03-28-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes rf
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Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 28,2011 —6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Board Members present:Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Gary Robas and Matt Rose and Jim Ward Absent:Brandi Lafleur
Staff members present:Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from th. ,mm,. .,.
e February 28,2011 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the minutes from
the February 28, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 7,2011 special meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chesnut to approve the minutes from
the March 7, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 5-0 (Chair Hiney(for), Members Chesnut,
Price, Robas and Rose(for), Member Ward (abstain), Member Lafleur(absent).
3. Consider and act upon Dallas Showtyme Boys Basketball vendor registration to sell food
items at Community Park to fundraise for their team's trip to Las Vegas.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz summed up the vendor application before the Board in that all requested dates were
on Sundays, thus not interfering with league concessions. Vendor applicant, Latrecia Mack, (1600
Rushing Way, Wylie) was asked by Member Robas what type of organization this was to benefit. She
indicated it was an AAU sanctioned team trying to raise money for a trip to Las Vegas. Chair Hiney asked
who the target customers were and Ms. Mack indicated attendees at games held in the park. Mr. Diaz
informed Ms. Mack there were rarely games in the park on Sundays and were she to change the dates to
Saturdays, the leagues would have to be consulted in order to prevent conflicts. Michelle Math, (1516
Quail Meadow, Wylie) affiliated with the Wylie Youth Soccer Association volunteered that in order for Ms.
Mack to raise sufficient funds, she could partner with the WYSA during their games since they did not
have a concession vendor. Ms. Mack withdrew her request.
Board Action
Having withdrawn her vendor request, no Board action was taken.
4. Report on changes in Wylie Recreation Center policies and procedures.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz reported that childcare hours will change in April to include Saturdays from 9:00 am
to noon. In order to accommodate the additional day and remain within budget, weekday hours were
reduced by 30 minutes. The regulation requiring parental supervision has been changed to allow children
aged 7-11 to be allowed in the downstairs area without parents required to be on site. It is required that
the child be a member and due to the required information, the staff is comfortable with the change; they
will now have unfettered access to the foosball and ping pong tables and other gym activities. They have
initiated a banding protocol requiring those in the tween years that are allowed upstairs are required to
wear an armband so upstairs monitors can see at a glance whether they are of the appropriate age
group. Once security cameras are in place that will allow even greater supervision scope.
Chair Hiney inquired as to the status of the programs. Mr. Diaz reported that there were demos beginning
this evening in the spin class and some of the other classes were filled up already. There is currently a
big push for the summer programs, Wylie WAVE and the newly added Tween Scene (6th -8th grade age
Dress code issues have been addressed. Staff notified the Board that the Facility Rules and Guidelines
currently state that all undergarments must be covered. Recreation staff is looking to add wording that
specifically addresses"sagging"and looking to add gym monitors to reinforce this rule. The rules are now
online and posted in the gym. Shades have been purchased and are available for use in the workout area
for those patrons needing additional privacy during workouts.
Member Price asked about programming for adults. Mr. Diaz indicated that there a new yoga, Zumba and
art classes available. There will be more as time progresses. You can only view online those programs
that are available for sign up. Chair Hiney inquired as to the average class length. Mr. Diaz indicated 2-3
months. Member Price inquired as to the courses for 7-11 year olds. Mr. Diaz said the summer WAVE
program, karate, art and Tween Scene among others. He stated he would include a more detailed list in
the next weekly report.
Member Price suggested sports leagues be allowed to place flyers in the flyer holders in the Rec lobby.
Mr. Diaz said staff could look into a community bulletin board; he would check the policy. Member Price
suggested non-profits, sports leagues should be allowed on the inside and Chair Hiney suggested a
board for the outside for the public.
Member Robas inquired as to new membership numbers. Secretary Williams indicated the new
memberships sold for the past week number was around 170. . Diaz said revenue was up over$200,000
and will be opening up the room rentals the first part of April which will open up another revenue source.
5. Discuss Wylie Youth Soccer Association's concerns regarding large dogs in park areas.
Board Discussion
Michelle Math (1516 Quail Meadow, Wylie)of WYSA addressed the Board indicating her concerns over
the large dogs being allowed near the playing fields and the young players being frightened or intimidated
by the dogs. The WYSA does have its own rules prohibiting them on the playing fields but it was hard to
enforce them without an ordinance to back them up beyond the leash laws. This issue was discussed
with Director Mike Sferra and staff; enforcement and management issues of this kind of ordinance were
seen to be difficult in the parks that were surrounded by trails that are often used by dog owners.
Ms. Math indicated some of the littler players wouldn't go to the field sidelines if there were dogs or other
animals present. Member Ward suggested a twenty foot from the playing field boundary. Ms. Math said
the WYSA currently had rules prohibiting animals within fifteen feet of the field but that it was hard to
enforce. Mr. Diaz said if directed, staff could research how other cities are addressing this issue. Chair
Hiney remarked that like smoking, this could be a safety issue; staff should check with the City Manager.
Member Chesnut asked if the offenders were players' parents. Ms. Math indicated they were and they
had been warned by the field marshals and a league board member, to no avail. Member Ward stated
that to have association rules outside of City of Wylie ordinances made them difficult to enforce. If City
changed ordinances to match with association they can be policed better. The best distance should be
figured out and set by ordinance for'x'footage of a perimeter from the fields. Member Price suggested
expelling the player whose parents violated the rule to give the rule some weight, she indicated she was
not in favor of a big ordinance change.
WFL President Stacy Price(1805 Country Walk Lane, Wylie) offered his league officials assess a fifteen
yard penalty to the team affiliated with a parent that violates league rules. Lance Wallace(100 Mahonia
Dr., Wylie) related that at a recent game some dogs were let loose on the field and got into a fight;
Minutes March 28,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Page 2
someone could have gotten injured but didn't. His people typically request that people arriving with
animals are directed to sit away from the boundaries.
Mr. Diaz suggested staff research what other cities are doing to address this issue. Member Ward added
that whatever rule or ordinance we decide upon should indicate'pets' instead of dogs and allow for
special needs or highly trained dogs be allowed. Member Chesnut suggested staff check with the police
chief on enforcement of these kinds of issues.
6. Update Park Board regarding Council direction from the March 22nd meeting regarding
the use of the multipurpose athletic fields at Founders Park and Community Park.
Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz reported he had sent an email out to the various leagues requesting information on their future
needs for the spring 2012 season. The Council had directed staff to organize a summit meeting with the
league representatives. Staff was directed to put bids out for the Community Park project and is hoping to
present them in April. The summit will give staff a better idea where all the leagues are at and the
compromises that will need to be made. He inquired as to the Board's desired level of participation at the
summit. The following week will begin the meeting schedule process once all the information from the
leagues is compiled.
Member Price stated it was necessary for Board members to attend to gather the information for the
future. Mr. Diaz indicated the Master Plan had been completed for long range planning. The information
gathering for the upcoming meeting was just to cover the next year and a half but perhaps the Master
Plan could be reviewed to make sure leagues could see how this next year and a half fit into the long
term Master Plan. Chair Hiney concurred that a review for the leagues of the Master Plan might be
valuable reminding them of the extreme growth Wylie has experienced and that the City is trying to catch
up and keep up and that no none had any idea five years ago of the increased growth the City would
experience in that time; maybe it was necessary to revisit.
Member Price related that the Master Plan had been to City Council last year but that the Board needed
to see what each league's wish list was. Chair Hiney indicated Mr. Diaz will obtain that at the summit
meeting. Mr. Diaz indicated the staff was always open to needs such as scoreboards but that parking,
fields, etc. were the most important items to be solved in the construction process; the meeting was for
how the leagues were organizing themselves in the near future. Member Rose felt the Board should be
involved in the meetings for creative use and scheduling ideas to make sure all the seasons were held,
he recommended Board involvement.
Mr. Diaz state he would speak with Mr. Sferra and get back with the Board members in the next couple of
weeks. If a quorum was reached the meetings had to be posted. Member Price suggested it only be
classified as a work session. Mr. Diaz said he would confer with the City Secretary on posting
requirements and wording and get back to the board via email as information flowed in and when meeting
would be scheduled. Member Chesnut suggested the schools be involved. Mr. Diaz indicated he had a
good rapport with WISD and they had worked with staff on soccer scheduling when Founder's was under
Member Price suggested the summit be next Wednesday. Mr. Diaz indicated the deadline for league
information was April 1 and he will finalize with the leagues and Board. Council Member David Goss
(1033 Hall, Wylie)suggested the meeting should be held where it was possible to record for historical
purposes and prevent misinterpretations. Member Rose suggested requesting RSVPs to get an accurate
head count to make sure the meeting location was adequate.
A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Ward. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. by unanimous consent.
,"NancyWilliam Park Secretary Board Anne Hiney,Chair
Minutes March 28,2011
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Page 3
I, JIM WARD, a member of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Advisory Board make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the
1. I,and/or a person or persons related to me in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity,as determined under Chapter
573, Government Code, (hereinafter referred to as "relative") have a substantial interest in (place an "x" by the
paragraph(s)that apply):
a business entity which could receive a special economic effect on the business entity that is distinguishable
from the effect on the public; and/or
real property which is reasonably foreseeable to receive a special economic effect on the value of the property
distinguishable from its effect on the public,
as a result of a vote or decision of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Advisory Board as those terms are defined in Chapter 171,
Local Government Code.
2. Complete as applicable(place an "x" by the paragraph(s)that apply):
The business entity is . I/we have a substantial interest in this business entity for
the following reasons (place an "x" by the paragraph(s)that apply):
I and/or my relative own 10% or more of the voting shares of the business entity or I and/or my
relative own either 10%or more or$15,000.00 or more of the fair market value of the business entity;
funds received by me and/or my relative exceed 10%of my and/or my relative's gross income for the
previous year.
The real property is described as and is generally located at
. I/we have a substantial interest in this property because the interest is an
equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of$2,500.00 or more.
A relative of mine has substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by my
decision of the public body of which I am a member.
X Other: Not present during board meeting held 3/7/11 the minutes being considered for approval covered
during the 3/28/11 meeting.
Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any
decision involving this business entity and/or real property and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever.
Signed this day of May, 2011
Title: Par and Recreation Board Member
BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,this day personally appeared Jim Ward and on oath stated that the facts hereinabove
stated are true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Sworn to and subscribed before me on '7) day of May, 2011.
�s►"'`` NANCY L.WILLIAMS b s
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