11-18-1991 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Posted November 15, 1991 Time: 2:00 PM AGENDA REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING - PLANNING AND ZONING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1991 6:00 PM CONFERENCE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1-2 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 30 , 1991 MEETING. 2 3-5 CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION . 3 6 CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE FINAL PLAT OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY. 4 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETING ACTS, ANY BOARD COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE WILL HEAR COMMENTS OF PUBLIC INTEREST FROM RESIDENTS AND PERTAINING TO ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE SEATED BOARD. REMARKS WILL BE LIMITED, TO PLACING THE ITEM ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR CONSIDER - ACTION. REMARKS MUST BE LIMITED TO NOT MORE THAN FIVE (5) MINUTES. 5 ADJOURN. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 , 1991 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7 : 00pm on Monday, September 30 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were, Chairman; Robert Flint , Vice Chairman; Gilbert Welch, Mike Hawkins , Jerry Ault and Cleo Adams . Staff members present were Building Official ; Rick Herzberger and Secretary; Nita Sims . Those absent were , Billy Mills , excused, and Marvin Blakey , unexcused. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MONDAY , AUGUST 19, 1991 : Gilbert Welch noted in items 4 , 5 , and 6 a vote was taken and the minutes did not reflect them, add (7 votes ) to 4 , 5 , and 6 . Chairman Flint pointed out that in item 1 the date should be August 5th not the 19th. Motion made by Gilbert Welch and seconded by Mike Hawkins to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried all , in favor . (5votes) . ITEM NO. 2 - CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE 85-23A: Chairman Flint opened the public hearing; no response by the public hearing; nor response by the public . Chairman Flint closed the public hearing . Motion carried, all in favor . (5 votes) . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE 85-23A: Rick gave an explanation of how the accessory building regulations are applied in the SF1 , SF2 , SF3 and 2F districts , and the reasoning behind a much needed change in these regulations . Front yard carports , as accessory buildings , was discussed as related to garage conversions with all members agreeing that front yard carports should meet the required main building front setbacks . Mike Hawkins began discussion on the maximum square feet accessory building currently allowed ( 400 square feet ) with Chairman Flint relating the percent lot coverage allowed, to the accessory building maximum size . Gilbert Welch stated that a 600 square feet accessory building seemed to be the most reasonable size if this could he applied to a permanent structure and not a temporary structure . Jerry Ault and Cleo Adams stated that the accessory building allowed height is also conflicting , with the districts allowing 15 feet maximum and accessory section allowing 25 feet maximum height . The members agreed that 15 feet should be more appropriate for an accessory building . Robert Flint continued the agenda with discussion on setbacks . After reviewing all aspects of setbacks such as fire resistance separation from house, drainage from roof , overhang encroachments , all members agreed that the following changes to the Staff ' s recommendations and the zoning ordinance be submitted to the City Council : (1) Rear yard setbacks changes form 10 feet to 3 feet . (2) Add 5 feet minimum side yard provision in the SF2 , SF3 , and 2F sections in order to correspond to the SF1 district . (3) Add a section to reflect a 600 square feet maximum size . (4) Clarify height regulations of 15 feet maximum. ( 5) Accepts staffs proposed rewarding of section 25 . 4 . A Motion was made by Gilbert Welch and seconded by Jerry Ault to approve the changes as discussed. Motion carried, all in favor (5 votes) . ITEM NO. 4 - RECESS THE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING TO REVIEW THE CITY OF WYLIE' S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE: Chairman Flint recessed the regular business meeting; he stated that a workshop would be held and would be opened to the public . ITEM NO. 5 -CONVENE FOR WORKSHOP: Rick Herzberger presented the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the Planning and Zoning member ' s benefit for future consideration, of proposed zoning ordinance changes . ITEM NO. 6 - RECONVENE TO REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING: Chairman Flint called regular business meeting back to order . ITEM NO. 7 - CITIZENS PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM NO. 8 - ADJOURNMENT: A Motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting Adjourned by Chairman Flint . Robert Flint ( � 'f,,,,VC l �)' -N Chairman 1� V Nita Sims Secretary II - IS-GI MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: NOVEMBER 13 , 1991 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 3 - TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY The Preliminary Plat for the Texas National Guard Armory has previously been submitted, reviewed by Staff , and sent back to the Armory Engineers for corrections . The Final Plat and Construction drawings were then submitted to City Staff for subdivision compliance review, which resulted in another Plat rejection and then sent back to the Armory Engineers . The final Plat was then resubmitted to Planning and Engineering for another subdivision compliance review and subsequently approved by the City Staff for submittal to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Considering the aspect of Federal Supremacy in relation to federal exemption from local government regulations , the City Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning review the Final Plat and recommend approval to the City Council . l MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: NOVEMBER 13 , 1991 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 2 - OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW. On September 10 , 1991 , the Wylie City Council voted to not approve the Oakridge Preliminary Plat as submitted, due to the exclusion of duel access provisions , as recommended by the City Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission. The City Council also felt that the developer needed to provide more appropriate guarantees that this subdivision will conform to the general plan of the City in relation to existing and planned streets . Dwight Scott , Investors Network and Oakridge developer, was presented with two alternate procedures to continue his Plat approval attempt : (1) Present a Final Plat to the City of Staff , with dual access provisions , as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and City Staff or: (2) Present another Preliminary Plat to the City Staff , with alternate dual access provisions , as recommended by the City Staff , the Planning and Zoning Commission and discussed by the City Council . Mr. Scott has decided to present another Preliminary Plat , with alternate dual access provisions , which if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, will then go to the City Council on November 26 , 1991 . Before I briefly explain the content of my October meetings , with the developer, I would like to clarify the City Staff 's dual access provisions request, as based on the Subdivision Ordinance. When any subdivision Preliminary or Final Plat is presented to the Planning and Engineering Department , we verify that all provisions of the General Plat Requirements , 71 Section 5 . 00 of the Subdivisions Ordinance, are applied to the proposed development , as well as other applicable provisions of the Ordinance. Please refer to the attached section 5 . 01 (a) and (b) . As you can see, the requirements for dual access to this subdivision have relation to this section, with respect to the general plan of the City (Westgate Way) or to the projection of existing principal streets in surrounding areas (Fleming Street) . Also, consider the wording (b) (2) which states that "conditions" may not allow the full compliance of street extensions , if a plan relating to this particular subdivision is approved by the City. The "conditions" in the Oakridge Plat are apparently financial in nature since the developer has stated that his project will fail if the City requires the full extension of Fleming or Westgate Way, as part of the Final Plat approval . With this "condition" factor in consideration, I feel it imperative that we allow the developer to re-emphasize his intentions of conforming to the General Plan of the City of Wylie, in relation to street extensions , and then determine if another recommendation to the City Council is appropriate. During the month of October, Planning and Engineering Staff met with Dwight Scott and Tim Bennett (Bennett Engineers) concerning the issue of dual access as well as affirming that they had acquired the following easements , as required for the Final Plat : (1) Dart permits for drainage and utility boring . (2) Offsite drainage and sanitary sewer easements on the Southeast corner of the property. (FDIC) (3) Storm drainage easement to the east of Fleming Street . (4) Storm sewer and open channel drainage easements in the future portion of Westgate Way west of the project . (5) ROW for Westgate Way and Fleming Street connection, if required. The ROW easement on Fleming is available, per FDIC, but is not being dedicated until the Final Plat approval . In conclusion, I suggest that you recognize the efforts of the developer in acquiring as much " verification of future dual access" to this subdivision, and recommend to the City Council for approval , either the developers present and future dual access provision or alternate dual access conditions as determined by your discussion and decision. case shall any work begin on any development Wylie. In such cases. the city shall require that a until said fee is received by the City of Wylie. permanent public safety access easement be granted on the final plat document original myTars. In no (Ord.85-10 adopted 3-12-85) case shall this option be available if the proposed "private drive" shall provide access for two (2)or § 4.05 Final Warranty Inspection more property owners. Procedure (Ord.85-10 adopted 3-12-85) Not later than thirty(30)days prior to the end of a given warranty period for any publicly dedicated (b) Where such is not shown in the general plan facilities which have been required by this chapter for the community,the arrangements of streets in a to be installed within a subdivision and subdivision shall: subsequently dedicated and accepted by the City of Wylie, the City of Wylie shall inspect those (1) Provide for the continuation of facilities and call for any necessary repairs prior to appropriate projection of existing the termination of the warranty period. The results principal streets in surrounding areas; of this inspection shall be kept by the city as a written record for a period not less than five (5) (2) Conform to a plan for the neighborhood years. The results of this inspection, any repairs approved or adopted by the city to meet a noted and the subsequent action of the developer or particular situation where topographical or contractor concerned shall be part of this record. other conditions make continuation of or Copies of this documentation will be delivered to conformance to an existing street the developer and/or contractor concerned. This impracticable:and, notification and inspection procedure shall extend the warranty period until all specified repairs and (3) Be laid out so that they shall intersect,as inspections are completed. nearly as possible,at right angles. (c) Residential streets shall be so laid out that § 5.00 GENER AL PLAT their use by through traffic shall be discouraged. BEOUTREMENTS (d) Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five feet (125') shall be All requirements pertaining to lot size, yard size, avoided. dwelling size, lot coverage, height, parking, loading and screening contained in the current (e) Street right-of-way widths shall conform to zoning ordinance of the city shall be adhered to for the city's circulation plan as modified herein and development under this chapter. shall meet the following and the requirements of§ 6.02. Minimum § 5.01 Streets Type of Right-of-Way Street Widths (a) The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all proposed streets shall Type A-Major Thoroughfare 100' conform to the general plan of the community and Type B-Major Thoroughfare 65' their relationship shall be considered to that of the Type C-Collector 60' existing and planned streets, to topographical Type D-Residential 50' conditions,to public convenience and safety and in their appropriate relation to the proposed use of the (f) Half streets shall be prohibited,except where - land to be served by such streets. necessary to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformance with the other- (Ord.83-18 adopted# ) requirements of these regulations and where the city finds it will be practicable to require the Private streets or drives are not acceptable except in dedication of the other half when the street has cases where such streets or drives serve only one already been provided adjacent to an area to be (1) property owner. In such cases, the property subdivided; the other remaining portion of the owner or developer may elect to install a private street shall be platted within such subdivision. street to his or her own specifications without Where part of a residential or collector street is benefit of dedication or acceptance by the City of being dedicated along a common property line,the ;- ie CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 December 10, 1991 Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission will not be meeting on December 16, 1991 as previously scheduled. The Oakridge Subdivision developer has decided to wait until January 6, 1992 for the Final Plat submittal , as this was the only possible agenda item. Also, I have been scheduled to attend a Code Enforcement Training School in Arlington on December 16-20, 1991, which would not allow me to return for the meeting. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and our next scheduled meeting dates will be January 6th and January 20th. Please review the Capital Improvements Program material ( Impact Fee) in preparation for the January 20th Capital Improvements Advisory Committee meeting. Also, the City Council voted to accept your recommendations concerning the Armory Final Plat and the Oakridge Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Sinc ely yo rs, R-C Rick Herzber er Building Official RH/ 1p xc: Paul Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager codep&z MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, ACTING CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 1991 SUBJECT: OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT. On November 18 , 1991 , the Planning and Zoning Commission again approved the Preliminary Plat of the Oakridge Subdivision, with recommended duel access provisions , as stated below: (1) The developer must acquire the Fleming Street ROW dedication to the City of Wylie, from the FDIC. (owners of adjacent east tract) (2 ) A development bond or irrevocable letter of credit must be acquired by the developer with the following conditions : - Before the 50th building permit is issued, the bond or credit letter will pay half of the current cost of the Fleming Street extension, as a perimeter street fund. (see attached reference to Section 6 .02(b) (5) of the Subdivision Ordinance) - The bond or credit letter will be negated upon the completion of Westgate Way or upon the completion of Fleming Street , before the 50th building permit is issued. Both street constructions must fully comply with the Wylie Subdivision Ordinance and thoroughfare plan, for construction regulations . - The above bond or credit letter must be acquired by the developer, approved by the City Attorney, and submitted as a Final Plat approval condition to be effective upon the "approved for construction" signature by the Mayor. Please review my attached memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Commission, as this will give you an idea of the last two months of meetings with the developers as well as my reasoning behind accepting another Oakridge Preliminary Plat with out provisions for direct duel access to the subdivision . (reference last paragraph of the P&Z memorandum) Please allow me to clarify the City Staffs recommendations, in relation to the approval of this subdivision. First , Planning and Engineering feels that the developer should provide duel access to this subdivision by the extension of Fleming Street , as a matter of public convenience, safety, to lessen congestion in the streets , and to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers . This subdivision has already been approved as a Planned Development , with an increase in living unit density, thus creating a need for adequate access arrangements . Second, the Standard Planning Act allows the Planning and Zoning Commission and The City Council to deny Subdivisions that may be hazardous to the health and welfare of the community, or that may create potential traffic problems . Third, it is the responsibility of the developer to plan and propose any subdivision development with full consideration to the general plan of the City . Both Westgate Way and Fleming Street are within the Collector Street Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Wylie. Even though the above paragraph describes the City Staff 's recommendations , we must also allow any and all landowners a chance to develop their property, by presenting to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council , any viable alternatives to the subdivision regulations (see subdivision attachment Section 10 . 01) The Planning and Zoning Commission based their Preliminary Plat recommendation, as stated above, on the fact that the developer has presented further verification of the entire development plan surrounding the Oakridge Subdivision, as well as a proposal to fund at least one half of the Fleming Street extension. (this total cost is currently valued at $110 ,000 .00) Even though this proposal would not provide full duel access to the subdivision, The Planning and Zoning Commission feels that this proposal should be addressed by the City Council and either be approved, modified or denied. In conclusion, I ask you to consider the above Planning and Zoning recommendation along with the developers presentation, before making your final decision to approve or deny the Oakridge Subdivision Preliminary Plat . If you vote to deny this plat , then I ask you to deny with a statement regarding what duel access provision must be added before the City Staff can accept another Preliminary or Final Plat from Investors Network. REFERENCE: (1) NOVEMBER 13 , 1991 MEMORANDUM TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. ( 2) SECTION 6 . 02(B) (5) AND SECTION 10 . 01 OF THE WYLIE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Division of Liquidation, P.O. Box 802090, Dallas, Texas 75380 • (214) 239-3317 Addison Consolidated Office Mr. Dwight D. Scott Investors Network International . 2530 Electronic Lane Suite 712 Dallas, Texas 75220 SUBJECT: LM61-404, Addison Consolidated Office 4228, Willow Bend National Bank Plano, Texas - In Receivership ACO-ORE Number: 351000022 Lamis Number: 4228001820731 Asset Name: 4228 ORE 16.688 Ac. St. Lou REQUEST FOR UTILITY EASEMENT & RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION Dear Mr. Scott: Your requests for a utility easement on the northern boundary of the subject property, and right of way dedication for Fleming Street are being reviewed. It is my understanding that the Wylie City council will dictate final requirements for approval of your development at the City Council meeting Monday, November 18, 1991. Please advise us to the outcome. The FDIC is most interested in working with you regarding the purchase of our land. The attached outlines the purchase parameters that could be recommended, subject to delegated authority approval. Please contact me with any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely, f/ i ( 4 James E. Gissler Account Officer Owned Real Estate/Mkt. A JEG/pb cc: Mr. Rich Herzberger FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Division of Liquidation, P.O. Box 802090, Dallas, Texas 75380 • (214) 239-3317 Addison Consolidated Office SUBJECT: LM61-404, Addison Consolidated Office 4228, Willow Bend National Bank Plano, Texas - In Receivership ACO-ORE Number: 351000022 Lamis Number: 4228001820731 Asset Name: 4228 ORE 16. 688 Ac. St. Lou FINANCIAL TERMS Purchase Price: $176, 000 Down Payment: 20% Amortization: 15 years Balloon: 3 years Payments: Monthly Recourse: negotiable Rate: 12% MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, ACTING CITY MANAGER FROM: RICK HERZBERGER, BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: NOVEMBER 20 , 1991 SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY. On November 18 , 1991 , the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Final Armory Plat to be submitted to the City Council for Final Plat approval . Attached is my memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Commission, which states a brief history of the Armory Plat procedure as well as City Staff recommendation to approve the plat . PERIMETER STREET FEES 09/25/85 STEEL INDUSTRIAL PARK, PHASE I $ 14 ,584 . 31 REGENCY BUSINESS PARK 01/16/86 QUAIL HOLLOW, PHASE I 33 ,961 . 14 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE 02/07/86 HOOPER BUSINESS PARK 49 ,365 .44 SUMCO CORP. 01/17/87 MINI WAREHOUSES 4 ,702 .50 DOBIE DEVELOPMENT 04/21/87 STONE GROVE DEVELOPMENT 20 , 000 . 00 05/08/87 STONE GROVE DEVELOPMENT 564 . 67 05/11/87 KREYMER ESTATES 19 ,960 . 38 PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES 08/11/87 NEWPORT HARBOR 15 ,407 .37 1378 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 11/17/87 WOODLAKE VILLAGE 60 ,764 . 51 CENTENNIAL ARAPAHO DEVELOPMENT 07/05/88 LOT 2A, MOUSSA SWITZER ADDITION 4 ,826 .25 MCDONALD ' S CORPORATION 07/05/88 LOTS 1 , 3 & 4 , MOUSSA SWITZER ADDITION 8 , 377 .38 S & S PETROLEUM SALES 09/26/88 TWIN LAKES PHASE I & II 61 , 827 .98 THIRSK, INC. 11/29/89 WESTGATE CENTER , PHASE I 5,759 . 82 JOHN PENNINGTON TOTAL $300 ,101 .75 Aam Investors Network 11-15-1991 International, Inc. Agreement for Perimeter Street Funds, City of Wylie In the event that construction has not been started on the completion of Westgate Way after fifty building permits have been issued for new homes in the Oakridge subdivision, the developer, Investors Network International, will deposit one half the construction cost of Flemming Street extension on the east side of the property. We are requesting the timing of this perimeter street fund to avoid prohibitive financial hardship since we are already incurring many off-site development costs. We will be spending $175,000 on Westgate Way, approximately $20,000 to bring sanitary sewer service, and approximately $8000 to $12 ,000 to bring the water line to the property. We are negotiating the purchase of the property on the east side of Oakridge. This purchase is contingent upon the zoning for the same type of development and final plat approval by the city of Wylie. We are planning to begin the second phase of this project after fifty homes are sold in the first phase. Dwigh ' . Scott, President of Investors Network Int' l Inc. 2530 Electronic Lane.Suite 712 • Dallas, Texas 75220 • 214 368 0200 contractor at his or her own the full perimeter street fee would create a expense. Repairs are to be made prohibitive financial hardship,the amount as directed by the owner,and in a due shall be collected as a condition of the manner to insure restoration of a building permit on each lot when that lot uniform surface and durability of is improved by the addition of a structure, the portion repaired or at the time of street improvement which ever comes first. ('7) Measurement and Payment. Lime treatment shall be (Ord.88-40 adopted 12-13-88,Sec. 1) measured for payment in square yards for the thickness shown on (c) Paving Width Regyirements the plans for the surface area of completed and accepted work. (1) Residential Streets.Collector Streets and The measurement for lime shall Alleys be by the ton of two thousand (2,000) pounds dry weight. Residential street paving shall be a Lime treatment shall be paid for minimum of twenty-six feet (26') in at the contract unit price per width, measured between the faces of square yard, as provided in the curbs. proposal and contract. The contract unit price shall be the Collector or commercial/industrial street total compensation for preparing paving shall be a minimum of thirty-six the roadbed; for loosening, feet(36') in width,measured between the pulverizing, application of lime, faces of curbs, except that the width for water content in the slurry collector streets in industrial and mixture and the mixing water, commercial areas must be a minimum of mixing, shaping, sprinkling, forty-four feet (44') in width, measured compacting finishing,curing and between the faces of the curbs. maintaining; for manipulations required; and for all labor, Alley paving shall be ten feet (10') wide equipment, fuels, tools and in residential areas and sixteen feet (16') incidentals necessary to complete wide in commercial and industrial areas. the work, all in accordance with Alley turnouts shall be paved to the the plans and specifications. property line and shall be at least two Lime material measured as feet(2')wider than the alley paving at that provided in this item shall be point. Paving radius where alleys paid for at the unit price bid for intersect residential and collector streets lime material"which price shall shall be ten feet (10') and where alleys be full compensation for intersect thoroughfare streets the radius furnishing the material; for all shall be fifteen feet(15'). freight involved; for all unloading, storing and hauling; (2) Major Thoroughfares and for all labor, equipment, fuels, tools and incidentals The location for the proposed major necessary to complete the work. thoroughfares and their respective • pavement widths shall conform to the (Ord.86-78 adopted 7-22-86,Sec.I) circulation section of the city's comprehensive plan report,June 1980 and (5) Street Perimeter Fee May be Collected all future updates and amendments as With Building Permit or at Time Street _ passed and adopted by ordinance by the jmprovements Made city council of the City of Wylie. When the city council determines after The following minimum pavement widths are, therefore, set by this recommendation by the planning & subdivision ordinance for the construction zoning commission,that the collection of of thoroughfares as follows: 9-20 • Investors Network International, Inc. To: City of Wylie Planing and Zoning Committee and City Council From: Dwight D. Scott, Investors Network International, Inc. Date: 11-15-1991 Reason: The approval of the preliminary and final plat and construction drawings for the Oakridge sub-division. Thank you for taking time to read this letter and review this information. As you may know, Investors Network has been in business for eighteen years. We have been developing properties in or near the city of Wylie for the past twelve years. Our company is responsible for the development of the Wylie Shopping Village where the new Brookshires recently opened. We also developed the 544 Industrial Park where the new post office and several other business are located as well as an 82 acre subdivision on Lake Lavon called St. Paul Lakeshore Estates. Our most recent development is the Oakridge subdivision which will consist of 96 lots and homes to be constructed on 16. 5 acres. This new $8 million subdivision will have an impressive economic impact on the city of Wylie. Three hundred new jobs will be directly created by this project. After a multiplier effect this will create $80 million in economic activity. Assuming the federal government will capture 30% of this increased economic activity this will generate an additional $30 million in tax revenue. The city will see an estimated increase in tax revenue of $63 , 000 while the Wylie ISD will see $90,000 more a year in tax revenues. The Jr. College will receive $60,000 more a year and Collin County will receive $14,300 more in tax revenue. In impact fees, filing fees, development fees, and inspection fees the city of Wylie will receive approximately $185, 000. LWe have secured all but one of the necessary water and utility easements and respectfully request the approval of the plat and! construction drawings. Elliott White, partner with the Bentsen family trust, indicated in a recent phone conference with Rick Herzberger that Westgate Way will be constructed in the near future. Elliott White and the Bentsen family have been responsible for bringing Fox and Jacobs to Wylie. We are looking forward to making Oakridge a successful addition to the city of Wylie. Respec y Re. -e - , / 40011 D • .//1// - iNt..71iie,;°' . cot--°..'- 2530 Electronic Lane.Suite 712 • Dallas, Texas 75220 • 214 368-0200 CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT Ce".vrt,-1 z�! PROJECT. c)GL.. , �e '�" �h �f BY K{ c.ct?', DATE ��'�Lr `( CHKD. 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Ccp s on acre_ C3) w toT X 3.� (v,e-pt .,rer tor) - q2'0 8 0 = ( aS Peep V 0C-414ei ;- • CO e-c_ q nr-r;„ - Io-r-s /bore, (a`N) a C� `�� ,;,� = Inc rc•7 - cr,-'} r (c.fs G c tr _ (<) 16 o-fr:„ > CAP-0-e: red, R y re( cc cr-c. 63r' SF e -70 o ,,t• ()Pr- (4 Li Cr. ) IzrS y\c t Moe = 1 aS s..,plt, r - 1 _a WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 1 2F Two Family Residential District ENACTING CLAIISE SF-A Single Family Attached(Townhouse) MF Multi-Family Residential District MH Mobile Home District § 1.1 That the zoning ordinance of the City of R Retail District Wylie,Texas,as passed and approved on the 26th B-1 Business District- 1 day of March, 1981,together with all amendments B-2 Business District-2 thereto is hereby amended in its entirety to read as I Industrial District follows: PD Planned Development District FP Flood Plain Prefix S Specific Use Permit SECTION 2 PURPOSE § 3.2 Definitions and Purpose of Zoning Districts: § 2.1 The zoning regulations and districts as A — Agricultural District: This district provides herein established have been made in accordance for the continuance of farming, ranching and with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of gardening activities on land now utilized for these promoting the health, safety, morals and general purposes. When land in the"A"category is needed welfare of the city. They have been designed to for urban purposes,it is anticipated the zoning will lessen the congestion in the streets; to secure be changed to the appropriate zoning categories to safety from fire,panic and other dangers;to provide provide for orderly growth and development in adequate light and air;to prevent the overcrowding accordance with the comprehensive plan. of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of Once land in an"A"category has been placed into transportation,water,sewerage,schools,parks and another district, the intent of this ordinance is that other public requirements. They have been made such land shall not be changed back to an "A" with reasonable consideration,among other things, category by any subsequent request for a change. for the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses specified; and SF-I — Single Family Residential District: This with a view to conserving the value of buildings district will permit a ten thousand(10,000) square and encouraging the most appropriate use of land foot minimum residential lot. throughout the city. SF-2 — Single Family Residential District: The "SF-2" category provides for a minimum SECTION 3 residential building site of eight thousand (8,000) ZONING DISTRICT ESTABLISHED square feet. Developments under this district will have a low density and development characteristics similar to those now existing in most platted § 3.1 The City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby subdivisions. divided into eleven(11)zoning districts. The use, height and area regulations as set out herein shall SF-3 — Single Family Residential District: The be known as: "SF-3" district will accommodate higher density residential developments with related churches, Abbreviated public and private schools and open spaces. Designation Zoning District Name 2F—Two Family Residential District: The"2F' A Agricultural District dwelling district is provided for the purpose of SF-1 Single Family Residential- 1 permitting transitional residential development. SF-2 Single Family Residential-2 This district shall be used for only two (2) family SF-3 Single Family Residential-3 structures. page 1