04-16-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission r i-worylig April 16, 2002 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 2, 2002 Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Agriculture (A) with a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Governmental Installation, being a 10.009 acre tract of land located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of West Brown Street (F.M. 3412), and being situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a tract conveyed to the Wylie Independent School District as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2001-027918, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-02) ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Wylie I.S.D. Transportation Center Addition, being a certain 10.009 acre tract of land situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a tract conveyed to the Wylie Independent School District as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2001-027918, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Addition, being a certain 66.88583 acre tract of land situated in the D.W Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980 and the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of a tract conveyed to the JCM Properties, L.P. according to the deed recorded in Volume 2233, Page 874 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and all of two tracts conveyed to JCM Partners, L.P. according to the deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0045039 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of the tract conveyed to Verna M. Poor according to the deed recorded in Volume 4409, Page 2100 of the Deed records of Collin County, Texas. P&Z Commission Meeting April 16, 2001 Page 2 of 2 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for the Zylinski-Walden Building, located at 125 Regency Drive, being Lot 4, Block B of the Regency Business Park Addition Phase I, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting April 2, 2002 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Steve Ahrens Mary V. Bradley, Secretary William Chapman Terry Capehart, Planner Michael George Claude Thompson, Director Carter Porter Mike Phillips Commission Members Absent: Tony Snider CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE AND INVOCATION Commissioner George offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 19, 2002 Regular Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Phillips, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Commission Meeting April 2, 2002 Page 2 of 2 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 of the SFS Addition, being a certain 5.732 acre tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of Tract B and part of Tract E conveyed to the F.O. Birmingham Memorial Land Trust according to a deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 92-0091825, Land Records of Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Plat will create a single lot of 5.73 acres. On January 8, 2002, the City Council initially zoned the subject property from Agriculture (A) District to Business Center District with a Specific Use Permit for Warehouse and Distribution Uses (BC/SUP). The applicant proposes initially to construct a single building of 54,000 square feet, 10,000 square feet of which will be used for office/showroom and the remainder for warehousing. A future expansion of 18,000 square feet is planned to the rear of the initial building. Thompson stated that the building will be 100 percent masonry, but will otherwise follow the old codes because the development process was initiated prior to adoption of the new regulations. An error was made on the Preliminary Plat stating that the Plat was a Planned Development, and will be corrected before submittal to City Council. Motion was made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Porter to approve the Preliminary Plat with the stipulation that the three erroneous notations of "Planned Development District" be removed from the Preliminary Plat. Motion passed 5 —O. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Phillips, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Motion passed 5 —0. �'��!�.•cJC� 1 V t5A. • , Michael George, Chairman M. V kit radley, Secret IA .f ' Y' a i -OW e Public Hearing Item No. 1 Rezoning 02-02 W.I.S.D. Transportation Center Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: April 16, 2002 Owner/Applicant: Wylie Independent School District Location: Generally located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of West Brown Street (F.M. 3412) Existing Zoning: Agricultural(A) District Requested Zoning: Agriculture (A) District with Special Use Permit (SUP) for Governmental Installation Summary: The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) for the subject property in order to allow a Governmental Installation (Wylie I.S.D. Transportation Center) to be developed within an Agricultural(A) District. The subject property totals approximately 10 acres in size, and has been previously occupied by a concrete batch plant. The Transportation Center structures and parking will occupy approximately the western half of the site. The remaining eastern portion of the site, currently occupied by unstable 01 materials and the floodplain, will remain undeveloped. It is proposed to initially construct an office/maintenance shop building of 9,723 square feet and a bus wash shelter of 1,500 square feet. The office/shop building is anticipated to be expanded by an additional 10,000 square feet in the future. This major structure will be located to the center of the site, and parking for office/shop employees and bus drivers will be provided to the north side of the site and buses will be parked to the south side of the site. Screening will be provided on the west and north sides of the property where residential adjacency is most likely to occur. 02-02, W.I.S.D. Transportation Center Properties to the north and east of the subject tract are undeveloped and zoned for Single Family- 10 Residential uses, and a major floodplain corridor abuts the property to the east. The property to the south is zoned and developed for Neighborhood Services or commercial uses. Properties to the northwest across Country Club Road are developed zoned and developed for Single Family-10 Residential uses, and the property to the southwest across Country Club is zoned Agriculture and is undeveloped. The City of Wylie Wire Station is to the southwest across Country Club. Public Comment Forms were mailed to fourteen (14) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One Comment Form has been returned, opposed to the requested rezoning, but from a property owner beyond the legal notification distance. Issues: 1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that the subject property be developed as Country Residential land uses, with lots of one acre or larger. The proposed use is not consistent with this recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan. However, governmental facilities, such as school facilities, are generally considered to be appropriate within any land use category when development is controlled to be compatible with neighboring uses. 2. The Zoning Ordinance permits public schools within all districts, but allocates other public uses to those districts where they will be most compatible with similar private uses. Due to the character and impacts of the Transportation Center, it is defined as other governmental installations, and is allowed within the Agricultural District with a Special Use Permit (SUP). The SUP provides additional review and the opportunity to impose special development conditions on certain uses when desired to better insure their compatibility with adjacent development. The SUP runs with the land and is transferable,just as is the base zoning. The proposed development satisfies the Base Standards as well as sufficient Desirable Requirements to achieve the required points, and it is believed that no additional conditions need be imposed. 3. The accompanying Site Plan provides a summary of the proposed ultimate development scheme, and this Plan shall be considered part of the development requirements for the subject property. This public facility is of such a specialized character that any alternative use which should desire to occupy the site and structures in the future will likewise be compatible with neighboring development. 4. On February 25, the Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a variance of the required masonry exterior wall materials to allow metal to be used on the eastern end wall and above the garage door openings on the north and south sides. 02-02, W.I.S.D. Transportation Center 5. A Preliminary Plat for the subject property is also on the current agenda for consideration. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Site Plan Notification List and Map (No Responses) SubJect Property 1171 its Hen wait Brown street LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2002-02 1 12- 2 2c�j - Co& - 60/0 /'re. -- t. t 0 l ,nnie K%r'k 012 /fin roe. E 2 Cektio s Sow 4/o¢ f " I IJ so - IY I 00 3 Rene 60n2a/p/s- cola Monroe 1—tnQD(11 c. i rnaai Gelsriw23 aoP /9/e-wroe > I`r) g t7ariv1 eeever- /10°3 /nne .f E L, 8 - `i Dfi S E+u.me ji- (oat k04A-4&(2-dxf 7 • Tr t 6 0 -74(:°1 8 1'1..4' ��'"�'�. _ Ltd 6 Mueld ' pr o ica-BT d ie c R 022-bao-ONNo-r o _ M k ernr►c di c) 7 0 a R.lg3ov� a_.._..ab5--- 1 J 1 Gl� I� c t4\ _1,fr. to Po h X ..J T{8 &I ad,bs ;1,0041 r i,.Z„. fi- .c,8o:-,<:).f•. : Tr t2 Po 5 x 8 3 2 &roved pr-a d wara_eI Silva r-:.,1': I po0-0080_/ - - - - . f ` (ave TV.. SoZ3:-.3208 .; k-10351. .._.._.._ jde one 1x 2002 -02 i /200 1 I I NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICAN1 RLK Engineering - Ronnie bingbeil APPLICATION FILE #2002-02 111 West Main Allen, Texas 75013 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 111 West Main 1 RLK Engineering - Ronnie Klingbeil Alien, Texas 75013 Presidential Estates 402 Monroe Drive 2 BIk G Lot 1 R-2249-00G-0010-1 Ronnie Kirk Wylie, Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 404 Monroe Drive 3 BIk G Lot 2 R-2249-00G-0020-1 Carlos Sosa Wylie, Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 406 Monroe Drive 4 BIk G Lot 3 R-2249-00G-0030-1 Rene Gonzales Wylie, Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 408 Monroe Drive 5 BIk G Lot 4 R-2249-00G-0040-1 Bernard Gehring Wylie, Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1603 Kennedy Drive 6 BIk I Lot 8 R-2249-001-0080-1 Darin Reeves Wylie, Texas 75098 Presidential Estates 1601 Kennedy Drive 7 BIk I Lot 9 R-2249-001-0090-1 Otis Hume, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 17519 Muirfield Drive 8 Abst. 22 Tract 1 R-6022-000-0010-1 Birmingham Land, Ltd. Dallas, Texas 75287-7418 951 S. Ballard Avenue 9 Abst. 22 Tract 22 R-6022-000-0220-1 W.I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 446 10 Abst. 22 Tract 6 R-6022-000-0060-1 Novid Properties Josephine, Texas 75164-0446 6516 Osage Trail 11 Abst. 22 Tract 12 R-6022-000-0120-1 Edward Silva Plano, Texas 75023-3208 P.O. Box 675 12 Abst. 351 Tract 10 R-6351-000-0100-1 Jick Drain Wylie, Texas 75098 P.O. Box 832 13 Abst. 351 Tract 8 R-6351-000-0080-1 Gladys Swanson Wylie, Texas 75098 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 14 FM 1378 Commissioner's Court Mcllnney, Texas 75069 15 16 Anthony McElroy 1706 Lincoln Dr. Wylie, TX 75098 972.344.7811 City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission April 9, 2002 RE: Zoning Change Concerning WISD Transportation Facility on FM 1378 I am opposed to changing the zoning of the land on FM 1378 opposite of Kennedy Drive. The neighborhood now is primarily residential and agricultural. Allowing a transportation facility is not a good fit for the area. The facility will be unsightly, create noise and traffic, and likely have a negative impact upon home values in the Presidential Estates area. It is ironic that the WISD just sold 18 acres of land adjacent to a new school site. The irony is that they do not want a transportation facility next to them. Well, I do not want a bus barn in my neighborhood either. FM 1378 is barely wide enough for a car to make a turn, never mind school buses. The highway cannot handle a transportation facility. And it is not a "state problem" just because it is a state highway. The problem will be the direct result of decisions made at the local level. Without complete screening from public view the facility will be a detraction from the quality of life in the Presidential Estates area. And I cannot conceive of any device that would mitigate the noise and diesel fumes. In short, I am opposed to changing the land zoning in any manner that would allow a transportation facility. Sincerely, ti\&.c Anthony McElroy tii. ' � :., a ■.. i01111■111111 On rar2l,i 111.• 0• II I 1.171.1 U I'll I ••-1•— \---...„,::\ • wa1oa1wWINCO.11■. !L _22e9U....—. " .'•.1a¢.—._. III —. ��j.(,!� } » tA■�OM■■ ���' 11.. ..... j..111�< 1 L.1LLL L1 It`r'rIJ .d. . t,.,.r, ..ZAc n....M> ■"0'""_'■4 ........m....d...m....,««i. `L---- � ,P.... .ate..0.e.(.>e.»,a) ApiP .nw.v .iwro w._..6.1111 Y ' + - I ' t AA'u. ` �a c...•« rss a si. INIUOMONIONIIIIIIS I .f�I 4 J `,, J, Vite e so . •N.\ Niss......: IC�:: ,,..«. L as ls.. 11,,Ki 1 lai , -=-- 1 rtriggi.,,,till- =_ I v • '.',I:i.:::::.:.. .;i ! , • • •• • '44 •' For 4,:. 1 i•. „ , 1 7twpolIMbn T .W__._ .� --�.Y..w.. . r I. ` 1..•�a.' LI ■ SITE PLAN .11114.05111 11; II '':f,;f- -,;,..` i;� � .ILJ-=d-JG.��,= � `` - <--- - WYLI E I.S.D. Mint IL?"' r~ Vr �rr M 010.1• I �1■1 Tr1 III TRANSPORTATION CENTER .aM■..►■. I III I I LOT 1. ROCK A Mtuatad In the w.wi tar,tate I <e«»•,• i 1 CCLUN COUNTY. TEXASASSL �1-i. zee iI•-, � • yr wr.r..lwt w.a or►w5 j;l:I�1I n OM Word Street p V •yea T.... 43-1 7 TI �72 W-MM ;1( arms ,,, .r.� s..ot••«.171.7 1 2002 A....Tw.. 70013 Td ...�.. In 240-1773 Li lJ FluiENGINEERING- IM-11,1701 a..srw11/n C 1 03 • eitiWsilit Action Item No. 1 Preliminary Plat Wylie I.S.D. Transportation Center Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: April 16, 2002 Owner: Wylie Independent School District Surveyor/Engineer: RLK Engineering Location: Generally located east of Country Club Road(F.M. 1378) And north of West Brown Street (F.M. 3412) Existing Zoning: Agriculture (A) District with Special Use Permit (SUP) for Governmental Installation Summary: The Preliminary Plat under consideration is to accommodate the new bus maintenance and storage facility of the Wylie Independent School District. This new facility will relocate all W.I.S.D. transportation operations from the temporary location at the Jr. High School campus (and earlier from the vicinity of Birmingham Street and S.H. 78). The Plat will create a single lot of 10.009 acres. A request to change the zoning on the subject property from Agriculture (A) District to a Special Use Permit for Governmental Installation (A/SUP). A Site Plan will be approved with that zoning. The applicant proposes initially to construct an office/maintenance shop building of 9,700 square feet, as well as a bus washing structure and parking for employees and buses. A future expansion of 10,000 square feet is planned to the maintenance building. These operations will occupy the western half of the property. Preliminary Plat—Wylie I.S.D Transportation Center Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible fore approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period". Issues: 1. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the Site Plan approved as part of the rezoning, and complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Preliminary Plat application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat 1 i m ADDRESS:125 REGENCY DRIVE LOT 4 BLOCK B _ OF REGENCY BUSINESS PARK ADDITION•PNA5E ONE ti k WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TFYA9 5 3000 PSI CONCRETE PAVING r �_ "`• OWNER: C OVI ZTLIN�:I AND KARIN WALDEN h • .�-_� •�Y - _; 4. •3 REBAR 24 0..,.EW. --_�—'_-r,r, :r,�, 6211 COVINGTON _'- '-••' -• c'^�-- -—^•• -OO_'= NOTE.FIRELANE TO BE 6"THICK ROWLETT,TX.15O6S r T= V 3500 PSI CONCRETE U.O.N. 811.994.8360 OR S12-168.3801 m �r-�� • ' ---:^'=�',! �' --' r i =- PAVING DETAIL ZONING BUSINESS CENTER vj ' USE•OFFICE/WARF Q M1'..� RIGHT ELEVATION U 6 " •." , BUILDING:14'EAVE HEIGHT IA PROPOSED USE: OFFICE WAREWOUSE 01 n--Jr "gel �. SITE SIZE: LOT SIZE•56,645 SOFT. Ell 544 BUILDING SIZE•4500 SOFT.•1.916 1 u w.0 _ - _-_'•--'-----`"'__"---- _wau a PAVING AREA•5195 SOFT.•S.2% g PE ___ _i E•la•45i ..T;•,ISo:::y o.-_r=a 1: -Y= } W LANDSCAPING: LANDSCAPED AREA•6100 SOFT. %. �_x�:__^....'�___..••_..: _ _ U STEEL RD. IO.S tis_�as_::_.r=r_r_SE.SE: :^ -� __---_ s_.. 6 O __ ___ ______ ____ __ _ _�__ _ W PARKING: OFFICE.900 SQ.FT./300.3.0 SPACES 0 "-���"���' ^�^�?�^-•�� ^�•' � -=_�� _�_-�• CAPITAL 9T. WARENOU6E•3600 SO.FT/1000•3.6 SPACES LEFT ELEVATION MAP TOTAL REQUIRED•1 ".. ,•..a TOTAL PROVIDED•1 ~ '2/�. \:/ EXISTING BUILDING CA h+Ni I . , I...-. .IIl- 1 9 89.56'24'W 3ll.bH' LOT 5 / .4,, 4 . III ...AEI - L } ---_ � > -_vim__ _:-=-=- '= =o. w LOT 4 ;�� ®j: `�� REAR-ELEVATION w y w` " W i. _ _ F ---uwo PRE LANE 4 IM1 U '� II` .f..=ur is N j C —�_ \ Z ..O Q A n _ w 4 d 0 Y 0 W w e * s - di Z 5IIURE PROPOSED 4500 SO.FT.BUILDING LL 2 a/ , I Q WARENOISE 4 TOP OF SLAB 100.1 al - 3000 50.FT. Q W a tr - -- _ SLAB ONLY �y I r. 41 a, B '-I O TOP OF SLA 100.1` , : gall! ___ Nt Q ..s N.ov4". E w xr4Cs&: :saa-"'"-7 "4"i 8 89.56'34"W 3T.63' 1± LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 v ? _, FRONT ELEvaTON SITE PLAN < a . o 6.4 EXISTING BUILDING _ ;. 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EEO..IE M.raw.egrrea a Ms.,Maeb.Y Pupm ine.go sq re,Md Cent red Stele on We day op..op.. sw.g F.PM a Nru[r.5.0.TRONSPMTAOON CENTRE.on*Wan to tr Ot a el..roe b r be g e hew none w sew Wra a and.r e h noe to bwr 2 to the beaming .Ned to the City Cana on0r�1v)a_2001..Ms.,by formation,rbenWoe. .b Moen The bet o...eNad a oe M to es arrd um*ou e.rein ape.,sod r.d.diwnan aD d9•,-a- M*1 0*wom re a cmnpe te womb.arid mp. Sown a M r In and von void FM andvoM Foam*0.. oubw oor to vote lced m.m .die CMEN UN001 M AIM SEAL MNO A SEA.OF OFFICE Urs Ib• day a Or woe acme.. al by Mem her w here..ei. 0.1.' MAMMY PLAT FOR RES.PURPOSES OILY 3W2. Ynb..•my ma Ms---day a AD..zW3 • Notary Public In eN for Dam.Cant,bras. CIO Soebery NY Coe..EOM. CRY or Nye SHEET 2 OF 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT SEIONG A PORTION OF NOS MOnOI/Pun 9Y NE E5 MID W Y L I E I.S.D. BOO.R A NOIADCN OF OM OO.NCE ANC STATE RAN .0 R SUBJECT TO MC NONOL➢ING OF MOM Mn BOLD w TRANSPORTATION CENTER LOT 1, BLOCK A situated in the CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY ABST. 22 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Owner Engineer Wylie Independent School District RLK Engineering 951 Bollard Street 111 West Main Street Wylie, Texas 7509E Allen, Te+o. 75013 Telephone 972 442-5944 Telephone 972 359-1733 i L 333 cro -I __ Noo»n . S' PONT R EGNNNG I4 s 89.22'9"E 9to.i3' i K�I y, III \ ._.-._e_ r—_r_r.+—r-.—'-- _ ._x--r_ "_ \ \ :Iq -�II� +,11 tt.t^F j• i • --L.:A,GFl A1' n �} t.e3r 9 *. d .. S' Cl9 fEe �' 1.4 I' 8 s 5 ,� 19RAW , $ fi 01 '' c 'sao .O,T 1. 6LOCK;,q {\� -...y e.>o _. •' 50.009 ACRES.. ` ��•a ,--'•b 7FI . s + e ` \ `3 ,'- E IS Mete.EeMne�t KOTY»=E ., z '.. I . oi-� 3 m� ••�, �\ A �. �+ \zII _ • s :� R p �r ;'I: • I �I may,weo oo..n' L_ • ? - - ,'� N e9fn1a.4a'd 7.+[[GW•c,ug.t9.lp' +�.-sNJ"1, 4, . y ' _ - --x__x--I--x�x�r�p�_y " j•4`AM . P I NF LNN N W PLAT I FOR W YN N PU WOSES Q ILT SHEET 1 OF 2.- If' I a 9 4 L PRELIMINARY PLAT WYLIE I.S.D.... 1. _ _ ""°"�'"" ra ""° ,-,. TRANSPORTATION CENTER 8 - a LOT 1, BLOCK A situated In .F., p [1 T I I�\ CHARLES ATTERBURY SUR'VE.sY -- ABST. 2 �„xo, COLLIN COUNTY'*xAfIR 1 0 2002 1 Gwvvl NP,.. stnm FLOWN.,CLEF NOTE: Wylie Independent Omer ' E ngine +ixwE.ni v.r< The S••neyo,hoe•ol oe>„u+.e."eic'9.ony. )A pendent School District' RLK Engineering n>. NELL.A Pen.OF INS dtJppgN/P4T eV WM FAO ] rb��n SRLL,uY EItN.(t.11E prrgrE)-91e.W 951 Bollard Street West l �'�� 8, eaVOS e A N0ATIN OF ON pnlurNEa,NO STATE UN eo,��b. SPILLWAY EIEV.(YfdSUefO)1/,¢OFTSOE).Sleii Whon Tenon 7S09C 2 359_7 _ WD n SUBJECT TO INC MNppNG OF Unt3tIES MD BUIDNG y Lu co.�.o�4 . I Telephone 972 442-3944 Telephone 972 359-1733� \ 1 PONR FL000WW Elle.-52e.33 i f_ - OWig Action Item No. 2 Preliminary Plat Southbrook Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: April 16, 2002 Owner: S.C. Parsons, Inc. Surveyor/Engineer: Tipton Engineering, Inc. Location: Generally located north of Elm Road (C.R. 381 and east of South Ballard Street, south of the Twin Lakes Addition Existing Zoning: Planned Development District (PD 02-01) for Single- Family Residential Uses Summary: The Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Addition includes 66.85 acres and will create 220 single-family residential lots and provide for 2.3 acres of public open space, as well as provide part of the right-of-way for the future widening of Elm Road. The Planned Development District (PD 02-01) which established the zoning requirements was approved by the City Council on February 26, 2002, and provides for a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period" Preliminary Plat—Southbrook Issues: 1. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the Concept Plan of the approved Planned Development District. The Plat also complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. 2. The Plat dedicates right-of-way for the future widening of Elm Road, as a six-lane parkway with a divided median. 3. The required park land dedication for 220 lots is 3.3 acres. The Plat provides 0.6788 acres of park land which links to the existing neighboring park and the applicant will provide for the remaining required dedication with equivalent improvements to the park and/or funds. An additional 1.62 acres of floodplain is dedicated as public open space to serve as a future trail linkage. Land is also provided for a landscaped perimeter and entry feature, to be maintained by the private homeowners association. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid The applicant is aware that development impact fees must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION ,N PHASE 1 \III �/1\ Cab. G. PL- 681 ® lJ L. , Jo wwxamn„s° MARTIN DRIVE a.",y.i�'L'er,'.,,rA"---,- TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION VIE PHASE 1 Owls. G. Pe. .. AI a0 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 e'i-\0r430 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 \20 �w o6N•` 5 + 100 so 0 1Go zoo +,�. l 9 Y BlockD \ \\ 21 \�� SCALE I' 100' \ F YI }1 II R'_i- -7. Bear-logs based on the south line of \ '� w l _ n9 >). \ etr 751 n „` r� ---� Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase 1 92 Qs) 30�,IL\ . Y Ii s recorded n Cab G Pg.561 \9 Y \ ®� 25= 4 29 rF kPP C E, E([ i .,�dk Lend I,[_, W East Fork Special GARY NELSON y • • 1, 3, '- • §2' • f/1 c c Utility District is ra041aea Vol.Mass, [ 22e3 0 .tea 'sx - \ t; ,I ARKF LAND E 8T. •\ y r28 T; �- „^ � 7 _ I - LOCATION MAP Not to1 5Koo' E ? jp 71 \ �\ s a ,r �" / o scale o i- i5t. - \ e Vf2 1 a-.,9 gk/5 113 s.i6'r-E i' .ucr nrroerzvr 43Kr_r.smnc,xa as T N NSJ 1�E Iaol 6Y `., . �� ,/ -e- Ali.•mows D.W.wJ„nws SFr,_.esaanar n. IW,:m�'s:M ays ,fist' g nsd ag ww a sr .:.w qr B.S. oIS 9.., g- 66 C /'y S `r°,J* A _ a j'l x/ ,. - /r:on aNar.x arw.,;. MAW..x. r. 6151E5 AND DOM. a> 050 µ x1[ �I-1,�i4 2 �$S BR XR `8 x§ Q Xq Tq "'R @ X�1V'� ��Yr t \ a'C �,J 31, E; % e9y?!w SW ril x 1.he. 0 5 6 >e a `�' IO 11 YE R l9 ; 'E 4' 1 I FWD a�Y Pact ad Md...v,any.'raMow s.vy.droves a 0 Fd Fe 1a. -4 a. 89 s 4 a 4 8 a 3. .,a Re. a a �\ ,i eta WOOS Of a zm1 alreat Wd�..uh a to:.e 11 Prar°P`n.awaIn County. rd.to n:`ea•a �4 _ 4 4 4 4..� ' A� Is n '� m r� n.•roncao I s jar. Ia - - N[ .w �� ^east �..'� q.\ \\ •'%'e.\> x\ 1 Ott.J�O 1� 1I [aunty ,�, �x.a�..n,1n.,x.._e,.�,aw R MP ^,nsc ry.sj new'. ^aw erso zoo\I' Fs m Iel In Wayne HOF 1.�"� o PHEAA-. WO' ^ i 6,,� t' ~_ea : ^ • m,w Pear s oc l eern Coolly texas mxccend n.W.mka,beat Wiry 01 / -�- -. 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THOME 500.VW ah W a YJ WS HUMMLBIRD a /. _ e �� 1/ u O \,1 X" THERM K 55 55 30.,s;wo 01as a1n .,a ern ma mwn..E M BE fn�/ ..s.ar ID en / a 6. jr1 ♦ �r � fo !I z� seas Naaa 3/6 w es rest.,,.as, trat iole°n ",an 666�`El !° mo ,,.ten T non 'Fl,• `/8 D.5 •/ l wsOA '• i sat F.: ...........,......,,,,no: an,oar:az . JAME Vot jE.STONE •I can _ain L aas esao nro at� ~ Y I'v - ro• g„ • g g g ) / >.eq.a Sea I,2 F• / 4 "' s,$I .4s.-46 `gal MR82 24ga a10 / A" a •' Y. ,. 'x / - mac_ ; a^ di ,,oi r.n.„„.„,r .aanMe.im.l a.0 car x...n e..iaaaa,o.el R Fmn�/idl B _ a4 P atm a^ 4 4 4 a4 a4 ^ $^ a m d H `� 3','.- ,�Er'IA•ZO / � n d • ge la s• dxw.an W Jaen s �L417 {asw hoe woo. ^ssof,^xm-"•ME nro• am a lsr nn l I 22 -, ,i•t" o�/s/^ azdR 1 NN.tto a 1/own on ale .e 8stant s Inc nt at Me nose, WI $x.3 ,0 1K. nee ny� SON Mi x°- nro _1_ s 1 P{. L- Y !/ e s J',' Ix..assr ,.. hcsil Nl•,,,,or'.Hari•I..e:•s1•14•air o" ia*tameof Me - EN ro.m mm N IIIy 1 tn.N r "aria w M. ewaa c wa s1 I P2 2l 26'Vl 11e 11> &,6 16 N. 19 R/P{y . 4.,5n t"?'•;26'.,w� • •7 �d r>rG•T0 o Lzz ,O -/ >vwxccx m'ce'l".-.7, :: ✓tear�(p u a�,_ 3 a 6 's ° y H s ,�./' 'F lose ;r 4. uml I z 's4 s^ aA d4 R4 a4,-. m 44 at a4 a :rs -1 t -, AP ..-di s a f O t -I mn.n bane..i wve.<. ews.x Yrw.e w.bane,sz oa all nL ear sic, siro ,aSm nw coo' EV We „.. 1 • r /// tY 1 W •.axe tan w s,eawan r w ar Z sans a'•aalY amaze n.n.n.n 1 6 p - a BLUE.,.-- JAY 'I'/ I l '/ •a I ID ^w �':c � / /vn awme e. n it a s".=w.a,best:o - I r'� /F i` I / �; +3'.d. or as I ass,�' 'sr�R S.,, _,.. m s%i-1 r„asF�ltt r - 0 I�-fads_ �V z .q Ir c,',- • 1 rl i is ` d d Yre-, •46,, • �oNn•e of o I,•ar w r.N tr0 aw,l.a,Ton I a �- 0 ,, :, roe a 6 a£I R. /2 a e19 �$O 81 I� 6 1 _ �l/1\ I.(E� • I, �n n. 7, a..n,.a �,*=',:wam,aWmw.aw•ras,=1.aae �s a .';'''''',.'1 m lei F enar•w ,. 1" tea %';-r. .v . rsror ,[shr - i R�-1 ,,I a U'° am.as Pap.w is cri �acJ !a. Q H,r t4 s { ,1q W 'f to I ♦ s or�a',,e w x m na .,In•ar rk ✓then,°✓aa ��� m a 1 6 p s 6.g W s G^�.1, B F n A 8 3 S / q 1 Ifi Z 1 D.E Kva'N• N n u• a area,a,.n x me m� s asYle•r �4 g 8 3 .l a R 14 3 & l �`yvy a R a 12 I L a !R / r., ID ( �''�' ttm r .c` to xanny.,is•4.1:1e a ma m ,x4.7s er a T m' s ee9xY, W:/ ..i"ky. x,.rfrrc d �nm'r'w., a nrro'k' q( ttv s • y n,r a�._ .,� // /s2 s: Il �L:;.• y/ Road.hen 0.au"::oo naa Wm', .,see sr® a:.yawn et w fmt,MOM. aa• }\( x wl G > .1 Ns 10 T' G y iYg 2 F I' �rlp°1-1 4 ✓BY A i;35 I'so'y3,w�� s 0 es.a n M1\x zN.av -8 aja t L a /. y15 g Mn s'[/ • �.j1 1 - 33 d 01 '=V NN as w a�°,n.e.ana.msnwa a.�s.11n.ar..w am xw6 a ewtvia a,�sY 90 TM°1.,.",„t ae x na'akn ian' �'S 's` C - U ,re'''--•{ oars C -gym ysr a-"x2.a: a ��aw & ¢ _..z6,ia //.,s� /W 1 • °� , ,pn tt r«aa x m'o,l°a ar[�mann lox.. CB-s.1«K ' "' 9 I a 1s n z> >.KaJas a:.a..1 a;se.mai P°&ffw°dz�r�i.la°u:�tei"<e'aa°t m„mNi,q y, T J a K µNA'a i7� ' ,qq�� Lo 1 ;A' ,' b;/ Via: • k r .. 0 P PRELIMINARY PLAT Y /� l% i _ ^,./ ! ! ,'o.N,' ate K fs. 'e-el w..a.r-al a. .:-.. .,_ i) / _sa B.oy/o.dettltn-r s,.m,aie.nan : '�!£:m( ..�Dox 1w ` - {w'`,erg'': of - s 4 ----i ee0F W 'oz..-- s w'Ira1•w o ▪ -a.... _�_\ ��1115�! - S 0 •-• - 1 -�1.1- �kJ•..-R J/e•eat an arts 1.1:S N W 1Z ��-N M1Y4T W--�--.M6.se'-- � ELM (County Road 381) ROAD � �4� �I WILLIAM J. TURNER ALLEN Al"' P S �w,xr''LI'g O. 23 B7-0OO4018 D. W. AMS SURVEY, ABSTRACT 980 98-0007189 eARI.eFOSTER CITY IN THE �� WY�T(��OILIIr 511�' Y v 1 al 9. [ e59 RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL SCALE - nXlhe /o2 .iz2. . xes L - OWNER - CNAIRMAN,PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DATE s. C. PARSONS I N C. CITY OF AYIAE 16810 Deer Park Drive •- Dallas,Texas 75246 Notes �1�e 97 APPROVED FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT o --ENGINEER xc3xssR 0. 1.Lets Ix-5X.Block J to be dedicated 0na maintained byte o.n. / TIPTON ENGINEERIN n 2. Denotes street name change. MAYOR DATE �� ENGHBIW.EBBSuite C-NG SURGarlIEHlD imps 7 RlNNND 3.No Sale by metes and bound. CITY OF WYLIE G330 Broadway - and, 5013•(972)226-1967 MSK ,r Action Item No. 3 Site Plan Zylinski-Walden Building Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: April 16, 2002 Owner: Mitchell Zylinski and Karen Walden Designer: Prestige Design Location: 125 Regency Drive Existing Zoning: Business Center(BC) District Summary: The Site Plan under consideration is for an office/warehouse facility. The proposal is to develop a single building of 4,500 square feet, as well as parking and landscaping on the 1.3 acre lot. An additional 3,000 square feet of warehouse space is planned, but there are no stated plans for the remainder of the lot. The property is platted as Lot 4, Block B of the Regency Business Park Addition Phase I. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well as the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes in site plans shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan—Zylinski-Walden Building Issues: 1. The subject property was platted prior to the recent revision to the Zoning Ordinance, and development may comply with the codes in effect at the time of platting. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan Zy1inkf -Wlden duTldfnS RIi y BUILDINCs CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-N TOTAL UILIN SIZE = 4500 SQSPTS OCCUPANCY CLASS: OFFICE = B � WAE1- 0USE = 5-1 PAKINC SPACES REQUIRED = PROVIDED = 7 OCCUPANCY LOAD: OFFICE TYPE F00 S.F./100 S.F. = 9.0 OCCUPANTS � W, WAREHOUSE TYPE 51:3600 S.F./500 S.F. = 1.2 OCCUPANTS ` � �v TOTAL = 1-1 OCCUPANTS lin EXITINC EQUIEMENTS: 2 EXITS REQUIRED OVER 30 OCCUPANTS 1 >< .3 = 4. " WIT1-4 OF EXITS IN INCI-IES. MINIMUM WIT.4 IS 3611 1 - 3 DOORS REQUIRED 8-PROVIDED E. 1,1 4 ,...,, COMP.SWINGLE5 MN. 36" MN. IA 11" P 1/16"OSB DECKING 12" ' MN. MIN. 41 ROOF TRUSSES , x (DESIGNED f3Y OTHERS) , X 17, MIRROR 1XS FASCIA . r*o 11111 ,, 0 2XS SILL 5"SPLIT FACE ISLOCK ' . ,, gl V -'-'• ,4 ', Mt • /3/4"PLYWOOD DECKING f: - - 111110111.. Oi . SACK WALL N 2,00 JOIST.16 O.C. \ ,.. 61_ 1" y' r', if h n "I K1, r T2ET I 1 -:0 -6, 'A i''.',. z ' ' ' E P- 14 P 'P q., -4 (Y) m • \--. 1- Ors ' —N LAVATORY CLEARANCES SIDE WALL ql/SLAS(DESIGNED 1E3Y OTI-1ERS) TYF), SECTION ..t, 11'-&" IS SI-Ou 10'-0" 151-0" 12'-0" 121-6" 3'-0" . / 1-115 i-IB • , ,roArirApprA ,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, MOW,. ......"S 1(.. /.//9)///./4 iliardprdt.t---4010,41%, APIVIW:14FAille--i,141---\-------' W ' •% ' ....c.,.12," C... 4) ,' 1----1, ELECTRICAL LEGEND - / - ---- . /, 311-5" ,, I( " ' *21'-8" 11I-0" Or T CA M-i T T.v.G.A.,. ,,,, . ...• i = (S'CEILING)1 *, 1 \ C.0 CEILING;) 0 * PHONE JACK .,- „<„,,, ,,_ / , OFFICE 1 • OFFICE f 0, '/ L------- L ,-------- -- ------------__+-_,, \, - ' 1----------------1- 11 + •',171'.c'ur FL'ir'i - / ''' - , 14 TE ITE , . l .,,,,R. R-RECE5SEP CANS '7 / SKYLI •., :SKYL . ., '' 1 erillintlTh. L 1 , 0 SAT4 FAN ONLY CEILING) CEI LNG Els. . P J * EA,FAN-Lrre ! WAREHOUSE \ ‘Ahci\-- -)---Z s' cPuNG; I 1 UJARE1-10USE MONO) •1 . (14' LI ) FLUOR.LTS. ' 1760 0 1 OFFICE ' I10 / m --Cl , __--- ----- ----- --_, ,--- ----•.,, •....,, C. ,,, . _______'—r-------s- t SWITCHES(313.A.F.FLOORJ - I Jg , - , \ - ,... , ,/ t, 3W 5WITCN(3,A.F.FLOOR) ,L 0 1(9'CEILING) 4 , , _ 11.1 ‘ \\LADIES„4---L u, di REcEFT,AcLE _ CD \ 7 i 6 220V, / .- 1- CO 0 ''' I 4 iz (x. \ ,...---• ----- --- — --- ul 1 , ---- ''., _____, - ,zu. \ / min \ • .,. -, , J SKYLITE 1.-„, , { ISKYLITE Ce 2.47iii LADIES ; ,I il§ U -.1.4 L_ u, › (9'CEILING) Ti S }- STORAGE 0 F-1 Lij,,,,„.1 P/ /// // / ///////////////////// //////////:///"/////>'/////////7////////////////////)/////////////////7 " Z4 ,•=1 W...4_1 , , 1 —0------ f3" SPLIT FACE CONCRETE BLOCK WALLS TYP. 90 ,.. . S FLOOR FLAN 6 n SCALE:1/4"=15-0" eas-o" — ' , , , ADDRESS:125 REGENCY DRIVE LOT 4 BLOCK B OF REGENCY BUSINESS PARK ADDITION-PI-IASE ONE k� � _ WYLIE,GOLLIN GOUNtY,TEXAS U. corlP.3NINGsLE =-_ -�<�a tea"-30QQ PSI CONCRETE PAVIN( 0 id'WALL - _. I4'WALL N 'o���s�isa�s��aw� wra°o4L�°.d='. :.�sarsa�r Il��saa s� assa���ia��a�a®�a®iss»o�or ir®d�r�a .— OWNER: MITCHELL ZYLINSK(AND KAR1N WALDEN 01 14 .� .�.°_.» ����• �»...��'�!�'�'r_ .1I " ESA 24"O.C.E.W. 621�COV(NCWTON 1 5 »', ._" '�.�.� '' II' IILIES, NOTE:FIRELANE TO BE�o TI-LICK ROWLETT,TX.�5489 Z p _ ix, �a��o �» I3 U O N IZ-99 - 64 OR i01�� 5QQ PSI CONCRETE 8 4 83 9'12'168 3 AN- y T 1 .'� � »a 4 .»»3"» I l l' } _ PAVINGDETAILZONING: BUSINESS CENTER c ti USE=OFFICE/WWAREI-•LOUSE nl i 1G4-4T ELEVATION BUILDING:14'EAVE I-4EICsNT to r PROPOSED USE: OFFIGEIWAREN4USE m corgi. �. SITE SIZE: LOT SIZE 5fo,645 SQ.Ft, 0 -- FM 544 BUILDINGS SIZE 4504 SQ,FT._'1.9�0 14'WALL _ - -R ZIEVA-TIO—N — 14'WALLa o�aaes»a ®»eas®asrw»aerr»aeras»rrs snlea® el seams®ae»»e �a� seise GIs �s �I..�®sue ��». -- PAVING AREA=59F05 SQ.FT.=14.5%I.� a»orri»»�r»®® ai»� a.» Sys,s��.�» �i u» I.a».. �.rr.�.'�'�a wo.l .�'�"I�.' �sa."a"° (�+a ��.as�a�s 1.'"ar$ra»r1"Ar'i�iT:LES t "°�arar�E r»�si5i>.s�sr.'�. area,® ®®as�rr��d�a»i��ara � '°»�s�»'ss�i»�»�Ir».»F ,.faro �a"I:i�Qr"�r�ai»el" aa�ra'aie»ar'rr�'����isi��i's�sa���r�a�� �isar�s�s ar��e»»4»�ia� �a ram� rr-"�'�"'�`� � s "_"«�• �'� '_' ��' �.�,. U STEEL RD. LANDSCAPING: LANDSCAPE©AREA=9552 SQ.FT=1(0 5 Foa rerza ��,e��,»� �'� rr�ise°Ir'aea aas arr a re �iaa�»saa�a�r�r�i�a�T»i"sr»��»�'i°s®io�' �oaa� a I� ruR»'�ii r°rir iwI�� a»o�a»®r�°a»,�Io��C"' p- r•�e�r,r,Lr�a�s»9�e a rani rre»e»�re� a a a �rrrra>.errsar'�s>rr='� �s'�i �eir�es"rii-r »�� »�u�a>p��ra�ie�l���°� is� ® �a r��is �o»»� tn +E761:3 + ,,,, 1+ `°�®,.� „ „rraP el e W PARKINCa: OFFICE=900 SQ,)=t.1300=3.0SPACES�� g,, RSI aria alt:1 : �' an tY WAREHOUSE=3600SQ.FTII000=3.6SPACESr.' '�t1 �r3� ,,,.�".i"ri. '�ar���s�..»or» orn GAPITAL ST, WLEFT M WIYAP TOTAL REQUIRED=1 SCALE:I/8n.1.A" -- TOTAL PROVIDED=-f ~ :0.....1z EXISTING BUILDING a___ S 89°5h 241I U1 3�i`i.(03' LOTPOWER POLE �0,11/� r �_� IdI 111/�1' ��' l - SO SLOG LINE Id'WALL 14'WALL 1005 T T T ,111111, 6_HT FAGEP CONCRETE 6L1cK *- - Z _ , y-.-L S, ir y"- _ - � O � �-UUMP6TER PAP 100✓...... .. .... ... r �� S yT__ _ 1,. t .. L• O W!6`U100D FENGE .. ... .. m 1 • I:,�-+1r'��Lra�;i�r`' ". �" T Q <. _.... _. FIRE LANE � o� N S • o Lni 0 a tf) in `l REAR ELEVATION `= -.� EXISTING N Q 9CALEr I/8".f-O" 1t - BE�IIER 7AP (/ . o Y Q o Q °.� Z PROPOSED 4500 SQ.FT.BUILDINGS Ja � � � �j ,e•� FUTURE � . `4 WAREHOUSE TOP OF SLAB 100.1' . [.(. 3000 6Q,F' r Q a v� 6LA$ONLY 3 DIA TREES tYP a O 'A TOP OF SLA$IOO.I• j .n, i N iu _- $ERMUDS ■ }' i� COMP-BF{IN~ �/ _ _-__ __ .._.,__�.____.____ ___•_._________•____ _________ ________ ______________________�c_____ ° Z 14'WALL _ ---— — — 14'WALL Q : - 114,O5 Q a 1�r � Lr r spur FACEo coNCRETe eLocK rT' r �T r4 —— 0 • `1 r r r cQ Tr r rTr. .t , OWER POLE 9 ��1r `I fir'sm cowcRErE E LocK=4=0r r r'r r1'1351 O �: art.rr:aa *Ma:ill a NLi �!` a<`» r6rgg�3�d = rl'�i� IREHYDRANT Qm� � ���� �1 —I S 89°5�'24" U1 3`I L 63' a rr ��� 3 SOT 2 - z ce Z it, u Tit 1.--"1:4362-161"-ki232265"1 FRONT ELEVATION SI PLAN `� Z m a SCALE:vs'.1,“ - EXISTING BUILDING N SCALE:I"=2OI-O" o F o o m 3 a