12-03-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
City of Wylie
December 3 , 2002
Regular Business Meeting
2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098
Tuesday, December 3, 2002
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 19, 2002 Regular
1. Consider and act upon approval of a request to grant an exception to the requirements for
masonry exterior facade materials, Section 3.4.F.1.a(2) of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow
alternative infiil construction within a neighborhood of other than masonry materials, located
at 306 First Street, being Lot 9B of Block 5 of the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change
in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD) for mixed uses, including
commercial and residential of various densities and housing types. Generally located south of
F.M. 544 and west of Country Club Drive, being three separate parcels totaling 157.2888
acres, Parcel 1 being a 37.3823 acre tract of land situated in the I&GN Railroad Company
Survey, Abstract No. 1061 and L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, Parcel 2 being a
68.3705 acre tract of land situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, and Parcel 3
being a 51.5360 acre tract of land situated in the W.M. Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, City
of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-18) Tabled from the November 19,
2002 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
2. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change
in zoning to amend the Conditions for Development of Bozeman Farms Planned Development
District (PD 2002-21) for Single-Family Residential and Village Center Mixed Uses to allow
Day Care uses within the Single-Family Residential areas without SUP approval and to
eliminate the front garage offset from the facade of houses. PD 2002-21 is a 475.80 acre tract
generally located south of Stone Road and east of F.M. 544. (ZC 2002-19)
P&Z Commission Meeting
December 3, 2002
Page 2 of 2
1. Review draft proposal of new Subdivision Regulations.
Posted Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 5:00 p.m.
City ofWylie
Action Item No. 1
Variance of Exterior Facade Materials
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: December 3, 2002
Applicant: William H. Dunaway, III
Location: 306 First Street, Lot 9B of Block 5 of the Railroad Addition
Issue: Variance to Section 3.4.F.1.a(c) of the Zoning Ordinance
requiring masonry exterior façade materials
Section 3.4.F.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance requires all single-family residential dwellings to have a
minimum of 100 percent of the exterior façade as brick or stone laid masonry units or masonry
stucco. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant exceptions when an alternative material
will provide similar or better durability and maintenance quality as masonry and one or more of
the following conditions are met:
1. Other materials are required to blend with the historic architecture of the house;
2. The construction is infill construction and the predominant materials used in the
neighborhood are other than masonry; and
3. A new subdivision with an architectural style other than masonry.
The subject lot was created as Lot 9 of Block 5 of the Railroad Addition, one of the oldest
subdivisions within Wylie. When originally platted, the lot was 65 feet in width and 125 feet deep
(8,125 square feet). However, 15 feet was subsequently replatted to incorporate 15 feet into Lot
10 to the north, leaving the subject Lot 9B measuring 50 feet wide and totaling 6,250 square feet
in area.
The subject lot is zoned Single Family 8.5/17, and is currently vacant although it was previously
occupied by a single-family residence. It is occupied by several mature trees. A brick residence
occupies Lot 10 abutting to the north, but all other residences along the street have nonmasonry
exterior siding. See the attached photographs.
Variance of Exterior Facade materials
The applicant is in the process of acquiring the property, and proposes to construct a two-story
single-family residence in excess of 2,300 square feet. The new dwelling will comply with all
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, with the exception of the requested composite
cementatious material rather than the required masonry.
1. With the exception of the residence abutting to the north, all other residences on the street
have some siding materials other than masonry. The proposed material for this infill
construction better conforms with the visual image of the remaining neighborhood.
2. The proposed new construction converts a currently vacant lot and adds significant
improvements to the tax rolls, and may serve to stimulate additional redevelopment.
3. The proposal will comply with all requirements of the Single-Family 8.5/17 zoning district,
except for the masonry requirement. In August, the Board of Adjustment denied a request by
another applicant for variances to reduce the front yard setback and allow a single-car garage
in order to construct a smaller dwelling than is currently proposed.
Staff Recommendation:
The requested variance is within the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance, and the requested materials
are more compatible with the existing neighbor than is masonry.
The Department's of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works, and Fire
concur with this recommendation.
Location Map
Applicant's Letter
Photographs of the Site and Surroundings
Action Agenda Item 1 - 306 First Street
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City of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 1
Rezoning 02-18
Woodbridge Planned Development
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: Initially considered November 19, 2002
Tabled to December 3, 2002
Owner/Applicant: Herzog Development Corporation
Location: South of F.M. 544 and west of Country Club Drive
Existing Zoning: Agriculture (A) District
Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for Single-
Family Residential for 7,200, 8,500 and 10,000
square foot lots, Townhouse and Multifamily
Residential and Community Retail and Corridor
Commercial uses, as well as common open spaces
This item was tabled at the November 19, 2002 meeting of the Planning and Zoning
Commission to allow the applicant to consider several recommendations of the
Commission. The following report and attachments reflect the changes proposed by the
applicant since the previous review.
The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 157.29 acres in order to permit a master
planned multi-use community comprising single-family residential neighborhoods of varied
densities and building types, multifamily residential apartments, retail and commercial uses and
private open spaces. The proposal is intended to create a viable Village Center concept as defined
by the Comprehensive Plan, and, through coordinated planning and design, better address several
development constraints of the property, as an expansion of the Woodbridge golf community.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
The subject property was annexed into the City of Wylie as separate tracts at various times.
Tracts identified on the legal description and Concept Plan as Parcel 3 (Tracts A-4, A-5 and C-2)
were annexed into the City in 1986, along with the western third of Parcel 2. The remaining
eastern portion of Parcel 2 as well as Parcel 1 (Tracts B-1 and C-1) were annexed in 1995. The
applicant has combined these various tracts together under single ownership for coordinated
development purposes. The entire 157 acres included within this Planned Development District
are currently zoned Agriculture (A), which is generally a holding District until appropriate urban
land uses are proposed. These properties are largely undeveloped, except for several older
residential tracts which are included within the PD for redevelopment.
The properties abutting the proposed PD to the northwest of the subject tracts are platted as the
Regency Business Park, and is largely developed for commercial or light industrial uses. The
Regency area was rezoned from Industrial (I) to Business Center (BC) in February with the City-
wide revision of the Zoning Ordinance and Map. F.M. 544 serves as the northern boundary of the
tract and Hensley Lane bounds it on the south. Properties to the east are zoned Agriculture, but
are owned by the Wylie Independent School District and City of Wylie and are developed
respectively as the Wylie Senior High School and Founders Park. South of the Park and north of
Hensley Road is some property not owned by the City which is zoned Agriculture (A) District,
and south of Hensley Lane are rural developments of 10 acres and larger. To the southwest, the
subject properties abut a 13-acre tract annexed into the City in 1999, zoned Agriculture (A) and
developed as a single-family residence and office for a construction company. South of this tract
is the abandoned landfill and future public park within the City of Sachse.
The Concept Plan of the Planned Development District allocates 39.7 acres or 25.2 percent of the
total PD area to Commercial uses, and these are located to the north of the development adjacent
to F.M. 544 and abutting the Regency Business Park on the west (identified as Tract C-1). This
use will serve as the centrally-located retail Village Center, and is an expansion of the existing
uses within the Regency development. Surrounding the nonresidential Village Center are
residential neighborhoods of varied densities and housing types, separated from the nonresidential
uses and buffered by the southward extension of Country Club Road which is to be renamed
Woodbridge Parkway and connect with the existing Woodbridge Parkway at State Highway 78.
About 19.5 acres (Tract B-1) or 12.4 percent of the total PD are allotted to Multifamily
Residential, located to the east boundary abutting the High School and Founders Park. South of
the Regency development, the Concept Plan allocates 28.3 acres (Tract A-4) or 18 percent of the
PD to Townhouse residential much as envisioned by the current requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance and on public streets, and 23.3 acres (Tract A-5) or 14.8 percent to Townhouse
dwellings modified in a Courtyard design with private streets.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
East of these higher density residences and south of the Multifamily uses, separated by the future
Woodbridge Parkway extension, is allocated 33.6 acres (Tract A-3) or 21.4 percent is allocated to
single-family residences modified from the standard SF 8.5 regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to
allow lots of 7,200 square feet. Fronting Hensley Lane to the south, Tract A-1 (4.8 acres or 3.1
percent) is allocated to single-family residences with lot sizes of 10,000 square feet minimum
(slightly revised for the standard SF10 requirements), and abutting this strip to the north is single-
family residences slightly modified from the SF 8.5 standards.
The Development Conditions of the Planned Development District establish the maximum
possible number of single-family attached and detached residential lots and dwellings at 680
(including Tracts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 combined), which reflects an overall density of 7.24
dwelling units per acre. At the density of 15 dwelling units per acre allowed by the Zoning
Ordinance for the multifamily development, a potential total of 293 apartment dwellings is
possible for Tract B-1. The PD requirements are a modification of the standard regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance adopted in February of 2002. They are designed to provide an overall unified
development pattern while encouraging broad individuality and choice within the several
residential neighborhoods. See the attached Conditions of the Planned Development District.
The subject property is traversed by existing major electric, sewer and water transmission lines as
well as the planned southward extension of Country Club Road, and these corridors divide the
property into several smaller segments. Furthermore, the floodplain of a Muddy Creek tributary
dissects the southeastern portion of the property. The Planned Development District proposes to
connect the several separate developable areas created by these undevelopable corridors by a
coordinated street network, connected to the expanded regional Country Club/Woodbridge
collector thoroughfare. A pedestrian trail system is also proposed to link the various residential
neighborhoods with the commercial development as well as the high school and Wylie and Sachse
Public Comment Forms were mailed to sixty-five (65) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. Seven (7) Comment Forms, representing ten (10) parcels of land, have been returned at
the time of posting, FAVORING the proposal. Three (3) persons spoke at the November 19,
2002 Public Hearing, OPPOSING the request because of the proposed lot and house sizes smaller
than recommended by the Comprehensive Plan and allowed by the Zoning Ordinance.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
1. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to allow the combining of uses and
regulations of various zoning districts which is not normally allowed by straight zoning, and to
permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development beyond the
minimal requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The recent revisions to the Zoning Ordinance
were specifically designed to provide such flexibility and thereby avoid the need for PDs.
However, the size, configuration and intended mixed-use of this request, as well as the several
potential constraints to development imposed by the site itself, justify its rezoning by a
coordinal PD rather than as separate development proposals regulated by differing zoning
categories and limited potential for connectivity and coordinated control.
2. The Village Center concept of the Comprehensive Plan focuses residential uses around a
central commercial/institutional core. Higher-density residences, including smaller-lot single-
family detached or attached dwellings and multifamily dwellings, are to be located nearest to
the nonresidential Village Center to encourage pedestrian access. Lower-density residential
uses are to radiate outward from this central core in concentric circles, decreasing in density
as distance from the Village Center increases. The Comprehensive Plan envisions a modified
Village Center for this area of the City, utilizing the existing Regency Business Park as the
retail portion and the existing high school as the institutional use. This enlarged central core is
to be immediately surrounded by such low-density attached residential uses as townhouses
and apartments and detached single-family lots no smaller than 8,500 square feet. The
Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential, with single-family lots ranging from
10,000 square feet (1/4 acre) to 30,000 square feet (3/4 acre) in size for the properties south
of Regency to the City limits and land fill and eastward to the high school/park. Country
Residential uses, single-family lots of one acre and larger developed with a rural scale
infrastructure, is recommended by the Plan east of Hooper Road and south of the electric
transmission corridor.
While the subject request generally follows the Village Center concept of the Comprehensive
Plan, it does not conform to the residential densities recommended by the Plan and permitted
by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposal provides for an expansion of the commercial Village
Center around the Regency development, thereby reducing the amount of residential proposed
by the Plan to located between Regency and the high school. The expanded commercial uses
results in reduction in medium- and low-density residential, with an increase of higher-density
residential uses. Where the Plan recommends medium-density residential south and east of
Regency, the request proposes higher-density attached and single-family lots of 7,200 square
feet, and the PD requests medium- to high-density lots (8,500 to 10,000 square feet) for the
extreme south portion instead of recommended low-density Country Residential acreage lots.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
3. The PD request proposes to utilize the potential barriers, floodplain and utility transmission
lines which otherwise threaten to segregate the property into smaller disconnected parcels for
street and trail corridors which connect the varied use districts into a unified whole. The
proposal will provide for the extension of the north/south regional traffic collector by
extending Country Club Road to connect with the Woodbridge Parkway at S.H. 78 with four
lanes divided by a median. An east/west collector street will route residential traffic to the
central Parkway rather than through Regency or Hooper. The development will responsible
for the improvement of one-half of Hensley Road. An eight feet wide continuous pedestrian
and cycle trail is proposed to connect the several residential neighborhoods with one another
as well as with retail opportunities and school and park. The trail system will be constructed
along one side of the streets rather than narrower side walks along both sides. These
proposals have been accepted by the City Engineer as complying with the recommendations of
the Thoroughfare Plan and Design Standards.
4. Private streets may be used within Townhouse Districts, at the discretion of the developer.
5. The Subdivision Regulations require alleys within all residential developments. The PD
Conditions waive this alley requirement, and leave the provision of alleys to the discretion of
the developer at the time development plans and plats are formulated for the individual phases
of the development. The PD reduces the width of alley rights-of-way, when provided, from
the required twenty feet to fifteen feet but requires an easement within the abutting rear yards
to accommodate utilities normally carried within the alley.
6. The Manual for the Design of Storm Drainage Systems requires that increased storm water
runoff of a development be detained on-site so that runoff after development approximates
natural runoff prior to development. The PD proposes to collect and discharge runoff in to
the Maxwell Creek drainage system without additional onsite detention. The City Engineer
has accepted this proposal.
7. Tract A-1, 4.8 acres of 150 feet depth fronting Hensley Lane, is restricted to Single-Family 10
(SF-10/19) residences and related uses. These lots and dwellings are intended to reflect
similar character as those existing houses facing Hensley on the south, and serve as a buffer
from the smaller-lot, higher-density residential of the PD behind this Tract to the north.
Development within this Tract shall comply with all Design Standards of Section 3.4 of the
Zoning Ordinance for Suburban Residential Districts and the lots shall comply with all SF-10
dimensional requirements of Section 3.2.C. of the Zoning Ordinance. This Tract could
accommodate as many as 18 or 19 lots at the standard 75 feet frontage width required by the
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
8. Tract A-2, 3.9 acres of 145 feet depth, is restricted to Single-Family 8.5 (SF-8.5/17)
residences and related uses. Development within this Tract shall comply with all Village
Residential Design Standards of Section 3.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and the lots shall comply
with all SF-8.5 dimensional requirements of Section 3.3.A. of the Zoning Ordinance. Along
with Tract A-1, it is intended to compliment the existing rural acreage developments south of
Hensley Lane. This Tract could accommodate as many as 20 or 21 lots at the 70 feet frontage
width required by the SF-8.5.
9. Tract A-3, creating the larger number of detached single-family residences within 33.64 acres,
is restricted to single-family residences and related uses. Development within this Tract shall
comply with PD's modified Residential Design Standards (PD Section 2.09) and the lots shall
generally comply with SF-8.5/17 dimensional requirements of Section 3.3.A. of the Zoning
Ordinance except for the following modifications.
Development Proposed Required Minimums
Condition Requirement for SF-8.5 District
Lot Area 7,200 sq. ft.min. 8,500 sq. ft.min.
Lot Width 60 ft. 70 ft.
Lot Width for Corner 65 ft. 75 ft.
Lot Dt`h 120 ft. 100 ft.
Main Residences- 5 ft. 7 ft.
Side Yard
Main Residence— 15 ft. standard lots, 25 ft.
Side Yard;Corner Lot 25 ft.key lots
Main Residence- 30 ft. 45 ft.
Rear Yard
Accessory Structures— 15 ft. standard lots, 25 ft.
Side Yard, Corner Lot 25 ft.key lots
10. Tract A-4 is restricted to standard attached single-family townhouses and related uses.
Development within this Tract shall comply fully with the dimensional requirements of the
Townhouse District (Section 3.3.B.) and the Village Residential Design Standards (Section
3.4) of the Zoning Ordinance.
11. Guest parking additional to required off-street parking spaces within Tracts A-4 and A-5, the
Townhouse and modified courtyard residences, may be constructed of grass-crete.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
12. Tract A-5 is restricted to detached single-family residences of a special courtyard design.
Development within this Tract shall comply with the PD's modified Residential Design
Standards (PD Section 2.07) as well as the following dimensional requirements.
Development Proposed Required Minimums
Condition Requirement For THDistrict
Lot Area 2,200 sq. ft.min. 3,500 sq. ft. -exterior w/side yds.
3,000 sq. ft—interior w/o side yds.
Lot Width 22 ft. 30 ft.
Lot Width for Corner 37 ft. 45 ft.
Lot Depth,Including 100 ft. 100 ft. standard lots,
DoubleFronts 120 ft. for double front lots
20 ft. standard lots, 25 ft. standard lots,
Rear Yard 15 ft. for double front lots, 45 ft. for double fronts
30 ft. for fire lane adjacency lots
Accessory Structures— 15 ft. 25 ft. for double fronts,
Rear Yd/boubte Front 10 ft. for standard lots
13. The PD proposes the following Residential Design Standards to revise both the Basic and
Desirable requirements and points of the Village Land Design Requirements of Section 3.4 of
the Zoning Ordinance. These modified Design Standards shall apply to all attached residential
and all modified detached single-family residential development within Tracts A-3, A-4 and A-
5. All elements not addressed within the PD will comply fully with the regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance.
Development Propose Requirement of the
Condor PD Requirements Village Residential Districts
Residential-Open Access to open space and parks at 30 ft.to 50 ft.with 4 ft.walk every
Space Connection cul-de-sacs 10 lots
Trail System 8 ft.wide, 4 ft.walk both sides standard,
one side of selected streets 8 ft.trail gets points
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
14. The PD proposes the following Residential Design Standards to substitute both the Basic and
Desirable requirements and points of the Village Street and Sidewalk Requirements of Section
3.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. These modified Design Standards shall apply to all attached
residential and all modified detached single-family residential development within Tracts A-3,
A-4 and A-5. All elements not addressed within the PD will comply fully with the regulations
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Development Propose Requirement of the
Condition PD Requirements Village Residential Districts
Curvilinear 25%in Tract A-3, Standard grid allowed,
Streets 10%in Tracts A-4 and A-5 25%curvilinear gets points
Entry Feature Landscaped entry and minimum 50 Brick or stone walls and 100 ft.
ft. long median w/in 80 ft.ROW ROW
Sidewalks 6 ft.wide,one side of streets, 4 ft.wide,continuous both sides of
8 ft.trail along selected streets streets—wider gets points
Screening of Screen walls along Secondary Screen walls required,
Thoroughfares Thoroughfares no lots back onto thoroughfares get
Street trees One 3 in. cal.per lot,evenly spaced 3 in.cal.,30 ft. spacing
15. The PD proposes the following Residential Design Standards to substitute both the Basic and
Desirable requirements and points of the Village Architectural Design Requirements of
Section 3.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. These modified Design Standards shall apply to all
attached residential and all modified detached single-family residential development within
Tracts A-3, A-4 and A-5. All elements not addressed within the PD will comply fully with
the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance.
Development Propose Requirement of the
Condition PD Requirements Village Residential Districts
100%brick,stone or composite
Exterior Material material for SF, 1005 brick,stone or stucco
100%composite material for TH
5%natural wood accent for TH
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
16. Tract B-1 is restricted to Multifamily residences and related uses. Development within this
Tract shall comply with all requirements of the Multifamily (MF) District Section 3.3.0 of the
Zoning Ordinance. Development shall comply with the PD's modified Residential Design
Standards (PD Section 3.02), which reflects the following changes from the standard
Development Propose Requirement of the
Condition PD Requirements Village Residential Districts
Curvilinear Streets 10%earns 20 points 25%earns 20 points
Entry Features 50 ft. long landscaped median in 80 200 ft. landscaped median in 100 ft.
ft.right-of-way earns 15 points right-of-way earns 15 points
100%masonry,30%brick or stone
Exterior Materials to count as 100%mmasonry,5% 100%brick,stone or stucco
wood accent
Roof Melt 6:12,common shingle color 6:12 base, 8:12 earns points
17. Tracts C-1 and C-2 allow office, retail and commercial land uses as permitted within the
Community Retail (CR) and Corridor Commercial (CC) Districts on the Land Use Tables of
Sections 5.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Development within Tract C-1 shall comply with the
dimensional requirements of the Commercial Corridor (CC) District, Figure 4-4 of the Zoning
Ordinance, and development within Tract C-2 shall comply with the requirements of the
Community Retail (CR) District, Figure 4-2 of the Ordinance. Development within both
Tracts C-1 and C-2 shall comply with the following modified Design Standards.
Development Proposed Requirements
Condition Requirement of the MF District
60 pts. for buildings 20,000 sq. ft.or
Site Design Points 40 pts. for buildings 20,001 to 60 points required for all building
Required 40,000 sq. ft., sizes
20 pts. for buildings over 40,001 sq.
25 total points required,
15%of the site for buildings under
Landscaping Points 40,000 sq. ft., 20%of site for CC and CR
Required 10%of the site for buildings over
40,000 sq. ft.
ZC 02-18: Woodbridge PD
18. The PD proposes to allow required offstreet parking spaces within the nonresidential uses of
Tracts C-1 and C-2 to be 9 feet wide and 18 feet long. Section VII.B.3 of the Thoroughfare
Standards and Design Manual, as revised by the City Council in October of 2002, requires
that all parking spaces within residential and nonresidential areas to be 10 feet by 20 feet.
19. Each phase of development within this Planned Development District shall require the
approval by the Commission and Council of a detailed Development Plan prior to the initiation
of construction. The Development Plans shall serve as Preliminary Plats.
Staff Recommendation:
Denial of the requested rezoning.
The proposal is not consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan (especially
the large number of smaller 7,200 square feet lot for detached single-family and 2,200 square feet
for courtyard modified townhouses), and allows too much unjustified variance from code
requirements (especially higher densities and waiver of alleys in single-family and smaller parking
spaces throughout).
The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur
with this recommendation.
Location Map
Conditions for the Planned Development District
Conceptual Plan
Notification List and Response Forms
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(ZONING CASE 2002-18)
1.01 Purpose:
The purpose of this Planned Development District is intended to provide for the
mixing and combining of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate land
use regulations and development standards. Each permitted use is planned,
developed or operated as an integral land use unit while providing flexibility in
the use and design of land and buildings where modification of specific provisions
of this ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly
inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the
neighborhood. The flexibility provided in the detailed provisions outlined in this
Planned Development District allow for additional expansion of the creative and
innovative concepts defined in the Suburban Residential Districts, the Village
Center Districts and the Commercial Districts of the existing zoning ordinance.
The allowable use of a combination of these districts provides for the
enhancement and implementation of the City's vision of the Comprehensive Plan.
The use of existing creative development goals and objectives contained within
the Suburban Residential Districts, the Village Center Districts and the
Commercial Districts, combined with the additional flexibility provided by the
use of selective enhancements allowed by the use of a Planned Development
District, together provide for a unique and creative village center development
which is of general benefit to the City as a whole.
Tracts A-1, A-2,A-3, A-4, and A-5
2.01 General Description:
The residential tracts within this Planned Development located in proximity of the
village commercial center are intended to accommodate a variety of single family
suburban residential and village residential land uses and densities. They are
designed to support the requirements of a village center which provides the
needed civic, business and commercial requirements of a neighborhood. The
residential units will encompass components contained in the Suburban
Residential Districts and the Village Residential Districts of the Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Wylie. Tract A-1 in Parcel 2 will be developed in accordance with
Single Family- 10 District (SF-10/19) as revised herein. Tract A-2 in Parcel 2
will be developed in accordance with Single Family- 8.5 District (SF-8.5/17).
Tract A-3 in Parcel 2 will be developed in accordance with Single Family - 8.5
District (SF-8.5/17) as revised herein. Tract A-4 in Parcel 3 will be developed in
accordance with Townhouse District (TH). Tract A-5 in Parcel 3 will be
developed in accordance with Townhouse (TH) as revised herein. The revisions
to the development standards for the districts identified above as revised, are
necessary within each respective district to achieve the previously stated purpose
and are further outlined within these development standards.
2.02 Permitted Uses: Land uses permitted within residential areas, indicated as Tracts
A-1, A-2 and A-3 in Parcel 2, and Tracts A-4 and A-5 in Parcel 3 as shown on
Exhibit "A" which are allowed in Article 5 Use Regulations, Section 5.1 Land Use
Charts, Figure 5-3 Land Use Tables, Residential Districts, Suburban Residential,
SF-10/19 (Tract A-1) and Village Center, SF-8.5/17 (Tracts A-2 and A-3) and TH
(Tracts A-4 and A-5) and Section 5.2 Listed Uses, as defined in the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Wylie are revised with the following additions:
a. Private recreation facilities and buildings for homeowner use.
b. Real estate sales offices and model homes during the development and
marketing of the residential areas.
c. Temporary buildings, advertising signs, and uses incidental to construction
work and sales promotions on the premises, which shall be removed upon
2.03 Density: The overall maximum allowed residential units for Tracts A-1, A-2,
A-3, A-4 and A-5 shall not exceed 680 lots.
2.04 Additional Parking Area Requirements: Additional parking area requirements
to serve the guest parking area requirements for Tracts A-4 and A-5 may be
constructed of either concrete or grass crete.
2.05 Single Family- 10 District (SF-10/19): The lots in Tract A-1, Parcel 2 are to be
developed in accordance with the development standards as defined in Article 3 -
Residential District Regulations, Section 3.2 Suburban Residential Districts,
Figure 3-5 - Single Family 10 District (SF-10/19) in the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Wylie with the following revisions:
a. Yard-R- uireinents---?lain-Struetures.
Side Yard on Conner Lots--15 feet t , on a key
b. .
Side Yard on Corner Lots - 15 feet on a standard lot and 25 feet on a key
2.06 Single Family - 8.5 District (SF-8.5/17):
The lots in Tract A-2, Parcel 2 are to be developed in accordance with the
development standards as defined in Article 3 - Residential District Regulations,
Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts, A. Single Family- 8.5 District
(SF-8.5/17),Figure 3-6 - Single Family 8.5 District (SF-8.5/17) in the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Wylie. with the following revisions:
a. S`` etttr s.
2ti feet on a key
b. Yxr°d---R-egtt i eernettts-*eeessrrrty-Str=ttetrrres:
Side Yard on Corner Lots - 15 feet on a standard lot and 2.5 feet on a key
The lots in Tract A-3, Parcel 2 are to be developed in accordance with the
development standards as defined in Article 3 - Residential District Regulations,
Figure 3-6 - Single Family 8.5 District (SF-8.5/17) in the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Wylie except as follows:
a. Lot Size:
Lot Area- 7,200 square feet.
Lot Width- 60 feet
Lot Width on Corner Lots - 65 feet.
Lot Depth- 120 feet.
Minimum Square Footage- 33% 1,300 square feet
33% 1500 square feet
c. Yard Requirements - Main Structures:
Side Yard - 5 feet.
Side Yard on Corner Lots - 15 feet on a standard lot and 25 feet on a key
Rear Yard Double Front Lots - 30 feet
d. Yard requirements - Accessory Structures:
Side Yard on Corner Lots - 15 feet on a standard lot and 25 feet on a key
2.07 Townhouse District (TH):
The lots in Tract A-4, Parcel 3 are to be developed in accordance with the
development standards as defined in Article 3 - Residential District Regulations,
Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts, B. Townhouse District (TH), Figure 3-7
- Townhouse District (TH) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
The lots in Tract A-5, Parcel 3 are to be developed in accordance with the
development standards as defined in Article 3 - Residential District Regulations,
Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts, B. Townhouse District (TH), Figure 3-7
- Townhouse District (TH) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the
following revisions:
a. Lot size:
Lot Area - 2,200 square feet.
Lot Width - 22 feet
Lot Width on Corner Lots - 37 feet.
Lot Depth - 100 feet.
Lot Depth of Double Front Lots - 100 feet.
b. Yard Requirements - Main Structures:
Rear Yard - 20 feet.
Rear Yard Double Front Lots - 15 feet.
Rear Yard for Lots Adjacent to a Fire Lane - 30 feet from the rear property
c. Yard requirements - Accessory Structures:
Rear Yard Double Front Lots - 15 feet.
2.08 Private Streets/Fire Lanes:
The use of a public street or fire lane in the Townhouse District (TH) shall be at
the discretion of the developer and will be shown on the development plan or
preliminary plat. Private streets and fire lanes shall be located in a public access
easement having a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum pavement width of
24 feet.
2.09 Residential Design Standards:
The Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards shall apply to all lots defined
within the Planned Development District in the Suburban Residential Districts
and Village Center Districts classification with the following revisions:
Figure 3-14 Village Residential District (SF-8.5/17, TH, MF, MH)
a. A. Village Land Design Requirements - 30 Points Required:
1. Connection of Open Space to Residential Development.
(i) a ,
extending into or providing neighborhood access to open space or
a ,
qualify for 25 points.
(ii) The trail system with a trail being 8 ft. in width, as shown on the
Conceptual Plan attached hereto, which is adjacent to streets and
in an open space shall meet the requirements to qualify as the
"Pedestrian Linkages to the Village Center" for 10 points.
b. C. Street and Sidewalk Requirements - 55 Points Required:
1. Curvilinear Streets:
(i) The streets within Tracts A-1, A-2 and A-3 shall have 25% of
theirthe streets meet the design criteria for curvilinear streets and
shall qualify for 20 points.
(ii) The streets within Tracts A-4 and A-5, because of their boundary
configuration constraints, shall have 10% of the streets meet the
design criteria for curvilinear streets and shall qualify for 20 points.
2. Entry Features and Medians.
(i) Landscaped entry features and medians located within an 80 foot
right of way shall qualify for 15 points. The minimum length for a
median at any entry intersection of a public street shall be 50 feet.
3. Sidewalk Width.
(i) A side walk width of 6 feet, with a meanderingdesign, located
within a parkway of a secondary collector , collector street or
residential street, located on one side of the street as shown on the
Conceptual Plan attached hereto, shall qualify for 15 points. The
meandering sidewalk is to be constructed on one side of the street
which fulfills the sidewalk requirements for both sides of the
respective street.
4. Screening of Residential Units Backing onto Major Thoroughfares.
(i) A screening wall constructed along the rear property line of lots
adjacent to the Secondary Thoroughfare shown on the Conceptual
Plan attached hereto, shall qualify for 20 points.
5. Village Residential Street Trees.
(i) Residential lots fronting on a collector or residential street shall
have a minimum of 1 tree per lot planted in the front yard of each
lot. It is the intent to have the trees evenly spaced within any given
block length as well as their location in relationship to the front
property line. The flexibility of offsetting or staggering trees
along the street shall be an option for consideration in achieving a
pleasing streetscape. This concept shall qualify for 20 points.
(ii) The trees within each tract shall have a minimum caliper of 3
inches as measured 12 inches above the ground at the time of
(iii) A tree layout will be submitted with the development plan or
preliminary plat indicating the spacing of the trees. The plan will
take into consideration the width of the lot and the location of
driveways in determining tree spacing.
c. D. Architectural Requirements - 30 Points Required:
1. Exterior Facade Material.
(i) The base standard shall be 100 % brick, stone or masonry
composite materials. The use of all masonry composite material
on units in the Townhouse District (TH) shall qualify as 100%
(ii) Natural wood products may be used for architectural accent which
shall consist of no more than 5% of the exterior facade of units in
the Townhouse District (TH).
2. Roof Pitch.
for either a detached or attached units.
(ii) The use of the same colored shingle throughout the residential
subdivision shall qualify for an additional 20 points.
Tract B-1
3.01 Multifamily District (MF):
Tract B-1, Parcel 2 is to be developed in accordance with the development
standards as defined in Article 3 - Residential District Regulations, Section 3.3
Village Residential Districts, C. Multifamily District (MF), Figure 3-8 -
Multifamily District (MF) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. except as
(i) Maximum Density- 18 Dwelling Units/Gross Aere
Building Separation between detached buildings - 20 feet.
3.02 Residential Design Standards:
The Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards shall apply to all lots defined within
the Planned Development District in the Village Center Districts classification
with the following revisions:
Figure 3-14 Village Residential District (SF-8.5/17, TH, MF, MH)
a. A. Village Land Design Requirements - 30 Points Required:
1. Connection of Open Space to Residential Development.
(i) Cul-de-sacs extending into or providing neighborhood access to
open space or parks, in addition to streets alongside to open space
or parks, shall qualify for 25 points. The number of cul-de-sacs in
this area shall be limited to four
(ii) The trail system with a trail being 8 ft. in width as shown on the
Conceptual Plan attached hereto shall qualify for 10 points.
b. C. Street and Sidewalk Requirements - 55 Points Required:
1. Curvilinear Streets.
(i) The public streets within Tract B-1 shall have 10% of the streets
meet the design criteria for curvilinear streets and shall qualify for
20 points
2. Entry Features and Medians.
(i) Landscaped entry features and medians located in an 80 foot right
of way shall qualify for 15 points. The minimum length for a
median at any entry intersection of a public street shall be 50 feet.
(ii) (ii) A side walk width of 6 feet, with a meandering design, located
within a parkway of a secondary collector, collector street or
residential street, located on one side of the street as shown on the
Conceptual Plan attached hereto shall qualify for 15 points. The
meandering sidewalk is to be constructed on one side of the street
which fulfills the sidewalk requirements for the respective street.
3. Screening of Residential Units Backing onto Major Thoroughfares.
(i) A screening wall constructed along the rear property line of lots
adjacent to the Secordary Thoroughfare shown on the Conceptual
Plan attached hereto, shall qualify for 20 points.
4. Village Residential Street Trees.
(i) Multifamily lots fronting on a collector or residential street shall
have a tree per lot planted along the street right-of-way at a
minimum spacing of 30 feet and a maximum spacing of 50 feet. It
is the intent to have the trees evenly spaced within any given block
length as well as their location in relationship to the property line.
The flexibility of offsetting or staggering trees along the street shall
be an option for consideration in achieving a pleasing streetscape.
This concept shall qualify for 20 points.
(ii) The trees within each tract shall have a minimum caliper of 3
inches as measured 12 inches above the ground at the time of
(iii) A tree layout will be submitted with the development plan or
preliminary plat indicating the spacing of the trees. The plan will
take into consideration the width of the lot and the location of
entrances in determining tree spacing.
c. D. Architectural Requirements - 30 Points Required:
1. Exterior Facade Material.
(i) The base standard shall be 100 %brick, stone or masonry
composite materials with a minimum of 30 % brick or stone, shall
qualify as 100% masonry.
(ii) Natural wood products may be used for architectural accent which
shall consist of no more than 5% of the exterior facade.
2. Roof Pitch.
(i) The roof pitch for all multifamily units shall be a minimum of
(ii) The use of the same colored shingle throughout the multifamily
development shall qualify for an additional 20 points.
3.03 Screening Walls: Screening walls used in multifamily development shall be as
a. Unless there is a natural or landscaped open space or buffer area, which
may be zoned either for single family or multifamily use, having a
minimum width of twenty five (25) feet located between single family
residential and multifamily residential uses, a six (6) foot screening wall
shall be constructed by the developer/builder of the multifamily property
between any areas developed for multifamily uses and single family
residential uses. The above referenced six (6) foot screening wall shall be
constructed of stone, stucco, brick, tile, concrete or similar materials or
any combination thereof. Wrought iron fencing may be used as an accent
feature to a screening wall from the front building line to the front property
line or street right-of-way. Wrought iron gates may be used in a screening
wall for access to utility transformers and control panels. Design of the
aforementioned screening fence shall be submitted at the time of
development plan approval.
Tracts C-1 & C-2
4.01 General Description: The commercial tracts within this Planned Development
located within the proximity of the residential land uses of the Village Center are
intended to accommodate the development of office, retail and commercial
service-related uses for the neighborhood residents.
4.02 Permitted Uses: Land uses permitted within nonresidential areas, indicated as
Tract C-1 in Parcel 1 and Tract C-2 in Parcel 2 as shown on Exhibit "A", shall
include those uses allowed in Article 5 Use Regulations, Section 5.1 Land Use
Charts, Figure 5-3 Land Use Tables,Non-Residential Districts, Village Center,
Community Retail (CR) and Commercial, Commercial Corridor District (CC)
and Section 5.2 Listed Uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
4.03 Community Retail District (CR):
Tract C-2 in Parcel 2 is to be developed in accordance with the development
standards as defined in Article 4 - Nonresidential District Regulations, Section 4.1
Village Center Nonresidential Districts, B. Community Retail (CR), Figure 4-2 -
Community Retail District (CR) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
4.04 Commercial Corridor District (CC):
Tract C-1 in Parcel 1 is to be developed in accordance with the development
standards as defined in Article 4 - Nonresidential District Regulations, Section 4.2
Business Districts, B. Commercial Corridor District (CC), Figure 4-4 -
Commercial Corridor District (CC) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
4.05 Nonresidential Design Standards:
The Section 4.4 Nonresidential Design Standards shall apply to the commercial
development within the Planned development District in the Community Retail
(CR) and the Commercial Corridor District (CC) classification with the following
a. Figure 4-6 Site Design Requirements:
(i) The total number of land design points for buildings 20,000 square feet
and under - 60 Points Required.
(ii) The total number of land design points for buildings from 20,001 to
40,000 square feet - 40 Points Required.
(iii) The total number of land design points required for buildings over
40,001 square feet - 20 Points Required.
(iv) Buildings maybe configured as shown on the Illustrative Plan "A"
Tract C-i, attached hereto.
b. Figure 4-7 Landscaping Point Requirements:
(i) Landscaping in Required Yards for buildings less than 40,000 square
feet shall be 15% of the site.
(ii) Landscaping in Required Yards for buildings over 40,000 square feet
shall be 10% of the site.
(iii) The total number of landscaping points required for any commercial
building - 25 Points Required.
4.06 Parking Design Requirements:
The parking for commercial development shall be designed in accordance with the
(i) Each parking space shall be 9 feet in width and 18 feet in depth.
(ii) The aisle width for all parking shall be 24 feet.
5.01 Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this
Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections
of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance dated February 27, 2002.
5.02 Procedures of the Planned Development District:
a. Zoning Exhibit: A zoning exhibit is hereby attached and made a part of
the approval for this Planned Development District. This zoning exhibit,
indicated as Exhibit "A" sets forth an overall property boundary
description, and the designation of each zoning tract, identified by a
number which corresponds to the tracts defined in this Exhibit "C"
Planned Development District Development Standards.
b. Conceptual Plan:
(i) The Conceptual Plan is hereby attached and made a part of the
approval for the Planned Development District as Exhibit "B".
c. Development Plan:
(i) Prior to any development under this approved Planned
Development District, a development plan for each phase must be
submitted to the City of Wylie for approval. The development plan
shall suffice as the preliminary plat for the residential single family
tracts or districts. The development plan shall suffice as the site
plan for nonresidential tracts or districts. The development plan
shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the
City Council prior to the issuance of any building permit for
(ii) In the event of a conflict between the development standards and a
development plan, the development standards shall apply.
5.03 General Compliance: Except as amended by these conditions, development of
property within this Planned Development must comply with the requirements of
all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Wylie as they presently exist.
5.04 Street Requirements:=
(i) The street shown on the Conceptual Plan as Exhibit "B" attached
hereto as a Secondary Collector shall be developed as a Secondary
Collector Type C with a 100 foot right-of-way with 4 lanes of
pavement (2 lanes at 25 feet back to back of curb).
(ii) The street shown on the Conceptual Plan as Exhibit "B" attached
hereto as a Collector shall be developed as a Collector Type D with
a 60 foot right-of-way with a 2.5 foot wide easement adjacent to
the right-of-way for utilities with a pavement width of 38 feet back
to back of curb.
(iii) All residential streets shall be developed as Residential Type E
with a right-of-way of 50 feet with a pavement width of 31 feet
back to back of curb.
(iv) The minimum centerline radius for a Secondary Collector Type C
shall be 1,000 feet, a Collector Type D shall be 350 feet and a
Residential Type E shall be 150 feet.
(v) Developer shall only be required to pave one-half of Hensley
5.05 Alleys:
(i) The use of alleys shall be at the discretion of the developer and
shall be shown on the development plan or preliminary plat.
(ii) The right-of-way width of an alley may be reduced to fifteen (15)
feet when there is a five (5) foot wide easement in the rear or side
yard of a lot adjacent to an alley.
5.06 Hiking and Jogging Trail Along Secondary Collectors, Collectors and
Residential Streets:
(i) An eight (8) foot wide concrete hiking and jogging trail may be
constructed on one (1) side of any major thoroughfare, secondary
thoroughfare and selected residential street in lieu of sidewalks on
both sides of the designated streets. The use of residential streets
shall be limited to those streets needed to provide a continuous trail
system link from a secondary collector or collector to an open
space or park area. In order to provide for a meandering trail, the
pavement for any thoroughfare or residential street shall be allowed
to be offset a maximum of five (5) feet from the center of the
right-of-way to provide for additional parkway on one (1) side of
the designated street for the construction of the meandering trail.
The final location of any hiking and jogging trails shall be shown
on the Development Plan or Preliminary Plat.
5.07 Detention: Detention will not be required if the storm water runoff from this
property, or any portion thereof is discharged into:
(i) Property within the City of Sachse.
(ii) Directed and discharged into Maxwell Creek within an enclosed
pipe system.
(iii) Directed into the Maxwell Creek or the Soil Conservation Service
pond constructed on Maxwell Creek within an authorized drainage
easement along an existing drainage way or natural water course.
Woodbridge Parkway
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APPLICANT Herzog Development Corporation APPLICATION FILE #2002-18
9696 Skillman Street,Suite 210 Dallas,Texas 75243
Applicant-Don Herzog 9696 Skillman Street, Suite 210
1 Herzog Development Corporation Dallas,Texas 75243
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 51676
2 Blk C Lot 36 R-2208-00C-0360-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P#2 3523 Hiliridge
3 BIk C 37 R-2208-00C-0370-1 Joseph Earl Willis Plano,Tx 75074
Regency B.P#2 Affordable Boats 2802 Capital St
4 Bik C 38 R-2208-00C-0380-1 c/o Jim Lewis Wylie,Tx 75098-7002
Regency B.P#2 17888 Fm 2765
5 Blk C 39 R-2208-00C-0390-1 Michael R Sargent Lavon,Tx 75166-1906
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 460897
6 BIk C 40 R-2208-00C-0400-1 M L Johnson &Associates Garland,Tx 75046-0897
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 460897
7 Bik C 41 R-2208-00C-0410-1 M L Johnson &Associates Garland,Tx 75046-0897
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
8 BIk C 42 R-2208-00C-0420-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P #2 1106 E Plano Pkwy Ste 3
V 9 BIk C 43 R-2208-00C-0430-1 Plumlee Real Estate Piano,Tx 75074-8585
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
10 Blk C 44 R-2208-00C-0440-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 51676
11 BIk D Lot 3 R-2208-00D-0030-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
12 BIk D 4 R-2208-00D-0040-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
13 Blk E Lot 1 R-2208.00E-0010-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P #2 2812 Exchange St
14 BIk E 2 R-2208-00E-0020-1 Scobilt Contractors Inc Wylie,Tx 75098-7006
Regency B.P#2 605 S Sherman St Ste 705G
15 Bik E 3 R-2208-00E-0030-1 Nina Hayes Cleaning Service Inc Richardson,Tx 75081-4046
Regency B.P #2 4200 Mclean Rd
16 Bik E 4 R-2208.00E-0040-1 Rinehold Ltd Fort Worth,Tx 761 1 7-1 006
Regency B.P#2 1218 Edgewood Ln
17 BIk E 5 R-2208-00E-0050-1 Gregg Moseman Allen, Tx 75013
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
18 Blk E 6 R-2208-00E-0060-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 51676
19 Blk E 7 R-2208-00E-0070-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P #2 PO Box 51676
20 Bik E 8 R-2208-00E-0080-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Regency B.P#2 PO Box 51676
21 Blk E 9 R-2208-00E-0090-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Hooper B.Park 103 Security Ct
22 Bik A Lot 1 R R-2589-00A-001 R-1 Clark Family LP#2 Wylie,Tx 75098-4943
103 Security Ct
23 Bik A 7 R-2589-00A 0070-1 Clark Family LP#2 Wylie,Tx 75098-4943
2902 Carlisle St Ste 200
24 Blk A 8 R-2589-00A-0080-1 Lyons Equities Inc Dallas,Tx 75204-1013
2902 Carlisle St Ste 200
25 Bik A 9 R-2589-00A-0090-1 Lyons Equities Inc Dallas,Tx 75204-1013
2902 Carlisle St Ste 200
26 Blk A 10 R-2589-00A-0100-1 Lyons Equities Inc Dallas,Tx 75204-1013
2902 Carlisle St Ste 200
27 Blk A 11 R-2589-00A-0110-1 Lyons Equities Inc Dallas,Tx 75204-1013
Parker Addn PO Box 307
I 28 Blk A Lot 1 R-4602-00A-0010-1 Richard Parker Wylie,Tx 75098-0307
B C Wood PO Box 1042
29 Abst. 196 Tract 2 R-6196-000-0020-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
1001 S Ballard Ave
30 Abst. 196 Tract 6 R-6196-000-0060-1 Wylie ISD Wylie,Tx 75098-4177
1001 S Ballard Ave
31 Abst. 193 Tract 2 R-6193-000-0020-1 Wylie ISD Wylie,Tx 75098-4177
Oncor Electric Delivery Company PO Box 219071
32 Abst. 193 Tract 3 R-6193-000-0030-1 State&Local Tax Department Dallas,Tx 75221-9071
2000 N Highway 78
33 Abst. 193 Tract 17 R-6193-000-0170-1 City Of Wylie Wylie,Tx 75098-6043
2000 N Highway 78
34 Abst. 193 Tract 4 R-6193-000-0040-1 City Of Wylie Wylie,Tx 75098-6043
2000 N Highway 78
35 Abst. 193 Tract 5 R-6193-000-0050-1 City Of Wylie Wylie,Tx 75098-6043
3300 N Highway 78
36 Abst, 193 Tract 7 R-6193-000-0070-1 Alton Wayne Hensley Wylie,Tx 75098-6069
200 Hensley Ln
37 Abst. 193 Tract 10 R-6193-000-0100-1 Worth M Speed Wylie,Tx 75098-4902
2 Rue Du Lac St
38 Abst.351 Tract 13 R-6351-000-0130-1 J L Brand Jr&D Green Dallas,Tx 75230-2834
102 Hensley Ln
39 Abst.438 Tract 11 R-6438-000-0110-1 Wayne Rich Wylie,Tx 75098-4900
108 Hensley In
/0 Abst.438 Tract 6 R-6438-000-0060-1 Norlan Van Cleve Wylie,Tx 75098-4900
200 Hensley Ln
41 Abst.438 Tract 14 R-6438-000-0140-1 Worth M Speed _ Wylie,Tx 75098-4902
Ingram lona H 5220 Spring Valley Rd Ste 500
42 Abst. 835 Tract 2 R-6835-000-0020-1 c/o G H Kelsoe Dallas,Tx 75254-2466
B C Wood PO Box 1042
J 43 Abst. 835 Tract 17 R-6835-000-0170-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
932 Hooper Rd
44 Abst. 835 Tract 18 R-6835-000-0180-1 Timothy R Johnson Wylie,Tx 75098-7046
PO Box 51676
45 Abst. 835 Tract 39 R-6835-000-0390-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Oncor Electric Delivery Company PO Box 219071
46 Abst. 835 Tract 41 R-6835-000-0410-1 State&Local Tax Department Dallas,Tx 75221-9071
PO Box 51676
47 Abst.835 Tract 16 R-6835.000-0160-1 John P Pennington Amarillo,Tx 79159-1676
Oncor Electric Delivery Company PO Box 219071
48 Abst. 849 Tract 41 R-6849-000-0410-1 State &Local Tax Department Dallas,Tx 75221-9071
1819 Blake Dr
49 Abst. 703 Tract 10 R-6703.000-0100-1 Conrad Boyer Richardson,Tx 75081-2603
331 Hooper Rd
50 Abst. 703 Tract 3 R-6703-000-0030-1 George Allen Ross Wylie,Tx 75098-7035
PSC 76
51 Abst. 703 Tract 2 R-6703-000-0020-1 Tom(Kathleen Silsbee APO,AE 09720-0076
Oncor Electric Delivery Company PO Box 219071
52 Abst. 703 Tract 4 R-6703-000-0040-1 State&Local Tax Department Dallas,Tx 75221-9071
PO Box 546
53 Abst. 703 Tract 5 R-6703-000-0050-1 Birmingham Land Trust Wylie,Tx 75098-0546
PO Box 546
54 Abst. 703 Tract 6 R-6703-000-0060-1 Birmingham Land Trust Wylie,Tx 75098-0546
Oncor Electric Delivery Company PO Box 219071
55 Abst. 703 Tract 9 R-6703-000-0090-1 State&Local Tax Department Dallas,Tx 75221-9071
PO Box 1042
1 56 Abst. 703 Tract 7 R-6703-000-0070-1 Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
B C Wood PO Box 1042
J 57 Abst. 703 Tract 8 R-6703-000-0080-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
B C Wood PO Box 1042
V 58 Abst. 1061 Tract 1 R-7061-000-0010-1 c/o Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
PO Box 1042
V 59 Abst. 1061 Tract 3 R-7061-000-0030-1 Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
/ PO Box 1042
N 60 Abst. 1061 Tract 4 R-7061-000-0040-1 Ida Pearl Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
PO Box 1042
61 Abst. 1061 Tract 6 R-7061-000-0060-1 Ronald Scholz Wylie,Tx 75098-1042
4131 Skyview Dr
62 Abst. 1061 Tract 8 R-7061.000-0080.1 Henry Garland Wylie,Tx 75098-5791
PO Box 307
V 63 Abst. 1061 Tract 10 R-7061-000-0100-1 Richard Parker Wylie,Tx 75098-0307
Collin County 210 S.McDonald Street
64 FM 544 Commissioner's Court McKinney,Texas 75069
P.O. Box 66016
65 Dart Railroad DART Railway Company Dallas,Texas 75266
(Please type or use black ink) (�
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: N h RL k ' V r1 N L__l -V E
(please ntf)'' --��,,,,,,cr,)) � J ,
Address: 1b 14 L- 1 s tt_ L\ N E
Date: 1 - 2 -0
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 7 098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: Tanct4 i i�j'l�t 1 f Ph)/9&jee ,{ e J s
print) )) h
Address: 1 105 & Pk no -PafkMJ� ) SUi `j
r—P),a.r, fl -7 50-74
Date: 4 iv z-
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 73 North,Wylie,Texas
> _ JCSL0L 1 f(\1
Name. ���" `
Address: P i P b� t 0 3-- "
e{ -( A s r) c6 8`
�, ,,e4) j
Signature: 8'Y1�y� • • —e-44)/--
Date: I ( _46
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of /1"t•L
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: ,c..-4,/dt, g/e-e—e-ia
(please pri t)
Address: . f x 3 07
Date: f 07Z e/1eo-1---
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: den/CZ/Z:7i) �G�f�LgarAf;l' c 4_
(please t
Address: . &— ' 14`, Ap/-'Z
f x 75Z3g/3
Signature: 4.,,
Date: " /!/I/,lt?J
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 19,2002,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 10,2002,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: J66 L.r/Sizzi
(please rint)Address: C /c X! /0(//
-Wy//e 73729g
Signature: ` � 1 ,t�v ��
Date: l V(i/ O.--
City of Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 2
Rezoning 02-19
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: December 3, 2002
Owner: Lake Trails 544 LP
Applicant: Realty Development Trust
Location: South of Stone Road (C.R. 382) and north of Beaver Creek
Road (C.R. 1105), East of W.A. Allen Road(F.M. 544) and
west of Shoreline Drive (C.R. 732)
Existing Zoning: Planned Development District (PD 01-51) for Single-Family
Residential and mixed-use Village Center, including
common open spaces
Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for Single-
Family Residential and mixed-use Village Center
The applicant is requesting a revision to the existing Planned Development District (PD 2002-21)
for Bozeman Farm Estates. This proposed amendments the Conditions for the Planned
Development District to amend the Single-Family Residential requirements to eliminate the front
garage offset and to allow Day Care uses without Specific Use Permits. No other changes are
being made to the Development Plan or Conditions of Development.
The original 470 acre Bozeman Farm Estates Planned Development was created by PD 2001-51
in December of 2001. The PD was amended as PD 2002-21 in July of 2002 in order to add 5.8
acres to the Development Plan and amend the Conditions of Development to allow the
Development Plan to serve as a preliminary plat for each future phase of the development.
ZC 02-19
The original Planned Development District permits a variety of single-family lot sizes (6,000,
7,500 and 8,500 square feet) without alleys, approximately 250 multi-family apartments, a
convenience retail center, and a school or YMCA site. These varied use areas and neighborhoods
are connected by wide boulevards and extensive open spaces for trail linkages, complimenting the
several isolated developable tracts separated by undevelopable terrain and major utility easements.
The proposed revisions maintain the earlier Planned Development District requirements
substantially as adopted, except for the following changes to the Conditions of Development:
A. Section V.ii.22. has been added to permit Day Care facilities without a Specific Use Permit in
all Single-family residential areas; and
B. Section VI.iii.5. has been revised to eliminate the 5 feet setback from the front of the house
for garages facing the street.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to eighteen (18) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting.
1. Section III of the PD Conditions of Development required that all regulations providing for a
Village Center District as set forth in Section 3.3 Village Residential District of the current
Zoning Ordinance shall apply except as specifies within the PD. The Zoning Ordinance
permits Day Care Facilities within all residential districts only with an approved Specific Use
Permit. The proposed revision to the PD will allow Day Care uses by right within all
residential areas within the PD.
2. Section VI.iii.5 of the PD Conditions of Development required attached or detached garages
which face the street to be constructed a minimum of 5 feet behind the front of the house.
This provision is consistent with 5 feet setback of the Suburban Residential and the one foot
setback of the Village Residential requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed
revision to the PD will allow garages which face the street to be flush with the front facade of
the house.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval. The proposed revisions do not significantly modify the Development Plan and
Conditions of Development earlier approved by the Council.
The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur
with this recommendation.
ZC 02-19
Location Map
Conditions of the Planned Development with Development Plan
Notification List
Exhibit "B"
Bozeman Farms Estates
Zoning Case#2002-19
Planned Development Requirements:
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is to
permit the development of BOZEMAN FARMS ESTATES.
H. Statement of Effect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation
found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as adopted and amended, except
as specifically provided herein;
III. General Regulations: All regulations providing for a Village Center District as
set forth in Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts and Section 4.1 Village
Center Non-Residential Districts of the currently pending Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance are included by reference and shall apply, except as otherwise
specified under the special provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein
and the conditions of the currently pending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,
which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all the
zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development.
IV. Development Plan: Development shall be in conformance with the Development
Plan attached herewith; however, in the event of conflict between the
Development Plan and the written conditions of this ordinance, the written
conditions shall apply. The Development Plan shall serve as a Preliminary Plat
for each phase of future development. Site plans shall be submitted for review by
the Planning and zoning Commission with the submission of final plats for all
future multi-family residential and nonresidential development.
V. Specific Regulations:
i. General Residential Regulations
1. Density: The maximum number of Single Family Dwelling units
permitted in this Planned Development shall not exceed 1,350 S.F.
Units. The gross area density of the Multi-family Dwelling Units shall
not exceed 250 M.F. Units. The Planned Development shall not
exceed an average gross density of 4.0 du/a. If the multi-family site is
developed as single family then the gross area density of single-family
units may be increased to 1,395 units.
2. Lot Mix: A maximum of 25% of the Single Family lots will not be
less than 6,000 sf; a maximum of 35% of the Single Family lots will
not be less than 7,500 sf; a minimum of 40% of the Single Family lots
will be not less than 8,500 sf. For the purposes of determining these
percentages, all calculations shall be on a cumulative basis.
3. Minimum Average Lot Area: The minimum average lot area shall not
less than an average of 7,630 sf.
4. Alleys shall not be required as part of this Planned Development.
5. Distribution of the Single Family Dwelling Unit types (as specified in
the following text; Type A, Type B, and Type C) shall be distributed
within the development as shown on the Final Plat submitted with
each phase.
ii. Single Family
1. Lot Area: The minimum permitted lot areas are:
a. Lot Type "A": 8,500 s.f.
b. Lot Type"B": 7,500 s.f.
c. Lot Type"C": 6,000 s.f.
2. Lot Width: The minimum permitted lot widths are:
a. Lot Type "A": 70 feet
b. Lot Type "B": 65 feet
c. Lot Type"C": 50 feet
3. Lot Width of Corner Lots: The minimum lot widths of corner lots are:
a. Lot Type "A": 75 feet
b. Lot Type `B": 70 feet
c. Lot Type"C": 55 feet
4. Lot Depth: The minimum permitted lot depths are:
a. Lot Type "A": 100 feet
b. Lot Type `B": 100 feet
c. Lot Type"C": 100 feet
5. Lot Depth in Double Front Lots: The minimum permitted lot depths on
double front lots are:
a. Lot Type "A": 120 feet
b. Lot Type `B": 120 feet
c. Lot Type "C": 120 feet
6. Minimum Dwelling Unit Square Frontage: The minimum permitted
dwelling unit square footages are:
a. Lot Type "A": 1,700 s.f.
b. Lot Type `B": 1,700 s.f.
c. Lot Type"C": 1,700 s.f.
7. Main Structure Front Yard: Front Yard Setbacks within each of the
Lot Type Zones may be varied between 15 feet and 35 feet with the
following percent of 15 foot setbacks being permitted within any
single block:
a. Lot Type "A": 50% (15 foot min.)
b. Lot Type `B": 45% (15 foot min.)
c. Lot Type"C": 35% (15 foot min.)
8. Main Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yards are:
a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot width(7.0 foot min.)
b. Lot Type`B": 10% lot width (6.5 foot min.)
c. Lot Type "C": 10% lot width (5.0 foot min.)
9. Main Structure Side yard on Corner Lot: The minimum permitted side
yard setbacks adjacent to a street are:
a. Lot Type"A": 10% lot width (11.25 ft. min.)
b. Lot Type`B": 10% lot width (10.5 ft. min.)
c. Lot Type"C": 10% lot width (8.25 ft. min.)
10. Side Yard of Allowable Non-Residential Use:
a. Lot Type"A": 30 feet
b. Lot Type`B": 30 feet
c. Lot Type"C": 30 feet
11. Main Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yards shall
be the lesser of:
a. Lot Type "A": 10% lot depth or 20 ft.
b. Lot Type`B": 10% lot depth or 20 ft.
c. Lot Type"C": 10% lot depth or 20 ft.
This minimum rear yard is increased to 18 feet where applicable when
a garage and drive face the rear yard, serviced by an alley (when alleys
are provided).
12. Main Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum
permitted rear yards on double front lots are:
a. Lot Type "A": 30 feet
b. Lot Type`B": 30 feet
c. Lot Type "C": 30 feet
13. Accessory Structure Front Yard: Accessory structures shall be located
behind the building line of the main structure for all lot types.
14. Accessory Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yard for
accessory structures shall be 5 feet for all lot types.
15. Accessory Structure Rear Yard: The minimum permitted rear yard for
accessory structures shall be 10% of the lot depth for all lot types.
16. Accessory Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: The minimum
permitted rear yard for accessory structures on double front lots shall
be 25 feet for all lot types.
17. Accessory Structure Side Yard on Corner Lots: The minimum
accessory structure side yards on corner lots are:
a. Lot Type"A": 10% lot width (7.5 ft. min.)
b. Lot Type"B": 10% lot width (7.0 ft. min.)
c. Lot Type"C": 10% lot width(5.5 ft. min.)
18. Accessory Structure Minimum Distance from Main Building: The
minimum separation between the main building and an accessory
building shall be 5 feet for all lot types.
19. Accessory Structures Building Area: The maximum cumulative
building size for accessory structures on any lot shall not exceed 15%
of the lot area or 600 s.f. maximum. This does not limit amenity
centers that are part of a single family development.
20. Main Structure Height: The maximum building height of any
residential main structure shall not exceed 36 feet on all lot types.
21. Accessory Structure Height: The maximum building height of any
accessory structure shall not exceed a maximum height of 36 feet or 2
stories on all lot types.
22. Permitted uses: Permitted in all Single Family Residential Districts
shall include the uses specified in the SF 8.5/17 District, except that
Day Care Facilities shall be allowed a permitted use without a Special
Use Permit.
iii. MF (Multi-Family District)
1. Lot Area: The minimum permitted lot area for multi-family
development is 43,560 gross s.f.
2. Lot Width: The minimum permitted lot width for multi-family
development is 100 feet (at property line).
3. Lot Width Corner Lots: N/A
4. Lot Depth: The minimum permitted lot depth for multi-family
development is 150 feet.
5. Lot Depth of Double Front Lots: N/A
6. Minimum Dwelling Unit Square Footage: The minimum permitted
dwelling unit square footage is:
a. Efficiency 600 s.£
b. 1 Bedroom 750 s.f.
c. 2 Bedroom 900 s.f.
d. 3 Bedroom 1,000 s.f.
7. Maximum Density: The Maximum permitted density for multi-family
is 15 units per gross acre of multi-family site area.
8. Main Structure Front Yard: The minimum permitted front yard for
multi-family development is 30 feet from any property line.
9. Main Structure Side Yard: The minimum permitted side yard for
multi-family development is 20 feet from any interior lot line.
10. Main Structure Side yard on Corner Lots: N/A
11. Side Yard of Allowable Non-Residential Use: N/A
12. Main Structure Rear Yard: N/A
13. Main Structure Rear Yard of Double Front Lots: N/A
14. Accessory Structure Front Yard: N/A
15. Accessory Structure Side Yard: N/A
16. Accessory Structure Rear Yard: N/A
17. Accessory Structure Rear Yard on Double Front Lots: N/A
18. Accessory Structure Side Yard on Corner Lots: N/A
19. Accessory Structure Minimum Distance From Main Building: The
minimum permitted separation between the main structure and any
accessory structure in a multi-family area is 5 feet.
20. Accessory Structure Building Area: The maximum permitted building
area of accessory structures (excluding amenity centers and recreation
buildings) is:
a. Lots 2 acres or less 10%of lot area or 2500 sf maximum
(whichever is less)
b. Lots 2 acres or more 5% of lot area or 2500 sf maximum
(whichever is less)
21. Main Structure Building Area: The maximum permitted building area
for main structure is as approved on the final development plan.
22. Main Structure Height: The maximum permitted building height for
multi-family structures shall not exceed 45 feet or 2 stories.
23. Accessory Building Height: The maximum permitted building height
for accessory structures in a multi-family area shall not exceed 40 feet.
24. A building permit for construction of mult-family residential uniys
shall not be issued until 50% of the single-family residential lots are
iv. The Village Center non-residential core of the Planned Development shall
conform to CR (Community Retail) standards and permitted uses, except
as amended below:
1. Height of Main Structure: The maximum permitted height of
structures shall not exceed 45 feet.
2. Number of Stories: The maximum permitted number of stories shall
not exceed 2 stories.
3. Residential Proximity: Building height in areas of residential
proximity shall be limited by a 3:1 height to setback slope extending
from the residential lot line.
4. Front Yard Setback: the minimum permitted front yard setback for
non-residential structures is 25 feet.
5. Side Yard Setback: The minimum permitted side yard setback for
non-residential structures is 10 feet.
6. Rear Yard Setback: The minimum permitted rear yard for non-
residential structures is 10 feet.
7. Lot Coverage: The maximum permitted lot coverage for non-
residential development is 50% of gross area.
8. Non-residential Use Adjacent to Single Family: Where non-residential
uses are adjacent to a single family lot line with no intervening flood
plain, common area, gas easement, power line easement, or open
space; the side and rear yards shall be doubled. With landscape
screening this setback can be reduced to 10 feet.
9. Non-residential Use Adjacent to Multi-family: Where non-residential
uses are adjacent to a multi-family lot line with no intervening flood
plain, common area, or open space; the side and rear yards shall be a
minimum of 20 feet. With landscape screening this setback can be
reduced to 5 feet from the landscape screen line.
10. Service and Loading Areas: Service and loading areas within a non-
residential area shall not be visible from the public street or adjacent
residential uses. Landscape screening, which provides a contiguous
evergreen leaf mass or solid screen walls, can be used to meet this
11. Permitted uses: Permitted uses in the Village Center of the Planned
Development include the uses specified in an NS (Neighborhood
Service) District, except as amended in the following:
a. General Merchandise or Food Store greater than 5,000 s.f.
b. Motor vehicle fueling station
c. Theater
d. Accessory outside sales
e. Recreational/Entertainment
VI. Single Family and Multi-Family Basic Requirements of the Village Residential
District (basic requirements of the Village Residential District are the only basic
requirements that apply to the single family and multi-family portions of this
Planned Development except as amended below, which replace certain of the
Basic Requirement Standards).
i. Village Land Design Requirements:
1. Connection of Open Space to Residential Development: 4-foot
walkway along neighborhood streets to single loaded streets
paralleling community open spaces and flood plains.
2. Lighting and furnishing along open space and trails: Pole mounted
lighting or landscape tree down lighting shall be provided at
destinations, activities, and nodal points. Provide total number of
benches (with backs) equal to one bench every 1/2 mile of trail 6 foot
wide or wider. Benches can be grouped but the space between
benches (or groupings) shall not exceed % mile.
ii. Street and Sidewalk Requirements:
1. Sidewalk locations: Both sides of double loaded streets, one side of
single loaded streets, continuous at grade pathway.
2. Sidewalk Lighting: Sidewalks paralleling streets shall be illuminated
with ambient street lighting. Pedestrian only sidewalks(sidewalks not
paralleling streets) shall have pole mounted lighting or landscape down
lighting at destinations and activity centers.
3. Location of required alleys: Alleys shall not be required as part of
this Planned Development. However, where alleys are determined
necessary by the developer and such alleyways are provided adjacent
to major thoroughfares, they shall be screened so as not to be viewed
from the public street by either of the following:
a. 6 foot masonry wall (including masonry thin wall)
b. Landscape buffer (provided in addition to any required
rights-of-way). The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of
10 feet wide and planted with evergreen shrubs (3 to 5 foot
centers) and trees (equaling one tree per 50 feet of street
frontage and planted in naturalized groups or rows 20 to 30
foot centers). Plans for such proposed landscape screens in
any phase shall be submitted for review and approval at the
time of Preliminary Plat for each phase.
4. Screening of residential units backing onto major thoroughfares:
Residential units that back onto a major thoroughfare, shall be
screened so as not to be viewed from the public street by either of the
a. 6 foot masonry wall (including masonry thin wall)
b. Landscape buffer (provided in addition to any required
rights-of-way). The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of
10 feet wide and planted with evergreen shrubs (3 to 5 foot
centers) and trees (equaling one tree per 50 feet of street
frontage and planted in naturalized groups or rows with 20 to
30 foot spacing). Plans for such proposed landscape screens in
any phase shall be submitted for review and approval at the
time of Preliminary Plat for each phase.
5. Village Residential Pedestrian Crosswalks: Crosswalks shall be
provided at trail and sidewalk intersections with major thoroughfares
and all intersections within the retail area and shall be designated with
one of the following (this does not preclude painted crosswalks as
required by the City of Wylie):
a. Decorative concrete paver
b. Brick or stone paving
c. Concrete saw cutting and staining
6. Village sidewalk material: Sidewalks in residential areas shall be
continuous in color, texture, and scoring pattern. Sidewalks shall be
made of broom finish concrete with accent paving only permitted at
crosswalks, handicap ramps, activity centers, bridges, rest areas and
within the retail area.
iii. Architectural Requirements:
1. Exterior material façade material: All single family residential units
shall have a minimum of 75% of the exterior façade on all sides as
brick or stone laid masonry units. Cementacious siding can be used
on 25% of the exterior façade. These percentages exclude windows,
doors and other openings, and glazing shall not exceed 35% of the front
elevation of the residence. Dormers or other elements supported by the
roof structure are not required to be masonry. This standard does apply
to coordinated block elevations, which are intended to convey an
historic style or "village" character (e.g. Traditional Neighborhood
2. Units with same floor plan, same street elevation and varying
street elevation: Units with the same floor plan may be repeated
provided that the elevations for those floor plans are visibly different.
"Visibly different" can be accomplished with differing materials or
architectural details. However the same elevation shall not be repeated
over a block spacing greater than 7 lots skipped both sides of the
3. Village residential front entry cover: The developer shall encourage
builders to design single-family residential units with usable porches.
As a minimum, the front entry of any single-family residential unit,
which is the entry facing the street on which the unit is located, shall
have a covered front porch with a minimum area of 40 sf and a
minimum depth of 4 feet.
4. Roof pitch and materials for all single family units within the Planned
Development: All single family residential units shall have a
minimum roof pitch of 6:12, asphalt shingles, and painted plumbing
vents, attic vents, and other roof top accessories to match the roof
shingle color. No wood shingles are permitted.
5. Garages: A two-car garage shall be required for all Single Family
Residences. Attached or detached garages shall be allowed to face the
street with no offset from the front facade of the house required for the
garage on houses of 2000 square feet or greater.
VII. Single Family and Multi-Family Desirable Features for Meeting Point
Requirements of the Village Residential District (point requirements of the
Village Residential District are the only point requirements that apply to single
family and multi-family portions of this Planned Development except as amended
below which replace certain of the Desirable Feature Standards).
i. Pedestrian Linkage to the Village Center: 100% of the units not further than
2,000 feet from a linear park that leads to the Village Center
10 points.
ii. Village residential street treatment: Providing specialty accent paving at
crosswalks, handicap ramps, activity centers, bridges, and rest areas
10 points.
iii. Units with same floor plan, same street elevation and varying street
elevation: Units with the same floor plan and same elevation separated by 9
intervening lots (skipped both sides of the street)
10 points.
iv. If item "iii" is separated by 1200 feet .20 points.
v. Units with same floor plan and different elevation separated by 9 lots
skipped same side of the street, 7 lots opposite side 10 points.
vi. If item "v" is separated by 1200 feet 20 points.
VIII. Non-residential Basic Requirements of the Village Residential District (basic
requirements that apply to the non-residential portions of the Village Residential
District are the only basic requirements that apply to the non-residential portions
of this Planned Development except as amended below which replace certain of
the Basic Requirement Standards).
i. Site Design Requirement
1. Access Drives: Access drives shall be located at least 150 feet
from an intersection except when the site is too small to meet this
requirement and alternate means of ingress/egress are approved with
the detailed development plan. Access drives shall be part of a village
circulation system that ties the commercial area together in a
circulation path. There are no other requirements for medians or
treatment of access drives.
2. Location of service and loading areas: Service areas and loading
areas shall be screened so that they are not visible from a public
street or adjacent residential lots. Landscape providing a
continuous evergreen leaf mass or solid screen walls can be used to
meet this requirement including a masonry screen wall. Landscape
screens shall be planted with evergreen trees and shrubs that
provide sufficient leaf-mass to accomplish an effective screen.
ii. Landscape Requirements
1. Landscaping of parking lots: All site plans with required parking in
excess of 12 spaces are required to provide a minimum of 24 sf of
landscape area for each parking space. Required landscape shall be
grouped or arranged so that no parking space is more than 60 feet
horizontally/vertically or 85 diagonally from the landscape area.
2. Landscaping of street frontages: In an effort to create a "Village
Center Streetscape" that brings the people spaces and retail uses into
closer contact with the street, landscape buffers at the street shall be
limited when the retail use is setback no greater than 25 feet from the
street. This maximum setback shall be extended 20 ft. if the developer
provides head-in parking from the street. In these cases, front yard
landscaping shall be limited to trees in tree grates, streetscape planters,
or small pockets of landscaping which do not create a visual separation
between the street space and the retail space. Tree planting on uniform
centers with trees located in tree grates shall be provided and arranged
so that they work with the modulation of parking spaces at the street.
Tree planting shall not be less than one tree for every 40 feet of
property frontage at the street right-of-way.
When the retail use is separated from the street by parking (other than
street head-in parking), a 10-foot landscape buffer shall be provided.
In order to achieve an "urban" space, trees are not required in the
landscape buffer due to their conflict with the architecture close to the
street and retail signage. In order to achieve an "urban" space
walkways shall have a geometry that parallels the street front without
the use of picturesque alignment.
iii. Architectural Requirements
1. Architectural compatibility: Buildings in the Village Center shall
be designed to maintain architectural compatibility with residential
architectural of the surrounding areas. Architectural compatibility
may be achieved through the use of similar materials and
responsive forms (including roof form).
IX. Non-residential Desirable Features for Meeting Point Requirements of the
Village Residential District (point requirements of the Village Residential District
are the only point requirements that apply to the non-residential areas of this
Planned Development except as amended below which replace certain of the
Desirable Feature Standards).
i. Site Design:
1. Building placement: Individual buildings with footprints no greater
than 15,000 s.f. shall earn .5 points
2. Access drives: Any development not able to locate access a minimum of
100 feet from an intersection shall earn an additional
10 points
3. Location of service and loading areas: Service and loading areas which
are not visible from a public street or adjacent residential lot but which
provide screening through the use of enhanced landscape (flowering trees
and shrubs) or an enhanced masonry wall shall earn an additional
.10 points
ii. Landscape:
1. Landscaping of parking lots: Parking lots which exceed 24 sq. ft. of
required per space landscape area shall earn 5 points for each
additional increase in landscape area equal to 1% of the parking area up to
a maximum of 25 points.
X. Natural area Desirable Features for meeting point requirements of the Village
Residential District (point requirements listed below may be applied to the point
requirements of the residential and/or non-residential areas but any point credit
must be allocated to only one area requirement).
i. Enhanced Wetland Preservation: Preservation and restoration and restoration
of wetland areas 10 points per 4 acres
ii. Hardwood forest preservation: Preservation of native forest areas and forest
habitats(of trees with an 8 in. or greater caliper 10 points per 10 acres
iii. Preservation of historical and archeological sites 10 points per site
iv. Provision of improved open space 10 points for every
5% of the total site area over 15%
v. Trail linkages to destinations outside the development 20 points
vi. Provision of interpretative and educational trails 10 points
vii. Provision of open spaces that implement portions of the comprehensive park
master plan 10 points
The developer shall provide an overall Trail Concept Plan (for all trails within the
boundaries of this Planned Development) for all phases with submittal of a final
plat for phase one. The trail Master Plan shall indicate phases of trail
development and identify funding sources that may be acquired to implement the
XI. Common Area Platting: All non-dedicated/HOA maintained green belts and
common areas shall be clearly delineated as such and the acreage shown for each
common area on the final subdivision plat.
XII. Tree Preservation: Toward the goal of preserving as many existing trees (8 in.
caliper or larger) possible, a tree management plan provided by the owner as
preserves at least 25% of the riparian tree cover shall be approved by the director
of planning prior to commencement of an grading or infrastructure or
improvements within the area of this Planned Development.
XIII. Landscape Zone: In an effort to preserve the agricultural heritage of the Bozeman
Farm, as indicated by the existing fence line trees, the developer shall preserve all
hardwood trees with a caliper of 8 inches or greater located within an edge zone
that extends 3 feet from perimeter property line.
XIV. Screening and Landscape: The screening and landscape strip shall be provided
along FM 544. A conceptual landscape plan to be provided with the Preliminary
XV. Transition Zone: In an effort to make a land use transition from the existing
homes fronting Collin County Road 732, the developer shall establish an edge,
one lot deep, of lots along the eastern property line of this development that have
a minimum lot size of 8,500 square foot and a minimum house size of 2,000 sf.
XVI. Homeowners Association: Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for
any dwelling unit, a set of bylaws and/or other restrictive and appropriate
covenants and/or homeowner's agreement as approved by the City Attorney and
duly recorded in the Deed Records of Collin County, to establish and maintain a
Homeowner's Association for the ownership and maintenance of all non-
dedicated common areas and improvements within the Planned Development
District, shall be filed with the Building Inspections Department.
XVII. Upon the request of the Wylie Independent School District, the Developer of the
Bozeman Farm Estates will meet with the Wylie Independent School Board and
propose the following terms for an elementary school site in Bozeman Farm
i. A mutually agreeable site within Bozeman Farm Estates.
ii. A price for purchase of the property by the district that equals the
developer's basis.
iii. An area of land that is not less than six (6) acres or more than twelve (12)
iv. A right to exercise an option to purchase the site that remains effective for
three years from closing of the property by the developer. The school
district will have the right to extend the option period for two (2) years by
sending notice to the Developer sixty(60) days prior to its expiration date.
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ZONING CASE #2002-19
APPLICAN1 Realty Development Trust APPLICATION FILE #2002-19
1771 International Parkway, #127 Richardson,Tx. 75081
Applicant 1771 International Parkway,#127
1 Realty Development Trust Richardson,Texas 75081
Stone Grove Addn 1019 Foxwood Lane
2 B Lot 5 R-2248-00B-0050-1 Peter Zeller Wylie,Texas 75098
Stone Grove Addn 1019 Foxwood Lane
3 B Lot 6 R-2248-00B-0060-1 Peter Zeller Wylie,Texas 75098
Stone Grove Addn 1023 Foxwood Lane
4 B Lot 7 R-2248-00B-0070-1 John Knackstadt Wylie,Texas 75098
Stone Grove Addn 513 S. Foxwood Lane
5 B Lot 8 R-2248-00B-0080-1 Johnny Aldridge Wylie,Texas 75098
P.O. Box 546
6 Abst 475 Tract 13 R-6475-000-0130-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098
P.O. Box 546
7 Abst 475 Tract 34 R-6475-000-0340-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098
P.O. Box 546
8 Abst 979 Tract 45 R-6979-000-0450-1 Birmingham Memorial Trust Wylie,Texas 75098
2000 Hwy. 78 North
9 Abst 979 Tract 56 R-6979-000-0560-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098
1320 E.Stone Road
10 Abst 979 Tract 25-9 R-6979-000-0259-1 George Richards Wylie,Texas 75098
Jimmie Jane Feagan 1095 E. FM 544
11 Abst 979 Tract 24 R-6979-000-0240-1 c/o F.D. Feagin Wylie, Texas 75098
1275 E. FM 544
12 Abst 979 Tract 31 R-6979-000-0310-1 Edwina Cook Wylie,Texas 75098
1275 E. FM 544
13 Abst 979 Tract 21 R-6979-000-0210-1 Edwina Cook Wylie,Texas 75098
13118 Southview Lane
14 Abst 979 Tract 41 R-6979-000-0410-1 Billy Burdine Dallas,Texas 75240
P.O. Box 578
15 Abst 979 Part of Tract 59 R-6979-000-0590-1 Charlene Dew Wylie,Texas 75098
Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street
16 FM 544 Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069
Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street
17 Stone Road Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069
Collin County 210 S. McDonald Street
18 Troy Road Commissioners Court McKinney,Texas 75069
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