04-25-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation AO 1 1 L l .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Agenda Monday,April 25,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 Anne Hiney Chair Brandi Lafleur Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Cristine Price Board Member Gary Robas Board Member Matt Rose Board Member Jim Ward Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Nancy Williams Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.Qov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.crov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516 6022. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address.Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes.In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth program. BUSINESS ITEMS 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 28, 2011 meeting. 3. Consider and act upon setting a date for the Founder's Park Art Dedication/Grand Re-opening (the artist is available June 3 or June 11, 2011). 4. Consider and act upon recommendations to the City Council for Community Park bids. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Discuss proposed Special FY 2011/12 Budget Review meeting for May 2, 2011. 6. Report on findings of other city's rules and regulation regarding large dogs in park areas. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 21 sr day of April 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WY I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 25, 2011 Item Number: 1 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 2 Subject Discuss Planet Kidz Youth program. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff has been discussing the Planet Kidz youth program with the owner, Dale Oakes, for approximately three years. Staff waited to bring this item to the Board and Council for review until the Wylie Recreation Center was completed and there was a place available to accommodate the program. Planet Kidz is a program for children in 3-8th grades held on Friday or Saturday nights during the school year. The program is held in area school gyms, YMCA's, and municipal recreation centers throughout Texas. The program is from 7pm-11pm and features live dj, sports, dancing, tournaments, contests, celebrity apprearances, crafts, educational demonstrations,prizes and giveaways. The admission is $10 per child plus the cost of concessions. From the $10, the recreation center(City)would receive $2 per child. Potential attendance could be 4-500 children per event. The events are held weekly during the school year. This program achieves two important goals: a program specifically aimed at youth in grades 3-8 and a steady revenue stream for the recreation center. The challenge to getting this program started at the recreation center is accommodating its hour of operations. The recreation center currently is opened until l Opm on Friday's and 8pm on Saturday's. Set up for the program at the recreation center would need to start by 6pm on either Friday or Saturday. Therefore hours of operation would need to change to accommodate this program. Staff recommends closing early on Saturdays because of the potential increase in rental revenue on those days when Planet Kidz is not operating (summer months). Staff is in need of direction from the Board on the viability of this type of program, which day to have the program on, and what adjustment in the hours of operation to the recreation center to accommodate the program. Staff will then have a work session with Council to review the program and provide the Board's input. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD April 20 2011 Page 1 of 1 FuN'INV, r) 43... .2..1.;..,'''' 1,' e N . i • 4,,, __,,,___ .,- ,,,, ...,--, ,-, ''',,, ,90 , / , -, 4 ,,,,,-/ •....... --/ 1 \\\,),1. 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Oakes,President& Founder Printed in the United States of America , ,1111114"I'',,,III1b,n14,11'/11,1',1,1',111,,,1111,1'1'1 'VI I ........... ........... .................„......... ... ,[1.1,1,1r' ,i,''[1111111,11,1,1,11,;,41[1?1W,11,11;["'H'1,1(iii[i[41 '111[T,['[1,1,''11'1''',,4„ 4[44 1,[1111, ,11'111111IIIIIII[[[[1 11'1' 11,1,,,11/1111/1/11/11,11,,,,,111,1;,„01,1,/,,11,11,11 11 ,, 1,„ 11;11/114/11 /111 IIII 1111111111"*111*"14.11,111°'„,,T1t/#1,t,#„1 1,,,,11#1'1111111111,11111111111"1111/11,11111,/#1,11/11,111,111,,,,#I17,",q//11i',111,1" 111011//11T' '/1P111i,„,1111/0q111"11111,1"1,/i11„'111I1/11/,111,111/1111/11#„11111#1111#1#1111111111/#,g11#111111#„„10 ,0'1,411,„,1,,11,011'0""1"'' 1'111,11111# 1:,,,,,,/,,,,1,11,,,,11/110,,,,,,11/11,11,1111,1,1,11,,,/,t11#1,17,111/1,111,11/111°17T0111,111 '1 , / 1 1111111/111/011,11 111 ' I 41/ '„111,,,(/'0111114111111 10111,11,11#1 110111/1/11/1/111,11#1/1, 1 1'1 11'1114°/1'''',/111P,II%1,111111,1111,111 ,1, 1/11;e:4111 h„,,,,°I1111111111,1111,'''01;11„,„I1)/ 01,,, '„1/111,1'1,/041,11r1r111[1'11/11,,,,,,11,111,1411,'11W'111,111,1,1,„ 1,111/111,11# , , 11111111111111,111Iv,„„#11,111,111,11 a'11„11,, 1 /z 0 Y4 IANt.t., llii ftlitAtt,,,,,,I,,,,!!' i1111111,11,111,111,111,1''''' ,1111111',,,,,Dv III wt,titt,I,t,t,tt /I'')" 'lit,/t:,tt,t,t, itil!'l '''I',1,,,,IttAtiltIttt,,,,,,,t,,It, , , ., ",n,niffilt1 ,J„,10,',Inolk1411,'Pl10::::41,11011,41,,J,g ,[,[1',,[,11,111,1[11111[11111111[:[,[1,11,11,11,1„1111111'1',„1[10,1 11:1)1'11"4"111:11111'11[1111[11,1,16[1111[1111011,00(1air',i'lloply'‘`i.'11,111,111'/2,0,",1111114 , IA1,111'1'1'1,",gi','°'''''."n'r'',',,', ,,,,,,',^•11!,,,,,,,q, ,',,,,,''''..,,'1,10,111,,'„,'III,,,,,flif''''. ,lo,1:104,vi,,,,,:':1,111H):p 11 1,,,,110,11,),1111,1,111,111( ,Iiltio*,,,,o,,,,,,,,,, ,I,,,"tn,,,„,y,,,,,,,„ )•14;If; 14/h4;,,,y, ,)1)1,1,',,.,,,,„,„//,1,11,:? /11H,if)///, z,,,,,1,1),11,,,,,,,,,,,„1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1„„1,1„„1,1,111111,;,v,)44,y) / 1 '411"''• 11''')„'!""'1,,11!",,:'11111111,'" ,,,,','04).11,11111111111,,,,110,, 11,1•1,1'll'I'IHI,,:11/;/,\1111'1'1'1,1:111'11,,,''',;,LIIIIY11“111,1,1 ,,,,,,,„1,:,;,!1,,1„),1,1,1),1 ,•,''1,",,,11,1,,1,1,.,,,,,,,,,1 ;11:„ 1,,,,,,„„, „„ft,,,,,r,,,,,,,,,, -,,,',,,,,,,,,,e,e.,,,k,gigipp,,,,,,,,zuq,,,,,,,,,;,,r,,,,,011,1111;11,11„,:4,,,,.,,, I 1 111°'1111,1°00 111,11111111111111111111/11111111111111#111,11#1111,1111#10°„0,00,firn,„1101;,,!,,„,c,,,,,,IIII II,„,,t,,,,,,,,,' ., ,IIPI,,,,P,,,,1,1,11,1111111,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1, euu ,WemAI "uui '0 1/0/ 1'0 111,411 '#111111 111 1# 000/ 1#,,,,,,,,,/'1111'111111f 111115:1:1:1:1:1:1111115i 0,11,1,1,1;1 01'0 1 1411111111,11 1101(1111° ! 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The Kids Win... Limited choices are available for kid's grades 3rd to 8th, that awkward time between childhood and the teenage years. Dubbed by child development experts as"The Forgotten Age", 3rd to 8th graders have few places to safely mingle and have fun. The Kids are bored with the malls, bowling alleys, skating rinks and movie theaters. They Flock to a place with more variety and that is designed exclusively for them. The Parents Win... Baby-sitters are far more expensive than a night at"PLANET KIDZ 1 FUN TIME LIVE", and it's a safe Place where parents don't have to worry about their children. `PLANET KIDZ /FUN TIME LIVE" staff Closely supervise the children without getting in the way of their freedom to have fun. A Variety of activities is always planned so that all children will find something to do—Even the ones who just want to hang out with their friends. The Community Wins... "PLANET KIDZ/FUN TIME LIVE" is a youth program that has been recognized for its Worthwhile Contribution to the heart of the community-the family! It is the most Exciting and Innovative program available for America's Youth-a positive influence in A World of Negative ones. And, in a creative alliance between"PLANET KIDZ/FUN TIME LIVE" and the Community. IT'S A PARENTS NIGHT OUT... PLANET KIDZ & FUN TIME LIVE TM "Youth Activity Night" Facts: When Friday or Saturday nights from 7 to 11 p.m.for children in Grades 3rd - 8th Where Middle Schools, Recreation Centers or YMCA's Procedure Each child must fill out and have an adult sign a `Rules and Regulations form Activities Include a live disc jockey, numerous sports, dancing, tournaments, contests,celebrity appearances, crafts, educational demonstrations, prizes and give-a-ways Cost There is a charge for admission and concessions are available for a slight charge Parents have `peace of mind' knowing their children are having fun in a safe and secure environment... Safety Each child must sign in and is not allowed to leave the premises unless signed out by an authorized adult Security A uniformed police officer is on site Supervision There is one(1)trained counselor per thirty(30) children Li S D Lewisville Lina Milliken Education Center Independent 2103 Savage Lane School District Lewisville,TX 75057 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE (469)713-5997 The Office of: (972)420-6869 Fax ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUSAN BLOCKLEY,Director Mr. Dale Oakes, President Planet Kidz,Inc. 2010 Industrial, Suite 604 Rockwall, TX 75087 Dear Dale: The Lewisville School District established a department of Adult and Community Education in the early 80s with the purpose of providing programs and services to meet the needs and desires of community members of all ages. Youngsters in grades 3-8 need activities outside of the regular school day to give them opportunities for socialization in a safe, supervised environment. Carnivals, school dances and football games provide entertainment, yet there are few opportunities for kids to hang out with their friends. After discovering your organization's substantial success with youth programs, I recommended that LISD partner with Planet Kidz to offer Friday Nite Live at Forestwood Middle School in Flower Mound. From its inception in September 2007, Friday Nite Live has been amazing! Almost 4,000 kids attended 22 Friday events and they were entertained in every imaginable way. Students danced to parent-approved music; they competed in talent contests and treasure hunts; they had faces colorfully painted and hair streaked; they played dodge ball and cruised down monster inflatable slides. At season's end, kids cheered mightily when the Dallas Mavericks' mascot made slam dunks during a special guest appearance. Thanks to LISD's partnership with Planet Kidz, both Forestwood Middle School and Community Education have derived financial benefit from hosting Friday Nite Live. One reason Friday Nite Live has been so popular is that its staff really cares about the kids having a good time together. These extraordinary adults facilitate an atmosphere of trust and acceptance that kids take to heart. I appreciate the opportunity to share my experience with you and look forward to another school year of Friday Nite Live! S�erely, usan Blockley, Director LISD Adult and Community Education June 2008 Cal M COMMUNITY EDUCATION August 11, 2004 To Whom It May Concern: In the fall of 1998, Mesquite Independent School District's Community Education department formed a partnership with Planet Kidz, Inc. They agreed to provide a Friday night program,through us, to our fourth through eighth grade students. We offered this quality program at one of our middle schools, Vanston, each Friday night throughout the school year. In a matter of weeks, the program grew from just a few students to well over 200. Over the next several years, the program has grown even more. We moved the program to another middle school,Agnew, and we have anywhere from 200-600 students attending each Friday. We average around 250-300 or so students there every Friday night.This tells me that the program is a success and very much needed for the youth in our community. It has been six years since we began the program and the success we have attained is unbelievable! Monetarily,we receive approximately$9,000 to$15,000 per year from the program.. Being a self- supporting entity within our school district, this has really helped boost Community Education's budget and the budget of Agnew Middle School. We share the profits with the school. The main thing about this program is that Mesquite has a much needed,fun, safe place for kids to go on Friday nights because of the partnership between MISD's Community Education department and Planet Kidz. It's a win/win situation! It is a pleasure and an honor to recommend Planet Kidz, Inc. to you. Dale Oakes is super to work with. anything he says he will do, he does. We have had virtually no problems with this program. It runs smoothly and the students love it! I can't say enough good,positive things about Planet Kidz, Inc. and the staff. I hope you will consider a partnership with them. Sincerely, 2LA � Vicki Helms Mesquite ISD • Community Education Program Specialist /vh 405 E.Davis Street Mesquite, Texas 75149 Phone: (972) 88-CLASS Fax: (972) 882-7462 Texas Community Education Association PI- Community Education is a way for people to enhance their lives and communities through learning and collaboration. July 4,2005 Dale Oakes,President Planet Kidz,Inc. 2010 Industrial,Suite 604 Rockwall TX 75087 To Dale and all our Planet Kidz Partners: It is a great pleasure to partner with an organization such as yours that builds safe,fun places for children to be together after school. Programs such as Planet Kidz,Friday Nite Live,Fun Time Live,and Americas Kidz provide a needed service that is also a sound business model. Our organization-the Texas Community Education Foundation-shares your vision that our public schools should be places of learning and support for our communities beyond the school day.We recognize that school doesn't stop at 3:30,and learning never ends. Dale A.Oakes,President and Founder of Planet Kidz,Inc.,was the first private company to partner with our Foundation.He saw the opportunity for growth in both organizations.Our Foundation is charged with encouraging the startup of new Community Education programs throughout Texas.That success will open new communities for Planet Kidz to introduce its unique brand of fun and fellowship,helping new generations of children learn to grow up in a positive manner. Since Planet Kidz stepped up and partnered with our Foundation a little over one year ago, we are working on adding our fourth Foundation partner.All are following the model pioneered by Planet Kidz. The Texas Community Education Association appreciates your support and values your partnership.More important,we share your vision.Planet Kidz passionately believes in providing positive activities for kids, and understands the community's role in making it work.That is the essence of what we do in Community Education. We are honored to be associated with PlanetKidz.Together we can help build Community Education throughout Texas. We look forward to many years of mutual support and growth. Sincerely, ti Phil Houseal,President&Founder Texas Community Education Foundation Dr. Clifford Whetten - Center for Community Education -Texas A&M University Engineering Extension Center 600 HemisFair Plaza Way, Building 277 - San Antonio,Texas 78205-3223 210-208-9308 cwhetten@tamu.edu Al 6A op4.---,7,A,„„41,, N ,r,,,. -4444 0 16,,P tot ) if,r. 1, ir 17)),, 044, ,,, ;,4 ; 4.„,,,,,,y ,,,, ,0?ior" err% 1 ,,„17, „‘-qi i/ ,,,,f,i „0, i 1 y 442„,,,,y. 1 or FvF c 1 0 1 ,,,,,,,h, , i, il, 4 Sr vtitril * , , A ,1 pi V4 $t, ,fql,, 0+;(k4 V" 1 „so , ., t. ,,..,-,, Ili ' .Pirosrssia.ire�y Coswwas ss,Jwa JICsaINC. lIt 71'l CAI Test r�aoss-p+�1Ya osgraae�+rsnsy www.plsnetkids.org April 2008 fl(1Iu;-�, . t f I lt',i!t. i`s `dlili',, . 1 ,�r•41 I y Fun, safe „^ µ Flu 7 , , N Supervised ,' �' �' ,omyy 're illtt ` j'"r�'�� Entertainment I 'N'�".� "g t ��Gn�,.�, mI ar ! �7[f �� p -0- .w rel y gip' o;„ TYPICAL GYMpt "CI iLs . iiINepn nit,tno„ie•,i0irws50.l4y t0 44,,,,4,,,,),.„t(„4"r.,„i Il%l,,,k,,n,i,,,ir147aj1 bp,,,at„'I44I.i?,,?ll,,wr4i3t44w,r,1i1 1.1 0.0.12,ii141,,4 ht,4 11pei4y4,*, r ACTIVITIES tl4 Basketball 6' �'" Football DodgeBall " Soccer 11r �� 'ti � 6 Ping Pang , , �• 11 , , Foosball 1 �w+ "` ", �� l Hula Hoop Al �* v. s 1 Vs o h, . Relay Races v ' w«t (" r,'t",''-'# Tug O-War �' — -- " c 0� . , „ HUM .CAM ', and more! HOOP' " �� � y u,�. art r: TYPICAL �[ 5-on-5 nnIALL � , �l J 1 Y? kiifrl„" if k� ! �# i,.1,, ! 'd'"m�, �1 ' �: DANCE �1 �11 I " ,r r"tittr, fist' �!", �' .;. Fri/kW,' ' �.. )fir Aernr rze w N""� 1C P 1 �,N Disc Jockey �" IRalaoke '"N, " ' Zvi Favorite Music �I w B " Dance Contests a r, L jl P L ar Um Fro ' " �, " , n 0...And m ore l 0) Show 1 , (F II , ' „, ' — 5 Will aF a i pass!! not to Msss V Cha/Cha Slide . . fll _ Nachos von lase Ralf imp p, .n. ra m«..�. Peaa1. Mw.-- m«eoz+w+e„pert E1 „' 1�' � I 8010 4 6ewaa•nn 45,„ Concession j;. !). 1. )...(..:.;.1. ..14.1....8.....L...17..fAvailable nicer .'up.iY1.4 u;*J...1lr r»rtww[�:M, �1., p+1� /-.. tis a hours 3rd lilru 4 48 'V1 de fPnre�us.;ilrl�ells.t�r��rcfiifd mum! C Exc.: em F3 5r,4ti-r»a�ir112 swivel-tH4J.J ! R.:� enter alnn t $9 00 rPui"` Every FridayNight 7 to l i Rill Pit Tour night 1..+tt.._ I .n °NZITt Agnew Middle School 72,SJ ind,.,rnt brute Mesquite,Texas 75119 For more information can 972-670-2899 or 972-772.6000 or genre visitoar website "pIarutkidt org" fornon-profit organization) Presented by Communities KidzTexas JL Rock wall I.SDCi+rn unit vwww.planetIddz.org ARIL 2008 Education partner Saturday, Apr. 5 Saturday, Apr. 1 Fun, Safes Supervised forall Enterra ent ' � � e�( winsl ' � �� kCimiw$f i I it tor 1 ACTIVITIES Basketball ® ! 4 f, orC DodgeBall Wall Ball : Bunny Ilop Volleyball , Soccer Ping Fong 1 Cha Ch8 Remote Control 9 Vm Foosball Raffle in 2 weeks! , w 1 Hula Hoop Slide Relay Races iN i�,' * , 'f Ill Tug-0-War 1 and more! � i 11llla 1100p TYPICAL \..(.111 DANCE ADDIE Saturday, Apr. 19 Sat t�l ire � ACTIVITIES Live Disc Jockey �� Light Show , •• Li n rLL11 iCCI.? Favorite Music DanceLimbo eats !Pint if Uh ! VIIVLI:i f.-. ' Celebrity .. �� ��� � � Appearances t ,�LJLi:�VW itAnd more! �it, ,P Ada �[00Lu II ��rlead�nIcri171c � "g � �� � '' a Tourney ion v � ,.Cpc I 14 '4 uQ�9JJ f �, t� ■ 11 w,4 Brut You Squad Raffle Concessions Available I �T ' Tonight! T ALL Nachos you must be here to win! . See Ya May 3ra It.,4 hours 3rd thru 8th Grades O maim c n Sa N� - 7 #a if p.s. Enernainmrr►[ V For MEIN YourM out Cain Middle School aH'$i� 6620 FM 3097 Rockwall, Texas 75087 �fig. Birthday Parties and inflatable Rentals available... For information call 972-772-6000 q ypg' 1 icarz&wG i uj Levwnini.naeaea jur ahu (ii 1 s u3" rw[Jld pwjjz orgundzuuonf ' h44! ?�;' vie. yy i4 "`;}F'(�}' ` I'l t,}. ih e `.. . dS 3"Ik'F. J • l.YM'I}JYIilif rr School District WIEIt MAY 4 .»w �� L`r0R{NITT(ifi TO f+KCfiLi6NCCc 10 + 1 couNTI:siwisi go, „,. , Y 2 I iy 40 , ivr MR f II; FRIDAY KITE LIVE EYE ECPILT°FUR WELCOMES BACK 0 0.0" US NEXT SCHOOL YEAR! PRINCE OF R&B... i�w �,,:��u zoo.. - Compete in,009 I Lill Larryp F.N.L.F IV.L. S Concessions Featuring Bag Will ' OLYMPIC GAMES!PARENTS ° : factor need a night out? FNL is the best place for your kids! Challenges all. night in the gym! With fun, safe, Obstacles, relays, timed runs, , supervisedR. dance contests, &tug-of-wart entertainment foronlyila f7 T I P EE! .' .i GYM MAY 1 ,, ACTWIES BasketballP °t Football Cone play Dodgeball basketball With... ' i Soccer o � � -� r Tug-of-War ' Bounce HousesCgs 14 AND MORE! �� DANCE as �,I 1�, ,w ACTIVITIES, I:, 'm r lit Live DJ Nape you at1 have a �,., ��a , w ,� �� ' Light Show ��� � rlt'w .� �s�: Top 100 Songs Fun & Safe SaPvtivteri Music Videos See you "text school yearn �� Dance Contests Talent Shows —FNL STAFF Celebrity Get your very own signed I Appearances autograph &picture! „ AND MORE! COUPONS www.FrldayNIteLlveEvents.com 3 yNights .� Most Fridayd GAM &' ay Nights T to f 1 pm PRII S rt est►eco[l Aticielle School - - > Myspace.com/FNLFORES1WOOD 2310 Morriss Road.. knower Mound,TX 75028 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION RULES AND REGULATIONS All guests shall enjoy the revocable and controlled right to use the facility in accordance with the following rules and regulations: 1. All guests must have parents/guardians read all rules and regulations and complete and sign this form... No Exception& 2. Guests are not allowed to leave the facility unless escorted by a parent/guardian or other authorized person. When parents arrive for pick up,they must come inside for their youth.. There will be a$5.00 late charge per child,for every 15 minutes, if not picked up by the designated closing time. 3. NO smoking-NO alcoholic beverages-NO drugs-NO fighting or belligerent behavior-NO profanity-NO dirty dancing -and NO black sole shoes or gum chewing in gym. 4. Guests who conduct themselves in an unbecoming manner or become a nuisance to Planet Kidz or other guests may be suvended and/or expelled from Planet Kidz. Thereupon all privileges of such guests shall be automatically terminated without proration or refund. At that time,the suspended guests will wait in the penalty room,and parents/guardians will be notified to come and pick them up immediately. 5. Planet Kidz reserves the right to refuse admittance or service to anyone. 6. Planet Kidz is not responsible or liable to any guest for lost or stolen articles. Print Only APPLICATION Print Only Child's Name Date of Birth Sex Age Grade School - - NOTE: Please indicate whether you prefer the E-mail address or home telephone O E-mail address number of the child to be used for identification. U Home Telephone / • Parent/Guardian Name Spouse Address City State Zip Home Telephone / Work Telephone / RELEASE In consideration of my child being accepted into the Planet Kidz Pro I do hereby waive and release Planet Kidz and the City of Forney & Forney ISD of all rights and claims for damages or injuries sustained by my child in connection with his/her association and participation in the said Program events except for gross negligence on the part of Planet Kidz. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to Planet Kids to secure proper treatment for my child named below. I also understand I am financially responsible for any willful damage my child might do to this Program facility. I hereby give my permission to use my child's name,photograph,video image, and pre-approved quotes in a Planet Kidz corporate brochure and/or newsletters to be distributed free to other participants and prospective participants of the Planet Kidz youth activity centers. Furthermore, I understand these photographs may be made available for publicity use in local and national newspapers and television,but will not be made available for sale. I have read and understand the Rules and Regulations listed above. I agree my child is to comply with them fully, and I assume personal responsibility for my child. Date Parent/Guardian Signature ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MINDDNYYY) Twl 09/28/2007 PRODUCER Mullen Insurance Agency Inc THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE PO Box 472506 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Garland TX 75047 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE _NAIL# INSURED Planet Kidz,Inc&Company dba Fun Time Live, INSURER A Scottsdale Insurance Company Friday Nite Live,Communities for Kidz INSURER B: 2010 Industrial Blvd. Ste 604 INSURER C: Rockwall TX 75087 INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADD'L POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION I TR LbIRRft TYPE nF INSIIReNr•F POLICY NUMBER na rw(MM1nnrVV) nATF rMMMn1YYI UNITS A GENERAL LIABILITY CLS1440188 09/28/2007 09/28/2008 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,606>000 DAMAGE TO X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRFM SES(Ea oaurence) $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE X -OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 X $1,000 Deductible PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $ Excluding applies per claim GENERAL AGGREGATE -$ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE` � LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ Included GE ` ^ .POLICY I I PRa n LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO (Ea accident) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR n CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE S S DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION S $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TARP i Awi C OTH- FR EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY E.L.EACH ACCIDENT ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERlEXECUTNE $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? ,E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ Eyes,describe under SPFCIAI PROVISIONS hwlnw E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT_$ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS!LOCATIONS!VEHICLES!EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT!SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS LISTED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED. Sexual 1physcial Abuse$100,000 occurrence, 300,000 aggregate. CERTIFICATE HOLDER X CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFOR6 THE EXPIRATION AGNEW MIDDLE SCHOOL DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL DAYS WRITTEN 729 WILKINSON DRIVE NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL MESQUITE TX 75149 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Bobby L.Maes ACORD 25(2001I08) 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Parks and Recreation Ay 1 L l .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Minutes Monday, March 28,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Gary Robas and Matt Rose and Jim Ward Absent: Brandi Lafleur Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. V BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 28, 2011 meeting. Board Action Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the minutes from the February 28, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 7, 2011 special meeting. Board Action Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chesnut to approve the minutes from the March 7, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 5-0 (Chair Hiney (for), Members Chesnut, Price, Robas and Rose (for), Member Ward (abstain), Member Lafleur(absent). 3. Consider and act upon Dallas Showtyme Boys Basketball vendor registration to sell food items at Community Park to fundraise for their team's trip to Las Vegas. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz summed up the vendor application before the Board in that all requested dates were on Sundays, thus not interfering with league concessions. Vendor applicant, Latrecia Mack, (1600 Rushing Way, Wylie) was asked by Member Robas what type of organization this was to benefit. She indicated it was an AAU sanctioned team trying to raise money for a trip to Las Vegas. Chair Hiney asked who the target customers were and Ms. Mack indicated attendees at games held in the park. Mr. Diaz informed Ms. Mack there were rarely games in the park on Sundays and were she to change the dates to Saturdays, the leagues would have to be consulted in order to prevent conflicts. Michelle Math, (1516 Quail Meadow, Wylie) affiliated with the Wylie Youth Soccer Association volunteered that in order for Ms. Mack to raise sufficient funds, she could partner with the WYSA during their games since they did not have a concession vendor. Ms. Mack withdrew her request. Board Action Having withdrawn her vendor request, no Board action was taken. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Report on changes in Wylie Recreation Center policies and procedures. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz reported that childcare hours will change in April to include Saturdays from 9:00 am to noon. In order to accommodate the additional day and remain within budget, weekday hours were reduced by 30 minutes. The regulation requiring parental supervision has been changed to allow children aged 7-11 to be allowed in the downstairs area without parents required to be on site. It is required that the child be a member and due to the required information, the staff is comfortable with the change; they will now have unfettered access to the foosball and ping pong tables and other gym activities. They have initiated a banding protocol requiring those in the tween years that are allowed upstairs are required to wear an armband so upstairs monitors can see at a glance whether they are of the appropriate age group. Once security cameras are in place that will allow even greater supervision scope. Chair Hiney inquired as to the status of the programs. Mr. Diaz reported that there were demos beginning this evening in the spin class and some of the other classes were filled up already. There is currently a big push for the summer programs, Wylie WAVE and the newly added Tween Scene (6th -8th grade age group). Dress code issues have been addressed. Staff notified the Board that the Facility Rules and Guidelines currently state that all undergarments must be covered. Recreation staff is looking to add wording that specifically addresses "sagging" and looking to add gym monitors to reinforce this rule. The rules are now online and posted in the gym. Shades have been purchased and are available for use in the workout area for those patrons needing additional privacy during workouts. Member Price asked about programming for adults. Mr. Diaz indicated that there a new yoga, Zumba and art classes available. There will be more as time progresses. You can only view online those programs that are available for sign up. Chair Hiney inquired as to the average class length. Mr. Diaz indicated 2-3 months. Member Price inquired as to the courses for 7-11 year olds. Mr. Diaz said the summer WAVE program, karate, art and Tween Scene among others. He stated he would include a more detailed list in the next weekly report. Member Price suggested sports leagues be allowed to place flyers in the flyer holders in the Rec lobby. Mr. Diaz said staff could look into a community bulletin board; he would check the policy. Member Price suggested non-profits, sports leagues should be allowed on the inside and Chair Hiney suggested a board for the outside for the public. Member Robas inquired as to new membership numbers. Secretary Williams indicated the new memberships sold for the past week number was around 170. . Diaz said revenue was up over$200,000 and will be opening up the room rentals the first part of April which will open up another revenue source. 5. Discuss Wylie Youth Soccer Association's concerns regarding large dogs in park areas. Board Discussion Michelle Math (1516 Quail Meadow, Wylie)of WYSA addressed the Board indicating her concerns over the large dogs being allowed near the playing fields and the young players being frightened or intimidated by the dogs. The WYSA does have its own rules prohibiting them on the playing fields but it was hard to enforce them without an ordinance to back them up beyond the leash laws. This issue was discussed with Director Mike Sferra and staff; enforcement and management issues of this kind of ordinance were seen to be difficult in the parks that were surrounded by trails that are often used by dog owners. Ms. Math indicated some of the littler players wouldn't go to the field sidelines if there were dogs or other animals present. Member Ward suggested a twenty foot from the playing field boundary. Ms. Math said the WYSA currently had rules prohibiting animals within fifteen feet of the field but that it was hard to enforce. Mr. Diaz said if directed, staff could research how other cities are addressing this issue. Chair Hiney remarked that like smoking, this could be a safety issue; staff should check with the City Manager. Member Chesnut asked if the offenders were players' parents. Ms. Math indicated they were and they had been warned by the field marshals and a league board member, to no avail. Member Ward stated that to have association rules outside of City of Wylie ordinances made them difficult to enforce. If City changed ordinances to match with association they can be policed better. The best distance should be figured out and set by ordinance for`x' footage of a perimeter from the fields. Member Price suggested expelling the player whose parents violated the rule to give the rule some weight, she indicated she was not in favor of a big ordinance change. WFL President Stacy Price (1805 Country Walk Lane, Wylie)offered his league officials assess a fifteen yard penalty to the team affiliated with a parent that violates league rules. Lance Wallace (100 Mahonia Dr., Wylie) related that at a recent game some dogs were let loose on the field and got into a fight; Minutes March 28,2011 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 someone could have gotten injured but didn't. His people typically request that people arriving with animals are directed to sit away from the boundaries. Mr. Diaz suggested staff research what other cities are doing to address this issue. Member Ward added that whatever rule or ordinance we decide upon should indicate `pets' instead of dogs and allow for special needs or highly trained dogs be allowed. Member Chesnut suggested staff check with the police chief on enforcement of these kinds of issues. 6. Update Park Board regarding Council direction from the March 22nd meeting regarding the use of the multipurpose athletic fields at Founders Park and Community Park. Board Discussion Mr. Diaz reported he had sent an email out to the various leagues requesting information on their future needs for the spring 2012 season. The Council had directed staff to organize a summit meeting with the league representatives. Staff was directed to put bids out for the Community Park project and is hoping to present them in April. The summit will give staff a better idea where all the leagues are at and the compromises that will need to be made. He inquired as to the Board's desired level of participation at the summit. The following week will begin the meeting schedule process once all the information from the leagues is compiled. Member Price stated it was necessary for Board members to attend to gather the information for the future. Mr. Diaz indicated the Master Plan had been completed for long range planning. The information gathering for the upcoming meeting was just to cover the next year and a half but perhaps the Master Plan could be reviewed to make sure leagues could see how this next year and a half fit into the long term Master Plan. Chair Hiney concurred that a review for the leagues of the Master Plan might be valuable reminding them of the extreme growth Wylie has experienced and that the City is trying to catch up and keep up and that no none had any idea five years ago of the increased growth the City would experience in that time; maybe it was necessary to revisit. Member Price related that the Master Plan had been to City Council last year but that the Board needed to see what each league's wish list was. Chair Hiney indicated Mr. Diaz will obtain that at the summit meeting. Mr. Diaz indicated the staff was always open to needs such as scoreboards but that parking, fields, etc. were the most important items to be solved in the construction process; the meeting was for how the leagues were organizing themselves in the near future. Member Rose felt the Board should be involved in the meetings for creative use and scheduling ideas to make sure all the seasons were held, he recommended Board involvement. Mr. Diaz state he would speak with Mr. Sferra and get back with the Board members in the next couple of weeks. If a quorum was reached the meetings had to be posted. Member Price suggested it only be classified as a work session. Mr. Diaz said he would confer with the City Secretary on posting requirements and wording and get back to the board via email as information flowed in and when meeting would be scheduled. Member Chesnut suggested the schools be involved. Mr. Diaz indicated he had a good rapport with WISD and they had worked with staff on soccer scheduling when Founder's was under construction. Member Price suggested the summit be next Wednesday. Mr. Diaz indicated the deadline for league information was April 1 and he will finalize with the leagues and Board. Council Member David Goss (1033 Hall, Wylie)suggested the meeting should be held where it was possible to record for historical purposes and prevent misinterpretations. Member Rose suggested requesting RSVPs to get an accurate head count to make sure the meeting location was adequate. ADJOURNMENT A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Ward. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Nancy Williams, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair Minutes March 28,2011 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 25, 2011 Item Number: 3 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon setting a date for the Founder's Park Art Dedication/Grand Re-opening. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff has received a request from the Public Art Advisory Board's liaison to establish a date for the Founder's Park Art Dedication/Grand Re-opening. The artist that provided the artwork in the south plaza is available June 3 or June 11, 2011. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS April 20 2011 City Manager Page 1 of 1 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 25, 2011 Item Number: 4 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon recommendations to the City Council for Community Park bids. Recommendation Motion to reject the bids received on April 20, 2011 for Community Park Improvements. Discussion Bids for Community Park Improvements were received on Wednesday, April 20. The lowest base bids exceed the amount of budgeted funding for the project. After discussion with the consultant, staff is recommending that the bids be rejected. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS April 21 2011 Page 1 of 1 2011 Community Park Improvements City of Wylie,Texas Bid Opening:April 20, 2011 Schmoldt JDC K.W. Brown North Texas Bid Item Construction Construction Fain Construction Contracting Base Bid $ 1,590,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 1,769,000 $ 1,826,000 $ 2,124,385 Alt. A- Parking for 156 Spaces $ 225,000 $ 363,000 $ 395,000 $ 337,044 $ 295,000 Alt. B- Pvmt. Markings for 156 Spaces $ 1,100 $ 5,000 $ 6,750 $ 3,724 $ 6,000 Alt. C- Landscape and Irr for 156 Spaces $ 17,000 $ 20,000 $ 17,350 $ 19,645 $ 19,000 Alt. D- Parking for 287 Spaces $ 370,000 $ 516,000 $ 586,000 $ 503,504 $ 427,000 Alt. E- Pvmt. Markings for 287 Spaces $ 2,200 $ 6,000 $ 8,900 $ 6,160 $ 8,000 Alt. F- Landscape and Irr for 287 Spaces $ 38,000 $ 30,000 $ 18,000 $ 38,528 $ 37,000 Alt. G -Concession Stand -Jim Wilson $ 380,000 $ 650,000 $ 495,000 $ 355,802 $ 540,000 Alt. H-1 -Concession Stand - 14'x24' $ 97,000 $ 200,000 $ 172,000 $ - $ 85,000 Alt. H-2 -Concession Stand -24'x36' $ 117,000 $ 300,000 $ 226,000 $ - $ 175,000 Alt. I - Football Field Improvements $ 70,000 $ 83,000 $ 91,000 $ 74,162 $ 110,000 Alt.J -Cooper Field Irrigation & Sod $ 39,000 $ 55,000 $ 40,000 $ 44,252 $ 40,000 Alt. K-8 Bleacher Covers $ 16,500 $ 67,000 $ 16,000 $ 16,128 $ 85,000 Alt. L-8 New Bleachers $ 30,400 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 $ 31,746 $ 15,000 Alt. M - Plaza & Infield Lighting Package $ 97,000 $ 108,000 $ 103,000 $ 160,892 $ 115,000 Alt. N -Outfield Lighting Package $ 135,000 $ 151,000 $ 144,000 $ 184,276 $ 155,000 Alt. 0- Light Pole Relocation $ 5,700 $ 7,000 $ 6,700 $ 3,248 $ 6,000 Alt. P- Landscaping and Seeding Plaza $ 20,000 $ 40,000 $ 18,000 $ 127,504 $ 125,000 Total with All Alternates $ 3,250,900 $ 4,333,000 $ 4,142,700 $ 3,732,615 $ 4,367,385 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 25, 2011 Item Number: 5 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Discuss proposed Special FY 2011/12 Budget Review meeting for May 2, 2011. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff is beginning to prepare the FY 2011-12 proposed budget and would appreciate input from the Board. Some considerations are as follows: • Any recommendations should comply with the priorities identified in the 2010 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. • The amount of funding available through the General Fund, Park A&I Fund, and the 4B will be limited. • The Division will be requesting additional personnel to maintain City parks and to assist in financial operations of the Recreation Center. • Collin County is soliciting Parks and Open Space Grant requests due in early July. Their top three priorities are purchase of open space/parkland, trails, and park improvements. This is a matching grant. • Current and pending projects include: o Community Park Improvements o Hike and Bike Trail Master Plan o Neighborhood Parks Master Plan Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS April 20 2011 City Manager Page 1 of 1 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WY I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 25, 2011 Item Number: 6 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 2 Subject Report on findings of other city's rules and regulation regarding large dogs in park areas. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff discussed with the Board at the March 28, 2011, meeting the idea of restrictions on dogs in athletic field areas. Representatives from Wylie Youth Soccer Association, Wylie Baseball Association and Wylie Football League commented to the Board that they have some concerns about the safety of the spectators watching their respective sports due to park patrons having dogs near the playing areas. Staff notified the Board at the meeting that it could do some research on policies or ordinances from surrounding cities and bring it back to the Board in April for their review. Nancy Williams, Parks Administrative Assistant, researched the following cities: Plano, Allen, McKinney, Rowlett, Garland, Sachse, and Plano Sports Authority. Attached are the results she received from the cities and Plano Sports Authority. The City of Rowlett and City of Garland are the only two cities that address dogs and athletic fields. The other cities and Plano Sports Authority only address dogs be on a leash and that dog waste is picked up and disposed of. Current Wylie Prohibited acts regarding dogs: Secs. 78-110. Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any one or more of the following acts in a park unless authorized by city staff in writing: (1) To hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose, any animal, reptile or fowl of any kind, provided that this shall not apply to domestic animals as defined by the Animal Control Code when led by a static cord or chain not more than ten (10)feet long or a retractable cord not more than fifteen (15)feet long, except in designated areas. (21) To allow a domestic animal to defecate in any park without immediate removal and disposal of such feces in proper waste receptacles. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD April 20 2011 Page 1 of 1 Dog Policies/Ordinances in Other Local Cities Plano Allen McKinney Rowlette-P&R Rules Garland Sachse Plano Sports Authority Sec.15-4.-Activities allowed with a Sec.11-18.-Prohibited acts Sec.42-98.-Pets. Policy Ordinance No Policy/Rule permit or facility use agreement. Animals. To ride,drive,lead,or let loose any It shall be unlawful for any person Leash and pick up No pets shall be permitted Pets prohibited in areas Leash law only No Issues animal,reptile or fowl of any kind,except in to commit any one(1)or more of regulations. within any playground area where posted,i.e.sports designated areas.These restrictions shall not apply to dogs and cats when restrained by a the following acts in a park:1.To or where any organized complex,playgrounds, leash not more than six(6)feet long.Such hitch,fasten,lead,drive or let activity is being conducted. athetic fields.(Director's leash shall at all times serve as a connection loose,any animal,reptile or fowl of Leash/waste ordinances discretion)Can be between the dog or animal and the person any kind,provided that this shall enforced by police. that accompanies the dog or other animal. No person shall tie or restrain an animal by not apply to domestic animals or attaching its leash to fencing,trees,benches, defined by the animal control code bleachers,poles or other park facility when led by a static cord or chain infrastructure.Dogs and other animals are not not more than ten(10)feet long or permitted inside park facility buildings, swimming facilities or playground areas.Any a retractable cord not more than person accompanying a dog or other animal fifteen(15)feet long,except in shall immediately clean up any feces left by designated areas.2.To ride or drive such animal.A person commits an offense if any horse or other animal,except the owner or person that accompanies an animal fails to visibly have in his or her in designated areas. possession,materials that can be used to immediately remove and dispose of any feces the animal produces.Animals that are trained to assist the handicapped are permitted in all park facilities.