05-23-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation AO 1 1 L l .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Agenda Monday, May 23,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 Anne Hiney Chair Brandi Lafleur Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Cristine Price Board Member Gary Robas Board Member Matt Rose Board Member Jim Ward Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Nancy Williams Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.Qov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.crov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516 6022. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address.Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes.In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the April 25, 2011 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 2, 2011 special meeting. 3. Consider and act upon recommending the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with a General Contractor for the Community Park Improvements project including the Base Bid and specific add alternate items utilizing the appropriate funding sources as approved by City Council. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss holding a joint City Council/Park Board Work Session meeting on Monday, May 31, 2011, regarding the award of a construction contract for Community Park Improvements. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert0;that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of May 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Parks and Recreation cityO 1wYtit .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Minutes Monday,April 25,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Gary Robas and Matt Rose and Brandi Lafleur. Absent:Jim Ward Staff members present: Mike Sferra, Public Services Director; Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss Planet Kidz Youth program. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz gave an overview of the Board Report and Planet Kidz program attachments. The program would be held one time per week during the school year at the Recreation Center. Planet Kidz would be a subcontractor and run the entire program. It is focused on 3rd through 8th grade school children. It meets the needs of the City Council charge to have varying youth programs available for Wylie children. It would mean an adjustment of the Rec Center hours on the day of the week the program is running; generally held on Friday or Saturday nights. It would have the least amount of member impact if it were to run on Saturday nights. The process for approval of the program would call for input from the Board, then a work session with the City Council followed by an agreement with Planet Kidz. Topics to decide would be if we would house the program, day of the week and the hour adjustments needed. Dale Oats, 330 Oaks Trail, Garland from Planet Kidz answered questions from the Board. • Not necessary for kids to have a Rec Center membership • Local schools generally support but don't want to get involved with housing the program. • Maximum number of kids served at one time is between 500-600 • Staffing would be up to the contractor. If participants max out the kid/staff ratio (30/1); event is considered "Sold Out" • All clean up is done by PK staff(sometimes hire city staff) • Concessions are sold by tickets, not cash. PK keeps proceeds. (Nachos, Pizza, Gatorade, Water) • Project concessions to be in the classroom areas with concrete floors • Charge is $10/kid; facility would receive $2 on each one • PK gives $80,000 in scholarships each year • PK has worked for the City doing various events over the last 3-5 years • Police officers are stationed at the front doors • No child can leave without adult • The point was made to make sure that Rec members got adequate notice when the hours were going to be adjusted BUSINESS ITEMS 2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 28, 2011 meeting. Board Action Board Member Robas made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to approve the minutes from the March 28, 2011 meeting. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent) 3. Consider and act upon setting a date for the Founder's Park Art Dedication/Grand Re- opening (artist available 6/3 or 6/11). Board Action Board Member Rose made a motion, seconded by Board Member Chesnut to set the event for June 3, 2011 at 6:00 pm. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent). 4. Consider and act upon recommendations to the City Council for Community Park bids. Board Discussion Chris Seely, Teague Nall and Perkins, 12160 N. Abrams Suite 508, Dallas addressed the Board. Chair Hiney asked what happened to the bids that they all came in over our budget and projected amount. . He contacted some of the contractors that came to the pre-bid meeting but that did not submit and some that did. The ones that did not bid indicated they didn't have enough time to complete their bid packages. Mr. Seeley stated that several of the items costs had increased recently, i.e. fencing bids are no longer viable after seven days due to the high cost of materials. The contractors that did bid indicated if they had more time they could work their numbers more accurately. TNP would be going over the plans and making design adjustments (i.e. changing fence post requirement from six inches to four inches, rising fuel costs) to increase the likelihood of lower bids. They would give the interested contractors three weeks to submit; thus allowing them more time to adjust their figures. The new time frame if bids are rejected: Rebid advertised April 27; pre-bid meeting May 4, bid opening scheduled for May 18, 2011, Park Board meeting May 23 followed by City Council meeting on June 14 or 28. Council can approve the contract at that meeting and construction can begin as early as early or mid- July if Board chooses to reject the bids. Underground utilities can be adjusted, water and sewer and fences and backstops and bullpens can be scaled back saving $100,000- $150,000. By reducing the amount in the base bid and adding more to the add alternates the bids will come in lower thus allowing for a better chance to be able to include items from the add alternates; which came in low enough last time that would possibly allow the ability to add several items. Mr. Seely indicated if the base bid came in a 1.3 million we have at least 1.65 to work with so there are several add alternate items that could be added to keep within budget and save enough for contingencies. Alternative funding for the lighting is being considered and any funding left over from Founders may be added to the budget. The base bid includes: • Complete improvement to finish outs for three baseball fields; Eldridge, Rowell and Tibbals • Cooper field complete to minus irrigation and sod • Plaza 100% done with concrete and scoring • The trail all the way around the park with connections to the plaza completed including the fire lane at the front part of that • Irrigation to the three improved baseball fields and all the islands in the plaza area and connect into the football fields also installing a booster pump to assist with pressure in the irrigation lines • Moving the electric transformer was included Concrete was trimmed back to only include back of bleachers to back of bleachers; beyond that is the trail beyond the dugout then grass beyond that. The staining of the "W'was removed due to the costs. The Board Members expressed concern for the project's viability at the high costs of the base bid and the scaled back options available at the current budget. The concern includes the public's perception that if just the infrastructure is complete without the addition of the concession stand, restrooms and parking we would be giving them something less than they have now and hurt the growing leagues. The idea was proposed that the trails, restrooms and parking could be completed until more funding was available Minutes April 25,2011 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 and/or the project be postponed until all the funding is available which could be done without affecting future improvements to the fields. The conclusion reached was to let the re-bid process continue and to evaluate the best course of action after the new bids come in. Board Action Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Rose to reject the Community Park bids. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0; Member Ward (absent). DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Discuss proposed Special FY 2011/12 Budget Review meeting for May 2, 2011. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz reviewed the Agenda Report and informed the Board that the annual budget review for staff with the finance department kicked off April 25, 2011 and a budget input meeting was scheduled for the Board on May 2, 2011 at 6:30. 6. Report on findings of other city's rules and regulations regarding large dogs in park areas. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz related the results of staff research via polling several other nearby cities, Plano Sports Authority and a review of their websites and ordinances. A spreadsheet was developed and attached to the Board Packet. The only two cities that came close to addressing the issue directly was Rowlett that no pet shall be permitted in any playground area or during any organized activities along with their leash and waste ordinance and Garland pets are not allowed anywhere it is posted as prohibited including fields and sports complex with the caveat that it is at the director's discretion. Director Sferra related that discussions at the staff level came to the conclusion as an ordinance it would be very difficult to enforce but that perhaps some signage as guidelines would encourage compliance with the addition of educating. The Board directed staff to write something to add restrictions to our current policies to include something between Rowlett and Garland's rules and bring back to the next meeting using the term"pet". The policy will have to be reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by Board and Council. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Price and seconded by Board Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Nancy Williams, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair Minutes April 25,2011 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 Parks and Recreation citycy1wYtit .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Special Meeting Minutes Monday, May 2,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Gary Robas and Matt Rose and Brandi Lafleur and Jim Ward Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss development of the Parks & Recreation budget for fiscal year 2011 —2012. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz reviewed the contents of the Board Report.After Chair Hiney requested each Board Member express the projects/priorities they would like to see developed in next year's budget (providing funds are available).The consensus reached by the Board in the following projects: Grant Projects: • Westgate Property • Property adjacent to Dodd Park • Trails on Municipal Complex property • Trails on Oncor easements near Westgate area Budget Projects/suggestions: • Irrigation at Dodd and Avalon Parks • Additional soccer goals, backstops,field goals at current practice areas or other parks where possible • Recycling cans in parks that do not currently have them • Branding parks(signage in parks) • Additional parking areas at parks like Dodd and Avalon Questions raised by the Board for staff were: • Can we submit another grant for Community Park with Collin County? • Can we look at designating the East Meadow for the municipal property as a nature preserve? • The Board would like to have a joint work session to discuss funding options for master plan projects, possible? • Can we look at some trail in conjunction with current road projects? 2. Discuss forming a subcommittee for the Trails Master Plan Project. Board Discussion Members Ward and Robas volunteered to participate in the subcommittee and work with Superintendent Diaz and Park Manager Shohn Rodgers and report back to the Board. Board Members had some questions about the scope of services of the Land Design Partner's contract. Superintendent Diaz explained the focus of the Trails Master Plan is to create a more detailed and realistic plan for the trails beyond the current one, but still conceptual.The current plan is very broad;this one is detailing only the trails portion of the plan in finer detail. It is a process to get to the final product and committee members will have input. Chair Hiney expressed that a lot of good information would be gained from this process that we do not currently have;the Trails Master Plan will narrow the scope down and help plan how to move forward.Chair Hiney read into the record the Project Description in the LDP contract: Land Design Partners-DFW, Inc. ("LDP") will perform professional services for the City of Wylie ("City")for preparing a Trails Master Plan. This work will be guided by the "Parks & Trails Master Plan"exhibit, dated March 25, 2010, as depicted in the previously prepared 2010 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan. The intent of this new Trails Master Plan will be to study the feasibility of a trails network within the entire City. The Trails Master Plan will be a tool that City officials can use to plan and coordinate future improvements for trails and associated infrastructure by various City departments. As an additional expertise for trail planning, LDP will retain the subconsultant services of Bowman-Melton Associates, Inc. The LDP team will work closely with City staff and an Advisory Committee during the overall planning process. This scope of services is for master planning services and does not address schematic design, design development, or construction documents related to actual development of any trail improvements. Chair Hiney explained that moving forward with actual trail design and construction would come after the completion of the LDP Trails Master Plan project. Member Ward suggested that after each conceptual project was completed that a review process take place to evaluate the value of those processes. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Chesnut. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Nancy Williams, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair Minutes May 2,2011 Special Meeting Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 arks a o ecreatio gars• CITY OF Y LIE Meeting Date: May 23, 2011 Item Number: 3 Division: Parks (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: May 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider and act upon recommending the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with a General Contractor for the Community Park Improvements project including the Base Bid and specific add alternate items utilizing the appropriate funding sources as approved by City Council. Recommendation Motion recommending the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with a General Contractor for the Community Park Improvements project including the Base Bid and specific add alternate items utilizing the appropriate funding sources as approved by City Council. Discussion Bids for the Community Park Improvements projects were received on Wednesday, May 18. The purpose of this item is threefold: 1. Review the bid tabulation, 2. Discuss and decide which of three options and various add alternate items may be awarded as part of the construction contract, and 3. Make a recommendation to the City Council regarding award of a contract for the project. The project consultant will be on hand to discuss the bids and three potential options for the park improvements. Staff has discussed utilizing various funding sources to support the Base Bid and selected add alternates. These funding options as well as the recommendations made by the Park Board this evening will be discussed at an upcoming joint City Council/Park Board meeting. Approved Initial Date Department Director MS May 20 2011 Page 1 of 1 2011 Community Park Improvements City of Wylie,Texas Bid Opening: May 18, 2011 at 2:00 PM JDC The Fain Schmoldt ' JC Northstar Bid Items Construction Group Construction Commercial Construction Base Bid $ 1,515,000 $ 1,770,000 $ 1,427,000 $ 1,367,777 $ 1,649,000 Alt. A- Parking for 156 Spaces $ 317,000 $ 333,415 $ 247,000 $ 260,000 $ 330,000 Alt. B - Pvmt. Markings for 156 Spaces $ 4,000 $ 3,640 $ 1,900 $ 5,100 $ 5,500 Alt. C - Landscape and Irr for 156 Spaces $ 22,000 $ 36,600 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 18,000 Alt. ©- Parking for 287 Spaces $ 448,000 $ 500,990 $ 390,000 $ 356,000 $ 497,500 Alt. E - Pvmt. Markings for 287 Spaces $ 5,000 $ 2,700 $ 4,000 $ 4,200 $ 7,000 Alt. F - Landscape and Irr for 287 Spaces $ 31,000 $ 42,800 $ 17,700 $ 21,000 $ 18,500 Alt. G-Concession Stand-Jim Wilson $ 455,000 $ 425,000 $ 450,000 $ 425,000 $ 525,000 Alt. H-1-Concession Stand - 14'x24' $ 79,000 $ 56,500 $ 115,000 $ 92,000 $ 170,000 Alt. H-2-Concession Stand-24'x36' $ 142,000 $ 145,000 $ 137,000 $ 160,000 $ 225,000 Alt. I -Football Field Improvements $ 70,000 $ 58,000 $ 70,000 $ 62,000 $ 86,000 Alt.J -Cooper Field Irrigation &Sod $ 55,000 $ 135,000 $ 39,000 $ 32,000 $ 85,000 Alt. K -8 Bleacher Covers (Piers Only) $ 18,000 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $ 15,400 $ 16,500 Alt. L - 8 New Bleachers $ 27,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 33,000 $ 32,000 Alt. M Plaza & Infield Lighting Package $ 125,000 $ 109,000 $ 97,000 $ 51,000 $ 127,000 Alt. N -Outfield Lighting Package $ 105,000 $ 104,000 $ 135,000 $ 39,000 $ 107,000 Alt. 0- Light Pole Relocation $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 5,700 $ 5,500 $ 2,000 fAlt. P - Landscaping and Seeding Plaza $ 17,000 $ 18,000 $ 20,000 $ 22,000 $ 19,000 2011 Community Park Improvements City of Wylie, Tmuas Parks Board Meeting—May 23, 2011 proieutFundimg Total Available Base Budget(ind. County and Bond, minus design fees) = $1^4G7.O8O Available funds from the Founders Park project= $25O^OOU1 Available funds from the City mf Wylie Utility Fund =$3G5.0O0^ Available |eeomMmam funding for field lighting improvements = $44O,50O Total Available Funds =$2.5%2.50Q 'The transfer of the funds allocated for Founders Park to Community Park wT require approval by City Council. 2 The City of Wylie has a Utility Fund that is available for the construction of utility infrastructure for City projects. The Community Park project base bid includes $18O^O08 for underground utilities (water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer) as well as $185,000 for grading and drainage improvements for the site. The transfer of the funds from the Utility Fund to Community Park will req�uire approval by City Council. O�pNmn1 ' Base Bid = $ 1'387.777 o Complete 8'vvide concrete trail (overO.8 nn||ao) o Demolition nf existing fo�u,'pYoxoffields o Complete finish-out of Rowell, Eldridge and Tibbals Fields with sod and irrigation o Cooper field regarding, fencing and drainage—no irrigation and sod n New fencing for all fields 'taller backstops (2O'and 25'nnCooper) o Now concrete plaza area with joint layout design (4.500 square yards) o Irrigation booster pump to increase the pressures in the park o All umdergnoundi water, sanitary sewer and sh»rnmsewer o Retaining walls and handrails at Eldridge and Tiibba|s to set the fields lower than the plaza ' Transformer Relocation = $22,OGO (per O�nouragruenment) ' Cooper Field Irrigation, and Sod = $ 32^D0O ' Concession Stand/Reutronrn24'x38' (3 toilets each)=$ 10O.O0Q ' Full Lighting Replacement pkg. = $43S.QOO - Relocation of the existing light pole in Football Field #4= $5.5O8 Full Parking |mprovormcntn for 287 parking apa000 = $381.2OO o Concrete Parking Improvements =$35B.O00 o Pavement Markings = $4.200 o Landscape and Irrigation = $21.080 - Contingency= $ 11@.gS3-4'72Y6of total project(opNonaarabe|ovv) o Change Orders o Art= $14.50O o Football improvements u Bleacher covers o Second concession stand/ nestroom =02.OU0 o Landscaping and seeding of plaza = $22.UOO 2O0�5 Bond Program (items that are addressed are inbold) - Q-ft concrete trail - New bleachers - Replace baseball /softball lights - Additional parking - Sod and irrigate infields ' New concession stand and - Additional t'ba|Ufie|d nmstnnwnms - Improve irrigation systems 2011 Community Park Improvements City of Wylie, Texas Parks Board Meeting —May 23,,2011 Project Funding Total Available Base Budget(incl. County and Bond, minus design fees)= $1,467,000 Available funds from the Founders Park project= $250,0001 Available funds from the City of Wylie Utility Fund = $365,0002 Available lease/loan funding for field lighting improvements = $440,500 Total Available Funds= $2,522,500 1The transfer of the funds allocated for Founders Park to Community Park will require approval by City Council. 2The transfer of the funds from the Utility Fund to Community Park will require approval by City Council. Option 2 - Base Bid = $ 1,367,777 o Complete 8'wide concrete trail (over 0.8 miles) o Demolition of existing four-plex of fields o Complete finish-out of Rowell, Eldridge and Tibbals Fields with sod and irrigation o Cooper field regarding, fencing and drainage— no irrigation and sod o New fencing for all fields -taller backstops (20' and 25' on Cooper) o New concrete plaza area with joint layout design (4,500 square yards) o Irrigation booster pump to increase the pressures in the park o All underground water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer o Retaining walls and handrails at Eldridge and Tibbals to set the fields lower than the plaza - Transformer Relocation = $ 22,060 (per Oncor agreement) - Cooper Field Irrigation and Sod = $ 32,000 - Concession Stand /Restroom 24'x36' (3 toilets each) = $ 160,000 - Football Field grading, drainage and irrigation improvements = $ 62,000 - Football press box = $ 15,000 - Full Lighting Replacement pkg. =$435,000 - Relocation of the existing light pole in Football Field 44 = $5,500 - Full Parking Improvements for 156 parking spaces = $282,100 o Concrete Parking Improvements = $260,000 o Pavement Markings = $5,100 o Landscape and Irrigation = $17,000 - Contingency= $ 141,063—5.6%of total project, but close to same amount spent on change orders at Founders (options are below) o Change Orders o Art= $14,500 o Bleacher covers o Landscaping and seeding of plaza = $22,000 2005 Bond Program (Items that are addressed are in bold) - 8-ft concrete trail - New bleachers - Replace baseball/softball lights - Additional parking - Sod and irrigate infields - New concession stand and - Additional t-ball field restrooms - Improve irrigation systems 2011 Community Park Improvements City of Wylie, Texas PmrkoBoardM eeting—May23, 2Q11 prmUeotPundimq Total Available 8eoo Budget(imc1. County and Bond, minus design fees) = $1.4G7.0]0 Available fundm from the Founders Park project= 825U.000` Available funds from the City of Wylie Utility Fund =$305.808' Available |eaom/|oom funding for field lighting improvements = $440,500 Total Available Funds =$2,522,50O 'The transfer ofthe hmodn allocated for Founders Park to Community Park will require approval by City Council, ~The transfer of the funds from the Utility Fund to Commiun4y Park will require approval by City Council. Option 3 - Base Bid = $ 1.367.777 o Complete R' wide concrete trail (over D.0miles) o Demolition ofexisNnQfour-p|exnffields o Complete finish-out of Rowell, Eldridge and Tibba|a Fields with sod and irrigation o Cooper field naQondimg, fencing and dnainage—no irrigation and sod o New fencing for all fields 'taller beoketnpe (ZO^ and 25'onCooper) o New concrete plaza area with joint layout design (4,500 square yards) • Irrigation booster pump to increase the pressures in the park o AU| underground water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer o Reta�ininQ wall,; and handrails at Eldridge and T|bba|e to aet tha#m|da lower than the plaza - Transformer Relocation = $ 22.000 (per Oncoragreement) ' Cooper Field |rrigatiomand Sod = $ 32^OOO - Concession Stend /Hastroorn24'x36' (3 toilets each) =$ 100.000 ' Concession Stand /Rmatnmorn 14^x24^ (1 toilets each) =$Q2.O0Q(football field side) - Full Lighting Rep|acernentpkg. = $43S.00O ' Relocation of the existing light pole in Football Field#4 = $5,500 - Full Parking Improvements for 186 parking spaces = $282.100 o Concrete Parking Improvements = $28O,8OO o Pavement Markings = $5,10O o Landscape and Irrigation = $17.000 - Contingency = $ 126,063— 5,0%of total project, but close to same amount spent on change orders ot Founders (options are below) o Change Orders o Art = $14.8&O o Bleacher covers o Landscaping and seeding of plaza = $22,O80 2005 Bond Pnmqrerm (items that are addressed are in bold) - 84ft concrete trail - New bleachers - Replace baseball/so8LbmU| lights - Additional parking Sod and irrigate infields - New concession stand and - Additional t-ba|hfield oemtrmonms ' Improve irrigation systems arks a s ecreatis gars• CITY OF Y LIE Meeting Date: May 23, 2011 Item Number: 4 Division: Parks (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: May 20, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Discuss holding a joint City Council /Park Board Work Session meeting on Monday, May 31, 2011 regarding the award of a construction contract for Community Park Improvements. Recommendation Park Board members should attend a proposed joint City Council / Park Board Work Session at 6:00 pm, May 31, 2011. Discussion It would be beneficial if a number of Park Board members would be available to attend Staff will incorporate the Board's recommendations from tonight's meeting into an agenda communication to be discussed at the joint meeting. It is anticipated that consensus can be reached at the Work Session to give staff direction to return to Council in June with an action item to award a construction contract for the Community Park Improvements project. Approved Initial Date Department Director MS May 20 2011 Page 1 of 1