06-07-1993 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 7, 1993 6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEMS 1 . Consider Approval of Minutes of April 19, 1993 2. P&Z 93-2-Z/FP Hold Public Hearing and Consider Action Related to Request for Replat and Change in Zoning Within Westgate Phase 1 DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. P&Z 93-1-Z Discuss and Review Stone Grove Planned Development and Upcoming Public Hearing 4. P&Z 93-3-Z Discuss and Consider Scheduling Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Regarding Pawn Shops 5. P&Z 93-4 Discuss Development of a Landscape Plan ADJOURNMENT Posted this the 3rd day of June, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. Mary icho , C ty Secretary WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Consider Approval of the Minutes of April 17, 1993 ITEM NO. 1 SUBMITTED BY: Mary Nichols, City Secretary BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Attached is a draft of the minutes of your last meeting. These minutes will be given to you on Monday night in final form. Although the minutes have not changed at this time, we will be making drastic changes in the minute preparation and format by your next meeting. The Planning and Zoning minutes will be done in the same form as Council minutes in the future. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes of April 19, 1993. -Dra-C — M X N U E THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MET IN REGULAR SESSION AT 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1992 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX. A QUORUM WAS PRESENT AND A NOTICE WAS POSTED IN THE TIME AND MANNER REQUIRED BY LAW. THOSE MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: VICE CHAIRMAN, BART PEDDICORD, BILLY MILLS, RICHARD ECKMAN, CLEO ADAMS, BOBBY JENNINGS AND MIKE HAWKINS. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: BUILDING OFFICIAL, MICHAEL SCHMIDT; AND SECRETARY, NITA MORROW, MEMBERS ABSENT: CHAIRMAN, GILBERT WELCH, EXCUSED. ITEM NO. 1: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE APRIL 5, 1993 REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILLY MILLS AND SECONDED BY BOBBY JENNING TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS SUBMITTED WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS. MOTION CARRIED ALL IN FAVOR. (6 VOTES) ITEM NO. 2: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A REQUEST FROM HAROLD HURST TO REZONE FROM MULTI-FAMILY TO AGRICULTURE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE J. D. MC ULMURREY SURVEY. ABSTRACT NUMBER 629 SITUATED IN THE CITY OF WYLIE: VICE CHAIRMAN PEDDICORD OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING: HAROLD HURST OF 21 CLIPPER CIRCLE, FRISCO, TEXAS, POSSIBLE FUTURE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY IN QUESTION, SPOKE IN FAVOR OF THE ZONE CHANGE. VICE CHAIRMAN PEDDICORD CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. ITEM NO. 3: CONSIDER APPROVAL FOR A REQUEST FROM HAROLD HURST TO REZONE FROM MULTI-FAMILY TO AGRICULTURE. A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE J. D. MC ULMURREY SURVEY. ABSTRACT NUMBER 629 SITUATED IN THE CITY OF WYLIE: AFTER THE PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS DISCUSSED THE ZONE CHANGE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MIKE HAWKINS AND SECONDED BY BOBBY JENNINGS TO APPROVE TO GO BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE J. D. MC ULMURREY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 629, TO BE REZONED FROM MULTI-FAMILY TO AGRICULTURE. MOTION CARRIED, ALL IN FAVOR. (6 VOTES) ITEM NO. 4: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: NONE. ITEM NO. 5: ADJOURN: VICE CHAIRMAN PEDDICORD ADJOURNED THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING. MOTION CARRIED, ALL IN FAVOR. (6 VOTES) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Bart Peddicord, Vice Chairman Nita Morrow, Secretary WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: P&Z 93-2-Z/FP Hold Public Hearing ITEM NO.2 and Consider Action Related to Request for Replat and Change in Zoning Within Westgate Phase 1 SUBMITTED BY: Mary Nichols, City Secretary REQUESTED BY: Jim Meara, FM3412 Venture BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Mr. Meara is requesting a change in zoning from "2-P' to "PD" Planned Development on a portion of Westgate Phase 1. The replat of the lots as proposed by Mr. Meara were not publicized according to statute in time to hold the public hearing on the replat or zone change Monday night. We have re-advertised the hearing for the June 21st meeting. Staff recommends that the Commission open the public hearing and receive public input since a hearing has been advertised. However, no action can be taken and an announcement should be made explaining the circumstances. The Commission can then make a motion to "continue" the public hearing to June 21. Mr. Meara wants to develop a portion of Phase 1 with single family homes that are a minimum of 1450 square feet. Staff will be reviewing Mr. Meara's application and developing a recommendation regarding the best method for solving his development issues. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Portion of Plat Indicating Blocks 1, 7, 8, & 9 \ \ n 7ZC �r..�� \ \ N I \ \ \\ \ I U) \ I p \ \ I . • z ••n \ \ rn I n \ I0 < CITY OF \ uN WYLI E \ L o 0.9027 AC. NN - \241 C _ • •, r 5 ''' • W 1 �� TOWNGATE DR. • \ \ jililitt ?. > Ird' \ ‘' 1 1 iri . �o � 1. it; \ in.. - I_ m rn \ \ wl w I cn • • lin \ 1 BROWN •WN RD. \\s \ . 6:3 I jvI )55.3 4 .'ra9 111 ,�>i,� \ \ 1 . \ . , • a i OM 17 / =lA n \ Jt Tr. I s/ cD v' C Ia 8.�9 - \ \ ? O °Q� As -- Iv r-- : (A o > ti4 • .. .0,-.4 I 85 • di_ 4 \ ' o ", [ eo , WAY \ I & m 2A N 4) 73.91 sa 6 �'g 1 1 , L'.1-N) N a) y 11,1a) Is" is. N $ iS N T % .N rn , •s, �� 696 rani 1 1 c,� .tom „ „_� - _ = t.' ,i/. ' A - i 118 9 —= 4 h �'s N s ,o� .7 �n 0 - /T1 1 1 WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: P&Z 93-1-Z Discuss and Review Stone Grove ITEM NO.3 Planned Development and Upcoming Public Hearing SUBMITTED BY: Mary Nichols, City Secretary REQUESTED BY: City Initiated BACKGROUND INFORMATION: We are receiving requests for building permits within the Stone Grove Subdivision. Stone Grove was given a PD zoning designation in 1985 but the enacting ordinance did not provide for land use or area requirements. A PD with no land use or area requirement designation is basically "limbo" zoning. Nothing can be built on the property until hearings are held and either: (1) the zoning is changed to reflect another zoning category like "SF-1", "SF-2", "SF-3" (2) the zoning is amended to provide land use and area requirements under the PD zoning We have advertised public hearings for the June 21st meeting. However, we are bringing it to the attention of the Commission now to allow you time to review the adjacent land uses and zoning. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Portion of Zoning Map Indicating Stone Grove ,..‘ . II" ..,... ..- - 6 I ifft/ainftsrril .... NH li8 li6 im-88 12:3IS IL r:i 10 II . , 7 83-6 Itv Limit. —2 imp 1 P4br°..4111 . ' .i. .t. .m.i. 1 ..„I .., ,' .., .... , / • ,' i 5 , , ,.. „ , „ ... „ „ „ • , ,....,,\-. 8 4-.7-- 4-----0----- S F3 * A ' via 53 I 6 i, UI / ; SF 3 . 1_ _ ...7- A „ Fp_i-14 o i_ i _ 1 A •. 16 78t: _, unmet .., rd -: : ::: 85-71 -1. !ii:e..7, .--- 1,4 11 I 1 ...L •10.' EP 1 I I__II m'.1 lit:1 la I I - ri! ra _ 'A ril..1 I Fri; .....u. P ,,, TO i/ ...-1 , 0 mr., I -' r Li / w T1TrIMItIT I n 1 II gat 1A 4 Ls, ' i .... . „ „ . ,, X95 8 3 - 4 1 _ . -muromt__. , _ . - .-- Ell . ., 1 . _ H-'' - 5f - 2 M F — , _ - 70 .27 • . 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I.- -' 1 mu ...;14,,sr,. .....,.: az I- -I tall r7.4 • .-WILIMPA,:ir,-- :IP:-1..A A 1 - z g,.. .111 IIIII al 114 M gi Prj so MaIN:t.giTra - ,. . if- • 7.....14:, one -oa. ------- _.: TY 77.(14,-!_„ * S Vv• V - - 0 1 Fll ..,\\ N 1 ill IA i - 11"11111 r-w.1 1 co K m ,,, . ,,.., 1 1 :, u 4,„,„ qq- CD 1 84-30 1\ 1 I ,,,a- .--$ -4,k'0,- ;''.-4 t.• ' •.. . 84-30 I I 1 I WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: P&Z 93-3-Z Discuss and Consider ITEM NO.4 Scheduling Public Herings to Consider a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Regarding Pawn Shops SUBMITTED BY: Mary Nichols, City Secretary REQUESTED BY: City Initiated BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Attached is a letter from the City Attorney which explains that our Zoning Ordinance is deficient of provisions for pawn shops. Mr. Deiter's is recommending that the City hold public hearings to amend the zoning ordinance to provide pawn shops as a listed use in at least two zoning categories of the ordinance. If this is agreeable to the Commission, we will advertise the public hearing to be held before the Commission on July 5th. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from City Attorney Steve Deiter WYLIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: P&Z 93-4 Discuss and Consider ITEM NO.5 Developing a Landscape Plan • SUBMITTED BY: Mary Nichols, City Secretary REQUESTED BY: Initiated by City Council BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The City Council has asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to begin developing a recommendation regarding a landscape ordinance that would apply to developers who site plan property within the City of Wylie. The Commission will begin working on this directive at your next meeting. Staff will be contacting cities who have a landscape ordinance in place to request copies of their ordinances as well as request recommendations on the development process. A landscape ordinance would take effect upon the site planning of undeveloped property or expansion of existing development. It would not be enforceable on properties already developed to capacity. The purpose of a landscape ordinance is to define "landscaping" for a developer and establish minimum landscaping requirements. A landscape ordinance may require an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. We will discuss these provisions in more detail on Monday night. Staff will obtain whatever information the Commission requests or needs in the developing of their recommendation.