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02-07-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission • I February 7, 2012 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 7, 2012 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from January 17, 2012 Regular Meeting. February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed single-story, 19,425 square foot Church/House of Worship, on one lot (Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1), on 5.0 acres generally located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 435 feet north of Brown Street. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of Brown Street. 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 Addition, developing 5 buildings for Commercial/Retail purposes on four lots consisting of 17.49 acres, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. 4. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat creating 12 commercial lots on 24.604 acres for the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lots 1-12. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Single-Family (SF-10/24) District on 1.34 acres (Mockingbird Hill Addition), generally south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way. ZC 2012-03 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 3rd Day of February 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, January 17, 2012 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, and Commissioner David Dahl. Commissioner Ron Smith and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko arrived late. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner David Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 3, 2012, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve the minutes from January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini- warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Highway 78. Ms. 011ie stated that the Site Plan is the third and last phase of the development located at 1221 S Highway 78. The property is located within two zoning districts, the proposed Site Plan is within the Light Industrial District and the existing facility directly on Highway 78 is Commercial Corridor District. In December 2011, the Commissioner and City Council approved text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance allowing Self-Storage Mini-Warehouse within Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial only. The proposed self-storage addition is allowed by right. The applicant is proposing to construct two self-storage buildings. The first, being labeled L on the Site Plan will be 4,700 square feet and the second, labeled K will be 21,980 square feet. The proposed development will not be visible from Highway 78, but rather adjacent to Century Way. Commissioner Kopchenko arrived at 6:34PM. The applicant was present. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini-warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Highway 78. Motion carried 6 —0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 2,000 seat movie theater. The property was part of a Planned Development, modified on December 13, 2011, as it relates to parking and landscaping requirements for theater development. The Preliminary Plat establishes boundary lines for four lots. The primary access for the movie theater will be Woodbridge Parkway. The applicant is working with the City Engineer regarding two deceleration lanes along Woodbridge Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that before the item considered by City Council, corrections will be made on the vicinity map, as well as legal description stating Woodbridge Parkway instead of Country Club Road. Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 The applicant representative was present. With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to recommend approval to the City council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10, 756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject to Engineering comments, and to corrections for Woodbridge Parkway and Country Club Road. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Motion carried 6 — 0, with Commissioner Smith arriving after the vote. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02 Ms. 011ie stated that request is from City of Wylie and Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The subject lot is located north of FM 544 and east of Country Club Road is 19.1 acres in size and is part of the larger 260.083 acre tract platted as Wylie Civic Center Addition. Lot 1 is 19.674 acres in size and consists of the Wylie Municipal Complex, Recreation Center, and the Public Library. The remaining are undeveloped and are in their natural state. The request is to rezone Lot 4 from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to make it suitable for commercial development and to better conform to the current and future Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The tract of land does not fit the profile for open space/parkland and is more suitable for retail/light commercial development. Wylie Economic Development desires to make improvements to the property by making it marketable for commercial development. Currently, there is no user in mind, but use would be commercial. Ten notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet, one response favoring the request was received, and none in opposition. Commissioner Dahl questioned the tax exemption of the property. Mr. Sam Satterwhite, Director WEDC, stated that the property will remain tax exempt until which time conveyed to developer. The Commissioners discussed stipulations on what will be developed and provisions for amount of open-space. Ms. 011ie stated that the request is for straight zoning and requesting provisions is for zoning with Planned Development. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council amending the zoning from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner Kopchenko voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 7, 2011 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Sanden Boulevard Church Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Addition, Block A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: January 4, 2012 Zoning District: Single Family 10/24 Site Plan, Elevation& Exhibits: Landscape Plan Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed single-story, 19,425 square foot Church/House of Worship, on one lot (Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1), on 5.0 acres generally located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 435 feet north of Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a proposed single-story, 19,425 square foot Church/House of Worship on one lot(Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1), on 5.0 acres generally located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 435 feet north of Brown Street. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a church campus on five (5) acres of undeveloped and un-platted property generally located east of N. Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of E. Brown Street. The applicant is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the purpose for the proposed single —story, 19,425square foot facility is to serve the growing parishioners of the fellowship in the community. The referenced five acre parcel is a portion of a larger tract originally annexed into the City in February 1983 and subsequently zoned residential in conjunction with Birmingham Farms residential subdivisions in 1986. The property is currently zoned SF-10/24 and church/house of worship is an allowed use by right within the SF- 10/24 zoning district. The property fronts Sanden Boulevard and properties immediately to the south and east are undeveloped. Properties abutting to the north are zoned SF-10/24 and developed as single family residential uses (Birmingham Farms, Phase 2A). The Zoning Ordinance requires necessary provisions for safeguarding against potential undesirable impacts from nonresidential uses within single family residential neighborhoods. These provisions call for adequate screening &buffers due to illumination from headlights, signage and other sources be directed & screened away from residential areas. Sensible vehicular and pedestrian traffic plan and parking layout minimizing impacts on adjacent properties. Adequate screening of trash receptacle and mechanical equipment including roof mounted units. However; note, the facility plans for a 70' church steeple and the ordinance allows for church steeple to exceed maximum allowable height beyond the district standards. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Staff has met with the applicant's design team multiple times over a lengthy period of time and worked through provisions of residency adjacency standards minimizing potential undesirable spillover impacts through adequate safeguards and planning. Safe and efficient ingress and egress is provided via 24' fire lane and utility easement connecting along Sanden Boulevard. The exterior materials shall consist primarily of brick; and elevations reflect a traditional LDS meeting hall with 70' steeple upfront. A corresponding preliminary plat for the property is on the current agenda for your consideration. Recommended for approval subject to: 1. Additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. 2. City Council approval of preliminary plat. Approved By Initial Date RO 01/27/12 Department Director Nii \V ANN DRIVE // r,FNo _ (NO'WIDTH PUBLIC R.O.W.) / -EXISTING CURB 22-5 -21 \ pc _'— _ tun LINE —— — / /� LDT 9 —— — -PROPOSED CURB -PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE -88 25 BUILDING \ %'� �D u�Iry Isnt _ -EXST.SANITARY SEWER LINE PROPOSED EXIST. WATER E WATER LINE O __ LOT 3 -- -- -EX SIINC 6TORM 6 \ N \ [R tt PROPOSES STORM SEWER LINE \ ➢ \ \ EXISTING WOOD PRIVACY - -PROPOSED fRELANE FENCE TO REMAIN D 40 I-- 8 Q a LOT] 0 -PROPOSED CATCH BASIN GRAPHIC 6CALE \ Z .VA _ - ® -PROPOSED LANDSCAPE )x_9O1 \ OCOI„I1 LDT T BLOCK 0 LOT 9 LOT 6 -PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT \ 10 \ PHASE TA LOT 1 BR NGHAM FARMS LOT 5 -PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK I I CAB N.PG 687 CURRENT ZONING:Sf tp/Z9 \ 1 \A 987.0312'E-966T5' _ THE EXISTING SITE DOES \ ?� �A d II 1 PROPOSED TRASH ® PROPANE STORAGE-�— NOT CONTAIN ANY TREES O, r I -. ENCLOSURE NTH --- YARD T ALONRY MASONRY SCREENING SCREENING WALL B I,.0,w ALL 1. ALLAL MATERIALS AND i I LI © 1 E 1 v 125 FH. - 75 50 i, SHALL CONFORM TO E CITY/COUNTY STANDARD RCONSTRUCTION DETAILS E. E I. "1 liiMIIMEM®®M■M�I 1 •� 1'b II_�_® PROPOSED CHAIN-LINK ANSPECIFICATIONS. EU © © 1 E'l 3 I111s Q ,...,7FENCE WITH WNYL INSERTS 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT J n 2,8 -, ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES N THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT MANHOLES,CLEANOUTS,VALVE BOXES FIRE HYDRANTS,ETC.MUST BE ¢R Pohl e'Lda , .rvu u a. ADJUSTED TO PROPER LINE AND GRADE BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO 1 LT `� / AND AFTER THE PLACING OF PERMANENT PAWNG UTILITIES MUST BE QS • 0 I0D Q3 \ o ® CURRENT ZONING'SF-10/. MAINTAINED TO PROPER LINE AND GRADE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THIS C \,q_\� 1 n I s 9 9 > 0 ,o \ PROJECT. 6-J6.21'ar I ` .. '�, � 1 I® 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH ALL _ 3 APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR THE LOCATON OF ALL UTILITIES �}9q], y3dK I® �.. I. WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. LH wl\ I&68I ® REMAINDER OF 9 FIRE LANES SHALL BE SWIPED N ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY/COUNTY -S 11'1909 � _ �] \ 18 1 o oo o BAN NGHAM REWREMENTS "Y�"I I LTD PORTION Of I �� 99 0029675 5 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF CURB,EDGE OF PAVEMENT,OR BRMNGHAM LAND,LTD so FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHER WISE NOTED I I al 99 00298]5CO " —1 -e'9 X , r1 p- 6 ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL MAINTAIN A 2%MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE AND 5% / \ I n 31]B00 SO FT MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL 5.000 ACRES / / 7 I M o 7. SLOPE DRECIIONHIN THE HANDICAP PARKING AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED TR IN / / / =\ — PROPOSED CHURCH ' 1 ® o WATER® A i , 1 0 00''— 1 PARKNG AND BULDNG NFORMATION ���� PROPOSED CHURCH 19,4]5 SO FT. // � ® S PROPOSED STORAGE BULDNG168 SO FT/ ��®®�� BUILDING TOTAL 19,593 S0 FT. Y�®D ®r8 -'^\ PROPOSED CHURCH HEIGHT: 39'-6"(ONE STORY) p/ _ l�. \, PROPOSED CHAIN-LINK PROPOSED STORAGE BUILDING HEIGHT: 11'-O'(ONE STORY) //L R-96900 ® ��TI �� ® III �'����6 5�1 ® �fENCE WITH VINYL INSERTS PARKING RATIO:1 SPACE FOR EVERY 9 SEATS CH�536 3'9D 99 `11 L wA. 11®®P J Invi SEATS N CHAPEL 392 SEATS / E loo' '_ ns' TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 61 SPACES D EIA J.µ ~ ©0 © I TOTAL PARKING PROWUED 199 SPACES / I 2 0 10 0 n 0 HC PARKING REWIRED 8 SPACES /� /el® ---- `F Ham'-R HL PARKING PROVIDED 6 SPACES / / .1 ® K 3RZ W B11� re ® zB STORAGE BUILDING PROPOSED CHURCH BUILDING WILL BE FULLY FIRE-SPRINKLERED / PROPOSED MONUMENT SITE DATA SUMMARY / SIGN.(SIGN TO BE PERMITTED PROPOSED CHAIN-LINK LEGAL LOT 1,BLOCK A.SANDEN BLVD CHURCH ADDITION / / SEPARATELY BY BUILDING REMAINDER OP FENCE WITH VINYL INSERTS INSPECTIONS) BA LTD CURRENT ZONING Sf 1O/T4 CHURCH / / LAND.LTD PROPOSED USE SOD AC.(21],800 S.F.) 99 OOT96]5 ip.u.:Hr.. / CURRENT ZONING:SF 10/T9 1 Il�t'YIIII, LOT COVERAGE 98 OF SITE / /� FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.09:1 / ) �) COMPLY LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 98%(105.527 S0.FT.) d 1 / . / ( , Ivcime El COMPLY JMir / / / 4 / w NORTH d_I d i _[ t ,d.. { uk� 81f ioC.nc COMPLY 5 0 _ m o= a {I�y / / L o m W� U S C R C D ll 1 `�BE C R m 5 sT ��� >> at r n t p gAPLY City Wylie M M t Ballard street n Ode n City P o and 104 south o the se building 9 corner at 104 s. wro > rEranr rn 1d own, t X ITT EewIDD 550.238 o ser SITE PLAN W BROWN s WYLIE WARD MEETINGHOUSE xEsod I F,. \. _I ,� 1 e COMPLY LOT 1, BLK A, SANDEN BLVD CHURCH ADD. c �� ° CITY WYLIE ,,,,; COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS TIE y 11� eF1 lb DATE e OD 01n6/1T `' ® ENGINEERING LLC SCALE ;. 44 OWNER NIRVFYOR ENGIMEER THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUIRED BY THE F.8885 Joe NO CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH PIBURN AtCARSON,LLC CDENGINEERING.LLC ;LAITY AND IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR spe S. /` OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS,A UTAH CORPORATION SOLE 9535 FOREST LANE 1801 E.LAMAR BLVD. FORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.IT 1601 E.Lamar Blvd,Suite 210 DJOB D95 0. Z e$ 50 EAST NORTH TEMPLE SUITE 229 SUITE 210 SHALL NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. Arlington,Texas 76011 ia,t VICINITY MAP SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 89150 DALLAS,TEXAS 75293 ARLINGTON.TEXAS 76011 THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED UNDER THE sREE� s8' ry E CONTACT PERSON:MARK WILLIAMS 31-336-3500 81]-]99-0303 g2 OF'RAW' P.E. Phone 817.794.0202 j[ TELEPHONE:(9]T)516-t931 CONTACT:DUSTN DAVISON CONTACT:BRANDON O'DWALD ND.AUTH 9DT91.1TT Fax 817.548.8430 �P TOP OF STEEPLE OV-T 7[j\N ,_,__ nvniE Mi" augE rgEPLE BASE STACKED COURSE 12 RIDGE METAL VEN1 TOTE FASCIA N ROOFING ARCH SPRINGPOINI=AD SOFFIT . 1.7ArEIRI -gOgeg°°*" 11 III ..L / ROWLOCK COURSE ARCH SPRINGPOINI MEOV-Ar "''. 'I." — - _ 4 I I -,-,.....__- --„_sT KEYS1ONE STACKED COURSE -- 11,, ASEE N/A203 , . 11 I i STACKED COURSE 10 V-A17 Na-DIER •4 -- - 0.1" ii....,..0 _ 11-0V-Ajl' TOP Cf SILL I Iiir ill _I®I le. El IP 101 4 1 1 .1.1. .1.1. Lr}, TOP OF STEEPLE 4VAr -rouE SOLDIER 1-- --- I--' #Iln.1 1. .1 I ' ifikvil WI 1_= 4 .E I i WI 1,1111 ELEVATION k TOP OF FLOOR LINE 100-0 7 \_MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE BRICK WINDOW STAC;HFIED1----M'E'C'H'ANICAL BRICK BRICK WALL(SHOWN DASHED COURSE LOUVER 3'-0 Lx7EA6RN,N X 6 ICLLNoc rALNDDIIENRG COURSE -Errl,../.;,?...ff E SS SIGN L,.:,;..r,LIE NDS,,OHSEEN FOR CLARITY)SEE PLA 1- OPNC &DETAIL H/C703 ®WEST ELEVATION AND DETAIL H/C703 .-5-55-1ZLE53NE T rEMMZGLATI N T-o.2„.„/ NG ROOFING D/A122 I I II FLAGNI MATERIAL RIDGE Cf TRUSS Pg!firT.1 12 ''''E:DALS°T-FIA . ,,,,/so,,,,DRAINAGE SCUPPER wsrcLolso 2'HIGH MTL RAIN 1.2 —1 A 1 AA 1%901 PRECAST PRECAST KEYSTONE KEYSTONE MECHANICAL LOUVER SEE MOA203 .m. 12 SEE M/A203 ARCH SPRINGPOINT W-A;T.1 12 ., ,. ATInOFFFIT' 1-I.E142" ARCH SPRINGPOINT METAL FASCIA 'Aillibi ..- ARCH SPRINCPOINI 111'41'• ric111012111 . //ROWLOCK COURSE Eal — -" g TAVE""'1)°' 4E4112N LI IN IME mm -1. _xxxxxmmmxxxx_ 437N TOP OF. M 4 .1 g 11151;AIII iv Fr( if.1 I ii iihrti "E'l If -F- TcT,Z'IDI" rnn'''- 11 I 11 1 ii- —---1.1i ill*Ii------- -111* i 411! REVISION NOTES DECREASED ROOF SLOPE TO.1114 IN 12 STACKED COURSE ., f 17.. 4. I ..lili -: : = il i''''?" ''''''''M' IM' T„or FLCOR LINE NEXPN LOWERED RIDGE LJNE TO UNDER 30 0 I m rum milmummum ux 31.21)mos_xx .-..• ' .-1„.,.....mmummr_mr, g,...,1„....,,.., ............,i.........,.1,.. .,... ....._....1„.1.„.i BRICK------ BRICK MEDIUM TO DARK REDS I MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE SOLDIER COURSE BRICK STOREFRONT SOLDIER COURSE BRICK TXRDOW \_MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE PREFINISHED METAL CONTROL JOINT STACKED USIA 04,FAHITE I BEIGE STEEPLE WHITE ROOF MEDIUM GRAVIBROWN X WALL(SHOWN DASHED BANDING SYSTEM BANDING WALL(SHOWN DASHED GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT SEE DETAIL COURSE FOR CLARITY)SEE PLAN POP CLAPIM SEE PLAN D/A122 BUILDING ELEVATIONS Se DETAIL J/C703 ®SOUTH ELEVATION &DETAIL J/C703 WYLIE WARD MEETINGHOUSE Its =1-c5 5 E CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ... F-8885 Joe NO P. e,'','• 1601 E Lamar Blvd, Sufte 210 OD11045 Ni Arl,ngton, Texas 76013 SHE, g 'f.4 a Phone 837 794 0202 N?: Fax 837 548 8430 04 1 TOP OF STEEPLE MAO!' I S I B I ,,,,,,..............:17 rsd D'' R.. :L... . . . COMP, .—ab—''' STEEPLE.SEE M- -- - COUNTER ,,twavacir,t.,,,,t,,.e.,,.„, or,„.,..,,e eat,„o;wwww,,, •— f/1 1 A To.s,r4ErrL W-A4''' I RIDGE',ENT 12 , RIDGE VENT AT HIP —14 1/4 RIDGE VENT ROOFING ROOFING MATERIAL METAL FASCIA MATERIAL AND SOFFIT .•=•. , ,,,, .rm.., n'TIERSHANDD fl'OF'WANI°SpOUT 4 1/4 1—_,........... .o___ Z=E • METAL FASCIA AND SOFFIT ROWLOCK COURSE [11tY-A77/9"1,101101,1 or ARCH — .F.'ill4101111110111::,,', RAIN D1VERTER POV-AITPN UJRZE""'"' ,w- uniOINIME ON ROOF BEYOND [MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE o& l'OE2Y±M TOP OF SILL . 1 -it it ,--- Hil -ilmili Lli „I _OZ WALL(SHOWN DASHED FOR CLARITY).SEE PLAN TOP OF STEEPLE MAO!' T I--•- 1E1 o.,r J.._ 111 1€''elle 1.1 ligh AND DETAIL I-I/C703. SI E.! ; 1 AO1.1.0N ToLOoFF SOLDIER w. -= __ I TOP OF FLOOR LINE r0E0Y-Afr MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE BRICK WNDOW BRICK CONTROL SOLDIER COURSE- -STACKED SOLDIER COURSE STOREFRONT -STACKED BRICK CONTROL SOLDIER COURSE PREFINISHED METAL WALL(SHOWN DASHED JOINT BANDING COURSE BANDING SYSTEM COURSE JOINT BANDING GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT FOR CLARIM.SEE PLAN AND DETAIL H/C703. ®EAST ELEVATION 1.„.. ., sT,EHEEPELTE',M , 1 zo.FE NV.2 7 T ROWLOCK COURSE N N RoTHEFoVENT FLASHIG Fop oF FFolo,F KVAo1,3N =RINE C.F TRUSS COTROL RAIN DNER1ER DI"=FErIllAIRD'INN _7 JOINT SEE DETAIL 12 D/A122 iRIDGE NT FFF_____---STACKED COURSE / SHINGLE COURSING oFF—. .=.i1,1:=_____,DRAINAGE SCUPPER =,_ 1.4ECl-1Ar.11CAL lOLIVER. ,, PRECAST KEYSTONE/1°A9=L METAL FASCIA ,,Fr'soyC AND SOFFIT 12 ...„, PRECAST AND SOFFIT, / 12 W 1/W 1—„,„„::::::::::: SOLDIER COURSE ROWLOCK COURSE KEYSTONE SEE ,, ARCH SPRINGPONT P.I %, SOLDIER COURSE 1ELE , 1 SP N N' IIIDY-713/,IARCH RICPOIT '-'- ' I'LlallItlitl, COL. ,SE -i _ r0V-Ar F'RgoLO'CNS°CgER'S/E 0111M119011 r0E0Y-Ar VOPUR'SFE"L'E' ill IA r- 1....1 Y1-5T2Ti i;i -111-1 j El ,i. ,...,, ii \-TOP OF SOLDIER ELEVATION ELEVATION L I ,..,....t 111171r11111 F.FFFFF.FF IR,AFEE ..F FF '--='. t - ' (112]....L . . ........ . ...11.-. ,—.-Ei .. , i.„ COURSE 100, k00.-0. 10P OF FLOOR LINE Lo-iii.iiii_1=1111,04 1-II I t \_ REVISION NOTES DECREASED ROOF SLOPE TO 4114 IN12 LOWERED RIDGE UNE TO UNDER 30,0" MENRSHAENDD DST/SPOUT BRICK CONTROL JOINT MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE WALL(SHOWN DASHED WINDOW STACKED PREFINISHED METAL COURSE GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT STOREFRONT SYSTEM BRICK SOLDIER COURSE BANDING MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE SOLDIER COURSE BRICK WALL(SHOWN DASHED BANDING BRICK MEDIUM TO DARK REDS FOR CLARITY)SEE PLAN FOR CLARITY).SEE PLAN FASCIA WHITE AND DETAIL H/C703. ®NORTH ELEVATION AND DETAIL H/C703. STEEPLE WHITE ROOF MEDIUM GRAVIBROWN F, BUEDING ELEVATIONS WYLE WARD MEETINGHOUSE CITY OF WYLIE -• 0i, g'i COLLE COUNTY, TEXAS HI; DATE ,1,4 ENGINEERING LLc SCALE ; 0' F-8885 Yll•r! JOB NO , 2,„ 1601 E. Lamar Blvd, Suite 210 0011045 LL,' Arlington, Texas 76033 SHEET ' :64,.' Phone 81 7,794,0202 04 Fox 817.548,8430 1-1 '/ �.„ IlliceralLAINIPCS.VOW tEREE FORM YRJPON HOL, ® LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE felon YEAJ N II I DECOMPOSED CREATE u1al nPt REoeuD oaOVENSEENEDJRe�u In.LoaoPErau telReeuo .�Hoax FRUTFoao REE FOR, PLv xouv'iy 4 L rW � 0 > Q � �����°a�°�°°�. A A.� 1 ®� core �;PLANT LIST En W I � i� n ,A R I. I } OTY MATERIAL SIZE SPECIFICATION K ..�^ 1b—II c noorexELCH us - �_ +A oEcoTH HERD txuLcl 20 LIVE OAK 4"GAL 16'HT,5'GP. m 4W LR rc 1JL.H r LEACH OUERCUS ARGINIANA NUSERY GRO'!IN W W :slluPLE io,uRCP OECD. Rocxx MULCH W w.NRE use 1 GRANITE ELCN J 12 BALD CYPRESS 4'CAL 14'HT..�'SP. F' Q EOBUc c 6DI SNORE JUx PEA 0,LIVE OAK Q (604LROPE oae a o., nP,21 Roc TA%ODIUM DISTICHUM NUSERYGRO'1M 0 21 MAPLE 4CHL. 16 HT..t SP. Wg. PH No nN 1 ll.PLE - A ACER R.'OCTOBER GLORY' NUSERY GROL'IN 1. IMP 0 W 9 T I THORNENE �I , '�— L - I , e li _ — 6 CEDAR ELF CRA551FOLIA 4 GAL CONTAINER 5'SP U I �. o � + — LINO, 38 REESE 2"CAL. 10 HT.,3'SP. _ CERGIS G.TE%ANA NUSERY ORO., II OK Et PUDDLE1 l� 'g PEERED vv ID 19 CRAPE MYRTLE 45 GAL BHT,9'SP. ,C1311 ry ERCREEPER ��. i •I M 0 0 0 0 0 0 1_ OS 521SHORE JUNIPER LAGERSTRONIIA RED Mi,TREE FORM orerore„r`n sreoerc xuici Mt irvP �olx , . 6 DESERT MELON! 45 GAL. 6'HT.,3'SP. CHILOPSIS LINFAAIS Nl.i..TREE FORM `� souo soo I� UM w,NO Na �. ' O Oral F RocttvuLCH .[cnRlss,Hoax R;onLs cv R[as 19 FOSTER HOLLY 30 GAL 0'HT,2'SP. e ]I SHEER L LINO, ® ILEX A.'FOSTER' TREE FORM 1 1543,10 GYPPED sr�p :." 41—I L �° : 10 YFUPON HOLLY' 300FL. BHT..3'SP IIEE. „ I$' 1 oPE K ILEX VOMITORIA(FEMALE) MULTI-TRUNK f 4- HI FONTER HOLLY 40 LOROPETALUM 10 GAL 4'HT.,3'SP. ORE IEcoRAnvE Rocrcn uLw ■ 5 rnrvu,�n nv _ Ir 15PLE � LOROPETALUM 0:LORRAINE" FULL FORM _ 46 NE BURFOROHOLLY 10 GAL 4'HT..3'GP. ik i a o u roP. I� ILEXBURNUTAFORD BUFFOHOLLY 1 NA L. FULL FORM / ,,mare1E �� manE 31 CARISSA HOLLY ]GAL. 3'HT..3'SP. DECO POSED GRANT LLcI nPl 1 ILEX C.'GARISSA' FULL FORM % SRI • 20 S: E ;PINE:: 85 INL.' FULL FORM ERocu osEo GRANITE ■ 9GYRISSA Holy 31 RED YUCCA 6GAL 30HT,30"sP. ''RureawaER �_ 10 N.w nP °BD:E oR n ■ HESPERALoA PARVIFouA FULL FORM $ `�MIN NR-� — HOREauNIPER 95 NHNOINA ecHL. 24•HT.24'sP. NDwu HanrHOR4 fr �!V ®0 0 M M 0 °`O ° • �1 oLuo NANDINA'GULF STREAM' FULL FORM Iw • ,�� F ]s MP FOUNTAIN GRASS 3 GAL 18HT,18'SP H‘Be1 itHS IliL 't P E'R TM ' LE �•'e" i� s — iuRIOPE PENNISETUM HAMLIN 180C 360 SHORE JUNIPER 3GAL. I2 HT.,13'GP. ,' oPE 11 III O soorra PE1. I �� T JUNIPERUS CONFERTA 180G. II/ !\ 'A R I II ..uo� ' 1I �g 1920 PURPLE;rJINTERCAEEPEA 1GAL BHT,B'SP. . Aito.—s� s Ep1K V® EUONYMUS WLORATUS 120E z MAPLE oaEdux PER JI FOSTER Lrn1 HOLLY 0oavos H _ ]sro uRIOPE icAL. FULL POTS / I� :ROPE uL eso LROPE oEcoRAIHID Hnuuul C nEreocrc�VLcx oEOAIDA EROcrcxuLw LIRIOPE M.'BIGBWE' 12'O.C. NOiE.NURSERY GRO'!:N CONTAINER GPO'+:N CM 1( 0 //01) NHS RDDP T I� 1 RF�RRwRH e I 4 �f a s re LIVE OAK I ABACI- H or, IONE ��®gall �If L- 'APE 4A ARC 6aurre w ram r RURFRR, BUILDING ELEVATIOIMo"A WYLIE WARD MEETINGHOUa. SE HR„4 4 OF WYLIE IOItpy Ig g — COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS dg " on.E a' LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN N07E. r OD v3T12 A 45 SCALE ED 1 GRAPHIC SCALE �. � NERELa�rREx GaeAEE INTO EER I N DeaFTHEPRo,E4rreNDE NOTE,TETOSEFULL.IRRIGATED.ro„ NERFAS a`s n ` '" _ AN nuiouTIC SPRNKLER SYSTEM NOHIH or DRIP IRRIGATOR ANDP4Ivr MRT_R�rHE ECERATEREcrcxuLCH ENGIN GLLCENDDREED ENE USE,P45,1,BEDE VERSUS 1-4,XIDEX IN ERNE,TC.TREE DEVANTREE 1/8.1 0. 8885 JOB NO 9 ae,s 1601 E Lamar Blvd, Suite 210 n •'• co=r!INql - ao o4s �P P Arlington, Texas 76011 =66 geaE ,;.°, ,,. Phone 817 794 0202 �'°' Fax 817.548.8430 7 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Sanden Boulevard Church Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Addition, Block A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: 01/05/12 Zoning District: Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of Brown Street. Discussion The applicant is proposing a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. The purpose for the plat is to establish legal boundaries of the 5 acre tract and dedicate the necessary easements to accommodate the development of the proposed church/house of worship campus. This property was originally annexed in early 1983 and subsequently zoned for residential purposes in 1986. The current applicant proposes to redevelop the property for Church/House of Worship uses. A site plan is on the current agenda for your review and consideration for approval. The Preliminary plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is recommended for approval subject to: 1. Additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. 2. City Council's approval of plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/27/12 Page 1 of 1 LEGEND— VICINITY MAP NOTES. DINER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYORS CERIIFlCAIE Ei r .boom wo ma roam ��v 1 1)The bass o1 bearings Hat is the most r esentetl on this STATE OF TEXAS M COUNTY OF COLLIN)( Know All Alen By these Presents: Ali O novvarne of Birmingham A trecorded in Cabinet west PAW)a Thal t the field Jored this plot ond ohn made a p on Mot pond accurate tl vowry va< IL . Nriliripi ' Real Property Records or Collin County,Texas WHEREAS CORPIXtAllC OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS and and that the cornermonuments rdancehown lhe'eaf ewere properly Suhdivis�on p r o,noneora o CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS,,a corporation sole g Bons or Inc/own or Prosper,ToTos with n 2)Sportrod fond sil oted in the D.WH W11oms Survey,AOsf oclallo.1021 and 00 ` ce and the CharlesAtterb,Survey,Abstract No.22.City of Wylie,Collin County.Texas, In r Za1 addition ° ed 629.406 a e trod o odd d Special Dated Ibis e day o so 0 40 BO feet sov m,rover Me I t d g t t d b d gOpe nm tsmetes e count g are pan w Phaseonly Deed to Birminghom Lond.Ltd,No.94-0029675,Deed Records. of o "PRELIMINARY.THIS DOCUMENT SHALL •ao. II NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE" i; 8-r SCALE: 1"=40' ea""" I 3)Pop y zo ed SF 0/24 Sc O Milrlift.411 tract and the i a ro �' °wove,of Lot Black n FP.L.B No 3889 +YBO. m'R, J on of INg Paogen687..1 Plato Records.Collin Cou tY.rode width purrs RO recorded �syda°;ese,oa°. easterly ar y rs a s d(va w): so:..- / A [ THENCE o distance or 46825 feet loth 8,322"East.along the an/z th awn rod round for the northeast of said B,mingham Farms. muNi oFTEo a s)�( HE0.s \ (ea mB) .j?'H ' e once or tetTO feel fo 0 1/Pairon rod round for parr Farms a �msnmyno of y ond officer se name d Public R.subscribed Jr. e to ' be ANN DRIVE e person a THENCE 5 T/2 n rod instrument, , E M. 50 wl fn Pua c r0'0 or the southeast purposes and considerations therm expressed and n the capacity therein \ o1]O N• S1p MX, "ty EsnL(Caw.N.Pg eeTJ M'� /// southwestGIVEN UNDER,20MY aND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the y of HENCE N 12 _ -- e.20 ,' aforementioned easterly 9 Y / 2.'iron rod 11 -- --_ N.13. u%' EH n dius of 969.00 feet and a �T chard North 26 30 Eastthe, 4D Nofory Public,stole of TEXAS ya eWW 2 25'BalahgLae ' THENCE carve to the elf and costerr '9 Y Doe. v / lcao.x,Po.23, e g 1 --____ thrown central a a or23 for on c distance o a \ \H\Q Block Q 1/2'9 n rod being the beginning ofto h rt h 'g f \8.P 8A,*Ugham Favaw Lore 559.00 feet and a chord which bears North e1114 04"East distance o1 348.79 ' ) _1 Q/1? g Phase 2A -pas feet; 1 e\ale Lor, - r 12 Cab.PI,Pg.887 , THENCE said easterly right of DEgCAIION STATEMENT 1 "_1.\ " ror T r r 4 _ L"t, fine.along said da cenlro curve o the left 3621 4 for an g rc distance of 354,71 feel NOW.THEREFORE.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 1 Sid L"1 s �,r Txe+one o/rand POINT OF BEGINNING ondemnlo n'ng221T Boo sgnogie 0 owes THAT THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.a Utah 1`I described prcorporation operly does os SANDER oBOULEVARt this D oCHURCH°ating the ADDITION on additionave b 1 8T4 to the City of Kyle Collin County,T and does hereby dedicate nto tithe 9 1 1pobl,c use forever the streets i1: I - Recommended for Approval f any building's,fences,trees.shrubs,or otherimprovements or growths P.4. JI v ^"�-• 5 67V3'27 .AF o Commission I 4.i. E Dole which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction.maintenance o opy of these easement strips I .�.o City exae g y oW ror end any a n and a stor efficiency of its respective systems rips neir�otng I VA P I 'I I Approved for Construction" of ny m r.-<o g or o�on round) S Dole' Texas. once rues regulations and resoutons or the y Wy;ee 31 `C'9. y Y y Te.os SW Ma or,CI of Wylie, :maaaama c w6y�lY Y Y ie os u,ry EAHKEN, i a SAINTS, N B,v Mayor.City of Wylie, I I O sF 1 I ✓ se.sa Wylie. ' , The undersigned.the City Secretory of the City of certifies thot the foregoing find plot of Remand I p 53 /` the City or Wylie was ma Council Authorized Agent 6 94 DD2P6T5AM D ; 21 T.T 5 \Iformal forth 1 d 'd d d C f authorized f Mayor to note STATE OF UTAH M I 2' I ceplonce thereof y signing his name os hereinobove subscribed, COUNTY OF SALT LAKE M I Wa 1 2 0 1 Witness y and this y r A.O,2012 On fh9 day of 2012 personally appeared I SANDEN BOULEVARD CHURCH ADDDTION I Iykas°la I d 3B'21'29' 3 5. 0 UICTUS/2 7 800 S�. C I Sfcretor me thenu he TOFF LA OF PRESIDING DP / R=559.013', I Y y CHURCHRs OF LATTER-DAY a Utah I L 354.7 /g I wNe Texoe prat wedged before that ed to ror2gC Tq /CH=N 1114'De Remainder of instrument os Authorized Agent for the CORPORATION OF THE L4 348.7e IVA i - BRMNGHAM2 A9675 ND LTD SHOP OF TNE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAV SAINTS.a Utah I A Portion or corporation ofsaid Corporation:and thol said instrument isthe free and oluntary oct of soid Corpora.,for the uses ond purposes therein BIRNBHAM LAND,LID / / / MI34-0029675 su ,strum t o a'I Lbrporat'on and that sad Corpoerat'onsod / ,9' e;,,culed the some. 3 No,- Public in ono!for lhe /I E3d 6s75. �e]nz , _ 96 .4 E,: y Commission E;:p.en on. Stole al uTAe if ,H Cx 02'23'30" ,/ d — z e �g F R 909 00' • / r2 .FA-SEMEN, L a:1.45'�_ :2-, Cy-N 28"3'0t'E \ x +nTa ec sass N. 9 - / L.0 404s' s 2 w /" rya rye--a / ,,,..i�/ Aaa36 ESM,. N a7ro3zr PRELIMINARY PLAT For Review Purposes Only w 643.Bs SANDEN BOULEVARD CHURCH ADDITION /g OUT OF THE °/ Remainder of D.W.WOLLWAS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1021& BIRM NGHAM LAND,LTD94 0029675 CIMAIRLES ATTERE111R0°SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.22 // COTY OF WYLOE,COLLOIN COUNTY,TEXAS 5.000 ACRES/ONE LOT APPLICANT ENGINEER SURVEYOR OWNER THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.o Utary corporation sole 100 ,Street t60t East Suite Suite L2100 Blvd. 953 e229 Solt Lake Lane r2th E y, ton 84150 Street Suite O Plano,Texas 75074 , Dallas,Texas75243 (972)422-0698 Arlington. 794-0202 0 (21EO 328-3500 ?At Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 Date Prepared: 01/24/12 Zoning District: PD2003-01 Site Plan, Landscape Plans, Exhibits: Elevations & Tree Mgmt Plan Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Centre Phase 1, developing 5 buildings for Commercial/Retail purposes on four lots consisting of 17.49 acres, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 5R developing a single story building for Commercial/Retail purposes on one lot consisting of 17.49 acres, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbrd_e Parkwa . Discussion Owner: Clark Street Development Applicant: Winkelmann &Associates,Inc. The property owner/applicant is proposing to develop a commercial/retail center on 12 lots. This initial phase will consist of four lots: Lot 1 will contain a 113,531 s.f. food store facility. Lot 2 will contain three retail buildings Shop "A" 10,400 s.f., Shop "B" 11,000 s.f. and Shop "C" 8,000 s.f., Lot 12 a will contain a 236 s.f.vehicle fuel center. Primary access to the development will be provided via two 30' fire lane and access drives from FM 544 and three 30' fire lane and access drives from Woodbridge Parkway. The site meets and/or exceeds the PD Regulations and the 2003 Zoning Ordinance's Site, Landscape &Architectural Design requirements. The subject development is the first phase of an overall Commercial Center consisting of retail and entertainment uses, including but not limited to a 2,002 movie theater. The remaining eight lots of Woodbridge Centre Phase I will be site planned and developed separately. A Separate Instrument (DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS) must be executed by the subject property owner and the adjacent property owner of 2610 W FM 544, Abstract A1061 I& G N RY Co Survey, Tract 8. The Applicant/Owner must file the proper documentation to secure the offsite fire lane and access easement. The Separate Instrument is worded as such that the agreement will run with the land regardless of owner(s). The Declaration must be filed in Collin County prior to the issuance of any permits. Recommended for approval with the stipulation of masonry wrapped canopy columns on the fueling stations and subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. A Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/25/12 Page 1 of 1 , FLOOD NOTE 'cl AisK. 4 '�°: oN CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE nez e0oe tna p�°p y C • sEa� T -� '�� �! N0. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CN.L CN.B LINE q BEARING DISTANCEwtnn Flood Zone%. (d^^ 0' 30 60 120' i 6= ,A � 5 09 58 20 06 20 85 ' �, , R 45 DG soEwuA � , 1243 N66 p559 E N027�33 W � a s�0 e r 60 L 9e a --,,, L6 S75160R.E n f.( BM1L 9se .. - '� x C5164 ry E . O1 gn,ID'RATI a B)Ba ps e f,OEwus LOT 6 6@.BB' DEDICATION o C7 ` le'''''' 32 '0.080 ACRES- R 888500 - N. 71 S3 E Q&5 S (3,923 s.it) E re LEGEND 1. 099 A WO Ch386.77'L-363.70 co ra ao tv on ine° °Neal°urve__ . e"bad ° art of FIRE LANE Lam' Ao� \.�lpar ��sRIOGhP ChB 5131520•W anvcM[n. ��uE VICINITY MAP CLOSE 'tA ARk s s - - 0-G13'26'ES y�° "PI O SCALE �� ulTZEN0 " �` ^ _ 834.50' D F3 ;; law°A'AV _________,--- NOT TO j ocwuK HOPPING CENTER SIGN t98:36- F _-2ff5- - _ - e SIDEWALKCM1 L 195.91' CENTREWOODBRIDGE aZONING ALL LOT-PD 2003-D1 J __ P I ®I LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 316 LAND 536,981 sf 145,675 sf 54,367 sf / _ ^ I I(v1 AREA 12.21 Ac. 3.34 Ac. 1.24 Ac. _ USE GROCERY RETAIL RETAIL LOT'I - ' �I \ � STORE 0.90 Ae. N IWW . LOT ml PKG.SPCS.REQ D. r 2 r 2 52 1.13 As. Obl M. " - 1 v�2 ar 1 per 20o sf 1 per 200 sf \ LOT 2 m PKG SPCS PROV. 602 136 56 FUTURE AC � $ � 5.0 NIN. 5.D NIN. 60 NIN. 0 Y \ , 2 ,_'v�I \ 3,J4 A ES I�\ i w w F H.C.PKG.REVD. 13 6 3 -E%ISTIN.. -1 6 '''' ' M I �T 4 I o0 HC.PKG.PRO, 14 6 3 _ p DRIVE ter' Ne BLDG.AREA 113,531 sf 26,OOD s! 10,400 si S LT' �PLDESiRIAN W4LKWAY, ' L SH PS ` �� rzi' 3 T,a 07 COVERAGE 2D.8% 18.3R 18.8R o 172 A --- _ 000 SF n J v 0.400 SF A 11 LOT AL s PETAL5,po sF C G o o 0.79 AP. o� ��- I EE 533.00 I F.F.E.532 00. b k01 W LOT 3 a I I EE s3 00 $qU ' � ZONING ALL LOTLN PD 2003t D1 I I o `.°1 1.20 M. I AP, - �3 2 Q LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 y • ® 'Pk \ "9 ; 24 . 178__ LOADING AREA LAND 35,448 sf 49,368 sf 43.481 sf z AREA p.81 Ac. t.13 Ac. 0.99 Au IRrr � � I o V USE CONCEPTUAL ONLY PKG SPCS.REVD LOTS Fri \ \ \�\ \\\\��� tts �� , \.. C2 0b0 M. PKG.SPCS PROV. \ /aP=OESTRIPN WALKWAYJ ' \®I I ° w. H C.PKG.REVD. ' I L' \ I ELf H.C.PKG.PROV. m \ ® 4 BLDG.AREA \t RELEASE VALVES �, COVERAGE � ���� 'Ne T. �, I Q 1. WOODBRIDGEPHASE I Er! A I OPPNG CENTER SIG, • . > w 1-1-1ZONING ALL LOTEN PD 20D3-D1 `ae ° u\ \\T I Q H U LOT) LOT 8 LOT 9 5 y wu V - T I I CLOSE L0b]TAe.AU 0 \ \ \ \4 \ �� FOOD STORE I 0_Z< LAND 39.31 sf 34.604 sf 38,639 of EXISTING : 0 113,531 S.F.. AREA 0.90 As. 0.]9 An. 0.08 Ac. -� , w �: DRIVE - , MARKETPLACE PRELIMINARY w U USE CIXJCEPIUAL ONLY I rT I3 H fl FOOTPRINT PKG.SPCS.REO'D. � I e E ye \ -\• \ �a F.F.E.=538.00 = I (n W I17 PKG SPCS PROV. Rn8308 I ,:°:u• S LOT a 0 I I N Ch BC L-03.E� _ VObB Ac. \ \ I' I m $ � \e,� 0 H.C.PKG REO'D ° I W H C PKG.PROV. I `, CO BLDC AREA FUE,CENTER SIGN COVERAGE ARE I20 R IIL1u vs' _ I� O DEOICAT mN �+ Tq 0.196 ACRES I �� p \ \ 4�0 II \ 1_ZL______I (8.631 sq.iTRE PHASE I ll' _ RIVE THRU WOODBRIDGE `1 IK-I \1z9 ZONING ALL LOT-PD 2003-01 z4 - nj, �_PI' y L J LOT 1 LOT 10 LOT n LOT 12 I9aa M. LAND 29,251 sf 25694 sf 3p,817 sf es r ^ F AREA p.6)Ac 068 Ac O70 Ac, n ° ° m ry 1 USE CONCEPTUAL ONLY CONCEPTUAL ONLY FUEL CENTER CLOSE EXISTN DRIVE I�I r�S o \ ! / SA�IRAILROADTCO'PLAN RIVEY,ABSTRACT m a w 0 PKG SPCS.REVD. 4 I fir- IS SURVEY, VEY,AB _ 0 • \ \\\\ \\�\\\\�\\�\\ CITY OF TRACT N0.)03 ° LIN COU 4 NIN. I � 5< � �'`\"h�� TT J.W.CURTIS SUR4EY,1 ABSTRACT N0.196 �K -v m L.K.LKPEGUES SURVEY,ABS PKG SPCS.PROV. 0 A-000'640 s 1 MIN. R-5.T6 OB' P't TEXAS _ D. H.C.PKG.REO'D. Lry4404' _ __ __ __ __ __ __�_ __ Cn L 4404 ++t - - 6XEET B H.C.PKG.PROV. 2 I ,\ 'CC-COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR 0 t,14025' (PLAT NoFih 00 d g 20n OB Weal) N 00'40'39'W a�E 1 Ch B-568' 31 E i \ ---- ��° BLDG.AREA 236 si REPLAC 10 3SHOW zON Na- z NNc ousRu i M OF COVERAGE 0.)R REPLACE ASSSSSS SHOWN ot+� nm wo R ° 1 0 I ��, / D� °,ra TEMPORARY IRRIGATION WILL BE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH ¢0 4 In T �!\M"'s TURF IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHOUT A PERMANENT �20' A'EPW IRRIGATION SYSTEM. SOD TURF IN 0' 60 p'p1)595)' 94500'� '„c ALL DISTURBED AREAS AS IDENTIFIED ON GRADING AND 8 _ L 2968)' EROSION CONTROL PLANS. y "x CS L 29563' 9 25'46'07•I., '- �D25'01'33•N 5)'3161.32' LOT 6 ` R=B655D' 0=013'26'S5' c L=386)) R 83450' _ Ch L 363.)D' m 3' L4I \� WD�DBRIpC ChB 513'15'20'3 e\Eucrv. aeco WNl5v4�` E5 NE osu ° EqR he 66 ` a - �8i93s e,s3R Kh'v -� D SCALE Ca Te) ®Wn� VICINITY MAP I--' --- - -- 24666 NOT TO - N�r .. W . ( ) 3 Ji F---- / � -MC�'9�.r''v'.,r'��tY y 3 M.. E. TREE TABLE-LOT I h -Ca re � .�' r ■ ,6e { �r'Y8'C4� TREE NO. GAL PER SPECIES STANS m N `, 3 Go { 159 7-Gal OAK ExES -TBR b�� ■ ]Ga. a 7- e OAK EaE vE LOT7 ENLARGEMENT 'C e7 rte 3 3" OAK EXEMPT-TOR z If TOT 3 LOT 4 '. o AK EXEMPT-TBRAK PRESERVE • :0i C)F E AK EXEMPT-TBR 1 ` F 30 Go _ -ColL T 2 g e AK FREEERVE � 'a II I I = w w RRESERV 9 2" OAK EXEMPT ETBR I - L44 I \0 0 \ (( t ` T 31 WO S F a� RETAILIII i3 W�to 04005F. 000 SF �^"' � TREE TABLE-LOT 12 < A -- a s.F. �' � C Lam:, .. __ a \T TREE No. CALIPER SPECIES sraTus `a>b= a? O OAK EXEMPT-TBR \\\\\\\\,a\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\��Yi F.E.511.00 FFE.532.00 F C)=53100 �� gjUswzJ 8' OAT SERVE N 1 F.t'` -. s x¢ LOT 3 L-J Bi' B 2 AK SERVE : 'I. ',. 3,-Cal W a3 P 3 OAK MPT-TBR -- - G a rET OAK PRESERVE - •"I --- �_ -_- o 5 0' OAK PRESERVE I '... ♦* �� ; N 2„ OAK PRESERVE ENLARG.NI ENT'T' �ENLA GEM N`T 'E' r1ly o. 20" OAK EXEMPT-TOR o \ 8 2" OAK EXEMPT-TOR LOT 9 ■ 9 5 OAK EXEMPT-TOR \\\\\\ Cl , • ] Wore LEGEND \ _ �` ♦ ��� V . . IV J) 1 P,3, ®'3p B REFEREES a RVEo/Ro ECTEo ve,1 ® ..a. reL� L w Is EXISTING TREE To BE REMOVED BY PERMIT LTewII --- — s EN LARGE M E NT 'Int-" S�r� v E — I— osre��o�EEM Q a 31)'c' ■ iENLARGEMNNT 'V �� c � - £ fI1 Q d in 9 f �" F.e I . ♦ ea ; ww �I I LOT 10 ° ' ! z a n FOOD STORE d w P= NO _ _ @�� L � \ ' MARKETPLACEIPRELIMINARY 0 U ° L \\\\\\\\Eft\\\\\\\\\\ N\\\\\\\\ FOOTPRINT U F.F.E.=536.00 Cr) x3sie3De I (II - y. E LOT 1 I 1 1 Z 0 N is 11 L=40361 44 4 Ch L=4D352'� i 04, ,le �,�• ` J m Ch B-N69'45'0-P - e a cT Q ow�az J _ U II �m ENLARGEMENT '13' ryp� .� o �'Al,,,,, c 4I,1 ,. E,reaaEO Er re w� : i �— 4 i;A ®nanWDaw,FxmmLwcxsworiuosnua4eouwacso q ;� �« a o;zi �vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv�1! . g c > m , 26 �� a.ir ..z riem+.++�m.wrze.�sr.�,eesm u+cw.,a°u.,��,.n:u re.°u "lAlm "141 f accufr rEI,T a',''e71�m,:a7g.M<a.,� reu.. Dray l v a 9• oE,�AaEo°AE°E .� s.��o��.u.�.a.�o.s.�n:� n�n�.n Ta o ,�'""E""�""�`°'�"Zr7-°° ra°7^�"`" ENLARGEM:. �6� � - y► \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\� ----- 449' r Ch L-44.9,3 I •�1�■:.. = Nbf60.25 (PLAT-North OD deg 20 min O8 sec West) T\ N 00°40°39"W IrrI [ 9-6 SHEET _ Ch 1_SDD'26'3YE -` ` 'a przooso sso-,o I I „...,,,..................,.,,__,,.,.= NO LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS TON�H�_L,_L,�„,Norenww NOTE:KROGER REQUIRES LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANT WITHIN 18"OF PARKING OF G MATERIALS FOR ONE YEAR AFTER STORE OPENING LOT CURBS. ] •'` e r 4 uv � uuo �4, 2m vo `�"'o , omm , m °' P , em , mmF i k aF' s �i 000�33 ®000'"3 ®L0000Ai 303 ®EDOOA+ a §_ is di i�a�°�i id�E" d' Milli d;'i"y eg d 94 ag@g ii a airp �� P - , '41"; ,'A g' �P 4 0 0i �9 q dE Via€ d $6 g d a ; s c 2 9 %NH iid %"'N ii 41t a c;€,t pp IN I SE . t A �;r ii ' ) 3 3 z ° G {4d" 9 i-, iS,rda ��a §€ 3 9, 3 0 3 3 P. 3 3 3 3 % E d€, a 1. as § ` v a g °IS iE § td !6d r 3 3 3 3 No 'o g wf 9 d I , 3 o 3 3 14 & fn �s 3 6! � 3 Q > > i.lt a d5 ito = z _ _ = z _ z SSS §s 5!9 i ] !z 'd ;{n€�fdi i4�gE5 add a as ddyi'a°4 Edi4n & § aid4 ;! a d § a " 3 " 3 " i, ',d T d s RV g i'S F bf g`�` T w 114€ i° U a li€ g N ) :a iW; ddiii �- E r i i° i p e,'i&I 6 3 v a.� % ra a, . ai EON S as t s d ' . 1 §i9 NO" �-i x i P ar 9°p1 Nit ! 6` d a, 1"si, s a H Ndi d'p g alk s s 'a q I; i aa r h 8 d d 0 m m m 3 q 3 . 3 _ _ _ 3 a a ' SN v Nil 'g€�d` d"°4 4{ad@ @:&i' a 4!IMP 5 , ia[d E d H ? i N NI il o"°r4C TON it iiji /li M{P#lagiT dW 8r P d e ° E aq Nim Ia�6 ti S r i a H 11 qi4 0.1Nj -a%IN 11, r a 'a' i 6 v lit C I S S ' i,-6 sumoP a IN ng 6 dd" .)4,a ;no !piN 1d s NN, nDoN,n p r �1,, ,„ra g da 4 d H om,N�>p air a d% yN A c" ° o 1a E t'ze sum€: ,, olo o s o a o o e e 5e em,, o com om F z.1!, °s,: a1�1 m� one N 1" E R NI3NN NE orn oFp]J 2E k I bF cl �� ° y d6'�NFNJNNENi^iN; m 0 VNA 3 66 3 aN t !D F`A uc da pa 3iol Id pa.7, rd 3�1"ln . ' Wa„ i I c Ao� �o o an d o �d i.. i s i g"st ° a da a.i' s ; a`Ni �aF s% z m P feg i d s a9 ' {{ a'al y � ' ° 3 '�� �� �� a%iig d,wd'1,0 a agda% E!a r {@1, '5 $s�a + i rl,,q-� 1 °o o� a el 9 1'0 E 1" 3dr ➢d aS die' is aid ta`s' g8;e z o— n / g v d3 z h °t s's; r 9 �g § A a u d� i ii Irk 2NNF. me $ a a a2 0 m eu e3 eoo lia d° t'om" di �dEA�F>o�m<>4,�c'oN"�m� " B° I"oz �m od� s A R i ,( a m ,Ji o,z,n �" '>c" ron, D b fro _ € m Tim sa ". €° " € a a soR A P gym° "`Aas 44 ,q m,�o �4 a, ° o o a z 6 ," s° UAL �_'N,1 A °°°° p �4�1 r�� � ^° � �°�� �F„m �� oo '8 A ° 1 — �€m m m�� , s b�, � .sa+ w aY1 F"r N o,o1,z LANDSCAPE PLAN 16;:.'OR° .:Of";: 1081 xTE Vi Ww koc41m80IIxov. Par EV m File 1 WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE I ie. _a� CLARK STREEETT DEVELOPMENT .7R n. ~ , xo. lissn oo 22.593 ACRES 980 N.MICHIGAN AVENUE,SUITE 1280 °'" - °`" CHICAGD,IWNOIS 6D611 ate,.,. oa..°P. cam°,° *3, o0 0 0 0 0 00o PF o e ° o e o o., F o °" o.Tn. o0 + 0 0 0 D i O■■ ■�0��� � � p �p= W. • ID i oiMi■ i WOODBRIDGE ."ii'.."'ii• ".... " . - MARKETPLACE ���1—� — � i❑❑■ �I _ _ 11 #_: Ia_-■ ❑■ Ira.MM MMM - -- — ,_ I _ dl COUNTRY CLUB RD. -- --'��ram...,-��e -_ `� �.°a���,.� .���■00■���sv__ .,._� _� _ -.-._—._—. 1 ..<■�0■s�� .�����..�.w.�..�.�`�- a .��--aP� WYLIE,TX O O O O O O O O O O O '. ARIA PERCENT eoae:.,noe�NORTH CLARK STREET DEVELOPMENT CHICAGO,IL.60611 .CE'"W "% ISSUE LOG — — NO. DESCRIPTION GATE P�AEIp I L IL MAREA IMED I 1 r � -oAFP�L _ o ,�a-a^'pPE, �■�e■�' o ;a_"arT_ III — — - s■■■■is■a■ilidemmarcuivo ma ■■■■ isinisluisimmislaislannoismser rib Tr- - - - -- - - - � ---=------------------ ------EMBEMENEMENERNEML---- --------- --a------- ---ro-- aexxxx¢- eio- io- v o v o 0 o v I M:11 E Mi . El 'E . .71 .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; - _ .T2-7'7 4 El .. .7.______________ -„, mil _,51#5.1......k.M.V.S...55.5.1 r —._ o-reapI I !� 41Plfbw---- 'l �rrrrrrrrr =e•wrrr.w.srr �rl!!5till .r. 5310 HARVEST H N ILL E. SUITE 136 O O 0 ® • 0 0 0 • 0 U DALLAS,TEXAS 75230 ® 572.7ee.1010 www.obrienerch.coin L I PHA PERCENT ,.urxurnc:uv:o sax:.: :.353 20x p Q a:'""""'E'''No s o „,„„,ON,,s spun: 2 2„ 22, o"vE Tn"u a.:,s xiLN 02 20ee see u ,o,k ,xis :wx �e� Q $ mET ��_ o's nEr.a1 111111 111111 1 1111 111111 111111 1 1111 111111 111111 11111 111111 111111 4 O >>~: III �.11 1 ® JOHN OBRIEN-ARCHITECT 11 CATE: JOB: ---------------- � 'd '��� 111111-11111 111 1111'1'1' a� _ --- -------------------= � — I I� oa»..+« aNxi» �,LE. y REGISTRATION N 4916 ■■1i■■s—'n ■===®Opp _______________________-______-______ ____-______-______=1M - ___- _§sz —j—'..1. - ._ ' ~• gPEET NO. - 4 - 0 4 4 2--11111P1I 11111211 o O o illj E L-01 N. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 Q 0 0 s'' a � - ❑ ■■�tii " _ _ _ = E uin�l� _a■■! \ I : y m■i: WOODBRIDGE -=6 -:m :a. . - ��.. ■�.I■1 -� .E.,1 , ' g �' I MARKETPLACE AIIIFM 544 8 O O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O COUNTRY CLUB RD. x�n-rAn„E xaPA ,,,, ,,,,,,ELLIPAG. WYLIE,TX Ox�xn�xxx�rm., v�r�raarmarx° Limmll ',=t7'LZ: ar,.« 7. .n.. N TRIM2P0 OS Txs s, Po. I a, ii==13 1 IL.NRE UNITS.6 I LIG la m :,xn c;x; min a. 9 OS ,°,. 3 057 EFT 1.6 OOrx^�m���^•�,�x°°^:°�^a....aHi r�ax�rr.aw�.m°w,^x_Po��^°°c��°� CLARK STDEVELOPMENT REET DEVELOPMENT ISSUE LOG O 0 ® 0 O 0 �xmr Naenc aw°a.cxeMo-xcm°ouvuwc NO. DESCRIPTION DATE _ , �m mmm ' d s �isiiz zzszszz xx�uxns c wu mom COLOR.°urTcx wrxxr mcxra°x«x° �o.M 11.111111.11.11111 O O O O xr,xxxs nw°mx aonx rxx w�u��°xn n ns : 1- ssssssssasas�ssss s-sss. O a- 1 a.c." Hill€11€11€11€EIEI€Il€11�� O O O .e.a..e..e..e.. eli��ag agr aga�ie��e�i��ee�i��e��e�i a�.� a. rv�n xm a xw�n r�E�c ad s zszzs .E .M NNEN ssssssisssss zz.MERMA—sssi zszzs szsz xnn suaa e" wm r�rmTwa r. ravxrerra.�vsx _ ;GASMEN UNITS El. IRINC ING GE IPIEL i m� �xnre=nE� ,�N I ��xxsr�r� ,r.rm I r�. ARIA PRREIENT T.I n .,nnMETALn x�rNxO ® ® ® o 00 o r LIEN COa� .=xrur� �I MMIMMMIIM °. _ --�. M=============================it:i i�i�� 1 o n -111■ 111111111 111111■ i11_11 ie. ot miml .-: : :: i_ i_ : ET RA�SHOP EASTELEVATON ITEN ;',T4; PERCENTEM AREA PERCENT :nr,,,V;'`'```'1 :" 4sr 2 MANUFACTURED STONE 2 0 0% El O o O O ' B R I E N I rxrc`'`' nS ACCENT NT z RETAIL snap c-NORTH ELEVATOR5310 HARVESTHILLRD. T_STORE FRONT saa 3e°e s ors CORNICE&TRIM zse 10% ITEM ARE412 aERCENT TOTAL z,ssa SET 100% 2.MANUFACTURED STONE:2 a�z . SUITETEXA 6 DALLAS,TEXAS 75230 D o o ® 6 METAL AMINO 0% FIELD i0.788.hrierem1010 . hmm . ..... .. .. ..e` _____.._______________ ________M•- - 101AI MASONRY UNITS FIELD z ggs sn 100% I "` I 13 __ ____ ____ qW -t 7i.'is_ e 'I1. r--- - a---- _ _ice— 'ate-' SHOP c WE,ELEVATORT MANUEACTUREO STONE TO sne srO 0 O 0' RETAIL snap c muTn ELEVATOR 2�Ie�mp ® JOHN O'BRIEN-ARCHITECT 12)/ El- REGISTRATION NO.4918 DATE JO& ITEM AREA PERCENT FIELD • IEIO. '��:' AMR SHEETNO. SO. 3 MASONRY UNITS 5 6 METAL AMINO 0% I6 METAL AWNING 0% _ � ��vuNITs FIELD z W FIELD 2 U o� I TOTAL 1923STE1 100% ,1 1111111 I 13 MASONRY UNITS IDTALEL-02 ro erFueling WYLIE, TEXAS #SW578 Kroger 2.45` 2.58 2.7.` T_ ® 9 F TS� - LEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION ID SIGN ELEVATION SCALE:311E..1'0' OLE:311E..1'0' SCALE'.111E.,0' NO Kroger FRONT ELEVATION SCALE:3116,1'0' sr ___` e,Kroger L ^ Z Ib' -g A-__-via;>$->£- 2 REAR ELEVATION S(ALE:l16"=1'.U" Color Elevations Ga oways �° Supermarket ,,,_ „," Petroleum Group e 1/30/2012 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE O eEd DESARID ION O O O O INTERNALLY EMU. SIGN INSTALL re I i CONTROL PRICE scry v - , C STATIC WARNING DEC, WAYNE REMOTE anx E F DUcrS nc ,//! .�/� , Fa"T n DU n c ii D Fu =u rewTore core e,/z' i _ J 0 r ! DuunE -_-_ _ qnuaFo = .. O '�c ERSCANOPY CORPORATESIGN r � �_ — —KIOSK FABRICATOR KIOSK EDR CA-MR PLENUM FAD!C TDre a e''.,a,D V CANE, rZ! ZM 1 g 589 9 = rT_ n .-r PRODUCTSINC. v SIDE FRONT ,a-a o"\ = Nr suEr re E qua u F - s E SEE u-PDm w Ea sc Ds�D DMA, OWIERErTEA D= "_ AWN INSTALLER DISPENSER ELEVATION g CANOPY PRICE SIGN 2 KIOSK GRAPHICS x A UM NATDD LOCO SrGN SIGN INSTALLER SCALE.,-O. ,....._.,NUMB,T SCALE„z—,.-0 0 aPY EaGATDR MADERA CONTRACTOR �p bP --oMIA LIII! ow ., LEFT ELEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION t° SG,LE,re-,D SCALE„re_,., 1 1 j / C J O FRONT ELEVATION tt SCALE 11,1-0 / MOUNTING IRON WIT11„2 ,,, o,.oCw=E co "A' s (w,. WINGS Z Z �M I CAW, —MOD SIGN CASIN, il " o 1 4,-,Ke®g or 45' .58 7 � a 0 v)d 1 L ; i > twn Z� 4 r l 11 0Z n � c7 �°`i a x `n w °"M"°w�l g REAR ELEVATION o CANOPY SIGN DETAIL �_,p ^ o o ^ 1 x o N GRAVEL L r X J GRAVEL «%%3Y'< z V OC ` �� O -.I J n -`1 �m W m C 0-1 J z r GRAVEL N a W I I W I N {,' O x 1 r I GRAVEL , o 1 tit W ) 0 x 1 I No N APPROV " 112011 TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN Ss"-°`�4:E=A;RAFA.SEEAABSTRACT �ise E `� Winkelmann IVr Nm °F, ' �� WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE I e.,o�taeos o le 3155E 55.5511.41,551151515 CLNRK STREET DEVELOPMENT <�w"7'''ew`a"re rz+`a '"`4M;73'r6 33 ] N 315560 22.593 ACRES 880 N G N SUITE 1280 GHICAGO ILLINOIS 80811 :1:',,oa,n2,aae..o \, O � j DENOTESBEREMOVED TREE TO ABBREVIATION LEGEND a e kk 8 ik, TT eaR 1 V` RF DEFINITION FOUND CIRS IRON ROD SET w/CAP STAMPED wAl e 7 DENOTES TREE TO - o A v, BE PRESERVED rGDND PKS PK NAIL SET E p3� OP te° I-31- PK NAIL FOUND PP POWER POLE GW GUY WIRE �TAINI N« I ��g iiil sc..,- 4=003159'55" zB(SHEET:oEz) �sWV WATER VAL, PEDESTAL RrzoTecT'vE r�vcE D k3 VICINITY MAP R=5,783.08' R=5,783.08' VIEW ern,'x 5GV v U n" PP NOT TO SCALE L�0361 L 403.61, IS AHEA - EB SEE DErALA SHEETz oEz Ch L 403 52 Ch L 403.52 N" :5 OETHLUSEIS UP VIEW 1 ChB N8914504E ChB N89145'04E ,,HIGHWAY6 Y_ y N 873405 E BEGINNING AC AIR BOX O..-- POINT OF CO CLE3NOUT CO ICV IRRIGATION NDITIONER R — 'Po 7 5 70' — 0. cnr BENT 5wW"e L13 CL14 C4 °P L15"rs�®N 87 5113'E 1 L16 ,/ aRRrewEo roos. a „� f 1 x SS SANITARY SEWER CWT.,ROOT zaae SW SI VI-ad SEWEI, -t arm 2� oa'a JN°15 Rn ' I X ' '"x^ N 87 05 E e R 945.00. o:.o g .29 e.cn.4eNsxT. -v w' 2351 `, ;' L 296.87' GMK GAS MARKER gi'11,-I'4,5g,o7-4'eTsE'g o '55 ,Oh L 295.65' MARKER w wNep wa e ue VOLUME azsa,PAGE. I - Its 9 �a / ;:.:.im,g mew.o u,� + :' ChBS16°46'07W Tm MARKER °sz oRORvz s re ¢' ,�4 a oRsro'rg ANr cauwl+cRere TRucx s'F 4,'.X - e t eaUr-rt�NTeo'..,E oRvzuE Eir,:i s,:z1.2 ;:i ut+E Y F"" D O x a ' J �- / / MONUMENTING. TREE PROTECTION em RV C G vsx ans a.� DIRT x"F o� _ G GRATE FENCING/PRUNING xme®.o x-6 m ^s: o - CATV Tv xase No, zz LOTtR,GL,c �' mo"oj s x x o 'Pi,. F/ PE HOOPER Gus Ns M,. veaxs J °' •y Em ELECTRIC METAL POST CABINET,...G 3 E N x wn '" it rsx,� MP woT"o cAe NET G,P - F9 S 5 mB MAIL BOX : z e55" / „9525°4607 FUNK rueH GP cmAHueH 5 / T'R•F 6TE1 w+oexurzne T.,8 x 5,3'0 x aoN a,o.' \ om �� /w� .4 2 P3-cu sna<co « ®x CURVE TABLE ..aRGG /a� H0GPGRGDGN � o gn.5n NO DEL s LENGTHL 3H B CABINET 0 E, =fl sm ,0P0Li, C4 Dtza3' n 2U m Nsevss9E ZW A=02510133 e � `p, R=885 50 Q Q _I 5}' *t+' w L 3L 77 LINE TABLE a 9. = TREE PRUNING aLOT 6R BLOCKe ,gs v *ae°e X531, aChL=383.70' HOOPER BUSINESS PARK o sJ m '''2" I yCh B=S13°15'20W LINE DISTANCE SCALE rvaCAGNETG,P NST. 201107210007601. W e Z R w s L14 E, U °, 152.,/ xm,w.a xm, xm .a xm,w., xa.a mo /> a y LtL N Z Q LJ / §8,,, o B �„3E 3� CD U Q rn GGP°aaD a �,"a ,»e,xa �w� me® mew", w. 4N Z w Lo CARNET GEaz z°.�6ne -. / - et —� 3._` t r o N IIY .e x523,e xrs<.e *rse e:g:... x5:ere.e eP.e xrseeae xs9 a. :ew.e 5a AF 5221, S:e a TREE TABLE TREE TABLE TREE TABLE TREE TABLE W m 'rn a, -_ Ta Ew TREE SIZE aTrPE TREE SIZE aTrPE W HGOPER eus NEss PARrc I'.. '" A=013128.55" z4°OAK .w.K as v,4K ie a HEE I-0 R=834.50' °OAK ELM 4y °OAK I—0 CABINET az tIN 55e 5 L=196.36' 26 6 PECAN sn 13"OAK 74 x6666.6 *3fl2Be x.m%$^e x a vs ICh L=195.91' 12"OAK z4 GAK st GAt< ie tl HAUKHEI,12, h B=S7129'01'W 12 AK CEDAR 10 _e =5=' AK .uA e LOT s ez � ma.. 5:5w"e AK ACUBERRY ro HGO Gus a"'� ' 9 9f&0n �3fi 10" 9g � "_ '®wx K ss RRv CABINET H az N 8498 5895453'W AK ei AK AcuBERRv en rz" h' ssoo x.o o 25wo xow xrse"ox5.s xsaa w x 8 � m CAGI NETT PAGEaz ccaowooreoon®o5o wsttm°ROOT)HOLDINGS INC / E es o vu LLow 4 LL s FLOOD NOTE / i2 .g eRate p mm v Panel No a 4BDB5co4t5t,aat eaJone2Lna5,t p p y itnin Elooazonex Hv SHEET e�edtobeoxtsiaethe02,annualchaxce� p x(rssdetermixedtobeoxts�aethe ERRY 1 This flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structure thereon will be free from flooding or flood iD CEDAR 4n 14 PECAN iu T ELM OF damage Un rare occasions greater Mods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by manmaae or natural causes This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor SEE SHEET FOR TITLE COMMITMENT ITEMS AND TREE TABLE 2 7 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Woodbridge Centre Phase I Date Prepared: 01/25/12 Zoning District: PD2003-01 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat creating 12 commercial lots on 24.604 acres for the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition,Block B, Lots 1-12. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval for a Preliminary Plat creating 12 commercial lots on 24.604 acres for the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition,Block B, Lots 1-12. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Discussion Owner: Clark Street Development Applicant: Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. The applicant is proposing to develop a commercial/retail center on 24.604 acres. The first phase will consist of a single story 113,531 s.f. food store, with various outparcels. Phase II (also on current Agenda) will consists of a 2,002 seat movie theater and various commercial/retail outparcels. The plat establishes the boundary lines for 12 commercial lots, rights-of-way as well as access and fire lane easements. A Separate Instrument (DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS) must be executed by the subject property owner and the adjacent property owner of 2610 W FM 544, Abstract A1061 I & G N RY Co Survey, Tract 8. The Applicant/Owner must file the proper documentation to secure the offsite fire lane and access easement. The Separate Instrument is worded as such that the agreement will run with the land regardless of owner(s). The Declaration must be filed in Collin County prior to the issuance of any permits. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Recommended for approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 01/25/12 Page 1 of 1 FM HIGHWAY 544 FM HIGHWAY 544 £'.i• 2. pa <6 PROPOSED,z' j ____ �F RIGHT-OF-WAY Lt Lta 2O�DEDICATION DEDICATION t] zo [ �_• t. 4-000126'40" gl 161.3D 05"E q l Cn - C 4 003/5955 J 'y� e_ R 5 676 08 R 5,783 08 3 161 32 ME 3033 PAGE Grz ——I /4 P.Sxsvox k SAY L 4404 L�0361 12 R POINT OF I� '� ChL 4404 E.a t„IX oE.a FM HIGHWAY S4N Alt BEGINNING dl �T>=.GmCkG T�GmC N o.G.BLOCK pi '° ChB S88126 37 E sE o Ch L�03 52 °„ m k0l G.GGM.E�sGaGE..aGE-rw,R xo. ChB=N89°45'04E ( ) L1 jp L2 19470 "r' 13 r E*2ow SGxaat rCosuavEv,nanaaLT �C1 N8235105 E L3 jE. N87°5173 E L4 E:mw Ad CIPP PI �n.�o.eincue o 10 ct VICINITY MAP cb N LOrg BLocrce,,OTa BLOCK 3 ppGEjBe� . 8 8 NOT TO SCALE oavOE.uvAND w L L I I,T I $ VOLUME S ON KPLAY Paz • e '� Iw S P5 4=01 15657" PIp boa Bart() I I L=2:6 87 c 3 ( ) ( f- I I^ n 8 8 dl 1,....i I THY LAT T Ch 29565 oY � C B=S16146'07"W N 06 W bt N m B .GE`, _ ,E 421 '�' S25°'' .-W LOT 113 BLOC ' t - aaa ab 142fr.$ 1921'212 • HOOFER BUSINESS PARK sbg°-va`Zrw / SELZ BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE BOUNDARY LINE TABLE cABNErKPA a FI D E�b2 �/. j DR LENGTH CH.L CHB LNLA HE DLANLL Bry oPABE2, UT I . NO DELTA YYHSPuIT ��„- 688: C, 0,223' 8958 mee me3 Neev559E a Nal -----) PREP tbb MO KROGER WVLIE PI a'+'h ( ) 00'O SPLATALa 02 tt.i.it um - sa cvE YEAS MHVT ADDITION HY I HIS PI, 535 LOTS 1-12,BLOCK 8 A / - 6 W Si24.604 (10 55 q n7 4=02:10133 YT ABBREVIATION LEGEND 3 / R-8,5 50 b aw' ABBR.IRF IRON RODFOUND LOT 4R,BLOCKITION5 eAsEMEN B L, L0 '—L-3:6 77 LOT CURVE TABLE LOT LINE TABLE `l' cRs IRON ROD SET wICAP STAMPED"Ww. HOOFER BUSINESS H �. Hv ry,r s �� I o`/r Ch 383.70' eNc H CH L CH e n / w ( ) N RADIUS L LI,# HLA Oe ANct Y CIRF IRON ROD FOUND w./CAPCABINET O,PAGE, C (531,951.. ) I j 11 C B S131520 N 4 FOUND 3e Ei I 77 FOUND I-O za s 8 6 C L5 SOOa POLE 1� NOO ao ( ab]W K) �n C W Ntll� GW POWER WENRE LOTbR BLOC — w MANHOLE HOOPER BUSINESS La MI. MH M CABINET 0 PAGElz d 122 WV WATER VALVE C L9 Na7S 9� TP TELEPHONE PEDESTAL / m�- i'�'cFN" - I a � W MA WA LH Mt LH M (LRC bbtbb i C L,0 NalS LH LHt HYUHHN g wFMyME (LRCC) �_ 1 N as COIGV CLEANOUT GUN HOLY g gg l 1 Been,E 2e, I O AC AR CONDITIONER oI 9°tgztw mll C 0 SB SIGNAL BOX _ ° tabs '� L13 N89 SP SIGNAL POLE TY EASEM 1 I ':..yv 1 M L,a 5592 W SN SIGN OT,BLOCK o� Scale SS SANITARY SEWER HOOPERBUB ARK BY RPaT re CO SW S I OHM LH CABNETH E52 lI m - ,, o ir E 1 UM SURVEY ABSTRACT NG mG �r ABnRALTNG,m G, z GV �sV VE aEn���GaG G14 2aUL2 Mb. L,T N0054 3' Q W Q GMK GAS MARKER AND ACCESS 01 1 LOT 2 L ck B1 I a a,a v TMK TELEPHONE MARKER EASEMENT _ S1 'ACR¢.,1 C,3 24,2'43" 10s. 4523 Sr6,300"W L,e ss9°, o' Z �"� V SIGNTSN TRAFFIC LOT 4,BLOCK � BY THIS P ( a) , 4=01312855" '� W O UGC HOOPER BUSINESS4 UNDERGROUND CABLE MARKER CABINET m _� R=83450 L,Y s891 rp EB ELECTRIC M I. L=196 36 L2U SUU o J V BOX ), f I /ft Ch L 195.91' LOT LINE TABLE S� U W — N S LNI NO. o --... YE EMENT LINE BEARING GM GUN I HOLUM, MLry o rvbg°ts t E aba 44' Oa'A vTHSPLnT ' ChB S7°29'01"W Lzz re Ce GI GRATE INLET N o39'w 2�noj sa9°, O. m CA,TV PEDESTAL } L'IN INLET Tnn'�. .. L '� Lzs Ne9 Lz3 Ne9 os EM ELECTRICMETER LOT BLOC I L SG E Le NU, Nnla921 E ,4.1 o OOPERBUBNE 89' _ 2' _ _ a'z'w 224 0 MP METAL POST CABINET PA 29G CGc 849U N\— — S89°54'58 W 99.' LA/ N89° T Q MB MAIL Box PARK. LOMK rHLH OP GMAUKLw BY THIS PLAT Ij,_o Lee szs°aem"w easeLOT 1 9 BLOCK A REMAINDER OF ' P s L29 N89°1921 E 331' CABINET H,PAGE bz _ INST#20(107.21 o0.7.69t oo I x WOODBRIDGE CENTRE,PHASE I ADDITION I o o J PRELIMINARY PLAT LL V J LOTS,-12,BLOCK B 13 t3 IS.G.N.RAILROAD COMPANY SURVEY W. ,ABSTRACT NO.,06,,L K.PEGUES • 4 z a m SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.703,J CURTIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.,96 a. ,he 1.CLIFTON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.93 R 31 6 \q, CI,OF WYLIE,COLON COUNTY,TEXAS o Goy 24 ao4 ACRES A SUITE"Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only" SHEET HERZ...MOS INC ANN..PROPERTIES SS, AINHELMANN a ASSOCIATES INC L ROAD SUITE IGO 6750 GILLC REST PLAZA 325 "Selling A portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation a 3w am a�n3a%�mo mx revrrores rvo,00ess oo es L. of City Ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and OF TEXAS withholding of utilities and building permits" �1 Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: February 7, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2012-03 Legal, Zoning Exhibit, Location Map, Notification List/Map and Date Prepared: January 27, 2012 Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Single-Family (SF-10/24) District on 1.34 acres (Mockingbird Hill Addition), generally south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way. ZC 2012-03 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Single-Family (SF-10/24) District on 1.34 acres (Mockingbird Hill Addition), generally south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way. ZC 2012-03 Discussion Owner: E. Kent Dowden Applicant: Raul Reyes, Surveyor The subject lot, located south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way is 1.34 acres in size and is zoned SF 10/24 and AG/30. The owner/applicant request to combine one lot and one tract into 3 separately platted residential lots. Currently Lot 17, Block 17 is platted as a 0.2632 acre lot within the Westgate#1 Addition and is zoned SF-10- 24. The remaining area(Tract 5)is unplatted and consist of 1.0476 acres and is zoned AG/30. This request is to rezone Tract 5 to SF-10/24 and to create three single family residential lots to conform to the SF-10/24 District. There is a single story wood frame residential structure on Tract 5 that will remain and will be platted as Lot 1. Future plans will include a single family dwelling on proposed lot 2, and a single family dwelling on proposed Lot 3. Both new structures will be a minimum of 2,400 s.f. and will adhere to current design regulations of the current zoning ordinance adopted as of January 26, 2006. Surrounding properties are zoned SF-10/24. Properties immediately to the north are owned by Wylie Independent School District and occupied by Birmingham Elementary School with associated playgrounds and parkland. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The applicant/owner is proposing access for Lots 2 & 3 be off Carriage House Way, with access to Lot 1 from Brown Street. The Zoning Exhibit will serve as Preliminary Plat. Prior to Certificates of Occupancy being issued, a Final Plat must be approved by City Council and filed with Collin County Clerk's Office. Twenty-Six (26) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of January 30, 2012 one (1) response favoring the request was received, none opposing. Zoning request signs were provided and properly placed in accordance with Article 8, Section 8.1.3 Posting property for zoning changes. Approved By Initial Date RO O1/30/12 Department Director Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2012-03 WHEREAS EDWARD KENT DOWDEN AND WIFE, MARINELL DORTCH DOWDEN, are the sole owner of a tract of land(Tract I) situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266, City of Wylie, Collin County Texas, and being that certain tract of land as described in deed to Edward Kent Dowden and wife Marinell Dortch Dowden, as recorded in Volume 3272, Page 1, Deed Records, Collin County Texas, and a tract of land(Tract II) being Lot 17, Block 17 of Westgate Subdivision, Phase 1, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume F, Page 793 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1/4 inch iron rod found in the south line of West Brown Street(FM 3412) (90' right-of-way width) with the west line of Carriage House Way (a 50' right-of-way width) and being the northwesterly end of a corner clip; THENCE, South 44 degrees 38 minutes 45 seconds East, along said corner clip, a distance of 27.15 feet to a found '/2 inch iron rod at the southeasterly end of said corner clip and in the west right-of-way of Carriage House Way; THENCE South 00 degrees 52 minutes 53 seconds West, along the west line of said Carriage House Way, a distance of 237.32 feet to a found 1/4 inch iron rod in the north line of a 15' alley for the southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 88 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds West, along the north line of said 15' alley a distance of 130.64 feet to a set 1/4 inch iron rod for the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along the north line of said alley and said curve to the lift having a radius of 107.50 feet, and an arc length of 46.73 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 73 degrees 27 minutes 48 seconds West, 46.36 feet to a set of 1/4 inch iron rod for the end of said curve and the beginning of curve to the right; THENCE continuing along the north line of said alley and said curve to the right having a radius of 92.50 feet, and an arc length of 46.76 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 75 degrees 29 minutes 42 seconds West, 46.27 feet to a set 1/4 inch iron rod for the end of said curve and in the east line of Lot 1R, Block 16 of Westgate, Phase 1 Revised, and addition to the City of Wylie according to the map thereof as recorded in Volume G, Page 157 of Deed Records, Collin County,Texas, for the southwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds West, departing the north line of said alley and along the east line of Lot 1 R, Block 16 of said Westgate, Phase 1 Revised, passing the northeast corner of Lot 1 R at a distance of 110.00 feet, and continuing in all a total distance of 265.73 feet to a found 1/4 inch iron rod at the southwesterly end of a corner clip for the most westerly northwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 46 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, along said corner clip, a distance of 27.72 feet to a found 1/4 inch iron rod at the northeasterly end of said corner clip, said found rod also being in the south right-of-way line of aforementioned West Brown Street(FM 3412); THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 37 seconds East, along the south right-of-way line of West Brown Street a distance of 186.37 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 58,514 square feet or 1.3432 acres of land. LOCATION MAP OWNERS CERTIFICATE IN.TS.1 STATE CIF Tea SITE COUNTY OF COLON SECT WHEREAS EDWAPO PEW DOWDEN AND WIFE,Waal.POUCH DOWOEN. I N WYLIE I.S.D. wo a m In 0ein d` i:.cwnc lane. I"..memdw -; VOL.930,PAGE 145 �aomal„v..ww.Paca lo Eat I oesaPem Doan aeaanwmTnn ad a 01 on fall �T D WILLIAMS SURVEY la(PoolII lac UP ITB„m TrdwaanuoS aeon Pao Mamwnlo ma CrydWpo.aoan)mwo NE In..loaded„Vdmm F.PpoaW OM* 1 .. J, I I ABSTRACT NO.1021 Map Raww d Coen Cawy WO Pro eMa vm Day........ / i fY rri. 2:( ld _ _ EWNaaaIrsl,Kn ton WNW In lw No.Wt..Boman WNW,WE) a r....._ _._ „,� _ _ �__ ap•,amolaol avan an.alnedwdw.ro�awwwmroad m `� �l mew and.5, nonnwe wly W damn.aP -- Ili i � �I I WHINE.q08.9....., 8.9.mnw EW,aarq¢Hamweq. a a�, , ii_ fl Ward al 2r.I5 NM ma Iw tan W rW Mlro Nawes.a We.i.. m.m,. �_ aP W In we worn?W..,dCEaw.Haw WAy: Ili WEST BROWN STREET 4 ill_.,:.... III Tao animas a"",.a• ��M and n3:';°atmwa w mm.w j _._. (F,M. ROAD 3a12)--. - j, r'-' .< - t = ay a anon el M Soon Itli AO loom nICla m matte atoll;n a am lo N -� 9u °�"`�' .... ! NOW.aEROR WW1 sod8.we Ow ah�S.XYRol °� _.{- T- �.pg,ti _ 1 nxwgnd�YSS amsawm miscues NOW.THEREFORE.KNOW MEN BY 11EI PRESENTS: S 89°48'39'E 765.3 m-'-�-- - P T3 cope.2Tmww4 es s¢aaa wet,eace.me l'a MA ha roaww. . - -- ..... -,,,�a I.,-`n. Z ,-S _�. .0 aW vwaWMapmwadwwomwe Nda rNAT EOM.KENNETH COWDEN ANDWNNELL DOW.COWDEN do - 15 TP.&L Eesem6 J TWTemdnd,aWane not VW el WMvpy non aav+m w.��uma i WO.EOM.N•q•ilmc aWVra.c•'osncmyTa...adma'i,w� •_ !� R- ---. L - ° M uadTSdeN�SISO r�mMwax nia aWb ww a8ronrewm a[nerd•w RMNMdisiatlWINNE. 3a I Z F W d eW cuma and In lro eN I.d M.H NaN xn ur.w wee esMil,Bewnw �l.i.s e¢aWnaatlal Me I 0 OAWX NAcr. S Existing ZoninggMlkt WC. B0.°`d P' • ' °�a lull wemMnewcwn remove.Hep ramw.eaEapuaaaMaia,a.M,uaw..m Il` Z v 8 �{°' eounaRry W tone cam as rorpaa rc,lreaaE.%..m'�"aa,amv'aa„D dna rnrm¢naamElw aMUM.rownaawcaww.r.an heudlly N.I R _ Proposed Lot 2 I Ex,.- Zo assuwaeP. Mo wa amM„Mlles MwlM ad CM wIUM nteneno.relf.ney Ws re......m howEn) PnlpOsed Loll h 10,281 Sq.FL B rode Neon ooeepeesze nKNesnv.ma.wN.ewwaameWnMa.W pros.Mom aaupanaW Mawownenl trMpapoesdeorewd,a. j• �/� JJ3R 0.2382 AD. SF-10124 n s.crun.W.oa wow.t.P w1 nc4lnaawa n`localaaaa,,PM. c m.NaakanaaaaromaiWwtaaor Kam,/ tO 23.362 Sq.Ft +� Q LOT 1R ( Wy.W,wmin.oeslwnmlm lRa uMWxp Nw1naN.a moFOw d ,..werv.aaWdam o,y �aJ O.BSil Ac. -_ e� .w atMt m.mn M¢yoceTc.qN wpm.suNeo m a aaan...n. LOT IR ` •.\O t - I Napo c85T3MIa amW lR YcoMroa Mlro.=641Pm daaww dWam ow.w aeo^. Q�Ah 1"- _ - �Is apaw.mauNu.ny ronamdw.wme«ae.e.n. `_�`V Q _Existing Zoning. `w ' 4,G, Ur 4T Ao130 _ ( b?,.no es airsuP�n�oa Imo.r,p Mwaawm�,wan LOT 2fl IY WI .We adro„He NNW:pin el wy h d aawanMw W.Hewn WITNESS NV NANDTWS awd ' asr. c.Vr LLI 15'ALLEY MM nFinassa roes mime.3T mood.E.M E..N mI2 .6121, I- - T25 BROWN ST. BLOCK TB I J 1 STORY WOOD " m `\N arcem DKTanoaw FRAME RESIDENCE__ / I H \ aWeM Ban Sanauerod MEN reo nawNbdew+v�.d o S ..• / )- t 0 I BLOCK 16Irry AIO eaau Ma a 1.3432 amPd al GARAGE Mama Den.OWdn.ON. R " '^' - STATE OF PEGS a _" COUNTY OFPAL AS - ,o SURVEYORS CPATmcATE WBEGONE O J .... �I� LOT 2R KNOW ALLMEN eY THESE PRESENTS.YS2ERNOonay¢R.yrm Non.MEevawne c4 coneesw3w wbew P.wnW me P be Pomace _ -H8S'SAll E / t " Y I - 'a= *arm* Po lawlnenN onmm aa.wAalvrW tomato ' ^F�41 l `°T i Q coon, wn.m.nN�.l.W.m...N�Wm..na.an. OW we Who Howes Wmwaunnobwears „Tom `"j .a_/ Pe coma monuments scam wean won pwaa Waneppm. w �''��E"'�p v \ '1 E I T¢¢.Mnn„nNWvm Wes IOU MaW PWdaaa el roan WV. aiaM Hu,W.mtl. �' duel.WC.NY NIa AND SEAL of oiawC eb_aWa-�]t2 - Proposed L013 / al .- _ o.Ba5ss AB4c.F1' /// �o P' �� g (aj O NW oa�wam=.wes RWpamma FlawWav,esA,wwr:eu War NUle1Whe smdran �P�a ,, GGg'� P���y� WCocmMmwk. LOT aR 0"0'N LOT 2R LOT 1R * ---� w -- Proposed Lol Lkws aj" t EE` 1 Q�� Q �q s BEFORE ME-lrov Vr WalpWa.web.en. OF Q' �` F' fr oanawa.Na¢Rod oam„wes Roves.„wMlmm.mroNpwwn STATE DEw3Ae ��1�'CLOT 3R I (BLOCK 171 --- V y` '=:1 Q �\a• "a PP... Nl.pH.. Iw�ae.,.m,wa„wa¢W.and„W'w. Emueloll tlneaav Wmw.Naw,mWgNepeny MaWl wPNna anal Nwon ..- w sw CM ,®�� a „w Wa.,. `_ F `w W m Iamm W mma „ad eEFOR whWawn.4 OWNWid N*aol admajeJro °42'10"W 130.66 LOT 3fl OMEN UNDER W PAW AND SEAL OF OFFICE IM .W 1 seta Hew.an)oe...an win apessoa.aa„ _._ �rd�tz • NBae3d1 5 Iewp. - _ _. // E R.mmnwa.UEOAN.,d r.ap , . GIVEN GIVENMDE..W.AND OM.OFFICE.Ns�wd_zolz 15'ALLEY _•'- i q. w / CIW,man.Plan.;a2Paw Cern.Yon ') NdayNtl„for.Wed,. I rn w LOT 15fl r / a�,alc Otl��BE 'Aoaam y,em SESSIT \. / y Co*.wins e 8 / IEeas�a.. \�.�2WO / AA6' G.O. wa.awdWpa.T..a P' - 7 P ,[ o� P9 LOTS LOT f0 LOT 1��( '' ,A LOT tz LOT 13 LOT T. G(�,.` �/ jo Ja1O� / / a�n,,andMyr.T¢¢ WENNI.deaegwn 1 2012 �� ` QO� BLOCK 17 �I✓ Q9'^ yY / '^ M • g ye �. €� Jo / Q�P Ja. / LOT] Mayor ay d WYM.roes E_}.-......... .... a BN • / / w C..e _,,,,,,,I ®,.• ' TWOMaeywe,mo dry SeemHq d wo art ow,"Tam.hror mwlo 01- ', we fape„p WI Hal E.WINddl111...Cq.Wwr ram man=epeeme%caandmesaawa.panaea®eswo.pao MOCKINGBIRD HILL NICKELVILLE LANE am..nawmEwaa..,nm...row,and waa„.a,Pre.b..W / .S' 1° '"N'0.wne„Iwei.aawtlo1xa .aw`LHyam Wwaw.mo.o w.wl a,wwa '�P / A REFLAT OF LOT 17,BLOCK 17 OF WESTGATE, '-"'� -- PRASE I AND A 1.052 ACRE TRACT,BEING PART / cables mynerowlv_aW el An..2olxmem mxoaw OF AN 80 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN FICHO / sMaue..exW me VOLUME22T2 PG.I,DEED RECORDS COLLIN // ow COUNTY TEXAS AND STTIIATFD IND. renvzmar 045dsecretary WISE114 ws Wa„p E.C.DAVIDSON SURVEY _ ABSTRACT NO.266 "Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds a violation of City Ordinance and State We yam. City of Wylie,Collin County Texas Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits" r S !r y ' �lialt 111 ! 1 _ 81111111111 _ i 4#441 \nn nn t — /II —'—' I .C'rTrir-J" — !I'- L sj''-j--j-j • S1I i $t1$ � ' - �ii• I. i t -!w.�'ifli ". Subject ���[l�i �n� #� �� Property Milling 111■■1 bbrr►1,� �rlll■1■�I ITi TT7! °Pm _. _____, ' ri1 ~ (FM 34[2) i I i� est Brown Street '. _i :■ i r/ i il. I Iemen_j. in Implk �! i ; r r1 V tit in Irccl ■EI;1i g a milM11 MIN_AN' °Mlle/ab.'7vIllt AIM 4.2 = 7 i Eli=—.____ r— : :: I,,jj/ iP1r,$!'"ØØ1I AN = i _ UM = mom ow Ai mown., air ,aunaiii, Marble—_ 'k' , n,t sl2r = ! -u� Street —rIj•�� N........... i - ��I !1[11111t Minn., un.. ,r►1n0u'llI I1 I 1— ;, ... i .... �� . _, Fie I n I I f I I 11 f t4 1 �E I� I I I_ - 1 ` ,,,t �IIIIih _! „„ i� iimiliiiLimillin Fleming xrrc, Fhm . 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Nlc :�� ��.�����.;� � � �y� �� � �� ����a � � �`� ,y 1 ��^ ra � -.� 701 ��„�-°"' � :..^� ��'��,.�� � ^yi ����` �:�r- ��� ?o� �t�o °; '' �� � A i � � �� -� � ir� � p � �3 ��� � ry �,� ;��� ` 1 I-k �.]E, � 1 t) 1 17 `'� � Q,� }� � � 1 t, � 1� � 1 1-� ; I.�; 1 1� � I I-� � ^�� �� ��� � =,L � j �: � rt"""� r� � ' e � �� �f; � � f� , 1� l� 11� �Qy � j� � 700 � �l Q ; e�i � i-� � 1I � � 10 � I(, l ]l � lltl h� � �{ � �� � it}I 1(1� � +i-�I , ,_ . _ ; �? 7(1�) �.r� � !*�� �1w �? �WNER NQTIF�CAT�ON Iv1AP Z� N1NG CASE #20 � 2-03 k PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of PIanning 300 Country Ciub Road Buildzt�g lUp Wylie,Texas 75098 � I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on t�e attached public notice for Zoning Case#2QI2-03. I arn AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public nfltice for Zoning Case#2012-03. Date,Location&Time of Pianning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,February 7,2012,6:30 prn Municipal Complex,300 Counpy Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Locatiou 8c Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 28,2012,6:00 prn Municipal Compiex,300 Coundy Club Road,Bui�ding 140,Wyl�e,Texas Name: ��1�'R� �O L- (please print) Address: ��D � ��R�'i�G� �oUS� �Nig� w�.��x 7�0 98 , s�gr�ature: Date: G I 2� 2�� COMMEN"Y'S: