Map
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ZONING CASE #2003-02
Special Use Permit Conditions for Commercial Amusement
703 Highway 78 North
(Lot 2A, Block 2, Oaks Retail Addition)
General Conditions:
1. The purpose of this Special Use Permit is to allow for an indoor and outdoor skating center,
providing a safe and fun facility for children in the Wylie and surrounding communities.
subject to conditions to make it harmonious and compatible with the surrounding area.
2. This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances,
except as specifically provided herein.
3. All regulations of the Corridor Commercial(CC) District set forth in Section 4.2.B of the
Zoning Ordinance (as adopted February 27, 2002) are included by reference and shall apply
except as specifically provided herein.
Special Conditions:
1. This Special Use Permit shall apply only to Lot 2A, Block 2, Oaks Retail Addition. The
applicant and operations shall remain in compliance at all times with all applicable local,
state and federal laws and failure to do so may be considered a violation of this Special Use
Permit and subject to revocation of this Permit and Certificate of Occupancy.
2. The following uses shall be permitted:
a. Outdoor skate park, professionally monitored
b. Indoor skating
c. Skate rental
d. Concession sales
e. Retail sales(skates, t-shirts, etc.)
£ Birthday party accommodations
g. Hourly rental of the facility, professionally staffed
h. Outdoor sand volleyball
i. Electronic video/arcade game machines
j. Gumball& sticker vending machines
3. No more than twenty(20) video game and/or other game machines shall be allowed.
a. All prized, awards and gifts from games and promotional activities shall be provided
in the form of products or coupon certificates redeemable only on the premises.
There shall be absolutely no monetary exchange for prizes.
b. No games with a restricted age limit shall be permitted at any time.
c. The games will be open for play only during normal hours of operation.
SUP Conditions 2003-02
703 Highway 78 North
page 2 of 2
4. Proposed hours of operation shall be no earlier than 8 AM or later than 12 PM (excluding
special chaperoned youth functions confined to the building as"lock-ins"which may be
operated all night).
5. Outdoor Skate Park is to be professionally monitored at all times that the ramps and
equipment are available.
6. Outdoor volleyball will be available for league play and open to the public in off-hours.
7. This will be a tobacco free, alcohol free, drug free environment.
ZC 2003-02
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APPLICANT: John &Tamra Mitchell APPLICATION FILE #2003-02
2993 East FM 552 Rockwall,Texas 75087
Applicant 2993 East FM 552
1 John &Tamra Mitchell Rockwall,Texas 75087
Oaks Retail Noris Corporation 2320 Los Rios Blvd.
2 Blk 2 Lot 1 R-1467-002-0010-1 c/o Napolis Restaurant Plano,Texas 75074
Oaks Retail 702 Hwy. 78 North
3 Blk 2 Lot 2A R-1467-002-002A-1 Carl Terry Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Retail P.O. Box 6037
4 Blk 2 Lot 3B R-1467-002-003E-1 Farmers Electric Co-op Greenville,Texas 75403-6037
Oaks Retail 812 Clearwater Drive
5 BIk 2 Lot 3C R-1467-002-003C-1 George Keltch Richardson,
Clearwater D8 e
Oaks Retail
6 BIk 2 Lot 3D R-1467-002-003D-1 George Keltch Richardson,
Texase 85080-5032e
Oaks Addn #3 211
7 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-1437-001-0010-1 Diane Bishop Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #1 209 Spence Drive
X 8 BIk A Lot 1 R-1241-001-0010-1 Phillip Price Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #1 207 Spence Drive
9 Blk A 2 R-1241-001-0020-1 Arthur Padilla Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #1 205 Spence Drive
10 Blk A 3 R-1241-001-0030-1 Dwain Spence Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #1 203 Spence Drive
11 Blk A 4 R-1241-001-0040-1 Thomas Allen Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #1 201 Spence Drive
X 12 Blk A 5 R-1241-001-0050-1 Carol Ireland Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #2 115 Spence Drive
13 BIk A 6 R-1289-001-0060-1 Edward Grobe Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #2 113 Spence Drive
14 Blk A 7 R-1289-001-0070-1 Brian Knapp Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #2 111 Spence Drive
15 BIk A 8 R-1289-001-0080-1 Daniel Ross Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #2 109 Spence Drive
16 Blk A 9 R-1289-001-0090-1 Vincent Walters Wylie,Texas 75098
Oaks Addn #2 107 Spence Drive
17 BlkA 10 R-1289-001-0100-1 Vada Major Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. P.O.Box 2740
18 BIk 12 Lot 1 A R-1169-012-001 A-1 Thomas Hoffman Edwards,CO 81632-2740
Railroad Addn. P.O.Box 2740
19 BIk 12 2A R-1169-012-001 A-1 Thomas Hoffman Edwards,CO 81632-2740P.O, Box 2740
Railroad Addn.
CO 81632-2740
20 Blk 12 3A R-1169-012-001A-1 Thomas Hoffman Edwards,p_O, Box 2740
Railroad Addn.
21 BIk 12 1 B R-1169-012-001 A-1 Thomas Hoffman Edwards,CO 81632-2740p,O. Box 2740
Railroad Addn.
22 Blk 12 2C R-1169-012-001 A-1 Thomas Hoffman Edwards,CO 81632-2740
Railroad Addn. 412 Dogwood Drive
23 Blk 12 4A R-1169-012-004A-1 Lester Gayler,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. 603 E.Marble Street
24 Bik 12 4B R-1169-012-004E-i Faustina Vega Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. 310 S. First Street
25 Blk 12 2B R-1169-012-002B-1 Virginia Marlow Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. 412 Dogwood Drive
26 Blk 12 3B R-1169-012-003B Lester Gayler,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. 306 Dogwood Court
27 Blk 13 Lot i A R-1169-013-001 A-1 David Morgan Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. 106 N. Fifth Street
28 BIk 13 2A R-1169-013-002A-1 Tommy McEuen Wylie,Texas 75098
Railroad Addn. P.O.Box 304
29 Blk 13 3A R-1169-013-003A-1 Victor Poole Wylie,Texas 750981601 Bonanza Drive
Railroad Addn.
30 BIk 13 3B R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907
Railroad Addn. 1601 Bonanza Drive
31 BIk 13 2B R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907
Railroad Addn. 1601 Bonanza Drive
32 Blk 13 1 B R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907
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My Comments:
My concern over the location is that there is no permanent wall between the
property for the requested zoning change and the houses on the West side of Spence
Drive. I have lived at this location for 20 years,and in the past had problems with
trash,other debris, and vehicles cutting through yards to get Western Auto and
other retailers in the shopping center until there was a wooden fence constructed
behind the Western Auto.
I have heard that this property will be used as a skating rink,which will attract a
large number of teenagers. While I agree these teenagers need someplace and some
type of activity in Wylie,I'm am concerned about the noise and mischief that will
possibly be caused by groups of teens hanging outside the skating rink and roaming
the alley way. Several homes on the West side of Spence Dr. have dogs that will
constantly be barking as I do.
I would be less concerned if the owners/operators of any new establishments would
construct a permanent wall between the their establishment and the alley way West
of Spence Drive and to maintain the wall to keep it from becoming unsightly.
I am planning on attending the Planning and Zoning meeting on March 18`h to
support my view on this matter.
Thank you,
Philip Price
209 Spence Dr.
Wylie Texas, 75098
j \I:
(Please type or use black ink) 0 6 2003
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
VI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 18, 2003, 7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 8,2003,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Ccol CeAa-r\
Name: '�✓� c
(please print)
Address: DI 0 \ S ,C'\V
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Signature: } C.
Date: \ 5 0
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(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
`- I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 18,2003, 7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 8,2003,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: 'f �U, ne( \/ Qcl 1
(please print)
Address: rr/03 E May' D -) le
UuLoLr e —)s 9g
Signature: sLL.t_k_a,t74l V-eot
Date: a /-06
. ► :III% I'
TCily of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 2
Proposed Revision to the
Landscape Requirements of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: March 18, 2003
Applicant: City of Wylie
Issue: Receive public comment and consider a recommendation to
the City Council regarding adoption of revisions to Section
4.4.E.1.a.(1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Wylie
Title 7, Subsection A, Section 211 of the Texas Local Government Code authorizes municipalities
in Texas to adopt and administer local zoning regulations for the control of private development.
The City of Wylie first adopted zoning regulations in 1962, and significantly revised these in 1974,
1985 and 2001. Minor revisions have been made to each of these Zoning Ordinances in response
to changing trends or public desires. The last revision to Wylie's Zoning Ordinance occurred in
February of 2002, when certain revisions to the requirements for lot and dwelling sizes of
residential districts were adopted.
Each version of the Zoning Ordinance has established minimal requirements for landscaping of
nonresidential development sites. Landscaping helps to improve the quality of air and water of
the community as well as add visual and economic value to the individual site. The 1985 Zoning
Ordinance required that five percent (5%) of all nonresidential developments be landscaped. The
2002 Zoning Ordinance increased the required landscaping for nonresidential uses to twenty
percent (20%) of the site for Neighborhood Services, Community Retail and Corridor
Commercial Districts and ten percent (10%) in Business Center and Industrial Districts. Both the
previous and current regulations require that some of the landscaping be within the side and rear
yards as well as in the front.
Revision of the Landscape Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
The currently-adopted Zoning Ordinance, including the landscape regulations, favors retail centers
of several small buildings which separates landscaping and parking into smaller courts, rather than
free-standing "big box" buildings with landscaping and parking consolidated into large masses.
The current landscape ratios anticipate that single "big box" buildings on a site (such as would be
located in Business Center and Industrial Districts which require 10%) might be less able to
comply with the greater proportion of landscaping as could the "smaller box" several buildings
per site retailers (as in Neighborhood Services, Community Retail and Corridor Commercial
which require 20%). The City of Wylie also requires larger than normal parking spaces, and this
combination of larger landscaping and parking increases the size of sites, and this additional land
and improvements increases the cost of development for nonresidential uses. This in turn gives
neighboring cities with smaller landscape and parking requirements a competitive advantage in
commercial recruitment.
To address the special characteristics of "big box" retailers within the Community Retail and
Corridor Commercial Districts in a manner which the current Ordinance already accommodates
such developments within the Business Center and Industrial Districts, the following amendment
is proposed to be added to Section 4.4.E.1.a.(1) of the Zoning Ordinance:
"When a single building of 100,000 square feet or more is constructed in the CR or CC
Districts, at least 10 percent of the site shall be landscaped."
Public notification by publication in the local newspaper of these proposed revisions to the Zoning
Ordinance has been made in the time and manner required by State law. No public comments
have been received at the time of posting.
1. The proposed revision is consistent with large single retail buildings on single sites currently
under development within Wylie, including Home Depot (which provided 10% although
required 5% under the previous regulation) and Wal-Mart (which promises 11%, although no
formal applications have been submitted).
2. Large industrial buildings recently developed within Wylie have not met the newly-required
10% of site for landscaping, as all comply with the 5% required by the previous code under
which they were initially submitted. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, with a building of
105,906 square feet provided 16% landscaping, Lone Star Circuits, with a building of 142,708
square feet provided 5%, and Concrete Walls provided 8%.
3. On March 11, 2003, the City Council adopted revisions to the Thoroughfare Standards which
permit angular parking spaces of 9.5 feet wide by 18 feet long, as well as the larger
perpendicular spaces of 10 feet by 20 feet currently required. This amendment was expressly
intended to address "big box" commercial sites and require less land for the same parking.
Revision of the Landscape Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation:
Recommend that the City Council adopt the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance as proposed.
The Department's of Planning, Development Services, Public Works, and Fire concur with this
Revised Text
reZoning Ordinance
Figure 4-12-Landscape Treatment of Entrances
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4. Location of Service Areas and Loading
a. Base Standard
(1) Service areas and loading areas shall be located where they are not visible from a public
street or from adjacent residential lots.
(2) Service or loading areas which cannot fully meet the above requirement shall have a
masonry screening wall with gates,which prevent visibility from a public street or adjacent
residential lot. Masonry materials must match or complement the masonry materials of the
b. Desirable Design Attributes
(1) Service and loading areas which are not visible from a public street or adjacent residential
lot,but which provide screening using a masonry screening wall with gates to screen the
area from on-site areas, shall earn 10 points.
E. Landscaping
Landscaping points are awarded to projects in accordance with the following criteria:
1. Landscaping in Required Yards
a. Base Standard
(1) At least 20 percent of the site shall be landscaped in NS, CR, and CC Districts, and at
least 10 percent of the site in BC and I Districts shall be landscaped.
(2) When a single building of 100,000 square feet or more is constructed in the CR or CC
Districts, at least 10 percent of the site shall be landscaped.
(3) Landscaping is required in the front yard.
(4) Landscaping is required in the side and rear yards when adjacent to or across the street
from a residential use.
b. Desirable Design Attribute