01-17-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission Tuesday,January 17,2012—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Matt Kirk, and Commissioner David Dahl. Commissioner Ron Smith and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko arrived late. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner David Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 3, 2012, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve the minutes from January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 5 —0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini- warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property being located 1221 S. Highway 78. Ms. 011ie stated that the Site Plan is the third and last phase of the development located at 1221 S Highway 78. The property is located within two zoning districts, the proposed Site Plan is within the Light Industrial District and the existing facility directly on Highway 78 is Commercial Corridor District. In December 2011, the Commissioner and City Council approved text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance allowing Self-Storage Mini-Warehouse within Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial only. The proposed self-storage addition is allowed by right. The applicant is proposing to construct two self-storage buildings. The first, being labeled L on the Site Plan will be 4,700 square feet and the second, labeled K will be 21,980 square feet. The proposed development will not be visible from Highway 78,but rather adjacent to Century Way. Commissioner Kopchenko arrived at 6:34PM. The applicant was present. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to approve a Site Plan for Century Business Park Addition, Block A, Lot 3R, for the 3rd Phase of development for a Mini-warehouse Self-Storage facility on a single lot. Subject property — being located 1221 S. Highway 78. Motion carried 6—O. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 2,000 seat movie theater. The property was part of a Planned Development, modified on December 13, 2011, as it relates to parking and landscaping requirements for theater development. The Preliminary Plat establishes boundary lines for four lots. The primary access for the movie theater will be Woodbridge Parkway. The applicant is working with the City Engineer regarding two deceleration lanes along Woodbridge Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that before the item considered by City Council, corrections will be made on the vicinity map, as well as legal description stating Woodbridge Parkway instead of Country Club Road. Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 The applicant representative was present. With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to recommend approval to the City council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Cinema 12, a 10, 756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject to Engineering comments, and to corrections for Woodbridge Parkway and Country Club Road. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Motion carried 6 — 0, with Commissioner Smith arriving after the vote. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending the zoning from Business Government(BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02 Ms. 011ie stated that request is from City of Wylie and Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The subject lot is located north of FM 544 and east of Country Club Road is 19.1 acres in size and is part of the larger 260.083 acre tract platted as Wylie Civic Center Addition. Lot 1 is 19.674 acres in size and consists of the Wylie Municipal Complex, Recreation Center, and the Public Library. The remaining are undeveloped and are in their natural state. The request is to rezone Lot 4 from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to make it suitable for commercial development and to better conform to the current and future Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The tract of land does not fit the profile for open space/parkland and is more suitable for retail/light commercial development. Wylie Economic Development desires to make improvements to the property by making it marketable for commercial development. Currently, there is no user in mind, but use would be commercial. Ten notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet, one response favoring the request was received, and none in opposition. Commissioner Dahl questioned the tax exemption of the property. Mr. Sam Satterwhite, Director WEDC, stated that the property will remain tax exempt until which time conveyed to developer. The Commissioners discussed stipulations on what will be developed and provisions for amount of open-space. Ms. 011ie stated that the request is for straight zoning and requesting provisions is for zoning with Planned Development. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the 46.400Pb. Commission, Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council amending the zoning from Business Government (BG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on 19.100 acres, generally north of FM 544 and approximately 1,700 feet east of Country Club Road (FM 1378). ZC 2012-02. Motion carried 6-1, with Commissioner Kopchenko voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Jo ,Chairman ATTEST: .� 1 Mar Br ey,Administra ve Assistant Minutes January 17,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4