01-17-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission • I January 17, 2012 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 17, 2012 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting. January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini-warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Highway 78. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 13th Day of January 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, January 3, 2012 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:31PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Ron Smith and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko arriving late. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner David Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the December 6, 2011, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the minutes from December 6, 2011 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6 —0, with Commissioner Kopchenko arriving after the vote. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes January 3,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Site Plan for Wylie High School Addition, Block A, Lot 2 (City of Wylie-Service Center). Subject property being generally located north of Hensley Lane at the southwest quadrant abutting Founders Park; specifically 949 Hensley Lane. Mr. Lee stated that property is located on approximately 15 acres south of Founder's Park. The existing Public Works Service and Animal Shelter Facilities were platted in early 2005 in conjunction with Founder's Park and Wylie High School. The proposed Site Plan will consolidate the Parks, Public Works and Animal Shelter all at one location. The Park's existing facility is located at 2806 FM 544 and will relocate. The existing Public Works building will eventually be remodeled for Parks and Recreation Department's staff, equipment and resources. The Animal Shelter will remain as it is and continue to be used for animal service purposes. The proposed Site Plan will include an 18,822 square foot service center building, 3,600 square foot garage and workshop along with adjacent parking and multiple storage units. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to recommend approval to City Council for a Site Plan for Wylie High School Addition, Block A, Lot 2 (City of Wylie-Service Center). Subject property being generally located north of Hensley Lane at the southwest quadrant abutting Founder's Park; specifically 949 Hensley Lane. Motion carried 7 —0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Keller's #1 Addition, Block 3, Lot 11, for the development of an Antique Store. Subject property being generally located west of Birmingham Street and approximately 482 feet south of Oak Street. Mr. Lee stated that the subject lot totals 0.2 acres and will consist of a 2-story, 2,800 square foot retail antique shop. The property is zoned Downtown Historic District (DTH) and an Antique Store is an allowed use within DTH District. Commissioner Smith questioned the plain sign that is shown on the Site Plan. Commissioner Kirk questioned the trees. Mr. Jasen Kaiser, Engineering Concepts and Design L.P., 201 Windco Circle, Suite 200, Wylie, TX, stated that the design of the signage on the front facade is not finalized, but should be uniquely decorative than that presented on the Site Plan. The proposed landscaping shows some existing trees being saved, while others that are in the build area will be removed. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the Site Plan for Keller's 1st Addition, Block 3, Lot 11 for the development of an Antique Store. The subject property being generally located west of Birmingham Street and approximately 482 feet south of Oak Street. Motion carried 7- 0. Public Hearing Minutes January 3,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding an amendment to PD 2011-28 for proposed Single Family Detached development to modify existing PD Conditions. The 36 acre tract is located south of E. Brown Street and west of W.A. Allen Boulevard. ZC 2012-01 Ms. 011ie stated that the subject item was presented to the Commissioners in early December for zoning change from Agricultural to Single Family Residential Dwellings, PD Ordinance 2011-28. At that time the property was under the ownership of the Kreymer Family, and since that time,the homebuilder, Bloomfield Homes has acquired the property and will be the sole builder for the subdivision. In going over the Planned Development Conditions and the Ordinance with the homebuilder, Bloomfield Homes and the developer, Jim Douglas with Douglas Properties, there were issues that were not clear. Staff has meet with Mr. Don Dykstra, Bloomfield Homes, and Mr. Jim Douglas, Developer and came up with an innovative Planned Development where it wasn't just to change the zoning, but would enhance the city and the neighborhood. The Planned Development before the Commissioners tonight spells out what a Planned Development is supposed to be, is not broad to where there might be interpretation of what it may mean,but is easily understood and well written. In summary, the PD will allow for 8 acres of open space, unique entryways off Brown, upgraded cedar doors for garage doors facing the primary street, the porches will have minimum 140 square feet combined total for front, rear and/or side based on lot location and elevation, and the rear yards abutting open space will have wrought iron fences installed. Thirteen notifications were mailed, with one (1) written response in favor of the request and none in opposition. Mr. Jim Douglas, developer for the proposed development, stated that the builder will build all 100 lots. He complimented the staff for working with him diligently on getting the proposal together to be presented to the Commissioners. The layout is revised some from when presented to the Commissioners in December, due to recommendations from staff and Parks Board. Mr. Don Dykstra, owner and President of Bloomfield Homes, 1050 E. Highway 114, Suite 210, Southlake, Texas, gave a presentation to the Commissioners, stating that each product represented will be built within the proposed development and was built by Bloomfield Homes. The open space is the focal point, with residential homes on either side of it. The entryway from Brown Street will go into the Pavilion and surrounded by open space. The Pavilion will not have a pool, but will be usable and withstand the test of time. The pavilion and open space will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Association will be mandatory by the residents. The open space will be owned by the City but the Homeowners Association will maintain. The screen wall will be engineered and constructed with fire-brick masonry and stone columns. The porches, due to the uniqueness of the development, with the open space as the focal point, the porches on the homes will be facing different areas of the open space. The Commission asked for clarification regarding landscaping and irrigation as to whether it would be installed by the builder at the time of development. Mr. Dykstra stated it would. There was additional discussion regarding fencing of those lots that back Minutes January 3,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 up to the open space. Mr. Dykstra stated that the six foot wrought iron fences would be installed at the time the house is built by the builder and maintenance would be the responsibility of the homeowner. All park improvements would be built to City Standards including the solar controlled lights. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Steve Wright, 113 N. Winding Trail, spoke in favor of the request. Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Kopchenko, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding an amendment to PD 2011-28 for proposed Single Family Detached development to modify existing PD Conditions. The 36 acre tract is located south of E. Brown Street and west of W. A. Allen Boulevard. ZC 2012- 01. Motion carried 7—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes January 3,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 7/, Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Century Business Park Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: January 10, 2012 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini-warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Highway 78. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini-warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Hi:hwa 78. Discussion Owner/Applicant: Todd Misak The property was platted as Century Business Park in 2001 and totals 4.333 acres and is currently zoned Commercial Corridor(CC). The Owner is proposing to complete development of a mini-warehouse/self-storage facility with the construction of Phase 3. Phase 1 was completed in 2002 and consisted of 7 buildings averaging approximately 6,800 s.f. Phase 2 was completed in 2004, and consisted of 3 buildings averaging approximately 5,200 s.f. Phase 3 will contain 2 buildings. Building K will be approximately 22,000 s.f. and Building L will be 4,700 s.f. The current ordinance that requires land within CC Districts to obtain an SUP for mini-warehouse/self-storage uses will be repealed and replaced with a new Ordinance that allows such uses only within the Light Industrial zoning districts. However, this proposal was received prior to such change, and because this is to continue a phase that was previously approved, the owner is allowed to move forward with the project by right. The exterior of the proposed new buildings will match that of the existing facilities. The new buildings will not be visible from S.H. 78, but will have access from 78 as well as from Century way to the east of the property. An exit only gate will be installed at the rear of the property at Century Way. New landscaping will also be installed on the Century Way side of the property. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/10/12 Page 1 of 1 RED K „N oDEPGDs sH ARDII o 30 0 30 60 90 •x.DwAPF BUR o r LOT 2, BLOCK A ■=I• ILEX CORN A•B oRI' HIGHWAY 78 BUSINESS PARK oM,M-� / .o2 Qy:`3P DEVELOPMENT DATA 0 SE P° ° SITE AREA = 188,736 87 S.F. = 4 333 ACRES y 6'WROUGHT IRON FENCE SITE AREA PHASE ONE 106,696 51 S.F. = 2.449 ACRES uG- r., '� SITE AREA PHASE TWO 38,585.3 S.F 0.8858 ACRES ?r -0 13 r3 S �'� w SITE AREA PHASE THREE - 43,4551 SF. - 0.9976 ACRES / • , PROJECT SITE V - EXISTING OFFICE/APARTMENT 2200 S.F _ `JO q EXISTING STORAGE BUILDINGS = 62,705 S.F. Q fl °Oda 3 PROPOSED STORAGE PHASE THREE = 26,680 S.F. a0 0,e ,°° OF• S� reaa.00 0o ZONED „I. s TOTAL „.,,.," .,..,, o c50 pp �l' FLOOR AREA RATIO nO E S S.F. ANO ULvu ,y0 �J ALL BUILDINGS ARE ONE STORY uccesTeoewE NNmLE O01 ro�j•"' �O�Pp o o f I� FEET STORAGE BUFFICE ILDINGS OHEIGHT - 9' - 6"TO ROOF LINE �i0 °�. S Vf VICINITY MAP (OZ 4XXA .V ' s's r° .ez a 1z n.t.s. PARKING REQUIRED s 9 OFFICE - 1 SPACEF./3 S.F. 6/waoucHT EROE 4 E�lS 5''''''' 24 oa + \9z -, OFFICE -STORAGE 40 SPACES 3001S SPACE/SOOOC SSF. 1 (�o,,,uo F �. STORAGE 4 + 89,385/5000 = 22 SPACES zo•POLE SIGNs p"S TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 30 SPACES • PARKING PROVIDED - 38 SPACES R20. ,.�,2 r �S r PF Tp 'jt� LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED = 5`o OF SITE = 9436.84 S.F. tik\° T : �, 9 O o Jul \�„ 'pi T LANOSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 14,613 S.F. = 7.749 \�`,,. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED = 8,258 S.F. 9'P�,�,° a,: E::::: �PVa / o. THE OFFICE/APARTMENT SHALL BE 100% MASONRY 1 • 0 7iF A �y° / THE OUTSIDE PERIMETER FACING SIDES SHALL BE MASONRY ,Ni-J20 t. -°-F2T Oo° 0' 25c / + S4''' ALL OTHER BUILDING SIDES ARE TO BE METAL CONSTRUCTION FAI�m.+ I 'AO �13' S J�ti'C � 20 z \ 300s. a3.Te S OQ'N. pl, v, e4 ./ e J� °s S� 21.5U }gyp / / S� �� 6 WROUGHT RON FENCE Q R2000 E`P 6,,QP /� ,0'' 7- \/\/ AND E / 2"� Uc �. L�� �� C J 4J i_--�EXISTING 6 CHAIN LINK SC DUMPSTER \\\ R20' E 4'fi/ SO(Z°0' • E�� �41'15' ,�C�'• / YYY/ r's FENCE TO REMAIN ZONED "I" THREE SIDES S Cj' p E\� .�{?_' ,'j S o p0v L',,". `;00 \zs.P�z 9, .6'/ ytS \ `tk SS .(1V" .00 ..aE�.--Fo�.262400 f2c i, s.o° / ILOT 7, BLOCK A c.L EXISTING POWER POLES To j- \ \ 50 2a oo J t• a�3s 5 / V HIGHWAY 78 BUSINESS PARK I I I i BE.RELOCATE°Sr OTHERS j� < V / E p opE / /N�o° o. IN Foreo PFnR 4- f �29,z / `Y ¢ o.00 S + Prreus cALLErevA a BreAororeDl ZONED'I" cwvss fsr� 4, S�1J J�, z.•, / r R2000 -''.y �',P 1 S ° ° PT::: 4 TREES LOT 1, BLOCK A '8 1"c �2 + ° '*t Pao /,a / I c ''oo CENTURY BUSINESS PARK 'LSs, ssc os D ' Pp� / 5p0 \ 8� �c� 6a PROPOSED sr ° REMAINDER TRACT '� 5' X\ 1),'?'; 9 '� F s 9c 6 BRAu uNtTS D .611 HEATLEY - MOIST, INC. cam - Raa.00 6' /�'Z / 2 �, T c '' 8.614 ACRES a.00 G2 / u 1r1�' , o ZJr o.ou� 37I,s " � C.C. # 96-0000740 J • jTs e // ' / 5,-. f� G" Rzo.°D 3, ,0 RZO,. -moo u /(C / j� J�o S -- 37,6 EXIST NG FRE HYDRANT GRASS / F` .o S - o / �j2 / r e3i f�a 24.00 R20.000 235Go' mil tI .211, 2, 11 To eE RELOCATE° 1 dp �' PROPOSED FIRE 12 0 ApO / 'WROUGHT IRON FENCE EXISTING 6 CHAIN LINK 93 I AN O�9 �O S 3.0 _ J4 3 I.1 II HYDRANT DENOTES LANDSCAPED AREA / FENCE To REMAIN 8 ,, TIFF �' :./fF // ��.�_ G2r,' N�` ..r /12 12' PROPOSED STORAGE UNITS V6 I•+M J' / _ 21,980 S.F. Mr 2 /O ZONED "1" ]669Q7'6 12'� mg N I —GATE T❑ ° GRASS `'- o° o ,�' BE USED a rn I FOR EXIT 28600' 4 �4 ONLY N 8 °34'°° W o�o te. 383,90 FT "10m1 -8 y p� ZONED "I" DWARF BURFORD HOLLr- YI • I Y I ILEX CORNUTA'BURFORD!' c LOT 5, BLOCK A 5 GALLON HIGHWAY 78 BUSINESS PARK 30 PLANTS 3 '_` ' FENCE6'CHAIN LINK SITE PLAN To REMAIN LOT 5, BLOCK A STORAGE SPACE HIGHWAY 78 BUSINESS PARK - rti For.,7% ENGINEER: OWNER: LOT 3R, BLOCK A q, WALTER NELSON AND ASSOCIATES TODD MISAK HIGHWAY 78 BUSINESS PARK 'p`�i 1812 CARIA AVENUE 1221 S.H. 78 CONTAINING 4.333 ACRES 50 n uE a'I ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76014 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 W_, (817) 642-9119 (972) 429-7575 IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, \,,,,;.;:'',4/ (972)429-6633 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS "y:,"A v DECEMBER 21, 2011 ‘ , SCHEMATIC DESIGN REVIEW FErepozm ,,,.11,PERIMM,012, ..... --------------------------------------------- ff................-eff.....„_„,„_„,„__„,„_,„_,„,„ .,,„=„=„,„=„__„__„_„,,„__„,„_,„,„,„_,„,„_,„,„__„__„_„,„_= BUILDING L L3 E 1 NORTH ELEVATION >SCALE 3/32..l'-0 Ta g' U 4 METAL GUTTER AND DCM,NSPIRITS OVERHEAD ODORS 2 r=armr" 11111111 E tligill I 1 I I---1, I I I I I I 1 ' BUILDING L , 2 SOUTH ELEVATION a) - Cl) F as , = — 2 ' wErrx,,,E.,, a) 4 MET,SIDINC.ROOF STEP-DOW. 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Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Wylie Cinema 12 Date Prepared: January 10, 2012 Zoning District: PD 2011-29 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject to Engineering comments. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 2,002 seat movie theater. The subject tract was part of a zoning case approved December 13, 2011for modifications to the Planned Development as it relates to parking and landscaping requirements for theater development. The Preliminary Plat establishes boundary lines for four lots. Lot 1 is 5.34 acres in size and will contain a 57,787 s.f theater. Lots 2-4 will be outparcels and commercial/retail in nature. Primary ingress and egress will be from a 26' fire lane/access easement from Woodbridge Parkway. An 8' meandering sidewalk will run along Woodbridge Parkway and be placed in a sidewalk/landscape easement. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. The applicant is working with the City Engineer regarding two deceleration lanes along Woodbridge Parkway. Recommended for approval subject to Engineering comments. This item scheduled for Council consideration on February 14, 2012. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/10/12 Page 1 of 1 1 LOTS __ I I , VICINITY MAP aam.1 HERZOG OLDINGS,INC a I I I x e I INeT. o,00 3 L1T T EASEMENT R 102.0.o DPRccT «;�� N MD --------------- LOTa HOPP o� ®� aae 3z6 =a serp.�w Amoy A f. o° W E — �nmmm 'sama, Meal „_, EW.sPLAEASEMEN LRGCT m 6 g LOTS o-ssaa uTu m4 o 1 1 rc 3� oynyykki Bi _ 2.11 5 ACRES _ _���o?A BUSINESS PARK ��see e�T e �® e2,,o3 SO FT. w — g ` o-�,p�3� E 2.G q �' GRAPHIC cnalTOS g w ,��&. M.RGT. e �� egg LOT4 ¢� d1 EXCHANGE � ;'r — 1.525ACREs ,=o�zabs tiO 66A43 SQ.FT. LOT LVT,v paoo „� asp Arno nn ��v E,mEME,T _ �o ezas „ =ere r Jai e. L / TEXAS POWER& EASEMENT EASEMENT EASEMENT , LIGHT CO DRGCT LOT, _ �£\'� �BLOCKAy. / s e54 ACRES ,o T56 ACRES s� y � /. / CURVE TAB. ——— 0 254,996 SO.FT. tl �i�p �s mortT 468,535 SO FT. / —' z /I f NO BEARINGB�LExo.x xo. o�u RADIUS LENGTH CH no BEARING CHORD / / ( cT 0 / /I EASEMENT wwE e m� ✓ w ,00 $Iz ;''''? ry % / / w T.172 ACRES m 28. mae ao 1 nm= v,a, k;' /� /'s w vbv v �vv ano v vaaaT. ,v SETBACKT n \fpmm W ZONED Po mo>o, / O / �� \ C_ I/ may 2500 pn* C'�T 1 AI am " — ��.� m _ ZADDITION La m ���E �m �oo mee 1 "g `° enm e e ` rem / ''L.1316. ' / o .0m14w Gov m Tao. mae 4a v , UTILIN DEDICATION DEED— 1 a nm //xsxaxmmrzmmm®m / / CT . Tx smmaiw aocr ie �T emm v aea co remw a® TER EaseeExT _ �.o" C12 ee�n 2009 Is. 2ammw nn ▪ y $ • o —g/T EPSEMENT g / / �� wE Toea ▪ �EASEMENTe.E e.eT $I // x' m oaa �. 24' L'i Fcr ecm sees yewS.nm S.' 'm e'NMHaan S , % 1 �T saammE T3a rem 2800 mae as DRCCT adEe ��:� ,,,/,,,,',/' �Q—`T I I �3a m 2800 teas '_n >6' ' �,a E ma �a ao�els m moo mee ��,oE mno "'+ ey ,tee I� , oa ao�m moo mae m.,aE mao Let ��� �,e ��//��/'� �® e N„ ae '' nZ / .4/Q// eeo�e mee 43. 90� mee .I �a ��< m �v ,aaa ,a � , P m m �m a ��� o D/D 2e..x 83a eas „�31E eve �,%r DR COT m 2n,om ma .e= „mmw .aa —— mae �sc s FAaEMe1T e i 5GG / g1/`� \� '�G "/ oa Tamn T ae2® moe mmmt- maa 4 LOT2 /�%�' mo Tamn arT® mea mmE mae 1262 ACRESg � �fat // caT. �\ } 54,888 SO.FT. M ' INSTNum Dena �% &LIGHT CO ''' DRCcT ,9� i / CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL V i /// Remmrrenaea for A meal —— No w� �✓ xs.xo xm o..... / cnv of Wylie,,' ,-/,;-1 Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Date a r_� HP)FAZ.AP — ew BA�� Aa rwea for 2watmmens Date IPRELIMINIARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY y of Wylie, jc!vaaaT i AemN�, •�° �DW �� PRELIMINARY PLAT Mao,3h of Wylie,Tema Date WYLIE CINEMA 12 ��� / z'i 3m 6 ore te hereby= ,i 4 LOTS WYLIE LINE the ,Wew certifies that 2011,and the I,m/e accepted nth Inc ZONED:PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LINE TYPE LEGEND LEGEND NOTES ,authorized the moo,to note the a and water a.sewer cceptance thereat he signing his name as a.set forth in a.upon said plat 12700 Park ntmlDme BEING 10.756 ACRES SITUATED IN THE and said Shwa,abbe pubic Dallas, V hemlrehoNe demnteeV No'(97n o-;3hh L.K.PEGUES SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.703 — No RT��Fs�9 g. ..e, ne,the ore of oontmlMonNmenteNo.,and whnem,m hand this day o/ A.D...2 Fax No Contac e, CITY OF VVYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS _ .Ew..E, oh�onO,ina adds subject to ��E a .e� w Secretary OmerKimley—Horn o�,e,E„E S wean =r1 and Associates,Inc. 0 P R C C T=Official Public Records,Collin Texas 130 nTeas75oa D e,SNte,aoo No(9a),,D,3oo Tel Noa;a/348-,3hh' a,Texas axNo(97D»82h Texas N Recorded In Cabinet Pa PRGGT. Contact: HersgRO D2wnW checked �dNo Sheet No 4e 6� M6M 12 o„ 0 64 44910 0 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE4NTS SURVEYORSCERTIFICATION STATE OF TEX.. THAT HERZOG HOLDINGS INC., duly autorized KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE4NTS COUNTY OF COLLN °Ricers,does hereby adopt this plat properly a designatingWYLE CINEMA 12,an addrtion to the ON, hereby declare WHEREAS HERZOG HOLDINGS property placed Pegues in the'ON for ount,, erelson in accordance wnb the pfening rules and regulations,the called Tract Survey, se acr s)a'; Colin o City otvwllaTcas Inc,recorded in Instrument No 20110721000760100 of the al Publc Records,Collin SE.pF Count,Texas,and being more particularly desenbed asfollows may be placed in Landscape Easement,if approved by the CN of Wylie In addrhon,Vt. BEGINNING ( )f eyef,5 Marx PRELIMINARY T.2,same being in the ea9 line,Lot 10,Block A,Hooper Busine.Park,an addrtion g m HMS- aTSo`,y, THIS DOCUMENT to the CN, tut Count, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet found for The said use 0 0.13e he18 aasTeasTSut RECORDED E 00 southeast co tbearsSetaEas,adsnre378feet H'+e, ,E ther respect.systems in said Easements acts maintenance, enTees shal STATE OF TEXOS THENCE departing the said northwe9 rght-of-way line a.with the east line,Lots 9&10 at all times have the full rght of ingress a.egre.to or from their respect.easements COUNTY OF DALLAS of said Block A and the west line,said Tract 2,North 00°0814"West,a distance of 913 82 for the purpo.of constructing,reconstructing, feet to a 518-inch iron rod found for resperdrve systems wnbout the homy,o nal,appeared southwest corner,a al.Tad maintainng,reading 3haa58eaaes)as described in said tisrume,No. necessity at time procoagaewmnssion or parts theirknown to me to be the person who.name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and 20110721000760100, acknoWedged to me that he executed the same for the purpoms and on the plat as"VAM"WIstmIM, Maintenance) expressed,in the capacny therein stated and asthe act and deed of said comoanoo consideration therein The THENCE departing the ea9 line of Lots 9&10 of said Block A a.with the common line of area a ere,an its succemors a.said Tracts 1 and 2,So.89.32.00"East,at a distance,849 89 feet passing a 519'iron easement to provide muaNn and granted to the Gwen under my hang ana seal,omce on misme day of 2012 rod found for southeast corner,said Tract 1 and continung for a total distance of CM as an feet to a 518-inch iron rod found in the said northwe9 rght-of-way line,County bClub landscaping wrthin the VAM Easement Should the n hON exerem this maintenance right, Boulevard at the nortea9 corner of said Tract 2,and being the36°2 beginning,a curve to the then A shall be per.ed to remove and dimose of any a.all landscaping ,acho improvements,a eiw bearing and NOTARY PUBLIC in and!Drina STATE OFT.. dstance,Sout 32 ne 22 West,52761 feet, may hdravr.maintenance of the VAM Easement at a,time The ultimate maintenance responsibil, THENCE with the said northwest right-of-way line,County Club Boulevard,the folbwrng or courses and distances BbIIM�s e CM shall also have the In a sew d distance,53G5a feet Easement right to a 51Biron rod A"cap found for the e.of said curve, a,obstruction thereon The City,its succemor,assigns,or agents shall have the right South 51°00'31"wWestHaEasement or am part there,for the found for the begnning,a curve to the left having a radius,875 50 feet,a central Purposes a.wrth all rights and prrvieges set forth herein In a stets ad length, fed to all platting ordnances,rules,regulations and resolutions of the the or.8,536 square feet, City of land PO chord bearing and distance of South 50°28'59'West,16 07feet, INT OF B Ix NINGfe a Coordinate System per the 3M,Wylie Control WITNEBB,W hand,thathe day of_ 2011 Bearing based Texas Monuments No1and2HEHmG HOLDINGS,INC. BY Donald P Herzog.Member • GDBNTYDFOALLAG eMy,a Before Notary Public in and for the State,Texas,on this day name is me,the e°aka' gad to mebe thathe he executed Gwen undthe same er a.a.seall,omcstha����edavpa�d 2011 NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe STATE OF TIXAS I I _.II3 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY PRELIMINARY PLAT WYLIE CINEMA 12 4 LOTS Engneer Kimley-Hom a.Associates,Inc. ZONED:PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 12700 Park Suite 1800 Central Drwe BEING 10.756 ACRES SITUATED IN THEDall Tel allo'ignnHa;3oo L.K.PEGUES SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.703 Fax Contact A'ag Fry3gager CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Kimley—Horn Herzog Campbell Road =I1 and Associates,Inc. Suite 130 12700 Park Central Suite180B No Da,,,Gt3oo Tel Noa;4,3a8-;3oo' Dallas,Texas 75251 Fax Nota,02 820 Fax Recorded In CaRnet Pa PRCCT. CntaL Don HerzgRO Scale D2wnW Checked by �dNs Sheet No MBM 12a oft 0 64 44910 0 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning . Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2012-02 Legal, Zoning Exhibit, Location Map, Notification List/Map and Date Prepared: January 4, 2012 Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road(FM 1378). ZC 2012-02 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Business Government(BG) District to Commercial Corridor(CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02 Discussion Owner: City of Wylie Applicant: City of Wylie The subject lot, located north of FM 544 and east of Country Club Road is 19.1 acres in size and is part of the larger 260.083 acre tract platted as Wylie Civic Center Addition. Lot 1 is 19.674 acres in size and consists of City Hall, Recreation Center and the Smith Public Library. The remaining acres are undeveloped and are in their natural state. The entire property is heavily vegetated and bordered by a dense tree line. This request is to rezone Lot 4 from Business Government (BG District) to Commercial Corridor (CC District) to make it suitable for commercial development and to better conform to the current and future Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Properties to the south have been recently zoned Commercial Corridor and will occupy a future Medical Center. Properties to the west are developed with commercial businesses (Rain's Plumbing & Party Barn Mini- Storage). Properties to the east are currently zoned Commercial Corridor but is undeveloped. Although part of the larger Municipal Complex tracts, this lot is separated from the Municipal Complex by a heavily populated tree line as well as the DART railroad. Because of this, Staff feels that this tract is more suitable for retail/light commercial development as opposed to open space/parkland. Understanding the need for additional parks and open space throughout the city, this tract does not fit the profile for such open space Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 because of its immediate adjacency to a major thoroughfare(FM 544). The property was purchased from the Wells Family through the issuance of Certificates of Obligation in 2005 and not through the Trust for Public Land. Therefore, the rezoning and potential sale of the property will not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the outstanding certificates. The rezoning is necessary in order for the WEDC to have a comfort level of future land use prior to undertaking infrastructure improvements in the area. The WEDC is prepared to begin installation of a sewer line to serve the City tract in addition to 30 acres to the east. Considerations 1. F.M. 544 is a six lane divided highway system that provides traffic flow for nearly 27,000 cars per day. 2. Lot depth is approximately 520 feet. 3. Immediately adjacent to active rail line. 4. No trees or other vegetation on site. 5. Provide trail linkage from the proposed commercial site to the Municipal Complex. 6. No certificate of obligation bond restrictions regarding sale for commercial uses. No purchaser or user has been identified at this time. However, with the approval of the rezoning request, the property can be properly marketed and will aid in the tax base for the City. Ten (10) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of January 10, 2012 one (1) response favoring the request was received, none opposing. Zoning request signs were Irovided and .ro.erl 'laced in accordance with Article 8, Section 8.1.3 Posting property for zoning changes. Approved By Initial Date RO O1/10/12 Department Director • I I ! I ; \ i % ; ‘Ve ci Brawn srreci 1 /1 I I i ! : , ... FM, .3412) -finiiill I L ! ; ! • MI Subject ---. i .i..• - r•-• i ; 1 i= 111111 Property !! .). xf ----- I j i-4 NM WO L/-''' i MN , 111:1P;All i 10101 i . • . ' r- !ir AUK di , 1 ; i in , mu MUUMUU -III ; __. ; _ --..,.,xi: .T,Rupp-,4ui i mg, ,. - i zit'..„I 1. Nr....d.' Nu ......., 1 A. 44.fin ,,./ #iiiiiiiiminiono w tiumnIfiku • , aiminunior AP ..thuntimininun I At'# Alli .NO i'Isola MI moi jr # stifiliiiiiiiiiiiirip 2 , ,.1111111111111111,' I L. ___. t 1011111111111111W ikty - --- • ..nr .mot ..., irdy-//Edde.kr.,..— Rath, --- • 1 sr 1 01111111110 r '.) 7!!4.Te!!:".Y!.'2?'''''''' ai' ------ -_ I 1... BM ---_ -_-.--,-- - ____ _ _--.-.- -r , • . $44 L2:1112,1:T,„„:„..„...-„,.,.....„...,.,.„,„,,,,,..,,,,,-„...,..-...„..... ; ; i I' • `/-251.1,n),,,,,F)Ed."/,1:::4,7:irdt!di%,I dgds.T.,/01;j V.je="1V4,5,,,,-..::, I I !. ----'..=':;:ti:;-d!—::::-Vdi:-Z::::::.d=e-..-...!•;:;71.-nd;-- .--:•::' ! ! ! ! r- ! •i P. . ..-------E .L- ,.' •' • r ; 411 ri !; FM 544 i L....../? .-------- 1---. , ,—.....— ,• ( ,_____—----- "".._...„„,,....1.: )-. f. ,• I , , 1 .. , 4.-.1r Olt I. cx ; , • A i e 0 11 i . .• .' 4 1 . r..., -! , _..2T1 • Ir tr.,1,1 /rad . ._ !, I.= •/.$C1 ; ....C.0 *4 .i : I II .....' , I A i I ,,•.‘v.....4' . ; r .; i .•'''' Cs . ...../..\\r„::IA I i ti• Alanis .....--;-----;-----. LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2012-02 Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2012-02 Being all of a 19.100 acre tract and also being all of Lot 4,Block A, in the Wylie Civic Center Addition, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. --- T�_ - CB=12• 7.29' W ''V °° G�S�o ra„n»z T• 64]8 Jµl z 1° wa. ,Ip-1pP CL 12618' R. p .�c4 /- Res B,49Ba° N �. °"� Ip repel a -L .E B.:r\ " 90 ACRES FM 3412/BROWN STREET cR's S89°41'S5'E 127348 IeBwIOE Row.l \, /,." c„ 1242.75' S02°1915"E 1 „1„,.,,,:, ✓< ' W+x S88°34'S1"E 2580.90' 1 /� • 22.85' 19 I ,,.v," N89"05'10, 712.26' 1615.80' S00°54'60"E ,¢r"� p =3]°52'19" yam ii �'� / / 223.66 'i-- N.'eT-3]E I]i m ° 95 48 9,asi ACRES °^�° / ro'uxA � - -AL E"o1E CI L 18362 /l _- -� o CL 180 62 I I,, 26101 GB-N46°05'39'E N I /rrox°our mev /� 0 100 000 300 400 000 ' 967`3715"W N13°32'1]^E -yyy� -� • LOT 2 167.98' 117.98' p =16°2fi'00" // (43.683 AC. R =761.16' // `r' ,=ws d =2103.89" I /w�i:xo 1,902,834 SQ.FT.) R =2103.89' I ' L =2R16.31' // m LOCATION MAP T =224.90' / CL=217.57' TRACT ONE // CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS L =447.90' / (DOC.NO.2005-0017065) CL=447.05 / I�� CB=N17°30'03T (240.983 AC.) /% ...G"av ,�z, TRACT I CB=520122'541W / w,c"a 1 ,zaa // c / c S90°00'00"E 740.00' �"'c"' 7/ [formerly FRANCES S28°55'S1"W rouu / i5 BATES WELL tract] 168.40' Foup6 µ0' FOu _U =2°16'29" %i/ uxEx / N27°3940 E R =761.16' l ce v 4a 534°09'40"W .o�xe t 1111 71 21' T 15.11' "Bp j/ LOT 3 / is w atass Ih N30°2639E L =3022' _ Ex.-�� (164.218 AC. /'- p CURVE L5 L CB CL s6 N29°39'06"E II CL 30 22' o "RAD //� 7,153,354 SQ.FT.) AY' 302.56' x/ I( 10349' CB-N26°51'17'E� /' / cat scv 3e,i 10 rvr9ia zw cola / ,a I4I m /9 WA i/ @ ] g. 1P8 :,. ,a,:xB 1'4 .N32°32 'E - �(BY THIS PLAT) /' / /: `°�7do ` /// - 16t60 ,c \{/3 /ll \\\/ "°ate . xr µ .@�/BENT " LOT 1 ��\\ o / °i e�'' 'o r(t1�1 857,018 SQ.FT.) 1'I 0 -/ ! av 00C , BB9 N30 1825"E ti _ 11 �� n \"n / \\ //, _ -11 _• 7/ CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS er,uin;.-''''' '-- N30°0703 E----/ / V/ I �_-/F -® // (DOC.NO.2005-0017065) - :51237' i �� z4FIRE,ArvEE EASEMENT/ 1.SEE SHEET 2/4 FOR LOT 1DETAIL Z /yam rERM>I':, --71. Z - -- (BY THIS PLAT)As T / TRACT II ...,/ 2.SEF SHEET 3/4 POR LOT'EASEMENT TABLES zzrz FILE:���/y. ""° ,,,t11 n\ !-1` \ SFOREE DETAILS�wrcOD m // [formerly PRANCES 532°24'32"W " • Z v gFn 390°00'09" /( ig43,o3' psEE SHEET // BATES WELL trot/]�/ /� STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT To FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES n" \... 231.66. e / \ 1 E EASEMENT 3 SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY Br ELECTRIC % TEXAS DEPARTMENT F as,uaae�+ /// ______ TRANSPORTAATION R csJn o r,rB ESTABLISHED FOR 200 1' W " / ¢- x" xB / I I /� '. (REVISED LOCATION 4,20aa,ENNUNRECORDED S GNEDEBY SURVEY A =15.09'21" .,,>£a v nM1 /• " // II MAIER CONSULTING- R =1528,27' 30°07'03"E / 5 FM1378 RIGHT-OF-WAY BASED ON LOCATION ESTABLISHED FOR THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF T =203.32' z/ 4• / 3,78' /// i1 ,an. /� FOR PARCEL NO L =404.26' / \\/ I'IA. � 003(RE 9[AND SIGNED BY JOHN L NGINEERS,INC. CL =403.08' ra xB/ a N31°24'43"B e / �%i i' TEXAS RPLS NO.0206.WITH NATHAN D. CB=520`28'21"W /"" 246.32' i (VARIABLE wlB3TB R.o.w.) aw:s,,,, xn"� _ n0/ /% \ (DOC."o.20090130000093060) a \� /„-/- //��5 NO�BO6E O6BEOGa ESTABLISHED UN RECORBEO SURVEY FOR PARCEL"o ��, PART DATED MAY 2003 )AND SIGNED I NE N BY HN L.MEOR THE TEXAS LITON, ioRiHS Fl / \\�os ABANDONED By �_ \\ _-- _ ` 0.2072 ACRESDEDICATION T/ j 4 _2939.81'/ _our UO / i _---_-_y_- _ - / ,rne.asuPEaee, 7 THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1963,TE.S COORDINATE R -1239.81tWr �, %) ,� uco., SYSTEM NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 0202 ALL BEARINGS ARE SURFACE BEARINGS AND ALL RE SURFACE DISTANCES.COMBINED SCALE FACTOR 0999647313 ® •� / T =327.93rna u o II �� 1(erT«sPa,� /;-'� ra�,�.,a„ -- S ae _ / CL=63406 I��\1DIOD MHvr ,�- / m / S05°49'26"W ] / CB 23947E / /' ' / \i / / / \�va.rsss,,"e �I'l�/ `v'O"n" vM,nx. E LEGEND o // / ce_/ J �\\ // Il z,7 J7'JH o S11°31'21"W ///NO2✓°44129 >/_-- E \\\ �i / �/ yO v.oEs,Si ---- • ABSTRACT 102.10' 126.69 / or i / 6,10_ - ABSTRACT LINE 801133'24"E ` rz / x Ara' / / /N / /i 952 EASEMENT LINE K\ 103.08' 2jj84 94._ I_°` / PO ,a•DIN ,z FOUND IRON Roo 715.26' �\ I�� PIPE gur388°08 w,c"r WCIVPART \ __// II ,Bs„c,x Pasaa"ccnaory aoowm POINT OF ,uaws,icE,al I N49°48'15"E _- N8 ------ I a,,,,c,b, very s,s FOUND IRON ROD BEGINNING B u, N13°10'32.'E I 13.28' i 1'�67r -- -- 38.85' 31(TRACT ONE) • w pc DOD,.BLOCK / - u "c., HALFF Assoc rvc. aOB,Bz» o =1z°50'oa° Lot 4 4 E _ ALUM"OMBBI R =2914.93' , °"a"E , T =327.82' ' �- CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS --__ L =652.90' Nib°48'359' � (19.100 AC. (DOC.NO.2005-0017065) p =01°02'28" TRANSPORTATION 384.23' TRACT III / Zoning Exhibit B" CL=651.54' 823,004 SQ.FT.) - R =3769.83' CB=N87°26'06"W - o =0°44'18" T =34.25' „z„�B B maAa M o merly PRANCES WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION ewo q4p 1, + BATES WELL tract] R =3869.83' L =68.50' T =24,93' CL=68.50' / BLOCK A,LOT 4 --W,/ 'f / L =49.86' CB=N81°32'20"VY CL=49.86' 19.10 ACRES wcx„M,xr' C6=S81°23'15"E m• ac.o,n:w�a SITUATED"THE r.corciw eLNfYiM1v`91M/ J W CURTIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.196 S83°28'43"W r Mo"cME"r xPOINT OF MICHAEL MILLIRON SURVEY,ABSTRACT Na 563 55.00' ,I BEGINNING (TRACT TWO) CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS yF N71°34'02"W J 40 --_ � n 80.00' / c°B1 x I -� _ FOR o" 9 N46°46'02"W I CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS 55.00• p 5l w m I 5 Co A =3°49'32" -' h sn �`m = R =5669.58' o T =189.35' illL =378.56' )o 00 CL=378.49' sm CB=N74°22'55"W fal a O . O 0 . . 1 1 1 r .� \ -N\ 1 1 1 I 1 O i— O 7 L � b I Z0 1 f P I 1 Y h'rm4n,„n� .I�7 . ZC ' stlN^ �WyVti� , . '1. rn ) �i raw„V X�: i C) Z — ° : N n O Y 1� , I ` r ro4p�w, ^ .a F !, I_1 %w" ra I rn n J " � � • /�^� D —— • , %! r6 "• ? t J it i I "red �ewati ° h .� 1, .,./ 1 ° wsx w 1 N i """.'ally"""' m „. •" � .Q.__(Th .. 1 T I �.. I f J M nn°"s�w^ `! $ "°" r �' ram".. r [ 1 y 1t 9 X "1, Fr 7 1 1 17 J I r rn O K I -1i 1 I o� 8 Y q "m I mm �,, N \ I I I f M l:yy pVMrr D I I • " hn " MlA ro P ! ''�'"� & ti.J Q I I I a.. „"" .. A ' map nut 1 �bn� M�' .. L — — Fv^ ��""A°'E'E'P:ra Sanden Boulevard 4 0� „ 1 I , 1 !w �o f I I I i �� 0 �\� 1 ... 1 1 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-02. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-2. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 17,2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 14,2012,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300� Ctry Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas 't om Z� Pe !f91 e,i75' Name: (pleas print) /� Address: 1.�a U �, eil"' ",042-e- 7rAgee *7,-4-2272' Signature: & -G46, Date: 1 -. /7 COMMENT&