03-07-1994 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet • AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX MARCH 7, 1994 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Consider approval of the Minutes of the February 21, 1994 Regular Business Meeting. 2. Discuss and review sections V and VIII of the proposed Comprehensive Plan. 3. Discuss and consider amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to expand the Uses currently allowed in the B-2 Zoning District. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on February 21, 1994, at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Bart Peddicord; Vice Chairman, Mike Hawkins; Stuart Allison, Rich Eckman, John Crowe, and Bobby Jennings. ABSENT: Cleo Adams, excused. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Building Official, Russell Wyman and Secretary, Kirsten Fresh. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. l: Consider approval of the Minutes from January 17, 1994 Regular Business Meeting. A motion was made by Mike Hawkins and seconded by Rich Eckman to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried, all in favor(6 votes). PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM NO. l: Discuss and consider recommendation of the amendment to Sec. 29A.2(a)4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommended to The Commission not to make any revisions. A motion was made by Rich Eckman and seconded by Stuart Allison to leave the Ordinance as stated. Motion carried, all in favor(6 votes). ITEM NO.2: Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider recommendation of a request for a zone change from"SF-3"to "R" at 101 W. Butler. Chairman Peddicord opened the pubic hearing. Don Kreymer of 113 E. Brown spoke in favor of the zoning change. Chairman Peddicord closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Mike Hawkins and seconded by Rich Eckman to approve to go before the City Council for consideration for zone change of 101 W. Butler. Motion carried, 5 in favor and 1 against. ITEM NO.3: Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider recommendation of a request for a zone change from"B-2"to "I" at 2814 W. FM 544. Chairman Peddicord opened the public hearing. Scott Goldenberg of 6529 Santa Fe Trial, Plano, Texas, possible future owner of the property in question, spoke in favor of the zoning change. Citizen Bill Orbin spoke in favor. Citizen Tom Jernigan, also, spoke in favor. Russell Wyman, Building Official, recommended to The Commission in the near future to consider making a distinction of"light" and "heavy" industrial in the ordinance. Chairman Peddicord closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Stuart Allison and seconded by John Crowe to approve to go before the City Council for consideration for zone change of 2814 W. FM 544. Motion carried, all in favor(6 votes). ITEM NO.4: Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider recommendation of a request for a zone change from"B-2"to "I" at 2819 W. FM 544. Chairman Peddicord opened the public hearing. C. B. Watts, resident and owner of property at 2819 W. FM 544, spoke in favor of the zoning change. Chairman Peddicord closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Mike Hawkins and seconded by Rich Eckman to approve to go before the City Council for consideration for zone change of 2819 W. FM 544. Motion carried, all in favor (6 votes). Minutes cont. p.2 ACTION ITEM cont. ITEM NO.2: Discuss and consider revision of site plan at 617 S. Hwy 78(Exxon)originally approved April 22, 1992. The Commission questioned John Shinpaugh of McCraw Oil Company, Inc., concerning the revisions. The Commission showed concern of parking and possible traffic "stack up" due to inadequate access in/out of parking lot per current revisions. Russell Wyman, Building Official, recommended that McCraw Oil Company, Inc., acquire 10' paved area without relocating tanks and to provide access. A motion was made by John Crowe and seconded by Mike Hawkins to accept revisions contigent on approval at the discretion of Russell Wyman, Building Official. Motion carried, all in favor(6 votes). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None ADJOURN: Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting. Motion carried, all in favor(6 votes). Respectfully Submitted: Bart Peddicord, Chairman Kirsten Fresh, Secretary POSSIBLE AMENDMENT TO ALLOWED USES WITHIN THE B-2 ZONING DISTRICT LIGHT FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY PROCESS FACILITIES FOR THE MANUFACTURE, FABRICATION, PROCESSING, OR ASSEMBLY OF PRODUCTS; PROVIDED THAT SUCH FACILITIES ARE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED WITHIN A STRUCTURE NOT EXCEEDING 8,000 S.F. AND PROVIDED THAT NO EFFECTS FROM NOISE, SMOKE, GLARE, VIBRATION, FUMES OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ARE MEASURABLE AT THE PROPERTY LINE.