06-15-1992 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 6-12-92 TIME POSTED 8 : 30 AM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, JUNE 15 , 1992 6: 30 PM. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER: ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . 1-2 Consider approval of minutes of the May 18 , 1992 meeting. 2 . 3-9 Conduct Public Hearing for the purpose of considering a zone change and map amendment of the following property : Lots 13 , 14 , 15 of Block 3 of the Brown and Burns Addition (301 N . Ballard) SF-3 to Retail . 3. Close Public Hearing. 4 . 3-9 Consider recommendation to the City Council of a zone change and map amendment for a zone change of the following property: Lots 13 , 14 , 15 of Block 3 of the Brown and Burns Addition (301 N. Ballard) SF-3 to Retail . 5 . --- ' In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited, to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action. Remarks must be limited to not more than five (5) minutes . 10 . --- Adjourn. MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: JUNE 16 . 1992 SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING - MARVIN BLAKEY - PUBLIC HEARING CHANGE. Marvin Blakey has verbally indicated to me, and to two other commission members , that he no longer desires to serve as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. Within the last twelve months , Mr . Blakey has three excused absences and three unexcused absences with the last two unexcused absences occurring after his indication of wanting to be replaced. (Mr . Blakey has been asked several times to submit in writing his desire to be replaced, with no response! ) Please place this reappointment action on the June 23 , 1992 City Council meeting so that all new members will receive the Oath of Office on the July 6th Planning and Zoning meeting. Also, Please advise on agenda "wording" for Order of Business on Oath of Office and Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman. The Public hearing for the Birmingham Zoning Application has been rescheduled for July 6th (Planning and Zoning) and July 14 (Council ) . This rescheduling was announced in the Council Chambers , in order to comply with the Texas Local Government Code requirements on exemptions from subsequent 200 feet mailings and newspaper notice. I will place the reschedule Public Hearing notice in both papers , as an added measure of Compliance with the LGC 211 , since required "Time of Notice" can be accomplished for both meetings . Thank you for your assistance in this matter. cc: Steve Norwood, City Manager Steve Deiter, City Attorney MEMORANDUM • TO: STEVE NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL 4- DATE: JUNE 17 , 1992 SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING - JUNE 15 , 1992 . The Planning and Zoning meeting on June 15 , 1992 was not held due to no quorum, which postponed the Rezoning Public Hearing (Birmingham House) for July 6, 1992 (Planning and Zoning) and July 14 , 1992 (City Council ) . The rescheduled announcement was made to the public at attendance and another newspaper notification will be forthcoming . I suggest that , during the City Council meeting on June 23 , 1992 , the Mayor make an announcement regarding the Public Hearing reschedule, as this will properly notify the Public Hearing attendees . City of Wylie. AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR: DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: ALTERNATIVES: ACTION REQUESTED: CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT r. SUBJECT 1"4"Z. 4 V v-Nf ( f { t fl �3.- PROJECT *-2 e," -" -r^ ,r'� w.»•. L? BY V< 'r ' DATE � � t CHKD.BY DATE SHEET_OF • �( � ' G ' � r✓ e% t 1. , . 0 t` � {4 i • • • • . . .. ., . , . • . . • I . Q � �. .. .,Me. .: v �"' '� '_ r k.,�Ln, t..?t,nJ'.� Q j c.•),0 C '..-�'Y�,'F'Y�7�' { :•i AA- e „) '(p'( 1),1-24) Cam: S.� � F t1./\,..(-H:Cil,t�'' • • v. I • • • • • LI ). ; F� - G S AGENDA COMMUNICATION `l� TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: Planning and Engineering - Rick Herzberger DATE: June 10 ,1992 SUBJECT: ZONING CASE NUMBER SF3-R-01 DATE APPLICATION FILED: May 20, 1992 DATE OF ZONING COMMISSION HEARING: June 15, 1992 AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS ( AS OF AGENDA POSTING ) ( 6 ) IN FAVOR OF ZONING ( 2 ) IN OPPOSITION 17 Letters mailed APPLICANT: Bill Lewis OWNER: F.O. Birmingham Memorial Land Trust Mailing address: Box 546 Wylie, Texas 75098 REQUESTED ZONING: Retail (R) EXISTING ZONING: Single Family-3 1rSF3) LOCATION OF REQUEST: Block 3, Lots 13.14.15 301 N. Ballard ***** SEE MAP ***** ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USES: Business 2 (B2) . Single Family 3 (SF3) HISTORY: See attached History as researched and evaluated by Rick Herzberger. PLANNING & ENGINEERING COMMENTS: Staff recommends approval of this zone change for the following reasons: (1) Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Compatibility with the surrounding land uses and zoning - intent of Retail district is to permit a compatible relationship between the retail development and adjacent residential areas. (3) The proposed use does not 3 PLANNING AND ENGINEERING COMMENTS CONTINUED: appear to pose a threat to the health. safety. morals or general welfare, nr to the precervatinn of historical or cultural places. (4) On May 26, 1997, the City Cniinril auth- orized the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider, a Central Business nictrict (CBD) zoning concept to be applied to the downtown area, as desrrihed in the Comprehensive Plan ( South of Brown Street and North of Butler Street, between Jackson Ave. and First Street.) The CBD is intended to recongrize all uses and structures in this area and provide for a compatible mixed use Inning district, This proposed zone change: SF3 to Retail will be consistent with the CR1) rnnrept. PLANNING & ZONING RECOMMENDATION: