04-03-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Commission me II C ii c due to leather April Regular Business Meeting 7/1/1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING I Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 3, 2012 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from March 20, 2012 Regular Meeting. April 3,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Braddock Place Phase II, establishing 44 single family residential lots and one open space lot for park purposes on 37.906 acres, generally located southeast of Cedar Point Drive and west of Timber Falls Way. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit(SUP) for an Equipment Rental use on one lot of 2.0 acres (Highway 78 Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 2)located at 1211 Highway 78 South. ZC 2012-05 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 30`"Day of March 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday March 20, 2012 —6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Gilbert Tamez called the meeting to order at 6:31PM. Present with Vice- Chairman Tamez were, Commissioner Matt Kirk, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko and Commissioner Ron Smith. Chairman Phillip Johnston and Commissioner Ruthie Wright were absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Charles Lee, Senior Planner. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the Invocation and Commissioner Kirk led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Tamez opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Tamez closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 20, 2012, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the minutes from February 20, 2012 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 6 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lot 1 developing a single story, 3,010 square foot 7-11 convenience store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acre, generally located southwest of Parker Road (FM 2514) and Country Club Road(FM 1378). Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is proposing to construct a 7-11 Convenience Store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acres. The property is part of a Planned Development zoning (PD 2006-02) with the overall concept for a Neighborhood Services (NS) commercial district. The development represents Phase 1 of The Shops of Northern Wylie, with the remainder of the expected development towards the south. The property is located on the southwest corner of Parker Road and Country Club Road. The thoroughfare will be improved, and the design is not yet complete from Texas Department of Transportation and Collin County. Access is from Parker Road and shared access from anticipated development to the south. The site complies with the Zoning Ordinance's Site, Landscape and Architectural Design requirements. A preliminary plat establishing property boundaries, easements and rights- of-way dedication is on the current agenda. Commissioner Kirk questioned the access on the existing thoroughfare. Mr. Lee stated that the applicant is aware of proposed expansion of Country Club Road and Parker Road from TXDot and the County. Ms. 011ie stated that the design for median cuts from TXDot as well as the Collin County is not complete. Mr. Michael Montgomery, Verdad Real Estate, 1109 Ashby Drive, Allen, Texas, stated that a traffic engineer has performed a traffic study and made some recommendations. Based on those recommendations, the engineer will revisit the property to make recommendations for the safety devices for the intersection of Parker Road and Country Club Road. Commissioners discussed stipulations on a motion. Ms. 011ie asked for clarification that if the Commissioners made a motion pending the traffic study with City Engineer involved, and the stipulations that Commissioners included were not warranted by the study, is the Site Plan then denied because the stipulations are not met. Ms. 011ie recommended the Commissioners approve the Site Plan with suggestions for the City Engineer to look into, that way the suggestions are not tied to approval or denial, understanding that if engineering plans are not approved, the site does not get developed A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Site Plan for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lot 1 developing a single story, 3,010 square foot 7-11 Convenience Store with gasoline pumps on one lot consisting of 1.137 acres, generally located southwest of Parker Road (FM 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378), with recommendation the City Engineer take into consideration the traffic study to allow for appropriate safety pending design of Country Club Road (FM 1378) and Parker Road (FM 2514). Motion carried 5-0. Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 6 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating 4 commercial lots on 4.112 acres for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, Lots 1-4. Subject property generally located southwest of Parker Road(F.M. 2514) and Country Club Road(FM 1378). Mr. Lee stated that the Preliminary Plat establishes property boundary lines for four commercial lots, rights-of-way dedication as well necessary easements to accommodate the development of Phase 1 of The Shops of Northern Wylie. The Site Plan for Lot 1, Block A was on the current agenda. A motion was made by Commissioner Smith, and seconded by Commissioner Kirk, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat creating four commercial lots on 4.112 acres for The Shops of Northern Wylie, Block A, lots 1-4. Subject property generally located southwest of Parker Road (FM 2514) and Country Club Road (FM 1378). Motion carried 5 —0. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District (PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04 Ms. 011ie stated that the request is to rezone 10 acres from AG/30 to Planned Development-AG/30. The applicant is Collin County Humane Society, and desiring to utilize the property for an animal boarding facility. The current ordinance allows Animal Boarding with Outside Pens with an SUP in the AG/30 District. However, because of the nature of the use, the applicant desired to propose PD-AG/30, allowing more innovation than what typical AG/30 will require. The proposed development will be a phase project. The first phase will include a possible dog park, a dog kennel, a 6,758 square foot facility with 23 parking spaces, adoption suites, grooming areas and office areas. Phase II would consist of 32 additional parking spaces, and a 3,363 square foot facility that would have dog suites, cat condos and a multi-function room. Phase III proposes 50 more parking spaces, and a 4,080 square foot open area for play yards with a possible barn/stable. The applicant is proposing to begin construction in August 2015 and two or three year's increments after that to have the development completed. A creek bisects the property and numerous easements, power lines take up the rear five acres, leaving the remaining five acres in the front buildable. The Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 6 applicant is proposing to increase the landscaping requirements, and make the area conducive to the existing natural habitat. The trees or creek will not be disturbed during the construction or development of the property. The property is located on Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. Single-Family Residential District immediately to the North, and larger residential lots to the west. There are no residential dwellings immediately to the east, but there are residential uses and Agricultural uses in the area. Development of the property is limited due to utility infrastructure and natural constraints therefore staff is in support of the applicant's request to establish Planned Development zoning on the property providing specific safeguards associated with an animal rescue, rehab and adoption center are provided. The establishment of specific Planned Development provisions and safeguards such as minimum buffers, sound walls, minimum night sky lighting along with the existing terrain and natural vegetation shall limit undesirable spill overs to adjacent properties to the southwest and north which allows for a unique opportunity conducive with the surrounding land uses. Sixteen (16) notifications were mailed as required by law to property owners within 200 feet. We received several responses from those within the 200 feet buffer, as well as those outside the 200 feet buffer. We received 30 responses against the request, and 18 in favor of the request. By State Law there is a 20 percent rule applied when objection of a request is received by at least 20% of land owners within the 200 foot buffer. If a request reaches this 20 percent rule, then the item must be approved by a super-majority vote when considered by City Council. Ms. 011ie reviewed the Planned Development Conditions, stating that landscaping is increased by 5 to 10 percent than the requirements within Article 3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Molly Peterson, President Collin County Humane Society, P. O. Box 2733, McKinney, Texas, stated that they are a non-profit entity, and is not tied to SPCA or National Humane Society. We operate through grants and donations. One of the issues raised from the comments received was the noise factor. The dogs are not outside in large numbers, it is very small amount of dogs taken outside in very small quantity of time. Each dog run will have a contained restroom for the dogs with the waste running into the sewage system. All dog waste occurring in the outdoor pay yards will be picked up immediately. The proposed possible dog park will be on the eight acres that is not buildable due to power lines, easements and creek. The public park will be fully fenced and open during the day and closed in bad weather. Vice-Chairman Tamez opened the Public Hearing. Ms. Toni Rowe, 1500 S Kreymer, spoke in opposition of the request and represented several property owners that were unable to attend the meeting, expressed concern of traffic and no barrier sound. Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 6 Mr. John Honea, 1213 Camelot, spoke in opposition of the request, due to impact of the noise to the surrounding residential properties, expressed concern, safety for children, and financial concerns. Mr. Lloyd Richardson, 1216 Majestic Lane, spoke in opposition of the request due to the property value will go down. He represented the Board of Director for Homeowners Association for Avalon Addition, which are all against. Ms. Ashley Pickering, 2921 Preston Lane, spoke in favor of the request and foster pet owner. The business is operated not just on donations, but grants. The building will be constructed as a new elementary school, and will not fit within a commercial area. Ms. Marjorie Bennett, 1945 E. Brown, spoke in opposition of the request, due to safety of the children in case of dogs escaping, the noise of the animals, and doesn't want to look at the facility. Ms. Lisa Henry owns property within Wylie spoke in favor of the request and closely involved with the Collin County Humane Society. Mr. Troy Rowe, 2938 Jamestown, spoke in opposition of the request due to lighting and concern of the financial revenue. Mr. Terry Rowe, 1500 S. Kreymer, spoke in opposition of the request due to lighting and safety. Ms. Cynthia McCoy, 2814 Dearborn, spoke in favor of the request, stating that there are dogs all in that area barking, really does not understand the noise factor concern. Ms. Peterson addressed the concern of the lighting, stating that the provisions are in place from the Zoning Ordinance and the design of the lighting is not complete at this time. The facility is not a night facility, so will not be lit up. The dogs will be contained inside the facility, surrounded by double walls, and only outside with a few dogs at a time. The number of dogs could be 76 and boarding side of dogs is 28. Chairman Tamez closed the Public Hearing. Chairman Tamez polled the Commissioners for their concerns. Commissioner Kopchenko expressed concern of location within residential uses, and noise issues, and asked if staff felt this was common. Ms. 011ie replied that what is common today may not be common five to ten years from now. May not be necessarily common in the midst of residential, but not impossible with certain safeguards in place. Commissioner Kirk expressed concern of noise and the number of opposition comment forms received. Commissioner Dahl stated that when a zoning proposal involves animals, it is an emotional decision; we have hopes of what will be and the fears of what happens. Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Smith questioned if other locations are available and the plans for the Wylie Independent School District, which is the adjacent property. Ms. 011ie stated that there are other vacant lands, but not sure if it is available. As far as the property that is owned by the WISD, not sure what or if the property will be developed for a school. Chairman Tamez stated that no matter where the proposed facility is located, someone will be unhappy. Dogs are going to bark. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, recommend approval amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District (PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04, with recommendations that the applicants meet with the neighborhood concerning the placement of future buildings and litigate those issues that may affect the neighborhood and that an understanding between the neighborhood and the development is met. Ms. 011ie questioned how the recommendations will be enforced and the Commissioners cannot enforce that. Mr. Lee encouraged the applicant to meet with the neighborhood before the item is considered at City Council. The motion was withdrawn. Commissioner Smith made a motion, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to recommend approval to the City Council, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Agricultural 30 District (PD-AG/30) District on 10 acres (Collin County Humane Society Addition), generally south of E. Brown Street and east of Kreymer Lane. ZC 2012-04. Motion carried 3-2, with Commissioners Kirk and Kopchenko in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Gilbert Tamez, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 20,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 6 of 6 Wylie Planning and Zoning ... Commission CITY OF F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 3, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: Braddock Place Phase II Date Prepared: March 8, 2012 Zoning District: Planned Development 2005-24 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Braddock Place Phase II, establishing 44 single family residential lots and one open space lot for park purposes on 37.906 acres, generally located southeast of Cedar Point Drive and west of Timber Falls Way. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Braddock Place Phase II, establishing 44 single family residential lots and one open space lot for park purposes on 37.906 acres, :enerall located southeast of Cedar Point Drive and west of Timber Falls Way. Discussion The property was originally annexed into the city in September 2004 and permanent zoning was established in July 2005 for a 185 acre single family planned development district to accommodate single family dwellings with varied square footages and lot densities. This Phase II of Braddock Place substantially conforms to the approved Planned Development conditions as well as the approved Development Plan for the district. All 44 lots in this phase comply with meeting Lot A designation and is in conformance with the lot mixture provision. In conformance with PD conditions and ordinance requirements; the plan reflects the dedication of 13.78 acres for park purposes as shown on Block A,Lot 4 and has been reviewed and accepted by the Parks Board. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the City's land Use Plan. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/27/12 Page 1 of 1 RICNV RAY FOSTER - �m RaeVAL 2a,a,2maa,T,aasa ro FE rq .. 589°46'O3"E 659.55' S621.12. :_,-- .212.12' ,8'589°38'47"E 786.28' O So 100 200 Apr I -Fo SCALD 1 100' 3 2 - lissom Z N m .3-raa CI,OF WVLCE.�ory,o t�=%, _ eszo .aoo - n 0,5 ,nna _-- °wromnr c[cIL HALE Yx I- Pn ''lib i W n _ _ se alt: _-L-- -_--t-_--_ 1_--_---- PROJECT VOL.02 00,730 PG.5156185e - - -- LOCTION V _ N �s'o.r.a u.r..r. row �%/ 'c� N69.36'47 W-- - -I ean000ck c Z r v PLACE o[luu Or J e - 14 \~T-a O -_7 VOL.2007� 595 L ... 1° O o3.ac YE" 157',32,3..NIl� ro 3 -\L 1 L _-. - LARRV MORGAN 6o T < <<R, 15 4 e r4F n'ssso °, S 1 \ .\P� ' 6 lrc' L LINE TABLE o ,A*. 11 i/ 8 4)° , :.. or .'",a, t« r spas, ,,T uNE NO. BEARING DISTANCE OOc• „ > .r'/C �� .- 9 ��,N 4 ��t j s6 o°,B r _ ,6L$�� 2.1. 5 47°�6 53"E 28.02' 82' ��o ry5,ti R)° ws fo \ ,S„ 10 -/W q 27 - '- 3 N 10.56'33"E 60,' y� 3 \( \ 4. N 14°46 0'W 37 O8, rr+4 6 9, f O t j� .yr // G 5. N 23°3'40 W 56.70 z r �"dh p9.,, 4S,, 5\\ 19 .e}��s.or 28 Z.`r9 S. 63a , 9e W a 54' 4'b � g° 8. S 35° 0'45'W 8.04' N>d r`vW .3 0, \� i / / - .,C. 9. 4r 33 oT w 26. O j ON xuss c4RUER 3� zO I E.B `. nW823 w/p��3 T"�� R`5O h 4. 20°50'22" 500.00' 181.86' 91.94 180.06 S67°27'12"W p 4 5. 42'41'38" 490.00' 365.12' 191.51 356.73 S33°28'26"E oac zooemoz0000eOSO ` "'W 6 v 6. " 60.00" 13.40' - - ° 6,. ` \ 5 , 59.&'� r O, 7. 145°53'30" 60.00' 152.78' ' " /' \`5 fy`3'a / • O 8. 15'05'31" 220.00' 57.95' 29.14 57.78 1,135°00'21"E 9 `� i / ' 1 0' 9. 15'05'31" 280.00' 73.75' 37.09 73.54 N35°00'21"E \ / 17 b v>k. 10 Ko .7^'� TOTAL LOTS 44 NOTES Off, '�,�°'y.2 BP gka1. TOTAL ACRES 37.905 e33i„ ` �\r `7 ,8 NOC 69�000'19 described In Clerks Fils are e Noo.20060119000079810,in the oDeeds vPA wo C EftK5P00ECHU 2p0 cords 2.All lotlines are Collin e�alu y perpendicular totO the JAPES DOC•99342 1ORIF 2 ,\ n street unless eoth wise noted by bearing. 4J° \ 3.%2"iron rods with"CORWIN MGR.INC." set al all p`'' ';W� '\`? boundarMts y corners,blockg le pointsints of curvature, in public vature y SB. 'u 9 13 4 unless otherwise noted.o 3p �'hy1 4.B.E.-Building Line Line �asement ° �GrY00. FINALPLAT D.E.-Drainage Easement H �Y S.S.E.-Sanitary Sewer Easement DOC.•0125,0 OF W,E,-Wate';'Esement BRADDOCK PLACE P.D.E.-Public Utility Easement to the City of Wylie PHASE I I A-Street ChangMonument o ument s.o r n OUT OF THE is t E.M.PRICE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.725 ^s portionof this addition b metes andbounds State 5 to nrmee and withholding or uuullesdand bundingperdmltsbleC r-z nwe WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.850 I IN HE CITY OF WYLIE III COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS L,„ OWNER --- BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II,LTD. _11.o_umi 0214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE,SUITE 710 DAL 225 214-522-4945 PREPARED BY .44441'onsra:MAL CORWIN ENGINEERING,INC. _ __ __ __ 200 W.BELIOONT,SUITE E ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 972-396-1200 FEBRUARY 2012 SCALE,1"-100' SHEET 1 OF 2 LEGAL DESG P WHEREAS,BRAODOCKCPLACE PHASE II,LTD.,is the owner of a tract of land situated Survey,in the E.10.Price Abstract N Survey,Abstract N In the C9ty of Wylie.Col.County_Texas.tieing pas ofta 185,14149 e tract.as described In Clerks Elie No.20060119000079810,1n the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,being more porticu,rly described os follows, Beglnning al a% ound at the most southwest corner of Braddock Place Please I, NOW, EREF ORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS valu me 200 g 596 Plat Recortls of Collin Ca y eras, THAT we the undersigned do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property a Thence.South 32°46'02'West.fora distance of 101,48 feet to a% nCh iron rod set. "BRADDOCK forever he eaddition osements d PLACE an a right-of-ways a hereon. to the y of Wylie. ere and do here o public u shown,ore OWNER'S DEDICATION STATEMENT Thence,South 42 33 OT'West,or a distance of 460.00 feet 10 a%2 inch iron rod set. hereby dedicated for purpose indicated.No buildings.fences trees. s,shrubs or other WATER LINE AND WATER LINE APPURTENANCES Thence,South 4T°26'53"East,far a distance of 21.82 feet to a% inch iron rod set: Improvements r growths hall be constructed or placed upon. 0 across the easements and imht-of- s p a e ri9ht-af ways a R Said lilies e s being hereby fi reserved for the mutual use and Thence.South 42°33'07"West,for a distance of 180.27 feel to a�/e Inch iron rod set In do s Aland any pubic ut lfy Now,Therefore Know All Men by these Presents, the wesi line of said 85.1449 acre iroct: Bright to any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs orother improvements or growths, endanger inter with the construction, hat,BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II.LTD.,acting herein by and through its duly authorized The,e.North 4.43'58'West,along said west line.for a distance of 310.72 feet,to a%2in,1 maintenance o which 4ts in any systems on o utility e enis and a publIC utilities shall at r,does hereby adapt this pat designated h s,BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II addition to right o iron rod seM1 oll times hove the removing of g t a and e s to a and um said uf,lay e enis fa the ch war er lines,vat es,a tl wofe y em PMpoiron rod Nortn T 0133 West,continuing a ong s.west)e,or a distance of 218.23 feet,to a 1/2 nch p curieg t p mission of anyanets espectiv system without the necessity, t y time,of EPecutetl this to the East for p 2012 y District North T 3152 West,continuing along so.west line,or a distance of 404.66 feet,to a%c inch WITNESS MY HAND AT Texas,this the day of 2012. iron rod Set Owner. Thence,North T 18 48 West,con9nuing olong soid west line,far a distance of 327.40 feet,to a inch Mon rod set. BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II,LTD,.A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By, Thence,South 8 28 56 West,conim g g id west)e,or a distance of 262.83 feet,to a%2 inch CORPORATION, ORATION, PLACE E STATES, :ERCORPORATION.A TEXAS STATE 0f TEXAS iron rod set. CO PORATION, S GENERAL PAR NE COUNTY OF South 34 24 O5 West,continuing olong sMd west line,far a distance of 115,79 feet,to a 1/2 iron rod set. Before me,the undersigned.a Notary Public in and forsaid County and Stale,on this day red RICHARD SKORBURG,known to me to beme p subscribed Thence,Norm 1,10'57"West,continuing o g sold west fine,fora distance of 184.51feet.to a Y2 nch Richard M.Skor g regoNg in edged t d same far t purpose and iron rod set, consideration therein expressed and in the capacity.therein he �t STATE OF TEXAS Thence,North 10'56'33"East,continuing along sold west line,fora distance of 60.71 feet,to a%¢ 1nCh COUNTY OF iron rod set. Given under my hand and seal of office.this day of .2012. Thence,iron rod :Noet 14°48'10"West.confirming along sold west line,fora distance of 37.08 feet.to a%2 ncM1 Before me.the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said County and State.on this day personally appeared RICHARD SKDRBURG,known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed e.North 26°15'15"West.continuing along sold west Ilne,fora distance of 200.07 feet to a�/2 Inch to the nstru ent and acknowledged to me that he executed same far The purpose and iron rod set: consider otion therein empress,. Notary Public in and far the State of Texas Thence.North 23°31'48'West.continuing along said west line,fora distance of 56,70 feet.to a 1/2 inch Iron rod set: Given under my band and seal of office, , day of ,2012. 02 43 West,continuing along said west)e,or a distance of 98.71 feet,to a 1/2nch Iron rod South 9 found' 5131 West,continuing aang s id west line,for a distance of 228.87 feet.to a I/¢ in, Iron rod North 4 found; North 3 5119 Wes,continuing g id west line,for a distance of 77.26 feet,to a%2 inch No y ublic in and for the Stole of Texas iron rod set My Commission e p es 22 06 East,continuing g .west line,far a distance of 120,14 feel,la a%2 inch iron rod North al the most westerly northwest corner of said 185 1449 acre(roc, Tnce ncM1 i Southron8 rod 9°46'0 st. set:3"fa along the north line of said 185.1449 acre tract,for distance of 659.55 feet.la Recammen tletl fa pp vat ab%2 Iron rod South 9 5116 East.continuing oang so.north line,for a distance of 21212 feet,10 a%2 inch Choirrnon,Planning 8 oning Commission Date City of Wylie.Tea s 788.28 feet,to a%e inch iron rod Sfound Bata northwest interior corner of said Braddock Place Phase I. Approved for Construction n deporting South 00°21'13"West.a distance of 240,00 f t.to a�z rod fund: following a Mayor.City a y ex Wylie,South 2.00'57"East o distance of 356.5 , Date North 7.0,32"East distance of 28,024feet,feet feet, oa�/2 rod V, inch iron rdi andtl South 4,26'53"East a distance of 204.76 feet,to a y, inch iron rod found of a point on a Han-tangent curve to the left with Accepted angleo central ti o along sold curve to the left with an arc distance of 43,19 feet.(Chord Bearing South 45°48'28"West.3.17 feet),to a 1/2 Inch South od.3 nit ion f 24 !eTexas Date South 47%d2653WeE art,a�distance of 240.00 feet to the.POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 33906 acres of land. Mayor, y Wylie, undersigned,the Clly Secretary of the City of WyIIe.Texas,hereby certllies that the foregoing finol plot of the BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II,subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie s submitted ond the Council,by formol c dicotion of ts,olley, public and water and s e shown and.set forth In and eu sold o easement. plat and said Council orther authorized the Mayor la note the acceptance thereof by sg g s name Witness my hand this day of ,AD-,2012. CitySecretary City of WyIIe,Texas FINAL PLAY KNOW ALL MEN CERTIFICATE THESE PRESENTS that I.WARREN L.CORWIN.do hereby certify that BRADDOCK PLACE prepared this F Plat and the field notes f d underrnd y personal a°athe'occ rdooceecor PHASE I I with the subdivisiononuments Regal thereon the y properly placed d OUT OF THE E.M.PRICE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.725 WILLIAM BUTTON SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.86U IN HE WARREN L.CORWIN CITY OFW YLIE R.P.L.S.No.4621 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS OWNER COUNTY OF COLLIN BRADDOCK PLACE PHASE II,LTD. 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE,SUITE 710 Before me,ared.WARREN gL eCORWIN,known Public to meand for to be The person 214-522-4945 nam Stole of Temos,on this day e DAL 225 subs to cnallY crIbed p the 1 oregoIng instrument.and acknowledged n ledged to me that he executed same for the purpose and consider anon therein expressed and in me capacity therein staled. PREPARED BY CORWIN ENGINEERING,INC. liven under hond and seal of office,this dos of ,2012. 200 W.BELMONT,SUITE E ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 972-396-1200 NOTARY PUBLIC.STATE OF TEXAS FEBRUARY 2012 SHEET 2 OF 2 This page is intentionally blank 114/11:' Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: April 3, 2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: March 22, 2012 Zoning Case Number 2012-05 Location Map, Exhibit,Notification List/Map Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Equipment Rental use on one lot of 2.0 acres (Highway 78 Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 2)located at 1211 Highway 78 South. ZC 2012-05 Recommendation Consider a recommendation of approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) District to Commercial Corridor-SUP (CC/SUP) District for an Equipment Rental use,located at1211 Highway 78 South, Highway 78 Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 2 . Discussion The subject property is located at 1211 Highway 78 South and is within the Highway 78 Business Park, also known as the Century Business Park Addition. The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) for an Equipment Rental use. An SUP provides a means of oversight and evaluation by the Commission and City Council of certain uses as to its probable effects upon adjacent properties and the community's welfare by assuring appropriateness and compatibility with surrounding land uses. The applicant is proposing to redevelop the 2.0 acre property. The property is currently zoned Commercial Corridor and has been used as an Automotive Repair, Major for several years. A concept plan has been provided by the applicant in conjunction with this request and is made part of this request. As reflected in the exhibit, the applicant proposes several changes to improve the property: • The 12,000 sq.ft. metal structure will be clad in masonry materials that comply with the current zoning ordinance. • Landscaping will be added to the front of the property. While this addition would bring the property closer to the requirements of the current zoning ordinance, the proposed 4,000sq.ft. of landscaping is less than the required 20%. However, based on the placement of the building on the site, meeting this requirement would require watered landscaping that is not visible from the public thoroughfare thus providing no aesthetic benefit while limiting the applicants business potential given the need for equipment storage on pavement. • Parking will be realigned with a total of 18 spaces provided, which is less than the 24 that is required for this use in the zoning ordinance. Although the Equipment Rental use is categorized under the general heading of Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 "RETAIL", it is not the typical retail user that brings in a high volume of drive by customers. It caters more to a contractor or individual worker who rents a tool or piece of equipment to perform a temporary task thus staff feels a reduction in parking is justifiable. • Paving will be added to the rear of the property to accommodate rental products, a wash rack, and a fueling station. • Fencing will improved on the property frontage. The Comprehensive Plan designates Commercial uses for the area of this request. Surrounding properties to the north, south and east are zoned Commercial Corridor or Light Industrial. These properties have similar uses, for example a car rental facility, and two automotive repair facilities, one major, one minor. In summary, the request for an SUP to redevelop the property for Equipment Rental is generally consistent with Commercial Corridor designated land uses. Therefore, the applicant's request for an SUP to operate such facility within CC is acceptable subject to approval of less than required parking and landscaping and the City Engineer's approval of a drainage plan. Staff recommends approval. Notification/Responses: Eight (8) notifications were mailed, with one written response returned favoring the request at the time of packet distribution. Approved By Initial Date RO 03/26/12 Department Director Exhibit"A" Legal Description ZBA Case#2012-05 BEING a two acre tract of land situated in the Highway 78 Business Park Addition,also being all of Lot 2,Block A, located at 121 1 Highway 78 South in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. "ca,; Min it fill + rall ��i >I I�.nu,��� n111111lIf1IlI1tltttflltlt111i11: -f l -,,,.,■„„ F,rT.rn•• air o `� .I `iuum 0 L1111Inll I ll sfqçimu.uv7! iri +Ill g- %11( 11 I ${' }��«M.•w - r ,. ' r-•, it �ry _.._- ice:r ri 14, r FM 544 \`1Vy,.' i, �..' { / ` S �t > 1tI1lllllluI •L. �ltlll IED Gvt N.1�Fru! • •' _ __ --- -- _._..-_-- " ®® .� „... . _ , , r zI . __,, _. 3iT n 3,zrr .. . . „.,.... , i ... .:. .., , BD \ ; • ..__-.-- -_ ._... •1 f d Alanis Drive r J iJ f r, \1\1\11'��I�ll►1/ ]! '\1FI ,��� $IIIIII ,�In - viliiiriiii • rig%& ►1�G10.#am•#�.. i- - k-: ►,��% �nliii:.1 . , ,,,,,.. 0 \ \ # 1,1* MOM n = . , ... .... .... - ...... �.._ . ...t. .,,,,., ` . , . ,:. ' .� ....... i1in1111 > i .. ���4 .AMP*/ Ti5,x. rt•c j - .-L , L LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2012-05 n ti I R LOCATKIN IFTMI G CITITCRETE $n U a9 1I5O PROPOSED OPJI YELLOW STRIPS.20x1,�1 (T`4 ',Of 1$) PLAPFTER BOX^PLANTS TiZI BE DETEFTIBPED EXISTING PNATFIYIr GRASS �� COVER M D, r EGST e N4M IF4G TPEES tiPROPOEED GATE PFTOPOSEDPAFC 3 61ZI7 N, I42T8 P Y I.OVM STYRIPIE-212%TY (IYP;OFzg STATE HIGH' AY 78 r1;OPO5F13 PARKING/ 1161 Ior �ANbSCAR� RI-AN J'l III I d I I I/I11 I'/ /II I l r) 1 � � V� P,;'A''I'L>�", � ' I� I I ) 11 I�Ilb�,l I rl (,I f ItaJC II(71 I \ ' ,1111'11(1i(o111,tc‘ \\ ', \ /111h11111111111111111111111,111111111'111'1111111111'll'Hr' ''' ''''\\ \\\ ' \\\\\ \‘\\ i‘\ \\\W ,1,111111,1 111,0,k‘ \ izz/;/////z/ \ \ \ h 1,11,1h1,11111hil V \ ‘\ • \ " \ \\I'"lh'hl''''n"0"‘',,,,,,hhh'''' h \cki/ z4 \ k\4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII„ ,, \\ ''','T'''‘'\1\\ \\\ ' \ ' lf'':'hIPI ' 11,14'1,1111i111,1{V1,411010Q111'14\ \A A 0, ,. 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T � '�,,,p.,s �tI�11 ,<' P...,'",,' r �a `?„, > ..�`- 1 :5_ I-`1.)(' I C./.. f s r;�,r 'a" Jz ',..y,., w' c ( .� �, yam,.. "a i .,,.,_" ^'c az w^; ® _' t I i i i 6 C ,, ,ram , n o Pam- e "�� �-, ma y- :Fy r' "s a i7 I/�ilfi b 1 ,, i,,,,...-, i 1241 . B 1315 I U wo,F,.--,.t,.&:,-4.,,.,,=-....,o,3.,,.,„-W2,. .ter 1245si! 78S. Sign / ) 1 BusinessPark ?lz Ih[ic, \ 13 2 i O \ ti -- 1323 SR 1, 1,ti7 I 132n I 1"it.} 1 iCs- 1 1 1~ - T T� T I- 1 J ' T r- /- / -I OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2012-05 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,April 3,2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 24,2012,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: R C- 0.- ,,,,i f/ . (please print) Address: /3 G z- Ce i ii9' P147 Signature: _ Date: —13 r 7. — COMMENTS: __; -3` EE MAR 152012