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05-14-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and
CITYII ��Y.y ry�q yyy gy' 1{Iµ�'-i
C 1�. i. O.Y. R I,,A Il...a•
Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 14,2012—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Anne Hiney Chair
Matt Rose Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
Cristine Price Board Member
Gary Robas Board Member
Jim Ward Board Member
Jeff Harris Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Janet Hawkes (Interim) Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex,
distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.„goy within the required time frame. As a
courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to
step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair
accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the
City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6022.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board
requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any
matter presented during citizen participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the April 23, 2012 meeting.
2. Remove from Table from April 23, 2012 meeting: Consider and act upon approving the
conceptual neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek Park
prepared by consultants Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc.
3. Review new summer recreation brochure and upcoming activities.
4. Community Park Project update.
5. Review of the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects for FY 2012 and discuss
projects for the FY 2013.
I cent fy that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of May 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website:
May 14,2012 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Parks and
CITYII ��Y.y ry�q yyy gy' 1{Iµ�'-i
C 1�. i. O.Y. R I,,AIl.,
Meeting Agenda
Monday,April 23,2012—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Chairwoman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Cristine Price,Jim Ward and Matt Rose.
Staff members present: Robert Diaz,Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary Interims,Mary Bradley and Janet Hawkes.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 26,2012 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Rose made a motion,seconded by Board Member Price to approve the minutes from the March 26,
2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the conceptual neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and
Pheasant Creek Park prepared by consultants Teague,Nall and Perkins,Inc.
Board Discussion
Discussion began with the Forrest Ross property or Park Site A. Superintendent Diaz met with the North Texas
Municipal Water District(NTMWD)and the United States Army Corp of Engineers(USACE)on two different
occasions to discuss conceptual plans for Park Site A. TNP has divided Park Site A into three park areas: Park
Area 1(west side-NTMWD owned property),Park Area 2(central piece-City of Wylie owned property),and Park
Area 3 (east piece-USACE owned property). NTMWD is open to ideas in regards to Park Area 1 but are in the
process of discussion for possibly putting in an additional retention pond,and are therefore are unsure if they will
ever want to sell that piece of land. Superintendent Diaz advised that Park Area 2,which is city owned property,
has ground that is not level;however Teague,Nall and Perkins(TNP),Wylie's Neighborhood Park Plan Consultant,
worked well at utilizing the contours of the land to accommodate amenities such as a pavilion and trails.
Superintendent Diaz stated that the USACE is open to any ideas in regards to Park Area 3 and are willing to lease
their land to us as they are not planning to develop there due to the fact that it is mostly flood plain. TNP shows a
Park Area 3 plan for soft surface trails connecting to nearby neighborhoods and the Wylie Angel area,with parking
located in Park Areas 1 and 2. Park Area 3 would be mostly trail area with minimal disturbance to land and
wildlife. Superintendent Diaz feels that all three areas are good conceptual park plans and can be done in phases.
The next step from here would be to obtain design/engineering documents and construction documents.
Board Member Price asked if TNP would have the opportunity to be the company who provides these documents
and Superintendent Diaz advised that they would along with other consultants. Board Member Rose requested we
go back to TNP and ask them to add more items to Park area 2 since NTMWD may never sell Park Area 1 land to
the City of Wylie. Chairwoman Hiney agreed with Board Member Rose since Park Area 1 is an unknown. In
addition Chairwoman Hiney felt like TNP's Wylie Park Master Plan for Park Site A did not change much from their
previous one and would like for them to give us a revised master plan in addition to the current one in the event we
don't get Park Area 1 land from NTMWD. Superintendent Diaz stated that the Master Plan submitted by TNP is
just a starting point showing maximum potential in Park Area 1.
Board Member Rose stated his concern with the low budget number estimation of$85 per square foot compared to
the$214 per square foot recently spent for the Community Park concession stand and restroom. Superintendent
Diaz advised that the figures given were bare bones numbers only,a starting point,and that prices change on a daily
basis. Site amenities and consulting plans are not included in the estimates shown by TNP.
Board Member Chesnut expressed his concern with the possibility that NTMWD may decide not to sell Park Area 1
land to the City of Wylie,as well as with the idea that NTMWD is considering adding a retention pond on their
property. Board Member Chesnut feels a retention pond would not only be unsightly but also would emit
unpleasant odors in Park Area 1,particularly in the summer months. Superintendent Diaz responded that the pond
NTMWD has said to be considering would not contain sewer water but treated waste water from the treatment plant.
Board Member Chesnut asked how the neighboring subdivision in Park Area 3 was permitted to build on a flood
plain to which Superintendent Diaz advised that the subdivision was located on private property and was not in the
flood plain. Superintendent Diaz stated that last year the City Council directed the Parks Board to look at Park 1
land as a gateway to the lake,looking into all possibilities. He added that all ideas suggested by TNP will be
brought before Council prior to any funding being allocated.
Board Member Ward suggested we ask TNP for an addendum backup plan in the event that Park Area 1 no longer
becomes an option. Board Member Price expressed that she liked the overall big picture of the parks but suggests
TNP change amenities in Park Area 1 (NTMWD land)to be shown instead on Park Area 2(City of Wylie land).
Superintendent Diaz explains that the Park Site A Plan was designed to show a viable neighborhood park with or
without park Area 1 and that each piece of land is designed to fit together and respectively work on their own. Park
Area 1,if obtainable,just had the most usable land to build on.
Chairwoman Hiney said that she felt the Board was not so much concerned with specific amenities on Park Area 1
but more so with what else could be realistically put on Park Area 2 in the event that Park Area 1 is not an option.
Board Member Rose advised he loves the overall concept of the Park Site A plan however feels that consideration
needs to be given in regards to screening(trees,shrubs,etc.)from the possible retention pond as well as ideas on
how to make Park Area 2 into the gateway to the lake in the event we don't have Park Area 1 as an option.
Superintendent Diaz then reviewed the Pheasant Creek Park,or Park Site B,with the board advising its plan is a
simpler plan to achieve;however,he added that the budget for such plan is very large. Park Area 1,although very
pretty,has design challenges due to the steepness of the ground around the creek area. Also,there is no easy access
to this park because it is not centrally located and is attached to neighborhood housing. Member Rose stated he
likes the overall plan but would prefer an all-city parking lot be added. Chairwoman Hiney felt that Park 1 would
not get a lot of traffic other than the surrounding neighborhoods and believed money spent on a parking lot at this
park would be wasteful spending. Superintendent Diaz added that a security issue could pose a problem for Park
Area 4 because the park sits directly behind residential homes without any screening present between homes and the
Board Action
Superintendent Diaz asked the board if they wanted to vote tonight on the non-binding conceptual Park Site A
Master Plan or wait and see if TNP will submit a second conceptual master plan showing amenities. The Board
agreed that they wanted to wait with the hopes of receiving the second optional concept from TNP. Board Member
Ward made a motion,seconded by Board Member Price,to table both neighborhood park site plans(Park site A and
B)until next month allowing Superintendent Diaz to request an amended Wylie Park Master Plan for Park Site A.
A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
1. Community Park Project Update.
Superintendent Diaz showed the board recent photos of various parts of the Community Park project. Sod is being
laid on Eldridge Field,and the concession stand sign is up awaiting final painting. Restroom interior glass blocks
were installed which emit a lot of natural light to the interior. Water fountains on each side of the concessions stand
are in. Area lighting will be tested on Tuesday,April 24. The process for choosing the art for Community Park is
underway. Canopies are not yet on the roof. Contractor suggested pulling up the temporary fencing;however,we
are concerned that it is too soon due to safety reasons. Irrigation is miming on sodded areas of the park that have
irrigation. To allow the sod to better establish,Wylie Baseball Association agreed to move several games to
Founders Park and WISD facilities.
Minutes April 23, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 2 of 3
Board Member Rose inquired on where we are at with the contingency,and Superintendent Diaz advised that it was
at approximately$20,000. There are still a few things which need to be paid for,such as artwork. Superintendent
Diaz notified the Board that once the project is closed out we will come back with a list of items that the City
Council would like addressed. The exact amount left from contingency should be available for the June Board
Chairwoman Hiney stated that three artists and one alternative were selected to submit their ideas for the
Community Park art project. The Public Art Board subcommittee will choose the final artist and recommend them
to the Public Art Board wherein City Council will issue final approval.
2. Discuss recreation fees and Childcare 7-11 program at Wylie Recreation Center update.
On April 10,2012, Superintendent Diaz provided to the City Council an update on the Childcare 7-11 Program as
well as the plan to implement additional hours on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Council advised Superintendent
Diaz to keep going with it as is with plans to re-evaluate the Childcare 7-11 Program in the fall. Superintendent
Diaz stated that the Recreation Center staff will be present for the May Board meeting to review the new brochure
with the Board members. Superintendent Diaz presented graphs showing Wylie Recreation Center current revenues
which revealed that the revenues are on target with the budget.
Board Member Rose confirmed that the budget year runs from October to September. He does not recommend that
we change or discount any Recreation Center fees at this time.
Board Member Ward inquired on how much the 4B budget has reduced as a result of the Recreation Center.
Superintendent Diaz advised that in addition to the Recreation Center,4B has contributed to the Community Center,
Parks and paying the debt for the Wells property. The goal is to not exhaust the 4B balance,but he is unsure where
the funds should come from if 4b funds are exhausted.
Chairwoman Hiney agreed that the board should not reduce or make any changes to the current Recreation Center
fees but they should be evaluated again within the next fiscal year.
3. Review of the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects for FY 2012 and discuss projects for the FY
Superintendent Diaz stated he wanted to get the Board's perspective on the projects but that he was still awaiting the
current budget information from the Finance Department. Superintendent Diaz did review the current status of
projects for FY 2012: Dodd Park irrigation will be completed this summer in the west zone,trash cans and benches
put in at various parks in the central zone,and amenities have been purchased for the disc golf project in the east
zone. Chairwoman Hiney stated she would like to bring this review back in front of a full board for discussion at the
next meeting. Board Member Rose requested reviewing again the list of last year's suggested projects along with
their estimated budgets. Superintendent Diaz agreed and suggested that calling a special meeting might be required
to address the budget due to time constraints
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member
Rose. The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 unanimous consent.
Mary Bradley, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chair
Janet Hawkes, Park Board Secretary
Minutes April 23, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 3 of 3
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: May 14, 2012 Item Number: 2
Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Exhibits: 4
Date Prepared: May 9, 2012 $
Remove from Table from April 23, 2012 meeting: Consider and act upon approving the conceptual
neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek Park prepared by consultants Teague
Nall and Perkins, Inc.
To approve the conceptual neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek Park
prepared by consultants Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc.
The Board voted to table the approval of the neighborhood park plans submitted and reviewed by the Board at
the April 23, 2012 meeting. Staff was able to review the Board comments with the consultant and they are
resubmitting a design for the Forrest Ross property-Park Site A/Park Area 2. Staff will review the new design
and answer any questions regarding the updated design.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD May 9 2012
Page 1 of 1
Skyview Drive Park (Park Site "A") Wylie, Texas
Conceptual Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
Review. 100%
4/16/2012 Contingency Factor 15%
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Icon Tower 1 ea $45,000 $45,000
2 Basketball Court(60'x110') 1 ea $50,000 $50,000
3 Sand Volley Ball Court 1 ea $7,500 $7,500
4 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 22,500 sf $0.75 $16,875
5 Sod (Activity Areas) 28,700 sf $0.75 $21,525
6 Sod/Seed (Limits of Park) 113,500 sf $0.25 $28,375
7 8'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 2,250 If $36 $81,000
8 Concrete Courtyard (4"Thick) 20,400 sf $5 $102,000
9 Parking Lot and Entry Drive 24,900 sf $12 $298,800
10 Curb and Gutter 1,225 If $30 $36,750
11 ADA ramps 9 ea $850 $7,650
12 Park furnishings 1 Allow $35,000 $35,000
13 Landscape 1 Allow $25,000 $25,000
14 Irrigation (50% of site) 1 Allow $35,000 $35,000
15 Signage/Wayfinding 1 Allow $50,000 $50,000
16 Utility infrastructure 1 Allow $100,000 $100,000
17 Park Pavilion (3,375 sf w/conc slab) 1 ea $135,000 $135,000
18 Club House(2 @ 4,400 sf ea.) 8,800 sf $85 $748,000
Subtotal -Area No. 1 $1,823,475
Contingency $273,521
TOTAL $2,096,996
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Park ID Sign 1 ea $30,000 $30,000
2 Park Pavilion (3,375 sf w/conc slab) 2 ea $135,000 $270,000
3 Park Pavilion (1,225 sf w/conc slab) 1 ea $75,000 $75,000
4 Utility infrastructure 1 Allow $100,000 $100,000
5 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 24,250 sf $0.75 $18,188
6 Sod (high foot traffic use areas) 11,800 sf $0.75 $8,850
7 Native Seeding (allow 20%of Park) 29,450 sf $0.30 $8,835
8 Parking Lot and Entry Drive 13,300 sf $12 $159,600
9 Curb and Gutter 1,725 If $30 $51,750
10 ADA ramps 9 ea $850 $7,650
11 8'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 2,450 If $36 $88,200
12 Park furnishings 1 Allow $35,000 $35,000
13 Landscape 1 Allow $50,000 $50,000
14 Irrigation (25% of site) 1 Allow $20,500 $20,500
15 Signage/Wayfinding 1 Allow $50,000 $50,000
16 Concrete Plaza areas (4"Thick) 1,650 sf $5 $8,250
Subtotal -Area No. 2 $981,823
Contingency $147,273
TOTAL $1,129,096
Prepared byTeague Nall Perkins Page 1 ofP M
P 9 Printed 4/16/2012-1:12 PM
Skyview Drive Park (Park Site "A") Wylie, Texas
Conceptual Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
Review: 100%
4/16/2012 Contingency Factor 15%
AREA No. 3 (USACE land)
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 6'Wide Natural Trail (4"Thick) 3,170 If $30 $95,100
2 Native seeding (10'either side of Trail) 63,400 sf $0 $19,020
3 Culvert 2 ea $3,500 $7,000
4 Creek crossing hardscapes 2 cross $5,000 $10,000
5 Park furnishings (bench/trash) 1 Allow $12,000 $12,000
6 Landscape 1 Allow $10,000 $10,000
7 Irrigation-none 0 Allow $0
8 Signage/Wayfinding 1 Allow $10,000 $10,000
9 Selective clearing for trail alignment 3,170 If $5 $15,850
10 ADA ramps 3 ea $850 $2,550
Subtotal -Area No. 3 $181,520
Contingency $27,228
TOTAL $208,748
Item Description Total Price
1 Area No. 1 (Triangle tract) $1,823,475
Area No. 2 (City park land) $981,823
Area No. 3 (USACOE land) $181,520
SUBTOTAL $2,986,818
15% CONTINGENCY $448,023
TOTAL $3,434,840
2 Area No. 1 (Triangle tract) $1,823,475
Area No. 2 (City park land) $981,823
SUBTOTAL $2,805,298
15% CONTINGENCY $420,795
TOTAL $3,226,092
3 Area No. 2 (City park land) $981,823
Area No. 3 (USACOE land) $181,520
SUBTOTAL $1,163,343
15% CONTINGENCY $174,501
TOTAL $1,337,844
Contingency may be assigned, but not limited to park/site lighting, professional services fees
Items not included in this estimate
Furnishings for new building(s)/pavilions
Land costs
Consultant fees
Real Estate transaction fees (if needed)
Page 2 of 2
Prepared by Teague Nall Perkins Printed 4/16/2012-1:12 PM
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• DECEMBER 1,2011
Harvest Crossing Park (Park Site "B") Wylie, Texas
Conceptual Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
Review 100%
4/16/2012 Contingency Factor 15%
MI' A 0 ` m A •< • *IT. x r.)
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Canopy Trees 6 ea $500 $3,000
2 Ornamental Trees 9 ea $250 $2,250
3 Flower Beds 275 sf $10 $2,750
4 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 7,400 sf $0.75 $5,550
5 Sod/Seed (Limits of Area) 35,575 sf $0.25 $8,894
6 Irrigation 43,000 sf $0.65 $27,950
7 6'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 775 If $30 $23,250
8 ADA ramps 2 ea $850 $1,700
9 Playground apparatus 1 ea $75,000 $75,000
10 Playground area 3,475 sf $5 $17,375 !,
11 Bench 2 ea $1,800 $3,600
12 Park electrical/lighting 3 std $5,000 $15,000
13 Multipurpose Court 1 ea $25,000 $25,000
14 Shelter(100 sf) 1 ea $10,000 $10,000
Subtotal -Area No. 1 $221,319
Contingency $33,198
TOTAL $254,517
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Canopy Trees 8 ea $500 $4,000 l
2 Ornamental Trees 8 ea $250 $2,000
3 Flower Beds 3,400 sf $10 $34,000
4 Steel Edging 270 If $3 $810
5 Mow Strip 225 If $15 $3,375
6 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 3,000 sf $0.75 $2,250
7 Sod/Seed (Limits of Area) 39,400 sf $0.25 $9,850
8 Irrigation 42,400 sf $0.65 $27,560
9 8'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 605 If $36 $21,780
10 ADA ramps 2 ea $850 $1,700
11 Decorative fencing 180 If $35 $6,300
12 Park electrical/lighting 1 std $5,000 $5,000
13 Park furnishings 1 allow $2,500 $2,500
14 6'Wide Boardwalk Trail 265 If $250 $66,250
15 Observation Deck 800 sf $75 $60,000
Subtotal -Area No. 2 $247,375
Contingency $37,106
TOTAL $284,481
Page 1 of 3
Prepared by Teague Nall Perkins Printed 4/16/2012-2:00 PM
Harvest Crossing Park (Park Site "B") Wylie, Texas
Conceptual Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
Review 100%
4/16/2012 Contingency Factor 15%
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Canopy Trees 19 ea $500 $9,500
2 Ornamental Trees 12 ea $250 $3,000
3 Flower Beds 1,425 sf $10 $14,250
4 Steel Edging 310 If $3 $930
5 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 7,050 sf $2.75 $19,388
6 Sod/Seed (Limits of Area) 38,250 sf $0.50 $19,125
7 Irrigation 45,300 sf $0.65 $29,445
8 8'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 1,070 If $36 $38,520
9 ADA ramps 2 ea $850 $1,700
10 Park electrical/lighting 4 std $5,000 $20,000
11 Park furnishings 1 allow $20,000 $20,000
12 Park Pavilion (1,225 sf w/conc slab) 1 ea $75,000 $75,000
Subtotal -Area No. 3 $250,858
Contingency $37,629
TOTAL $288,486
Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Canopy Trees 10 ea $500 $5,000
2 Ornamental Trees 23 I ea $250 $5,750
3 Park area grading &shaping 1 Is $50,000 $50,000
4 Plaza area 1,690 sf $7 $11,830
5 Park furnishings 1 allow $15,000 $15,000
6 Sod (5'either side of Trail) 10,000 sf $2.75 $27,500
7 Sod/Seed (Limits of Area) 36,400 sf $0.50 $18,200
8 Irrigation 46,400 sf $0.65 $30,160
9 Park electrical/lighting 3 std $5,000 $15,000
10 8'Wide Concrete Trail (4"Thick) 1,400 If $36 $50,400
11 ADA ramps 1 ea $850 $850
12 Observation Deck,tiered 1,500 sf $100 $150,000
Subtotal -Area No. 4 $379,690
Contingency $56,954
TOTAL $436,644
Prepared byTeague Nall Perkins Page 2 ofP M
P 9 Printed 4116P'2012-2:00 PM
Harvest Crossing Park (Park Site "B") Wylie, Texas
Conceptual Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
Review 100%
4/16/2012 Contingency Factor 15%
11111 ""1
Item Description Total Price
1 PARK AREA No. 1 (Lake Terrace Dr.) $221,319
2 PARK AREA No. 2 (HOA partnership) $247,375
3 PARK AREA No. 3(Neighborhood gather) $250,858
4 PARK AREA No. 4(behind homes) $379,690
SUBTOTAL $1,099,241
15% CONTINGENCY $164,886
TOTAL $1,264,127
5 PARK AREA No. 1 (Lake Terrace Dr.) $221,319
PARK AREA No. 2 (HOA partnership) $247,375
SUBTOTAL $468,694
15% CONTINGENCY $70,304
TOTAL $538,998
6 PARK AREA No. 1 (Lake Terrace Dr.) $221,319
PARK AREA No. 3(Neighborhood gather) $250,858
SUBTOTAL $472,176
15% CONTINGENCY $70,826
TOTAL $543,003
7 PARK AREA No. 1 (Lake Terrace Dr.) $221,319
PARK AREA No. 4(behind homes) $379,690
SUBTOTAL $601,009
15% CONTINGENCY $90,151
TOTAL $691,160
8 PARK AREA No. 2 (HOA partnership) $247,375
PARK AREA No. 3 (Neighborhood gather) $250,858
SUBTOTAL $498,233
15% CONTINGENCY $74,735
TOTAL $572,967
9 PARK AREA No. 2 (HOA partnership) $247,375
PARK AREA No. 4(behind homes) $379,690
SUBTOTAL $627,065
15% CONTINGENCY $94,060
TOTAL $721,125
10 PARK AREA No. 3 (Neighborhood gather) $250,858
PARK AREA No. 4(behind homes) $379,690
SUBTOTAL $630,548
15% CONTINGENCY $94,582
TOTAL $725,130
Contingency may include, but not limited to lighting, wayfinding signage, supplemental plantings,
Items not included in this estimate
Furnishings for new building(s), Land Costs, Consultant fees
Real Estate transaction fees(if needed)
Page 3 of 3
Prepared by Teague Nall Perkins Printed 4/16/2012-2:00 PM
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MAY 9,2012
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: May 14, 2012 Item Number: 3
(Board Secretary's Use Only)
Division: Parks and Recreation
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Exhibits: 1
Date Prepared: May 9, 2012 $
Review new summer recreation brochure and upcoming activities.
Steven Harben and Katy Burton, Recreation Programmers with the Wylie Recreation Center, will review
highlights of the summer activity and program guide with the Board.
The link to the online version of the brochure can be found at the following link: summer 2012
Hard copies of the brochure will be provided at the meeting for Board review.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD May 9 2012
Page 1 of 1
' '.rks a o ecreatio gar.
Meeting Date: May 14, 2012 Item Number: 4
(Board Secretary's Use Only)
Division: Parks
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: May 9, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $
Community Park Project update.
Staff will review construction progress at Community Park with the Board. Staff is working with the contractor
to complete punch list items and final inspections for the project. A certificate of occupancy for the concession
stand was issued on May 9. The WISD was able to let Wylie Baseball/Softball Association use the Wylie High
School baseball field for junior and senior level baseball games starting May 5, 2012. Staff is working toward
WBSA using the current fields for games the week of May 21, 2012, with senior and junior level games starting
after Memorial Day weekend.
Approved. ,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;,
Initial Date
Department Director RD 5/9/12
Page 1 of 1
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: May 14, 2012 Item Number: 5
Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: May 9, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $
Exhibits: 3
Review of the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects for FY 2012 and discuss projects for the FY
Staff has attached a progress report of Parks Acquisition and Improvement projects for this FY 2012. Staff was not able to
discuss FY 2013 Parks Acquisition and Improvement fund projects at the last meeting due to the fact that I was not able to
get budget data so the Board could see what funds were available. The budget information is now available and staff has also
been able to review the data and would like to provide to the Board some staff recommendations to assist with discussion of
potential projects.
Staff researched what projects were discussed for the current FY 2012, and below is an excerpt from the May 2, 2011
Grant Projects:
• Westgate Property
• Property adjacent to Dodd Park
• Trails on Municipal Complex property
• Trails on Oncor easements near Westgate area
Budget Projects/suggestions:
• Irrigation at Dodd and Avalon Parks
• Additional soccer goals,backstops,field goals at current practice areas or other parks where possible
• Recycling cans in parks that do not currently have them
• Branding parks(signage in parks)
• Additional parking areas at parks like Dodd and Avalon
Questions raised by the Board for staff were:
• Can we submit another grant for Community Park with Collin County?
• Can we look at designating the East Meadow for the municipal property as a nature preserve?
• The Board would like to have a joint work session to discuss funding options for master plan projects,possible?
• Can we look at some trail in conjunction with current road projects?
Based on the current funding staff recommendations would be the following for FY 2013:
West Zone:
• Trails on Municipal Complex property(Collin County and Texas Parks and Wildlife grant opportunity)
Central Zone:
• Complete items at Community Park not funded with bond funds: i.e.,concrete parking and landscaping
East Zone:
• Development of the Pheasant Creek Park playground area and/or Forrest Ross city-owened land(Collin County grant
Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
Due to the fact that Collin County Grants will not fund design and engineering staff,is proposing to budget all design and engineering
for any of the grant projects in the 4B Parks operating budget.
Approved By
Initial Date
RD May 9
Department Director 2012
City of Wylie
Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund
Statement of Revenues and Expenditures-Cash Basis
April 19,2012
West Central East Total All Zones
Beginning FY 2012 Fund Balance 329,649.34 210,636.57 155,047.09 695,333.00
Parkland Dedication (YTD Actual) - - - -
County Grants (YTD Actual) - - - -
Interest Income(YTD Actual) 179.53 114.72 84.44 378.69
Miscellaneous Income - - - -
Total Revenue 179.53 114.72 84.44 378.69
Actual Expenses (561.53) (19,910.74) (23,517.80) (43,990.07)
Budgeted Expenses (30,000.00) (20,000.00) (63,000.00) (113,000.00)
Total Fund Balance Based on Actual 329,267.34 190,840.55 131,613.74 651,721.62
Total Fund Balance Based on Budget 299,649.34 190,636.57 92,047.09 582,333.00
Fund Balance for 4B
4B FY 2012 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 1,630,357
4B FY 2012 Revenue to Date: $ 253,406
4B FY 2012 Expenditures to Date: $ 755,485
$ 1,128,278
4B FY 2012 Beginning Fund Balance: $ 1,630,357
4B FY 2012 Budgeted Revenue $ 741,420
4B FY 2012 Budgetd Expenditures $ 1,067,464
4B FY 2012 Ending Fund Balance: $ 1,304,313
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