03-20-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I March 20, 2012 Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 20, 2012 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from February 7, 2012 Regular Meeting. Page 2 of 45 March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lot 1 developing a single story, 3,010 square foot 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acre, generally located southwest of Parker Road (FM 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378). 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating 4 commercial lots on 4.112 acres for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lots 1-4. Subject property generally located southwest of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378). Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District (PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 16th Day of March 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Page 3 of 45 This page is intentionally blank Page 4 of 45 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday February 7, 2012 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:31PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, and Commissioner David Dahl. Commissioner Ron Smith and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko were absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Tamez gave the invocation and Commissioner Dahl led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 17, 2012, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the minutes from January 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 6 Page 5 of 45 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for a proposed single-story, 19,425 square foot Church/House of Worship, on one lot (Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1), on 5.0 acres generally located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 435 feet north of Brown Street. Mr. Lee stated that the Site Plan is for a single-story 19,425 square foot building for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church/house of worship. The property is part of a larger tract annexed into the City in February 1983 and subsequently zoned as part of Birmingham Farms residential subdivision. The applicant proposes to develop a living-screen buffer between the adjacent residential development and the proposed church with various types of trees and shrubbery. There is approximately 60 feet between the residential addition and the actual church location. The property fronts Sanden Boulevard and properties immediately to the south and east are undeveloped. Properties abutting to the north are zoned SF-10/24 and developed as single family residential uses. The property did not warrant a traffic study, and at this time Sanden will not be widened. Brown Street will be widening, but 18 to 24 months out before construction begins. Commissioner Kirk expressed concern for the drainage issues and the number of parking spaces related to the number of Church Services. Mr. Lee stated that the Church Members are good neighbors, and from his understanding there will be multiple church services. Ms. 011ie stated that the traffic generated from the Church will not be at the same time of the traffic on weekdays. The proposed Site Plan is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department and approval of City Council for preliminary plat. The preliminary plat is on the current agenda. Mr. Don Vandiver, Vandiver Associates, Architects, 1000 18th Street, Suite 400, Plano, Texas, representative for the applicant, stated that the congregation is based upon geographical areas, and when congregation grows to a certain size, the congregation will subdivide. The proposed building is designed for three maximum congregations, but not initially. The sanctuary seats about 230 people. The meeting times are met during a three hour timeframe. The first congregation meets in the sanctuary, and then moves to classrooms. The next congregation begins two hours after the first congregation. The traffic has one congregation leaving at one time, and then an hour before another congregation coming in at one time. All storm drainage is collected on-site with the exception of a small amount on the far east end of the property that is flowing by natural drainage and does not enter Sanden Road. Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 6 Page 6 of 45 A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve the Site Plan for a proposed single-story, 19,425 square foot Church/House of Worship, on one lot (Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1), on 5.0 acres generally located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 435 feet north of Brown Street. Motion carried 5 —0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of Brown Street. Mr. Lee stated that the subject Preliminary Plat totals 5.0 acres, and will dedicate the necessary easements to accommodate the development of the proposed church/house of worship campus. The Site Plan for the property is on the current agenda. The Preliminary plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department; and approval from the City Council for the plat. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sanden Boulevard Church Addition, Block A, Lot 1. Subject property located east of Sanden Boulevard and approximately 425 feet north of Brown Street. Motion carried 5 —0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 Addition, developing 5 buildings for Commercial/Retail purposes on four lots consisting of 17.49 acres, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a commercial/retail center on 12 lots. This initial phase will consist of four lots: The first lot will contain a 113,531 square foot food store facility; Lot 2 will contain two retail buildings Shop "B" 11,000 square foot and Shop "C" 8,000 square foot; Lot 3 will be a 10,400 square foot retail building and Lot 12, which is located off FM 544, and will contain a 236 square foot vehicle fuel center. Access to the property will be provided via two 30' fire lane and access drives from FM 544 and three 30' fire lane and access drives from Woodbridge Parkway. The subject development is the first phase of the overall Commercial Center consisting of retail and entertainment uses, including but not limited to a 2,002 seat movie theater. The remaining eight lots of Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 will be site planned and developed separately. The Applicant/Owner must file a Declaration of Easement document to secure the offsite fire lane and access easement. The Separate Instrument (Declaration of Easements) must Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 6 Page 7 of 45 be executed by the subject property owner and the adjacent property owner of 2610 W FM 544, Abstract A1061 I & G N R Y Co Survey, Tract 8 and filed in Collin County prior to the issuance of any permits. A Preliminary plat for the subject development is on the current agenda. Staff is recommending approval with the stipulation of masonry wrapped canopy columns on the fueling stations and subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Mr. Michael Clark, Winkelmann and Associates, 6750 Hillcrest Plaza, Suite 325, Dallas, Texas, the applicant for the property, stated that the Declaration of Easement document is in the process of being signed, both property owners will be meeting soon. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the Site Plan for Woodbridge Centre Phase 1, with stipulation of masonry wrapped canopy columns on the fueling stations and subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department, developing 5 buildings for Commercial/Retail purposes on four lots consisting of 17.49 acres, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Motion carried 5 — 0. 4. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat creating 12 commercial lots on 24.604 acres for the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lots 1-12. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the plat establishes the boundary lines for 12 commercial lots, rights- of-way as well as access and fire lane easements. Staff is recommending approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. With no questions for the applicant, or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Kirk, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to recommend approval of a Preliminary Plat creating 12 commercial lots on 24.604 acres for the Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 Addition, Block B, Lots 1-12. Subject property generally located south of FM 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Motion carried 5 —O. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Single-Family (SF-10/24) District on 1.34 acres (Mockingbird Hill Addition), generally south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way. ZC 2012-03 Ms. 011ie stated that the subject lot, located south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way is 1.34 acres in size and consists of two lots. One parcel is 0.2632 acre zoned Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 6 Page 8 of 45 single family residential 10/24 (SF-10/24) and is platted Westgate #1 Addition, Lot 17, Block 17. The other parcel Tract 5 is not platted, consist of 1.0476 acres and is zoned Agricultural 30 (AG/30). The applicant desires to combine one lot and one tract into three separately platted residential lots. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to Single-Family Residential 10/24. The single story wood frame residential structure on Tract 5 will remain and be platted as Lot 1. Future plans will include a single family dwelling on proposed Lot 2, and a single family dwelling on proposed Lot 3. Both new structures will be a minimum of 2,400 square feet and will adhere to current design regulations of the current zoning ordinance adopted as of January 26, 2006. The Zoning Exhibit will serve as Preliminary Plat. Twenty-six notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. One response was received in favor of the request, and no response received in opposition of the request. Mr. Raul Reyes, 209 Lakehurst Drive, Wylie, Texas, representative for the land owner, stated that the applicant desires access for Lots 2 and 3 to be off Carriage House Way, with access to Lot 1 from Brown Street. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commission, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Single-Family (SF-10/24) District on 1.34 acres (Mockingbird Hill Addition), generally south of Brown Street and west of Carriage House Way. ZC 2012-03. Motion carried 5 —0. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION Ms. 011ie stated that on February 21, 2012, instead of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Impact Fee Advisory Committee will meet. The Committee is made of all Planning and Zoning Commission with one other citizen that is appointed by City Council, Mr. Tommy Pulliam. The Committee will review the proposed Comprehensive Plan, and Capital Improvement Projects. The meeting will be a work session, and then meet again on March 6, 2012 with any revisions, and make a recommendation to the City Council to hold a Public Hearing on April 24, 2012. Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 6 Page 9 of 45 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes February 7,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 6 of 6 Page 10 of 45 Wylie Planning and Zoning . Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning The Shops of Northern Wylie Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Addition, Block A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: 2/03/12 Zoning District: Planned Development 2006-02 Site Plan, Landscape & Exhibits: Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lot 1 developing a single story, 3,010 square foot 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acre, generally located southwest of Parker Road(FM 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378). Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lot 1 developing a single story, 3,010 square foot 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acre, generally located southwest of Parker Road FM 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378). Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 3,010 square feet, single-story convenience store with gasoline pumps on approximately one acre located at the southwest corner of Parker Road and Country Club Road. Planned Development zoning (PD 2006-02) on the vacant tract was initially established in 2005 and a subsequent 2006 amendment to the PD extended the overall concept for a Neighborhood Services (NS) commercial district. NS districts allows for retail and personal service uses that are compatible in scale and intensity with the surrounding neighborhoods. This proposal is consistent with NS district standards and generally conforms to PD 2006-02 provisions and concept. The overall PD consists of four(4) lots on approximately four(4) acres. This proposal on Lot 1 represents Phase 1 of the shopping center(The Shops of Northern Wylie); a 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps, with the remainder of the district expected to continue development towards the south. The site complies with the Zoning Ordinance's Site, Landscape & Architectural Design requirements. The overall design and theme of this plan will in effect set the standard for the remaining undeveloped property within the PD district. In summary, this site plan as presented for a convenience store with gasoline pumps conforms to PD 2006-02 zoning district and the layout, design and architectural features are generally consistent with the provisions of the PD and NS zoning. A preliminary plat establishing property boundaries, easements and rights-of-way dedication is on the current agenda. Therefore this item is recommended for approval subject to: Additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. City Council approval of the preliminary plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/12/12 Page 1 of 1 Page 11 of 45 SITE SUMMARY I zon r4c CD 2.6. jA,I li I:II il PROPOSED LIGE GENERAL MERCHANDISE SCALE LOS AREA C.050 ACRES Al 750 SF N FlEA ..----T,-.-±- STANDARD PARKING ::„L 1, 1 „TOTAL CPO.. 15 S,CES euronc 1 0115 sr TO,L REOU RED 15 SPACES ACCESSCH PARK NO TOTAL PRONGED 1 SPACE 1 1,CE TO,L REOU RED 1 SPACE E J:i'v6i..R. E rA, ' E'ErrMiE„EVE PROPOSED ---- =POPE.OPE S'ECE E LEIEE1 EE5II- CE EB EE EEs,,n. o,N 9 5 C ILDINC 011-110L POINT SE°4111 ' E 160.09' 11C111011/NT EEEE. — — ' 717., EIEVEH r - r \ o rrr a ORED ENDSEKTION 'E O W 0° 6s7, ''''''''' GENERAL SITE NOTES 8 - I____---' sr .C.i_=0 OD \ I ELL AO PL,Il L.III,L .M1,11 HALLILL1 OR Al A HISENSIONS/CFTC THF F4,. FR PI FLS.HFCIASF1101, E-T- LE CH /1, '„P ! 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DARK BRONZE L 0.- !m 1 ,o„318 41.2 a 314 s v 41.2 a 314'' `III 'II RB NORTH �II kg ELEVATION i1` "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" """"�� RB WEST ELEVATION STORE NO RESSTANTEFS O £D = _ = UPPER A �y,s GOOSENECK US.-REFERENCE ELECTRICAL TMP ;� UPPER CHEMBY. D3„3c,DRAM BY � o — FABCAASN RrBDN�NTRAcTO = RFC = LOWER(� �/ RGOOSENECK NCEETCTR�L aox \ - ' cKmP�, - oo FE";OSEmPL, ca"omugROFSPo�" 1 ELECTRICAL LIGHT -- _ a _ EOEc;a caE RIOR GOOSENECK SCREENBEYOND \ FIXTURE IEETSnP = - SIGN — D CTDR NF ELECTRICAL • hams .... _ PREMANUFACTURED WE. D x�TDRP STANDND BEAM��BB� ® SREEN - _ t ®FNSHFLOOR AM ELEVATION I PREMANUFACTURED METAL MS [ I r � FILL f �� „l �� ( sFRAWNINGS- STANDINGa { P (M-, E B . L— , FACADE PLAN m m XXX} N— J( a - 4' -f. -1 . 4vIf. v1' k. / 91051e AAAAAA ,aa 718 FACADE PLAN LOT 1 gt 10RB SOUTH ELEVATION 0 RB EAST ELEVATION of als=v-v -,v THE SHOPS OF NORTHERN VWUE REv1 8 BLOCK A LOTS 1-0 n BEING 4112 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SHEET YE NLLIAMPA RSO SURVETBSSTACTNO716 TEL :RB—E 11( Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: The Shops of Northern Wylie Date Prepared: 02/03/12 Zoning District: PD2006-02 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating 4 commercial lots on 4.112 acres for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lots 1-4. Subject property generally located southwest of Parker Road(F.M. 2514) and Country Club Road(FM 1378). Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating 4 commercial lots on 4.112 acres for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lots 1-4. Subject property generally located southwest of Parker Road F.M. 2514 and Country Club Road(FM 1378). Discussion Owner: Parker Country Club,LP Applicant: Verdad Real Estate The applicant is proposing to develop a commercial/retail center on 4.112 acres. The first phase will consist of a single story 3,010 s.f. 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps. Subsequent phases shall be consistent with the established PD 2006-02 zoning district. The plat establishes property boundary lines for 4 commercial lots, rights-of-way dedication as well as access and necessary easements to accommodate the development of Phase 1. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Recommended for approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-12-12 Page 1 of 1 Page 15 of 45 DRIVEcGNcsolo gs2rzorolsioT° / STATE OF TEXAS MEADOWUROOK COUNTY OF OWNERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS AnceH TRAIL WHEREAS,PARKER COUNTRY CLUB,L.P.,IS THE OWNER OF A TRACT OF LAND COUNTY OF COLLIN N I SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.Z16,COLLIN COUNTY, F.M. NO. 25/4 TEXAS,AND BEING ALL OF FOUR TRACTS OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEEDS TO PARKER SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Paa"I<Ev laoaD COUNTRY CLUB,L.P.,OF RECORD UNDER CCq 20060314000334s90(HEREINAFTER D , -_ (PARKER ROAD) REFERRED TO AS'FIRST TRACT"), C,� 0603,400o3346O0(H ENAFTER I.JASON L.MORGAN,A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF TEXAS, ry a.BLE MOTH PUBUL R.o.w) REFERRED TO AS"SECOND R TRACT'),CC{'200603160003.610(HEREINAFTER ND/OR PLACED HEREBY CERTIFY 7HAT I HAVE PREPARED 7HIS PLAT FR.AN ACTUAL ON THE GROUND APPROXIMATE S'THIRD TR CT"),A CCR2 O(HE oopERV MVF THE PERSONAL G SUPERVISION THE O NUACCORDAN NWN HEREON WERE EFOUND AND FMya FJxs1< N ACar°n�"WAFER uu°N wAFa uu�" N BB'41'11"E 160�09A'Le'I.R. 9 I DILLY RAV WILLIAMS ANC 4 CT"),AND AND H THE C D ACCORDANCEFD A P PORKER !.ff.., asa BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY MEOO60NDP BOUNDS AS UFORLLOWS ER g REFERRED TO AS"F H TRA CORDS O COLLIN C tt TEXAS REGULATIONS OF Y PLAN COMMISSION OF THE CIiV OF WYLIE,TEXAS. 111M BECN BEING MORE AR DEs S A Ds s WITNESS MV AND AT PLANO,TEXAS. BEGINNING AT A 1/2'IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS DAY OF ,2012. LINE OF F.M.ROAD NO.25'I4(PARKER Off)(100'PUBLIC IGHT OF WA\'),AT N p ay,,,E ,seal - Jeie THE NORTHWE CORNER OF SAID"FIRST T y T T R ANY REASON. a sJ. THIS IS RELEASED PURPOSES ONLY.I g N�s THENCE NORTH 89.41U,EAST ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID JA ON L.MORGAN R P L.S-NO.5587 on cI„au i.=. F.M.ROAD NO.2514(PARKER ROAD).A DISTANCE OF 160.09 FEET TO A 5/8"IRON \'I'!e ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT A CORNER CLIP, vl16"6'1 NA STATE OF TEXAS In4Psc°000P° 3°0 SOUTH COUNTY OF COLLIN TEXAS vG 0.a.c.c.T. 60 A 5/8"IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER 9 THE WEST RICHT-OF-WAY LINE OF P.M.ROAD N0.TRANSFER OF(COUNTRY CLUB RWAD)DEED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAVJ AS FORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID Lb NTA AND STATE CONVEYED BY TRANSFER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE RECORDED BEFORE DAY PERSONALLY APPEAREDAJASONR L.MORGAN.R.P.LS.NO.A558J.USTATE OF TEXAS. ON LOT 1 1 UNDER CCFF 20090130000093060,DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COON TEXAS; AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERAIONS HEREIN EXPRESSED. (o.ss1'ncecsj 501 THENCE SOUTH 00 DIRT"EAST ALONG THE WEST RIGHT IRON WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS DAY OF 2012 3 CAP TNO.AM ED" B DISTANCE OF CORNS FEET TO ANGLE IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW ZONING.PO.2006-OP CAP STAMPED AZB FOUND FOR CORNER AT AN ANGLE POINT; SOUTH G CONTINUING ALONG THE WE5 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS OF SAID PM.ROAD NO 1378? ONA DISTANCE OF 210.35 FEET TO A.8"IRON ROD SE7 FOR CORNER A7 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID"FOUR7H 7RACT": MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: CROSS (33.HIS PLAT)N,. cccN"zo" ° H SOUTH G WEST ST ALONG THEF D"FOUR,TRACT", R'' ADSTANCE OF 20J.50 FEET TO A 3/8 IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE THE UNDERSIGNED. H E SECRETARY OF THE CI,OF WYL TEXAS HEREBY CERTIFIES SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF- AT THE FOR EGN FINAL P F AT OF THE SHOPS OF NORTHERN WYLE WAS SUBMITTED TO HE vDlFi7 a4z __ TH CITY COUNCIL ON THE DAY OF 2012 AND THE COUNCIL.BY FORMAL 0,B c,6F N e THENCE NORTH 00'S812 WEST ALONG THE WEST LINES OF SAD FIRST.SECOND. ACTION,THEN AND THERE ACCEPTED THE DEDICATION OF STREETS.ALLEYS PARKS,EASEMENTS moss so.FT. L-L-_ PUBLIC PLACES AND WATER AND SEWER LINES,AS SHOWN AND SET FORTH IN AND UPON SAID T , ,1 T a 1, PLAT AND SAID COUNCIL FURTHER AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO NOTE ACCEPTANCE THEREOF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING ]9,3 SQUARE FEE OR 2 ACRES OF...ND. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION BY SIGNING HIS NAME AS HEREIN ABOVE SUBSCRIBED. 1(BYu*THIS PUTT IC fsxnEc[c�A[0)1N0 WITNESS MY HAND THE DAY OF 2012. LOT 2 ‘,0" ' OWNERS DEDICATION '�" ECRETARY TPos6 s6 4$ NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS BLOCK A '00o m 12 ¢c rer"NON I"c THAT PARKER COUNTRY CLUB,LP.DOES HEREBY ADOPT THIS LINE TABLE IO C°C0 BB BB ev3a PRELIMINARY PLAT,DESIGNATING THE HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TOTAL AREA= m i ,T, AS THE SHOPS OF NORTHERN WYLIE,BLOCK A.LOTS 1-4,AN ADDITION LINE BEARING LENGTH z179,131 50. ET. TO THE CITY OF WYLIE.TEXAS,AND DOES HEREBY DEDICATE,N FEE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL v SIMPLE,TO THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER.THE STREETS AND ALLEYS SHOWN (4.112 ACRES) ,�, THEREON.THE EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC USE AREAS.AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED DEDICATED.FOR THE PUBLIG USE FOREVER,FOR THE PURPOSE L. N°°sa,x w s0a.za a ZONING:PO 2006-02 c ''' IMPROVEMEN,OR GROWTHS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OR PLACED UPON. O 0 o N D ZONING COMMISSION DATE 1a1 A2 BY THE OR SOFT WYLIE.EIN AY BE AADDITION.UTILITY EASEMENTS CED IN LANDSCAPE TMAY F ALSO R BE PD CITY OF WYLIE.TEXAS x as°s 1e a 5 E USED FOR THE MUTUAL USE AND ACCOMMODATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ' DESIRING TO USE OR USING THE SAME UNLESS THE EASEMENT LIMITS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION THE USE TO PARTICULAR UTILITIES,SAID USE BY PUBLIC UTILITIES BEING N L-41 IC SUBORDINATE TO THE PUBLIC'S AND CRY OF WYLIGS USE THEREOF.THE Ip� CITY OF WYLIE AND PUBLIC ENTITIES SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE MAYOR.CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS DATE AND LOT°3 ^ a SHRUBS OR ORREMOVED ER IMPROVEMENTS ORLL OR ORF GROWTHS ANY L WHICH MAY INANY w I. c 2, s.ET o LA WIFE ENDANGER OR INTERFERE MTH THE CONSTRUCTION.MAINTENANCE.are ro3«,6R o vaw ,P6T EFFICIENCY OF THER RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS N SAID E SEO NTS.THE GOY 0p.o. OF WYLIE AND PUBLIC UTILITY ENTITIESESHALL AT ALL TIMESHAVE THE 1 FULL RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO OR FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE i 1 EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING,RECONSTRUCTING, INSPECTING.PATROLLING,MAINTAINING,READING METERS AND ADDING TO u ea°a is[ +s>>6 T REMOVING PARTS RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS NECESSTY AT ANYTIME PROCURING PERMISSION FROM ANYONE. HE THIS I AA PLAT APPROVED SUBJECT TO ALL PLATTING ORDINANCES,RULES, r v° =1--r _00 s.00 REGULATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE O.OF WYLIE,TEXAS. N (BY°TIHIE PUTT — 0.x.c.c.T. WITNESS.MY HAND.THIS THE DAY OF 2012. IIY . fa BY: PARKER COUNTRY CLUB.L.P. 30.w , GRAPHIC SCALE woo, THISPun Nc 50 0 25 50 100 M M M vBRADLEY ow zoo STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN (IN FEET) LEGEND o.R.C.C... LOT 4 ^ vo I.CBC ez TATE 1 INCH= 50 FEET T 5/9'I.R.=SET 5/9"IRON Roo ~ 0.160 ACRES) CF. TON BEFORE ME,THE UNDERSIGNED,A RY PUBLIC IN AND F KNOWN BY ME TO BE FNO"x"=FOUND x GUT IN CONCRETE THE PER DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED END"X" I.R.=FOUND I/2"IRON RED ACKNOWLEDGEWHOSE NAME 1s E EXE01IBED TO THE FOREGOING THE PURPOSES AND PRELIMINARY PLAT END1/2 I.MAP RECORDS 2"IROCOLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS CONSIDERATIONS THEREINHEXPRESSEDCUTED TH SAME FOR THE ESMT,=EASEMENT GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS D.OF OF SO.o' . _SQUAREH F`NO (a.,'H s PIA„ 2012. THE SHOPS OF NORTHERN WYLIE (C.M.)CONTROLLING MONUMENTS ,� BLOCK A,LOTS 1-4 NOTES; icO. 0, BEING 4,112 ACRES OF LAND .THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS PLAT IS THE WEST LINE FM 1378 AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED m_ LI SITUATED IN THE RECORDED IUNDER c40 20090130000093060.DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,HAVING T MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: RFOR THE SATE of TEXAS WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.716 A BEARING of SOUTH oo 43IZ EAST. N.B/a'`"'` 9B EN B 89'Is•28'RW T 207.50' "s a '-- m COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND oho JANUARY 2012 SCALE 1"=50' ORDINANCE PERMITS. PORTIONof THIS PROPERTY BY METES AND BOUNDS 5 VIOLATION OF THE c BUILDING THISGPROPERTY IS NOT SHOWN TO BE WITHIN A 100-YEAR SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA, VOLU O.a.C.c.,. Ca Al F.M. N0. 2514 P BYO INC. PACE mm SURVEYOR wA,ex uNE ^� -(PARKER ROAD) BLN, Y ! °, ;T4r SURVEYING, 4. IS T TO HE PIPELINE MENTS TEXAS,SAIDPRO EASEMENTS CENTER UPON THE WATER LINES AS INBTALLED COLLIN RECORDED IN 1 TT/ PHONE 9T2-30s-1B0TD PE 163 al;Ex=T=°T° PAGE 725ANC PAGE662, RECORDSCOUNTY. 3� ANO.LIENAAaa,-voc FAN(A,a,"29-1002 °",2 IN1 1 JOB N0.12201-035 Wylie Planning and Zoning . Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: March 20, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Zoning Case Number: 2012-04 Legal, Zoning Exhibit,PD Conditions, Location Map, Notification List/Map and Date Prepared: March 8, 2012 Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District (PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District(PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04 Discussion Owner: Tim R. Kreymer Applicant: Collin County Humane Society The subject lot, located south of Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane is 10 acres in size and is currently zoned AG/30. The owner/applicant is requesting to rezone the property to allow for an animal adoption and boarding facility. This request is to rezone 10 acres to PD-AG/30 and to create innovation in the design and character of the property. The current ordinance allows Animal Boarding with Outside Pens with an SUP in the AG/30 District. However, because of the nature of the use, the applicant desired to include additional safeguards that considers the natural vegetation, surrounding properties as well as the residential community located across Brown Street. Exhibit "B" outlines the conditions of the Planned Development District. A possible dog park is included with Phase I and will be opened to the public. Other future uses would include not only domestic animals such as dogs and cats, but an area for horses, cows, and donkeys. In addition to indoor activities, the development will consist of outdoor play areas and runs as well. Figures 3-1 to 4-9 of the PD Conditions lists the density, height, lot size and design requirements for the subject property, which meets or exceeds the minimum requirements outlined in the current zoning ordinance. In keeping with and preserving the natural state of the property, additional landscaping is proposed across the front perimeter of the property. Proposed landscaping is increased from the required 50 s.f. per space to 55 s.f. Page 1 of 3 Page 17 of 45 Page 2 of 3 per space and no parking space more than 40 feet from a landscaped area. The Zoning Exhibit/Site Plan shows decorative pavers to enhance the main entry to the facility and provide access from the street. Although there is significant vegetation along the creek that bisects the property, none of it is within the 100 year floodplain. There will be no disturbance to this natural tributary. If however the dog park and/or barn are implemented, access will be provided across the creek to those areas. Design of such access must be approved by Planning, Engineering and Building Inspections prior to the issuance of a permit for such construction. A 350' Texas Power & Light easement runs along the rear of the property, while a 60' drainage easement also impacts buildable area behind the creek, basically rendering more than half of the 10 acres undevelopable. Over the years, there has been significant interest in this property. However, due to the constraints caused by the easements, it has sat vacant for some time and somewhat undesirable for residential or substantial commercial development even at the neighborhood service level. The applicant is requesting minimum parking spaces of 9 x18 in lieu of the required 10 x 20. We have similar request in the past. Staff is in the process of researching and preparing for a possible amendment to the ordinance that will suggest various parking alternatives. These alternatives may include smaller spaces and/or varying sizes based on intensity of use. Because this proposal also includes large animal boarding, it is staff's recommendation that the larger parking spaces be maintained to accommodate trailers or larger pickup type trucks. Although the facility itself is not a typical high end user, but with the dog park component it does lend itself to something more than just the typical animal shelter. The project will be developed in Phases. Phase I will consist of a 6,758 s.f. building with twenty-three parking spaces. This building will house a majority of the adoption suites, office space and grooming areas. Phase II will consist of 38 additional parking spaces and a 3,363 s.f building add-on for dog suites, cat condos and a multi-function room. Phase III will add 50 more parking spaces and 4,080 s.f. of play yards and a possible barn/stable. The estimated time of construction for Phase I will begin in August of 2015, with 2-3 year increments between the next two phases. In Summary: The applicant, Collin County Humane Society; a non-profit, non-governmental private entity request to rezone the 10 acre tract to accommodate a private animal rescue, rehab and adoption facility. The property is currently zoned AG/30 and has been used for agricultural purposes for several years. Properties immediately to the east and west are zoned AG/30 and are currently vacant. Properties immediately to the north across Brown Street are zoned AG/30 with minimum one acre lots and used for single family and agricultural purposes. Lots to the north and slightly east are zoned SF-10/24 with minimum lot sizes of 8,500 square foot and used for single family residential purposes. Development of the property is limited due to utility infrastructure and natural constrains therefore staff is in support of the applicant's request to establish Planned Development zoning on the property providing specific safeguards associated with an animal rescue, rehab and adoption center. The establishment of specific Planned Development provisions and safeguards such as minimum buffers, sound walls, minimum night sky lighting along with the existing terrain and natural vegetation shall limit undesirable spill overs to adjacent properties to the southwest and north which allows for a unique opportunity conducive with the surrounding land uses. Page 18 of 45 Page 3 of 3 Sixteen (16) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of March 13, 2012 three (3) responses were received opposing the request and zero (0) in favor of the request. Zoning request signs were provided and properly placed in accordance with Article 8, Section 8.1.3 Posting property for zoning changes. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/13/12 Page 19 of 45 Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2012-04 BEING a tract of land situated in the Francisco De la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being all of that same tract of land described in deed to Timmy Ray Kreymer recorded in Volume 4042, Page 652 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 518 inch iron rod found in the south line of Brown Street (variable width right-of- way), at the northeast corner of said Kreymer tract, same being the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Trammell Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume M, Page 452 in the Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00 Degrees 45 Minutes 35 Seconds West,departing the south line of said Brown Street, along the west line of said Trammell Addition,at a called distance of 290.40 feet passing the southwest corner of said Trammell Addition, same being the northwest corner of a tract of land as described in deed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd, recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6363 DRCCT, continuing along the west line of said D.R. Horton tract, in all a distance of 688.38 feet to a V2 inch iron rod found in the north line of the remainder portion of a tract of land as described in deed to D.R. Horton-Texas, Ltd. Recorded in Volume 5697, Page 6354 DRCCT; THENCE North 89 Degrees 15 Minutes 28 Seconds West,along the north line of said D.R. Horton tract, at 16.90 passing a % inch iron rod found at the northwest corner of said D.R. Horton tract, same being the easterly northeast corner of Tract B as described in deed to the Wylie Independent School District recorded in Volume 6070, Page 4102 DRCCT,continuing along the north line of said Wylie Independent School District tract, in all a distance of 633.74 feet to a %Z inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of said Kreymer tract; THENCE North 00 Degrees 45 Minutes 12 Seconds East,along the northerly east line of said Wylie Independent School District tract, 686.60 feet to a 518 inch iron rod found in the south line of said Brown Street; THENCE South 89 Degrees 25 Minutes 07 Seconds East,along the south line of said Brown Street, 633.82 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING and CONTAINING 10.00 acres of land. Page 20 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD-AG/30 REGULATIONS A. Planned Development PD-AG/30 1. Purpose: To provide a planned development for an Animal Adoption Center on a site formerly zoned AG/30 Agricultural, to be used for an animal adoption and boarding facility and other related uses as described below. The planned animal welfare-related uses will support the nearby residential and agricultural areas, as well as the city of Wylie and surrounding areas. The scale and materials of the facility will be compatible with the nearby residential structures. 2. Permitted Uses: a. Animal Adoption Center with outside pens, runs, and play areas, with or without roofs b. Animal Boarding with outside pens, runs or play areas Note regarding Noise Pollution Control: The dogs will not be allowed outdoors at night. During the day they will only be outside for supervised play, or they will be restricted to the fenced play and boarding areas that have indoor-outdoor run access. The indoor-outdoor runs have insulated guillotine doors at the building walls that are kept closed at night for safety of the dogs, for building security, and to prevent noise pollution. c. Animal Clinic/Hospital d. Animals other than household pets, including but not limited to horses, donkeys, etc. for uses including boarding, adoption, and veterinary care, with outside pens, runs, and play areas e. Barns, stables for horses, cows, donkeys, etc. f. Dog park for use by the public 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the PD- AG/30, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-1—Planned Development/Agricultural District(PD-AG/30) Lot Size Lot Area(acres) 10+/- Lot Width(feet) 634+/- Lot Depth(feet) 688+/- Building Placement and Coverage Front Yard(feet) 50 Page 1 of 14 Page 21 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development Side Yard(feet) 20 Rear Yard(feet) 100 Lot Coverage Less than 45% Height of Structures Main Structure(feet) 36 Accessory Structure(feet) 20 FIGURE 4-7 SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL LISTED BELOW Building 1. Building located at the front yard line, with roof overhangs allowed Placement to extend a maximum of 4' into front yard. 2. Individual buildings w/footprints = or< 20,000 square feet. 3. Entrances and/or front facade oriented to the street. Parking 1. Site plan with no parking in front of the building. Placement Access Drives 1. Minimum width drive of 24'. 2. Direct connection between buildings and street. 3. Landscaped treatment of entrances. Location of 1. Not visible from public street, also with masonry screening from Service and public areas of site. Loading Areas FIGURE 4-8 LANDSCAPE DESIGN REQUIRMENTS ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL LISTED BELOW Landscaping 1. 25% of the portion of the site located north of the existing creek in Required shall be landscaped. Yards Page 2 of 14 Page 22 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development Landscaping 1. Landscaping of at least 55 square feet per parking space. of Parking 2. Parking lots with no space further than 40 feet from a landscaped Lots area. 3. Landscaped pedestrian connection to main entrance. 4. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have landscaped islands at end. 5. All parking rows shall have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. Visual 1. Required screening in strip at least 5' wide,plants 3' in height Screening when planted, include one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of area. Landscaping 1. Use of rock walls or other natural landscape features. of Street 2. Provision of special benches,pedestrian lighting, or other Frontages streetscape elements. 3. At least 50% of required front yard developed as landscaped buffer, at least 10' in width. Buffer is not required in front of open areas where there is no building or parking. 4. Trees required in buffer, in groves or belts on a 30 —40' spacing. 5. Required trees at least 3"in caliper. 6. At least 4' meandering concrete walkway on perimeter when adjacent to thoroughfare. FIGURE 4-9 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ELEMENT DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL LISTED BELOW Building 1. Building facades constructed of stone veneer,painted cement-board Materials siding, and stained wood accents, with option of brick in some areas. Standing seam metal or architectural composite shingle roof. 2. Use of two complementary primary facade materials to help achieve facade articulation, visual variety and/or architectural detailing. Building 1. Application of base standards to facades not facing a public street. Articulation, 2. Use of Architectural detailing and/or materials to provide variety in Form and visual appearance. Massing 3. Walls not exceed height width ratio of 1 to 2 without variation in massing of facade. At least 25% of facade offset at least 4'. 4. Entrances must be emphasized with architectural elements. Page 3 of 14 Page 23 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development Architectural 1. Buildings with pitched roofs meeting minimum requirement of Compatibility residential development. 2. Buildings with hip roof sections, dormers or two or more gable or hip roof sections at right angles to each other. 3. Buildings within 200' of residential areas shall be architecturally compatible. B. Site Design Standards Desired Site Design requirements are achieved by projects in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Building Placement a. Standards (1) Buildings shall be placed with their entrance and/or main facade oriented to the street. (2) Building footprints shall be no greater than 15,000 square feet. FIGURE 4-10-BUILDING PLACEMENT Single building footprint no larger than 1,5,000 square feet. or , `6 no parking infront of ,�w building 0.0c0.03r u I 1itr oriented to street Landscap front yardir7g in (3) Multiple buildings on a single site shall be placed in such a manner as to create plazas, courtyards, and landscaped areas with connecting pedestrian ways between buildings. Page 4 of 14 Page 24 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" 4 9%b r'Orr,lulf!t Planned Development FIGURE 4-11-BUILDING PLACEMENT Multiple buildings each no greater than 15"DOO square feet Playas" courtyards and - ,S141;40 II landscaped areas " � m a � �� ts\ it 's r,'j1i� ily A "', 'iiik, l'"' Ili fr44' '' of N --7-7-7-0H"rill (441 ���r .,�� `�A��.. � =�,�-, �" No parking in front yard - Entrances oriented ------- to street (4) Locate buildings at the front yard line with no parking in the front. (5) Individual buildings with footprints no greater than 15,000 square feet. (6) Provide a direct connection between a building's main entrance and the public street, not using a portion of a parking lot. 2. Parking Design and Placement a. Standards (1) To the extent possible,parking shall be located to the side and rear of a building (2) Parking spaces shall be located at least 10 feet from the nearest residential lot line. (3) Provide site plans with no parking in front of the main building. (4) Parking spaces shall be minimum 9 feet by 18 feet, with 24 feet wide drive aisles. (5) Provide one parking space for every 300 square feet of conditioned floor area. Page 5 of 14 Page 25 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development FIGURE 4-12-PARKING TO SIDE AND REAR OF BUILDING Parking to side and rear of building Building Located at itthe front yard line 440 h w I. � I IL '4" 4 1,7 411 J. 14,0 _. . :',.,,,AH \,''i' IVIM _.... Landscaping in required front yard 3. Access Drives a. Standards (1) All access drives shall have a minimum development standards adopted by the City of Wylie. (2) Access drives shall be located at least 150 feet from an intersection. (3) Provide landscaped entrances with the following treatments: (a) Decorative monuments sign using rock, brick or other natural materials. (b) Plantings of seasonal flowers and/or flowering shrubs; (c) Flowering trees or large trees from the approved plant list or sculptural artwork or a combination of the two. (4) Direct connection between buildings and street. Page 6 of 14 Page 26 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development FIGURE 4-13-LANDSCAPE TREATMENT OF ENTRANCES 8$ AMBI x „.„.• , . F x'1 0, t. ✓ 4 � I 4. Location of Service Areas and Loading a. Standards (1) Service and loading areas shall not be visible from a public street or adjacent residential lot (2) In addition to (1) above, also provide screening using a masonry screening wall with gates to screen any service area from on-site areas accessed by the public. (3) Dumpsters and compactors shall be enclosed with minimum 6 feet tall masonry walls and gates. C. Landscaping Landscaping Design requirements are to be achieved in accordance with the following criteria, which may be modified and updated as necessary in consideration of current and anticipated watering restrictions: 1. Landscaping in Required Yards a. Standards (1) At least 25 percent of the site north of the creek shall be landscaped. (2) Landscaping is required in the front yard. (3) Landscaping is required in the side and rear yards when adjacent to or across the street from a residential use. (4) Provide the following landscape conditions in the side and rear yards of a development: (a) The landscape area is at least 10 feet in width; (b) The landscape area has shrubs at least 3 feet in height planted within the landscape strip; and (c) The landscape area includes at least one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of planting area. Trees may be planted in groves or bands as long as the required numbers of trees are provided. Page 7 of 14 Page 27 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development 2. Landscaping of Parking Lots a. Standards (1) All site plans with required parking more than 12 spaces are required to have 55 sq. ft. of landscaped area for each parking space. In calculating parking lot landscaped area, all areas surrounded by parking spaces are counted,plus the first five feet of perimeter landscaped area, if any. (2) No parking space shall be further than 40 feet from a landscaped area on the site. (3) Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have landscaped islands at the ends. (4) All parking rows shall have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. FIGURE 4-14-PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING first5 feet of perimeter landscaping H J11 t . Landscaped Islands at_ end of parking rows "• IIr All parking rowsshall have landscaped areas at least every 12 spaces. (5) Provide parking lots which offer landscaped pedestrian connections from the parking lot to the main entrance. To qualify, the pedestrian connection must be separate from the parking spaces and drives, and connect to a central location within the lot to the building, and be developed with enhanced paving, and enhanced plant materials. Page 8 of 14 Page 28 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development FIGURE 4-15-PEDESTRIAN ACCESS FROM PARKING LOT Building entrance ,,,,,,,,,,,s,,,,,,,,,,, 41,1?"0,- pAr*rip/ 1 b � c`"� `° Decorative Paving _ w, Materials '-- "4'` Enhanced Plant +w., o Materials ..; � , d. ref ^( ,mow+` . `` . Pedestrian access not `s '" part of parking lot 3. Visual Screening a. Standards Service and loading areas are required to be screened using landscape materials which meet the following conditions: (1) The service area shall be bordered by a landscaped strip at least 5 feet in width; (2) The shrubs shall be at least 3 feet in height when planted and within the landscape strip; and (3) The screening shall include at least one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of landscape area. 4. Landscaping of Street Frontages a. Standards (1) At least 50 percent of the required front yard, excluding any access drives, must be developed as a landscaped buffer. The landscaped buffer must be at least 10 feet in width. Buffer is not required in front of open areas where there is no building or parking area. (2) Trees shall be planted within the landscaped buffer along all public streets. To the extent possible, trees should be planted in groves or belts on 30 feet to 40 feet spacing depending on tree species. (3) Required trees must be at least 3 inches in caliper, measured at a point 12 inches above grade. Page 9 of 14 Page 29 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development (4) Provide a 4 foot minimum width meandering concrete public walkway around the development perimeter when adjacent to a public thoroughfare. The meandering walkway may be located partially in the landscape buffer and partly within the street right of way parkway and must be placed at least one foot off of the curb. FIGURE 4-16-LANDSCAPING OF STREET FRONTAGES Flowering shrubsand seasonal flowers l _ Use of low i ,,r +A,,,, _ I rock walls N °'µ er �, M I, 'r�Mt '.. •_______ 4 Nb w a ✓jK i II I..ri o.ir A�r,r �,r ., r ., r! r r a r r' ,.n —'` -- 4' minimum width — meandering sidewa Visibility Triangle ` must be maintained (5) Utilize low rock walls or other natural landscape features, flowering shrubs and seasonal flowers within the landscape. (6) Increasing the minimum width of the landscaped buffer by 20 percent. (7) Provide special benches, lighting, or other streetscape amenities along the walkway. FIGURE 4-17-LANDSCAPING OF STREET FRONTAGES Use of low Visibility I rockwalls Triangle 4 4' minimum width pi 441*p I meandering M f ) , 1 4110t ,�II N sidewalk II I Flowering shrubs � jr o and seasonal "�' flowers Line Req eel- ,, Fr t Yard Parkway If Page 30 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development D. Architectural Features Desired Architectural Design requirements are achieved by projects in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Building Materials a. Standards (1) Buildings shall be constructed with at least 20 percent stone on the front facade. Approved masonry materials include, but are not limited to brick, stone, cast stone, decorative concrete, concrete block, stucco or cementitious fiberboard. Tilt wall construction is not permitted. (2) EIFS shall not be considered acceptable primary material but shall be accepted when applied as accent or architectural features and shall not exceed 20% of any facade. (3) Roofs with a pitch greater than 2:12 shall have roofing materials of architectural grade dimension asphalt shingles, concrete or clay roofing tiles, standing seam metal roofing, or slate roofing shingles. (4) Facades, rooflines, and exterior treatment of structures shall be compatible in design, color and materials with surrounding new development within 200 feet of a corner. (5) To achieve facade articulation, visual variety and/or architectural detailing buildings shall use two complementary primary facade materials. (6) Subject to Building Official & Planning Director evaluation of alternative exterior material's aesthetic appropriateness, durability and strength, an applicant may appeal alternative design and exterior material inconsistent with adopted standards to City Council. Page 11 of 14 Page 31 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development 2. Building Articulation, Form and Massing a. Standards (1) In order to avoid large blank building facades, variations in the elevation of building facades facing a public street shall be provided in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Walls shall not exceed a height to width ratio of 1 to 2 without substantial variations in massing that include a change in height and either a projective or recessed element. At least 25 percent of the facade shall be offset a minimum of 4 feet either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the facade. FIGURE 4-18-BUILDING ARTICULATION Roof form compatible with residential / architecture r ,r e' r Vlab If CI[ 0 1 , -' __ 011 - iiiiiiiiiimi ilk,, lulitimi ibi Entrances emphasized /} L I Ade Ai fir Adalithl Im.91.61''11 25 Percent of Facade either Minimum 4 projected or recessed Feet (2) Entrances to buildings shall be emphasized through providing projections, recessed areas, canopies, projections in height, or other architectural elements. (3) Ground floor facades facing a public street shall have arcades, display windows, entry areas, awnings, or other such features along at least 60 percent of their horizontal length. (4) Application of the base standard to facades not facing a public street, but visible from a public street. (5) Use of architectural detailing to provide variety in the visual appearance of the facade of the building. Architectural detailing may be achieved by the harmonious use of materials, colors, or textures. Page 12 of 14 Page 32 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development FIGURE 4-19-BUILDING ARTICULATION Building Materials Projections —1 ✓"�"`• Gast Stone • •"---: Stone '�IrruY►.�r"��� — ,Architectural ru ms w,,y t t 4.1.•Y..-".� Ht'O■ �`1 I" ".rr .1,•v elements JT I , _' y_ ."_ , '��Canopies of b -r ,T .s~" .mot_-r' ' Y "j.. 'pi Io to 'l - ugiiu,tm.niiiii11rYillllullr ,_I, !' / / ,moo / I i ,r// h NM �' .I mm Entrances emphasized FIGURE 4-20-ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS Roofing materials :" Canopy Cast stone details a "s- 111llpIpII�INl' — :.•, -" l.. II� (( {{ F r w. J fj u I j(1jl jSF�1 i _' ., ., �N '.r■..Ior. writ"21 above jljlj�)j�l �� i door s ®gin ;a : windows a �'J - �//I 1 __., r i f / Arches hares s. 7 i f,; / �M Entrance treatment I r ' -Cam done it .,.'S Rock work 4 It 11,,o to Itt•N Decorative brick patterns ,-- ._4,FLE;:-V.j\N,,,, ,,,,\NT,... „„,'!"...A•''' , F Roofing materials - ;gi /f✓/ // i I III��IJ//��i LF' r ill I V 11 I E. �Areade Page 13 of 14 Page 33 of 45 EXHIBIT "B" Planned Development 3. Architectural Compatibility a. Standards (1) Buildings shall be designed to maintain architectural compatibility with the residential architecture of the surrounding areas. This may be achieved through the use of building materials, pitched roofs, window and door treatments, landscaping around the base of the buildings, or by other means. (2) Buildings that are adjacent to residential zoning, or within 200 feet of residential zoning shall be designed to maintain architectural compatibility with adjacent residential architecture. This may be achieved through the use of building materials, pitched roofs, window and door treatments, landscaping around the base of the buildings, or by other means. (3) Buildings shall incorporate roofs with minimum 4:12 pitch for major roof areas. (4) Buildings shall have pitched roofs with hip roof sections, dormers, or two or more gable or hip roof sections at right angles to one another. D. Development Phasing Estimated phases of development will be as follows: 1. Phase I August 2015 Dog and cat adoption suites, reception, grooming, dietary, isolation/quarantine, play yards, sally port, possible dog park 2. Phase II August 2017 Dog boarding suites, cat condos, multi-function room,play yards, covered entry porch 3. Phase III August 2020 Expanded dog and cat boarding suites, expanded dog and cat adoption suites, possible horses, cows, stables, barn Phasing dates and functions are preliminary and subject to change. Page 14 of 14 Page 34 of 45 EXHIBIT"C" 87°46'54"w 633.92' "_- �00 iEkAS POWER&LI _GNT "'� VOL.6 a,PG 318 ESIaT- q - 00'rear yard _ �_- FARMERS � ,60 TE;,AS POWER W IGNT fSML `r= - vOC saa,PU.Rns �,�� -_ EE 10 008 ACRES _ TIMMY RAY KREYMER `� Ire'2 re MARK TRAMELL • I B " Paselme Da_ vL 7,4VPC ESMas ,_ - Pork(Phase 0 _ cu ao w TA cEP6sMT Vz w ,_,_i� E EEEE 30 s'de yord� O _ d� uuu \week I w 30'side yard O\ Possble rB ldfng Phase III F1 re bom U . 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(CONDITIONED SPACE, BIDDING,OR '� eldg Pt, ass I — _ ` p { D tl — =, PHASEI G758+1 SQ FT PERMITTING L d p tr III E v. �z • aiT _ PHASE II 3363e- o � SQ FT ® � � - _��� - PHASE III 4080+I-SQ FT Coln County Humane Society r �� — "o - -- - �—f _ a TOTAL a,zc +l-sa FT m.ti mes, ,_n - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - mto00a I— I'�TIe-w to R;wmg za_;ewer u� — — Praaasetl new fae ,: • 5 -- . - �T a BROWN STREET *i- — — -P'''''9m-br y— — — — — — — — - — — — �.�.8. aaosoDwc —I —.1't< — -- --- — T SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT a"`dpeon - +-� —T — -- LEGEND FOR PHASING PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PHASE —T 03-09-2012 _- 2 0 ' PHASE II 0I PRELIMINARY PHASE III el NooTe A0.1 E Ref.North PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 01 �� 1 EXHIBIT..C.. -- 30 e ( 1//-Building ( Existing \i Creek `—" ---� 30' side yard ( ��� Possible Building Phase III future barn a s Existing Trees or stables (Phase III( › [ i \ N Landscape y N Buffer i� j Phase II parking U 5 min � _ R U1 Ct width � � � �� IRELANE _ _ swig. 41; 13 I = Landscape ` Buffer II' �� 5' width 4. x een all 9I ""... 31111'711 I :='-'—'—'-- --,---'-`---.. \--`--4 4%- Pha�- Barking - 1tdoor r ®s�sa 1y ya Ids 3 � � —50' front yarn A w m p Talc �' ( Future East For' �� U �I m 11 Bldg Ph II %000 ePrl SLID water line b �' �1-,_- sPnll easement 20' W. PARKING SHOWN ct w , " F6 7 ', Bldg Ph J _y (PRELIMINARY) �H a � ~ H 23 sPaces Id�cAZ U1I 38 spaces b Entrance 7phlandsca e ffer1 44 pII ES sea., 11 Mill E.symue - llk _.. °emu E ` ;AIM h —_, NOT FOR *ate, , tt xi co, .4 * t`- ' � j AREA TA CONSTRUCTION, �� BLE(PRELIMINARYI ® ___ _ __ - _ _,�� `" _ (cDNOITIONeo$PACE1 BIDDING,OR i — — 3 — `` — 3— 3— _ PHASEI h.vsa+1-saFT PERMITTING AiiIMIIL Proposed new sewer line in PHASE II a.asa+i-SOFT ,.� .. PHASE III 4080+1-SQ FT p is sigh of way— BROWN STREET — TOTAL 14.2N,+,.SOFT GieLu°monol;Humor Socle,v o loos oaa SHOWING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS aaoso.DWG PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN LEGEND FOR PHASING ENLARGED 1 03-09-2012 PHASEI 1E.k zo 0 --- --- -- -- --- PRELIMINARY PHASE II — — — — - — -- --- PHASE III A0.2 e]D' Ref.North PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ENLARGED 01 SCALE:v=��-G. AZm�Infro..e LLe EXHIBT"D" Et:,7 virl al c. ._\_ ,..— ..-- .-- •=t-1-77Z- = 1110 III •- ------: MOM 1*---- NORTH ELEVATION PHASE II � zU443 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, vt — BIDDING,OR PERMITTING 4+ - - \\� ` �\\\��\� cake cOm e R�r„a�e so�et si �� I - �_ - - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Seale 1/0"—1-0" 0 2 4 8 16 WEST ELEVATION 2.14-2012 A0.3 PHASE II PRELIMINARY EXHIBT"D" 4w IIIIII vie U — g _ CD SOUTH ELEVATION PHASE II w .� � � zU3 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING,OR PERMITTING P elect Nate carp catty e�ma�e sodey CAD Fk Name .nc _"� z tloi EXTERNE�varioN9 Seale 11 0 2 4 8 16 EAST ELEVATION 2-14-2012 A0.4 PHASE II PRELIMINARY EXHIBT"D" ,,`% nz a U 3 Z U Fa 3 =- - -__-- A,tra---1--- --- -- -_- - - _ i - 4 - 2 _--- , _L--.0 _ - __ - _-- -- = NOT FOR - - - CONSTRUCTION, _ - - -- - _ - - _ _ .� - - BIDDING,OR ) PERMITTING _ 101008000 CAD Me Nam RENDERED PERSPECTIVE Seale PERSPECTIVE RENDERING NOT 10SCALE PHASE II 2-14-2012 PRELIMINARY A0.5 - 1.\ , ,, ; ' I f Subject Property i tate Highway No. 78 `^ i 1 I 1 i 5A i ; 1 ~ 1 1 \ , 1 _-__ ��IIIIII1111111r� °` " ` .`. 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K I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-04. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 20,2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 10,2012, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: 61e1A) (please print) Address: (:2 -4 c7us e. rvu Signature: Date: j --f I -- 2 . 2-- COMMENTS: • OGUA) 6 I,q 3 & 8 UOA.) ct 2 Page 43 of 45 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Dept intent of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-04. l am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-04. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 20,2012, 6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 10,2012, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: itiAzo cr :ticL (please print) Address: IA Z .�: (\ - t� t e) 7S Signature: atya Date: COMMENTS: Page 44 of 45 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-04. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-04, Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 20,2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Budding 100,Wylie.Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 10,2012, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: / 0t� /4.-�/ l (please print) Address: l g'37 E jl2 0£c/14 Signature: 7 Date: ,r COMMENTS: Page 45 of 45