04-20-1992 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 4-17-92 TIME POSTED 4:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 20 , 1992 6: 30 PM. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER: ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . 1 Consider approval of minutes of the March 3 , 1992 meeting . 2 . Recess regular business meeting. 3 . 2-6 Convene for workshop to discuss the following items : 1 . Site plan requirements prepared by the City Staff . 2 . Amending the Zoning Ordinance. 3 . Comprehensive Planning . 4 . --- Reconvene to regular business meeting . 5 . --- Consider recommendation to place a Site Plan review amending ordinance on the next regular business meeting with a public hearing. 6 . --- Citizen Participation: In accordance with the Open Meetings Act , any Board Commission of the City of Wylie will hear comments of Public interest from residents and pertaining to items within the jurisdiction of the seated Board. Remarks will be limited, to placing the item on a future agenda for consider - action. Remarks must be limited to not more than five (5) minutes . 7 . --- ADJOURN. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, MARCH 3 , 1992 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 : 00 pm Tuesday March 3 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman; Robert Flint , Vice Chairman; Gilbert Welch, Mike Hawkins , Cleo Adams and Billy Mills . Staff members present were Building Official ; Rick Herzberger and Secretary; Nita Sims . Those absent : Jerry Ault and Marvin Blakey, both excused. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF January 20 , 1992 : A correction was made to change Billy Adams to Billy Mill in the first paragraph for members present . A motion was made by Gilbert Welch and seconded by Cleo Adams to approve the minutes as corrected . Motion carried, all in favor . (5 votes) ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR SPRING CREEK PARKWAY: Rick Herzberger went over the Spring Creek Plat . He also explained that we do not have to approve the final plat until we accept this road construction and utilities that come into it as well as the approaches . A motion was made by Gilbert Welch and seconded by Cleo Adams to recommend the final plat in disregard to any financial burden that may or may not exist for the City since this information was not available at this time . 4 approvals and 1 abstain. ITEM NO. 3 - RECESS REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: Chairman Flint recessed the regular business meeting . ITEM NO. 4 - CONVENE FOR A WORKSHOP TO REVIEW SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT: Chairman Flint opened the workshop and he stated the workshop was open to the public . Rick Herzberger went over the site plan requirements and the members reviewed them. ITEM NO. 5 - RECONVENE TO REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: Chairman Flint reopened the regular business meeting . ITEM NO. 6 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURN: A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Flint . Motion carried, all in favor . ( 5 votes) r R c y submitted: 26-6-e-j Robert Flint , Chairman Nita Sims , cretary MEMORANDUM TO: THE PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE : APRIL 15 , 1992 SUBJECT: WORKSHOP: DISCUSSION ON SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS, ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING . The main Order of Business on April 20 , 1992 will be the workshop on Site Plan requirements as prepared by the City Staff . During the March 3 , 1992 meeting, I introduced to you the City of Plano' s Site Plan Ordinance, which is similar to the majority of other City Site Plan Ordinances , as well as the American Planning Association' s Site Plan recommendations . After meetings with the City Manager, the Fire Chief and the City Engineer , only four basic changes are suggested and they are indicated by arrow on the attached Site Plan review sheets . Please review these Site Plan requirements , as formatted according to the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 12 , Section 29 . During the workshop, we can discuss this item with no deliberating or decisions , and then reconvene to our regular Business meeting and decide on placing a Zoning Amending Ordinance on the next Planning and Zoning Meeting with a Public Hearing . During the last part of the workshop , I will present to you some future City Staff plans relating to the Zoning Ordinance as well as Comprehensive Planning . SECTION 29 — SITE PLAN REVIEW 29. 1 PURPOSE This section establishes a Site Plan review process for proposed development. The purpose of the review is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking and loading, and adequate water supply, drainage and storm water management, sanitary facilities, and other utilities and services. 29. 2 APPLICABILITY Site Plan review and approval shall be required for the following: 1 ) Any shopping center. 2) Any apartment development. 3) Any Planned Development and Specific Use Permit. Any Industrial or Business district development located on a major thoroughfare, unless such development is located within an approved Industrial or Commercial subdivision. 5) Any development where more than one main building or use is proposed on a single lot or tract. 29. 3 No building permit shall be issued for any of the above developments, unless a Site Plan is first submitted to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless all construction and development conform to the plan as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 29. 4 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance or its amendments, the Planning Director may at his discretion require a Site Plan for any development to be submitted for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission if in his opinion it is in the best interest of the City to do so. 29. 5 EXEMPTION AND EXCEPTIONS - 1 ) Site Plan approval shall not be required for any detached one or two dwelling unit buildings or any accessory uses incidental thereto. 2) The Planning & Zoning Commission may, at the request of the applicant, waive any of the various requirements of maps and submissions hereinafter set forth. Y": 29. 6 SITE PLAN DETAILS The Site Plan shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations, including but not limited to the following : 1 ) Location of proposed building( s) and structures 2) On and off-site circulation 3) Parking 4) Grading 5) Landscaping 6) Placement of utilities 7) Screening 8) Engineering for streets and utilities Provision of the above items shall conform to the principles and standards of this ordinance. To ensure the submission of adequate Site Plan information, the Planning Department is hereby empowered to maintain and distribute a list of specific requirements for Site Plan review applications. Upon periodic review, the Planning Department shall have the authority to update such requirements for Site Plan details. 29. 7 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS --iv. 1 ) The Planning & Zoning Commission and/or PlanningD, aatcr may require other information and data for specific Site Plans. This data may include but is not limited to geologic information, water yields, flood data, environmental information, traffic analysis, road capabilities, market information, economic data for the proposed development, hours of operation, elevations and perspective drawings, lighting, and similar information. Conditional approval of a Site Plan may establish conditions for construction based on such information. --- 0 2) The Planning Director may require that the Site Plan be prepared by an architect or licensed engineer or both if applicable to the specific requirements of the Site Plan. - 0 3) Before submittal of the Site Plan to the P & Z, the Planning Director must insure that all applicable City staff personnel provide technical input relating to the Site Plan details. 29. 8 PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW The following criteria have been set forth as a guide for evaluating the adequacy of proposed development in the City of Wylie. The Planning & Zoning Commission shall review the Site Plan for compliance with all applicable Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan; for harmony with surrounding uses and the overall plan for development of the City of Wylie; for the promotion of the health, safety, order, efficiency and economy of the City; and for the maintenance of property values and the general welfare. Based upon its review, the Commission may approve, conditionally approve, request modifications or deny approval of the Site Plan based on evaluation of the Site Plan details with respect to: 1 ) The Site Plan' s compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Wylie including but not limited to off-street parking and loading, lighting, open space and the generation of objectionable smoke, fumes, noise, odors, dust, glare, vibration or heat. 2) The environmental impact of the development relating to the preservation of existing natural resources on the site and the impact on the natural resources of the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 3) The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious design, setbacks, maintenance of property values and negative impacts. 4) The provision of a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. 5) The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces are usable and are safely and conveniently arranged. 6) The sufficient width and suitable grade and location of streets designed to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide access for fire-fighting and emergency equipment to buildings. 7) The coordination of streets so as to compose a convenient system consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Wylie. 8) The use of landscaping and screening ( 1 ) to provide adequate buffers to shield lights, noise, movement or activities from adjacent properties when necessary, and (2) to complement the design and location of buildings and be integrated into the overall site design. 9) Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent properties. r- 10) The location, size and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses. 11 ) Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading. 12) Protection and conservation of water courses and areas subject to flooding. 13) The adequacy of water, drainage, sewerage facilities, garbage disposal and other utilities necessary for essential services to residents and occupants. The decision of the Planning & Zoning Commission to approve or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding unless an appeal of said decision is made to the City Council . The appeal shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department not more than seven days after the date of the action taken by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The appeal shall state all reasons for dissatisfaction with the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission. If the City Council , by majority vote, deems the appeal to be without merit, it may refuse to accept the appeal , and the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission shall stand. If the City Council , by majority vote, accepts the appeal , the decision by the City Council to approve, conditionally approve, request modifications, or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding. In cases where Site Plan approval included provisions which must be approved by the City Council , Planning & Zoning Commission approval of the Site Plan shall be referred to the City Council for this action. 29. 9 EFFECT OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1 ) If development of a lot with an approved Site Plan has not commenced within two years of the date of final approval of the Site Plan, the Site Plan shall be deemed to have expired, and a review and re-approval of the approved Site Plan by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be required before a building permit may be issued. Said review and approval s all be evaluated according to the standards of o,1 Section , taking into account all changes to applicable Y ordinances which have occurred subsequent to the prior approval of the Site Plan. 2) It is recognized that final architectural and engineering design may necessitate minor changes in the approved Site Plan. In such cases, the Planning Director shall have the authority to approve minor modifications of an approved Site Plan, provided that such modifications do not materially change the circulation and building location on the site. f 0 MEMORANDUM TO : Planning and Zoning Commission Members FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Official DATE: March 30, 1992 SUBJECT: P & Z Meetings There will be no meeting scheduled for Monday, April 6, 1992, as our next meeting will be Monday, April 20, 1992, as you will receive an agenda on Friday, April 17th. I am currently preparing a Site Plan consideration item for the meeting, and I do anticipate a full agenda. I will also try to schedule a workshop in relation to the groundwork needed for a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance review, as several Zoning Regulations are in need of possible change. Remember, this is a 1985 Zoning Ordinance and should be "overhauled" at least every five years. Please review your Zoning Ordinance 85-23A and contact me if you do not have a copy of this ordinance. Thanks for your participation.