10-07-1996 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX October 7, 1996 6:30 pm CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the September 9, 1996 Regular Business Meeting. 2. Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval of a Preliminary Plat for the Novid Business Park Addition submitted by Novid Properties, Inc., located north of the intersection of FM 1378 and FM 3412 (Brown Street) and being a part of a 14.497 acre tract out of the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council a request from Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. d/b/a FEC Electric for approval of a Specific Use Permit for an electrical substation on property located on the east side of Kreymer Lane between Brown Street and Stone Road, and further described as being 5.31 acres of a 22 acre tract of land out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT /--L `- `P�' y,b tober 4, 1996 at 5:00 pm THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE,SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUES I till 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Action Item Re: Approval of the Minutes from the September 9, 1996 Regular Business Meeting October 7, 1996 Consider approval of the Minutes from the September 9, 1996 Regular Business Meeting. Note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on September 9, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie,Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bart Peddicord, Rich Eckman, Tim Owen, Cecilia Wood, and Stuart Allison. ABSENT: John Crowe - excused and Steve Ahrens- unexcused. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Planner- Kelley Shaw and Secretary- Rebecca Rogers. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from August 5, 1996 Regular Business Meeting. A motion was made by Rich Eckman, seconded by Tim Owen to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried, all in favor (5). PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1: Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request from Ron Heffiier for approval of a zone change from"R", Retail to `B-1", Business District for the property located at 202 S.Ballard Avenue, and further described as Block 33, Lots 2B, 3B, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B in the Railroad Addition. Chairman Peddicord asked for Staff comments. Kelley Shaw stated that Staff recommends this zone change. Alaskan Air Conditioning and Heating does not fit into the regular description of an air conditioning and heating "shop". Mr. Heffner's building would consist of a reception area, four (4) offices, a break room and limited warehouse storage. There will be no outside storage, no repair or manufacturing of equipment (this is done on the customer's premises)and all vehicles go home with employees overnight. Staff feels that the business conforms to B-1 zoning and that this is acceptable on the Highway 78 corridor. The widening of Hwy. 78 will not affect this property. Staff also feels that Mr. Heffner's business would be a good tenant for that property. Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing. Ron Hemmer, 1417 Lakeview Drive, Wylie, Texas was present to speak for his request. Mr. Heffner stated that he has no room for growth at his present location. His business is service oriented, mainly a business office, and all work is done on the customers job site. The limited warehousing would consist of enough supplies to keep his trucks stocked and the trucks go home with the employees. Equipment for big commercial jobs would be delivered on-site, not to the office. No one else present spoke for or against the proposed zone change. Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing. Chairman Peddicord stated that three responses for and one response against were received. Chairman 1 Peddicord mentioned dedication of land for the widening of Highway 78 and that he would like the land dedication incorporated with the zone change. Mr. Shaw stated that there were no plans for dedication at this time. Parking requirements were brought up and it was determined that there are more than enough spaces. Rich Eckman made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of a request from Ron Heffner for a zone change from"R", Retail to `B-1", Business District for the property located at 202 S.Ballard Avenue, and further described as Block 33, Lots 2B, 3B, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, and 6B in the Railroad Addition contingent upon deeding of property for widening of Highway 78. Motion was seconded by Stuart Allison. Motion passed, 4 in favor(Stuart,Tim, Rich and Bart), 1 opposed(Cecilia Wood). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No citizen participation. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURN: A motion was made to adjourn by Tim Owen, seconded by Stuart Allison. Motion carried, all in favor(7 votes). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Secretary 2 Planning & Zoning Commission #2 Action Item Re: Recommendation for Approval of Preliminary Plat October 7, 1996 Issue Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval of a Preliminary Plat for the Novid Business Park Addition submitted by Novid Properties, Inc., located north of the intersection of FM 1378 and FM 3412 (Brown Street) and being a part of a 14.497 acre tract out of the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22. Background Mr. Bobby Abbott, representing Novid Properties, Inc., owns a 14.497 acre tract and is platting 0.7576 acres as the Novid Business Park. According to the City of Wylie's Subdivision Regulations, a Preliminary Plat must be submitted and reviewed by Staff to ensure that sufficient information exists, and is then recommended for approval by the Engineer. The Preliminary Plat and Plat Application is then submitted at least 15 consecutive days before the meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) for its study and recommendation. The P&Z shall endeavor to act on the Preliminary Plat within 30 days from the date the plat was filed with each body for their approval. The Preliminary Plat shall then be submitted to the City Council for final action. After approval of the Preliminary Plat by the City Council, the subdivider may then prepare a Final Plat of all or a portion of the land included in the Preliminary Plat for submission to and consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission for final recommendations. Upon final action by the P&Z on any Final Plat, the same shall be referred to the City Council for Final Plat approval. Upon approval action of the City Council, the Mayor is authorized to sign the signature block "Approved for Construction". At this time, the developer shall pay his required Developmental Inspection Fees and begin construction of the public facilities to be dedicated to the City. These construction areas include public streets, alleys, water lines, sewer lines, storm drainage lines, channels and all associated construction to be dedicated to the City. The City Council's vote that the Final Plat as presented is approved for construction indicates that at that point in time, no known conditions exist which will require changes from the approved Final Plat. Inspections will be made throughout the construction of the infrastructure facilities which are intended for dedication to the City. After completion of the "dedicated improvements", the developer shall apply to the City Council for acceptance of the Final Plat, which includes dedications and easements. City Staff shall indicate to the City Council that all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Mayor authorized to sign the signature block "Accepted". The Final Plat shall then be filed with the appropriate County, and issuance of building permits may begin. Building Permits may only be issued on a completed development or within a completed, approved phase. Financial Considerations N/A Legal Considerations N/A Staff Recommendations This Plat has been reviewed by City Staff and Consulting Engineer, Greg MacLean and meets all City of Wylie Subdivision Regulation requirements. Attachments Plat Application and Preliminary Plat copy �' , --- I Page 1 of 3 _ City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST Q Date l —Zb -c-6 Name of Proposed Development )10 U 11. 1j a S ( H c S S Aix Name of Property Owner/Developer /tint cL .e_4tc // Address ( y �-6 3 OS t, t (� 7 s/l Phone �� 3- 7 �`�'�7" cLc�2- C.1-6 3 Owner of Record Wo v 4 v c w4 c t / -1 Address 6rt,,e �c-t6 .!b 90‘eft- 7X 7J /Lsc Phone "ct.3- ..--1l.3 Name of Land Planner CA- R-It-a ( � �L �J JU R.d a�,t f Surveyor/Engineer Address, 3,2/ i t o-a4 tA43 A Phone :c(b /S& , Total Acreage , ? ' 3 4 rcc Current Zoning /' 2-- Number of Lots/Units Signed 014,64-- _The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on aMylar sheet-not exceeding 24"x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1"= 100' with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blu.eline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of- e subdivision. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable 1. The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. Page 2 of 3 2. The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within and adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads, rights-of-way and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation lines and school district boundaries. ‘./ 3. Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures and utilities within the tract and immediately / adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated. 4. Contours with intervals of two feet (2') or less, referred to mean seal level datum, by actual field survey. 5. The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land. / 6. The proposed name of the subdivision. 7. North arrow, scale, date and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision. 8. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor or planner, responsible for preparation / of the plat. V _ . 9. The tract designation, zoning classification and other description according to the real estate records of the City or proper county authority; also, designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision, including the number of lots of each classification. ,1/4/ • • 10. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitation of such reservations. I A- 11. The layout, names and widths of proposed streets, alleys and easements, such as drainage easements, access easements, electrical easements and maintenance easements. 1J/!-c 12. Provision for the connection of streets with other streets adjacent to the subdivision and for extension of streets to undeveloped property. Also a Circulation Plan indicating how continuous ingress and egress from existing residences and for City Staff will be maintained. L r • • Page 3 of 3 pl l- 13. The proposed base flood floodplain limits and elevations on a / one-foot contour interval for all open channels. 14. A plan of the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and proposed drainage facilities, including drainage areas, location of lines, inlets, culverts, bridges, provisions for discharging onto and crossing adjacent properties and calculated runoff and points of concentration. 15. A location map of the proposed subdivision on a scale of 1" = 1000' showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one mile outside the proposed subdivision. l4 16. Typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width and cross slope of pavement, type of pavement and location, width and cross slope of sidewalks. Title Block shall indicate the date of the / current submittal and the revision number. 17. A notice shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). 18. An approval block/certificate shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). Taken by: L140 CI( t File No.: • Date: q' do-q60 Fee: / Cre Receipt No.: 5 f! -7 �• Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Public Hearing Item Re: Recommendation for Approval of Specific Use Permit September 9, 1996 Issue Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request from Farmers Electrical Cooperative Inc. d/b/a FEC Electric for approval of a Specific Use Permit for an electrical substation on property located on the east side of Kreymer Lane between Brown Street and Stone Road and further described as being 5.31 acres of a 22 acre tract of land out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688. Background The property referenced above is currently zoned "A" Agriculture and is currently owned by Neva Lou Kreymer, Robert B. Kreymer and Phyliss L. Kreymer. FEC Electric is in the process of obtaining the property for the purpose of constructing an electrical substation. As stated in the City of Wylie's adopted Zoning Ordinance, electrical substations are allowed as a specific use in Agricultural designated districts. As is required, FEC Electric has been obtained an Owner/Owner's Acknowledgment which is attached in this packet. FEC Electric is a utility provider for the City of Wylie and shares this responsibility with TU Electric. FEC Electric is currently tied into TU's Electric substation and is requesting this Specific Use Permit (SUP) so that they construct their own electric substation. If this request is approved, FEC Electric plans to have the electric substation completed in approximately 1 '/2 years. • When questioned by City Staff as to why this particular tract of land was chosen for the electrical substation, FEC Electric representatives gave several reasons. FEC Electric representatives explained that after exploring their options, this location gave them the greatest positive combination of being able to connect to their present lines with minimal impact on the surrounding development and environment. FEC Electric Representatives acknowledge the growth of the City of Wylie and its surrounding area and explain that this project is necessary to be able to adequately serve the growing region. Public Hearing Notifications were sent to all property owners within 200' of the proposed electrical substation property and to date no response has been received. Financial Considerations N/A • Legal Considerations N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the Specific Use Permit request. This request conforms to all regulations and requirements of all City ordinances. Attachments Application for Specific Use Permit, Public Hearing Notice, Application for Specific Use Permit(Owner/Owner's Acknowledgment), Property Owner list, Location Map, Area Zoning Map. Page 1 of 2 CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TX 75098 APPLICATION FOR SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Case No. SUP Date Submitted Filing Fee $ 22s cry Applicant Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. d/b/a FEC Electric Address 2000 E-I 30, PO Box 6037 Phone No.903-455-1715 Greenville, TX 75401 Work No. 903-455-1715 1 1 Owner Tenant Prospective Purchaser xx Legal description of property for which Specific Use Permit is requested (if additional space is needed,the description may be typed legibly on a separate sheet and attached hereto)2 I hereby request that a Specific Use Permit be issued for the above described property for: Electric Substation The current zoning on this property is agriculture These are/are not deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of this property. I have attached hereto as Exhibit A a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested Specific Use Permit and have read the following note concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. Page 2 of 2 1 If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner of the request must also be submitted. 2 The legal description is used to publish the notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of the final ordinance granting the Conditional Use Permit. The description must be sufficient so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal description. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Correction The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, October 7, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. and if action is taken, it was advertised that the City Council would hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 15, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North. This meeting of the City Council is now scheduled to meet on Tuesday, October 29, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North to consider approval for a Specific Use Permit for an electrical substation on property that is currently zoned "A" Agriculture for Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. The property is located on the east side of Kreymer Lane between Brown St. and'Stone Road and further described as follows: Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688, being 5.31 acres of a 22 acre tract of land As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Delany Return this form to : Kelley Shaw, Planner 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below U I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. 2. 3. Signature • APPLICATION FOR SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Owner/Owners Acknowledgment We, the undersigned, acknowledge that Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc., as the Prospective Purchaser, is requesting that a Specific Use Permit be issued for the property as described on Exhibit A as attached. The intended use of the property will be for an Electric Substation. FARMERS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. AS THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER SHALL BEAR ANY AND ALL LEGATION NOW OR IN THE FUTURE STEMING FROM THE INTENDED USE OF THIS PROPERTY FOR AN ELECTRIC SUBSTATION. Date: z/- f C Neva Lou KreymerFott / /a 4,, Date: PLRobert B. Kreymr mer;.:*‘tiart_t,3Date: %` o�.j' q� PhyllisL. K e Y Y NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: -FC APPLICATION FILE# Name &Address ATTORNEY, AGENT: Name &Address BL \ ' B LOT/TRACT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS 688- 5 �2 / �l a Lou ,Cceymer zoos di e od `�' �o l2o rf ,�r�e� tvv 'e 7 k 7s-etd' MAEPC RAP I ' I Q 3` v3 5 6 7 8 _ • V19 1117 16 ®1©11115v 2 I� I DavI N PARENT TRUSTEE 31 bf lh U3 831 4C • evons ire Lane d 3 1 2 3 4 5 211110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Il Li„4. 5{16 1718 192021 222324252 Collie court ncFlam Dr iv-- WYLIE RANCH EAST NI 7�1615114I13112I I1 I10j 9 Qi6© 36 10 9' 87 6 tt 1 4 272E29f30313011 ;he)pord Lane 2 I W 7161514131211 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 II 12 , 13 14 15 3233343ry 36 Y DAVID H PARENT 721 P22124 4 2723293031 ti"" 32 879 AC Xili Donna Drive .not876 5 4 32I1 ` 1:ki4 gloms! Ciiiii n ri 1p0 21 22 23 24 25 2A:' c CEE � cE9 Ell TM• ._ E. . Brown Street • • MEADOW ['EIGHTS P. DAVID M. B ESTATES TERRI A. P' BLK 8 MIGILL 3.0 AC. I 2 SITE_, X ;Hr. ID c • 0 Cr 1 »• DON KREYMER v INC 'O a o 7 MICHAEL E DAVIS 0 S O AC _J W Q IC AC Al - Z O PT ISM !..4 ' RANDY WICKER 7.74 AC - JIMMY KREY MEN BEARL CAPLESM 10 AC 3 0 AC STEVIE GLELEY IOAC VIM B CWLEY LS Ary JANIS ICE HD•_SE 2 5 AC IC,AC WILL IAM 8 VUOLEY 734 AC JANIS I''E HCUSE 12 5 AC I: AC , l JOHN H HEALY l JANIS ICEHOUSE 9,5 AC / . 125 AC JCHN W KREYMEH / AE C AC HIROMI KIKUCHI 57 AC / _ANI5 ICEHOUSE is 5 AC OOZE HALL HERPERT 5.26 AC JONES J B J I 10 AC PER BEAM RALPH SCHLENKER I.PIER BEAM to AC 0.58 AC. a CHARLES 2 52 AC. CHARGES R. CHARLES R HAMPTON V GARRETT • HAMPTON 3 CO3 AC w I 0 AC SAUI EARLE C. 3 PF er ..._. s AIAOELMAN Y I ROLAND .. SCH N TM•uu = ==_= ` ) N e) _ 8 6 - 8 8 " - - 14 ; u- 86 - 88 m 86,88 M � 04 0 - 1 � 12K - � , 5f - A ssss � 2 ,-, '--..-..-A.... - ss-ss 85- 104 -- --- , f,,,,I1,,,_: _#A_' " 7 - 53 14Tj6 3 -48 86 7 , 0 5 - 86,421 „„„ '2/ SF -3 -r-, - fig' o 7 - .-, .,,, s '.' NCI 1 1 11 '.t7.41.1 1 I lin _ . r iffIrr74- . . III -1611, -- M. 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