07-16-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission �t��WrYre July 16, 2002 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 2, 2002 Regular Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (AG/28) and Planned Development District (PD 2001-51) for Single-Family Residential and Village Center Mixed Uses to Planned Development District for Single-Family Residential and Village Center Mixed Uses, being an amendment to PD 2001- 51 to add 5.791 acres to the Development Plan and amend the Conditions for Development, being a certain 470.00 acre tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas and being a part of the J. G. Jouett Survey, Abstract No. 475, the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23 and the Aaron West Survey, Abstract No. 979 and being part of those certain tracts of land conveyed to Joanne Vanderweele, Successor Independent Administratrix, as described in the Executor's Deed as recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 95-0005773 and being a part of those certain tracts of land described in a deed to George S. Richards as recorded in Volume 775, Page 55, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and being all of a called 1.00 acre tract of land described in a deed to F.D. Feagin etux, as recorded in Volume 914, Page 697 of said Deed Records and also being all of Tract 2 and part of Tracts 1 and 4 described in a deed to Jimmie Jane Feagin as recorded in Volume 775, Page 58 of said Deed Records and being a part of a called 2.10 acre tract of land described in a deed to F.D. Feagin etux as recorded in Volume 757, Page 824 of said Deed Records and being all of that certain tract of land described in a deed to Edwina Collins Cook as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 93- 0039237 and being all of that certain tract of land described in the Quit Claim Deed to Silas M. Hart and Charlene H. Hart, a called 69.25 acre tract of land as recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 96-0091287 and being all of that certain 5.791 acre tract of land described in a deed to Charlane Collins Dew as recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 93-0039230, bringing the total acreage for PD 2001-51 to 475.80 acres. P&Z Commission Meeting July 16, 2002 Page 2 of 2 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for the Self Service Car Wash, generally located south of Kirby Street (F.M. 544) and east of State Highway 78, being Lot 6, Block A of the Martinez Addition, Phase III, situated in the Franklin Bowles Survey, Abstract No. 69, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Custom Fit Products, Inc., located at 2811 Capital Drive, being Lot 7, Block B of the Regency Business Park Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday, July 12, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL,COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting July 2, 2002 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Jeff Adamcik Claude Thompson, Director William Chapman Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Michael George Terry Capehart, Planner Don Hughes Carter Porter Commission Members Absent: Mike Phillips Tony Snider CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. PLEDGE AND INVOCATION Commissioner George offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 18, 2002 Regular Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Agenda July 2,2002 Page 2 of 8 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) to Corridor Commercial (CC) District, being lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9B of Block 34 of the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Zoning Case No. 2002-04. Thompson stated that the subject area is held in two private ownerships as well as the public street and alley rights-of-way, and totals approximately 1.6 acres. The principal applicant (Dr. Teague) owns all of Lots 1 through 7 which front Ballard Avenue, and intends to use Lots 5, 6, 7, and half of Lot 4 for a new dental office. There are no plans for the use of the remainder of Lot 4 and Lots 1 through 3, except that the applicants purchased these in order to better assure that development on these lots is compatible with the dental office. All of these lots are currently vacant, but have been previously occupied by single-family residences. The remaining Lots 8 and 9B are owned by the Birmingham Trust, and are occupied by a single- family residence and detached garage. The property surrounding the subject property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC), on the northwest, west, north, southwest and south. The properties to east across Ballard are zoned Multi-Family Residential (MF) District and are occupied by single-family residences and apartments. The applicant originally requested rezoning of a portion of the subject property to the less intensive Neighborhood Services District in order to develop the proposed dental office, but staff interpreted the creation of such a limited and isolated district to be illegal "spot zoning" and recommended expansion of the contiguous Commercial Corridor District. The applicant subsequently gained ownership of a larger portion of the subject property, thereby better assuring control of compatible development on neighboring tracts. The Birmingham Trust agrees with the rezoning of their parcels in order to reconfigure the Commercial Corridor District and avoid isolated residential within nonresidential user and vice versa. The alley between Ballard and Jackson Street is currently unimproved, but contains public water and sewer services as well as private gas and electric services. The applicant has requested the abandonment of the alley in order to use it as an entry drive and parking. If the abandonment is allowed the utilities will be located within easements on both of the properties. Thompson stated that Public Comment Forms were mailed to forty-three (43) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Three Comment Forms, representing fourteen of the notified parcels, have been returned, all favoring the requested rezoning. P&Z Agenda July 2, 2002 Page 3 of 8 Dr. Keith Teague, 405 Birmingham, Wylie, owner and applicant, stated that there are no plans for the Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the subject property. Michelle Mayhand, 401 S. Ballard, Wylie, expressed concerns of screening the subject office use from the residential property across the street. Dr. Teague offered to provide a live screening on the property facing Ballard, but stated that no final plans on landscaping have been made. Commissioners recommended that landscape screening also be added along Calloway Street to screen the office from the residential property to the south. Thompson stated that the Zoning Ordinance does not allow screening within the front yard facing Ballard, nor would the code require screening in the south sideyard because the neighboring residence is separated by the public Calloway Street. He stated that another public hearing must be held to Replat the property because it has been zoned residential, and that a more detailed drawing including the landscaping can be reviewed at that time. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the Zoning Change with stipulation that live screening be added on the south side of the property and the Site Plan detail this landscape when the Replat is submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Birmingham Farms Phase 7, generally located north of Brown Street (F.M. 3412) and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Tabled by the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 18, 2002. Thompson stated that the Site Plan will create a single lot totaling 11.845 acres for a mini storage unit consisting of enclosed buildings and open covered storage for recreational vehicles. This item was tabled at the June 18, 2002, Commission meeting to allow the applicant to consider the Commissioner's concerns for screening of the sides of the storage buildings visible from the street and relocating some of the parking to the interior of the facility. The revised Site Plan provides a living screen along the east property line as well as delineation of the security fence surrounding the property. The revised Site Plan also provides parking closer to the storage units, inside of the wall and security gate. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to approve the revised Site Plan. Motion passed 5 —0. P&Z Agenda July 2, 2002 Page 4 of 8 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Birmingham Farms Phase 10, generally located north of Brown Street (F.M. 3412) and east of Sanden Boulevard, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Tabled by the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 18, 2002. Thompson stated that the Site Plan will create one lot of 13.551 acres for Multi-Family Residential uses. This item was tabled at the June 18, 2002 Commission meeting to allow the applicant to consider the Commissioner's concerns about the actual number of proposed units with provision for the required parking. The revised Site Plan indicates there will be 196 dwelling units reflecting a density of approximately 14.5 units per acre. The Site Plan now indicates the building heights and bedroom configuration for the dwellings. Thompson stated that staff has agreed to recommending a compromise allowing the use of the new parking requirements but all other requirements of the previous code. The required number of parking spaces required by the current code for this development is 324 spaces, and the proposal provides 356 spaces at the new 10 feet by 20 feet dimensions. The previous code under which the Multi-Family use was vested required 490 parking spaces for the proposed 196 dwellings but allowed 9 feet by 18 feet spaces. Commissioner George asked what the difference was for the parking on the Site Plan reviewed on June 18, 2002 and the revised Site Plan. Commissioner George requested a break while Thompson retrieved the earlier reviewed Site Plan. Thompson stated that the parking on the previous Site Plan showed 362 parking spaces with 144 dwelling units, in order to accommodate the previous requirement of 2.5 spaces for each dwelling unit. The revised Site Plan has 196 dwelling units with 367 parking spaces, which conforms to the parking requirements of the Zoning Ordinance adopted in November 2001 with parking based on the number of bedrooms. Commissioner George adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. for a break and the meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. Commissioner George raised questions regarding the old architectural requirements and the new architectural requirements. Thompson stated that the development will comply with the old setback requirements, but the new revised architectural requirements will be imposed as well as the new parking requirements. He noted that there was little difference between old and new requirements, with the major differences being setbacks and parking. John Wells, 5950 Berkshire, Suite 210, Dallas, Texas, represented the applicant, stated that the architectural, landscape and parking requirements under the current Zoning Ordinance will be followed. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the Site Plan. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Agenda July 2,2002 Page 5 of 8 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for the 78 Corner Addition, Lots 1R and 2R, Block A, being a Replat of the Walgreen's-Wylie Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block A, being all of a certain 6.076 acre tract of land as described in a deed to LSI Development, Inc. as recorded in Cabinet N, Page 378 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and a portion of that certain tract of land conveyed to Collin County as recorded in File No. 2001-0100218 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Final Plat for the Walgreen's-Wylie addition was approved by the City Council on June 26, 2001, creating a multi-tenant retail center totaling 5.422 acres. However the earlier Plat did not include the abandoned Kansas City Southern Railroad ROW and therefore lacked access to State Highway 78. The subject Replat will add this 0.654-acre of railroad ROW land in order to provide access to State Highway 78, and rename the Walgreen's-Wylie Addition to the 78 Corner Addition. The Plat provides primary access from Cooper Drive, as well as an access easement from State Highway 78, which will also serve as common access for future development of Lot 2. Commissioner Porter asked for clarification on the use of the easement closer to the F.M. 544 and State Highway 78 intersection because the signs appear to indicate restricted one-way movement. Juan Gonzalez, with Nathan D. Maier, Inc, 8080 Park Lane, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas, Engineer for the applicant, stated that the entrance on the northern portion of the property is an emergency access easement from the property. The easement closer to the F.M. 544 and State Highway 78 intersection is an entrance only onto the subject property. Gonzalez stated that for safety reasons there is no entrance onto State Highway 78 from the subject property at the easement closer to the State Highway 78 and F.M. 544 intersection. Thompson stated that the City is requesting a hearing on the applicant's behalf from the State as to where a median cut and a curb cut can be located. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to recommend approval of the Replat as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase IV Addition, being all of a certain 8.674 acre tract of land generally located east of Ballard Street and south of F.M. 544, as described in a deed to Twin Lakes, L.P., being part of a certain 10.613 acre tract as described in File No. 97-0054771, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Final Plat includes 8.674 acres and will create 29 single-family residential lots at least 8,500 square feet in size. P&Z Agenda July 2,2002 Page 6 of 8 Commissioners questioned the name of the streets on the Plat. Thompson stated that street names are the applicants' responsibility, and that the streets were named after Ski Resorts except for the one questionable street name was Alamo. Robert Betancur, 1413 Buckner, North Richland Hills, Texas, represented the applicant, stated that the streets Silver City Drive and Alamo will be changed. A motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, seconded by Commissioner Adamcik, to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Motion passed 5 —O. 5. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Lake Trails of Bozman Farm Addition, being all of a certain 50.32 acre tract of land generally located east of F.M 544 and south of Stone Road, being all of that tract of land described in a deed to Edwina Collins Cook as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 93-0039237 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23 and the Aaron West Survey, Abstract No. 979, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Final Plat includes 50.32 acres and will create 104 single-family residential lots and 4 common areas as well as the major entry drive into the Bozman Farm Planned Development (PD 2001-51). Collins Boulevard will be completed and constructed to provide access to the subject property. A portion of Collins is located outside of the subject Plat on property recently annexed into the City and scheduled to be incorporated into the Planned Development District soon. Skip Klinefelter, Red Group Developer Services, 1771 International Parkway, Richardson, Texas, represented the applicant, stated that the overall PD calls for 25 percent of 6,000 square feet lots, 35 percent of 7,500 square feet lots and 40 percent of 8,500 square feet lots. The Plat presented represents no lots of 6,000 square feet, only 8 percent of lots with 7,500 square feet homes, and 92 percent are 8,500 square feet or larger. Commissioner George asked about the history of the naming of Collins Boulevard. Klinefelter stated that the previous owner of the property was named Collins and wanted to keep the heritage of the land, similar to the use of Bozeman for the overall development. A motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, seconded by Commissioner Adamcik, to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Motion was passed 5 —O. P&Z Agenda July 2,2002 Page 7 of 8 6. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Plastering, located at 45 Steel Road, being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the subject Site Plan is for an office/warehouse building with approximately 5,000 square feet of office space and 18,000 square feet of warehouse, as well as parking and landscaping on the 8.00-acre lot. Since the lot was never platted, the Site Plan reflects the requirements of the new Zoning Ordinance and the development will comply with these new code requirements. A Preliminary Plat is also on the current agenda for review. Charles Barber, 7275 Moss Ridge, Parker, Texas, owner/applicant for the subject property, stated that there are twelve overhead doors on the warehouse building to the south. There will be 18- wheel trucks coming in one side of the building, to unload and then exit out the other side of the building. Barber stated that there will be concrete between the warehouse and fire lane noted on the Plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to approve the Site Plan. Motion was passed 5 —O. 7. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Barber Addition, being all of a certain 8.00 acre tract of land, generally located south of F.M. 544 and east of Regency Drive, as described in a deed to Austin Wylie Realty, LTD, as recorded in Volume 4921, Page 1206 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Preliminary Plat for the Barber Addition includes 8.00 acres and will create a single lot for Office/Warehouse uses. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the Site Plan approved by the previous action on the current agenda, and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements. A motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, seconded by Commissioner Adamcik, to recommend approval. Motion passed 5 —O. MISCELLANEOUS Commissioners acknowledged new Commissioner Jeff Adamcik and extended a very warm welcome to him. P&Z Agenda July 2,2002 Page 8 of 8 ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Chapman. Motion passed 5 —0, and meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.. • r * • I i Michael George, Chairman M Bradley, Secr:`. __ Yr if .CO of Wyke Public Hearing Item No. 1 Rezoning 02-05 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: July 16, 2002 Owner: Charlane Dew and Realty Development Trust Applicant: Realty Development Trust Location: South of Stone Road(C.R. 382) and north of Beaver Creek Road(C.R. 1105), East of W.A. Allen Road(F.M. 544)and west of Shoreline Drive(C.R. 732) Existing Zoning: Planned Development District (PD 01-51) for Single-Family Residential and mixed-use Village Center, including common open spaces Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for Single- Family Residential and mixed-use Village Center Summary: The applicant is requesting a revision to the existing Planned Development District (PD 2001-51) for Bozeman Farm Estates. This proposed amendments revise the Conceptual Development Plan to include an addition 5.8 acres, and makes a procedural change to the Conditions for the Planned Development District. The original 470 acre Bozeman Farm Estates Planned Development was created by a Planned Development District (PD 2001-51) approved by the City Council on December 11, 2001. The original PD permits a variety of single-family lot sizes(6,000, 7,500 and 8,500 square feet without alleys), approximately 250 apartments, a convenience retail center, a school or YMCA site, connected by wide boulevards and extensive open spaces for trail linkages, complimenting the several isolated developable tracts separated by undevelopable terrain and major utility easements. ZC 02-05 The proposed revisions maintain the earlier Planned Development District substantially as adopted, except for the following changes: A. The Development Plan is amended to add 5.8 acres of land along the western side of the tract. This new area will be used to accommodate the primary western entry to Bozeman Farms Estates relocated from further north, as illustrated on the Development Plan(Exhibit B). B. The Conditions for Development are amended to allow the Development Plan (Exhibit B) to serve as a preliminary plat for each future phase of the development rather than require review of both preliminary and final plats on each phase. Section IV has been changed to state that the Development Plan shall serve as the preliminary plat, and Section V.i.5. has been changed to state that distribution of lot and dwelling sizes shall be as illustrated on the final plats rather than on the PD Development Plan. The newly added property was recently annexed into the City of Wylie specifically as an addition to this PD, and is zoned Agriculture (A) as a temporary District until a permanent zoning is established. It is surrounded on three sides by land controlled by the PD and on the west by the continuing residence of the previous owner(fronting F.M. 544). Public Comment Forms were mailed to eighteen (18) property owners within 200 feet of this request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting. Issues: 1. The property added to the Planned Development District by this amendment is a long and narrow configuration, making its future redevelopment difficult if not impossible. Its inclusion within the PD allows a better long-term utilization of the new tract as well as the larger tract to which it is being joined. The newly added property will be utilized primarily for the wide entry roadway. 2. The original Planned Development District was earlier approved because it provides a unified and coordinated development scheme to this large property which is divided by significant floodplain and gas and electric transmission corridors. If these earlier independent ownerships were allowed to develop in an uncoordinated piece-meal fashion, the result would most probably result in disconnected developments which are inefficient and more costly to serve with public infrastructure. 3. The PD Development Plan envisions centralized retail uses surrounded by apartments and possibly a school, with single-family developments of varied densities surrounding this Village Center, much as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. The earlier approved PD and proposed amendment is consistent with this recommendation of the Plan. ZC 02-05 4. The Zoning Ordinance requires that all future subdivision plats for developments within this Planned Development District conform to the adopted Development Plan. This PD represents a compromise which is the result of extensive review by staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and staff believes that further discussion of details will achieve little change. Therefore, it is a logical to allow the Development Plan to also serve as the preliminary plat and allow the review process to proceed directly to final plat submission, and there is precedent for this allowance. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The proposed revisions do not significantly modify the Development Plan and Conditions earlier approved by the Council. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Conditions of the Planned Development Development Plan Notification List and Map fl'i111a 11MA p U pimnrai.v�Jr nr. limn.* p` uri IIIiI�-- IN =� ',� IN 1111-1:1.11. it Ear : um Vit-4. l -MIMI II • . .�. III 1 PI I - \ III 11" AIl!����I■ �r :i I ,! I. .I!IIJa '1I _ II4. _� lin 17,_„1,1,11;11,,IITifiliiiiiiiik....c,c," II „,„„. _ _ ____ ° j■ 7:_ ill ■ ■i ;It :rl ,� : ■ .......ik, i 111 IIII o l 10 F ��r _ .1 mommilk\ ;oft IOW& 11110 itir1110k. . u I II "4.9110 Illli _ �' C❑LLIN COUNTY ' R❑CKWALL C❑UNTY 410 4 LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2002-05 Exhibit "B" �G - CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRI Bozeman Farms Estates � Zoning Case#2002-05 1'Li AEG 1 3 200 ;� Planned Development Requirements: Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is to permit the development of BOZEMAN FARMS ESTATES. II. Statement of Effect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as adopted and amended, except as specifically provided herein; III. General Regulations: All regulations providing for a Village Center District as set forth in Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts and Section 4.1 Village Center Non-Residential Districts of the currently pending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply, except as otherwise specified under the special provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein and the conditions of the currently pending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all the zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development. IV. Development Plan: Development shall be in conformance with the Development Plan attached herewith; however, in the event of conflict between the Development Plan and the written conditions of this ordinance, the written conditions shall apply. The Development Plan shall serve as a Preliminary Plat for each phase of development. V. Specific Regulations: i. General Residential Regulations 1. Density: The maximum number of Single Family Dwelling units permitted in this Planned Development shall not exceed 1,350 S.F. Units. The gross area density of the Multi-family Dwelling Units shall not exceed 250 M.F. Units. The Planned Development shall not exceed an average gross density of 4.0 du/a. If the multi-family site is developed as single family then the gross area density of single-family units may be increased to 1,395 units. 2. Lot Mix: A maximum of 25% of the Single Family lots will not be less than 6,000 sf; a maximum of 35% of the Single Family lots will not be less than 7,500 sf; a minimum of 40% of the Single Family lots will be not less than 8,500 sf. For the purposes of determining these percentages, all calculations shall be on a cumulative basis. 3. Minimum Average Lot.Area: The minimum average lot area shall not less than an average of 7,630 sf. 4. Alleys shall not be required as part of this Planned Development. 5. Distribution of the Single Family Dwelling Unit types (as specified in the following text; Type A, Type B, and Type C) shall be distributed within the development as shown on the Final Plat submitted with each phase. ii. Single Family 1. Lot Area: The minimum permitted lot areas are: a. Lot Type "A": 8,500 s.f. b. Lot Type`B": 7,500 s.f. c. Lot Type "C": 6,000 s.f 2. Lot Width: The minimum permitted lot widths are: a. Lot Type "A": 70 feet b. Lot Type`B": 65 feet c. Lot Type"C": 50 feet 3. Lot Width of Corner Lots: The minimum lot widths of corner lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 75 feet b. Lot Type "B": 70 feet c. Lot Type "C": 55 feet 4. Lot Depth: The minimum permitted lot depths are: a. Lot Type "A": 100 feet b. Lot Type `B": 100 feet c. Lot Type "C": 100 feet 5. Lot Depth in Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted lot depths on double front lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 120 feet b. Lot Type `B": 120 feet c. Lot Type "C": 120 feet 6. Minimum Dwelling Unit Square Frontage: The minimum permitted dwelling unit square footages are: a. Lot Type "A": 1,700 s.f. b. Lot Type `B": 1,700 s.f. c. Lot Type "C": 1,700 s.f 7. Main Structure Front Yard: Front Yard Setbacks within each of the Lot Type Zones may be varied between 15 feet and 35 feet with the following percent of 15 foot setbacks being permitted within any single block: a. Lot Type "A": 50% (15 foot min.) b. Lot Type `B": 45% (15 foot min.) c. Lot Type "C": 35% (15 foot min.) 8. Main Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yards are: a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot width (7.0 foot min.) b. Lot Type `B": 10% lot width (6.5 foot min.) c. Lot Type "C": 10% lot width(5.0 foot min.) 9. Main Structure Side yard on Corner Lot: The minimum permitted side yard setbacks adjacent to a street are: a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot width (11.25 ft. min.) b. Lot Type `B": 10% lot width (10.5 ft. min.) c. Lot Type "C": 10% lot width (8.25 ft. min.) 10. Side Yard of Allowable Non-Residential Use: a. Lot Type "A": 30 feet b. Lot Type"B": 30 feet c. Lot Type "C": 30 feet 11. Main Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yards shall be the lesser of: a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot depth or 20 ft. b. Lot Type `B": 10% lot depth or 20 ft. c. Lot Type"C": 10% lot depth or 20 ft. This minimum rear yard is increased to 18 feet where applicable when a garage and drive face the rear yard, serviced by an alley (when alleys are provided). 12. Main Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted rear yards on double front lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 30 feet b. Lot Type`B": 30 feet c. Lot Type "C": 30 feet 13. Accessory Structure Front Yard: Accessory structures shall be located behind the building line of the main structure for all lot types. 14. Accessory Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yard for accessory structures shall be 5 feet for all lot types. 15. Accessory Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yard for accessory structures shall be 10% of the lot depth for all lot types. 16. Accessory Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted rear yard for accessory structures on double front lots shall be 25 feet for all lot types. 17. Accessory Structure Side Yard on Corner Lots: The minimum accessory structure side yards on corner lots are: a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot width (7.5 ft. min.) b. Lot Type `B": 10% lot width (7.0 ft. min.) c. Lot Type "C": 10% lot width (5.5 ft. min.) 18. Accessory Structure Minimum Distance from Main Building: The minimum separation between the main building and an accessory building shall be 5 feet for all lot types. 19. Accessory Structures Building Area: The maximum cumulative building size for accessory structures on any lot shall not exceed 15% of the lot area or 600 s.f. maximum. This does not limit amenity centers that are part of a single family development. 20. Main Structure Height: The maximum building height of any residential main structure shall not exceed 36 feet on all lot types. 21. Accessory Structure Height: The maximum building height of any accessory structure shall not exceed a maximum height of 36 feet or 2 stories on all lot types. MF (Multi-Family District) 1. Lot Area: The minimum permitted lot area for multi-family development is 43,560 gross s.f. 2. Lot Width: The minimum permitted lot width for multi-family development is 100 feet (at property line). 3. Lot Width Corner Lots: N/A 4. Lot Depth: The minimum permitted lot depth for multi-family development is 150 feet. 5. Lot Depth of Double Front Lots: N/A 6. Minimum Dwelling Unit Square Footage: The minimum permitted dwelling unit square footage is: a. Efficiency 600 s.f. b. 1 Bedroom 750 s.f. c. 2 Bedroom 900 s.f. d. 3 Bedroom 1,000 s.f. 7. Maximum Density: The Maximum permitted density for multi-family is 15 units per gross acre of multi-family site area. 8. Main Structure Front Yard: The minimum permitted front yard for multi-family development is 30 feet from any property line. 9. Main Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yard for multi-family development is 20 feet from any interior lot line. 10. Main Structure Side yard on Corner Lots: N/A 11. Side Yard of Allowable Non-Residential Use: N/A • 12. Main Structure Rear Yard: N/A 13. Main Structure Rear Yard of Double Front Lots: N/A 14. Accessory Structure Front Yard: N/A 15. Accessory Structure Side Yard: N/A 16. Accessory Structure Rear Yard: N/A 17. Accessory Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: N/A 18. Accessory Structure Side Yard on Corner Lots: N/A 19. Accessory Structure Minimum Distance From Main Building: The minimum permitted separation between the main structure and any accessory structure in a multi-family area is 5 feet. 20. Accessory Structure Building Area: The maximum permitted building area of accessory structures (excluding amenity centers and recreation buildings) is: a. Lots 2 acres or less 10% of lot area or 2500 sf maximum (whichever is less) b. Lots 2 acres or more 5% of lot area or 2500 sf maximum (whichever is less) 21. Main Structure Building Area: The maximum permitted building area for main structure is as approved on the final development plan. 22. Main Structure Height: The maximum permitted building height for multi-family structures shall not exceed 45 feet or 2 stories. 23. Accessory Building Height: The maximum permitted building height for accessory structures in a multi-family area shall not exceed 40 feet. 24. A building permit for construction of mult-family residential uniys shall not be issued until 50% of the single-family residential lots are developed. iv. The Village Center non-residential core of the Planned Development shall conform to CR (Community Retail) standards and permitted uses, except as amended below: 1. Height of Main Structure: The maximum permitted height of structures shall not exceed 45 feet. 2. Number of Stories: The maximum permitted number of stories shall not exceed 2 stories. 3. Residential Proximity: Building height in areas of residential proximity shall be limited by a 3:1 height to setback slope extending from the residential lot line. 4. Front Yard Setback: the minimum permitted front yard setback for non-residential structures is 25 feet. 5. Side Yard Setback: The minimum permitted side yard setback for non-residential structures is 10 feet. 6. Rear Yard Setback: The minimum permitted rear yard for non- residential structures is 10 feet. 7. Lot Coverage: The maximum permitted lot coverage for non- residential development is 50% of gross area. 8. Non-residential Use Adjacent to Single Family: Where non-residential uses are adjacent to a single family lot line with no intervening flood plain, common area, gas easement, power line easement, or open space; the side and rear yards shall be doubled. With landscape screening this setback can be reduced to 10 feet. 9. Non-residential Use Adjacent to Multi-family: Where non-residential uses are adjacent to a multi-family lot line with no intervening flood plain, common area, or open space; the side and rear yards shall be a minimum of 20 feet. With landscape screening this setback can be reduced to 5 feet from the landscape screen line. 10. Service and Loading Areas: Service and loading areas within a non- residential area shall not be visible from the public street or adjacent residential uses. Landscape screening, which provides a contiguous evergreen leaf mass or solid screen walls, can be used to meet this requirement. 11. Permitted uses: Permitted uses in the Village Center of the Planned Development include the uses specified in an NS (Neighborhood Service) District, except as amended in the following: a. General Merchandise or Food Store greater than 5,000 s.f. b. Motor vehicle fueling station c. Theater d. Accessory outside sales e. Recreational/Entertainment VI. Single Family and Multi-Family Basic Requirements of the Village Residential District (basic requirements of the Village Residential District are the only basic requirements that apply to the single family and multi-family portions of this Planned Development except as amended below, which replace certain of the Basic Requirement Standards). • i. Village Land Design Requirements: 1. Connection of Open Space to Residential Development: 4-foot walkway along neighborhood streets to single loaded streets paralleling community open spaces and flood plains. 2. Lighting and furnishing along open space and trails: Pole mounted lighting or landscape tree down lighting shall be provided at destinations, activities, and nodal points. Provide total number of benches (with backs) equal to one bench every '/z mile of trail 6 foot wide or wider. Benches can be grouped but the space between benches (or groupings) shall not exceed 3/4 mile. ii. Street and Sidewalk Requirements: 1. Sidewalk locations: Both sides of double loaded streets, one side of single loaded streets, continuous at grade pathway. 2. Sidewalk Lighting: Sidewalks paralleling streets shall be illuminated with ambient street lighting. Pedestrian only sidewalks (sidewalks not paralleling streets) shall have pole mounted lighting or landscape down lighting at destinations and activity centers. 3. Location of required alleys: Alleys shall not be required as part of this Planned Development. However, where alleys are determined necessary by the developer and such alleyways are provided adjacent to major thoroughfares, they shall be screened so as not to be viewed from the public street by either of the following: a. 6 foot masonry wall (including masonry thin wall) b. Landscape buffer (provided in addition to any required rights-of-way). The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and planted with evergreen shrubs (3 to 5 foot centers) and trees (equaling one tree per 50 feet of street frontage and planted in naturalized groups or rows 20 to 30 foot centers). Plans for such proposed landscape screens in any phase shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of Preliminary Plat for each phase. 4. Screening of residential units backing onto major thoroughfares: Residential units that back onto a major thoroughfare, shall be screened so as not to be viewed from the public street by either of the following: a. 6 foot masonry wall (including masonry thin wall) b. Landscape buffer (provided in addition to any required rights-of-way). The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and planted with evergreen shrubs (3 to 5 foot centers) and trees (equaling one tree per 50 feet of street frontage and planted in naturalized groups or rows with 20 to 30 foot spacing). Plans for such proposed landscape screens in any phase shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of Preliminary Plat for each phase. 5. Village Residential Pedestrian Crosswalks: Crosswalks shall be provided at trail and sidewalk intersections with major thoroughfares and all intersections within the retail area and shall be designated with one of the following (this does not preclude painted crosswalks as required by the City of Wylie): a. Decorative concrete paver b. Brick or stone paving c. Concrete saw cutting and staining 6. Village sidewalk material: Sidewalks in residential areas shall be continuous in color, texture, and scoring pattern. Sidewalks shall be made of broom finish concrete with accent paving only permitted at crosswalks, handicap ramps, activity centers, bridges, rest areas and within the retail area. iii. Architectural Requirements: 1. Exterior material facade material: All single family residential units shall have a minimum of 75% of the exterior facade on all sides as brick or stone laid masonry units. Cementacious siding can be used on 25% of the exterior facade. These percentages exclude windows, doors and other openings, and glazing shall not exceed 35%of the front elevation of the residence. Dormers or other elements supported by the roof structure are not required to be masonry. This standard does apply to coordinated block elevations, which are intended to convey an historic style or "village" character (e.g. Traditional Neighborhood Design). 2. Units with same floor plan, same street elevation and varying street elevation: Units with the same floor plan may be repeated provided that the elevations for those floor plans are visibly different. "Visibly different" can be accomplished with differing materials or architectural details. However the same elevation shall not be repeated over a block spacing greater than 7 lots skipped both sides of the street. 3. Village residential front entry cover: The developer shall encourage builders to design single-family residential units with usable porches. As a minimum, the front entry of any single-family residential unit, which is the entry facing the street on which the unit is located, shall have a covered front porch with a minimum area of 40 sf and a minimum depth of 4 feet. 4. Roof pitch and materials for all single family units within the Planned Development: All single family residential units shall have a minimum roof pitch of 6:12, asphalt shingles, and painted plumbing vents, attic vents, and other roof top accessories to match the roof shingle color. No wood shingles are permitted. 5. Garages: A two-car garage shall be required, however, attached or detached garages shall be allowed to face the street if constructed a minimum of 5 feet behind the front building setback of the house. VII. Single Family and Multi-Family Desirable Features for Meeting Point Requirements of the Village Residential District (point requirements of the Village Residential District are the only point requirements that apply to single family and multi-family portions of this Planned Development except as amended below which replace certain of the Desirable Feature Standards). i. Pedestrian Linkage to the Village Center: 100% of the units not further than 2,000 feet from a linear park that leads to the Village Center 10 points. ii. Village residential street treatment: Providing specialty accent paving at crosswalks, handicap ramps, activity centers, bridges, and rest areas 10 points. iii. Units with same floor plan, same street elevation and varying street elevation: Units with the same floor plan and same elevation separated by 9 intervening lots (skipped both sides of the street) 10 points. iv. If item "iii" is separated by 1200 feet .20 points. v. Units with same floor plan and different elevation separated by 9 lots skipped same side of the street, 7 lots opposite side 10 points. vi. If item "v" is separated by 1200 feet 20 points. VIII. Non-residential Basic Requirements of the Village Residential District (basic requirements that apply to the non-residential portions of the Village Residential District are the only basic requirements that apply to the non-residential portions of this Planned Development except as amended below which replace certain of the Basic Requirement Standards). i. Site Design Requirement 1. Access Drives: Access drives shall be located at least 150 feet from an intersection except when the site is too small to meet this requirement and alternate means of ingress/egress are approved with the detailed development plan. Access drives shall be part of a village circulation system that ties the commercial area together in a circulation path. There are no other requirements for medians or treatment of access drives. 2. Location of service and loading areas: Service areas and loading areas shall be screened so that they are not visible from a public street or adjacent residential lots. Landscape providing a continuous evergreen leaf mass or solid screen walls can be used to meet this requirement including a masonry screen wall. Landscape screens shall be planted with evergreen trees and shrubs that provide sufficient leaf-mass to accomplish an effective screen. ii. Landscape Requirements 1. Landscaping of parking lots: All site plans with required parking in excess of 12 spaces are required to provide a minimum of 24 sf. of landscape area for each parking space. Required landscape shall be grouped or arranged so that no parking space is more than 60 feet horizontally/vertically or 85 diagonally from the landscape area. 2. Landscaping of street frontages: In an effort to create a "Village Center Streetscape" that brings the people spaces and retail uses into closer contact with the street, landscape buffers at the street shall be limited when the retail use is setback no greater than 25 feet from the street. This maximum setback shall be extended 20 ft. if the developer provides head-in parking from the street. In these cases, front yard landscaping shall be limited to trees in tree grates, streetscape planters, or small pockets of landscaping which do not create a visual separation between the street space and the retail space. Tree planting on uniform centers with trees located in tree grates shall be provided and arranged so that they work with the modulation of parking spaces at the street. Tree planting shall not be less than one tree for every 40 feet of property frontage at the street right-of-way. When the retail use is separated from the street by parking (other than street head-in parking), a 10-foot landscape buffer shall be provided. In order to achieve an "urban" space, trees are not required in the landscape buffer due to their conflict with the architecture close to the street and retail signage. In order to achieve an "urban" space walkways shall have a geometry that parallels the street front without the use of picturesque alignment. iii. Architectural Requirements 1. Architectural compatibility: Buildings in the Village Center shall be designed to maintain architectural compatibility with residential architectural of the surrounding areas. Architectural compatibility may be achieved through the use of similar materials and responsive forms (including roof form). IX. Non-residential Desirable Features for Meeting Point Requirements of the Village Residential District (point requirements of the Village Residential District are the only point requirements that apply to the non-residential areas of this Planned Development except as amended below which replace certain of the Desirable Feature Standards). i. Site Design: 1. Building placement: Individual buildings with footprints no greater than 15,000 s.f. shall earn .5 points 2. Access drives: Any development not able to locate access a minimum of 100 feet from an intersection shall earn an additional 10 points 3. Location of service and loading areas: Service and loading areas which are not visible from a public street or adjacent residential lot but which provide screening through the use of enhanced landscape (flowering trees and shrubs) or an enhanced masonry wall shall earn an additional .10 points ii. Landscape: 1. Landscaping of parking lots: Parking lots which exceed 24 sq. ft. of required per space landscape area shall earn 5 points for each additional increase in landscape area equal to 1% of the parking area up to a maximum of 25 points. X. Natural area Desirable Features for meeting point requirements of the Village Residential District (point requirements listed below may be applied to the point requirements of the residential and/or non-residential areas but any point credit must be allocated to only one area requirement). i. Enhanced Wetland Preservation: Preservation and restoration and restoration of wetland areas 10 points per 4 acres ii. Hardwood forest preservation: Preservation of native forest areas and forest habitats (of trees with an 8 in. or greater caliper 10 points per 10 acres iii. Preservation of historical and archeological sites 10 points per site iv. Provision of improved open space 10 points for every 5% of the total site area over 15% v. Trail linkages to destinations outside the development 20 points vi. Provision of interpretative and educational trails 10 points vii. Provision of open spaces that implement portions of the comprehensive park master plan 10 points The developer shall provide an overall Trail Concept Plan (for all trails within the boundaries of this Planned Development) for all phases with submittal of a final plat for phase one. The trail Master Plan shall indicate phases of trail development and identify funding sources that may be acquired to implement the plan. XI. Common Area Platting: All non-dedicated/HOA maintained green belts and common areas shall be clearly delineated as such and the acreage shown for each common area on the final subdivision plat. XII. Tree Preservation: Toward the goal of preserving as many existing trees (8 in. caliper or larger) possible, a tree management plan provided by the owner as preserves at least 25% of the riparian tree cover shall be approved by the director of planning prior to commencement of an grading or infrastructure or improvements within the area of this Planned Development. XM. Landscape Zone: In an effort to preserve the agricultural heritage of the Bozeman Farm, as indicated by the existing fence line trees, the developer shall preserve all hardwood trees with a caliper of 8 inches or greater located within an edge zone that extends 3 feet from perimeter property line. XIV. Screening and Landscape: The screening and landscape strip shall be provided along FM 544. A conceptual landscape plan to be provided with the Preliminary Plat. XV. Transition Zone: In an effort to make a land use transition from the existing homes fronting Collin County Road 732, the developer shall establish an edge, one lot deep, of lots along the eastern property line of this development that have a minimum lot size of 8,500 square foot and a minimum house size of 2,000 sf. XVI. Homeowners Association: Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any dwelling unit, a set of bylaws and/or other restrictive and appropriate covenants and/or homeowner's agreement as approved by the City Attorney and duly recorded in the Deed Records of Collin County, to establish and maintain a Homeowner's Association for the ownership and maintenance of all non- dedicated common areas and improvements within the Planned Development District, shall be filed with the Building Inspections Department. XVII. Upon the request of the Wylie Independent School District, the Developer of the Bozeman Farm Estates will meet with the Wylie Independent School Board and propose the following terms for an elementary school site in Bozeman Farm Estates: i. A mutually agreeable site within Bozeman Farm Estates. ii. A price for purchase of the property by the district that equals the developer's basis. iii. An area of land that is not less than six (6) acres or more than twelve (12) acres. iv. A right to exercise an option to purchase the site that remains effective for three years from closing of the property by the developer. The school district will have the right to extend the option period for two (2) years by sending notice to the Developer sixty (60) days prior to its expiration date. 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SIEPIELA INTERESTS,INC REALTY DEVELOPMENT TRUST BOZMAN FARM ESTATES VVYLIE,TX NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICAN1 Realty Development Trust APPLICATION FILE #2002-05 1771 International Parkway, #127 Richardson,Tx. 75081 # OLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 1771 International Parkway,#127 1 Realty Development Trust Richardson,Texas 75081 Stone Grove Addn 1019 Foxwood Lane 2 B Lot 5 R-2248-OOB-0050-1 Peter Zeller Wylie,Texas 75098 Stone Grove Addn 1019 Foxwood Lane 3 B Lot 6 R-2248-00B-0060-1 Peter Zeller Wylie,Texas 75098 Stone Grove Addn 1023 Foxwood Lane 4 B Lot 7 R-2248-00B-0070-1 John Knackstadt Wylie, Texas 75098 Stone Grove Addn 513 S.Foxwood Lane 5 B Lot 8 R-2248-OOB-0080-1 Johnny Aldridge Wylie,Texas 75098 P.O.Box 546 6 Abst 475 Tract 13 R-6475-000-0130-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098 P.O. Box 546 7 Abst 475 Tract 34 R-6475-000-0340-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098 P.O. Box 546 8 Abst 979 Tract 45 R-6979-000-0450-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098 2000 Hwy. 78 North 9 Abst 979 Tract 56 R-6979-000-0560-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 1320 E. Stone Road 10 Abst 979 Tract 25-9 R-6979-000-0259-1 George Richards Wylie,Texas 75098 Jimmie Jane Feagan 1095 E. FM 544 11 Abst 979 Tract 24 R-6979-000-0240-1 do F.D. Feagin Wylie,Texas 75098 1275 E.FM 544 12 Abst 979 Tract 31 R-6979-000-0310-1 Edwina Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 1275 E. FM 544 13 Abst 979 Tract 21 R-6979-000-0210-1 Edwina Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 13118 Southview Lane 14 Abst 979 Tract 41 R-6979-000-0410-1 Billy Burdine Dallas,Texas 75240 P.O. Box 578 15 Abst 979 Part of Tract 59 R-6979-000-0590-1 Charlane Dew Wylie,Texas 75098 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 16 FM 544 Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069 Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street 17 Stone Road Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069 Collin County 210 S. 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I r.: .: --. --r, - , . '. '"--.',-L-,.:--,''' -''Z'-'..''', -,,i'''.', ',',;-,::-.'-.., '-',-. 1 I .,A,J,',5:',";.',Itl'',, ,;'''A:''';',:;''';4',,4.. .',--:-' k__,, r , ... .-. , -- ,..• -.,..... ,-.,-. -,,..--,...,,-, ,,,,74,.,,.,--„..-.,,,,..,,...,....,,, iii i i - -- iii; .,..„,...\.,._.:,__,: .., .,:.:.,....„.„,.,,„..„,,,,,, , ,...,,. , ,,,. . . . , , .._____._ _.... 1 __ ... , , .. ., __ . .. ---- - I - r- 1 ; .,........,......, ;---; ; ;---,--r— ..7.—Hi ; . . i , i ! , r'------i-.7.--1 -.-..-I li i i ; I ' ' ...,:„..,..... ii 1 i City of Wylie Action Item No. 1 Site Plan Self Service Car Wash Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: July 16, 2002 Owner: Sham Ahn Construction, Inc. Designer: Paradigm Consulting Location: West Kirby Street east of S.H. 78 Existing Zoning: Business District (B-2)when platted Community Retail (CR) currently Summary: The Site Plan under consideration is for a self-serve car wash facility. The proposal is to develop eight attached wash bays, seven standard and one for handicapped persons, with separate covered bays for drying and vacuuming. The property has been zoned for Business District (B-2) uses since 1985. The Final Plat was approved by the City Council in January 2000 thus vesting the right to develop the land in accordance to the Zoning Ordinance and Map then in force. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map in 2001 changed the zoning to Community Retail (CR) but do not restrict the proposed use since it is also allowed in the new Community Retail (CR) District. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well as the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes in site plans shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property, which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan— Self Service Car Wash Issues: 1. A solid masonry screen wall eight feet in height will be constructed along the east boundary, screening the adjacent single-family residential property. 2. The property is platted as Lot 6, Block A of the Martinez Addition, Phase III. Access is provided from Kirby Street by a 30 feet wide access easement, which serves Brookshires as well. The subject property fronts on this internal drive, complying with the requirement that no car wash bays open onto or face a public street. 3. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan -, T W KIRBY STREET N 02°36'26"E 10.0' 40' EXISTING CONC.SIDEWALK 50'EXISTING FH. 00- t S 87°37'00"E 80.0' ,o S 8'37'00"E 44.68:--- 1 ram"' 20'R.O.W.DEDICATION 0 o O o 4'PROP.CON :�T, ALK- cv — EXXON STATION I —�-- � I E ACCESSIBLE RAMP IIGN 10' --,_ LANDSCAPES R15 EXISTING .S.M.H. 23' 30 DRYING SHED EXXON I (-- ... I I R5 1 —SSM!HG BUILDING r H I 8' HIGHIz L VA UM I MASONRY 2 I I1 FENCE CONC. 4PAVEMENT b PAVEMENT I ',"° o EAREA 24,709 SF(0.57 AC) �' 19; 3 a w LOT LANDSCAPED AREA 5,032 SF(20%OF LAND) 38' 22' 26 _IMI p LANDSCAPED AREA SHALL BE PLANTED WITH BERMUDA GRASS AND FITTED WITH _ AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 9 VAC U I f 5NE3"VV LCALIIPERPCEDAR ELMS ON KIRBY STREET. 4 '' ✓ ONE ROW OF 22 DWARF BURFORD HOLLY SHRUBS ALONG KIRBY STREET FRONTAGE. r) 1 -, 3-3"CALIPER ARISTOCRAT PEAR TREES ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY. rn d Ed 1 � PARKING REQUIRED 1 SPACE A15' HIGH �' F-"`�� PARKING PROVIDED 1 SPACE o CANOPY 5 ' 4 L r' �J `I �" w tV.----- I ,1 g 187'FENCE Z LIGHTING SHALL BE MOUNTED UNDER THE CAR WASH CANOPY.H N� Q SECURITY LIGHTING SHALL BE WALL MOUNTED.BAY ( `�?/�� p I• w SIGNS:ONE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED POLE MOUNTED SIGN.SIGN HEIGHT AND iikI-AtOh AREA PER CITY REQUIREMENT. Lltj a P n /LL E: p I p 64N O o 0,'. 'viN," VAC UM Icfil l 1(e ,\� W : 5° ( 7 ) ' n R 4/''''; ` LOCATION MAP 1�P g o w 9 HIGH_ Q, ��� _ o x I CANOPY �y <`� � \'1 e Q ,��,, � z o I , 30' p q � �° ��P p 8 I STATE HIGHWAY N0.544 m z SITE R15) R 3' ------ VA'Sidi 6 STONE ROAD EET p d -g ,--',,,,,,7 0 ,q1- § 22' // e,„91,1 LOCATION MAP 6' LANDSCAPE S 89°58'00"W 125.03' 4 ENGINEERING SITE PLAN FOR 6'HIGH MASONRY \ SELF SERVICE CAR WASH BUILDING WITH SOLID SCREEN WALL TO MATCH WYLIE,TEXAS STEEL GATE MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE III LOT 6, BLOCK A FRANKLIN BOWLES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 69 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PARADIGM CONSULTING ARCHITECTUE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 0 10' 20' 40' 903 REDCEDAR WAY DR., COPPELL TEXAS 75019 CONTROL PLAN OWNER/DEVELOPER (972) R WAY DR FAX (972) `- ��� C)DIMENSION PLA O i� SCALE: 1" = 20' 1°=z° SHAM AHN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1 2560 ROYAL LANE 225 DIMENSION CONTROLJUL 0 3 2002\,:';; DALLAS, TX 75229 DESIGN DRAWN CHECKED SCALE DAT SHEET 972 By itt { ) 241-3656 AE MSE AE 1"=20' 06/28/'UU2 C101 EFIS TRIM 7,1 b H C.BAY 0 WEST ELEVATION R PANEL FASCIA 11111111HEI HHE 111111E11111 111M111111111111111111111111 111111111111111121111111111IN H.C.BAY GROUND UNE 0 EAST ELEVATION 1/8"=1," EFIS TRIM E L " OPEN 4.111111111111.E.43514.745WEEMENEVEWEEI CERAM'FACE'MU FACE BRICK FACE BRICK NORTH/SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION-DRYING SHED ENGINEERING SITE PLAN FOR SELF SERVICE CAR WASH 1NYLIE,TEXAS MARTINEZ ADDITION, PHASE III LOT 6, BLOCK A FRANKLIN BOWLES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 69 EFIS DETAIL CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS = PARADIGM CONSULTING ARCHITECTUE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN OWNER/DEVELOPER 903 REDCEDAR WAY DR., COPPELL TEXAS 75019 (972) 745-3589 FAX (972) 745-8519 SHAM AHN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2560 ROYAL LANE #225 BUILDING ELEVATIONS DALLAS, TX 75229 DESIGN DRAWN CHECKED SCALE DATE SHEET (972) 241-3656 AE MSE AE 06/28/20. A101 �rfiy trf Wylie Action Item No. 2 Site Plan Custom Fit Products Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: July 16, 2002 Owner: Custom Fit Products, Inc. Designer: J.L. Brantley, Inc. Location: 2811 Capital Drive Existing Zoning: Industrial (I) when platted Business Center(BC) currently Summary: The Site Plan under consideration is for an office/warehouse facility. The proposal is to develop a building with approximately 960 square feet of office space and 6,000 square feet of warehouse, as well as parking and landscaping on the 0.4663 acre lot. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well as the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes in site plans shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property, which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan—Custom Fit Products Issues: 1. The property has been zoned for Industrial (I) uses since 1985. The Final Plat was approved by the City Council in January 1986 thus vesting the right to develop the land in accordance to the Zoning Ordinance and Map then in force. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map in 2001 changed the zoning to Business Center (BC) but do not restrict the proposed office/warehouse use since it is also allowed in the new Business Center (BC) District. The proposed placement of the building utilizes setbacks established by the plat and the requirements of the previous zoning ordinance. 2. The proposed 6960 square feet building is placed diagonally across the lot in order to avoid an undevelopable 60 feet wide North Texas Municipal Water District easement, which cuts across the northwest corner of the property. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan .. •gin: .. T i'' Z/Id E`+C BUtb1NF/S C 1W1 ?c?Pt7�Ep U5 E7Ffi'G WAkGNOUS . 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