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06-05-2012 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission f* CITY OF WYLIE C June 5, 2012 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 5, 2012 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100 Phillip Johnston Chair Gilbert Tamez Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Matthew Kirk Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6023 or TDD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from May 15, 2012 Regular Meeting. June 5,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Medical Plaza Addition, Block A, Lot 1 for a 51,878 square foot, two-story medical office facility providing 24-hour emergency medical care on 4.168 acres, generally located south of FM 544, approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Medical Plaza Addition, Block A, Lots 1-5, a medical office complex on four lots and one open space lot on 24.1 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Medical Plaza Addition, Block A, Lot 1, a medical office facility on one lot on 4.168 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certifi)that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this Is` Day of June 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday May 15, 2012—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice-Chairman Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Matt Kirk and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 17, 2012, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tamez, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the minutes from April 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6-0. REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda Minutes May 15,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 2 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Blakey Addition, No. 2, establishing three Single Family Residential lots on 2.88 acres, generally located south of Alanis Lane and approximately 393 feet west of Ballard Avenue. Ms. 011ie presented the staff report for the Final Plat for Blakey Addition No 2, stating that the zoning for the subject property was approved by the Commission and City Council last month. The Plat establishes boundaries and setbacks for three lots. Access for the lots will be Alanis Drive. A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Blakey Addition, No. 2, establishing three Single Family Residential lots on 2.88 acres, generally located south of Alanis Lane and approximately 393 feet west of Ballard Avenue. Motion carried 6 — 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes May 15,2012 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 Wylie Planning and Zoning _MtCommission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 5,2012 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Medical Plaza Addition, Block Prepared By: Charles H. Lee,AICP, CBO Subdivision: A,Lot 1 Planned Development Date Prepared: 04/07/12 Zoning District: (PD 2012-03) Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Medical Plaza Addition, Block A, Lot 1 for a 51,878 square foot,two- story medical office facility providing 24-hour emergency medical care on 4.168 acres, generally located south of FM 544, approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Medical Plaza Addition,Block A,Lot 1 for a 51,878 square foot,two-story medical office facility providing 24-hour emergency medical care on 4.168 acres, generally located south of FM 544, as sroximatel 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Discussion Owner: Parker Scholz Properties,LTD Applicant: PMRG Realty Group The property owner/applicant is proposing to develop a 51,878 square foot, two-story medical office facility, providing medical office services and 24-hour emergency medical care. In addition, the 4.2 acre site allows for helipad for emergency medical transport. The property is generally located on the south side of FM 544, approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Planned Development zoning (PD 2012-03) was established in December 2011 allowing for specific provisions regarding parking, exterior materials and associated uses to accommodate a medical office complex. A concept plan was adopted in conjunction with PD zoning and this site plan is consistent with that plan and represents phase 1 of a medical complex. Access to the development is provided via F.M. 544 and proposed public street (Medical Plaza Drive). The proposed public street shall serve future phases to the medical complex. Public open space, drainage and flood way easement to the immediate west and south are being dedicated and associated plats are on the current agenda for the Commission's consideration. In summary, this proposal conforms to the applicable requirements of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance and PD 2012-03 requirements including site, architectural and landscape design requirements and staff supports and recommends as sroval of the site plan. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 05/30/12 Page 1 of 1 LEGEND 1/2" I.R.S. 1/2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW \ `� / �� LINE TABLE CAP STAMPED "RPLS 3963" \\ CI R/V�q� LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE CM CONTROL MONUMENT Q\ 80• F G F L2 S 70'39'06" E 8556'' / \ �1���TQ V R F\k/ST i p' �l� �B}�O�MF�/ ., ,AI.R.F. IRON ROD FOUND \\ ` 6g -EBp F r \ \ TNFRSj \- GW GUY WIRE ,�•\`b \\ UyDFR R�� F�TRH\ \\ / ► PP POWER POLE J \ � \ \\ F\ \.` CI LP LIGHT POLE \ ( \ \ _ ��� ,� TS TRAFFIC SIGN wFM \\ // / \\ — _ 11IIIIiIIIllliili �sQO' 30 15 0 30 60 CI CURB INLET / s44 \ l IlllllIQ iiiliiiiil ::zuao:p TCB TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX \ S 4/ 2 8i Illlli;`jll"'; SCALE IN FEET1" = 60' CM CONTROL MONUMENT z �� 10 IIIIIIII /� SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE oa a� / / / \ \ ` HW HEADWALL 2�.p• \ \ ��` EBX ELECTRIC BOX V T 4p•0' �� WV WATER VALVE ___I • • II WM WATER METER HENSLEY LN 8ii,• %l l�S• \ 1 FH FIRE HYDRANT 4414ar / H � M.R.C.C.T. MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS mmri C•/ \ \4 8� � ' Fk/ST D.R.C.C.T. DEEDS RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS MEANDERI '�•`�\�, TO eERyFgD —X— FENCE ir� / ���_ WALK � � OyDeR RpCATFc TR/C E— OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE VICINITY MAP -/ o / C� °UND N.T.S. 4/w 5 WIDE 5R d I w' / 29., �� %iv)/ /1/ _ _ ../// \ r‘,C0 / / __.- -- ---__ "it / , co cv / 7 _,,,,,:__ / / 7.,„,,o __________ . , \ \ .....„. . SIDEWALK III / ___,/h Ii. '111114 , I_ : :----. P P \ ):fkoi„, ------------- Q :� . •4—_ _ _1.... , ,_.- *I i •ED \ gCCFiRF�q 4. / \ A,„?.._.. .__ /___ 7.,.. / / /� , _ _ DROp_. ,O / \ UTILITY F SqN� irk c � ���•1 _co 4.; �_ \ /'� \ FMFN7- �D�, \ / gl1iil;l.41 lllllll� `j•� // `ii* ei,,o) ,. ,� 5' WIDE V 4 r FyN)oR w%I 2\' CONCRETE / SITE 4 ` NNN i �� o I � 25'R &F �S � \ \ �/ 3.448 ACRES / tli -,�x>,'� , � ��� `x / �\x / TWO STORY �� '�� S`FCT Il I 1 , \1\=i 0� i 10 . MEDICAL OFFICE ��� Fq�Ix / '/ / /,'' o / 51 ,878GSF ��A 5 �°,��� �P� J / ///ii/ /;/ \/ . CODE REQUIRED PARKING: �� d -4g:_:<•1 �� / /�/j/ i�// /// /l /' R 173 (1 PER 300 ON GSF) ccill„,, c, J�' 2 , �cA\\ //' ,%/' //' ,�/ ' 5 WIDE FFE 496. 1 0 PROVIDED PARKING: 189 �� C� /// j�/ /// ��� VSIDEWALK (1 PER 259 ON RSF) 5 WIDE / /( I ,0 ory SIDEWALK o /41rt, en� �V /�j �j // ry/ / / 2 ., UTIGITy egseN� .� 48 0� zoned PD 2012-03 ' /' �°� V�� ' �/ �� ,�/ o� ,' rMENT4 / -' .iripo Ifi O '#440 / / / I Fyn gib o ' / / � /[-� i _ 9p �' 49 /// /;;' /' SITE DA A UMMARY A235'07'38" - - - 4• tit• pR0'°• 6,„ \♦ 12R� / %/ / ZONING OF NTIRE SITE: PD 2012 03 17 45 wqreR II 0 . — AlO ' CURRENT Z ING OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES TO ENTIRE SITE: R=70.00 I -4 - / "7///i// L=287.26 / h. jf y •P , �o / � E f: LI T=134.10 Q / � / °�/� / UTH: PD ` �j / % �-. // /�/ WEST: PD CH=N 42 57 09 ,1A� _ - - - - 'A 28 \ i gR (2 //,. jj ,,o) — 124:f fi 9J ;• GA / \ 1 7*. ;AMNAsXFoHR1ER\ . /j/ // ': N •o. \ b n sO/o ^° / / PROPOSED USE OF LOT l: OFFICE (GENERAL OFFICE AND MEDICAL CLINIC) •0 // // LOT COVERAGE FOR LOT 1 3 302 ACRES 35.7% SITE4111 �' / /// ( ) � � / � � io ''/ /,7//,/,/,% / PARKING REQUIRED FOR LOT 1 = 173 (1 PER 300) 2.630 ACRES \ Fy J/ ) a / PARKING PROVIDED FOR LOT 1 = 189 \ / / — a E/ERGENCY /' BUILDING HEIGHT: 30'-0"and 31'-6' 18" RCS sa - - - /IV �O. / NERATOR / / NON RESIDENTAL DESIGN STANDARDS POINT TABULATION FOR SITE 1: 3i -- N // LANDSCAPE/ / SITE DESIGN DESIRABLE(4 OF 8): 1. FRONT FACADE ORIENTED TO THE STREET. 6 C/ / \ 'n 09 \ — / SCREENING) / ' /j j j 2. COMBINED ACCESS POINTS WITH ADJACENT TRACKS. '�7� n�� 8' MAH��`/ /�///7// 3. DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN BUILDINGS AND STREET. ''y/ \ /S. D q/ i --, ' //// //�j i/ 4. NOT VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC STREET BUT PROVIDE MASONRY SCREENING. 2 :. p Ng°E eSMT \\ '/'// //// //' = ' " it LANDSCAPE DESIGN DESIRABLE : REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN. \ o /// / // // �03 45 09 s �� ///// (// /// R=55 .00' ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DESIRABLE (3 OF 6): 1. USE OF 2 COMPLEMENTARY PRIMARY FACADE MATERIALS TO HELP ACHIEVE �!/Ziair \ ,v //j/// //� / L=36 •78' FACADE ARTICULATION, VISUAL VARIETY AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING. • , / / , /// , 2. APPLICATION OF BASE STANDARDS TO FACADES NOT FACING A PUBLIC STREET �� v .\��/ //j// /'j//// T=1 2.95• 3. USE OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILING AND/OR MATERIALS TO PROVIDE VARIETY IN HELIPAD n _ j/ ,/// CH S 4017 3 NOTE: VISUAL APPEARANCE. SUBJECT TO F.A.A. :El. V, sPR to // /' D LL'�Ro365.7 ALL SIGNAGE SUBJECT TO PLANNED REQUIREMENTS ) C/� i� // /�/ / c�H METAL DOOf� DEVELOPMENT 2012-03 PROVISIONS AND SITE 2 ' // /// TILT-UP CONC ETE PERMITTING VIA BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Oj ��� '�� ��/ / �I o / //j/,/ , CLOSURE. COL TO MATC 2.883 ACRES M / // J / /// ,, /BUILDING FINISH. ' SITE PLAN of 4. 168 Acres ��`, /// , /,// \ ` /� // �' being // \ / / y / /''" v /'// �MA FLOODZONE AE // \ // //// /�� PANEL 48085CO145J / \ / / / / //// ,/ / /�/ PANEL 48085C042 J Lot, 1 Block A // \1 / ' / --i \` � \ // // / / //'//` /7//// '_ _, _ \ „,. and R. 0 . W. Dedication `30' ' / / /ii'' /'/// // ,/,;/ , / // / .- _ , _..._...„ Medical Plaza Addition 9 / / // �i/ // ?� , �'' / /�,' ��/ii�.r %�/ // SITUATED IN THE ,' /��� \/ // ;'/ . '/// / DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABST. NO. 841 i \/ / ./ / / / / j / ,//// / // �� MICHAEL MILLIRONS SURVEY, ABST. NO. 563 /_ J/ i / /// , / // 7 //,----- /� / / /// / / // ISAIAH CLIFTON SURVEY, ABST. NO. 193 / "' / / i' /' CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS / /,�� / / ///,/ ///// / McCallaRios Architecture Parker Scholz Properties, LTD. ' / Q / ,/ // / 2600 Network Blvd, Suite 120 P.O. Box 307 ENGINEERING CONCEPTS & DESIGN, L.P. / �O / / Frisco, TX 75034/ I a� / ��,- / / Wylie, TX 75098-0307 ENGINEERING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES / , / A ,/ / /% / (972) 294-3537 TEXAS FIRM REG. NO. 001145 �' /,/,EMT)c/ o / ////// //// / FAX (972) 421-1827 201 WINDCO CIRCLE, SUITE 200, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 / ////j, �///// / (972) 941-8400 FAX (972) 941-8401 03703\DWG\3703 Site Plan.dwg CNI ANGLE EDGING AS SHOWN PLANTLIST (Medical Plaza Drive) AT ALL EDGING/PAVEMENT w O U I INTERSECTIONS 2 1/ ESYM MATERIAL QNTY SIZE HT SP NOTES 0 1 1/2" - 2 WASHEDSIDEWALK DRENCA z / CMN CRAPE MYRTLE 11 30 GAL. 8-10 4-5 CONTAINER GROWN? PAVEMENT OR GARRETT JUICE AT TIME 1 o RIVER GRAVEL - SZ1 CD 1" 1 1/2" j////////� LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA 'NATCHEZ' OF INSTALLATION DRENCH WITH COMPOST TEA j _ OR GARRETT JUICE AT TIME LCO EX. GRADE y66*/1 ° KOR KNOCKOUT ROSE 51 5 GAL. 24" 15" FULL OF INSTALLATION HOLE WIDTH SHALL BEm �1 � �j////// / ROSA x 'KNOCK OUT' HOLFWTDTHSHALLBE = VARIES ADJACENT TURF/ Q 1_ (D °d THREE OF TREE GREATER THAN THREE TIMES GREATER T N DIAMETER OF TREE BALL -■R GL GREEN LIRIOPE 313 1 GAL. 10" 10" FULL > �. li PLANTING BED 00 � F.F.I STEEL EDGING AS PER LIRIOPE MUSCARI EXISTING NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL ONLY '� I EXISTING NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL ONLY _•� �� P �� c J vO SPECIFICATIONSSHREDDED CEDAR MULCH AS SPECIFIED �= _� _ _TAPER FROM 1/2"AT TRUNK TO 3-5" -EXISTING FINISH GRADE SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH AS SPECIFIEDAI �� �.I revisions / AT OUTSIDE EDGE TREE HOLE TAPER FROM 1/2"AT TRUNK TO 3-5" TING FINISH GRADE tA CMN NATURAL LANDSCAPE m AT OUTSIDE EDGE TREE HOLE m~ E j JIpIu�Y,IIIIIIIIInrr _ _ ii = 05-16-12 10 -;,,,,�,> �,� a� _ =m iRllllllllll'pltllplpin paiz innx;rv- mi»ninnNmoNlolplpn7111111111p. • w STEEL EDGING FEATURE - COBBLE rt .s ���•' _ STEEL EDGING/tinn /RM STONE, BOULDERS, ARBOR TIE PROFESSIONAL ,III III ; < III = s;,.� r � : -OI TREE STAKING KIT ONE I ` ' N,.% =11 111 111 11 1 4'' ARBOR TIE PROFESSIONAL "i `I III III I1 1 ' ��ON AND PLANTINGS - ill ""- _ _ _ _ _ ' , •�' , .,>,I L'� FILTER FABRIC 3 PER TREE ATTACH TO r. .„�.: =III=III=III=III o^LL 0 -����� �' ""��"�� r`�•` NOT TO SCALE lip,. 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I '' :7X =1111 I WEI I la 11 1 I I w"'o TREE STAKING KIT l 11I 1 1 • -'4,-.�t I I I�1=1 11=1 11=1 I 1 qt, = Opp THREE LARGEST TRUNKS 1 I o� ONE KIT PER TREE IIH ti z, _ li woo I / RY UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE II111II11111111111111111111111I I111111111I�li I ;III UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE11' 1II I1 III it = I o= / 4 -III_ 11-III GRAVEL STRIP at BUILDING 111 1 lik f*-.. - ilib. N . RM TREE PLANTING TREE PLANTING / • s. . ':: ' .: Q TYPICAL MULTI-TRUNK TREE SCALE: n.t.s. 4'WIDE �...:.., not to scale SHADE TREE 3"CAL.and smaller ':° \ MEANDERING not to scale /..' NAT r' _ NDSCAPE . (: •;.,• :'�`:� ...`. _ - SIDEWALK FEATURE - *:BLE / 4/0 , - / STONE, BOULD ' , • AND PLANTINGS • SI ?w , PLANTLIST 0..CT s I *Ilki" ••�.�,,. ::., .' . . .,, • �• .:�._-�•._, 20 SYM MATERIAL QNTY SIZE HT SPRD NOTES SP ,• Q• �• al '' _ s' M RO SHUMARD RED OAK 5 3" CAL. 10-12' 5-6' CONTAINER GROWN NA • o Ai 'AO /' ® � ; � � '�,: Ab QUERCUS SHUMARDI �j s f i RM RED MAPLE 15 3" CAL. 10-12' S-6' CONTAINER GROWN NA O. • . � b �i- , 1 A tCP • :• SAL ' ` "� ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' � d� �P%ia �• LBE LACEBARK ELM 8 3" CAL. 10-12 5-6 CONTAINER GROWN NA ........ I I %�� lIP .,/ Am. >• © \ i RY ,��><�;;° ''J �;•:�:�•'x` � ULMUS PARVIFOLIA SEMPERVIRENS ...;� ,. r_ 1 18 i fr-s..‘.4/ •.eels .+ :�� ` .,• �` RM CP CHINESE PISTACHE 10 3" CAL. 10-12' 5-6' CONTAINER GROWN NA =Li ".• :� ImQ ��' (MALE) °' • ® % ' t• 6 � . ., ,��,` 11►. © PISTACIA CHINENSIS o ,i $ \ DWM SAL ` CM C AL. 8-10 4-5 CONTAINER GROWN NA Ilk A.V.N. wAlkiros RAPE MYRTLE 13 30 CONTAI °� a *Or LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA 'MUSKOGEE G _a/ ,• 6 © SAL \ $�� = I ' I bA 0 • / .• - �• .. 74 9 \ \ 6 CPAn / ' \ JUN WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER 10 15 GAL. 42 24 FULL 4oc / • Al! ` valk ��ly JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM 'WICHITA BLUE' - �' a� / 0 tot. / DYOa'Otv®�•<no ® �� _ ' i ,.�r.�; ;�z gah LM LINDHEIMER'S MUHLY 21 5 GAL. 32" 20" FULL 3'oc - �--�o. ► ® o ooao09 �00= 67 • •� 1, , SMUHLENBERBIA LINDHEIMERI1 - z•. . 14 of © \ , IIMS MISCANTHUS475GAL. 28 20 FULL3 oc ca/ 1t.4,• • •• , a00�rp�•\ ® ® �� \�( • II�,��II11411MISCANTHUS SINENSIS MORNINGLIGHT•.,•�•� 8 Lik CP ® � O1u�p DWM DWF WAX MYRTLE 74 5 GAL. 20 18 FULL 32 oc� 0�0 '� MYRICA PUSSILLA/ / �6 18" GRAVEL STRIP � �ioOti .!�'l ► ��•����i�* 67 © \\ r�/ ao7• o<A(. =. •••A.°00000OOOso* 1:04, DB r •�•___, RM ROSEMARY 7 5 GAL 18" 16" FULL 32"oc/ ,Alk Mr ao o► 40 CP ;� �� / ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS 12" GRAVEL STRIP ®N. ®NW DWM ~aOaO°osoao�0+ ��� © ', �� O OAK OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA 6 5 GAL. 24" 24" FULL 42"oc - - o• a00 /NW o, CP N . HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA q DAY Q i:;. KOR KNOCKOUT ROSE 200 5 GAL 24 15 FULL 3 oc• DWM \ 60 CP10 /' ROSA x 'KNOCK OUT' / •i 18" GRAVEL STRIP ' ler IIIIII���„���I © �, RY RED YUCCA 14 5 GAL. 20 15 FULL 32 oc A1,4 •:•�� 14 ul _ ur If / HESPERALOE PARVIFOLIA .. ' TWO STORY �!! III�IIl.I I •%:, DAY O2 DB DWF BURFORD HOLLY 27 3 GAL. 18" 15" FULL 32"oc / • r! MEDICAL OFFICEI.I�lIlDpll;� ` fir_ = . I I, • ,� a r h 16 /� / � ILEX CORNUTA BURFORDI NANA � •ATIF , S ,878 GSF IIIIiI`oo��$� ) \ / / DY DWF YAUPON HOLLY 23 3 GAL. 18" 15" FULL 2'oc • O• OWs / KOR / / / ILEX VOMITORIA 'NANA' / w ••• GM GULF MUHLY 28 3 GAL. 18 15 FULL 32 oc :y / • CODE REQUIRED PARKING: / /:/ DlLBE �,� . ® // •• 173 (1 PER 300 ON GSF) > � 40 / Oti%/ Q :mot** 18" GRAVEL STRIP , O IIv. / / MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS „, .....1 ':'�•� • PROVIDED PARKING: 189 I L / 18" 15" / ® LBE •.�.L 0f•�"�, ����.� � • \� / GSN GULF STREAM NANDINA 45 3 GAL. FULL 2 oc •�"�� ' • .•�.r�•• // INA DOMESTICA G TR v j •{ . •.,�.•,�-�f (1 PER 259 ON RSF) m O / • ., / / NAND ULF S EAM' © :‘,W•'-eibliigt ••t•'�fi•' SITE 1 / / " "� •., • KOR ® SAL SALVIA 41 3 GAL. 15 15 FULL 2 oc ii DAY66 �+ ••:•.��.�•��, 18" GRAVEL STRIP / I:�:•:.•� ® SALVIA GREGGII RED �- 19DAY '� •''':•••• �. LBE IIIIIIoC�::;:;�;!��• KOR � / � MFG MEXICAN FEATHER GRASS 558 1 GAL. 15 15 FULL18 oc W® DAY �:�•.;�lf�.KOR / .2 ••.• �?••�•• ® • OAK © NASSELLATENUISSIMAQa� •; • ' 24 .,;� �• y� , "�oai a / DAY DAYLILLY 101 1 GAL. 15 15 FULL 18 oc F--i Q,l .•• f P f+w� HEMEROCALLIS 'HAPPY RETURNS' V/ `J� \ ak \ O1----- II ® / ./ 11 11 II (r) ,4 1 LBE , -;.tip 18 GRAVEL STRIP Il�. , .7010t� GL GREEN LIRIOPE 1287 1 GAL. 10 10 FULL 18 oc Q • � Z .......�.,pir:-- LIRIOPE MUSCARI ® .:.'� Ni.4111, © \ c� ill •'•'�• \ /�I kiollin&\!401.1.1:77/ / / VL VARIEGATED LIRIOPE 184 1 GAL. 12" 12" FULL 18"oc L.LJ Z 7 j_ Illk ® \ \ III I MY �•''t': ',;, • III�O / / / / LIRIOPE MUSCARI 'SILVERY SUNPROOF' / / ® fir•'' , 154 \ 306 � •'•''•';�,,�•f - �;' / /'. / / AN ANNUALS80 4" POTS TYPE TO BE DETERMINED 9"OC �- , ' /Mg. cy. o . /t © DAY ® /tab .,.•,;., . ‘,„,-* 45 /aQa1 80 ••�:� •>�' FIGURE 4 8 -111 yii v ;, KOR16 �• .i /it tg\V -. (.1044, li; ;; .' r j v p iiiv 4I1 ♦/ 10 'Mk / // LANDSCAPING DESIGN RE UIREMENTS Wm ' Q�!�� LBE •��•w / :.. /f,JW .T 46 err y�� a� �_ JUN / ELEMENT BASE STANDARDS DESIRABLE STANDARDS O ' 7* ANSFORMER �_ � �. DAY / r w \ \ 98 ® O .. / MAX. HT. 5') / LANDSCAPING IN 1. MIN. 20% SITE TO BE LANDSCAPE 1. LANDSCAPING EXCEEDS MIN. BY 10% © / / / REQUIRED YARDS SITE 142,310 SF NOT APPLICIABLE 7 \ ��•. ‘Zr ooA• LBE vile ;O... Q REQUIRED 28,462 SF 20.0% 2. LANDSCAPING IN SIDE AND REAR YARD L - - - - - - �_ ` 0 / �,j \ © :' / / PROVIDED 35,758 SF (25.13%) NOT OTHERWISE REQUIRED o / / NOT APPLICIABLE . . '/ - W \ : 2. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE H� / �..; . . .! DAY © ;, Ark, o _ / / 14,544 SF PROVIDED - - © © ': ' / / / / / 3. LANDSCAPE REQUIRED ADJACENT H� SITE 2 • o ;., ' . ERGENCY 7 / T NOT APPLICIABLE M \ 3.301 ACRES \ \ \ \ \ ® O GENERATOR i p / ... .: 20 \ (MAX. HT. 8') \ \ IA •0 / 1. REQUIRED 50 SF PER SPACE 1. LANDSCAPING 10% OR MORE IN EXCESS OF / / \ \ q . RO TURF LANDSCAPING OF Q LANDSCAPE NOTES © \ / PARKING LOTS 189 SPACES x 50 SF = 9450 SF REQUIRED 50 SF/SPACE " "�+ LEGEND 9931 SF PROVIDED NOT APPLICIABLE / 1. PLANT LIST FOR THIS SHEET ONLY (L-1). t- • / 2. PARKING LOTS WITH SPACE FURTHER THAN \ \ •' 2. ALL SPACES WITHIN 60' OF LANDSCAPE AREA 2. PLANT LIST TO BE USED AS AIDE TO BIDDER ONLY. LANDSCAPE : �.. • 3LONGER SHALL 40' FROM A LANDSCAPED AREA li \:.. W/-* • COMMON BERMUDA . PARKING ROWS 12 SPACES OR PROVIDED CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES. •�•i• HAVE LANDSCAPED ISLANDS AT END NVPSTER / HYDROMULCH 3. LANDSCAPED PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION 3. AFTER INSTALLATION OF STEEL EDGING, ALL BEDS SHALL BE TILLED /.:.:. : . :: ' 4. ALL PARKING ROWS SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED II HELIPAD . TO A DEPTH OF 4-6", RAKING OUT ALL DEAD VEGETATION. • i 0 HIGH METAL DOORS (CYNODON DACTYLON) AREAS AT LEAST EVERY 12 SPACES TO MAIN ENTRANCE 4. APPLY A 2-3" DEPTH OF ORGANIC MATERIAL OVER ENTIRE BED AND SUBJECT TO F.A.A. / ANQ TILT-UP CONgRETE./ PROVIDED '� .: EN LOSURE. C LOR/ TILL INTO EXISTING SOIL. ORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE ONE OF REQUIREMENTS • / ci) / 9 1. REQUIRED SCREENING AT SERVICE AND Q Q FOLLOWING: _, : /. . / T MATCH BUftDIN VISUAL SCREENING VITAL EARTH COMPOST \ LOADING AREAS Q -- I / /FINISH, W BACK-TO-EARTH SOIL CONDITIONER / north NOT APPLICIABLE U - I- , LIVING EARTH COMPOST �'.. . .:... . / // / ��ri) Q SOIL BUILDING SYSTEMS COMPOST / / `'s SILVER CREEK MATERIALS COMPOST / / / W..-„ `'' L W ..-=,•n LANDSCAPING OF 1. MIN. 10' WIDE LANDSCAPE BUFFER REQUIRED 1. USE OF ROCK WALLS OR OTHER NATURAL U i--i I� 5. TOPDRESS ENTIRE BED WITH MINIMUM 2" DEPTH SHREDDED / / / / w '1 " ' -I / / / / - STREET FRONTAGES PROVIDED LANDSCAPE FEATURES L1J Q NATIVE CEDAR MULCH. / / / - �mwm ; - 2. TREES REQUIRED IN BUFFER, SPACED 30-40', PROVIDED 6. ALL SHADE TREES AND ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL BE PLANTED AS / / / / / •L PLANTED IN GROVES OR BELTS 2. INCREASE IN MINIMUM WIDTH OF LANDSCAPE = Im ILL PER DETAILS THIS SHEET. / / II = I II MIN. 1 - 3" CAL. TREE SPACED 30-40' BUFFER BY 20% 7. ALL SHADE TREES AND ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL BE PHYSICALLY / / / / / / scales 1 30 -O 496' - 14.17 - 15 TREES REQUIRED PROVIDED - 12' BUFFER PROVIDEDiimmin TAGGED AT NURSERY/CONTACTORS YARD BY OWNER/LANDSCAPE • : :.: , 64 R / / / 35' 3. PROVISION OF SPECIAL BENCHES, PEDESTRIAN file name: ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY UPON ISSUANCE OF CONTRACT. \ • / / / / 0 30 100 15 TREES PROVIDED ELI PA / LIGHTING OR OTHER STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS c:\W lie MOB\Id base_W lie.dw 8. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED BY AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION / / / 3. REQUIRED TREES MINIMUM 3" CALIPER NOT APPLICIABLE V 9 V 9 SYSTEM, COMPLETE WITH RAIN STAT AND FREEZE SENSOR. SYSTEM / / / / PROVIDED SHALL BE DESIGNED TO UTILIZE WATER-SAVING TECHNIQUES AND // // / / 4. ON PERIMETER WHAT LEAST 4' DEN ADJACERING ONCRETE WALK sheet EQUIPMENT. INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM SHALL BE MADE BY FIRM DULY .. : ..:. • / / / LICENSED UNDER ARTICLE NO. 8751 VTCS (LICENSED IRRIGATIOR ACT), N. / THOROUGHFARE S.B. NO. 259. \ / / / / PROVIDED N>i, / / /. / 15 50L_ i , , PAINT COLOR "C" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL CONCRETE SITE CAST TILT-UP MECHANICAL ROOF SCREEN REVEAL PANEL T.O. ROOF SCREEN :,.: ' \ - - - - - -- - - - - EL. 13T-0" T.O. PARAPET EL. 130'-0" 0 - PAINT COLOR "B" II 1�� L II II 1 U I gr i I , I _ _ _ _ SECOND FLOOR EL. 114'-0" 0 I 1 1 I I 11 II I ,/❑ FI v I \I I Jr 1 ■ :� ,r r , ,, wx ,.s-., II 1 PAINT COLOR "A" - �` tar :'''� � � ;;;C:: ''�� s,� ,�. *f'� �`f '°A7yt L�*y�r+y,.�_,ai -•i yiy� � f44 ,? Y r r*'y�,y ` - \\ //�is1 % . '� ? , 'R ' toy . % ,�,F ¢ 0,,_� .- / r . l.�7LS IP , ,�. GROUND FLOOR m; `'I' -. h*+ it, COMPOSITE METAL PANEL COMPOSITE METAL PANEL WEST ELEVATION REVEAL CANOPY ; � ' ,, SCALE: 3/32" = 1' 0" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL REVEALS , . , v CONCRETE SITE CAST TILT-UP / MECHANICAL ROOF SCREEN PAINT COLOR "B" 4 .� .r PANELSCREEN 0 T.O.T0ROOF �sT _ 1 -1----- --- '- _im. T.O. PARAPET (CURVE WALL) -_.-.-. I I 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 STONE VENEER -4r=. _ - E # I . , 1 I 1 1 1 1 p; ii F. . - ' _ . _—_— _ = 1 1 1 1 1 " r _tca _4_ I 1 1 1 1 .�1 _ . . SECOND FLOOR OR f _ — IIIIII 1 I I I I EL. 114' 0" 1 t7 _ 111111111111/4,1 III IF `— © 1� I / , !,,,,-,\, 11 -� ;. " ... 4 , r. i ,it1 \ .____7==-7// 1 .., / Ill / :', i 1 , i . . .. . -_ .. - . __,. _ vv L L !K\., v GROUND FLOOR EL. 100'-0" STONE COLOR EXAMPLE EXTERIOR RENDERING PAINT COLOR "A" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL CANOPY EAST ELEVATION SCALE: NONE - SCALE: NONE - COLUMN SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" - CONCRETE SITE CAST TILT-UP / MECHANICAL ROOF SCREEN PANEL _ T.O. ROOF SCREEN 415 CONCRETE SITE CAST TILT-UP EL. 137'-0" I / PANEL T.O. PARAPET EL. 130'-0" ' 1 ' / 1 I --- PAINT COLOR "B" ! 7 I il Y 1 II 1 ��� li 7il II I I II II I I I I I I II II I I II II 71 1 l COMPOSITE METAL PANEL CANOPY 11 II I - - _ SECOND FLOOR EL. 114'-0" I COLUMN I Ill I I WI I_I II _II I \_, •_ N I II I . I 1 I I _ I II I 1 lIll 1 l 1 i I GROUND FLOOR EL. 100'-0" • COMPOSITE METAL PANEL COMPOSITE METAL PANEL PAINT COLOR "A" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL SO UTH ELEVATION REVEALS CANOPY CANOPY SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL STONE VENEER COMPOSITE METAL PANEL GLASS AND CLEAR ANODIZED MECHANICAL ROOF SCREEN CONCRETE SITE CAST TILT-UP CANOPY REVEALS ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PANEL_ - _ - - - - _ T.O. ROOF SCREEN EL. 137'-0" I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I - I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1' I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 - I' I 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' T.O. PARAPET I 1 I 1 I I 111 , I II111111111 , 1I 111IIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111 , , IIIII 111I 111III III II111I 11111 , 11111111111111111 , 111111111 , II II III II II111 - - - - - - 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 EL. 130'-0' 11 1 ' 1 ' III 1 1 11 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 II - J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W Y L I E M E ID I C A L 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAINT COLOR "B» 11 I , 11111111111111111 , IIIII , IIIIIIIIIIIIII III , I , , 1 , 1 II (II 11f11111111111111111111111f1111111f11111111111111111111111f1111111 f11111111111111111111111 11111 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 , 1 II II I , 111 , II I , 111 I I 1 I n 1 I 1 II WI WI W1 �I I 1 I 1 n cH3-1 I -i- 1 1 1 1 1n11111 1 1 1 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 SECOND FLOOR 111 ' 1 ' 11111111 1 11 111111 1111111111111111111 1 1 1 I _ I - 1 - I II I1 - 11 - III I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' ' '1 ' I ' '1 I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' I ' '1 ' ' '1 ' I ' '1 `1 ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i ' i J — - - - - - - — EL. 114'-0' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III , III , IIIIIIII111 , I 11111111111 , III , IIIIIIIII II , I , I 1111111111 , III , IIIIIIII111 , I , I II111IIIIII , I , I , 1111111 , 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 II I L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I , 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I I l I l l t I I I I I I I I I 11 , , I , , , , , , , , mo— l _ l I, 1p 1 1 1 1 I I I• 0'..1.41. I ii ii ii l l l i I 1 1 i H 1[ 1 ,1 / \ / I PAINT COLOR "A" IIIIII I , IIIIII 1 , II1 , , / , IIIIII`1111 �T ' ' 111 , 1T1 , f11 , ' I ' 11 , 111` 11 , 1111111 , 111 111 , 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' 1111111111111 ` 1 `1111 � 11 \ / \ 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I l l l l I I J I I I I , IIII , II IIIIIIIIII III111I111111I1I , IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , IIIIII , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , IIIIII , II11111 II I I I I I I I I If111111I 111111 I I 1 I 11 I 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A-/ ` GROUND FLOOR - EL. 100'-0" COMPOSITE METAL PANEL NORTH ELEVATION CANOPY SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" - SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL FOR WYLIE MEDICAL OFFICE II Realty Group IVIcCAIIA i o s 2828 ROUTH STREET SUITE 700 ARCHITECTURE DALLAS, TX 75201 2600 NETWORK BLVD SUITE 120 (972) 421-3300 FRISCO TEXAS 75034 (972) 421-3301 (fax) (972) 294-3537 (972) 421-1827 (fax) Wylie Planning and Zoning CITY OF WYLIE Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 5, 2012 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Medical Plaza Addition,Block Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: A, Lots 1-5 Date Prepared: May 7, 2012 Zoning District: PD 2012-03 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Medical Plaza Addition,Block A, Lots 1-5, a medical office complex on four lots and one open space lot on 24.1 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Medical Plaza Addition, Block A, Lots 1-5, a medical office complex on four lots and one open space lot on 24.1 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Discussion The applicant is proposing to establish four commercial lots and dedicate one lot to the City of Wylie for open space purposes. Planned Development 2012-03 zoning was established on the property to accommodate a medical office complex and proposed layout as shown is consistent with phase one of planned development's vision for a medical office complex. The Preliminary Plat establishes: • Boundary lines for five lots. (Phase 1) • Dedicates rights-of-way for public street, (Medical Plaza Drive) • Establishes open space and floodway easements. (Lot 5) • Delineates 60' wide trail easement. • Provides necessary utility easements. (Subject to Engineering) Lot 1 is 4.168 acres in size and will contain a 51,878 square foot two-story medical office facility. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering and Public Works Department. Approved By Date Department Director RO 05/30/12 Page 1 of 1 SSMH WEST FM ROAD 544 . VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. CONCRETE PAVEMENT s4 4 pit, POINT OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT IP R TBX BEGINNING m FND. o PP Gw 49_s WV ., F CI S 70'31 '42" E 1034.92' - (- - = CW E _ •'�� _____Ai- w _ 493 CI CI CI Q TXDOT MON. BEARSON N f w _�� �� R� Q CM N 78.57'01" E CONCRETE PP 1/2" I.R.F. •FH PP \ - - _ - - - - - - - - w- r Q C 9 0.20' Q W/"5686" CAP �� \ \ - PP - - - - - - W w W �� S 0� CI 49>� -P�_f - 17-7 e S 20'40'25" E _ \\ ` \ 10' U.E. 567.64T / \ - - -\ /�. / \ _ - - P --i • ' HW CR 297 1I 1.so' \ \ c - T �� -F i=-� � � �i - --�4�� � PPGW V�� - -PP- _ _ _ s2 SSMH 1/2" -\\ \ \- \ \ - - I / \ 10' U.E/ 387.29' I \ , \ \ y �� ! �_� TXDOTMON. w // / / E PP -w / HENSLEY LN �J5 I.R.S - A\ \ \ \ / 1 / \ / \ / 2 \ �( � = _ --r-_ N -�- E W /� `E-- _ �-� \ \ \\\ \\\ \\ \\\ \`\ 3 1 l \) �I/ i\I \ \ I///�/ //� Ifr) I �\ ` \\ \\ s\\ •\� v`\\ \ / `\ /Ag�� i l// \y/// //// / /\ LOT 4 / / /n/7�//ry // \\ \\ \I �`�s) \ \ \ 3.448 ACRES Q _ _ - / F d / / / I \ \\ �j• \ \\\\\ \ (150,192 S.F.) J I �49� ///� /// �\ \\ \ I \ \ \ �\ :.). nr,88-1.. - -- - - � ' // //id// // / / \ \ I \\ VICINITY MAP \ \s \\ �O \ �\ \ \` Q o /// /- i I / I / , \ \ CPs\ \ \\ \ I L, / /// / 1 / 1 / MICHAEL MILLIRONS SURVEY \\ \\ ` � \ �� 03 GO / / // 1 �//// 1 I ( I /l // A-563 \\ \\ \\ - - - o o N LOT 1 / '� /// � - / 1I \ MHS1S \ - - r\ / W 3.302 ACRES / // 1 I s I \ ( \\\\\ / �s / I (143,855 S.F.) / / // ////� / / I I \ 1 \ LINE TABLE �j �` // / S\ / / , I l/ l I \ I LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE I / I LOT 1, BLOCK A t9 / ! - / / (/ *•/ // / //�� I \ 1 \ I I \ / / Y�J I rl/ 7 III \ \ L2 S 7039'06" E 90.00' WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL t9 \\ \\ _ - Th I �� / / / I \ \ CAB. Q, PG. 551 I I N'. \\ / � /�� / I l I \ \ L3 S 74'04'35" E 32.55' M.R.C.C.T. I I •\ , I / 4 / // �� �� / I / I \ L4 S 13°41'41" W 54.30' \ 1 I L _ - - �I�/ / DUK STRICKLAI�I� SURVEY L5 S 21°16'27" W 13.22' I I ',- \ cA I A�a / I / /� %/ %// / I / / \ -84 \ L6 N 30'37'25" W 19.64' I / P' / M 0 / / \ CALLED 2$.377 AC. L7 N 40'21'09" W 87.35' 0) w / M I /'� �� // / 1 PARKER SCHOLZ Pk?OPERTIES, LTD L9 S 65°02'43" W 28.77' I I I \ \\ / / / // / //�/ / I INS . 2008120001400140 / / / 1 D.R.C.C.T \ L10 S 19°20'18" W 66.34' I m // / / / \ \ L11 S 0458'28" E 29.74' 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 1 1I.R.F. k9 \ % / //r ll 11l/I I l l l \ \ L12 S 20'54'14" E 9.68' VOL. 3255, PG. 176 s /'~' , 53 04'6" w / (o ro 6' / \ . /// O/ /�/ lI/I I / , Q 1 _ Q ^� -.N."' i O 9 \ LEGEND L13 S 45°27'21" W 20.58' D.R.C.C.T. ti 2 1 / / / QD I \\ / /// l / o / \ \ L14 S 87°06'08" W 38.34' I I Jacj.B. �� �-f� 0.66' / Z // 1/ l l l \ I N I ° 2 i N� ▪��g� i/ d'' l // �0 / I\ / /////• ,\ //�/ /�// h I ill I \ \ 1/2" I.R.S. 1/2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW L15 N 76'19'40" W 25.88' CAP STAMPED "RPLS 3963" ' 4 �i_- 4' /� / / / / /// / / \ \ \ \ L16 N 5732'09" W 39.17' I / c Q8 �, % - A9 / / �81.08' o / 0 l% /// l �4" I \ \ CM CONTROL MONUMENT L17 N 47'53'03" W 12.59' I 17 V I i_ /' / i //�l 11 `� I �•l \ \ \ '�9 L18 N 34'55'16" W 15.50' I � / / / / 1••.06 - - - / 0/ //�/ �,Q' (O \ I.R.F. IRON ROD FOUND Y II / � � - - - T / / / /�( / \ L19 N 14'10'16" W 44.32' 1/2" I.R.F. dI / / \ / // /// �'4-1 I / / / \ \ \ L20 N 20'08'45" W 14.19' BEARS I I II \ i �g J fSD.E. / / / / _ L21 N 71'03'15" W 7.40' N 8105'S6" w / I \ �, s / / / // / // � / / GW GUY WIREI I I I \ / • // // /// 1.87' \ I I / \ _ \ \ I / / / s- -0- _ �� / //a / / /��/ /�// I / \9 \\ \�s PP POWER POLE A >z L22 S 64°23'34" W 110.08' \ ( \ / / 1�rx 0) / /// //// //// Q / / L)'\ \ LP LIGHT POLE L23 N 68'49'06" W 19.23' \ i I � I N\ \ / / / / / / / /// / / _ \ \ L24 N 53'24'11" W 24.85' \ `� I \ \ vi \k Y� I\ \\ \\ Il / / / / / / / 4//� /� / I �/ \ 1 \ TS TRAFFIC SIGN / I 4� w \ L25 N 30'11'00" W 32.14' 563 / \ I \ \ in II I \\ \ \ \ / / // // // / / / //// / oo �/ \ ` CI CURB INLET L26 N 01°16'20" W 59.71' / / / �/� /� �, �° � c4 \ L27 N 36'38'13" W 22.42' P� \ I / / \ I I\ A9� \ \\\ / / / - - / / / / / /�// //// ^/� \ A� TCB TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX L28 S 89°47'17" W 24.92' \ I I `i N.N. 1' 9�\�9e \\ \ \ / / / / / / g28 / / /\�/� /��/ / 4,- /� / \ \ CM CONTROL MONUMENT L29 N 63'14'03" W 32.04' \ I I \\ I \ N Lr'\\\\-N\/ / / ` _` / 6 / / %//'/ / �1" l ) SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE L30 N 63'48'37" W 23.89' \ I I ` I \ \ $\ LOT 3 / / / // a / L31 N 49'55'34" W 78.46' o \ I I \ M �• ) \Ag \ \ `\ \\ \ ' / 2.630 ACRES / -- \\ / // �/ /� / /////�/� /o / '/ \ HW HEADWALL L32 N 2533'30" W 26.76' a SS k O \ / (114,577 S.F.) / / _ / / / / / / g93 L33 N 05'55'09" E 26.65' v \ I I / \ \\ \ I / / / / /�( / /�� � /% // EBX ELECTRIC BOX �, N L34 N 07'43'00" E 71.21' n \V I i /, \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ // / / // /� /,//� /// / / / \_ TBX TELEPHONE BOX L35 N 25'32'25" E 12.97' f'n \ \\\ \\ / / I / / / / WV WATER VALVE L36 N 8710'27" E 16.71' ISAIAH CLIFTON I\ I \II ) ��\����\ / l / / // / I/// //// j// WM WATER METER L37 N 37°31'11" E 15.88' SURVEY I \I r / \� / / / / i// /// L \ L38 N 31°39'59" E 20.16' A- > 93 / `, - �\\ ��49,3� / N / / // / // 1// / / \ - _ - - -492- - - U.E UTILITY EASEMENT L39 N 18'21'19" W 26.25' SSMH( \ S S ^ \\ �� \ / / / /// / 15 II// // \\ D.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT L40 N 01'17'01" E 20.44' \ \i\ \ // S .1 \\ \ \ \� 3 I / / / // III I / L41 N 55'09'50" W 13.98' _ - \ LOT 2 / / / / �// \) / / // F.U.E. FIRELANE, ACCESS Sc UTILITY EASEMENT L42 N 71'23'52" W 23.16' \ \ / I \ \ •' o�\ - - 2.883 ACRES // /� /� // // JJ /�f)1 / / S.S.E. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT L43 N 56'00'03" W 9.09' LOT 1, BLOCK A0- < I N \ \ _ / WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL \ \ v \ \ \ \ - - - (125,580 S.F.) / / / // / // L44 N 68'05'49" W 28.30' CAB. Q, PG. 551 I I \\ , \ w\� \ \ \ \ \ /°� //l�l // v//�/' ///�/ I / / L45 S 54'13'47" W 41.23' M.R.C.C.T. MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS M.R.C.C.T. Z. I - \ / / / ///// I D.R.C.C.T. DEEDS RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS L46 S 22°21'03" W 46.33' 0 \I \I\ / -- --N _ 48g\\ / \\ \\ \ 94\ ^ \ \ // �00 // / / /7///// //�/ l / I_ \ / -X- FENCE L47 S 43°26'27" W 58.73' 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT / \ \ •�p \ �- \ / / / / / i 1/2" I.R� \ L48 S 58°03'07" W 55.27' j• VOL. 3255, PG. 180 / \\ �\ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 -- ///°Y / �/�//�/ II/�/�/ i I w/"5 e�CP�\\ -E- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE L49 S 70°02'S7" W 48.16'I I \ D.R.C.C.T. \ - �� � - �\\\ j�o\ �� _ / ll l ll I th/I � / j� 1 al I 1 4 / / l crr / / L50 N 7831'32" W 23.08' -491 1 I \ \ \ \ J �\ ,\ �_ _ - l ( lI / � � NOTES: � \ � =\ � I / IIII / / / !� � \ \ \ \\ - - - - - - - - _ _ 48�\ � � \4go / / / / / II 1111 / '/1I I /� /$ -/ / 1. Basis of bearingbeingS 74'04'35" E for a south boundaryline of deed recorded I I 60' OPEN SPACE \ ` ,� \ \ / / / I II II // / $ \ I TO THE CITY OF WYLIE \ I _ _ ° in Vol. 5058, Pg. 2753, D.R.C.C.T. Cr 014\Ititi5 \� \ _ I - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - �� \�\ \ / I / / 11I/I//� I\II\ ,z3, \ / 5/8" I.R.F. 2. By graphical plotting, part of the parcel described hereon lies within Special dY ,, \\ 1\ \ I - - \ I �� \ = \\ / I Ill / I//III \\\\I1 \ N N l / / W/"3sCM CAP Flood Hazard Area (SPHA) Zone "AE" as delineated on the Collin County, Texas - �„rt \ I �- ,,,,,----- - - - - - -1 \ - - _ _ - JI 488\ / I/ / ��1))111� III)%�'� • and Incorporated Areas, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 48085C0415J, W. 1 I \I \ \ \\ I ��, ////► -J//// ) \ / dated June 2, 2009, as published by the Federal Emergency Management A 'IA \ L0 \ / \ lll / l Agency, and revised by Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Case No. 10-06-1838P, ♦ � \ \ ` 2` 2 - • / I 1 1 A� L\40 I OPEN SPACE` \ / III // / cv cv effective date December 30, 2010. The Surveyor utilized the above referenced \I II I \ FLOODPLAIN & D�R�SINAGE E�SEMENT ' - - �� / 1 ( \111- J/� ` in (� / / floodplain information for this determination and the Surveyor does not certify ♦ ♦�tr I \ 10.965 ACRES„ \/� ' � � _ � � / 1 \\ / ''',N I . O that revised floodplain information has or has not been published by the Federal 1 I \ (477,634 S.F.) \ - \ �\ y / - / ,- I \ 5/8" I.R.F. Emergency Management Agency or some other source. This statement shall not I I co L38 ♦ ` - \ \ \ \ I I I I W/"3949" CAP \ N _ I II I N / cM create liability on the part of the surveyor. I I esM�` J L37 \ \ - - - - _ / l I I ♦ 1\ N ' \ ' - - ( I I I II I 3. All corners set hereon are Yellow 1/2" Iron Rods stamped RPLS Number 3963. \ N\ A L36 A I \ 1 ` \\ \ ` 488_ - J I I I1 �\ I v w/5/8"3949 I.R.F. CAP N N. A I \ \ � - - \ I I III III [,� v BEARS \ \\ \\ p^ L35 ♦ 1 \ \ \ � - \ � \� ��\lee 8 / II III III �J Sso4212" E 1 0.21' N ss\\ �'A I \�� , __ 488-\ , 8 � \: /// / III III LOT 1, BLOCK A PRELIMINARY PLAT L / II h BAYCO ADDITION " I.R.F. \` \ _ - - - ` � ; I''II62 4)I ''DCAMR.CCGT.471NOTICE: Selling a portion of thisFOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY ;� \XN J 60' OPEN SPACE I - TO THE CITY OF WYLIE / - - , \ (3.244 AC. SOLD) addition by metes and bounds is a \ - - ) /' _ _ - _ - - / - - -I)\ w�3949" CAPviolation of City Ordinance and ' MEDICAL PLAZA ADDITION 1/2" • �q 'PS'\ M _ State Law, and is subject to fines I.R.S N \ \ - - - - ♦ 0.37' and withholding of utilities and til -0 \ \ \ A $ Building Permits. W �, M ZNN \ L BEING A L50 \\ �� . Z� \ MUDDY ♦ ♦ SURVEYOR 24. 0 J 4 ACRES 0 �R.C. MYERS SURVEYING, LLC --- ,,,,, , \\ ,s,\\ �31 28.‘2) L21 (6 A 3400 OXFORD DRIVE SITUATED IN THE .� - -� \ \ \\\ L30 L29 A C� L20 LOT 2 ROWLETT, TX 75088 DUKE S TRIC KLAND SURVEY, ABST. NO. 841 /� \ \ \ ♦♦ I I i (214) 532-0636 �.J \ \ < �� A FAX (972) 412-4875 MICHAEL MILLIRONS SURVEY, ABST. NO. 563 ���� N\ \\ NL12 I 1 - LOT 1, BLOCK EMAIL: rcrosurveying®gmail.com ISAIAH CLIFTON SURVEY, ABST. NO. 193 \ d� JOB NO. 162 \ ss \ A nn I CAB. Q, PG. 470 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS \ \ lLV ♦�J r f M.R.C.C.T. \ \ V A:I. I F \ (2.791 AC. SOLD) 60 30 0 60 120 \\ \\ \ C?s ♦ ♦ s�s'%ti OWNER/DEVELOPERENGINEERING CONCEPTS & DESIGN, L.P. \ \ • . L� � \ 9`Fcso. - PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD ENGINEERING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SCALE IN FEET \\ \\ 24L23 6 L15 \ (7.1, oq - - P.O. BOX 307 TEXAS FIRM REG. NO. 001145 > \ \ 9 J F2 LOT 2 WYLIE, TX 75098-0307 201 WINDCO CIRCLE, SUITE 200, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 1 = 60 \\ \\ \ (972) 941-8400 FAX (972) 941-8401 \ N\ \ �- \ DATE: MAY 17, 2012 SHEET 1 OF 2 03703\DWG\3703 Preliminary Plat.dwg PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § WHEREAS, PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD., BEING the OWNER of a 24.094 acre tract of land NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841, the Michael Millirons Survey, Abstract No. 563 and the Isaiah Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, Collin County, Texas and being part of a called 34.412 THAT, PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE acre tract of land described in deed to Parker/Scholz Properties, LTD, as recorded in Instrument described property as the MEDICAL PLAZA ADDITION, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does 20081209001400140, Deed Records Collin,Texas and all of a called 4.2256 acre tract of land described hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: in deed to Parker/Scholz Properties, LTD, as recorded in Instrument 20081209001400150 of said Deed improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The Records, said 24.094 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes THAT, I Robert C. Myers, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared under my supervision indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod with yellow cap stamped "RPLS 3963" set for the northeast corner constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie High School, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in Cabinet Q, Page improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Ordinance of the City of Wylie. 551, Plat Records, Collin County, Texas and the northwest corner of said 4.2256 acre tract from which Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all a found 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5686" bears South 20 degrees 40 minutes 25 public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular seconds East, a distance of 1.60 feet, said corner being in the south right-of-way of Farm to Market utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. GIVEN UNDER MY SEAL OF OFFICE THIS THE ___ DAY OF , 2012. Road 544 (FM 544), a variable width right-of-way; The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or THENCE Southeasterly with the south right-of-way lines of said FM 544, the following courses: parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way Preliminary, this document will not be recorded for any purpose. South 70 degrees 31 minute 42 seconds East, with the northeast boundary line of said 4.2256 endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in acre tract, a distance of 1034.92 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot) said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ROBERT C. MYERS monument found for corner; ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR South 41 degrees 52 minute 19 seconds East, departing the northeast boundary line of said reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or STATE OF TEXAS NO. 3963 4.2256 acre tract, a distance of 55.00 feet to a point for corner from which a found TxDot parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. monument bears North 78 degrees 57 minutes 01 seconds East, a distance of 0.20 feet; South 70 degrees 39 minute 06 seconds East, a distance of 90.00 feet to a TxDot monument This plat is hereby adopted by Parker/Scholz Properties, LTD (called "Owners") and approved by the STATE OF TEXAS § found for corner; City of Wylie, (called "City") subject to the following conditions which shall be binding upon the Owners, COUNTY OF COLLIN § South 74 degrees 04 minute 35 seconds East, a distance of 32.55 feet to a point for corner; their heirs, grantees, successors, and assigns: Lot 5, as shown on the plat is called "Drainage and Floodway Easement." The Drainage and Floodway Easement is hereby dedicated to the public's use Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this THENCE South 37 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 766.54 feet to a point for forever for drainage and floodway purposes. The Owners shall not obstruct the natural flow of storm day personally appeared Robert C. Myers, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, known to me corner; water run-off by the construction of any type of building, fence, or any other structure within the to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to Drainage and Floodway Easement. The City shall at all times have the right to enter upon the me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. THENCE South 24 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 87.62 feet to a point for Drainage and Floodway Easement, at any point, or points, with all rights of ingress and egress, to corner from which a found 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 3949" bears South 50 degrees investigate, survey, erect, construct, and maintain any facility deemed necessary by the City for Given under my hand and seal of office, this the ___ day of , 2012. 42 minutes 12 seconds East, a distance of 0.21 feet; drainage purposes. The drainage channels and creeks, as in the case of all natural channels, are subject to storm water overflow and natural bank erosion to an extent which cannot be definitely defined. The City shall not be held liable for any damages or injuries of any nature resulting from the THENCE Westerly, with the meanders of said Muddy Creek and with the common boundary lines of said occurrence of these natural phenomena, nor resulting from the failure of any structure or structures, Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 34.412 acre tract and said Lot 1, Wylie High School addition, the following courses: within the Drainage and Floodway Easement, and the owners hereby agree to indemnify and hold My Commission Expires On: 02/14/2015 South 52 degrees 51 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 131.49 feet to a point for corner harmless the City from any such damages and injuries. The building areas outside of the Drainage from which a found 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 3949" bears North 66 degrees 04 and Floodway Easement shall be filled to a minimum elevation as shown on the plat. The minimum minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 0.37 feet; floor elevation for each lot shall be as shown on the plat. South 13 degrees 41 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 54.30 feet to a southwest corner of said Lot 1 and the northwest corner of Lot 2 of said Bayco Addition; This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. THENCE South 21 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds West, with the west boundary line of said Lot 2, a distance of 13.22 feet to a point for corner in the center of Muddy Creek, said corner being in a WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2012. northerly boundary line of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie High School, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in Cabinet Q, Page 551 of said Plat Records; FOR: PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD. THENCE Westerly, with the meanders of said Muddy Creek and with the common boundary lines of said 34.412 acre tract and said Lot 1, Wylie High School addition, the following courses: North 30 degrees 37 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 19.64 feet to a point for corner; BY: North 40 degrees 21 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 87.35 feet to a point for corner; North 89 degrees 37 minutes 11 seconds West, a distance of 16.36 feet to a point for corner; South 65 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of 28.77 feet to a point for corner; South 19 degrees 20 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 66.34 feet to a point for corner; STATE OF TEXAS § South 04 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 29.74 feet to a point for corner; COUNTY OF COLLIN § South 20 degrees 54 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 9.68 feet to a point for corner; South 45 degrees 27 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of 20.58 feet to a point for corner; Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day South 87 degrees 06 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 38.34 feet to a point for corner; personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed North 76 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 25.88 feet to a point for corner; to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and North 57 degrees 32 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 39.17 feet to a point for corner; considerations therein expressed. North 47 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 12.59 feet to a point for corner; Given under my hand and seal of office, this the ____ day of 2012. North 34 degrees 55 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 15.50 feet to a point for corner; North 14 degrees 10 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 44.32 feet to a point for corner; North 20 degrees 08 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 14.19 feet to a point for corner; North 71 degrees 03 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 7.40 feet to a point for corner; South 64 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 110.08 feet to a point for corner; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas North 68 degrees 49 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 19.23 feet to a point for corner; North 53 degrees 24 minutes 11 seconds West, a distance of 24.85 feet to a point for corner; My Commission Expires On: North 30 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 32.14 feet to a point for corner; North 01 degrees 16 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 59.71 feet to a point for corner; North 36 degrees 38 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 22.42 feet to a point for corner; South 89 degrees 47 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 24.92 feet to a point for corner; North 63 degrees 14 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 32.04 feet to a point for corner; North 63 degrees 48 minutes 37 seconds West, a distance of 23.89 feet to a point for corner; APPROVAL BLOCK North 49 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 78.46 feet to a point for corner; North 25 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 26.76 feet to a point for corner; "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" North 05 degrees 55 minutes 09 seconds East, a distance of 26.65 feet to a point for corner; North 07 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 71.21 feet to a point for corner; North 25 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 12.97 feet to a point for corner; Chairman, Planning (Sc Zoning Commission Date North 87 degrees 10 minutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 16.71 feet to a point for corner; City of Wylie, Texas North 37 degrees 31 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 15.88 feet to a point for corner; North 31 degrees 39 minutes 59 seconds East, a distance of 20.16 feet to a point for corner; North 18 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds West, a distance of 26.25 feet to a point for corner; "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" North 01 degrees 17 minutes 01 seconds East, a distance of 20.44 feet to a point for corner; North 55 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 13.98 feet to a point for corner; North 71 degrees 23 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 23.16 feet to a point for corner; Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date North 56 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 9.09 feet to a point for corner; North 68 degrees 05 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 28.30 feet to a point for corner; PRELIMINARY PLAT South 54 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds West, a distance of 41.23 feet to a point for corner; South 22 degrees 21 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 46.33 feet to a point for corner; ACCEPTED FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY South 43 degrees 26 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 58.73 feet to a point for corner; South 58 degrees 03 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 55.27 feet to a point for corner; MEDICAL IEL .A.ZA A_ID D ITIO N South 70 degrees 02 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 48.16 feet to a point for corner; North 78 degrees 31 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 23.08 feet to a point for corner; Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date THENCE North 04 degrees 17 minute 53 seconds East, departing said Muddy Creek and continuing with BEING a common boundary line of said Wylie High School addition and said 34.412 acre tract, passing a 24. 094 AC RES 1/2-inch iron rod with yellow cap stamped "RPLS 3963" set for reference at a distance of 23.00 feet The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that SURVEYOR and continuing a total distance of 596.63 feet to the northwest corner of said 34.412 acre tract and the foregoing Final Plat of the MEDICAL PLAZA ADDITION, an addition to the City of R.C. MYERS SURVEYING, LLC an ell corner of said Wylie High School addition from which a found 1/2-inch iron rod bears North 81 Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the ___ day of 3400 OXFORD DRIVE SITUATED IN THE degrees 05 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 1.87 feet; 2012, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of ROWLETT, TX 75088 the streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as (214) 532-0636 DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, ABST. NO. 841 THENCE South 88 degrees 44 minute 32 seconds East, with a common boundary line of said Wylie High shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the 972) 412-4875 MICHAEL MILLIRONS SURVEY, ABST. NO. 563 School addition and said 34.412 acre tract, a distance of 385.87 feet to a southeast corner of said Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein subscribed. FAX (972) WWylie High School addition and the southwest corner of said 4.2256 acre from which a found 5/8-inch EMAIL: rcrosurveying®gmail.com y g / JOB NO. 162 ISAIAH CLIFTON SURVEY, ABST. NO. 193 iron rod bears North 53 degrees 04 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 0.66 feet; Witness my hand this day of A.D., 2012. CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE North 17 degrees 12 minute 08 seconds West, with the common boundary line of said Wylie High School addition and said 4.2256 acre tract, a distance of 379.94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING OWNER/DEVELOPER ENGINEERING CONCEPTS & DESIGN, L.P. AND CONTAINING 1,049,525 square feet or 24.094 acres of land. PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD ENGINEERING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES City Secretary P.O. BOX 307 TEXAS FIRM REG. NO. 001145 City of Wylie, Texas WYLIE, TX 75098-0307 201 WINDCO CIRCLE, SUITE 200, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 (972) 941-8400 FAX (972) 941-8401 DATE: MAY 17, 2012 SHEET 2 OF 2 • ■ 03703\DWG\3703 Preliminary Plat.dwg This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning CITY OF WYLIE Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 5, 2012 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Medical Plaza Addition,Block Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP, CBO Subdivision: A, Lot 1 Date Prepared: May 7, 2012 Zoning District: PD 2012-03 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Medical Plaza Addition,Block A, Lot 1, a medical office facility on one lot on 4.168 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Medical Plaza Addition; Block A, Lot 1, a medical office facility on one lot on 4.168 acres. Subject property being generally located south of F.M. 544 and approximately 655 feet west of Sanden Boulevard. Discussion The applicant is proposing to establish a commercial lot and dedicate rights-of-way for public street, necessary fire lane, utility and access easements to accommodate phase one for a medical office facility. An associated site plan is on the current agenda reflecting the proposed two-story, 51, 878 square foot facility. This item is consistent with Planned Development 2012-03 zoning on the property. Therefore, this item is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Date Department Director RO 05/30/12 Page 1 of 1 _ \ 1/2" I.R.F\ IRS \ \ \ CURVE TABLE PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE W/'5686 CAP \ CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD BEARS \ C1 14'33'40" 112.50' 14.37' 28.59' N 63'14'19" W 28.51' STATE OF TEXAS § S 20'40'25" E \ \ POINT OF \ C2 36'47'42" 25.00' 8.32' 16.05' N 88'54'57" W 15.78' COUNTY OF COLLIN § 1.60' S p3/\ \ C3 86'49'22" 25.00' 23.65' 37.88' N 66'04'10" E 34.36' 42" \ BEGINNING \ 56)64, E \ \ C4 20'03'50" 49.00' 8.67' 17.16' N 29'30'35" E 17.07' WHEREAS, PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD., BEING the OWNER of a 4.168 acre tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland LOT 1, BLOCK A / • \ --......,.. C5 11'00'17" 30.00' 2.89' 5.76' S 24'58'49" W 5.75' Survey, Abstract No. 841 and the Michael Millirons Survey, Abstract No. 563, Collin County, Texas and being part of a called WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL \ I.R.S. /2.. \ C6 39'19'06" 30.00' 10.72' 20.59' N 00'01'23" W 20.19' 34.412 acre tract of land described in deed to Parker/Scholz Properties, LTD, as recorded in Instrument 20081209001400140, N CAB. Q, PG. 551 8p•op I.R.S.1 \ C7 90'00'00" 25.00' 25.00' 39.27' S 64'28'51" W 35.36' Deed Records Collin,Texas and part of a called 4.2256 acre tract of land described in deed to Parker/Scholz Properties, LTD, M.R.C.C.T. \ • \ C8 69'56'21" 25.00' 17.49' 30.52' N 74'30'41" E 28.66' as recorded in Instrument 20081209001400150 of said Deed Records, said 4.168 acre tract being more particularly described FAi \ \ C9 110'03'39" 25.00' 35.74' 48.02' N 15'29'19" W 40.97' by metes and bounds as follows: ��r1! O \ C10 90'00'00" 25.00' 25.00' 39.27' S 25'31'09" E 35.36' VqR/qB �� C11 67'29'36" 25.00' 16.70' 29.45' N 53'13'39" E 27.78' CE S \ BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 3963" set for corner in the south right-of-way of Farm to S )�� w/orH R p44 \ \ C123 45' " 1025.00' 43.14' 76.24' S 40'51'49"70. 1' 9" E 76.22' Market Road 544 (FM 544), a variable width right-of-way, said corner being South 70 degrees 31 minutes 42 seconds East, 3 s W, C13 14'17'53" 25.00' 3.14' 6.24' S E 6.22' y(2,, \ \ along the south right-of-way of FM 544, a distance of 567.64 feet from a 1/2-inch iron rod with yellow cap stamped •, PA4k �� ro �F F \ LINE TABLE "RPLS 3963" set for the northeast corner of Wylie High School addition, an addition to Collin County, as recorded in Cabinet _ 46 \ Q, Page 551, Map Records, Collin County, Texas and the northwest corner of said 4.2256 acre from which a found 1/2-inch IPA!gir n \ S ,p3 42 38j�9' �2`9' \ \ LINE S 411'52119" E DISTANCE 00' iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5686" bears South 20 degrees 40 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 1.60 feet; Q� co E 3j4 \ \ L2 S 70•39'06" E 8.56' THENCE South 70 degrees 31 minute 42 seconds East, alongthe south right-of-way of said Farm to Market Road 544 and 0 N / G/ -� �/V > S' L3 S 70'31'09" E 73.68' g g y Q °• °� 03/Og \ \ L4 N 19'28'40" E 23.31' the northeastl1 boundary line of said 4.2256 acre tract, a distance of 467.29 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation (b N Qftiv") CVuo �° ?� ,� \ �2 \ 3 FND. L6 N 39'32'30" E 42.40' (TxDot)\ TxDot monument found for corner; 50 25 0 50 100 A/ ^• co co MN 6 FUE �22' TXDOT MON. \ L7 S 19'28'30" W 16.64' �� CO o> `� �� �� _ CM \ \ L8 S 50'27'30" E 9.05' THENCE South 41 degrees 52 minute 19 seconds East, departing the northeast boundary line of said 4.2256 acre tract, a SCALE IN FEET VQ z �rn N 3/p�4 \ \\ n TXDOT NON. \ \ distance of 55.00 feet to a point for corner from which a found TxDot monument bears North 78 degrees 57 minutes 01 " "' ``• s BEARS \ seconds East, a distance of 0.20 feet; 1 = 50' Z Q a,� W J °' �/ �, 266.p/,� l/ r 3,9. ' N 78'57'01" E \ \ j C5 0.20' \ \ THENCE South 70 degrees 39 minute 06 seconds East, a distance of 8.56 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped - / - - - - - - G� - / �2 \ \ RPLS 3963" set for corner; / -\'� / ` 1/2\ FND. \ \ THENCE South 39 degrees 23 minute 12 seconds West, a distance of 107.82 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped / °' 1� / I.R.S. 2TXDOT NON. \ "RPLS 3963" set for the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 5585.00 feet whose chord bears South 0, / „� CM \ 40 degrees 17 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 365.71 feet; C12/t / / ,P\ % \ THENCE Southwesterly, with said curve to the right, through a central angle of 03 degrees 45 minutes 09 seconds, an arc 1� / / / s 70300' E distance of 365.78 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 3963" set for the end of said curve; G / �fL Q� 90.00 IR2" �o S. • ,^'� C2 '\ LOT 1 , BLOCK A Acb / / // �� LI S ?4�4 �� THENCE North 50 degrees 30 minute 38 seconds West, a distance of 92.86 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped .� �,`�/ �"%) / G� 3S "RPLS 3963" set for corner; o \ 1 33302 ACREST �/ . FJ ^o / 1/2 ` �BgslS OF `3158 /2" •N - \ o �� /'V / I.R.S. �4`' / SE-4RlNo) 3 THENCE North 39 degrees 29 minute 22 seconds East, a distance of 99.05 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped > » 11R S' �70:37, •���-� /�, // �P��`' \ "RPLS 3963" set for corner; 235 07 38 26. �w 2 °j ,�° / �,,��, �-- R-70.00' S FEE �2z\ co °/^,D / ...Q 4 �� o�`v THENCE North 70 degrees 31 minute 09 seconds West, a distance of 194.06 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped �03� / /�' / o� o� 1/2" I.R.F. RPLS 3963" set the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 70.00 feet whose chord bears North L=287.26' 09" E la r, / �// OZ`&' <. �e- W/"5686" CAP 42 degrees 57 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 124.11 feet; CM T-134.10 �--�a / Q,P�V LOCATION BASED ON THENCE Northwesterly, with said curve to the right, through a central angle of 235 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds, an arc CH=N 42'S7'09" W 1/2" • / // oo0 2010 FLOOD STUDY distance of 287.26 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 3963" set for the end of said curve; PERFOMED BY I.R.S. / / <c' MIKE BOYD, PE 1 24.11 - - - N / NATHAN DI MAIER CONSULTING THENCE North 19 degrees 28 minute 30 seconds East, a distance of 287.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND ,�3�,0 �' 7/ // ENGINEERS, INC. CONTAINING 181,543 square feet or 4.168 acres of land. �94 , w �, / NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 1/2" J• / (eY SEp O.E \ I.R.S. N. // THAT, PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as the • /NSTR. �o• / MEDICAL PLAZA ADDITION, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use ��'09» E / I/ forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for f the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be °F � '� / �0345'09" constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for / / / R5585.00 the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the // // // L=365.78' LEGEND use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. 1/2 I.R.SV /� / / 04_, ,o�Q / / trees, shrubs or other improvements orgrowths which mayin anywayendanger or interfere with the construction, o a r » CAP STAMPED "RPLS 3963" fences, p g 7 NOTES: S�. o^, / / 00�'��'c°��o CH=S 4017 32 W maintenance, or efficiencyof their respective systems in said easements. The Cityof Wylie andpublic utilityentities shall at /, / oo , P Y Y / °cb ° , CM CONTROL MONUMENT 9 / / k �w o 365.71 all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, 1. Basis of bearing being S 74'04'35" E fora south boundary 3�,. / �P(,y� �o yo I.R.F. IRON ROD FOUND reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective line of deed recorded in Vol. 5058, Pg. 2753, D.R.C.C.T. •��, / / / F QNR- �. o. systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. / / e .c Q�v U.E. UTILITY EASEMENT 2. By graphical plotting, no part of the parcel described hereon 1R.S ' // // v F.U.E. FIRELANE, ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. lies within Special Flood Hazard Area (SPHA) Zone "AE" as / I.R.s./ delineated on the Collin County, Texas and Incorporated / / / D.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2012. Areas, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map Number 48085C0415J, c,<c'.��� / // // / S.S.E. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT dated June 2, 2009, as published by the Federal Emergency co. ``, / / / FOR: PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD. �� / SPC STATE PLANE COORDINATES Management Agency, and revised by Letter of Map Revision co / (CONK) Case No. 10-06-1838P, effective date December 30, 1 �� � / / M.R.C.C.T. MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 2010. The Surveyor utilized the above referenced floodplain J. c / // // D.R.C.C.T.D.R.C.C.T. DEEDS RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS BY: information for this determination and the Surveyor does not o / / certify that revised floodplain information has or has not �4' / // / been published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency �� // / / or some other source. This statement shall not create ` / / / liability on the part of the surveyor. / / / STATE OF TEXAS § / // 2 COUNTY OF COLLIN § 3. All corners set hereon are Yellow 1/2" Iron Rods stamped / / APPROVAL BLOCK RPLS Number 3963. / / Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the ____ day of , 2012. Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date City of Wylie, Texas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Notary Public in and for the State of Texas KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: My Commission Expires On: "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" THAT, I Robert C. Myers, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared under my supervision from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Ordinance of the City of Wylie. NOTICE: Selling a portion of this GIVEN UNDER MY SEAL OF OFFICE THIS THE ___ DAY OF , 2012. addition by metes and bounds is a FINAL PLAT �'•�� "ACCEPTED" violation of City Ordinance and and Law, andsubject to fines j 'fIE]JICAL IEI1.A.ZA ADDITION Preliminary, this document will not be recorded for any purpose. and withholdingg of utilities and building permits. ROBERT C. MYERS wFM 544 SITE Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date LOT 1, BLOCK A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS NO. 3963ilt* BEING Z The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that SURVEYOR 4. 168 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS § o the foregoing Final Plat of the MEDICAL PLAZA ADDITION, an addition to the City of COUNTY OF COLLIN § Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the ___ day of R.C. MYERS SURVEYING, LLC 2012, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of 3400 OXFORD DRIVE SITUATED IN THE the streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as ROWLETT, TX 75088 Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this CR 297 AVL�� shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the (214) 532-0636 DUKE STRICKLAND SURVEY, A-841 day personally appeared Robert C. Myers, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, known to me r yJS� Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein subscribed. FAX (972) 412-4875 MICHAEL MILLIRONS SURVEY, A-563 to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to HENSILEY LN EMAIL: rcrosurveying®gmail.com me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. JOB NO. 162 CITY OF WYLIE Witness my hand this day of A.D., 2012. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Given under my hand and seal of office, this the ___ day of , 2012. OWNER/DEVELOPER ENGINEERING CONCEPTS & DESIGN, L.P. PARKER/SCHOLZ PROPERTIES, LTD ENGINEERING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES City Secretary P.O. BOX 307 TEXAS FIRM REG. NO. 001145 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 201 WINDCO CIRCLE, SUITE zoo, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 MyCommission Expires On: 02 14 2015 VICINITY MAP City of Wylie, Texas WYLIE, TX 75098-0307 p' / / (972) 941-8400 FAX (972) 941-8401 N.T.S. DATE: MAY 2, 2012 SHEET 1 OF 1 03703\dwg\3703 Final Plat - Site 1.dwg