04-18-2011 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet Zoning Board of Adjustments CTY I April 18 , 2011 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, April 18, 2011 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300-100 Country Club Linda Jourdan Chair Bill Baumbach Vice-Chair F. Darnell Harris Board Member Karyn McGinnis Board Member Kelly Price Board Member Jason Potts Alternate Board Member Bryan Rogers Alternate Board Member Renae 011ie... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Board Members request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the February 21, 2011 Meeting. April 18,2011 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Billy Green for a Variance to Section 4.3.F.1(a) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for non-residential buildings be constructed of brick with at least 20% stone on the front facade, property located at 702 N. Highway 78 in the Oaks Retail Addition , Lot 2A Block 2. (ZBA 2011-02). 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Randall T. Helmberger for a Variance to Section 6.3.E.5(f)1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for residential structures within the Downtown Historic District (DTH) to be wood siding or composite masonry materials with a wood pattern, property located at 114 S Jackson in the Keller's First Addition, Lot R-1 Block 3. (ZBA 2011-03). ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice ofMeeting was posted on this 15th day of April, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, February 21, 2011 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Board Member Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and stated that a quorum was present. Board Members present were; Board Member Darnell Harris, Board Member Kelly Price, and Board Member Bill Baumbach. Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the October 25, 2010 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Baumbach, and seconded by Board Member Price, to approve the Minutes from the October 25, 2010 Meeting as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Richard Ramirez for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.e.2 of the Zoning Ordinance from the requirement of an accessory structure covering more than 2% of the lot to have a masonry exterior, property located at 610 Oakbrook Drive (ZBA 2011-01). Mr. Haskins stated that the subject property is located at 610 Oakbrook Drive in the Stoneridge Farms Addition. The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,200 Minutes February 21, 2011 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 3 square foot accessory structure, with a metal exterior material, on a residential lot of approximately 44,400 square feet. The applicant requests a variance to building materials for an accessory structure. The current Zoning Ordinance requires that an accessory structure covering more than 2% of the lot is required to have a masonry exterior that matches the main structure. The Board has approved similar requests within the Stoneridge Farms Addition. The requests were not only for exterior material, but also height and setback requirements. The applicant is only requesting a variance for exterior material. The applicant stated that his requests falls within the unique property circumstances of the Zoning Board of Adjustment approval process guidelines, due to his lot being just over an acre in size and that most of the surrounding lots are one acre or larger. The applicant also maintains that the intent of the Ordinance is still being met if a variance is approved. Mr. Lee reiterated the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance a couple of years ago due to the large amount of requests for variances due to the size of the accessory structures. Public Comment Forms were mailed to ten property owners within 200 feet of this request, and no responses were returned either in favor or against the request. Chairman Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Jal Dennis, 811 Crestview, neighbor of the subject property, spoke in favor of the request, stating that the accessory building will be similar to the size of the accessory building that is on his property and will fit well in the neighborhood. Mr. Richard Ramirez, 610 Oakbrook, the applicant for the subject property, stated that he desires to provide cover for his vehicle and lawn equipment. The accessory building will be the same color of the trim of his house. Chairman Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Board Member Harris, and seconded by Board Member Price, to Grant variance and reverse Staff's decision to Section 2.5.C.e.2 of the Zoning Ordinance from the requirement of an accessory structure covering more than 2% of the lot to have a masonry exterior. The property is located at 610 Oakbrook Drive, being Lot 2, Block A of the Stoneridge Farms Addition. Minutes February 21, 2011 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Harris, and seconded by Chairman Jourdan, all Board Members were in consensus, and the meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m. Linda Jourdan, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes February 21, 2011 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Zoning Board of _tte Adjustment CITY OF W` LIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: 2011-02 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Project Location: 702 N. Highway 78 Date Prepared: April 4, 2011 Subdivision Name: Oaks Retail Addition Location Map, Photos, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Variance to Section 4.3.F.1(a) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for non-residential buildings be constructed of brick with at least 20%stone on the front facade,property located at 702 N. Highway 78 in the Oaks Retail Addition, Lot 2A Block 2. Discussion The applicant requests a variance to Section 4.3.F.1(a) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for non-residential buildings be constructed of brick with at least 20% stone on the front facade. The request is to allow stucco as the primary exterior building material while maintaining the 20% stone on the front facade. Surrounding buildings are constructed with a stucco and stone exterior finish. The requested variance represents an 80%adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The subject property was originally created as part of the Oaks Retail Addition in 1983, and was reconfigured as a 1.9 acre Lot 2A and further rezoned by the adoption of SUP 2003-07 for a Commercial Amusement Use. The building has sat vacant for several years and the current owner is in the process of marketing the building for lease and/or sale. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance requires all commercial buildings to be constructed of brick with stone accents. Although the ordinance also calls for two complimentary primary facade materials it is not clear what the alternative primary materials are. Brick, stone, cast stone, decorative concrete, or stucco are listed and can be used in order to meet the 20%front facade requirement,but are not listed as primary building materials. Staff will be presenting to the Planning and Zoning Commission and seeking a favorable recommendation to Council an amendment to the exterior building materials section to better define and clarify primary exterior building materials. The existing structure does not comply with some requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance, specifically including the building exterior facade materials, landscaping and screening of adjacent residential uses. The existing building has a metal exterior finish with a metal mansard roof on two sides to hide the slope. There is an existing wooden fence installed along the perimeter of the property adjacent to the residentially zoned district. There is limited landscaping (approximately 7,100 s.f.) due to an over abundance of concrete paving (6,400 s.f.). When the use was originally developed, the parking requirement was based on a parking ratio of 1:100, therefore requiring approximately 60 parking spaces. If the development was built to today's standards, approximately 16,895 s.f. of landscaping would be required for the overall site with a varied parking ratio based on interior uses. The building sits more than 400' south of S.H. 78. Public comment forms were mailed to 33 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2011-02 Law. No responses have been received at the time of this posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions,the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions,the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 04/13/11 Department Director 1 Mo►d Avenue ...__- � _ _ ir m Avenue __ = - _ - --- — - - -it ' ' Ili ,• f , 1 e _ BallardAvenue yen .1 1 illninui itim , Flit Sheet \a p _,.J i i i i.......1 I. 1 1 I i,... tv_.• I 1 rklR4i 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 —tis 1 SecondIII Sheet •_•• ��_�•_••_••_••_.._.. 1 1 Ip4 1 . tati,,,, - mu ......„ - l'I : a _.. 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Park Blvd., Ste 120 2 Blk 2 Lot 1 R-1467-002-0010-1 Napolis Restaurant Plano,Texas 75074-3480 Oaks Retail 153 PR 5568 3 Blk 2 Lot 2A R-1467-002-002A 1 Cad Terry Alba,Texas 75410-3792 Oaks Retail PO Box 6037 4 Blk 2 Lot 3B R-1467-002-003E-1 Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. Greenville,Texas 75403-5403 Oaks Retail 812 Clearwater Drive 5 Bik 2 Lot 3C R-1467-002-003C-1 George Keltch Richardson,Texas 75080-5032 Oaks Retail 812 Clearwater Drive 6 Bik 2 Lot 3D R-1467-002-003D-1 George Keltch Richardson,Texas 75080-5032 Railroad Addn 1440 E. FM 544 7 Blk 12 Lot 1A R-1169-012-001A-1 Pulliam Properties, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1440 E. FM 544 8 BIk 12 Lot 1 B R-1169-012-001A-1 Pulliam Properties, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1440 E. FM 544 9 BIk 12 Lot 2A R-1169-012-001A-1 Pulliam Properties, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 204 N. Fifth Street 10 Blk 12 Lot 28 R-1169-012-0028-1 Dale Hawkins Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1440 E. FM 544 11 BIk 12 Lot 2C R-1169-012-001A-1 Pulliam Properties, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1440 E. FM 544 12 BIk 12 Lot 3A R-1169-012-001A-1 Pulliam Properties, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn _ 412 Dogwood Drive 13 Blk 12 Lot 38 R-1169-012-003B-1 _ Lester Gayler,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 412 Dogwood Drive 14 BIk 12 Lot 4A R-1169-012-004A-1 Lester Gayler,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 603 E. Marble Street 15 Blk 12 Lot 4B R-1169-012-004E-1 Faustina Vega Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 904 Forest Edge Lane 111 16 Blk 13 Lot 1A R-1169-013-001A-1 David Morgan Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1601 Bonanza Drive 17 Blk 13 Lot 1 B R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907 Railroad Addn 106 N. Fifth Street 18 61k 13 Lot 2A R-1169-013-002A-1 Tommy McEuen Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1601 Bonanza Drive 19 BIk 13 Lot 2B R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907 Railroad Addn 8409 County Road 513 20 81k 13 Lot 3A R-1169-013-003A-1 Victor Poole Anna,Texas 75409-7202 Railroad Addn 1601 Bonanza Drive 21 BIk 13 Lot 3B _ R-1169-013-001 B-1 Tommy Reuthinger Sachse,Texas 75048-2907 __ Oaks Addition 209 Spence Drive 22 BIk A Lot 1 R-1241-001-0010-1 Phillip Price Wylie,Texas 75098 __.. Oaks Addition 207 Spence Drive 23 BIk A Lot 2 R-1241-001-0020-1 Arthur Padilla Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 205 Spence Drive 24 BIk A Lot 3 R-1241-001-0030-1 Dwain Spence Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 203 Spence Drive 25 BIkA Lot 4 R-1241-001-0040-1 Thomas Allen Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 201 Spence Drive 26 BIk A Lot 5 R-1241-001-0050-1 Shaun Ireland Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 115 Spence Drive 27 BIk A Lot 6 R-1241-001-0060-1 Edward Grobe Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 113 Spence Drive 28 BIk A Lot 7 R-1241-001-0070-1 Brian Knapp Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 111 Spence Drive 29 BIk A Lot 8 R-1241-001-0080-1 Daniel Ross Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 109 Spence Drive 30 BIk A Lot 9 R-1241-001-0090-1 Vincent Walters Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks Addition 107 Spence Drive 31 B1k A Lot 10 R-1241-001-0100-1 Vada Major Wylie,Texas 75098 Oaks#3 Addn dta .k c i 141 E. Chapman Road 32 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-1437-001-0010-1 Diane 8a{ek€orct Hewitt,Texas 76643-3765 PO Box 62 33 Abst 688-4 Tract 109 R-6688-004-1090-1 Wylie Cemetery Wylie,Texas 75098 34 35 36 37 t i 38 ..„ . ; 3 - 1 1 t. , - <,/,> ),. / 'rt>?'' ,i/or,rr.si ''.,, ,,,,,,, 1,,,,r i.));,'''''ifyr i i ef:t JAI'''.V 17/ <,40P,',;-7P>/,'/.,-' , 1 , 4 ' / ' . f!iff/jvd 4-7 1,1-,6.• ‘,/,/ , . /04,,, „„2 5 , 1- 'r4/;;01`,•' ; i$,P)°(.,"//Y IV ''eltilill' 9/(;•>;/ .).).4://grlaYill/('''';'7`.544//'!,;'• 't" *,_ ev'';',7 di /Y (/// ,' /A'"/// , 7 f., r• '•/ ' 4. i4S• 7 fr/.47. 'Pg ,'/ie. , / •.rie/f , .,f4t r- /, , /,'''d"V i ' „I. -,%%'.if VC? ' '- ''‘,,i 7 < ,7„, ‘ <4,,,,, ,,,y'c'-;,f,A,,,/y //A,2.y ,<I,ii• ; .it„„,/ / ,t: /* ; /, -4w,•(,,,,/,,,,/,,,,,,,, ,,i':. •4, r;',ii.4' SiA( 414',0"`i/ ,,f;7,4,1,4, - . . / ( / 5 ( ''1''' '' '74/1. 1/f/• ? by / 4.15fl ../P is,'C•/3,.' • Y,'4.(/4/ /0",,,.f.////, 4-',. 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I . - ; .... 1 1 I 1 2 16 _ ...._ ,.... ..,_5 1 ;3 ; _1 1 1 oak street '1141: 11 a 4 . OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE # 201 1 _02 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2011-02.i _____ I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2011-02. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,April 18,2011, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: auli 4-- I (please print) A t Address; u i 0 .. "6 Si yi attire: I A Date: 1 ' I f e>1011 COMMENTS: - --— — — —-- Wylie Zoning Board of _tte Adjustment CITY OF W` LIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2011 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Case Number: 2011-03 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 114 S. Jackson Date Prepared: April 11, 2011 Subdivision Name: Keller's First Addition Location Map, Building Elevations and Site Plan, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Variance to Section 6.3.E.5(f)1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for residential structures within the Downtown Historic District(DTH)to be wood siding or composite masonry materials with a wood pattern, property located at 114 S Jackson in the Keller's First Addition, Lot R-1 Block 3. Discussion The subject property is located at 114 S Jackson. The applicant requests a variance to Section 6.3.E.5(f)1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base facade materials for residential structures within the Downtown Historic District (DTH) to be wood siding or composite masonry materials with a wood pattern. The requested variance represents a 100%adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has submitted elevations and a site plan, currently covering two lots, for a medical office building to be located on the lot. The Site Plan shows the structure located on the lot that lies within the DTH (the other lot, showing parking is in the CC zoning district). The elevations show the structure to have stone siding.While this material is allowed within most zoning districts in the City, it is only allowed on residential style structures within the DTH if the stone material has a wood pattern. The proposed stone case does not have a wood pattern. The intent of the DTH Ordinance is to retain a historical and consistent appearance between all residential style structures whether the intended use of the building is residential or commercial. However,there are unique circumstances regarding the location of the property. First, the property is the southernmost lot on Jackson that is zoned DTH. The property directly to the south of this one is zoned CC. These facts make this property a transition lot. As the name implies, transition lots are properties of differing zoning classifications that abut one another. These properties are sometimes given special considerations that allow certain design and site elements of both zoning classifications to be used. Beside the Zoning Board of Adjustments, the City of Wylie has no such provision in its Ordinance. Lastly,the site plan proposed by the applicant shows a cross access easement with the adjacent property to the west. Cross access easements are desired by the City to reduce on street traffic when people are moving between closely positioned businesses, especially when using motorized vehicles. The applicant has the option of locating the building on the southern lot, which is the CC zoning district, and the parking on the northern lot, which is in the DTH. This would allow the building to have the stone siding but would eliminate the cross access easement. This situation may constitute a non- self imposed hardship. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2011-03 Public comment forms were mailed to 21 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. One response in favor of the proposed variance has been received at the time of this posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions,the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions,the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 04/13/11 Department Director ,. , a 4 ................. -_ r. i� i ortm \ im i I ' 1 , i 111%/1":11", ennimmllim 1 I _ ‘ MaTtrumaii !Rig 1 was 41i__ \ g_11 \ _ _ ...._ mi riiry V iiiiirfr. — co 0-9 � l . O asaAs reas v+�s _ i� mini . ...... .. 'C E 11111 1 1 i ''' 1 I ' ' . ! 2 c) sea W 1 ":- I . 1Y Y.n.11vO J `lillillri ! D 1hul � 11.1 IML, 't,+ i _ !x[ 4 1 11m 1 it _ 4 imam P Pimps arum/ Clt aiei R+ e I re, 11111111no i unto ithi;:i.iitijli \ \ , II 0 Lii 41\.11111A6 1111 r la um! it= 1 i 1 1 . k;..z.N \ 1 —\i HI 111.111rA W b 11 la fill; w r/ 1 1 4. 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I OP Z �, �rrl Ico € ASPHALT AQAD 1-4a, C Z i I JagsonSfreet " I zA 1 yf s_- 4 (70' RIGHT-OF-WAY) I 0 I [NOTE' CURB & GUTTER IS CONCRETE] I I I I I 0 m 0 il • 1 4 f a�;Sclr',f f �l `, � 3 Gl�"""� T �,` 6" �S}I zi3}2 { f', f '4 V "aft frr+`'p�: F )/�,, t ,4-.I:1,./1- .:*':'-'•.,:i,,i,'4,.''' 1 if • Ye ,e 1.4.,..,"•-:,/,. /1-`,:!1#.4 rassaminaikl( 7.7777 0.),,,,r7 /, e.,:l f'> ..ey,•,,,,,,eL.444: . - ,;!..77/i,,,,, 3-.../t i!1•1 !! ! -,,,....,••••4•040ftwassodsommusosismagimag! AA...,•!!. ,pit7 4.,,./,/,-7•4,•• "." • r 4 t. 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SH 78 3 Blk 3 Lot R1A R-1166-003-00R1-1 , Cameiback Development, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 1130 Creekwood Drive 4 Blk 3 Lot 4 R-1166-003-0030-1 Donald Whitt Garland,Texas 75044 Keller's First Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 5 BIk 3 Lot 5 R-1166-003-0050-1 Heath&Heath Parker,Texas 75002 Keller's First Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 6 BIk 3 Lot 6A R-1166-003-0050-1 Heath&Heath Parker,Texas 75002 Keller's First Addn 412 Dogwood Drive 7 BIk 3 Lot 6B R-1166-003-0068-1 Lester Gayler,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 3205 Warwick Court 8 BIk 3 Lot 7 R-1166-003-0070-1 Shad Reif Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 825 Mallard Trail 9 BIk 3 Lot 11 R-1166-003-0110-1 James Hamilton Murphy,Texas 7509r Keller's First Addn 2080 Dressage Lane 10 BIk 3 Lot 12 R-1166-003-0120-1 J&K Properties, Ltd Tyler,Texas 75703 • Keller's First Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 11 Blk 3 Lot 13 R-1166-003-0130-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Keller's First Addn 122 N. Ballard Avenue 12 BIk 3 Lot 14 R-1166-003-0140-1 Gina Ovari Wylie,Texas 75098 Inwood Bank Addn 7621 Inwood Road,Ste 100 13 BikA Lot 1 R-8489-00A-0010-1 Inwood National Bank Dallas,Texas 75209 Tara Selene Caldwell 300 Country Club Road 14 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-2271-001-0010-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Olde City Park Addn 300 Country Club Road 15 Blk 4 Lot 4A R-9294-004-004A-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Cornerstone School 120 S. Birmingham Street 16 --- Lot 1 R-3248-000-0010-1 Bobby Abbott Wylie,Texas 75098 PO Box 86 17 Abst 820 Tract 63 R-6820-000-0630-1 Bobby Abbott Josephine,Texas 75164 116 S. Birmingham Street 18 Abst 820 1 Tract 28 R-6820-000-0280-1 Anthony James Wylie,Texas 75098 1634 Business 78 19 Abst 820 Tract 30 R-6820-000-0300-1 Jesse James Farmersville,Texas 75442 PO Box 959 20 Abst 820 Tract 51 R-6820-000-0510-1 St. Louis Southwestern RR Co Tyler,Texas 75710 250 S. SH 78 21 Abst 820 Tract 33 R-6820-000-0330-1 Wylie Industrial Ct Development Ltd Wylie,Texas 75098 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 J PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2011-03. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2011-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,April 18,2011, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie, Texas Name: (please print) Address: # &yr ature: Date: i COMMENTS: CeT "rne 4 -1-reA.. r c; rr ; re