05-07-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission Cityfiof�lNylie May 7, 2002 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, May 7, 2002 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April.16, 2002 Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Planned Development District (PD) for Retirement Housing, being a 5.139 acre tract of land generally located east of State Highway 78 South and south of East Kirby Street (F.M. 544), and being situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of the called 5.232 acre tract described in a deed to Ross S. Bagwell and Paula D. Bagwell, Agland Chemical Money Purchase Plan and Agland Chemical Profit Sharing Plan as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 94-0078165, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-03) ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recoiiuiiendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Lots 1A and 1B, Block A, of the FM 544/Springwell Addition, being a certain 1.894 acre tract of land generally located north of F.M. 544 and west of Springwell Parkway, and being situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for the Wylie Car Wash, located at 2951 F.M. 544, and being Lot 1A, Block A of the FM 544/Springwell Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442.8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting April 16, 2002 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Steve Ahrens Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Michael George Terry Capehart, Planner Carter Porter Claude Thompson, Director Tony Snider Commission Members Absent: William Chapman Mike Phillips CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE AND INVOCATION Commissioner Snider offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 2, 2002 Regular Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 4—0. P&Z Commission Meeting April 16, 2002 Page 2 of 5 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Agriculture (A) with a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Governmental Installation, being a 10.009 acre tract of land located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of West Brown Street (F.M. 3412), and being situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a tract conveyed to the Wylie Independent School District as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2001-027918, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-02) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) for the subject property in order to allow a Governmental Installation (Wylie I.S.D. Transportation Center) to be developed within an Agricultural(A) District. The subject property totals approximately 10 acres in size, and was previously occupied by a concrete batch plant. The Transportation Center structures and parking will occupy approximately the western half of the site. The remaining eastern portion of the site, currently occupied by unstable fill materials and the floodplain, will remain undeveloped. The applicant proposes initially to construct an office/maintenance shop building of 9,700 square feet, as well as a bus washing structure and parking for employees and buses. A future expansion of 10,000 square feet is planned to the maintenance building. Screening will be provided on the west side and north side of the property. The Zoning Ordinance permits public schools within all districts, but allocates other public uses to those districts where they will be most compatible with similar private uses. Due to the character and impacts of the Transportation Center, it is defined as other governmental installations, and is allowed within the Agricultural District with a Special Use Permit (SUP). Thompson stated that on February 25, the Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a variance of the required masonry exterior wall materials to allow metal to be used on the eastern end wall and above the garage door openings on the north and south sides. The masonry consideration could have been made a condition of the SUP, but the initial plan was submitted prior to the adoption of the new revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. Under the previous Zoning Ordinance requirements, the facility was allowed by right within the Agriculture district and no zoning action was to be considered. The Commissioners expressed concern about the reduced masonry and requested to review the elevations approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Commissioner George adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. for staff to pull the Zoning Board of Adjustment file. The meeting was reconvened at 7:25 p.m. P&Z Commission Meeting April 16, 2002 Page 3 of 5 Commissioner Ahrens expressed his disapproval of the Wylie Independent School District requesting variance of the masonry requirements on the subject property. He said that public facilities should set the example for compliance of code requirements. Mr. Ronny Klingbeil, RLK Engineering, 111 W. Main Street, Allen, Texas, represented the applicant and engineer for the subject property. Mr. Klingbeil stated that there were four monitoring wells on the site, however, the results of those wells was unknown at this time. The Commissioners expressed concern of the amount of buses pulling out onto Country Club Road very early in the morning, however it is not known the amount of buses or the time the buses would be departing the property. Commissioners were also concerned that the facility not be allowed to be used by private trucking operations with longer daily schedules if the Wylie Independent School District bus use was moved to another location in the future. Commissioner George expressed his disapproval of the size of the Site Plan (would like to have the 24 by 36 copy) and also that a government agency would put this type of facility in a very dangerous location with very large vehicles coming onto Country Club Road (F.M. 1378). Commissioners expressed concern for children's safety when buses enter and leave the heavy traffic of F.M. 1378, and asked if other locations had been considered. Commissioner George also stated that there was no plans or knowledge of when Country Club Road would be expanded by the State or County. Commissioners asked if the setback shown on the plans was sufficient to accommodate widening of F.M. 1378, and Thompson reported that the City Engineer had approved the additional right- of-way based on preliminary road plans. Thompson stated that one of the entryways would probably be north bound only. He also pointed out other schools in the Wylie Independent School District, indicating the central location of the proposed property which will reduce operation mileage of the buses and stated that no children will be on the buses as the enter and leave this storage site. Commission Ahrens stated that he believes that the site is contaminated and questioned the location of school buses on the site. Commissioners requested staff to supply records of the monitoring wells, but Thompson responded that was more a building permit issue rather than a land use zoning issue. Motion was made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Porter, to recommend denial of the SUP due to safety issues and need to ascertain validity of contamination on the subject property. Motion passed 4—0. P&Z Commission Meeting April 16, 2002 Page 4 of 5 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Wylie I.S.D. Transportation Center Addition, being a certain 10.009 acre tract of land situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a tract conveyed to the Wylie Independent School District as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2001-027918, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Motion was made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Porter, to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat until safety and contamination issues can be completed. Motion passed 4—0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Southbrook Addition, being a certain 66.88583 acre tract of land situated in the D.W Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980 and the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of a tract conveyed to the JCM Properties, L.P. according to the deed recorded in Volume 2233, Page 874 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and all of two tracts conveyed to JCM Partners, L.P. according to the deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0045039 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of the tract conveyed to Verna M. Poor according to the deed recorded in Volume 4409, Page 2100 of the Deed records of Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Preliminary Plat includes 66.85 acres and will create 220 single-family residential lots and provide for 2.3 acres of public open space, as well as provide part of the right-of-way for the future widening of Elm Road. The Planned Development District, approved by the City Council on February 26, 2002, provides for a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet. The required park land dedication for 220 lots is 3.3 acres. The Plat provides 0.6788 acres of park land, which links to the existing neighboring park and the applicant will provide for the remaining required dedication with equivalent improvements to the park and/or funds. An additional 1.62 acres of floodplain is dedicated as public open space to serve as a future trail linkage. Motion was made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Snider, to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat to the City Council. Motion passed 4—0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for the Zylinski-Walden Building, located at 125 Regency Drive, being Lot 4, Block B of the Regency Business Park Addition Phase I, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the proposal is to develop a single building of 4,500 square feet and one hundred percent masonry on the 1.3-acre lot. An additional 3,000 square feet of warehouse space is planned, but there are no stated plans for the remainder of the lot. P&Z Commission Meeting April 16, 2002 Page 5 of 5 The subject property was platted prior to the recent revision to the Zoning Ordinance, and development may comply with the codes in effect at the time of platting. Dr. Marlene Walden, 6217 Covington, Rowlett, Texas, represented the applicant, stated that the proposed building would be an automobile minor repair. Dr. Walden stated further that there was an oversight on the Plat regarding the dumpster. There will be masonry surrounding the dumpster. Dr. Walden stated also that there will be overhanging awnings over the entry door as well as landscape around the outside of the property. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, to approve the Site Plan with the stipulation of awnings be above door and correction of the screening type for the dumpster from a wood fence to masonry. Motion passed 4—0. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Snider, to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Motion passed 4—0. Michael George, Chairman Mary V. Bradley, Secretary I ' I : O _Mite Public Hearing Item No. 2 Rezoning 02-03 Wylie Retirement Community Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 7, 2002 Owner/Applicant: Ross Bagwell and Texas Affordable Communities Location: Generally located east of S.H. 78 South and south of East Kirby Street(F.M. 544) Existing Zoning: Community Retail(CR)District Requested Zoning: Planned Development District (PD) for Retirement Housing Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property from Community Retail (CR) to a Planned Development (PD) District in order to develop 150 attached dwelling units and common community center, as a retirement residential community restricted to senior citizens. The property totals 5.139 acres in size. Properties abutting the subject property to the north and west are zoned Community Retail (CR) District and are developed and occupied by Brookshire's grocery and the hospital respectively. Properties abutting to the east and south are currently zoned Single Family Residential (SF-8.5) and developed with single family residences on 7,300 square feet lots(the old SF-3 zoning). The property is effectively landlocked, accessible from State Highway 78 only by a platted 28 feet wide access easement along the western boundary of the Brookshire's property and by the residential Valentine Lane to the southeast. An east-to-west flow, 60 feet wide drainage easement transects the southern portion of the property, separating the adjacent residences. 02-03,Wylie Retirement Community PD Public Comment Forms were mailed to fifty (50) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Four Comment Forms had been returned at the time of posting, one favoring and three opposing the request. Issues: 1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial uses, including retail and offices, for this property. However, the property's limited access and visibility from a public street as well as the adjacency to single-family residences limit its attractiveness for retail uses and support its use for some attached residential use such as that proposed. 2. National and local demand for specialized housing for senior citizens (55 years of age and older) is increasing, to serve the aging "baby-boomers" with increased longevity. Such senior housing is generally divided into the following three groups, each with special design needs and characteristics. a. Independent Living: Provides no on-site medical or personal assistance to individuals with normal physical and mental capacities. The proposed project clearly conforms to this definition. Such dwellings are classified and regulated as Multifamily Residential by the Wylie Zoning Ordinance and are permitted within the Community Retail District only as part of a mixed-use development or as a Planned Development District. b. Assisted Living: Provides some medical and personal assistance to individuals with some level of reduction of physical and mental impairment. The proposed project does not conform to this definition. Such dwellings are classified and regulated as Assisted Living Apartments by the Wylie Zoning Ordinance and are permitted by right within the Community Retail District, and allow reduced parking and have no density limits. c. Nursing/Convalescent Home: Provides full medical and personal assistance to individuals with severe physical and mental impairments. The proposed project does not comply with this definition. Such dwellings are permitted by right within the Community Retail District. 3. Lack of visibility from S.H. 78 limits the potential of the subject property to support major, free-standing commercial uses. Appropriate commercial uses are convenience retail uses and offices, cooperatively subordinate to the adjacent Brookshire's and/or the hospital/health care offices. The project's single sign will be located within this easement at S.H. 78. 4. All vehicular access to the subject property will be by a 28 feet wide platted access easement across Brookshire's property. Egress/ingress by the residential Valentine Lane will be restricted to emergency vehicles only. This restricted access limits the potential of the subject property to support either higher-density commercial or traditional apartment development. 02-03,Wylie Retirement Community PD 5. The proposed Conditions of the PD specifically limit the occupancy of the dwelling units to senior citizens, or persons 55 years of age and older. The Zoning Ordinance makes not allowance for Independent Senior Living, and allows these and such Multifamily apartments in the CR District only when within a mixed-use development with dedicated permanent nonresidential uses such as food services, personal services or retail or as a PD. 6. The Conditions of the PD will establish in perpetuity the existing construction and occupancy characteristics of the complex, and these differ from the current requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: Development Proposed Requirement Requirements of the Contrition of the PD Zoning Ordinance Density 29 dwelling units per acre 15 d. u. per ac. as MF Side Yard 54 feet 10 feet side yard in CR Residential a c' but 120 feet w/height and Res. Proximity Slope Dweilliw Size 1BR= 750 s.f., 2BR= 843 s.f 1BR= 750 s.f, 2BR=900 s.f. Kitchens Allowed in all units Not allowed in Assisted Living Allowed in all traditional MF Building 3 story&40 ft. for residences 2 story& 36 ft. in CR Height 46 ft. for community center no floor limit&40 ft. in MF Facing property line=75% Exterior Wall masonry& 25% siding MaterialsFace interior court yard=25% 100%masonry all walls masonry& 75% siding Face breezeway=100% siding l.5/d.0+1/10 d.u. guest=240 Parki ► 1/d.u. + 1/5 d.u. guest= 180 for MF 9 ft. by 18 ft. spaces 0.5/d.u.+l/employee+1/5 bed rooms guest=+/-230 for Assisted Living 10 ft. by 20 ft. spaces 7. The PD Conditions limit the maximum number of dwellings to 150 units, which reflects a density of 29.19 dwelling units per acre. The City of Wylie has limited apartment development to 15 dwelling units per acre since at least 1985. A survey of the Independent Living requirements of ten other communities (see attached tabulation) reveals that eight allow densities of between 12 and 20 dwelling per acre, with the only higher densities being Garland allowing 36 units per acre in the Health Care District and Plano allowing 45 dwelling per acre in Multifamily Districts. The applicant has constructed similar developments of 36 d.u./ac. in Granbury, 29.5 d.u./ac. in McKinney and 15 d.u./ac. in Mesquite. 02-03,Wylie Retirement Community PD 8. The PD Conditions permit building of 3 stories and a maximum height of 40 for residential buildings and 46 feet for the common community room. Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance restricts all buildings within the CR District to a maximum of 2 stories and 36 feet. Buildings within the Multifamily District are limited to 40 feet. Most of the communities surveyed permit 3 stories for senior housing, but most restrict building height to 36 feet or less (see attached tabulation). 9. The PD Conditions require buildings to be setback from adjacent residential property lines a distance of 54 feet, although the setbacks will actually be 64 feet (54 ft. setback plus 10 ft. alley) on the east and 115 ft on the south). The Residential Proximity Slope requirements of Section 7.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, which would require a setback of 120 feet, will not apply. 10. The PD permits a maximum of 75 percent masonry for exterior walls facing the property lines and a maximum of 25 percent masonry facing the central courtyard. The fronts of all residential units will face central breezeways, and require no masonry. The applicant requests this variance in order to eliminate the supposed institutional look of 100%masonry structures. Section 4.1.F of the Zoning Ordinance requires 100 percent masonry for all buildings within the CR District. Five other communities permit 75 percent masonry, but on all sides. 11. The PD permits one parking space plus guest parking for each dwelling, as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance for Assisted Living apartments intended for physical impaired persons. The Ordinance requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit plus guest parking for traditional Multifamily dwellings. The PD requires no additional guest parking. The PD allows parking spaces to measure 9 feet wide by 18 feet long, compared Wylie's required 10 feet by 20 feet. Staff Recommendation: Denial, Unique location and adjacency characteristics of the site favor attached residential uses such as is proposed, more so than the commercial uses recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, and both Assisted Living and traditional Multifamily apartments are permitted by right by the CR zoning. The Conditions of the PD expressly limit the occupancy to senior citizens and guard against the complex converting to traditional Multifamily occupancy, even if provided the required mix-use development. However, the proposed density of 29 dwelling units per acre is an inappropriate variance from Wylie's long-held philosophy of limiting multifamily residential density to 15 dwellings per acre. Additional variances related to this higher density, such as increased building height, reduced parking and reduced setback from abutting residential uses, are also unjustified. 02-03,Wylie Retirement Community PD The Departments of Planning, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Conditions for the Planned Development District Development Plan Survey of Independent Living Requirements for Other Communities Notification List and Map,with Responses 01 1 1 1 1 �v�y dd — 'n -.�� iiIIIIIIII iiry !---------111116.. i.._.. .. ��. �,,,. .,,,,,,,, k root o Oak -���; O •ersonvl a ne _Ilir _— - • J rurch htr a `:'` E li t tre t `� TIII 1111117 -----h____g____emin lee"--- - p 1--.- _-= 1 ( 1� itrl1JC � �at /� I [ 111IIII1 (t _ i1 ic j 1 ! ' , if----1 L( — ' '' - : ..- A SubJect ) ...i ; Butler ii Property ; 1 Ø<JK\i /' /1 i i ! y i' •' Calloway i i i - i �. ! I ' IP ■il Te i i ;usiness 'ov i i 1 '' No - `r L.._.._..., i j - ' �' .. ._.. ..L.. m S t C 1 1 1 _ i' O i j 11 1 ► i 1 1 1 . LI 1 j _ ; ____ 1 1 Y f1 I 1 1 ;j' , Ut.z.n. • t .. ! g . ° i~ : ..-., : /1111111 = F. M. 544gr i . • _ i i i es ee- .. 1111 i ' lr ip = — :Ell ° I--- }.._.._.._..J i I I I I,,, MIN ■ i Ell quip ' miii Piro „to* / < i'� ���AID Ili0 , `� ��� • 1 i ( IIll ip It- ti) �11111111111111 i -� �_ � = x —— —- �>m — °=^o_=;■■ 0 0 _.._.._.._.._.._.._..J n ' _ - -- = L.._.._ �P�dcresf �nve i LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2002-03 Zoning Case No. 02-03 CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Wylie Retirement Community East side of S. H. 78 and South of F. M. 544 General Conditions: 1. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Community Retail (CR) District set forth in Section 4.1.B of the Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. Only the Base Standards of the Nonresidential Design Requirements as set forth in Section 4.4 of the Ordinance shall apply except as provided herein, and the Desirable points criteria shall not apply. Special Conditions: 1. The following uses shall be permitted within the District: a. Retirement housing as such is defined and permitted by State and Federal fair housing laws, including the condition that the facility publishes and adheres to the policies and procedures that demonstrate their intent to meet all provisions of the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995. All occupied units shall be occupied by at least one person who is fifty-five years of age or older at the time the unit is leased. Those persons legally residing with an elderly resident may continue to reside at the facility for a period not to exceed one year if the elderly person dies or is moved out of the facility for medical reasons. Two dwelling units or suites may be designated and occupied by caretakers or security personnel who are not subject to the disability or age restriction. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in the facility being reclassified as a Multi-Family Residential lodging and loss of Certificate of Occupancy. b. Accessory uses to the retirement housing. c. All uses permitted in the Community Retail District. 2. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted shall not exceed 150 units, 75 (50%) of which shall be one-bedroom units and 75 (50%) shall be two bedroom units. One-bedroom units shall be a minimum of 750 square feet in size and two- bedroom units shall be a minimum of 843 square feet. No dwelling unit shall contain more than two bedrooms and no efficiency units shall be permitted. PD Development Conditions Wylie Retirement Community Page 2 of 3 3. Each dwelling unit shall have a full kitchen. 4. Buildings may be three stories. Overall building height shall not exceed 40 feet for the residential portions of the facility and 46 feet for the community center (not including the cupola). 5. The Residential Proximity Slope requirements of Section 7.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall not apply. All buildings shall be set back from the east and south property lines a distance not less than 54 feet. 6. Materials for exterior walls (facing outward toward the property line) shall be not less than 75 percent masonry and not more than 25 percent cementatious composite siding as approved by the Building Official, and interior walls (facing the inner court yard) shall not be less than 25 percent masonry and more than 75 percent approved cementatious siding. Walls facing on to the breezeways shall be 100 percent approved cementatious siding. These allowances are exclusive of windows, doors and roof appendages such as dormers. 7. Parking shall be provided at a ratio of one space for every dwelling unit plus one space for every five dwelling units for use as guest parking. Standard parking spaces shall measure at least 9 feet by 18 feet, and handicapped spaces shall measure at least 8 feet by 18 feet with a minimum 5 feet wide shared access walk/ramp for regular spaces and with an 8 feet wide walk/ramp for van spaces or as permitted by TAS/ADA requirements. 8. Perimeter screening adjacent to residential districts shall be a 6 feet high masonry wall with no openings along the entire length of the eastern property line and a 6 feet high wood fence with masonry columns on 100 feet centers along the project (north) side of the drainage easement along the entire length of the south property line. Gates may be installed along the south fence to access the drainage easement/open space corridor. Security fencing along the north and west property lines (with nonresidential adjacency) may be of wood or combination of earthen berm, live screen and wood fence. 9. Catered group meals, not prepared on site, medical services and other personal care may be provided within the common community center room as well as within individual dwelling units. PD Development Conditions Wylie Retirement Community Page 2 of 3 10. Access at Valentine Lane shall be for emergency vehicles only, by security methods approved by the City of Wylie Fire Department. 11. Retirement housing and its accessory uses shall be in conformance with the development standards set forth in the Development Plan. 12. Development of any use other than retirement housing and its accessory uses shall be in full accordance with the Community Retail zoning standards, and shall require approval of a site development plan. 13. The approved Development Plan shall serve as a Preliminary Plat for the retirement housing complex. SITE SUMMARY(FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY) ZONING EXISTING COMMUNITY RETAIL " ti,'•;; PROPOSED PD-RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 0 iii i....,,,' EXISTING VACANT PROPOSED 150 UNIT RETIREMENT COMMUNITY LOT AR. 5.139 AC.(223,867 SF) FITNT sr ,i, 4-,ct,,,,,-,4' BUILDING AREA 119'a.?,3SOF8 r-(gt2fIRT1 FT\Olq liiii V CP 114 ct5•6...:)',,,,,- 0 20 40 60 80 P-ia 7.1 BUILDING EXTERIOR 1"=40' 15_ ±au', PARKING FACING HARDr-TLANNKY gtTAIgll?10°URS'ZIG':72g% .•,•_„,-1 R 2. F.......g Z. 2 3 t COURTYARD FACING HARD'11-1-AXANNKY g-MWEI17.10°URS'ZIG': g'%.' „1, =1 8 A 2 BUILDING LOT COVERAGE 27.9%(62,578 SF) Cl" BUILDING HEIGHT(3-STORY) A.UNIT MIX 7-LO 1 PARKI ,-7- ... TWO BEDROOM 75 UNITS 0 750 SF TWO BEDROOM 75 UNITS 0 843 SF 0•4t. TOTAL 150 UNITS , T 3 .<0'', ' /i' g' PROVIDED 180[10:o ROF:A•O46 HIBC c(A2RFZi c."!,; ,t. LOT 30 OPEN SPACE 39.7%(88,875 SF) IMPERVIOUS CDVER 60.3%(134,926 SF) BARIATRIC CARE CENTER Z OF TEXAS 1.1\IC. , , < VOL.4621,PG. 1555 -...1 LOT 29 I 7or.PtRZEWRITN.UalT D.R.OCT. ''\''V 2 \ 'Ak 5, *7? , \ LOT 1,BLOCK 1 a- w/MASONRY COLUMNS ZONING:COMMUNITY RETAIL 60 WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE -- ., SPACED 100..C. '13).: NO. 1 - M 4%. N 0004'36"W 398.88' 1 .7 ''' \'. -'71%*, LOT 28 COC ER , \\,,\ l',....1,..p.„. ...; , /13 WI ' 24'FIRELANE.-j ,..EC'5 N°N."T. PKOPOSED ,\._ ....I\o' 4,-o"mni, \ / -1 1---,--?,p. r _ -(zuswile-ct-Ess) ''FdglarTITON CLEARANCE I N... ' 11,1 , _ or imi moo EU > -- 9-4.9 1 , 1,, 5 CAR GARAGE 141,,...., ,\ I -'I — Zari LOT, - , r 1 24.-I i2: 5'SIDEWALK-1 _, ........&al iil .... , , . .....Thia... ig .. .. , , L 21 ir ' - re -- NI 1.1 rz zi h. , , 1111 d A 1 ; ,_IL e- .. LEC.=v,D,,,,,g,:;,,),,, ,, 6‘,.,\`-, __I 1 ----4- I, L AMS..., 1 '.;', EiETTANCE l'ar_.,,i'-- 8.-0.OPEN BREEZEWAY I - kir\ I NIVOPTICOM \-D e 8 KMB.1 AII LOT 26 I .1,. 41 _ .135111111tel E---... '• L., 1 i ,itill „,,t, .,-.... ,,_ 1 lipa,4 ju, >,-- WESTW1ND MEADOWS E '''' I --,Y. „roil ...,,w—I. .... , I. .... 9 I ENTRANCE I' II 183 MR; .....i.....1 .i.-: CAB.C,PG.706 0 ,,,,PilAwiLLow WAY'\I''' D 223,867S5, ..AY,GROUN, :,,l'E), Lni-? 11. 1111 . . M 0 .-H-L--:i- , . 1 L11c, /EXIT 5'El"):NCE :_,T., -----9 i....L.:Z.4 wPR/OP 6'TALL WROUGHT WINDCREST 'co NIL k .. li j IRON*PERIMETER FENCE ,C,,,,,, 0 ;1 .1 MASONRY COLUMNS 2 ....' 1 All NillillArglii hill,A.19 le 41 a hi., so l If SPACED 100'.C. VI Cif pi Ti"YooM0A P 0 I:12 LCS-11''' , q'I 1 ., ENTRANCE 6.-0.OPEN BREEZEWAY 8'-0.OPEN BREEZEW•Y rtzET:ERTAALNr°D LOT 4,BLOCK A r w/MASONRY COLUMNS MAR1INEZ ADDIT10.1,1 MAPSCO 104-B 41:111 8'-0.OPEN BREEZEWAY SPACED 100'.C. PHASE 111 E $1.--16 . 9 P. 9 .1191111-1111,111111117„Vell . -7, ____,„N 2E13.'34"E L30....20' VOL,M,PG. 17 M di= w/MASONRY COLUMNS,,,, SPACED 100'.C. 1 "I 1 I i '',1 mum is ..... sill ,Lj 1. ipli A P.R.C.C.T, BLOCK 4 ow 5'SIDEWALK--i 1 . J., ,,.. 1 cil,c3 ,' 2'OVERHANG 1 ..,,. 13[ W Leti L(15LIg LOT 4A I I ' I I--i-0. l'o':'--1. - ....---',..=: ,,,,,, — :-..1 , ..... ,,,,........ . ----...„..--,, Iiio t 1,,,,--27...... k:,,,.." ___1 --,_ ,T,„,..'67 ,1--_,----,,---;,..2 5"R G.'RAGE e„.2\'8,,,46. 5'SIDEWALE11`,>,:re,----1 11 '''' I.;:g LEGEND -,1,- i(c,ti 1 1 'T i\ -------------ILATHE.C.50S4LE:MEGENACCC'ESIIT 24'fi--'HRELANE-- ---464--'----1 T TYP;--. ----s'----------' k-'----—--- ......,...// ---, i4r ri; -6- EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT --41- PROPOSED FRE HYDRANT c - A3 W —_-. -,IIIJAIMINW-76..ssT——-c),-,„ —s—ocrq,Q9,-.E.——----7 8 7 TI,:. ——-_-_- -—6"ss--_.- - a'-'-'- -----------f-,. ---------------------—-; ——1°,1 -— 0 ———— —6,—EXIST.WATER LINE .7":".1 cCi 1-_,6 io'trnuTy EAsElt_,_ '.."—d II --12,S--EXIST.SAN.SEW.LINE ›.... PROP.6'TALL MASONRY i±25,F_1 • , il:NIMERTFLELN4A"NRY \ 7.', /P. ZWZIETERLVEZ S°NRY 1 I PROPOSED FIRELANE 1 PERIMETER FENCE I :--,' '''',., .., . iN rii AO'ISTALV ,, ,a, Z1 \k, cv ID-C: 1 t 5 T.,(). •'",,..,., , 0 r- LOT 20 : : : ::?1, :S ''''> c\.: L_,-•i'''6 rn LOT 18 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT2 LOT 1 LOP 0 g5 Z[ NOTES: . 1.FIRELANE PAVEMENT SHALL MEET CITY OF WYLIE 1., STANDARDS. IL BLOCK 3 K BLOC 1 LOT 2 Z HOL1DA,TERRACE ADDI ION cir' Z. n v.L.3,PG.96 FA Z V-1:I C Ce,ill 110 LOT 1 9 P,2111. ,.... r- THIS DRAWING RELEASED FOR REVIEW ONLY AND it I > MARDI GRAS LANE IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR 0)a Ci 5 BID PURPOSES PER ROBERT K.MANOIS,P.E. 'FI \ ),,,. (TEXAS ND.86508)ON MAY 2,2002.T SHEET 2 1 71,,emTAILToI3..°201112 1 1 M/F and Independent Living Standards o° by ``tieVeb oa �� ,4`�eany `eo oQQ a��o a��� G,�.� �$o. `a,�o % Masonry 100% 90% 100% 80% 75% 100% 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% 25'-2 story 40'-2 story 35' -2 story Height 36 _ 40' 35' 35' 36'-3 story— 35' 50'-3 story 31'to TP 35' 35' 40' -3 story Max#Stories 2 3 2.5 2 3 3 3 _ by district 2 3 3 1.5/unit+ 1/10 for 2/2br 1/unit+ 1/20 1 covered + Parking Req guests 2/unit 1.5+ .5/br 2.5/3br 2/unit 2/unit 2/unit for guests .5/br 2/unit 2/unit Sq. Ft./Unit 800 avg 500 min 800 avg 700 min 600 avg n/a Efficiency 600 500 600 N/A 500 1 BR 750 700 650 600 650 475 725 650 2 BR 900 900 800 800 900 725 825 800 3 BR 1000 1000 1000 1000 1050 N/A 1100 1000 Units per acre MF-1 15 12 16 12 15.5 15 12 12 12 45 MF-2 18 22 15 19 18 16 18 45 MF-3 18 20 25 45 Other Districts 36 21.5 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICAN1 Texas Affordable Communities APPLICATION FILE #2002-03 25 Highland Park Village#100 Dallas,Texas 75205 ire # 3LK/ABS1 LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 25 Highland Park Village#100 1 Texas Affordable Communities Dallas,Texas 75205 Wylie Shopping Village P.O. Box 1411 2 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-2446-001-0010-1 Brookshire Grocery Company Tyler,Texas 75710-1411 Martinez#3 2121 9uail Run Road 3 Blk A Lot 4 R-4260-00A-0040-1 Henry Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 900 Mardi Gras Lane s . 44.4 Blk 1 Lot 7 R-1163-001-0070-1 Frances Simmons Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace P.O. Box 747 5 BIk 1 Lot 8 R-1163-001-0080-1 Lois Leopard Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace Stella Boecker 904 Mardi Gras Lane 6 BIk 1 9 R-1163-001-0090-1 c/o James Blakey Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 906 Mardi Gras Lane 7 Blk 1 10 R-1163-001-0100-1 Dorothy May Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 121 Brockway Drive 8 Blk 1 11 R-1163-001-0110-1 Hal Portman Rockwall,Texas 75032 Holiday Terrace 910 Mardi Gras Lane 9 BIk 1 12 R-1163-001-0120-1 D.W.Ward Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 1000 Mardi Gras Lane 10 Blk 1 13 R-1163-001-0130-1 Atha May Wigington Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 1002 Mardi Gras Lane 11 Blk 1 , 14 R-1163-001-0140-1 Pedro Estrada Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace P.O. Box 217 12 Blk 1 '15 R-1163-001-0150-1 Sarah Bartholomew Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace _ 1006 Mardi Gras Lane 13 Blk 1 16 R-1163-001-0160-1 Jennifer Boston Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 1008 Mardi Gras Lane 14 Blk 1 17 R-1163-001-0170-1 Bobby Sadler i . . Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace William Tunison P.O. Box 666 15 BIk 1 18 R-1163-001-0180-1 c/o Don Whitt Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 600 Valentine Lane ) 16 Blk 1 19 R-1163-001-0190-1 Gregory Hines Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 602 Valentine Lane 17 Blk 1 20 R-1163-001-0200-1 Kevin Zabcik Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 508 Valentine Lane 18 Blk 2 20 R-1163-002-0200-1 Joann Gibson Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace P.O.Box 2212 19 BIk 2 21 R-1163-002-0210-1 Randall Wallace Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 1007 Mardi Gras Lane 20 Blk 2 22 R-1163-002-0220-1 Stanley Schultz Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 817 University Street 21 Blk 2 23 R-1163-002-0230-1 Arthur Garner Mineola,Texas 75773 Holiday Terrace 1003 Mardi Gras Lane Y . 22 BIk 2 24 R-1163-002-0240-1 Mary Bradley Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace P.O. Box 273 23 BIk 2 25 R-1163-002-0250-1 J.C.Carr Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 911 Mardi Gras Lane 24 BIk 2 26 R-1163-002-0260-1 Dudley Sumners Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace P.O. Box 2212 25 BIk 2 27 R-1163-002-0270-1 Randall Wallace Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 311 Willow Wood Street 26 BIk 2 28 R-1163-002-0280-1 Ralph Rozier, Ill Plano,Texas 75094 Holiday Terrace 817 University Street 27 Blk 2 29 R-1163-002-0290-1 Mary Garner Mineola,Texas 75773 Holiday Terrace 607 Valentine Lane 28 Blk 3 Lot 1 R-1163-003-0010-1 Frank Prater Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 605 Valentine Lane 29 BIk 3 2 R-1163-003-0020-1 Joe Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 603 Valentine Lane 30 BIk 3 3 R-1163-003-0030-1 David Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Holiday Terrace 601 Valentine Lane 31 Blk 3 4 R-1163-003-0040-1 Helen Rogers Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 20920 Anza Ave#107 32 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-1179-001-0010-1 Timothy Long Torrance,CA 90503 Westwind Meadows 602 Willow Way X 33 BIk 1 2 R-1179-001-0020-1 Stephen Stalcup Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 600 Willow Way 34 BIk 1 3 R-1179-001-0030-1 Richard Riggs Wylie,Texas 75098 Wesiwind Meadows 508 Willow Way 35 BIk 1 4 R-1179-001-0040-1 Larry Fish Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows 2000 Hwy. 78 North 36 Blk 4 4 R-1179-004-0040-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 2000 Hwy. 78 North 37 Blk 1 I Lot 4A I R-1292-001-004A-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 20920 Anza Ave#107 38 Blk 1 I 24 I R-1292-001-0240-1 Timothy Long Torrance,CA 90503 Westwind Meadows#2 608 Willow Way 39 Blk 1 I 25 I R-1292-001-0250-1 Peggy Tsukahara Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 610 Willow Way 40 Blk 1 I 26 I R-1292-001-0260-1 Edward Wanner Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 612 Willow Way 41 Blk 1 I 27 I R-1292-001-0270-1 Dudley Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 8120 Nations Way Bldg. 100 42 BIk 1 I 28 I R-1292-001-0280-1 Homeside Lending,Inc. Jacksonville,FL 32256 Westwind Meadows #2 5908 Pleasant Valley Road 43 BIk 1 I 29 I R-1292-001-0290-1 Dale Van Slyke Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 618 Willow Way 44 Blk 1 I 30 ( R-1292-001-0300-1 Eileen Krei Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 620 Willow Way 45 Blk 1 I 31 I R-1292-001-0310-1 Bradley Durham Wylie,Texas 75098 Westwind Meadows#2 622 Willow Way 46 Blk 1 32 R-1292-001-0320-1 Jeffrey Hurse Wylie,Texas 75098 P.O. Box 454 47 Abst 267 Tract 6 R-6267-000-0060-1 Bariatric Care Center of Texas, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 P.O. Box 454 48 Abst 267 44 R-6267-000-0440-1 Bariatric Care Center of Texas, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 P.O.Box 454 49 Abst 267 45 R-6267-000-0450-1 Bariatric Care Center of Texas, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 /� P.O.Box 369 �1A 50 Abst 267 26 R-6267-000-0260-1 Ross Bagwell Claude,Texas 79019 / \ ) i ' Loi- 1 >> mAritile-.. 1 (i) ki a) (I) D 2 C v ry \ * Atry28 \ 4( � ._L2? i \ 45 ?fo,Z 2('' A 26' 1 \ lLf � A l Tr (/ g< . / 4J2/S � '�23 0 tlr1t . r ' ¢ 20 20P :4 o. 'r-,1 a ' ,. .• •4'4.4 •t - 3 4 0• / ij *1., j moo' ti, k 0 -••-. . -• .- 72 ' ' 3° s, `28 29 bob ,,,, gorgr /71 fliipi 06� 6t8 bt1� 6t� 6t2►��o 6 2t1 ,:, � � 3 `� " .NlioW Way ►c____ 2co, 0,z.- For ,3 cx.e.lnciV x V 2oa12 -o3 FROM : AGLAND PHONE NO. : 806 226 7661 Apr. 10 2002 12:05PM P2 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case __17 02002-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning - Case 82002-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 5,2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting; Tuesday.May 28,2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas 2çi&6- Name. ital.f (please print) Address: _r_____ -- Signature: ,r` Date: AlZ-0 Y CO ENTS: /� el:. �W� A` �-1 ,0, -. ' '._ �' ,�. yam/ earieinisei home- /pal o �f, 74 Cor 1/�--'ors i filingliri j.grelpiAMMralpf;" ' le' iI, -�/�� 1m imam _.era • ,(ac'. C L; e - - AF ' Ei Z rs //i L / p / , r* ; _ ..T1 .i !/,.: 'f - Ccoi., 7411-/k vow- lie pax edfrei:v/ Gtz:erJ'21'`a►)! PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-03. _ _ I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 5, 2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,May 28, 2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: C r eSSo r ` V\ €i (please print)') ( Address: CO 0 \e,l e..\1 it i e L. Q%,` l; t x 7-5-0 Signature: Date: COMMENTS: YIA;s 2_0 , 1.tc e k c.,i e o t-l-d n-eca 3t Q e l j e-C-Ce_c_4- n--1 cc e e r COY v c,1,c,L P, ck.n - te r e�G_ , a *�cA l k-ek \r.l~t-e coo /1- `Cic ...,,Lc,. C fim e t-n PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-03. h I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-03. • Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 5, 2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,May 28, 2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 1/100•Li ractIsti (please print) Address: 1 U0.3 t`la,r i GrOS Wj /iei1x 750C.5) Signature: r ��1. Date: J./1 Y0a COMMENTS: aril•dir ris+the. ke a o`f'he.v ru,�-f1n.r �—t'he..5h^we ttre bg; ..dose,—hp fez;cke.n+P,al pro 'y I;nc�T�.5;z e OF 2 (c c k O5"'1'�`1t>± kv! mo re-Fkan o'P. �'T'f1tR1 aloe-�le 1`,-for re . � p(A,n5 rt��S}btAJ WI'1P re. P)04. ( r l ,1 ►ico.,� i cue. ory C,anp U3* II fie as -4-eA h ( lr:Tc„y Sis orl`T'ues r� � 3c2 l ermort I. ;r]k 04 i22 r;re,Me n÷ Cool rn nv er_aed-�or--11-1c.G.�.,1 of- (�,e. btx* +c have. oc e`f * es ;nurf' -plume r ,s C;f C2,c 5 -For--(his d►ev,.I nee 4- ` ' �c )e.. .tee. .r-e. (�n-4- c lames ��iere. 15 re c Ge�' P `� one. co- 4, a.nck.--co(foul tfie Cole. . PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-03. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,May 5,2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,May 28, 2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ST6P140N) ¶E FL .Cti f (please print) f Address: (p0a (,Jt�1l ate' 1< rl i).{.(ie, , Tx 1S vl Signature: 9- Date: ''((a -(v,-- COMMENTS: rIA Jr _ _'MYa Action Item No. 1 Replat Lot 1A and 1B, Block A, FM 544/Springwell Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 7, 2002 Owner: Nejet Destani and Victor Widmer Surveyor/Engineer: Arthur Surveying Co., Inc. Location: North of F.M. 544 and west of Springwell Parkway Existing Zoning: Commercial Corridor(CC) Summary: The Replat under consideration will create two lots from the existing single Lot 1 of Block A of the FM 544/Springwell Addition. This replat is intended to create the 0.746 acre Lot 1B in order to accommodate the Wylie Car Wash, a site plan for which is also on the current agenda for review. The property is zoned for Commercial Corridor(CC) uses, and the car wash is permitted within the CC District. The FM 544/Springwell Addition was originally platted in June of 2001. There are currently no plans for development of the remaining Lot 1A, which is 1.148 acres in size. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipal authority unless it is disapproved within that time period". Replat Lots 1A and 1B, Block A, FM 544/Springwell Addition Issues: 1. Staff has reviewed the proposed Replat for Lots 1A and 1B, Block A, of the FM 544/Springwell Addition and found it to comply with all applicable State subdivision regulations as well as with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent technical ordinances of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Nat application fees—Paid. Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Replat i i OWNER CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION WHEREAS WE,Netjet Destani and Victor Widmer,are the owners of all that certain lot,tract or parcel of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract Number 849,City of Wylie, 1 - C-REEK-j-,., Collin County,Texas,and being all of Lot 1,Block A,FM 544/Springwell Addition.,an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet N, Fitarw 77 of the Mop Records of Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described os i ,41 •ESERVOIR ,. , i , Bad:iiit„I'':Nrt'17°Zhge:C5"2Y2.'Ol7f't1'cjiY,le''.74"EecOW's 1 YO'fhT'ilitheisr°,tr4,"-rer7i:t fhseatihelapO'itFt:rbee'aingArdeidCrAhned:lor''r„ , Tlinr,Nocf;Naromffit000MadrekgerteeRos aod,Nr,umber 544,(F.M.544); j „,,, R psubject Propert -,---, 1 i corner of Lot 2,Block A of sold FM 544/Springwell Addition; DALLAS AREA fi NC S Od 0 te 0 eo W a n eo L a fi i'7n 'en Tr ir!„i'lh,,,,te:00,:r:l'hswe:,,oar oy,,4tt hoht,t,,,,,a;nos1:,,,forr:ei r::tibii.2:17:::gm:i7,,,nreiuuttft:Fisese;ifsst:Ic";),17nnn':er:::"ePt:sltd:::11:a?r,rso'ttr:Ahh 7er fe'auesfer';,:oa,,,,pini tdr,iidn iler,hr:aoh:::okitii:r,o,t,rO:raw:ed:, distance of 286.20 feet to a,inch copped iron rod found at the southwest corner thereof, said point being in the north line of F.M.544; i 30 , Tcli-IsTr7e Nofrt29733d7Zri:tnemil'ournrTs OF'O'NrgisNG"17,-t,t7V.,,:gn1°.r8t9'41Zre Icii ivciLin,'Lr 11 :,,,,,,,,,,,,;,'''''' NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE,Nejet Destani and Victor 10,'Ri ht or kp,)--.SITRATLROAD fi Widmer,do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as Lots IA and fi1B,Block A of FM 544/Springwell Addition on addition to the City of Wylie,Texas,and do 1 H'Th11"1 Tietreebs"tr:tda'rid.Onlleiyese asrl7Z4rtert`s',,!:,:°`,7,vreprs:Ts,t,reeeetas.,417,5,dsh:', `F.Iree's"r•e.s, S 8417'42"E..,29,0, pi".11:5;g7e7eFihrOr'sFtbni:iOsE,,f:r7e:P:"O:fIsrnro''':ir,:l')re'rgcPiswtettn:Fiardion7t:Fi'ttsderr,Nir,ts ! Fi7''''' 'N ..,,..-/ ma b pl d' L nd E m nt if roved b the eCit of W,ie In addition'Utility Eas"emeentsacr:ay'rOlse'.b:Ts7d fcosrethee rn'utuacnse and'accommodation of.all public tAllities ,„90, '4 bjt,hc71 Vil/cVlec ciuniVrusblibcenitheVi1ri'::esill thl,Pe't'll-i':'srig7tdtnn"foveiteri'd l'<'::jst'r7rn-7'O',fi.ed fi -----__ VICINITY MAP SCALE 1"=2000' , ,i9.f, 1,;.?,,,, reterru7rightl In;e7Ond Teg7esCsitrocOrToernart'herre'sPect'era':Mer,r;tratthell p1,1:rPeossavoet , ------------------ -----'----------____ ms'",,,,,, , - I S 8,17,1,E,.-230.07' r,araeana7n7r?egl,111:;icrftrScrrVOnhyter,"P"t'5'teMS With.'the'aaaaaitY a,cirlY t.e of I fiZ.r,fififif i ------- _ _------- iTahnet i:erednetr:'or's"dedd'ic=nncd%hr.Oawr'nt he'rdeo7reriehtahradt:ref'Ocse%L7,sattruschtalrZinTaeinfirtge ': ' limited to the parking of motor vehicles,trailers,boots or other impediments to the access rtseup.cr.h sfeirnet,i'e"'rsttahtengh"iFe'frO11-17LN'orPl'iirskird'u"ly.Tahueth'ciZrrr:phes:Jtcteds''.o'r:=Lf" fi ' , N,l autneorizeat'l'o Cduse such fire lanes and utility eosernents to oe maintained free and" unobstructed at all times for the fire department and emergency use. y'rronfth,7,iyire','Te':,?s''"i""rnml"icfin ,Trg:resd'ref'rcet,,heerd7,71 V.17,1=:,lreps:Ztrrii.e7::r,d'tohcecre;:,°10grd7VirTgefgrttri,;:. N, , , . , \ ,-!1,rrs''se,seVers7 ocrtJr°4,`:41'in:tsoi,°r?;",te',-,71',7enowsnr7,=Z-""tht'es ha"'" Date `jt, , Tchti;glfatwyreoroveedassubject to all platting ordinances,rules,regulations,and resolutions of the , Lot lA " Lot 1B ,; i '-. 8 1.148 Acres ;`' 0.746 Acres 12 , I nrof W,ie,Texas 07xjr7er'est' ,E, '6 b'C BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared Nejet Destani,known M 5TiZSAT,P.R27BLZC,LK7r/P" - P,, Da t e i 1/1 K,VgiN.UNDEF2 MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on the day of , -15,-- -,-, 0 n"y'rof Wylie,Texas ri‘,41;t7O'mPettInnEaxr'p'iirefs7'"tate'Tex" ,Cb 1 The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of W,ie,Texas,hereby certifies that the 'Ci;iiiiittierr'dm' I 1 ,',‘,1 foregoing Replat of Lots IA and 1B,Block A FM 544/Springwell Addition,on addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the doy of fi _,/ \',.__ 2002,and the Council,by formal action,then and there accepted the dedication of the ti7r(r)17t'o'lEbetFeieVi'sr:inl-cl'osae'tnic"eZis"sutbscridbae'd Pteorl'hne'llfrZg,7,`,7,c1,:tiCre4t'd".'"' , 7,t,rrir,tr;°.Iri,enp7nr*:,;ide°,7,7,-,tds' ilL,InT7',7:7utt70r7Z stehnZyr i°„'47"Z'"t =,,,,v,,`T',e mcecipici'Vy',eh/es jhe,er,7fite,gt;:jorfi,hde or rtfi'he ic7ficj 7,,P.drePe°,seofcfinsLc7os jii'fir,e=ther. --- '', GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on the_ _doy of , Witness rny hand this_ day of A.D.,2002. i \ /'fi'fiL."'"' 2001. ) 1 tt)); c';,tr,Y-,as IrVi'ythcrO'mP,,,ibstr,nf;jr.f::t"stat"f Te"" --,-,-----I- - 1- 1--------- ------ 44-i i • L, 1 .T.Z,E;;..ar 1 1 I I I , I 1 F.M ROAD NO.544 1 (120'Right of Way) REPLAT i FM 544/Springwell Addition SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: Lots 1A&1B,Block A al:7.95,0Vraronlinu`bleftetbInZT„s,°,,V,Z,Cdgs,',..s,°,,,,l'iltVtd°1.51,:=7; This is to certify the I,Douglas L.Arthur,a.Registered Professioniol Land Saryeh,"ificili td. ; 1-tiVetl-"ifs TioelOrCcii'=41Vetperdestehnets=ish'ebt.7,:r;,-r,7°Dr; euac.r suurridV‘;tc1;ecgtrinmai-id"d 1.894 Acres MOSES SPARKS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO, 849 CITY OF WYLIE , COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Douglas L,Arthur Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.4357 --April 2002-- .. A I 1 \rthur Surveying Co., IProfessional Land Survey ''-'-''-''-''Al L,.Ill 1 972-221,939-.1,6..972-221-4675 AY 0 I 2002 220 Elm 56•66,5.00 6 200-P.O.B..54 L6v6,,..16,7-6..75067 , 1 • or CRY WOO Action Item No. 2 Site Plan - Wylie Car Wash Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 7, 2002 Owner: Nejet Destani and Victor Widmer Land Planner Arthur& Wallendorf Consultants, Inc. Location: 5951 F.M. 544 Existing Zoning: Commercial Corridor(CC) Summary: The Site Plan under consideration will allow a multi-bay manual car wash facility on the 0.746 acre property. A request is on the current agenda to create the subject lot by replatting the existing Lot 1, Block A of the FM 544/Springwell Addition. The subject property was created by a plat filed in June of 2001. The property was rezoned to the new Commercial Corridor (CC) District from the previous Business-2 (B-2) District in November of 2001 when the City Council adopted the revised Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map. A car wash is permitted in both the CC and B-2 Districts. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development located within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes to the site plan shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan—Wylie Car Wash Issues: 1. Staff has reviewed the proposed site plan for the Wylie Car Wash and found it to be in compliance with the regulations of the applicable Zoning Ordinance, as well as to other pertinent requirements of the City of Wylie. 2. The properties surrounding the subject tract have been rezoned to Commercial Corridor (CC) District, and are developed or developing for similar commercial uses. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees -Paid Development Impact Fees must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan ,A.LLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT RAILROAD 1:- 1/2"CAPPED ToTA,LoT ARE:1TE SUMMARY TABLE TOTAL BUILDING AREA TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 1STBAANYDARD SPACES F'ROVIDED HANDICAP SPACES PFROVIDED TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 0.746 ACFRES 3,813 S.F. 6,586 S.F. 1 SPACES 4 SPACES 1 SPACES ..-.4 Fg , cci H a,-,,,,'„,_' 20 10 0 20 40 ,77.-------______6; L=536.66 S84 7 A7142, FIFRE LANE MARKING NOTES: 1 THE FIRE CHIEF IS AUTHORIZED TO DESIGNATE FIRE LANES. i E',P. . SALE:1''=20 2.. FIRELANES SHALL BE MARKED BY SIX INCH(6")WIDE LINES USING RED .,... 0. - 174.90' ri.,;2;CAPPED —— ____ ...5.'8.47742'E owT RN,LALFT FHB, LF,,oNAuE,NRsT,,A:Tc HT,NH,TsET RH(4vE,A;,..s:F:G.DHF,N Twcw,TE"HNNoTAyp.FAN,RvEKE i Ni N,GEc.E'HTA(N(12D,,5),"):RDEETLHAsENT REL o'E•TKpTEAE Ri NvTEGD tf,u 4, •,!, - --- _ PAINTED WITH WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT. :IA I 17,Dm.,md utillt y, _______71- - --- --- I 34: FA NIR YE DL AE AN DE S-ESNvHD,DA ELFLI RA EB ET Li_AARNNEM Al NMR'0M0RUuEMN DT°H0FA,NT E0,GNHE T yH_U EN GD HR ET D r EF EI EFT Y(-8,3F E)E Ti,(150') 'Sc''''''.'"'Eas '4'4' ---- 16(1)Zi?ElTRALLAT PTRH°E CLOSED E.,IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF WYLIE I DUMPSTER TO BE SCREENED BY .45,.i/Or't - - MASONRY OFR CONCRETE WALLS ON r ---- ---.,_-_._,:_,_ CUL-DE-SAC PLAN. . 009,got/Utilifrposecoc t I 1 N--______ CONNECT TO PROP.6.CUR 6.CURB ( ) TYP. ---..._,_,___- ' _- _ 21, , .1, '''"-----*------1- I SITE DESIGN POINT REQUIFREMENT TABLE ELEMENT BUILDING PLACEMENT POINTS Z E-I C)C4 PARKIN G PLACEMENT / R5' ,, TROT 7.2 ' , '''''. ACCESS DF21 VES 20 PTS LOCATION OF SERVICE&LOADING AREAS r24 .= ,4 / 0 c) ''',. TOTAL POINTS 80 PTS W,...,I-4,s".' 1.. s..-,,.......1 .<4.. -.,4 0:1 ...,--• K (1W igHTY t. • I. /\ / ll I I I, R1,7 '1'1-IC I Cab.N,Pg.77 0 C. EQU''''' 4'.WHITE STRIPE is, I .T.--. i :2 CO12.5_ • 2.63 ; f 0 ',,,, PROP.LOT 1A 1.148 ACRES •••••• • I. 6"CURB(TYR).- .... i 6.CURB(TYP.) r, ;'-•-•;,..„ al,,o• t'• g gi I 2 ,T, ;'I I e •; I 1,, r , ''' PROPOSED 5. / ''', r ''IL1 '1,/,////////:1,„<>/„//7/2/:;•';:.4'%''•'''' ;•., ';,;', IT',i CONCRETE PAVING I (TYPICAL ALL AREAS) ; ,I I ,, /,'';••••=1\;•••-••-=••;;•''•-•--';--;;';-' .2,7 •"(u,,,,, I ' Vr HANDICAP W S 'Cs'i PROP.LOT 1B 1 I-1N `,, ,' 'L 1 I : ' Z.....f C/D 2 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING 0.746 ACRES ts `',, , SYMBOL DETAIL ...-:, HANDICAP .0', ,,.,,Access Easementj/ I, cod Fre Laoo7 VI I--- NOT TO SCALE Z = 1.-.4: , 0' 3 IA '4. FIRE LAW Bia I 1 F— CONNECT TO PROP.6.CURB 24'"tuaZ AFVL7c,Z"'"i W--T;Ilk ALL LETTERS 1 1/2" Z[;(12.C(7477 'tV 6"CU.(Tr..) , Z 0 ' '''';(11,81';':;7TEEt nia2ELE /--- ti --N P-OP SIGN IP.- '''''V'r /.. "1 • , , , . ',./; if 4\ 0 ' I 1 i / ,, El o A , ',02 I !' ' i '',/ , 1 r 1 _. -,.. ............-- 17,70' N89.54,714, ',..",,... „.....,.....—‘,`,,,,i,,,.,..., 11863, PROPOS N89:5477"W TEAS INLE1r1 J-H.- ' " '--CONNECT TO PROP.4'WALK ,,;;;;7 ED 4'WALK 1- H go b i 20'R 0.1Y DEOTATNN,117117E7 CITY OF WYLIE , . ,, O\ .2/---- . a ,6 1..... -- ....' .- g _0,— f ,_ , < , A ., , . , . . ,, . . .,. , , ' ° ' ' '° ' LE . ;ezt o 0 - - — ., , , ' ' F.M.ROAD NO.544° ° - .° , . ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 1 , FOR REVIEVV ONLY 3 Not for construction or permit purposes. 's, i i CONSULTANTS,INC. B.g L,0 TI 0 rthur&Wallendor „..,____ . 1 C.Engineers Land Survey=Land „g,„er CRA.A,WALLENDORF MAY 01 2J02!II,c 3 p,No 88677 n.,, 5-1-0 --,_----