06-05-1994 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX JULY 5, 1994 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Consider approval of the Minutes of the June 20, 1994 Regular Business Meeting. 2. Administer Oath of Office to new Commission Members. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Discuss and consider recommendation of a request from Richard Nance to plat 44 acres north of Stone Rd., west of W. A. Allen, and east of Quail Creek Blvd. into sixty ( 60) lots. 4. Discuss and consider recommendation of a request from Troy Miller for a Zone change at 2601 S. Hwy. 78 from "MF' to "I". 5. Discuss and consider recommendation of a request from Unity Partners (Don Kreymer) for a Replat of Lot 1 of the Mcmillen Farms Addition (10.2 acres) into nine ( 9 ) lots. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on June 20, 1994, at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Bart Peddicord; Vice Chairman, Mike Hawkins; Stuart Allison and John Crowe. ABSENT: Rich Eckman, excused. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Building Official, Russell Wyman and Secretary, Kirsten Fresh. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from May 16, 1994 Regular Business Meeting. A motion was made by Mike Hawkins and seconded by John Crowe to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried, all in favor(4 votes). 1'I'EM NO. 2: Discuss and review schedule of meetings and possible code changes for upcoming year. Russell Wyman inquired as to what goals the Board wanted to achieve in the next year and if there were any areas of concern they wanted to take a look at in future meetings. The Board advised to look into past Minutes possibly in August of'93 because they had made a list of goals and they were certain not all of them had been accomplished. The Board also advised that they did not feel it necessary to hold a meeting "for meetings sake" if there were no items for the agenda but that they would like to have at least one meeting a month, preferably the third Monday instead of the first Monday. Mr. Wyman and the Board also discussed the sign ordinance and if it was tocstrict. The Board's consensus was tha it was not but if the ordinance was questioned they would certainly review it in more detail. ADJOURN: A motion was made by John Crowe and seconded by Stuart Allison to adjourn. Motion carried, all in favor (4 votes). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting. Respectfully Submitted: Bart Peddicord, Chairman Kirsten Fresh, Secretary PUBLIC [HEARING ITEM it 3 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tueday, July 5, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. and the City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 12, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approvall of a request from Richard Nance for a replat of 44 acres North of Stone Rd.. West of W. A. Allen, and East of Quail Creek Blvd. into sixty ( 60 ) lots and further described as follows : Abstrac No. 688 -4, Tracts 97 & 99 of the Francisco De La Pena Survey As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below: RE: PZ/CC - R. Nance Return this form to: Russell Wyman, Building Official P.O.Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 [ [ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below [ 1 I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. 2 3. Signature Printed Name • Address ___I_ -' K I NGSLEY ROAD w' It to Le tine Tette*. and rte.'s Dead ). t the Land y desaribed 1 F OXW000 er at the � 1 HEATHERW000 recorded idi ' GWOOD texas, said Alley at FOREST EDGE -ecord.d in was: 7////// !lowing the UTUMN HILL a )b wordA ITof LenwaodiI: t to 1 l //��/ / et AO a 1/2 ,/ rye to the I r — conds Nest, I a - x— st ROO line —1 a 13 minute. J 'h iron cod: llowing th1 -t to a 1/2 nq at the North Right v • also being in 33 minutes 2 th ROW line degrees 21 a 1/2 inch .h Right Of ay line of. !lowing the 6 feet to a he East ROW of foawood TWIN OAKS Hewing the et to a 1/2 ng at S0.00 oaf! Hollow LOCATION MAP • POINT OF • of land. SCALE 1 ' I. 1000r TRACT 1 LEGAL otlCRltTtoe . act of land situated In the ►renclaco be Le /Ina Inflict North 14 degrees 14 minutes 32 'wog* feet fell wlttq the o. tot. city et Wyll., e.131. county. Tea... and test line of sell lreelwoad Drive ■ dlotaate of 170.01 feet to a 1/2 nt Tract I es called In a Substitute' T Peed Inch Iron red tevatd ter seeder at the in len of tb. tact IOW • ■s ',corded in Pewee. 3247, Peso tot at the Land Ilse' of aretomad Delve nod the south Right of Noy line at Neetbetwaod I count', . sod being ware pertleul•rly described Drive ( • fe''/t01r), said Ira. red bel Iw oe t• lit. clght •dies 'de ■e follows: centers heats South ?S degrees tt miswlN 32 seconds Mast, • radius 't a 1/t inch tree tad found tor Darner at the dlll•oe. of 10411.110 [Pet; of th. push Rallew fatale* Ph... I. se Jed In talents along said curve I. the 'tint. t'7 of the P1ot ins M s.rde •t Collin County. Tease, said Ii.. et said •etherceed Drive ttsr.wgh control angle et 17 des NON Ina In the Werth llaht Of May line .f P. N. $44 ( a t? manatee 04 sedande and an are distance et 321.)e feet to a 1/1 Inch row rod olio bolos at tho eovtb.a.t l • 1' iron rod found for aaewarti +d par Ilia, await Mellow relates Phalle I /anal Plot; TP[NCt s.etb to degrees 30 mloit.a 23 ae.e ds [•AA (*flowing the h 1 degree 22 *twat•d Oil seconds test following' the tooth REIN line of said lleatherue.d Orly a dietsete of 0,77 feet to a d alter a distance of 11.00 feet to e 1/2 inch iron 1/1 inch iron red !send ler comer, meld Irma red taints at the miler at the beglnalnq of • to the tight which beginning of a to the left which awriers bbera Werth ti de rth 1 desre. 11 minute* 0o seconds test, a radius 30 minutes 11 ...ends east, a radius dieeeee. of .01 loot; feet; 37tTUICR along said carve to the left fallowing the teeth ROW Iles 1 raid to the right. following the east Rpm line of said W.athervead Drive throvgb a central tingle et l degree 71 , through a central angle of e0 degtes. 04 minutes 00 *trustee 21 seconds and an etc distance el 1.111 toad to a 1/7 inch iron ifetane. of $3.10 feet to a 1/1 inch ire, rod found rod found tot cornet: I At�ee )a minutes o0 ds Cart following the taws berth tt dugr.ds 1e Minutes ea seconds [set following the sold IS'. PS n e distance of f?t.tf feet to a the east line of sold heath.►✓end Otly. a distance of 11.00 feet to 11/2 �n�i !er corner at the tance etion •f said IS' Alley Ines iron rod found Per corner. said iron rod being at the beginning int of Way line of Nutweur N111 Drive (a S0' ROM), sold of a t• the stt edtu dieters beote North i. des /t minutes Ot seconds Sept.st . rsdlr.s dlstene! of )2i,ee feet• •.e in a curve to the right which hears eenlA 1a� ► -_ — J 1jK 4 (s.t�.LJ o 1' - M• -mac- ITATE MMT. O 7R • IN �.o ' E l2_________.LARL„SILOH BAPT ..._t e. _ MORS _-- C . ' 7BKCMl/RCM Z ME .• ' .. ev 0%SS AC it I• ... W ' :11 Nr yT•ri W r t :r's Iu i I IeTlK �, •, tt 1 w.M / as �_ • 1 E • 14, ,V • r 1 \ 1 6tr nW _ •-_ I, R KRE rME( BILL KRE rMEA I • 4H Z W • .1 39951K SSB • 7 f1 •.0' .. . E °' - ------ '''''' ' air• DOI'a < • 1 N -__. __- —— _._--_ 1 OAR ST 1 __ ——— — - E•ST { Nor PROPOSED 7ti ROW _ _ --—. t i7 a • STRE E 1 'a +" ,• e• , Y 1.P _-.. -�.. - —— Rush t � : . '�: .YID ! I - q / . z U • W CIRCLC ,AE . . , . ,,., ... : . • . ., . . , ., :;.. . .r ii 4 , *et' A 1 n M B R PROP 1,1 .i ���� HARRY i18B lLS T Ir. Ncif,Rcolli'll. . 75 SBN AC ...._ n. :4, . ,e.41.;4t,. . 1 ...,tc• . 4p .•: 4.• .. • .. -,, ss.1 vo NM • • • 11111\11009 2 ,. • ' ' ' ' a:I it'll.1. ... ®mmmmmI. • aike.„, • If �ATMEDOp m ` " one v � . 4, . . eta• � g � - J FCour tAi 0 oxwoo. \1+ n Alt,� r. I. E. i !WWM ; a©gs 2� Jc H .th • n ° 40 0,, .. IlfTullAN HILL pp ' 1 '45 4s,„:„.,41010:a . 1 .11nR, 0 4t0,0 ...F.:R.... _ _ ___ .. _ _ _ , 44 410, I- L. • 4 40 9 , i, 4 4 , ,...vow in i I bet* 8, ill I AST STONE ROAD IRlLR! Kt EN CS I5IC ?� GLtN .UINr ._.4 W I,J NMANn 1 1 e^ 20.47 R p04: ln'(S '°°C W I�OK A 4lEN 2 IK 1UK 1SUK IOK 401K - N14ILR• ALL EN 40•C 'T ar,fK ., JERRr l RUTLE fI K TO EFAGIN 39>< in G S RICHARDS ,V AC C ONE 42 AC JAME S r RAY ic MI4- - f JMM14 JAJC fE+GH OE UM I N M 99 AC MOWRTJ 42 v- 1k 00144.0 K rm..... .- .."'-- E 0 II AG" NOTIFIC ATION REPORT APPLICANT: �iC,Vtard f�6V1CP. Name & address APPLICATION FILE # ATTORNEY, AGENT: Name & address BLK. LOT SUBDIVISION , PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS UI Cxeek Po ex 518 - FOR AGAINST ENC. RET. c Co D +}arry Tbl�ls ,.lr- w,lIie. Tx 75o9R ii 21 iiI' II 22 Ii li ii 23 It 24 ii n A (3 ale'il -4follow lorTpark Phase u r 15oo E. Ird &I-ria& ek'd • L�rnrl-Pd fr kinne./ Tx 75OG9 14 tk 11 II Et 15 0 Spanish Peaks Qanch 177 E. I5±k .fit.re -I Inc- Plan) Tx "75014 13 I Norkh r k Qh I . I/�4 i� P. I'�Dvc" '' ID s2. or-k'of \✓/G SZe, eox.Noasi Lrn. 4414Re 1509 c Spanish Peaks Qa-ch _ see above '' I Ca '' ,Oor-I4hPark_. Vinese z see D 3 above - 4 II 5 ���i il it 0 co II It II i A' 1� (I NOTIFIC ATION REPORT APPLICANT: �ird t�ar,Ce., Name & address APPLICATION FILE # ATTORNEY, AGENT: A,, Name & address BLK. LOT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS FOR AGAINST ENC. RET. Quill A40Ilow Spn i sln Peaks see a bov 10 ti Joe, Pearce 903 Fore5-t- Ecle IAN he l I1 1 1 klor-I-h rk Phz i ,, � � �e above . 2 II ,, ii 13 II II it il 14 0 - SwI lore d - , 15 , IISQatrtsl,, Peaks P,,rr;l1, .we. above E 10 0tor. perk P Iice I — cred Luknow dr- , 2Pi°a°noGixCAo2 2 Aorwn,1 k it l 82 I l ie b Au-l-u rn n J- i Po ee l 81 y Autu wI r) 41111 F It Viarr. tied Cr ick l oIS Qua l Creek- II lg Carr Bow e� � 1i ox ►Ilc, 6 i 4ol ip�n Farni ty r t[►v►e 20� I v'SJP g-FrnP r,t S , D?IIp:S Tv 752 �� '. II 4n 2 „ G. L. I�Jel[�✓1 sol at.+a i[ Creek. II ,, Wylie, 3 6.ar.j (Za tAci of Quai[ Greek.. Wylie NOTIFIC ATION REPORT APPLICANT: e\(, d1 ovIce, APPLICATION FILE # Name & address ATTORNEY, AGENT: Name & address BLK. LOT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER NAME , ADDRESS FOR AGAINST ENC. RET. & 4 Quad tto(Iow <-SP,rr3l,1 Clark. 5 uai.lzi ( C re ek .t N 5 II k.leIn L. 1 G('SVeP _ )c- yilGeck Ii ' 6PcDniii-rvii sot it Greek �1 ►,e g 56e Grove t ov dt yre 5)4gssLT 75v 2i4 CI p 1 i it 2vid �\)_10r. , Klolir oxwocxj 10 ' h'\W l 000 "ox woa ' )D►iIV1�Y7V1 . 1A1y I i e. I I Ii nn Iooz �oxwocti _ 1Wl KO Av -/7M Wylie 32 t e*-Ee F7avtk wyl;e See above II 35 „ I, II • C I 1, it ,, 5 '‘ to ii s II 1 oCo Fox woo I��►��iatM `� V� ►�y I II 1t Ab5+ Trate+ , te7l- 1-e 1?2,3vtk kl lle, c abo\k. ( .88 too _ lrr.I 'i\bbTls it w t x 68S I lq — Vde U oh 120 ov1e Gonol�/ vAly t,e Page 1 of 3 City of WYlie (5/93) APPLICATION AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date Name of Proposed Development /4/LL seek ES 74- es Name of Developer t C/-/A4.D *if e. Address Hi-f N PoDOw496zk Phone aid 2-3-0(g' Owner of Record �M Address Phone Name of Land Planner f94( c6.5OCii i PS Surveyor/Engineer Address /.9 «p¢ , X,,3s Phone :11 V5` '' II Total Acreage l}-t- Current Zoning SF Number of Lots/Units (nO 6-;) Signed The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the City Council and shall be drawn to legibly show all data on a satisfactory scale, usually not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet. The Final Plat shall be submitted on a drawing which is 18" x 24". The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivison Ordinance. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Information Provided of Not Shown of Plat Applicable 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of plat and key map. Page 2 of 3 2. Location of the development by City, County and State. 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas highway monument or other approved benchmark. 4. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract boundary lined indicated by heavy lines. 5. If no engineering is provided show contours of 5ft. intervals. 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce plat on the ground. 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within an adjacent to the development. 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other right-of-way. 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number and building lines. 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions, approved Concept Plans reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by record name and by deed record volume and page. 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording). Page 3 of 3 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording). 14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage improvements (see wording). 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or owners (see wording). 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see wording). 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer responsible for surveying the development and/or the preparation of the plat (see wording). 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in preliminary plat review. 19. Statements indicating that no building permits will be issued until all public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording). 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of each lot. 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed subdivision. Taken by: File No.: Date: Fee: Receipt No.: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 4 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 5, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. and the City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 12, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the . City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval) of a request from Troy Miller ( Lone Star Foreign Auto Parts) for a zone change at 42601 S. HWY. 78 from "MF" (Multi-Family) to "I" (Industrial) and further described as follows : Abstract No. 660, Tract 12 of the Richard D. Newman Survey As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below: RE: PZ/CC - T. Miller Return this form to: Russell Wyman, Building Official P.O.Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 ( ] I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below ( 1 I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. 2. 3. Signature Printed Name . Address TIA 50. O Ac. . '//ii n� / ,i?AA John / /� .c •. Robert B. L. Robinson ,// ‘s IA. Joslyn 10.5 Ac. Donald _ _ Kreymer ./ 'err, 7.22 Ac. ` {i. c4Q�' 10 1Idwell f MAXWf . I. Nis Ac. << l Independent Bank Ro�RT \ of Wylie c RocERs TSIeA, en •• r2.52 Ac, co MRCN[I I\ 5 , V REPAY w w RORCRT yonT J !, C ETRUSTEE+G. wraTE • ON TRUSTEE Pr16C " /~: L[ON BAN) 10 6'S� M IC10. \. IRON S 0 r Iw / AC AC `. / S O IC L ' J / MILER me w F. AI Sf / I I I . w., e r / T 706 K -n� wI .r • •' '+ Ryan E UINY•RO on �� )( , 49S AC I \ ..) At KNIT TER \ I `At KNIT T[R V. ) 65 N Y 1 c") h Al rlrrNtg• E 1 I,ea A,- ' ) . g W k - ...- F w0 a 1 Road C.R. 721 __-. — . ---- _ ' CITY LIMITS 'ln\1I• 4 SM•nTo /. noL5 5/1(4) 1 Page 1 of 2 (5/93) iCfr CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 Wylie, TX 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. Filing Fee -� -�� Date Applicant TROY MILLER Phone No. Mailing Address: Work No. 2926 APPLE VALLEY GARLAND, TX. 75043 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto.)1 SEE ATTACHED I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which IS MULTI FAMLY District Classification to INDUSTRIAL District Classifcationfor the following reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) SEE ATTACHED There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 Status of Applicant Owner X Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. f Signed . / / .. Page 2 of 2 Note: 1 The legal description is used to publish notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of the final ordinance granting the zoning change. The description must be sufficient so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal description. 2 If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner of the zoning request must also be submitted. REASONS FOR REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE BUSINESS OVER ALL MAKE A SAFER AND CHALLENGING WORK ENVIRONMENT FOR OUR EMPLOYEE ALSO TO MAKE THE PLACE AS VISUALLY PLEASING TO LOOK AT AS POSSILBE TO DO THIS WE NEED A ZONING CHANGE SO WE CAN BUILD WITH THE MULTI FAMILY ZONING, I CAN'T DO THAT I/ Situated in Collin County, Texas, and BEING a tract out of the RICHARD D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 660 and being part of a 9.70 acre tract as described in a Deed from J. R. Beck et ux to R. S. Williams, dated 10-20-1910, recorded in Volume 165, Page 430 of the Collin County Deed Records, and being part of a 17.062 acre tract of land and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said 19.70 acre tract, said corner being the Southwest corner of. said ) 7.062 acre tract; THENCE North 20 deg. 28 min. West with fence line and with the Southwest •line of said 19.70 acre tract and said 17.062 acre tract, 562.60 feet to a stake for corner set in the Southeast ROW line of State Highway No. 78; • THENCE North 52 deg. 16 min. East with the Southeast ROW line of State Highway No. 78, and the Northwest line of said 17.062 acre tract, 463.80 feet to a stake for corner; THENCE South 18. deg. 29 min. East acro::s said 19.70 acre tract and across said 17.062 acre tract, 874.80 feet to stake for. corner; THENCE North 87 deg. 36 min. West with fence line and with the South lines of said 19.70 acre tract and. said 17.062 acre tract, 447.90 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 7.062 acres of land, more or less; 121) ' •.. /T y pAN oA\ sic 1 `I 1 Ss. ♦ i hr_i•'r • • \ i • ATCHI 'S•ON TOPEKA :AND S, _--.___ .___L___1---1---1---_,•---J----L---J____l.._-J----L---J----L---J----L--- ---i---�-_-�----L---1---1-�-L---L�-_� • F�x..i�rti ..� .a'�..a♦r... :. e►_x.n?_.;r•r�s m.e� Fs� .._ s � � _,... T gyp. .,.� . '�u�;Es'•. e a..>.,. qGi$-'f Sf' .r� ;,zfms M �� ` � $ ,Rw� "�� „y ' �' � . / ' �*•,_s• .,3..S�.. '..-s;.- a ' � ., , . •etll i 1 1 I 7 (� (� S . H . as .l #tilO A . y F 15t 's"nj.�or .f. y w. - i/' ..: n ��f " r�°ty s0.e 16{4"l� .s,.,., . ..;Cl ,Plr . ? �,r`Y >z :;,,, 3 4)N':' -rk, ,r •W S 3«+e $.- d.ck'',0,. .- M_ . ,j,',�`i4ytx> C. f �. .' fix.' 4"'g,�"'.y� t �x rAI a zi x`�ly T" .-s�" ,: O•25=�-^'�t�-�' �,��.f`� ��y. '+37 i��1. 1..3'.a i�'d"e� � 'e?'- �«R'�lii R.y::r��J ..'N �vl�.,.,�... 7.�' C: Ls����'�. !�r..,..�x'r:-•ri , ppy N52° 18' 4 ° — ,�• N52° 18' 42"E 463. 80' 1 '`'� s `Imminion ,i..- 1E71, 1,1, . : r S52° 19' 07"W 251 e�4 S52` I ' 0 l- • S5c'�° 18' 50"W 1S461 W PK NAIL SET ;i ' / 23 . 7- '�' , ; • �,14. 99' 100• 50 �` „i S 19 34 18 N, J '.N SI8° 26' 18"E '--- , `-' - 37.�31 ' rfiN 37.. 53' '<c/ -Ply♦-1A I tn ;` -1 �1--J 0, r C. 1 l i \J's^-....,... //// ‘ --., �•C/ V Q 0 V V '3I AC. REM. 6. 648 AC. REM, 4. 813 AC. • in ti fl jl�'1t1117r _ v.: o : „.. 0 3, . ° co NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: -1?17\ V \p'( APPLICATION FILE # Na & address ATTORNEY, AGENT: Name & address BLK. LOT SUBDIVISION , PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS FOR _ AGAINST ENC. RET. Va0 IS _ Sun bet+ J i vns eD,ox I,o9%q TX 75o16:cf,i(efi Cd00 I I — 12oIznd lobi 1501-1 2 o of Errol +nh x 1I-I 11 • 3 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM it5 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tueday, July 5, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. and the City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 12, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval) of a request from Unity Partners, Inc. ( Don Kreymer, President ) for a replat of one lot ( 10.2 acres) at 1355 FM 1378 into nine ( 9 ) lots and further described as follows : Lot 1 of the Mcmillen Farms Addition As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below: RE: PZ/CC - D. Kreymer Return this form to: Russell Wyman, Building Official P.O.Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 [ 1 I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below [ 1 I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. 2. 3. Signature Printed Name Address • , I _ .._�.__._____._-_._ _ \. RO YeI&II I EH NE u _ — ^I / :71 0 Cr 2 13 1p ? 8 IL R E`Rf RT 0 WINK ♦. C 7 14100 ♦C U J 6 13 , 4 3 2 M/ ake RGh Rood 1 10 2 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 60l 181 On r V.112I13114I15116117118 5 8 ° 5 6 ti 5 6 T d >©u .©a.© • it CID 6 4OT H 4 8 - �� �.od� .::,.e..•.. q 2 0b 2 9 �:� Ip • 3 y i 10 a I I I 10 ,9 Q .~ 2 IKelnnel y + I Drive l 9• 1 _ 1131 L,�17�T1 IIi2I3Iq I61Tj8H S MrCO CONC CO 1NC ] - 10 tt T 6 .,o .[ 1 1 ott11 WIft1ER5f0OM GI_♦O+S C $N♦N50N i` 1 •00 AC II AC ,l,Y\` • JAMES PE.1 r]0 ♦C V Rll LIE JONf S t ]O AC - CR• fhrERPRISE5 0 * 11,,10 l k N 113•• ♦O V 10 00 .c KENNEfM RE VIS 10 00 ♦c rral. MICM♦EL Mt♦N♦I VI \ \k%'\ CklA ds\g t),\ i)_7\\ SS:\ Page of 3 City of WYlie (5/93) APPLICATION AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date VAG/5V Name of Proposed Development if le . tl Name of Developer GA., -ii1771 Address // 3 G951-.72.4/ wAF Phone 'V*2 - 99a/ Owner of Record --?fix ,tiogz Address //..? � , Gyy/,W- Phone 'Ky2 _52c/ Name of Land Planner C Surveyor/Engineer / SvlS� 3�v - Address /S 2 le-11?7- G•Iday.`T Phone 5-6 Total Acreage /O, Z Current Zoning 7Zr. Number of Lots/Units 7 Signed The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the City Council and shall be drawn to legibly show all data on a satisfactory scale, usually not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet. The Final Plat shall be submitted on a drawing which is 18" x 24". The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivison Ordinance. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Information Provided of Not Shown of Plat Applicable V 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of plat and key map. Page 2 of 3 2. Location of the development by City, County and State. 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas highway monument or other 1/ approved benchmark. 4. Accurate boundarysurvey and proper ty description with tract boundary lined indicated by heavy lines. �.�' 5. If no engineering is provided show contours of 5ft. intervals. 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce plat on the ground. 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each 9 Y street, both within an adjacent to the • / development. v 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other right-of-way. 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number and building lines. 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions, approved Concept Plans reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by record name and by deed record volume and page. V 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development. 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording). Page 3 of 3 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording). 14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage improvements (see wording). 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or owners (see wording). 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see wording). 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer responsible for surveying the development and/or the preparation of the plat (see wording). 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in preliminary plat review. 19. Statements indicating that no building permits will be issued until all public improvements are / accepted by the City (see wording). y 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of each lot. 0/./g' 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed subdivision. Taken by: File No.: Date: Fee: !7f Receipt No.: NOTIFIC ATION REPORT APPLICANT: V)OVn vwr/ LtAi�-y Parkners, oc, APPLICATION FILE # Name & address «. ATTORNEY, AGENT: Name & address BLK. LOT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS FOR AGAINST ENC. RET. f�N�r �v1 Joel .k�rcn �/^d•� arri �-bu�e way e. Abe Trac Sad An-4-o►nio PD! Se2x 1a10 22 Iviinns ASsczie.\-io i Avtkrnvtio Tx 7P,29(0 • • SCALE , 1'.100' a S 4510'33' McMILLEN ROAD ( CO, RD, 298 ) 21,10' .,. I. P. i F2 N 8930'53' E 1552,66' i I. P. 168.60' 168.66' 168.72' 168.78' 168.84' 168.91' 168.97' F-168.57V-- . T5 0' BUILDINGNE 1-- — 1- — — r- — T 20 DL U.E.UE O — r-T — — — T.-I I I 20'0.1 U.E. t I I (1.1 ..4- I I ,"-- I I b. 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