09-21-1992 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1992 6: 30 PM. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER: ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . Introduction of new Building Official , Michael Schmidt to Board Members . 2 . 1-2 Consider approval of minutes of the August 17 , 1992 meeting . 3 . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action. Remarks must be limited to not more than five (5) minutes . 4. Adjourn. MINUTES ' PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, AUGUST 17 , 1992 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 6 : 30 PM. Monday, August 17 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman, Gilbert Welch; Vice Chairman, Bart Pedicord; Mike Hawkins , Cleo Adams , Billy Mills , Richard Eckman and Bobby Jennings . Staff members present were City Engineer , Paul Beaver; City Attorney, Steven Deiter; Secretary, Nita Sims . ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 21 , 1992 : A motion was made by Billy Mills and seconded by Bobby Jennings to approve the minutes as submitted with no additions or corrections . Motion carried, all in favor . ( 6 Votes) Cleo Adams not present for voting. ITEM NO. 2 : CONSIDERATION OF OAKRIDGE FINAL PLAT APPROVAL . The City Attorney, Steve Deiter, reviewed Oakridge information with the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Paul Beaver went over what information was needed for final approval of the Oakridge Subdivision Final Plat . The members asked to see previous Planning and Zoning and City Council minutes . While passing out the minutes to the members , Dwight Scott of Investors Network (Oakridge) spoke on behalf of Oakridge and stated everything the City had asked for had been complied with, including proper drainage easements , right of way dedication and boring permits . Final notarized documents were to be presented to the City Staff before the September 8 , 1992 City Council Meeting . A letter of credit in the amount of one half of the cost for the 700 ' Fleming extension was to be posted before the Mayor signed the " Approved for Construction" ock on the Final Plat . I q -p,,() dt41- j p ITEM NO. 3 : CONSIDERATION OF NATURE AND PERFORMANCE OF A GROUP HOME / HALFWAY HOUSE USAGE AND DETERMINE THE ZONING DISTRICT OR O� DISTRICTS WITHIN WHICH SUCH USES SHOULD BE PERMITTED: After the members reviewed the item they showed concern for spot zoning. Leon Boughton spoke on behalf of the Cornerstone group home / halfway house. He spoke of the impact it would have for the city as well as for the people who would be housed in the home as well as the benefits it could provide for the businesses in this program. Bobby Jennings stated he felt it would not be fair for the Planning and Zoning Commission to recommend this agenda item to the City Council without a Public Hearing. By having a Public Hearing the public and surrounding businesses would be able to give their opinions and views on this matter. After that time the Planning and Zoning Commission would be able to make a fair recommendation to the City Council . Gilbert Welch stated that such use did not fit in the retail zoning district and again brought up the concern for spot zoning. A motion was made by Bart Pedicord and seconded by Richard Eckman to call a Public Hearing and request the City Staff as well as the Police Chief to give more information and their recommendations on this agenda item. Votes : 1 abstain and 6 in favor. ITEM NO. 4: REPORT FROM PAUL BEAVER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND ENGINEERING: Paul Beaver went over the status of the pending Building Official position. He stated they should have someone to fill the position in early September. Gilbert Welch showed concern in regard to the Comprehensive Plan. Paul Beaver explained that this area would be on hold until the Building Official position was filled and at that time the new staff member would be in charge of this project . ITEM NO. 5 : CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM NO. 6 : ADJOURN: A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Welch. Motion carried, all in favor. (7 votes) Gilbert Welch, Chairman Respectfully submitted : Nita Sims , Secretary • HALFWAY HOUSES SURVEY WAS A HAVE THERE REPRESENTATIVE DO YOU HAVE WHAT ZONING PUBLIC BEEN ANY • TITLE OR HAVE YOU IS HEARING NEIGHBORHOOD CITY DEPARTMENT DATE HAD ANY? REQUIRED? HELD? PROBLEMS? COMMENTS Mesquite Gordon Browning 9/8/92 no Have several Senior halfways for drug 216-6213 abuse & mildly retarded. State lets them know what is coming. Richardson Monica Willard 9/8/92 no Would require a 238-4240 special permit. They would have to defend parking? HALFWAY HOUSES SURVEY WAS A HAVE THERE REPRESENTATIVE DO YOU HAVE WHAT ZONING PUBLIC BEEN ANY TITLE OR HAVE YOU IS HEARING NEIGHBORHOOD CITY DEPARTMENT DATE HAD ANY? REQUIRED? HELD? PROBLEMS? COMMENTS Ft. Worth Ms. Thomas 9/4/92 yes - 1 FR Restricted Not known Amended existing Planning Aide Commercial Zoning (817) 871-8000 Paul Nedde Plano Patt McClour 9/8/92 no Terrell Debbie Zajak 9/9/92 no • Sec. Bldg Insp & Engineering (214) 524-3332 Garland Neil Montgomery 9/8/92 no Special Use yes Got a letter from in all 3 legal firm & tried commercial to take issue. & 2 Indust. Same firm has Approval of contacted other SUP cities. Withdrawn Irving Claudia Cox 9/10/92 yes A-Single Family yes Planning Tech Site Plan 721-2600 HALFWAY HOUSES SURVEY WAS A HAVE THERE REPRESENTATIVE DO YOU HAVE WHAT ZONING PUBLIC BEEN ANY TITLE --- OR HAVE YOU IS HEARING NEIGHBORHOOD CITY• DEPARTMENT DATE HAD ANY? REQUIRED? HELD? PROBLEMS? COMMENTS Garland Stan Montgomery 9/4/92 no' 5 districts yes - Development Commercial before Planning Administrator 2 industry Commission 205-2000 & City Council Requires Specific Use Grand Sharon Cherry 9/8/92 no Multi family yes 1 person applied Prairie 660-8230 with specific -Such neighborhood use opposition, the P & Z recommended denial. 2 family homes have residential housing Lancaster Sid Dryden 9/8/92 no Treat as a new Building Official & unlisted use 227-6050 to commission those with limited super. vision. Article 1011 - City has to allow (Steve Deiter needs to check on) HALFWAY HOUSES SURVEY WAS A HAVE THERE REPRESENTATIVE DO YOU HAVE WHAT ZONING PUBLIC BEEN ANY TITLE --- OR HAVE YOU IS HEARING NEIGHBORHOOD CITY DEPARTMENT DATE HAD ANY? REQUIRED? HELD? PROBLEMS? COMMENTS Desoto Audrey Pat Mitchell 9/4/92 no Never had come up Planning Director Had psychiatric 223-6316 Farmers Michael Spicer 9/4/92 no Use one for yes n/a Recent application Branch Planning Director "home care of for adult day care 247-3131 alcoholics etc." Specific Use Permit - - MF-3 Light Ind. 9/9/92 Special Use yes new ordinance - only in will state commercial provision (not mo7 than 4 persons w/2 supervisors) Dallas Bill Harbell 9/4/92 yes Light Industry yes - for no Do not deal w/ Inspector (6-12) Regional Retail special use - - HH regulated by Residential Hotel Community Service State because the: Inspector Mixed Use-2 are ex-cons. Housing & MU-3 Have been in some Neighborhood Central Area Dist. Must have c/o frog Services 670-7333 City. Definition: A facility for the housing, rehabilitation, and training of persons on probation, parole, or early release from correctional institutions or other persons found guilty of criminal offenses.