03-26-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 26,2012—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road,Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Christine Price,Jeff Harris,Gary Robas,Jim Ward and Matt Rose.
Staff members present: Robert Diaz,Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary Interim,Mary Bradley and Janet Hawkes.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 27,2012 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Price made a motion,seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the minutes from the February
27,2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon Bold Barbeque Vendor Application-to raise funds via barbeque sales,vendor sales,
and concerts benefiting the Wounded Warrior Project at Olde City Park July 7,2012 from 11:00 a.m.—
8:00 p.m.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz contacted Adam Diebold,event coordinator and owner of Bold BBQ,and advised him that the
July Jubilee could possibly conflict with his proposed Wounded Warrior Event,therefore he should meet with the
Wylie Downtown Merchant Association(WDMA). Mr.Diebold and the WDMA are currently in the process of
discussing the possibly of coordinating the Wounded Warrior Event as an added element to the July Jubilee. Since
a date for the July Jubilee has not yet been determined,Superintendent Diaz recommended the board to approve
allowing the Wounded Warrior Event to be held at Olde City Park with a"to be determined"date so that that Mr.
Diebold can move forward with his event planning.
Chairwoman Hiney asked Superintendent Diaz if other vendors would be attending the July Jubilee,and he stated
that the Parks and Recreation Department has not issued vendor permits in the past for this event as the vendors
were set up downtown in the streets and not in our parks.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion,seconded by Board Member Harris to approve Adam Diebold's vendor
registration with a date that is to be determined. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
3. Community Park Project Update
Board Discussion
On March 25,Superintendent Diaz met with PARD members to inspect progress of the Community Park project.
Only Superintendent Diaz,Member Rose and Citizen Lance were in attendance.
Superintendent Diaz advised of good construction progress at Community Park considering the heavy rains in the
area during the previous week. At this point the project has incurred 28 rain days,which has caused the park
completion date to be pushed out to late April.
Member Rose and Member Harris feel as though the 28 day rain delay should not affect a delay for Community
Park's initial completion day and that the final schedule is not reflective of what is actually going on at the
construction site. It is their opinion that the contractor could be more efficient by phasing out the construction of the
fields along with the laying of sod.
Member Price asked what fields would be available for games in April. Superintendent Diaz advised that the goal is
to have a place for the kids to play baseball this season. At Community Park there is access to the existing t-ball
fields,4 new backstops installed on the eastside of the park,as well as temporary fields that can be set up on the
field behind the old location of Smith Library. Other options being considered include Founders Park,possibly the
Wylie high school fields,and Breckenridge Park in Richardson.
Superintendent Diaz advised the Board Members that he will obtain more clarification from the contractor in regards
to the final schedule and address the topic of phasing out the fields. He will also get confirmation on the use of
alternative game fields. Superintendent Diaz will then email the Board Members with that updated information.
4. Recreation fees and Childcare age 7-11 Program at Wylie Recreation Center update.
Board Discussion
On April 10,2012,Superintendent Diaz plans to present two items to Wylie City Council;first a narrowed down
version of the various ideas presented at the February 27,2012 Board meeting,pertaining to the Recreation Center's
fee schedule. Second,an update regarding the Wylie Recreation Center childcare for ages 7-11 programs.
Superintendent Diaz advised that Recreation Center staff recommends increasing the minimum age of children
requiring memberships from 3 years old to 7 years old. This is due to the fact that unaccompanied children under 6
are not allowed in the facility. They would also like to raise the adult rate from 17 and older to18 and older.
Justification for making this change is the fact that a 17 year old still requires the parent/legal guardian's signature
on the waiver. Superintendent Diaz feels that both of these suggestions would not likely decrease revenue and
would in turn improve upon customer service which could actually encourage membership renewal.
Superintendent Diaz would like to receive input from City Council in regards to amending the current family --�
membership maximum of 4. He discussed with the Board that staff would like to pursue an unlimited family
membership option but he is not sure how it would be best to manage this. Superintendent Diaz is planning on
presenting the different scenarios suggested at the last PARD meeting to City Council in April.
Member Robas is concerned that by implementing the staff recommendations,revenues would decrease,facility
expenses would increase and the Recreation Center could become a burden to taxpayers. Chairperson Hiney
advised that the Recreation Center was never intended to be a money maker,nor that its revenue would break even
with its expenses. Member Rose recommended that the Recreation Center keep the family membership of 4 at$325
but implement a discounted rate to additional family members within the same household at 40%each. Member
Ward was in agreement with Chairwoman Hiney,and he is opposed to the idea of an unlimited family membership
because it would be very difficult to manage proof of residency and that relying on the honor system would not be
Member Harris agreed that the membership age requirement be changed from age 3 years to age 7 years.He also
requested an update of where the Recreation Center is at in regards to revenue since the new year has begun.
Member Harris requested input from Park Board Secretary Interim,Janet Hawkes,in regards to changing the
Recreation Center's current fee schedule. Secretary Hawkes also currently works at the Recreation Center as a
Front Desk Guest Service Specialist. She advised that she personally has received few negative responses in regards
to the current fee structure. On occasion she receives complaints about the Recreation Center's Family Membership
not accommodating larger families and/or not having discounted fees for additional family members. She told the
Board that she is often asked if there are plans to increase the current membership rates.
Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that there was some increase in numbers in regards to the 7-11 Program.
However,the 7-11 Program is not being overwhelmingly used despite a lot of advertising going into this program.
Various ads went out in the Recreation brochure,Connection magazine,Wylie newspaper and the Wylie newsletter.
The 7-11 Program is currently available for children ages 7-11 on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. -°-�
and Saturday from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Minutes March 26, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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Superintendent Diaz stated that if the 7-11 Program were to be discontinued,an option would be to expand the
current childcare program to include 7 year olds. Member Harris asked Secretary Hawkes if she thought members
utilizing the current program would be upset by increasing the childcare numbers to include 7 year olds. Secretary
Hawkes advised the Board that she does not work in the childcare rooms at the Recreation Center and therefore
could not give an accurate response to that question. She did state that for safety reasons most members do not drop
off their 7 year old to be alone at the Recreation Center,unless with an older sibling,so members with a 7 year old
would likely utilize the childcare programs more readily.
Superintendent Diaz stated that in April he will provide the Board with the most up to date Wylie Recreation Center
revenues for their review at the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting. He will also look to move the fee
discussions with Council to May 2012. The 7-11 Program,however,will need to be presented to City Council as
planned in April as it is primarily an update of its progress.
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Rose and seconded by Board Member
Harris. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.by unanimous consent.
Mary radley,,-Park Board Secr Lary Ann Hiney, Chair
(Interim) J \ j
_ : c xti~
Jane Hawkes, Park Board Secretary
. a (Interim)
Minutes March 26, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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