11-14-2011 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation AOf'WYLIE .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Agenda Monday, November 14,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 Anne Hiney Chair Matt Rose Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Cristine Price Board Member Gary Robas Board Member Jim Ward Board Member Jeff Harris Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Nancy Williams Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.2ov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6022. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 24, 2011 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approving a recommendation to City Council to amend Section 78-110 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances limiting animals to certain park areas. 3. Consider and act upon final Community Park concession stand design. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss current parkland dedication ordinance. 5. Discuss Tree City application and Tree Preservation Ordinance process. 6. Discuss litter receptacle and bench samples. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cent fy that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 11 th day of November 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Parks and Recreation citycy1 1 Ll .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24,2011 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Board Members present: Gary Robas, Matt Rose, Dan Chesnut (departed at 8:09 pm), Cristine Price, Jim Ward and Jeff Harris (arrived at 6:39 pm). Staff members present: Robert Diaz, Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary, Nancy Williams. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 26, 2011 meeting. Board Action Motion from Member Rose, seconded by member Robas to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed 6-0. (Member Harris absent at the time of the vote.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discuss the proposed Community Park Concession Stand design.(Presented by Chris Seely, Teague, Nall and Perkins) Board Discussion Liaison Diaz pointed out to the Board that the Planning Director, Renee 011ie had reviewed the Concession Stand plans and was fine with them. They do, however, have to be reviewed by a Building Inspector. JC Commercial provided the plans, the architect is Charles Lambert. The direction to JC Commercial from the City Council was to build it for no more than $300,000 and to meet the needs of the users. League representatives and staff provided a list of what was needed to JC Commercial as well as the original concession stand plans designed by Jim Wilson Architects. Chris Seely with Teague, Nall, and Perkins noted to the Board that they are not the finalized plans and that the final costs for the new designs have not been received but the contractor has assured him that the cost will be at or under the maximum budget amount of$300,000. Board Comments: • Can the building be turned 20-30 degrees as done in the prior plans? Mr. Seely said it depended on whether or not the water line was in place yet. • Could the sign be arched like the prior plans, if not too expensive? • Add another drinking fountain to the opposite side of the building. • Make sure the ceiling was high enough to accommodate the fans or exhaust fans to have adequate airflow. • Can a floor drain and water tap be added to between the concession windows in case things need to be added or changed later? • Can the standing seam roof be pushed out to accommodate more shelter for park users? • Can the rear door between the restrooms be eliminated and only install the one entrance to the area from the janitor closet and by take out the wall in between the two existing areas? October 24,2011 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 • Could ceiling fans be put in the restrooms to circulate the air? • The Board directed staff to email project updates as they come in. 3. Discuss proposed ordinance limiting animals to certain park areas. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz reviewed his Board Report and asked for Board input. Member Rose requested the addition of"spectator area"with the organized events section after"dugouts". If there is an area not identified in the ordinance it gives leeway by stating or any area identified by signage per the Superintendent. Member Price requested the preposition "in"playground or playing fields was change to "on"to further clarify. This new verbiage will be in addition to the current ordinance under the prohibited acts. All signage will reference the specific ordinance(s). For proper wording it will go to the City Attorney, then to the City Secretary then back to the Board in November and for final approval to the City Council. 4. Discuss Park Branding. Board Discussion Liaison Diaz turned the discussion over to the Board for discussion. The Master Plan approved in 2010 looked at various amenities that should be in each park but provided no specific recommendations on look or brand. The Board did charge staff with getting a consistent look with benches and litter receptacles. Member Price suggested it be on the agenda. Member Price wanted to get ideas for something to tie all the parks together. She thought now would be a good time since we are currently working on the Neighborhood Parks and Trails Master Plans. Member Price showed pictures of different kinds of parking lot striping she saw on her vacation to Branson and asked the Board for their ideas. After discussion the consensus met was to stay with the City logo as the main brand adding Parks and Recreation and where appropriate use the blue and white colors. As the parks move forward the logo should be added to the new items purchased. And add novelty items to individual parks as allowable, i.e., concrete stamping as concrete is poured or painted on the finished concrete, etc. to add character to each park as it is being built or refurbished at little or no cost. Superintendent Diaz will send bench and receptacle examples to the Board prior to making purchases. Superintendent Diaz announced that the Tree Ordinance will come back to the Board in November. He also requested that those on the Trails Master Plan subcommittee get with him on potential meeting dates. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Ward and seconded by Board Member Robas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. by unanimous consent(Member Chesnut left prior to the vote). ATTEST: Nancy Williams, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT CITY O.F.WYLIE Meeting Date: November 14, 2011 Item Number: 2 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 10, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon approving a recommendation to City Council to amend Section 78-110 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances limiting animals to certain park areas. Recommendation Motion to approve a recommendation to City Council to amend Section 78-110 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances limiting animals to certain park areas. Discussion At the October 24, 2011 meeting, the Board continued its previous discussions regarding citizen concerns about large domestic animals (dogs) coming within close proximity to athletes participating in organized sport activities in municipal parks. Citizens have commented that young athletes have become frightened by the presence of large dogs near athletic fields. In an attempt to address citizen concerns,the Board developed proposed wording to be included in Chapter 78,Parks and Recreation, of the Code of Ordinances. This wording was forwarded to the City Attorney for review and is presented below along with the Attorney's remarks. October 24,2011: Designated areas where domestic animals are not allowed(not including Service animals)include inside playground areas or designated playing fields,surfaces,courts,backstops,dugouts when occupied or are in use,or any other area identified by the posting of signage authorized by the Superintendent. November 14,2011: (following review by the City Attorney): To allow domestic animals in park areas,including but not limited to: inside playground areas,on playing fields,surfaces,courts,in backstops,dugouts or spectator areas when occupied or in use,or any other area identified by the posting of signage.This prohibition excludes service animals. Service animal means any guide dog,signal dog or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. For reference,the Code of Ordinance currently contains the following: Secs. 78-110.Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any one or more of the following acts in a park unless authorized by city staff in writing: (1) To hitch,fasten, lead, drive or let loose, any animal, reptile or fowl of any kind,provided that this shall not apply to domestic animals as defined by the Animal Control Code when led by a static cord or chain not more than ten (10)feet long or a retractable cord not more than fifteen (15)feet long except in designated areas. (2) To allow a domestic animal to defecate in any park without immediate removal and disposal of such feces in proper waste receptacles. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD November 10, 2011 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WY I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 14, 2011 Item Number: 3 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 10, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider and act upon final Community Park concession stand design. Recommendation Motion to approve the final Community Park concession stand design. Discussion The Board reviewed and made comments on the Community Park concession stand design plans at the October 24, 2011 meeting. Those comments were forwarded to JC Commercial, Community Park project construction contractor, for review. The comments are under review by JC Commercial. JC Commercial has been able to provide a firm cost on the concession stand design as it was originally presented on October 24, 2011. The cost of the base design is $294,000. JC Commercial has notified staff and Project Manager Chris Seely with Teague, Nall, and Perkins that all the proposed changes to the base design will result in additional costs. JC Commercial will provide a cost estimate for the proposed changes for Board review at the December Board meeting. In order to proceed with the Community Park project and keep it on schedule, staff is recommending approving the base design and then review any modifications or changes at the December meeting after reviewing the price menu provided by JC Commercial. The Board would have to be mindful that any modifications made to the base design would have to be made in consideration of the overall total budget of $300,000 for the concession stand. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD November 10, 2011 Page 1 of 1 spa Zoo i Project:Wylie 2011 Community Park Improvements Date:11/10/2011 800 Thomas Street Wylie Texas,75098 To: Teague, Nall and Perkins, Inc. 121610 N.Abrams Road,Suite 508 Dallas Texas,75243 Attn: Christopher Seely Dear Mr.Seely, Below is a cost recap for the additional items regarding the Wylie Community Park Concession Stand: Contract Building Size: 864 SF Contract Building Price: $185.18 per SF Sub Total: $159,996.00 Add for"Decorative Items": $57,900.00 Sub Total (Contract Amount): $217,900.00 Revised Building Size: 1,312 SF SF Difference between Original&New: 448 SF Discounted Price per SF: $170.00 Total additional cost: $76,160.00 Grand Total Concession Stand Price: $294,060.00 Additional cost includes material&labor for: Over excavation for building slab Import, backfill and compaction of select fill Concrete, reinforcing steel and post tension cables 5'sidewalk around the building Masonry Drywall Insulation Tape&bed/painting Standing seam roof Trusses, plates&hardi board Lighting Plumbing lines 30 gallon HW heater revised to 50 gallon to accommodate new building size Stalls and bathroom accessories for added toilets and urinals Owner specified knee operated sink Two compartment sink revised to three compartment Three additional toilets Two additional sinks One additional urinal Exclusions:ey ��ExhaustEq Fans,Tables,Appliances,Anything not listed on the drawings provided by JC Commercial. 6.�� api Trey Wagnor—Project Manager �L 5 McGee Lane,, uu iiit 0 °ILe isville, Texas 5 if972A36A622 °Ilp972A36A 22 �p �p �p °,jccil °cil w 1 „,,„ " 1.'")i :1 -.-1—(14"-;:. g „, I � M.. iir rr�` ?:,. ./ r//i/i "i ri r//�/:.rr/%/�/ ///9 /". 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O SHEET NO I Planntn, 12160 North Abranis Road,Suite 508 DALLAS,TEXAS 75243 CALCULATED BY IDE (214)461.'9867 cil SECKFD IBY DATE 01 ' 011 wol., u ,u'uoo 11111 0 1111111 1H°111 ° 11111 a OEN 1101 1011110;.1111 10111111111 111 ° oleo, 000 000010111010, 11 101011131, 11 011 ,, 11000w , H1 11 11/1 1° I 0000110,11..1110)Hon.1.1111111111101111.1111° 1 11 400000000 010000 HHH H1.1101111 44A, 010, 00 .0.1 0,400 Py' p,,,, . , tilli Ivoiro'" '' r ,1111 1 fit ,„ ,p,,,, 41" 111 lo.m.11 01 0000 110 lit O. 10 1°V#° 111 111 0000001° (01 HH 111 lin 00° 10 dot:001 1110000 0000 ir , 00nt „00,00.0001 00,0 00 10010000000000000.000 V0011111111100011111111111, 111111 1 III° 101 1111 11 111 00111 00,00,,,1011 /11 1, 1° 00 11 HI 1111 10001 111111110111101 00 11, 011 1111010101010H 01111011 1H.SH101 1 1°° 1111111111 00101 1111111000 I 1 1°1$01 11 0000 11, 00 1110 100 oo 1 1 so II. olio, PR0.00,07DE1 21:100-0 01,004.15111Ctql 2g-f,r,Pdlir'Aid I , , ,, „ WYLIE COMMUNITY PARK . , , WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Architect ,.cIr J C COMMERCIAL CONSTR. CHARLES LAMBERT, ARCHITECT 402 MAGEE LANE 593 COUNTRY COURT Lewisville, TX 75067 BARTONVILLE TEXAS 76226 'b 972-436-4622 Phone: 972-965-1466 E—MAIL : crlambarch@yahoo.com GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES CODE COMPLIANCE DATA BUILDING DATA: DRAWING INDEX Ow LEx PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION TOTAL IDCT v ilJ AO COVER SHEET wsx.xs,ax�so5e WYLIE COMMUNITY PARK SO. FT. a ARCHITECTURE MOTRIPi,'N6Nr4rT WYLIE, TX 75096 BUILDING AREA 567 S F OCT 11,2011OOR/RCP PLAN orr ELEVATIONS ravis m u - °V PROJECT DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH: OT.n,2OII 91.0 WALL SECTIONS ggil61400 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE '' 200E INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE • scxc10N1 2005 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODES exoxr.Hiizl Taaz-eIDD 2006 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE 2006 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE GENERAL NOTES 2006 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: OR vaniATiOxs eR=OR T O C0.MENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. xel.iCaE GROUP M 2. - HALL,aNOROUGH15 eANILIARIze REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HIMSELF WITH THE SUBCONTRACTOR'S WORE,ALT TYPE V-N MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 2 STORIES NING�C�SiNSCOMP1=ANCE NaPH ALLFL�O NCAI.T aNA MA%. BUILDING AREA: R,000 SCODEs, B iirce RxneR ao cce EDZIOR ecRIo s SHALL BE BUILDING HEIGHT: MIN. exMG RESISTANCE —1(L E.STONE SUBMITTED TO A Y T TOP OF HIP ROOF=29'-7" ` 9. REQUIRED as THE AUTHORITIE Hsi GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. HAVING iF uJURISDS A. STRUCTURAL FRAME N PIRATE DRIVE CCONTRACT°DOCUMe S I'C SIGNED B: PERMANENT PARTITIONS N l SHITECTS AND CONSULTING C: FLOOR CEILING N - -._.- N RESPONSIBILOBTAIN ITY o DOCUMENTATION ION Ex EXIT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: UESS SPECI NOTED OTHERWISE IN DRAWINGS AND WYLIE LSD SPECIFICATION SECTIONSH OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR: 1/200=9 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 5 FCR REQ. EXIT WIDTH (OCC. LOAD X 0.2): O CLARIFICANPRIORFT T. HE TRAVEL DISTANCE=250' MAX. ARCHITECTo THE CONTRACTOR OF NOTIFY V1 F FAILURE To Do so WILL LEAVE THE S,CORRECT SOLELY E RESULTINGLFROOIMTHE ANY 5M66 EeANc:es,CORRECTIONS,ETC, RATED ASSEMBLY CLASSIFICATION - --- ' WYLIE COMMUNITY PARK 6. IN THE CASE OF CONFLICT BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND U.L. DIRECTORY - GYPSUM ASSOCIATION DOES INCTT ALLEVIATE 1 HOUR RATED WALLS ULI U305 THE OECC CONTRACTOR FROM SATISFYING TIE INTENT CT 1 HOUR RATED FLOOR/CEILING UL{L503 DOC'JMENT. J. N/A R. THE CONTRACTOROF ALL SL RESPONSIBLE FOR TRADES R DES INVOLVED SYMBOLS KEY VICINITY MAP EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS SHALL BE COORDINATED D SO ASDo ADTOND TO CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. THE SIZE,LOCATION DRAFTING SYMBOLS STANDARD ANNOTATIONS AND THE MANUFACTURER'S SHALL BE ADHERED TO BY INSTALLER/CONTRACTOR. NO RN DISCIPLI FASNAIL BE PERFORMED FDIC,S..TEOPARDIZE THE PE / Q ALos Roots rave AND xLM3ER H ,,I��]]]!!! I FDJECPRI^ QU TS FASTS / j2� 11 ,/1 /r OF EQUIPMEENT HALL BE CONTRCESSARY FORA R S RESPONSIB:L PROPER INSTALLATION/OPERATION ..RATSCN o DODR MART 2-STRUCTURAL1T 5 Al LsHeea ND. ( .�' ': 9,THE WALKCONTRACTOR SSALE PROVIDE ALL BRIGADES,FENCES,COVERS 0-PARTITION TYPE aC�ANT� ,ER_s NC. Ste ; PLANKING, DET REQUIRED FOR,iPROTECTION OFGVAMFMA/IPE on AsxeETe5t+_�' THE 5010 ADJACENT TENANTSD - PROPERTIES. SECTION Io 01RE1EO exioa AND ' ELEVATION BOG IN CHIT I�uE ,..., 1,II ET"EA1G911010aCCMNESLBTCG c 4AE oe1Aii`5EBais Borx INPERI ENT,m CF BUILDING. AT NO TIME SHALL SAFETY BE MOST RECENT I'S OCT.PkIjul \ .IEoeARDlzec. DETAIL _ .. ADDENDA urHe CONTRD11 STALL BE AEseon515S1 FOR cooaolnAT*Nc AND --- --- REgOETTE uL ABFLFCABLB IVOREaiONs IND OBTA E YUELDirvc PERMITS NECESSARY FOR T:iC WOR:t A OESCRIBEO Iry THESE COCLTiENTS. O' WINDOW TYPE --- -I-------- I CI FIRE E%TINGHI6NF.R O EPAMF TYPE 3 TAME ixHxcoes°I c'EI_SHALL 155Li11 ezcD TBROU,DUT THE '$ LEVEL LINE 11 A AGENCY.THEBCON�TRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING A MINI MMEM P,,,5„ cn4Rion05m9 A 5T OaN AND/OR REQUIREMENTS. FHECONRRRSBTOMNSIBLETR DIM 8 RF o8F s8 neR - o riRIENUI MCE AI eO.IECT I I 1` , ` B 24OAIAS'EDB NYPC�'.Rep ORB BC CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHER SNARL NOT BE '•.'"a' v P. I RRI 0 CD N GNETIC OR .i. - e.. :ROE NOATN `_'' SPRCVIGINOATHEAOWRERRNITHASCERTIFICATEAOF OCCUPANCY OR NORTH 5la TiETTAEBFxER�EG�AEEIa6NPBEYa.T°DE"'":"DFI' A0 . 0 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS onim". 'HARDI BOARD'FASCIA o Bwnux 114'O'T.0.M. I � SPUR FACE GNU 1 MIME HOLLOW MIL. N HM DOOR b NO MM.II,PROMUCK "wuE u.vr.we Rfi R 100,0.FIN.FIR Z.:.,ACCESS m rdr m� ELKAY HEAVY DUTY 14 GA.DRINKING FOUNTAIN,BARBER-FREE ACCESS ° MODEL EHWM217C wmm: "®" STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS 1/4'=1'-0• 'HARDI BOARD'FASCIA i - PAINTED•HARD!BD..SOFHr --_-- REF.STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 4 2'A'METAL SIGNAGE WELDED TO - > STEEL PLATE PLATE ,2'-0`LETTERS CUT IN ^ STANDING SEAM EEL ST SPLIT FACE CMU .. ( 1 , I j I I STEEL,A,,,,,,,, 1 W , 11 i IaEMI xadu MNUFACTURED STONE GAP- -_--- CONCRETE CCUNTERTOPS z 0 MANUFACTURED STONE H 8'STEEL COLUMNS \ E THE E El) tme _ --..-. rr I El] U a 1/4'=1'-0" a T4 / STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS 1 HALLS BOARD'FASCIA \ Or._) ___ / FARO HA�BD.'SOFFIT ----_ U f REF.STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS I WYLIE COMMUNITY PARK S;EECC COLUMNS, CUT IN i se STEEL ii. III __ _....v..,m _ __ ®SPLIT FACE CMU > - I STEEL CANOPY Tom. 1 .;, 8•X 28•WALL SCONCE °: % u r� - - CONCRETE COUNTERTOPS m ;;;,..,Uri.."-. + ~ ( MANUFACTURED STONE CAP = UII, 6 MI1i -_ ; II MANUFACTURED STONE j --- LPL_ r- _. 8'STEEL COLUMNS 0 HOLLOW METAL DOORS 8 FRAMES s a O. -. 1/4"=1'-0' 1/4"=1'-CV' D1 E1O 1 X HARD!FASCIA STL.BOX BEAM 2 ON 12 PFFCH - J �: i HARDI BD STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF PANELS = \� 2 X TRUSSESOC / STEEL SIGN PANEL 1 1 �..-r- TB B- 11 B 8 B 4 8 B B �8 B- 4 u u B q-- - _ < 8'STL COLUMN Ea p.. 2X WD TRUSSES —_ ! B� 141 'ry-.--� R e., S �_A B N a A... N d d B A:.OEP ENN g: _._ ____.-. _. -_-_ / MTL ROD&ANCHOR PLATE trnm - J lY-. STL.CCHANNEL ""�'°TM""""�" SPLIT FACED CMU o 104K'.111 K, ___ CONC.COUNTER W/EASED EDGES - -- MANUF.STONE H BUILDING SECTION BRIG STANDING N°'NGBAM W GALVALU PANELS r_1 04"PLWD DECKINGWI 3D4 FELTS 1 1 C) 12 2 = ZH R-301NSU1ATION BATTS p WOW TRUSSES 6.1fi"0 F-Tr(y GI DRIP EDGE E-iry 1%WOODTRIM CJ'—' HARD!BD FASCIA > —®® —FIT kFM as HARDI SOFFIT W14%16 VENTSCREENS� r—� Ey SMOOTH FACED BLOCK ri- F LINTEL BLOCK WI 2%5BARS 5IB'F.C.SW.BD.CEILINGS CD8H (4 2%12 TOP PLAT WIN J-BOLTS(M8"0.C. H CJ� E E-1 t-,F--1 V 1 E BLOCK TIES®24"VERTICAL 0 L1... LL O SPLIT•FACEDCMU - n iiiiiii II III IIII II iui iiu WALL SECTION 1.SURVEY FIELD CONDIRONS AND VEBFY WORK IS BUIUMBIE AS SHOWN,OR IF ANY DESCREPMICES ARE PRESENT,REFER TO M.E.P.DRAWINGS OF THESE SYSTEMS FOR DUCT SIZES,SWITCHING,CRCUMNG. 2.SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS SHOWING LOCATIONS,CRTCAL DIMENSIONS. 3.CENTER AND EVENLY SPACE FUME BETWEEN WALLS AND IN SPACES. 2 X 4 FLORESCENT HXNRES I EXPOSED STRUCTURE WALL SCONCES \2`.. 5/8'F.C.GYP.BD. .ti F • CBBNG FANS 3 HARP SOFFITMATERLAL -I.-Xu .. -J 1 X 4 FLORESCENT HXNRES .'3: _ _ �� I 3 I I II ,s: 2 co I . 11,13T:f;It r OT, - I n _ - 2 _ WOMCTS row It .3i 3 J Cl)E k—,A' TOILET ACCESSORIES&EQUIPMENT - - - z A SURFACED MOUNTED SANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSER t - - B SURFACED MOUNTED TOILET PAPER DISPENSER W W C 36'S.S.GRAB BAR(TAS COMPLIANT) 3 ' D 42'S.S.GRAB BAR(TAS COMPLIANT) - --. I a CD E BABY CHANGING STATION F SURFACE MOUNTED LIQUID SOAP DISPENCER G S.S.MIRROR(TAS COMPLIANT) _ REFLECTED CEILING I-, H SURFACE MOUNTED PAPER TOWEL DISPENCER 1/4"=1'-0 o J HOSE BIBB 51-4' ?-�� K KNEE OPERATED WALL MOUNTED S.S.SINK EAGLE HSA1OFK a� L 3 COMPARTMENT S.S.SINK EAGLE 314 SERIES Gi Z -I >-' ATER N JANITOR SINK 3o _- _. ® '°-- P FLOOOR DRAIN(41 T r— 0 0 --- Q 6'FLOOR SINK @ ICE MAKER - ", DRINK MACHINES H R ELECTRIC PANELS(REF.ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS) a -0F,,E, EQUAL ;� 5a, 3. _ -. ,P.S LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER CONTROLS + - - Irq T DRINKING FOUNTAIN(TAS COMPLIANT) I WOMEN S P =Q - - CONCESSION'S ELKAYOVE MODEL 7C H H r BC Nlc - _ pw U OVERHEAD COIUNG DOOR 3 0 -- Z A STORAGE FI AREA --- U 1 F- I c��Ii -� --- 1; K'; 42• SS ---_- c:,. .�_3.0 • s CITY STOR ss IRCABIEs TABLE O .. 2 ON 12 SLOPE M SS =? . RIDGE - ADA 1 L U b SERVING - -- MEWS P SExaNG wpw T y t _. s.o� H. �/ "NN e v42;rn DI �� G ATA Y r D R' .-n •.+; o H - �{1"---- 5-1d 14'8 1-0" �,. 1,tyal-�l}-8 b 8' -_.e 3'-0" EQUAL qo �4 4' �JEr I ��Q 2. S FRIG 4-0" - 5 I I a 12•cRnu Nlc r LL J' ''U, 8 H. STEEL o V A n ., 3.0 I 34'HIGH-ADA ( _._. Q `-_ a 10' ,, ROOF 0.SRFE NC ABOVE a = UNE OFSTLCHANNEL FRAME ABOVE MP) ,,0 8 ROOF PLAN FLOOR PLAN 8,4' 'p 1/8"=1'-0' 1/4'=1'-0' 1310 SF Bi . 0 j Li ...i.--,17-4..,:;','N.,...77 ,..,77:t',7777:1::EE2<:;:' :'i10— 1 J L 1„-,,,,,,,,,,17 '„,,e,,,,%•06„tit,4.0 „,w.::,T,,,,,,,,,,ovil,,*„,,p.,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,T,y,,,,,,,,,,,, „0 Nz ;t:t.,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,',,,,,,,,7,77,77,,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,,v.tug,,x1.4,,v,,,,,,,, ,,,,!,„,.. ,,,,,,,:,,„ ?„,,,,,:,',,,,:,„'„,,,•''''' 0 i, t7t,t,7,17 , , , ,,,,,4„,,,,,,,, ,,,. ,?!'„,,,,,,,,,,:„,'„,,,,,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•••,,,z,„,,, ,,,Q,..,---iiiaargour- ,,, idliiinmiamam.......••••., .. ,. -------- ---- ---m0 leRigispa !! 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I: 1 Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT CITY OF WYLIE q Meeting Date: November 14, 2011 Item Number: 4 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 10, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discuss current parkland dedication ordinance. Recommendation N/A Discussion The Parkland Dedication Ordinance has to be review by the Board every two years per the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78 Parks and Recreation, Article IV Parkland Dedication, Section 78-78. The ordinance has not been studied and reviewed since 2006. At the November Board meeting staff will review the ordinance with the Board and answer any questions. This review process could require multiple meetings if any significant changes are needed. Any changes to the current ordinance would have to be approved by the City Council. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD November 10, 2011 Page 1 of 1 PART II -CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 78- PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IV.- PARKLAND DEDICATION ARTICLE IV. - PARKLAND DEDICATION Sec. 78-71. - Purpose of article. Sec. 78-75. - Park acquisition and Sec. 78-72. - Dedication procedures. improvement fund; right to refund. Sec. 78-73. - Money in lieu of land. Sec. 78-76. -Additional requirements. Sec. 78-74. -Comprehensive plan Sec. 78-77. - Minimum park improvements. considerations. Sec. 78-78. - Biennial review. Sec. 78-79. -Offense. Secs. 78-80-78-100. - Reserved. Sec. 78-71. - Purpose of article. (a) This article is adopted to provide recreational areas in the form of municipal parks as a function of subdivision development in the city. This article is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the city, granted under the state constitution, and the statutes of the state including, but not by way of limitation, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 54.004, and ch. 212. It is hereby declared by the city council that recreational areas in the form of municipal parks are necessary and in the public welfare, and that the only adequate procedure to provide for municipal parks is by integrating such a requirement into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivision in the city, whether such development consists of new construction on vacant land or rebuilding and remodeling of structures on existing residential property. (b) Municipal parks are those parks providing for a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities and within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served thereby. The park zones established by the parks and recreation department and shown on the official parks and recreation map for the city shall be prima facie proof that any park located therein is within such a convenient distance from any residence located therein. The primary cost of municipal parks should be borne by the ultimate residential property owners who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. Therefore, this article is adopted to effect the purposes stated. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005) Sec. 78-72. - Dedication procedures. (a) Whenever a final plat is filed of record with the county clerk of Collin County, Dallas County and/or Rockwall County, Texas for development of a residential area (including single-family and multifamily residential areas) in accordance with the subdivision, planning and zoning ordinances of the city, such plat shall contain a fee simple dedication of an area of land to the city for park purposes, which area shall equal five acres for each 100 proposed dwelling units. The dedication required by this article shall be made by filing of the final plat and/or, in the city's sole discretion, contemporaneously by separate instrument in the form of a warranty deed approved by the city. If the actual number of completed dwelling units exceeds the figure upon which the original dedication was based, such additional dedication shall be required, and shall be made by payment of money in lieu of land as provided in this article or by the fee simple dedication of land to the city by separate instrument in the form of a warranty deed approved by the city, at the sole discretion of the city council. Wylie,Texas, Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 5 PART II -CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 78- PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IV.- PARKLAND DEDICATION (b) The city council declares that development of an area smaller than five acres for public park purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 100 units are proposed by a plat filed for approval, the developer may be required to pay the applicable cash in lieu of land amount provided by subsection 78-73(c), rather than to dedicate any land area. No plat showing a dedication for park purposes of less than five acres shall be approved unless such plat and dedication is recommended for approval by the city parks and recreation board and subsequently approved by the city council. (c) In all other instances, the city shall have the right to accept the dedication for approval on the final plat, or to refuse the dedication, after consideration of the recommendation of the planning and zoning commission and the parks and recreation board, and to require payment of cash in lieu of land in the amount provided by subsection 78-73(c), if the city determines that sufficient park area is already in the public domain in the area of the proposed development, or if the recreation potential for that zone would be better served by expanding or improving existing parks. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005; Ord. No. 2006-43, § 2, 7-25-2006) Sec. 78-73. - Money in lieu of land. (a) Subject to approval of the city council, a land owner responsible for dedication under this article may elect to meet the requirements of section 78-72, in whole or in part, by a fee payment in lieu of land, in the amount set forth in subsection (c) of this section. Such payment in lieu of land shall be made at or prior to the time of final plat approval. Nonpayment of fee shall constitute grounds sufficient to deny approval of proposed plat. (b) The city may, from time to time, decide to purchase land for parks in or near the area of actual or potential development. If the city does purchase park land in a park zone, subsequent park land dedications for that zone may be required to be in cash only, and calculated to reimburse the city's actual cost of acquisition and development of such land for parks. The fee amount shall be set out in the fee schedule in appendix C to this Code. Once the city has been reimbursed entirely for all such park land within a park zone, this section shall cease to apply, and the other subsections shall again be applicable. (c) To the extent that subsection (b)of this section is not applicable, the dedication requirement shall be met by a payment of cash, in lieu of dedication of land, at a per acre price set from time to time by resolution by the city council, sufficient to acquire land and provide for adjacent streets and utilities for a municipal park to serve the park zone in which such development is located or to improve or expand existing park land in the park zone. Unless changed by the city council, such per acre price shall be based on a fee as set out in the fee schedule located in appendix C to this Code. Cash payments may be used only for acquisition or improvement of a municipal park located within the same zone as the development, or, upon recommendation of the park board and approval of the city council, funds from any and all park zones may be combined for special purposes with or without the option to reimburse the contributing zones. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005) Sec. 78-74. - Comprehensive plan considerations. The city shall create and maintain a master park plan for the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. The city shall further designate the size of the parks and the zones which are to be supportive of these parks. Dedication of park land shall be in accordance with the master plan. The city will determine, the park location based on land suitability. This plan may be, from time to time, updated and amended at the pleasure of the approving authorities and as the review of proposed plats for development within those Wylie,Texas, Code of Ordinances Page 2 of 5 PART II -CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 78- PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IV.- PARKLAND DEDICATION zones. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005) Sec. 78-75. - Park acquisition and improvement fund; right to refund. (a) There is hereby established a special fund for the deposit of all sums paid in lieu of land dedication under this article or any preceding article or any preceding ordinance, which fund shall be known as the park acquisition and improvement fund. Such fund may be subdivided to create as many separate funds as become necessary in order to ensure that all funds are separated by park zone and spent wholly and completely within such park zone. Upon recommendation of the park board and approval of the city council, funds from any and all park zones may be combined for special purposes. Each fund shall be separately audited in the annual audit of the city and shall be available for public review. (b) The city shall account for all sums paid in lieu of land dedication under this article with reference to individual plats involved.Any funds paid for such purposes must be expended by the city within five years from the date received by the city for acquisition or development of a municipal park. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first in, first out basis. If not so expended, the owners of the property, on the last day of such period, shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of such sum computed on a square footage of area basis. The owners of such property must request such refund within one year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. (c) When residential developments occur in phases, all phases of the development shall meet applicable dedication requirements. If land dedication is to occur in a latter phase of the overall development, the dedication requirement for the initial phases shall be met by placing funds into an escrow account as directed by the city upon acceptance of each phase by the city. When the actual land dedication occurs, the escrowed funds plus interest shall be returned to the depositor. The depositor must request such refund within one year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. If land dedication does not occur within five years of completion of the initial phase of the overall development, the escrowed funds plus interest shall be forfeited by the depositor and the funds shall become the property of the city. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005) Sec. 78-76. -Additional requirements. (a) Any land dedicated to the city under this article must be suitable for park and recreation uses. The following characteristics of a proposed area are generally unsuitable: (1) Any area primarily located in the 100-year floodplain. (2) Any areas of unusual topography or slope which renders same unusable for organized recreational activities. Such characteristics of a park land dedication area may be grounds for refusal of any preliminary plat. The city parks and recreation board shall consider the usability of any proposed dedications of land in the 100-year floodplain or in any easement on a case-by-case basis. The board's recommendation to accept or deny the proposed dedication shall be forwarded to the city council with supporting justification explaining the recommendation. (b) Land that is deemed to be unsuitable by the city parks and recreation board as listed in subsection (a) of this section may be accepted by the city council, provided that suitable land in the proper amount is Wylie,Texas, Code of Ordinances Page 3 of 5 PART II -CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 78- PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IV.- PARKLAND DEDICATION dedicated which is contiguous with the unsuitable land. (c) Drainage areas may be accepted as part of a park if the channel is constructed in accordance with city engineering standards, and if no significant area of the park is cut off from access by such channel. (d) Each park must have ready access to a public street. (e) Unless provided otherwise in this section, an action by the city shall be by the city council, after consideration of the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission and the parks and recreation board and its recommendation to the city council. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-27-2005) Sec. 78-77. - Minimum park improvements. In cases where land dedication is chosen, the following minimum criteria must be adhered to by the developer, at the developer expense, prior to acceptance of the improvements by the city: (1) Grading and clearing of unwanted vegetation, to be determined by the city; (2) Installation of subgrade drainage. No open drainage channels will be permitted on land being dedicated for park purposes; (3) Provision of water and sewer service to the site; and (4) Provision of adequate accessibility from the adjacent public street in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and as approved by the city park and recreation staff. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-25-2005) Sec. 78-78. - Biennial review. Prior to one year after September 25, 2005, the park board shall review the park land dedication ordinance and make any recommendations for revision to the city council. Thereafter, at least once every two years, the park board shall review the park land dedication ordinance and make any recommendations for revision to the city council. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-25-2005) Sec. 78-79. - Offense. It shall be an offense for any person, firm, corporation or business entity to violate this article. The penal provisions imposed under this chapter shall not preclude the city from filing suit to enjoin the violation. The city retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. (Ord. No. 2005-37, § 2, 9-25-2005) Wylie,Texas, Code of Ordinances Page 4 of 5 APPENDIX C—WYLIE COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE Section IX—Parks &Recreation F. Park Land Dedication Fees(land dedication—minimum five acres and five acres per 100 lots). Five or more lots per acre, per lot$1,500.00 Three or four lots per acre, per lot 2,000.00 One or two lots per acre, per lot 3,000.00 Apartment units, per unit 800.00 Wylie,Texas, Code of Ordinances Page 5 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 14, 2011 Item Number: 5 (Board Secretary's Use Only) Division: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 10, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Subject Discuss Tree City application and Tree Preservation Ordinance process. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff will review with the Board the reasoning for postponing applying for the Tree City status and moving forward with the Tree Preservation Ordinance to the City Council for consideration. Below is a response from the City Manager, Mindy Manson to Jim Ward regarding the postponement: Mr. Ward, Mike Sferra forwarded me your concerns regarding the proposed Tree City USA application. Please know that there it is not our intention to slam a door on this initiative. We are all huge advocates for protecting the trees we have as well as continuing to plant as much as we can and I believe that the new Municipal Complex is a prime example of that. To me, it is a matter of when we submit the application,not if. We believe that we are able to meet the criteria for the initial certification fairly easily because of the bond funding that has been applied toward landscaping for the Municipal Complex and the new parks. The concern is that Fiscal Year 2012-13 has the potential to be as challenging as our current budget year which began October lst,but we will not know that with any certainty until April when we receive our preliminary tax roles. We know that we will no longer have bond funding to help meet the$2.00 per capita expenditure requirements, so we will need to be sure that we can sustain the funding that is necessary to stay certified. It may be when we really break down and analyze our budgets,that we can easily meet the$2.00 per capita expenditures. I have not yet seen that analysis yet from staff, so we are simply still working on the submittal. It is not shot down. I know it may seem that we work slowly at times,but the constraints of our budget is a fairly harsh reality and we take our responsibility very seriously to ensure that we are good financial stewards. We do not know each other, so I also want to try to reassure you about where I stand with regard to the work of the Park Board. When I started working here in 1995,one of my first responsibilities was to be the staff liaison to the Park Board. I have a deep appreciation for the passion that the Board members have displayed over the years and continue to display. We would not have a Founders Park,or a Joel Scott Park(the list goes on)were it not for the work of the Park Board. Your contributions, along with your fellow Board members,will have a permanent and positive impact on the future of our community. I deeply regret that any action on my part is perceived as a slight to those who volunteer their time. If you have any questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to let me know. I am happy to meet and discuss if you would like. Regards, Mindy Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD November 10,2011 Page 1 of 1 Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT CITY OF WYLIE q Meeting Date: November 14, 2011 Item Number: 6 Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 10, 2011 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 1 Subject Discuss litter receptacle and bench samples. Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff notified the Board at the October 2011 Meeting, as part of the discussion on branding, that in the current fiscal year there are funds budgeted for new litter receptacle and benches. Staff will review the samples it is planning on purchasing with the Board. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RD November 10, 2011 Page 1 of 1 _ = - = '-\\\ _ � ti