11-21-1994 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA
NOVEMBER 21, 1994
6:30 p.m.
1. Consider approval of the Minutes of the October 17, 1994 Regular
Business Meeting.
2. Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a
request from Dan Scarborough (Shepard Place Homes) for a Replat of Lot
7, Block "K" into four (4) lots and Lot 58, Block "E" into six (6) lots.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on October 17, 1994, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum
was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law.
COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Bart Peddicord, John Crowe, Stuart Allison, Rich
Eckman, Cecilia Wood, and Tim Owen.
ABSENT: Mike Hawkins, excused.
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Building Official, Russell Wyman and Secretary, Kirsten Fresh.
ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from October 3, 1994 Regular Business Meeting. A motion was
made by Stuart Allison and seconded by Rich Eckman to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried, all in
favor(5 votes, Tim Owen did not arrive until item no. 3).
ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a Final Plat (replat of Lot 1 of the
McMillen Farms Addition) of nine (9) lots located on ten(10) acres south of McMillen Rd. and west of FM 1378.
There were essentially no questions. This item is just a formality so the contractor can continue with the
improvements. The plat itself will not be filed with the county until all utilities are in place and up to city specs. Then
the plat will come before them again as a finalization. A motion was made by Rich Eckman and seconded by John
Crowe to recommend to the City Council for a Final Plat for Lot 1 of McMillen Farms Addition. Motion passed,
all in favor(5 votes).
ITEM NO.3: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a Final Plat of thirty-eight(38) lots
located on thirty-five(35)acres north of Stone Rd.,west of W.A. Allen, and east of Quail Creek Blvd. Mr. Wyman,
the Building Official, explained that this items was the same as the one before it--just a formality so the contractor
can continue with the improvements. Mr Wyman stated that this acreage was for Phase I and would be filed as such.
A motion was made by Cecilia Wood and seconded by Rich Eckman to recommend to the City Council for a Final
Plat for Mill Creek Estates. Motion passed, all in favor(6 votes).
ITEM NO. 4: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a request to plat fifty-one and fifty-
three one hundredths(51.53)acres plus adjoining right-of-way located south of County Rd. 297 and west of Sanden
Blvd. Mr. Wyman explained that this is the plat for Universal Wire that is supposed to relocate to Wylie. There have
been some problems with the financial aspects of this deal. Staffis unsure if it will go through or not but Universal
wanted to have the platting procedure under way in case all goes as planned. There was no one present for the Public
Hearing so it was closed. A motion was made by Stuart Allison and seconded by Tim Owen to recommend to the
City Council the request to plat the 51.53 acres for Universal Wire. Motion passed, all in favor(6 votes).
p. 2
Before adjourning, the Board asked Mr. Wyman to research other cities to find out what kind of time limits were
placed on plats to allow for utilities to be put in place. Wylie's ordinances do have any provisions to prevent a
developer from taking months, even years to complete improvements on a new subdivision or replat.
ADJOURN: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood and seconded by John Crowe to adjourn. Motion carried, all
in favdr(6 votes). Chairman.Peddicord adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted:
Bart Peddicord, Chairman Kirsten Fresh, Secretary
Consider a request submitted by Dan Scarborough of Shepard Place Homes for a Replat of two (2)
lots located at the intersection of W. Brown and Winding Oaks into ten(10) lots.
This is a replat of Lot 7, Block "K" into four(4) lots and Lot 58, Block "E" into six (6) lots. Lot 7
contains 2.180 acres (94,943 sq. ft.) and Lot 58 contains 3.456 acres (150,561 sq. ft.). This area is
considered as part of the Point North Subdivision, but is presently Zoned "B-2" (Business). Mr.
Scarborough will be requesting a "Zone" change at the upcoming (Dec. 5 th.) meeting,
Financial Considerations
Commercial uses would provide a higher tax base, but any development would be an improvement.
Legal Considerations
There has been some concern expressed that residential is not the best "Use" for this land, but if the
developer is meeting all of our subdivision requirements there is no legal basis for denial of this plat.
However, this project if unfavorable to the P&Z could be stopped by denying the "Zone" change.
Board/Commission Recommendations
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends approval.
Attachments-Map indicating replat request.