10-19-1992 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet n�r^°7 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THEE �- � �' jaSIQO 6':'30 PM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER: ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . 1 Consider approval of minutes of the October 5 , 1992 meeting . 2 . 2 Hear request for approval on a Preliminary Plat for Paul Pitts on Branch Hollow Phase I . This subdivision is not within the city limits but does fall within the City' s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction . 3 . 3-6 Hear a request for approval of the replat of Saint Anthony Catholic Church by Helmberger & Associates . This also includes a request for `h- > variances on: (a) The maximum height of a structure . (b) Required building line setbacks . 4 . ( \) 7-10 Hear a request for a clarification of use from Cornerstone Ministries . 5 . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board Commission of the. City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action . Remarks must be limited to not more than five ( 5) minutes . 6 . Adjourn. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 , 1992 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 6 : 30 PM. Monday, October 5 , 1992 • in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman, Gilbert Welch; Vice Chairman, Bart Peddicord; Mike Hawkins , Billy Mills , Richard Eckman and Bobby Jennings . Staff members present were Building Official , Michael Schmidt ; and Secretary, Nita Sims . Absent : Cleo Adams , Excused. ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 21 , 1992 MEETING : A motion was made by Bart Peddicord and seconded by Billy Mills to approve the minutes as submitted with no additions or corrections . Motion carried, all in favor . (5 Votes ) Mike Hawkins not present for voting . ITEM NO . 2 : CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY HELMBERGER & ASSOCIATES TO REVIEW AND APPROVE A PLAT; MOSS ADDITION : Michael Schmidt , Building Official , reviewed the Moss Addition Plat with the members and stated that all information Helmberger & Associates submitted was in order. He also gave a staff recommendation to approve the proposal . Gilbert Welch shows concern with the side yard set backs . Mr . Schmidt informed Mr . Welch that the set backs were in the requirements for this zoning . A motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Mike Hawkins to approve the preliminary plat to go to City Council with all the set backs shown. Motion carried, all in favor ( 6 Votes) ITEM NO . 3 : CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None . ITEM NO. 4 : ADJOURN : A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Welch. Motion carried, all in favor . ( 6 votes) Gilbert Welch, Chairman Respectfully submitted : i Nita Sims , Secretary Staff comments Item 2 . This subdivision is across the lake (Lavon) from the City and falls within our ETJ . There will be no impact on Wylie and the chances of future annexation are very slight . I recommend approval as submitted. Item 3 . Saint Anthony ' s Church is requesting a variance on several items . a . Maximum height of a structure is 30 feet by ordinance. They are requesting that they be allowed to exceed that by an additional 30 feet to an overall maximum height of 60 feet . b. Variance of the building line setbacks to allow for an encroachment of ; ( 1 ) Existing structure 5 . 8 feet ( 2 ) Existing structure 3 . 1 feet ( 3 ) proposed structure 9. 7 feet c . Combining of two lots into one lot . I recommend; a. Disapproval . A variance is imposed when the property has a peculiarity to it which causes or could cause an undue hardship . An architectural proposal does not constitute a hardship . b . ( 1 ) Recommend approval ( 2) Recommend approval ( 3) Recommend disapproval for the same reason as a . above. Item 4 . Cornerstone Ministries is requesting a classification of use for a property located at 103 N . 1st St . I recommend that the proposed use be classified as Multi Family . 11111V11 1 +x < s - \ 1 PARK * ik ---1 1 ,.� * - , # t, $ EMIT �r-- �' > -7 -17 +s. 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CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING October 2 , 1992 PN# 9120 Mr. Michael Schmidt, Building Official City of Wylie 2000 North Highway 78 P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Preliminary Plat of St. Anthony Catholic Church 404 North Ballard Wylie, Texas 75098 Deir Mr. Schmidt: Please find attached three sets of the preliminary plat and accompanying drawings and the boundary closure calculations for your review for the October 19 Planning and Zoning meeting. Also enclosed is the filing fee of $160. 00. Please note that we are requesting variances from the existing SF - 2 zoning for the site as follows: 1. VARIANCE TO EXCEED THE HEIGHT RESTRICTION OF 30 FEET TO A HEIGHT OF 50 FEET FOR THE SANCTUARY AND 60 FEET FOR THE BELL TOWER. 2 . VARIANCE TO ALLOW ENCROACHMENT OF THE 25 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE AS FOLLOWS: THE EXISTING PARISH RECTORY BY 5. 8 FEET +/- THE EXISTING PARISH HALL BY 3 . 1 FEET +/- THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY BUILDING BY 9 . 7 FEET +/- 5 The architectural elevation drawings included are assuming the finished floor of the new church is 100 ' and the proposed height of the building is 150 ' -3" for a total height of the church of 50 ' -3" (not including the bell tower) . At this time, it is our understanding that if the variances are recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion on October 19 , 1992 , the request will make the October 27 , 1992 City Council agenda for final approval. 124 HOOPER ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 • 214/442-7459 City of Wylie October 2 , 1992 Page 2 If you need additional information, please call me. Sincerely, HELMBERGER ASSOCATES, INC. .1 �• a gL Step '-n A. Helmberger, P.E. Vic 4 President cc: Reverend Anthony Pondant Mr. John Fitzpatrick Mr. Ray Garrison 19120-12 CITY OP' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie will hear a request from Cornerstone Ministry' s for a CLARIFICATION OF USE (Chapter 12 Section 28 of the Code of Ordinances) on a proposal to utilize the property located at 103 First Street , Wylie , Texas , as an "After Care Facility" . The meeting will be held on Monday, October 19 , 1992 at 6 : 30 PM at 2000 North Highway 78 (Municipal Building) in the City Council Chambers . The Public is invited to attend. MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: MICHAEL SCHMIDT, BUILDING OFFICIAIi) DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 1992 "'��""'" SUBJECT: 103 NORTH FIRST STREET / CORNERSTONE MINISTRIES The proposed usage of the property located at 103 North First Street by Cornerstone Ministries is defined as a Hospice (see Exhibit "A") . A Hospice falls under the Code requirements for a hotel (see Exhibit "B") . My preliminary plan review was not completed as I quickly determined that the property in it 's current state would not meet the minimum requirements for a hotel . EXHIBIT "A" Hospice: A lodging for travelers , young persons , or the underprivileged esp . when maintained by a religious order . " Webster ' s New Collegiate Dictionary " Copyright 1980 EXHIBIT "B" 103 North First Street Occupancy Type R-1 Occupancy Load 50 Construction Type VN Allowable Floor Space 6,000 sq. ft . Actual Floor Space 10 ,000 sq. ft . Separation Wall Required 1 hr Separation Walls Actual Not Rated Required Parking 23 spaces Existing Parking 7 spaces MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1992 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 6 : 30 PM. Monday , October 19 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman, Gilbert Welch; Vice Chairman, Bart Peddicord; Mike Hawkins , Cleo Adams , Richard Eckman and Bobby Jennings . Staff members present were City Engineer, Paul Beaver; City Attorney, Steven Deiter; Building Official , Michael Schmidt ; and Secretary, Nita Sims . Absent : Billy Mills , Excused. Before Chairman Welch opened the regular business meeting, he stated there was going to be an additional item on the agenda . Added to the agenda was Item # 4A - Public hearing for Cornerstone Ministries . ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 5 , 1992 MEETING: A motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Cleo Adams to approve the minutes as submitted with no additions or corrections . Motion carried, all in favor . ( 6 Votes) ITEM NO. 2 : HEAR REQUEST FOR APPROVAL ON A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PAUL PITTS ON BRANCH HOLLOW PHASE I . THIS SUBDIVISION IS NOT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS BUT DOES FALL WITHIN THE CITY ' S EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION : Michael Schmidt ' s staff recommendation was to approve the preliminary plat . After the members reviewed the information and had a brief discussion with Paul Pitts a motion was made by Bart Peddicord and seconded by Mike Hawkins to approve the preliminary plat with the stipulation that the subdivision regulations are followed. Motion carried, all in favor . ( 6 Votes) ITEM NO. 3 : HEAR REQUEST OF APPROVAL OF THE REPLAT OF SAINT ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH BY HELMBERGER AND ASSOCIATES . THIS ALSO INCLUDES A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES: (A) THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF A STRUCTURE. (B) REQUIRED BUILDING LINE SETBACKS: Michael Schmidt went over the preliminary plat with the members . He stated that it exceeds all City requirements . There was no representative present from Helmberger and Associates or Saint Anthony Catholic Church. City Attorney, Steven Deiter gave a brief definition of special use vs . variance. After reviewing all information available a motion was made by Bobby Jennings and seconded by Cleo Adams to approve the replat of Saint Anthony Catholic Church. Variances were tabled until further information is given. (Votes 5 in favor and 1 abstain. ) ITEM NO . 4 : HEAR A REQUEST FOR A CLARIFICATION OF USE FROM CORNERSTONE MINISTRIES : Michael Schmidt went over the information of Cornerstone Ministries . His staff recommendation was to not allow the halfway house in Retail Zoning but in Multi-Family Zoning . Leon Boughton of 312 South Third Street spoke for Cornerstone Ministries . He gave the members a review of the intentions of Cornerstone Ministries . Roger Smith of 106 Carriage House Way spoke as well . ITEM NO . 4A: CORNERSTONE MINISTRIES PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Welch opened the Public Hearing and gave the public a chance to speak . Don Yeager of 411 Woodhollow spoke in favor of Cornerstone Ministries . Judy Rambley of 6 Madler Point spoke against Cornerstone Ministries . Raymond Cooper of 301 Dogwood spoke against Cornerstone Ministries . Al Gibson of 8325 Sunrise spoke in favor of Cornerstone Ministries . James McGuire (Lady Like Shop) of 203 North Ballard spoke against Cornerstone Ministries . Terri Jones (Simply Nails ) of 2760 Pecan Drive spoke against Cornerstone Ministries . All the members agreed by voting that this does not fit in Retail Zoning ( 6 Votes) . A motion was made by Bobby Jennings and Seconded by Richard Eckman to table and schedule a Special Workshop . Motion carried, all in favor ( 6 Votes) ITEM NO . 5 : CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None . ITEM NC . 6 : ADJOURN : A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Welch. Motion carried, all in favor . ( 6 votes ) Gilbert Welch, Chairman Respectfully submitted : Nita Sims , Secretary