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09-17-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission 4 City of Wylie September 17, 2002 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, September 17, 2002 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 3, 2002 Regular Meeting. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Verison Wireless tellecommunications tower, being all of a certain 0.057 acre (2,500 square feet) tract of land, located at 218 Regency Drive, being part of Lot 4 of Block D of the Regency Business Park Addition, and being situated in the William M. Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Family Dentistry office, being all of a certain 0.255 acre (11,125 square feet) tract of land, located at 304 South Ballard Avenue, being all of Lots 5, 6 and 7 and part of Lot 4 of Block 3 of the Railroad Addition, and being situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Lots 1 R and 2R of Block 34 of the Railroad Addition, being a replat of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Block 34 of the Railroad Addition, and being situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Stiles Crossing Addition, being all of a certain 34.0839 acre tract of land, generally located west of North Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514) and north of Brown Street (F.M. 4312), as described in a deed to Peerless Manufacturing Company as recorded in Volume 744, Page 515 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. P&Z Commission Meeting September 17, 2002 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Ballard Street and east of the existing Southplace Phase IV Addition, being a portion of a 48.516 acre tract, as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a certain 12.754 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-08) This case was tabled at the September 3,2002 Commission meeting. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) and Neighborhood Services (NS) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Ballard Street and south of the existing Southplace Phase I Addition,being a portion of a 48.516 acre tract, as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a certain 10.129 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-09) This case was tabled at the September 3, 2002 Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT de*div40'10/ 40,1011 '•sted Friday, :ept j ber 13,2002, at :00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL C a P S WHEELCH I AC SIBLE. SIGN INTERPRET• 'IN OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQ STED 48 HOURS IN AD .% C BY CONTACTING I. SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting September 3, 2002 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: William Chapman Claude Thompson, Director Michael George Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Don Hughes Terry Capehart, Planner Carter Porter Tony Snider Commission Members Absent: Jeff Adamcik Mike Phillips CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE AND INVOCATION Commissioner Snider offered the Invocation and Commissioner Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 20, 2002, Regular Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Porter, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 2 of 7 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Barber Addition, being all of a certain 8.00 acre tract of land, generally located south of F.M. 544 and east of Regency Drive, as described in a deed to Austin Wylie Realty, LTD, as recorded in Volume 4921, Page 1206 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the subject property includes 8.00 acres and will create a single lot for Office/Warehouse uses. This property is located within the Regency Business Park and is zoned Business Center(BC) District. The Final Plat substantially conforms to the approved Site Plan and Preliminary Plat and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Motion passed 5 —O. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Ballard Street and east of the existing Southplace Phase IV Addition, being a portion of a 48.516 acre tract, as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a certain 12.754 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-08) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 12.754 acres to Planned Development (PD) District in order to continue development of the Southplace Estates single-family residential neighborhood in a manner comparable to the existing development. With adoption of the new City-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map in February of 2002, the subject property was rezoned from Single Family-2 Residential to Single-Family 8.5/17 Residential. Both the SF-2 and SF 8.5/17 District require a minimum lot size of 8,500, but dwelling size and other regulations differ. The property abutting the subject tract to the west is Phase IV of the Southplace Estates Addition. Property to the south is platted as the Twin Lakes Addition, and is developing with lots of approximately 7,200 square feet under the previous SF-3 zoning. Property to the north is owned by the Wylie Independent School District and developed as the Intermediate School and sports complex. Property to the east is the City of Wylie Park. P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 3 of 7 The Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential use for the subject property, which envisions lots of 10,000 square feet and larger. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development. Thompson stated that the proposed PD offers no enhancement or innovation of the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed PD would apply with the requirements of the Single Family 8.5/17 Residential District, with some modifications. The front yard requirement of 25 feet will be reduced to 15 feet; the rear yard requirement of 30 feet is proposed to be 20 feet; and the side yard requirement is 7 feet interior and 25 feet for corner lots and is proposed to be 7 feet. The dwelling size requirement is 1,700 square feet and the proposed is 1,500 square feet. Robert Betancur, Zena Land Development, P.O. Box 92864, Southlake, Texas, represented as the applicant, stated that the houses built on the subject property would have side swing garage doors rather than the front entry garages in the existing subdivisions in order to meet the point systems. Commissioners questioned the purpose of changing the houses from front entry garages and side entry garages. Betancur stated that he is willing to change all lots to front entry garages to be the same as the existing subdivision. Commissioner George questioned the number of dwellings that would be 1,500 square feet and how many would be 1,700 square feet. Thompson stated that most of the houses adjacent to the proposed subdivision are between 1,100 square feet and 2,200 square feet. Commissioners questioned why the PD, if the subject property will be the same as the existing subdivision and requested variances are so much like the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Thompson stated that to go with a PD will create development as closely complying with the new code but yet imaging as close as possible the existing development to the west. Commissioners questioned the justification for the change in the architectural requirements, such as roof pitch, and exterior masonry. Betancur requested that the request be tabled until September 17, 2002, in order to meet with his builder to review the justifications and come up with additional compromises. Commissioner George opened the public hearing, but no one appeared to speak. Commissioner George closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to table the zoning change and continue the public hearing until September 17, 2002. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 4 of 7 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) and Neighborhood Services (NS) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Ballard Street and south of the existing Southplace Phase I Addition, being a portion of a 48.516 acre tract, as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a certain 10.129 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-09) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting the item to be tabled until September 17, 2002. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded Commissioner Chapman, to table the request for a zoning change until September 17, 2002. Motion passed 5—0. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-8.5/17) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of Park Blvd, being a portion of that tract of land described in the deed to Birmingham Land, LTD., as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 94-0029675 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a 5.911 acre tract of land and a 8.044 acre tract of land situated in the J. McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-10) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 13.955 acres in order to develop a single-family residential neighborhood to serve as the new major entry and expand the Birmingham Farms Phase 3 subdivision. The land is held in single ownership, but is divided into two tracts as follows: Tract 4A is located immediately north of Talladega Drive and is 5.911 acres and Tract 4B is located immediately south of Talladega Drive and is 8.044 acres. Thompson reviewed the zoning and development of adjoining subdivisions. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Village Residential uses for the property and the requested PD stipulation tying lot and house size to SF 8.5/17 is consistent with this recommendation. The purpose of the Planned Development (PD) District is to permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development, but the proposed Conditions of the PD are very similar to the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The PD proposes that park fees be waived if owner/developer uses comparable funds for improvements within or adjacent to this PD, or Phases 13 and 14 of Birmingham Farms. The Park Board has considered the request and recommended that funds in lieu of land is appropriate but the improvements would not necessarily meet the comparable funds that the applicant would be required to provide. Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager, stated that the Park Board does not have the jurisdiction for the allocation of the funds for park fees and described to the Commissioners the accounts created and how the money is funded in a development. The PD proposes that no public utilities be required within that portion of Country Club Road on the perimeter of this development. The City Engineer states that water and perhaps storm sewer will be required within this segment of Country Club. Mindy Manson stated that there was no requirement for storm sewer in the developments adjacent to the property. P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 5 of 7 The Commissioners and Thompson discussed proposed variances to the Architectural Requirements and the points allocated for complying the Village Residential Single Family 8.5/17 District. Scott Bussell, Carter Burgess, 7950 Elmbrook Drive, Dallas, Texas, represented as the engineer for the subject property, stated that subject tracts as well as the phases 13 and 14 following the agenda were originally submitted as a single request, however after meeting with staff the developments were split into three separate zoning changes. Due to the narrowness of the tract the alleys are not feasible in the PD and request that alleys be waived. The fencing as an Architectural requirement was recommended by City Manager to provide a more uniform standard. The points for the standards were all discussed and approved by the Staff prior to the meeting. Commissioner George opened the Public Hearing, but no one appeared to speak. Commissioner George closed the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Chapman to recommend approval of the zoning change. Motion passed 3 — 2, with Commissioner Snider and Commissioner Porter voting against. The Commission took a ten-minute break at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-10/19) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and south of Park Blvd, being a portion of that tract of land described in the deed to Birmingham Land, LTD., as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 98-007022 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a 94.121 acre tract of land situated in the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-11) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 94.12 acres in order to develop a single-family residential subdivision. The properties abutting the subject tract to the north is zoned Single-Family 8.5/17, but is developing in accordance with the previous Single Family-2 regulations as the Birmingham Farms Phase 3 Addition and is also occupied by a WISD elementary school. Properties to the south and east are largely occupied by a floodplain corridor managed by the Collin County Conservation District, and are owned by the owners of the subject PD request. Properties to the west, across Country Club Road, are zoned Single-Family 10/19, but sparsely developed in rural residential uses with lots in excess of an acre. The PD proposes to construct the north half of the Park Boulevard bridge needed for the westward expansion of Park Boulevard to Country Club Road in order to provide regional access. The remaining south half of the Park Boulevard corridor would be the responsibility of the City to construct. The completion of Westgate Way through to Park Boulevard and certain drainage improvements to the major drainage channel are also proposed as conditions of this PD. Park Boulevard will be built to four-lanes with divided median by the developer on the retail portion of the road. Commissioner Snider questioned if the applicant would extend the full four lanes past the Day Care to the Dodd school entry drive. Marc Footlik, 5300 Town & Country Boulevard, Frisco, Texas, the applicant, stated that the development could not afford to extend P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 6 of 7 Park and construct the bridge. Mindy Manson said that the City and WISD cannot afford the bridge and the County will take too long to fund and build the bridge. Manson stated that without the assistance of adjoining property owners, this section of Park Boulevard and the bridge will eventually become a bond issue through the City of Wylie. Commissioner George opened Public Hearing and no one appeared to speak. The public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes to recommend approval of the zoning change. Due to lack of second, the motion failed. Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Snider, to recommend denial of the zoning change. Motion passed 3 —2, with Commissioner George and Commissioner Hughes opposing. 5. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Single-Family Residential (SF-10/19) to Planned Development (PD) for Single-Family Residential, generally located east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) and north of Birmingham Farms Phase 2A and the Meadows of Birmingham Phase 1 Additions, being a portion of a tract of land described in a deed to Birmingham Land LTD., as recorded in Clerk's File No. 98-007022, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and all of a tract of land described in a deed to Wylie I.S.D., as recorded in Volume 2493, Page 580 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a certain 80.767 acre tract of land situated in the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1021, the Mercer Phelan Survey, Abstract No. 695, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-12) Thompson stated that the applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 80.76 acres in order to develop a single-family residential subdivision. The property was rezoned from a mix of Retail(R), Business-1 (B-1) and Single Family-Attached Residential(SF-A) Districts to its current Single-Family 10/19 Residential District with the adoption of the new City-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map in February of 2002. The Planned Development District zoning is being requested in order to allow development of lots and homes of the SF 8.5/17 District, but with conditions which differ from the regulations of the current Zoning Ordinance and are more comparable to the existing Centex and Ryland subdivisions to the south. Commissioners questioned the justification for the lot size differing from the 10,000 square feet recommended by the Comprehensive Plan to 8,500 square feet. Marc Footlik, 5300 Town& Country Boulevard, Frisco, Texas, the applicant, stated that within the area the majority lot size is 8,500 square feet and the PD meets the existing pattern. Commissioner George opened the Public Hearing and no one appeared to speak. Commissioner George closed the Public Hearing. P&Z Commission Meeting September 3, 2002 Page 7 of 7 Motion was made by Commissioner Porter, seconded by Commissioner Snider, to recommend denial for the zoning change. Motion passed 3 —2, with Commissioner George and Commissioner Hughes opposing. MISCELLANEOUS Commissioners wished a happy birthday to Commissioner Chapman on his birthday September 4, 2002. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 5 —O. efi'` 46.Aacki Michael George, Chairman M. V. 1 adley, Secretary City©f Wylie Action Item No. 1 Site Plan Verizon Wireless/Regency Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 17, 2002 Owner: Verizon Wireless Designer: Zone Systems, Inc. Location: 218 Regency Drive Existing Zoning: Business Center (BC) District Summary: The Site Plan under consideration is for a telecommunications facility. The complex will include a 150 feet high monopole tower, an equipment building of 160 square feet and related outdoor equipment. The facility is to be located on a 0.057 acre (2,500 square feet) leased tract to the rear of an existing lot. The property has been platted since 1987 as Lot 4 of Block D of the Regency Business Park Addition. The tract was rezoned from Industrial (I) to Business Center (BC) District in February with the adoption of the new city-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well as the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes in site plans shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property, which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan—Verizon Wireless/Regency Issues: 1. The subject property was platted to the requirements of the previous Zoning Ordinance, vesting the right to develop in compliance with the code in force at that time. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie, including the regulations of the newly revised Zoning Ordinance. 2. Telecommunications towers are a permitted use within both the previous and current Zoning Ordinances. The Zoning Ordinance encourages collocation of such towers, and requires that they be located at least 5,000 feet from other towers. The applicant has investigated alternate sites and concluded that the proposed location is the only available alternative (see letter). 3. The platted lot on which the tower is to be located is 1.24 acres in size, and the size and location of the proposed tower complex should not restrict appropriate uses of the remaining portions of the lot. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan Applicant's letter explaining search for alternate sites M" NOTE: , , -__ -_-__—___o c+ i __---4- Meor C f�wg c THIS PLAN IS SHOWN TO CLARIFY THE RELATIONSHIP OF sree,Rd _ / �\ �� t w«.� PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS WORK TO OVERALL SITE ONLY. II •, I AWARE mutrEree Err*Er ttuus No RESPONSIBILITY FOR �•,3i-�..+�.r- (ONPIEIE SIZE IRPIOONS S SHOWN REiER TO SURVEY FOR X',7 �...— . ..,,..-�,r..,. - Y ✓ EDT 10 RGAlr o ,\/' RF NOTE: g annovarvE r---- CONTRACTOR N VERIFY RF RIFIXtYAAON NIH t£Itl2ON WIRELESS BL7C1:Gn PROEM'MANAGER PRICK TO CONSTRUCTION. 2829 BSaoo,R wlr. J29 y =I I$ Mwsbn.TaAm]]�2 IN TM:(]13)782-6201 11 FLOOD INFORMATION: Fug:OM 2112-e606 soaro I 103 LEASE LA SUDS ONLO MIS SURREY DOES NOR WITTIN.X.THE _.< 9 usanal - — t0O-YEAR PLAN AND R LOGTED WHIN THE FIDOO ZONE NR• q /0A1E ILAGNETIC p Rq, PEA THE FEDERK EIIENCEIIGY Y•N?(OWN AGENCY(FNMA)AS SNWM n I ON 08C RD00 H.CR10 tT PA1E WP 0. .Cd/NUNf1Y PANEL r u $ ` a n m #/BOBSC 0465 H.DATED OECEYBER 19.1997. X',: ,.,. �,. __ =`. Cate] —�1 ` I `�_— — PROJECT DATA APPLICANT: VICINITY 91E ACQUISITION-B.EXICHERB :. ` VERIZON WIRELESS COWN COUNTY III "ter---- PROJECT INFORMATION: 6 CAMPUS CIRCLE,BLDG..5 CON9T.SUFEYMOR-T.PELTON T.E4A ES y $ / «_ _ JURISDICTION: COWN COUNTY WESTLAKE,TEXAS 76262 lEASE AREA I All F CONTACT:nu PELTON RF ENGNYFRNG-0.w50N 0.0S7 ACRES Y1 TELECOYNUNIG110N5 ORDINANCE TEL (817)25B-1 712 BLOW 1 / ,,1112.ICEA ' • OCCUPANCY: NONE FAX: (817)258-1805 EQUIPMENT 1 .� 11tl-o $ LOT t soar E . - .�_`—J •w•e I CONSTRUCTION TYPE: RAWLAND OWNER: TELCA-VFA20N _ I _ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: _. ——————— I I A lease.ih lyingIn a pail of Lot H,99o0 D.REGENCY MARILYN JOYCE PENNIN6TON7112 C0N9T.MNYGFR-T.REE fC�qyB ` -ter n BUSINESS PARK N-PHASE TWO,an Addition to IN. AMARILLO�TEI(AS 79109 SHIRE �'rN'�A ARRAY .I.II.1 '^ Clly of Wylie,Texas,according to the 0 e Map thereof recorded CONTACT:BILL WHISENANT (el NE0110NM ANTO )WIAE THE `F In Volume 0,Page 92 of Me Mop Records of CWlln TEL:(972)960-8833 sm. i•'NO MOWN O RE OVERALL SITE PLAN County,Teem RHEE xMEN/AEN REPUR0E010 11.MALL LBIEWUSTENTO O SCALE:1'••50•_0' PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: ANIEMML.DEL CD NOT FOR USE OR DISCLOSURE Mom IO� /8D 5tl OUTSIDE VERIZON WIRELESS PERSONAL SECTOR a (2)1® L COMMUNICATIONS EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN 1 iYR' 19 AGREEMENT WIr8I• Tunry 'L.... 10. xA• 550.]5 LEASE EASEMENT UNE E WON 2 (2)1W ss0. �_ ° • 0 • 0 • A 0 --• _ ltlIDMi0Gf1RT: CL eMICEE i NEW CULVERT ' SECTOR 2 MTIO O Ift4 (IF SIRED. C.S 1® COM11 SPECS) w ABGENl&f5IDS j ' I am MAY WAX H4411 STmRpN FENCE k O A cox_ rI.BEYONU FENCE , N i /1 �` �l \`V�I )TrOUNIA6666110N. 1 I rr�ll 2 ak O - - K 3. EIEV.-SMOtl ', j - t, 7 bl •R (TTP.) .I NC�Y I F-� b 31 -0: 1SSISa• io Ww°ARiTrDSEE¢7 8 ( I W>� 0) ;...7.4• �y .1 1 �..J NEP Iw•NONyw1E Tomo e s - ,Ii 'a: ]OII I I I V* s , ®Hs BBOA � 1 Lxx EwmcE "' b • a? ° z� EW tec'A.uL 1 swam I ' MNONOPCtE TOMER '{I M SEALyPrtJNN at DCxae°rT , FJI ,-,-.., 2 "• . ; .; . k SAAUDIROB BY MEN S AB0.0.PE CONC. 2'AO It FT. CN 0.09]ACIES NEW tY GATE _ /� Toro L XEN 2 R PROPOSED ::/ L 1 S ANTENNA PRINTED DATE O6/09/02 ♦v P CABLE BROM \ DRAWN BY: O.LS. ° CONC. I➢� 1I PROPOSED B. X EOIVYFNT�9EL�M 1 tllE03D BY: dSA °H'R0UND I ZONING PLAN • • 0d PM P011 FA!1ELW NEw I ME.PAN . a r NEW C.L W. 1 To num ;•, syx' 'xato-:: DUBLIN RD y ,n , i,CM rl'�;ys 7JTOWW40 REGENCY DR. N 10 S. y B 5 55].Otl Li ENLARGED SITE PLAN �� TOWER ELEVATION SCALE:T'oo 5'-0- 0 NOT To SCALE VERIZON WIRELESS 1 I I 1 ,\,,,,,,,,,,--- verIQQnwireless September 6, 2002 City of Wylie Attn: Terry Capehart Re: Dublin Road Site Mr. Capehart I have attached a letter and two printouts that cover the area where we would like to build our tower. The map designated as Dublin Road shows our proposed site and that of AT&T and Dontron as well as our other existing sites. The AT&T tower is located .9 of a mile away for our proposed location while the Dontron towers are located 2.1 miles from our proposed site. AT&T was willing to allow us collocate on their tower, however, in our conversation with them, we determined that the available heights were too low to allow for the maximum coverage. Additionally, where there was available space, there was not sufficient room to leave adequate spacing between the tips of our antennas and the tips of other carriers' antennas. Towers are sited to provide for maximum coverage and to mesh with existing and proposed cell sites in order to provide continuous and uninterrupted service. If we collocated on the AT&T tower, there is a good possibility that we would still have to build an additional tower to cover the weak area left between the Murphy and Renner Road sites. The Dontron site has five towers that are available. According to our engineers, due to the distance from our existing sites, collocation on these towers would necessitate the building of one tower and possibility a second tower to give us adequate coverage to the area. Because these are AM radio towers, collocating on these towers is not an option. Verizon Wireless, when planning coverage for any town, always does a search for existing towers and structures. Where possible, we collocate on existing towers. Verizon Wireless encourages collocations and allows collocations on our towers at competitive rates. Should we be allowed to build this tower, it will be built in accordance with Electronic Industry Association Standard EIA-222-F-1996 as well as to local building Codes and will be built to hold additional carriers. Should you have any questions, please call me at 817-258-6286. Yours truly _.k.c:_:_liv ,1,.u_ Joe T. Hutchison Implementation Department j • CHy of Wylie Action Item No. 2 Site Plan Wylie Family Dentistry Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 17, 2002 Owner: Dr. Keith L. Teague Designer: Prestige Design Location: 304 South Ballard Avenue Existing Zoning: Corridor Commercial(CC) District Summary: The Site Plan under consideration is for a professional dentistry office. The building is approximately 2,206 square feet in size. The property was rezoned from Single-Family 8.5 Residential to Corridor Commercial (CC) District in July of 2002. In August, the City Council abandoned the alley abutting the rear of the subject property to the west. A proposed replat creating the new lot for the facility is on the current agenda for consideration. Section 8.1.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a site plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for any development within a nonresidential zoning district. The purpose of the site plan is to ensure harmonious and efficient development of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, accommodation of sensitive environmental issues, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and provision of supporting utilities and other services, and site plans shall contain sufficient information related to existing site considerations as well as the proposed site design and development characteristics. Site plans shall serve as part of the zoning for the property, and changes in site plans shall constitute a change in the zoning. No development shall occur or building permit approved for the property, which does not conform to the approved site plan. Site Plan—Wylie Family Dentistry Issues: 1. The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie, including the regulations of the newly revised Zoning Ordinance. The Site Plan includes a tabulation of how the development points will be achieved. 2. When the subject property was rezoned, it was anticipated to utilize the unimproved alley for access to onsite parking to the rear of the building, and the Council abandoned the alley with that intention. The current Site Plan indicates that all parking will be located in the front of the building and the alley will not be used by the applicant. The regulations of the new Zoning Ordinance encourage but do not require the location of parking to the side or rear of buildings within commercial districts. 3. When the property was rezoned, the Commission requested that a living hedge be provided along Calloway Street to screen the office building and parking from the residential property across Calloway to the south and such screen is indicated on the Site Plan. 4. The code encourages joint/common access/egress drives in commercial developments, and the Site Plan indicates such access with the abutting property to the north. To avoid reconstruction of an existing storm drain inlet, the access is located entirely on the neighboring property rather than on the property line and half to each property. However, the abutting property is also owned by the applicant and its future development can be controlled by him to accommodate the off-center access. This joint access is created by an access easement on the Replat of the subject properties, which is also on the current agenda for consideration. 5. The platted lot on which the tower is to be located is 1.24 acres in size, and the size and location of the proposed tower complex should not restrict appropriate uses of the remaining portions of the lot. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan a • • .i.��,.�5ti-z^•�,. r},o- , w Yr v am• i a v « .,. y ' �` "... JC t . ,i' s : , ?! .W �,�r'�r�`�^'" x�'�� � s,���.,�.�4 ,s f �ti � rW , ,' t , ,'�,w ^ , r; ; ?, �.� ut�, „. t, I ,trar„ . . . , _ 3 " i „ # ,::• •ip ra h '" : u t`r 3 t 3 `'! I, x,,,N a?$ _ ir - , s•EI:, USE: ',OFFICE . i • T. . 1 0:3 _ c'"RI ""Y •-•.: '''','.„':1,,,";:':::::,::'1:-'";,•:',,•4;,,i!,„';'''''',:,',:•:Ir,i''':r 'F'7.,..„...„'1' 1' gym`.. ,M a I e f,: v '':11:7i.' I /yj\�ERD AVE �, �_ om..u,rw.,, `�r�^FI��R}: ,::'�F ,‘7::4-, ' < ,r , ki,� R ` '>, —_ - ____ - d „ 'alevw;::::52:477:73:3,57:;721, ,.}^'ej`tm:r" :,�', /��/,1/�] yJj,�j.,j>�,.f,.Y/ v/''.'1'''''1:'-',,'''''''''''':''''''':'''''''' _ _'> T `,1I*;„' � l'""'{1�:,:7,11-.:3'..:7,',:-, ��iiMr-te s4v aa'n�_-`u„ie- - siiw�r-iwa-ii-�-r-� �I iwra- —sarz:=. _z^-- .aN sss:: NII .�fN �__. _ =xz::�fwl�l y� N -�.A�. '''''''''' ' ' '147ujAIL.1„,.Z°, t�I r- —T� f _:�:.:���"�.m—~—'"--��a��a���"BESSZ-. — �"5:,�. TY, TEXAS -4 CI -� s. i�^i,',;`#",,,;"},',is n:'�'=�;,c,'—r7-*:,,�iTNE sue: i ��'�,...-�»,m� :. .;..- ��._-�._-��.��ems:-__�. ,.:�r_�__ ,�.,, ,---= -.,�.- _ :. Ifl�t fMR YR�MRRIff�w RYYtlWYIYfA RMf YIP '� !! ,IRYfFfifRB� !i- ... 01 fiNr_ =fiN«�ii«.�r-:�i=_f� .�^:.®�c�..� S»..®n :.��.��vNN_,_ „ e.���NNr•� hir-A-------illikl". 411"7,', ;.,( \^'s NNf li - >. W--�,.RtN �:.r:-l�.Ni w s�iRYMiR -�-�N �NNTNww��- 7fRR, �`"�!!�--=._--.-f�.��._-.�,-e.�..,R�tr.__-�-"."!lbw--- - _ CSEIZE R �-,ram..., _, ,::: rW.,� ! ar irkIt x. •' ' -FRONT'a..evATION':, -, LEDAING. 566IQZEe: 602 2 0;Ts 5 Q= .5FoT:-1 " ' :'''''' '''' ''''' ' - '--'' ' ' :, ' , ', - ._„,,,-. :, „, . ,..„,.:, , ' '3GA�E:31�a =1 .. ': P;A:R, ,/300=1,35 SPACES 1'`�,144 �, TOTAL �l L � = S : . LOT f3 'LOB"»9 ` ",:: , , = � xw . , = ��z T I12 ',:Y:','.;',,,'r '1:' 00 � :;:','-,,•• '''t' : ''''''''I'1'' L :'': ;'''''''1': i '.2'. ' ' ''r:'''''''''TIN'' TIRtCf ..S!, 't AN SCAPIN I L/G AREA = 3311 SQ.FT = 30.0 % - -- -'-'-',: ' ' ' 111 ' ,--,--,--,..,::::ot y.lb i�./:�.�__ s 4::.-z« ,.1�---.'-'„ r.:- ; _, - ,, • ' :7 7' CY. +cNIN6% GC7M1'r''f ERCIA1._ CORRIDORcAn i, oill • :. :!": :% LAY 1 �, �, -: ♦ .r s w2}:'we re., Ns �~a LET iirkrej SI NCRETE PAY, � -' ( , , ''.f ..t as .l i . ea rfn.♦nr*S,A +e.� � f l#1l�11►,"k'py_'/ Y * �^- ,` h. }'✓ - ., n h ,N ', _iPAVING 1LOT 1 . � : - - 4 .1,-:.,1?..,.*----::.c:.::,..':;;,:: Y , .•_,.c,0,.....,,,,,-:1,,:„,,,,,b,A,..—...s, :":,--„, _ v. 11 L '— — fa — ' ' ' iV u :o $ � `"�.G-��=:�•,.�., RED ,ta SlTE DESIGNREQUlREMENt31pP© TSRE G�f • 4 , 0,_ o INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS ll/FOOT INT,OR<IO,ODO SQF. IO TS. c0v;::::_.::; FRONTFACADE ORIENTED,T TH STRCTTRACTS i00P ,COM COMBINED S POINTS WITH AD EN fi0 PS. ,-E9 � .:X�i '7AR . P rt - 'a LANDSCAPE TREATMENT©F ENTRANCES a" �LM.� _ �r � 'i:'. . q� r' � , . a H-_ '" � u `+• c - <,wb,�# ,, ,r - :yi . �. M �• LL * +ERF 0 . ' tM1 9 a ` isa ISTNG EtEN00. 0 O ` E 5 0 '2 = ::, . ?sTvT VS ICt CABNTR AEARCNTOGERDDMT ISIB L�tEYF R O RENPU8L ICSTREET `10 PPTT S o, Nc � UTl� 7.1DPN EXISTING FIR EXISTING STORM DRAIN `r FDKANT 'BALLARD- � �:'i ''M-'' , rR , "f�`' l' , LA LLALACDNDSCbCAAPIDNGPNE5tASEXQtCIAFDPRSA2O0�CS5ONPPHTTERST.♦OOI1MOOA:V,Ti INN.N E25t00PP TTS ca AIG 5. w 15 PTS.TOTAL POINTS EARNED r ` ri; CALLOWAY T. t ARCHITECTURAL POINTS. POINTS REQu1R USE OF FWO COMPLIMENTARY PRIMARY FACADE t fATER#AL S 10 PTS. A �^- `� USE OF ARCSTECTURAL DETAILING TO PROVIDE VARIETY ID PTS. y ! r j BUILDINGS LW PITCHED ROOFS MATCHING RESIDENTIAL 10 PTS. p ` ----++ BUILDINGS W/HIP ROOFS 20 PTS. '' �} {[} TOTAL PORTS'EARNED 50 PTS. w '''''.'''''-is.:6:+ :.s!:::::'','„:.L:0' `, MA P x ' t H >xry,. _ �I AN,,,: :t SCALE O • 0 Q "a,x .f °.4"b ..... ^ _ - � yr' r �ryt�� s, L"-r4 rr. h • oir ? ` If OW of Wylie Action Item No. 3 Replat Railroad Addition, Lots 1R and 2 R, Block 34 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 17, 2002 Owner: Dr. Keith L. Teague Designer: Jackson&Associates, Land Surveyors, Inc. Location: 304 South Ballard Avenue Existing Zoning: Corridor Commercial(CC) District Summary: The subject Replat will combine seven previously platted lots into two lots. The property was rezoned from Single-Family 8.5 Residential to Corridor Commercial (CC) District in July of 2002. The new Lot 1R is intended to accommodate the dentistry office, a Site Plan for which is also on the current agenda for consideration. There are no plans for use of the remaining Lot 2R. In August, the City Council abandoned the alley abutting the rear of the subject property to the west. On September 10, the Council abandoned Butler Street which abuts the property to the north. None of these abandoned rights-of-way is incorporated within the subject Replat. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period". Replat—Railroad Addition, Lots 1R& 2R, Block 34 Issues: 1. The subject property was created as Lots 1 through 7 of Block 34 of the Railroad Addition, one of Wylie's oldest subdivisions. The lots were 29 feet wide when originally platted, too narrow to accommodate modern retail or residential development. The subject Replat creates larger lots more appropriate for modern urban uses. 2. The Replat does not incorporate the recently abandoned rights-of-way of the alley and Butler Street. In its unimproved condition, the alley cannot be used as access to the subject properties, but will continue to carry the public and private utilities. If the owners of the abutting properties to the west elect to purchase the abandoned rights-of-way, they may be incorporated by replatting into those properties, but will otherwise remain the property and control of the City. 3. Staff has reviewed the proposed Replat and found it to comply with all applicable State subdivision regulations as well as with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent technical ordinances of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Site Plan application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Replat ill -4 BUTLER STREET STREET (80' R.O.W.) OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF COLUN 1,4 i R FRP . POINT OF WHEREAS,Keith L.Teague,is the owner of a tract of land situated in the S.B.Shelby Survey, ' 1 20 00 BEGINNING 0 30 30 60 -r Abstract No.820,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being all of Lots 1 through 7,Block 34.of Railroad Addition,an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,and being more . particularly described as follows, Scale 1 = 30' Beginning at a capped 5/8"iron rod set for the northeast corner of said Lot 1 at the intersection, of the west right-of-way line of Ballard Street(80'R.O.W,)and the south right-of-way line of ,, Butkr Street(80'R.O.W.), LOT 10 . c B , 1R 4 ,,--, Thence,South 00.00'00"West,along the west right-of-way Line of Ballard Street and the east lines of said Lots 1 through 7,a distance of 203.00 feet to a capped 5/8”iron 6 ,!,ACRS BROVN ST (ao' "7- , . rod set at the intersection of the west,right-of-way line of Ballard Street(80 R.O.W.)and the north right-of-way line of Calloway Street(70'R 0.W.)for the southeast corner of said Lot 7; P T , , , ,,,90.07C,'000.E i , atrIedrUe NsOrutt'lli rli Te°:”S:ii:ltotal.rga trlirst:L'etholfV5700-fweN't.'onea°,fapepaeurre-stirreoent iZT"sRei'ivio',.?JOINT ACt ESS 0, - , 1.,,,,!..,,,--- ,,,'- , , ,8UGHES the southwest ciorner of said Lot 7; i LOT 9 I 2 -,,, EASEMENT 1,8 2 _.,, , 5,METERT _,,,,,,OT______,,,. .,.) 1 ,,,,,, Thence,North 00-00'00"East,along the west lines of said Lots 1 through 7 and the east line of 1-4 1(TONTRORL MOR I' ,..,'''' _, , (N/ ,8' - 144STE CEMCTER, a 20'alley,a distance of 203.00 feet to a capped 5/8"iron rod set on the south right-of-way 80 R.O.W. for the nortwest corner of said Lot 1, LOCK 34 , !,s, 1 LOT E ( )T• ' N W .k,,, T,... -. .-,: . ,,,X./ 1 , EP.,1 1 I 1 , ,,,:') Thence,South 90°00'00"East,along the south right-of-way line of Butler Street(80'R.O.W.)and , E--I' ' g BLOCK 34 1 , -,,, „,,.,!,"c:. 4. ,,,' -1- FF.,i,,,,I, ,, _ t..1,_north line.of said Lot 1,e distance of 125.00 feet to the Point of Begmnmg and containing US, Lee,0 S 90"00'00"E 125.00' il. ,t,1,,,t;..4 I - I 25,375 square feet or 0.582 acres of lal, Z' , , LOT 21i , . . ., RES AC , ., I NOW,'THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, ',,, 0, •te 3/ ' 2, (,,,, LOCATION MAP (NTS.) That,I,Keith L Teague,owner of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,and 7,Block 34,of Railroad Addition,do hereby adopt t.t,8 l this replat designated therein above described property as Railroad Addition,Lcits 1R&2R,Block 34,sis an Addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and do hereby dedicated to the public use forever the I and right-of-ways shown hereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purposes as indicated. No buildings,fences,trees, shrubs,or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon,over,or across the easements and right-of-ways as shown. Said utility easement being hereby reserved for the mutual use etnd accommodation , of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and a,public utility shall have the full right to remove efirre,f,''s' N 90.00'00"W 125.00' ic-r,41),5," and keep removed all or parts of any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other improvements or growth which JR aer may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction,maintenance,of efficiency of its respective system on the,utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or CALLOWAY STREET (70' R.O.W.) from and upon the said utility easement for the construction,reconstruction,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining, and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity al any time of procuring the permission of anyone WITNESS 5iY HAND, this day of 2002. Keith L.Teague STATE OF TEXAS () COUNTY OF COLLIN () BEFORE ME.the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,on this personally appeared Keith L.Teague,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OF'FICE,THIS day of ,20.. Notary Public for t.he State of Texas "Recommended for Approval' Date- Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission THE PURPOSE:OE THIS REPLAT IS TO cOM13INE City of Wylie.Texas LOTS 1-7,BLOCK 34,INTO TWO LOTS SURVEYOR'S CEPTIF,CATE: ',moved for Preparation of Final Reolat" KNOW ALL MEN 131'THESE PRESENTS REPLAT THAT,I,Donald 1.Jackson,do hereby cerlity that I have prepared this Mot Dom 011 aetual and accurate Mayor,City of Wylie.Texas RAILROAD ADDITION survey of the land aed.that the corner monuments shown thereon wee,preperly plaeed U firi,er my pelTS0118,,,,S1,811 in accordance with the Platting Pules and Regulahoos ot the i ity ot Wyne,lexas The undersigned,the City S.eoretary of the City,Wylie Texas,hereby certifies timf I tie foregoing replat of the Rai/rood Addition,Lots IR efe 2R,edock 34,an Addition to tie City of Wylie, LOTS 1R & 2R, BLOCK 34 wes submitted to the City Council on the dav of ,2002 ood the Comicil, Donald J Jaekson Registered Professeinal Land Surveyor No.3349 by forrmd action,then and there accepted the dedicatio of Are),s,alle.y,parks,eaeement,public spaees. and water afICI sewer lines,shown and set forth in Sind T1,011,,id pl.a.said Some,further BEING A RE] OF aid horreed the M,or to note the acceptance thereof by si,ting ilis aainc,as her,,,,bove subset-Med ,FATE:OF TEXAS ti LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, AND 7, BLOCK 34 ,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,, 0 Wijn,s my hand this day of RAILROAD ADDITION 1 BEFORE ME.the emilersigned authority.a Notary Pub,Oa,rici for the State of Texas,on this date personally appeared Donald J Jackson,known to me to be the perscia whose flame is subscribed to l lie CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS City Secretary foioegoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he execnted the same Mr the puiTose and City of Wylie,Texas consideration therein expressed and under oath stated that the stat,ements in the foregoing eertificate PREPARED, AUGUST 14, 2002 are true. REVISED: SEPTEMBER 11, 2002 GIVEN UND.MY HAND AND SEAL OF'OFFICE this d,of 2003 NOTICE SURVEYOR, JACKSON&ASSOCIATF,S LAND SURVEYORS OWNER, RUTH 1,TEAGUE 2600 W.FA HIGHWAY ND.544 6312 BIRCHMONT DRIVE n 7 f[111[Fill Notary Public for t,State of Texas WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PLANO,TX 75093 My commission expires Selling a portion,this addition by metes and timid,is a violation of PHONE:(972)442-4045 , OCT 0..2002 City Ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines arid withholding, utilities and building'permits. JOB NO.885-02-'0106 „ DWG.NO 8850106.DWG '.', City of Wylie Action Item No. 4 Preliminary Plat Stiles Crossing Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 17, 2002 Owner: Peerless Manufacturing Company (Under contract to the KB Group) Surveyor/Engineer: Surveyors&Engineers of North Texas, Inc. Location: Generally located west of North Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514) and north of Brown Street (F.M. 4312) and west of the Pointe North Addition Existing Zoning: Single-Family(SF 8.5/17) Summary: The Preliminary Plat under consideration will create 100 single-family residential lots and right- of-way for the extension of Ann Drive. The subject property totals 34.01 acres in size. This tract of land was rezoned from Industrial (I) to Single-Family (SF 8.5) Residential District in February of 2002 with the adoption of revised city-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipality unless it is disapproved within that time period". Preliminary Plat—Stiles Crossing Issues: 1. The property is traversed by several major water and gas transmission corridors, and the development anticipates using these corridors as a greenbelt pedestrian trail system. 2. The Plat provides for much of the right-of-way needed to complete the extension of Ann Drive toward the east to Ballard Avenue. 3. The current Thoroughfare Standards require that streets be 31 feet of pavement within 55 feet of right-of-way and alleys provide 20 feet of right-of-way and 12 feet of pavement. On September 10, 2002, the City Council approved a waiver of rights-of-way widths for the subject property, allowing the proposed streets with 31 feet of pavement within 50 feet of right-of-way, and alleys will provide 12 feet of pavement within 15 feet of right-of-way. The existing Pointe North Addition abutting to the west provides streets which are 27 feet of pavement within 50 feet of right-of-way and alleys of 10 feet pavement within 15 feet right- of-way. 4. On August 30, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board agreed to accept funds in lieu of land in compliance with park dedication requirements. 5. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval. The proposed Plat provides an appropriate transition between the new requirements of the current code and the existing Pointe North developed in compliance with the previous requirements. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat m Fri »r ::: 11 i r t`f"1$Ft�IEf3 W.D.PENNY SURVEY, ABS7�t NO.636 �fp f�' 'r'fyl�i smt.>a ::yf/'';y/,'rr / , 2 f i i ' ... ,". i'�f'r Fri '� qy .;$',tDMMi saw. �,..:d✓'i 3 t i 'i I' 1"'SSR '�fily fr' .X 1'+Gxc-STREET Vf�jl, r f•« .J'-, p,t.--.� �. Irj ANN -.« - , ,sue PLACE UTNd�iES I E y i y �"' ,a, !,, r O+SV*Jc`i N f i jf rpr �r tf 50RCIW � E# OPQ4 UAMTY T r°f/i r y rr/'k rf , IESUS ESPIN A,ET UX ,._ Qi��se.S W AS E �' ;',.,Hf f;�,/,,r.,f,� SW}m,� ,,. �/f r,.,f.,,� ' 11 VOL1647,PG.1 DR j CGT y i f'"f it r f %�!rfr zi i Z 11 \ 5'tl1$8` ri /17,/„r L. ;5., ✓r"f f1 11 11 e \ WATE'A#1#0.6�1: 30.MOUNT TQ. t-CC 31.W'9E-BG t S f . €. • g� TEAS Amor.A - , �a7 - '4r !roam''"\`,,, 6 PG.3T DR f DOT f 5 • . £ � __ - - 1I 6 Y ? �i 121 a2' "1114 p r4 _ M Li. .';> 906F6s§,ff; �' . ., 28�i.<;....`. awo..-a.:r®,aaS.s.v�.aasv�.:sw:.d"'�xv.+L+a'$..CGi"�`•n"`...�awwi�:►7i:ia•w%v.'p.reiw ---•...+�� _1._ �f..m.,.�-����i' .�;'- � I i f{ _�__ L 1y . tiBly t. at,56C, 139 a t2,10»�.T2' - °yticitclt.,;�< i° -- - 5_s,3, - a s.3 - GAS uNE E;AS€MBN,T ; 9t.. 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J i ffl6Rdi bq.fLv-'11' it.8.2 9q.tt r'7 i4-1d h '' 3?� i" .. 4,8 6; . a 0 8 ,' 1 °: a�43. a.ft. # , . • II 1(?tl'RPtJE# LOTS ON 5b5.b s9ft h:l§: 7�rr os► >` ,< �' #'�' � �! 4� /' ' /'gHT 34..10 Acres II 4 a9'4S`26 E 10,21 R.... ,.7$,' t.�.8 .y 49 ,iq - 6, • of TRA t6�0`€AGW ZONED �r p +'� ,gyp 't3t.S0' 'P a36 .it ^ '� - QC LIJFYLJ 47 F-V. f#f $ 75.00' 3?t"84.6g.. '>g 8343.5 sq.ft y�. I ��q 7 ,'.ti # ' ` , CURRENT USE:VACANT 1,', SdS.d satt. 7 (j • FC3R ING TO ZONING , "' ...E?2t.SA' �. ®-..,ft,, 'f$' �'+ f � r,A'A289.9�.�.�:.. aa15.3 q.tk • PROPOSED USE: FAMILY DETACHED CONFORMING m 6 -' r,N{ �' ' p� ' : SURVEY'. S.B.SHELBY SURVEY,ABSTRACT 820,,` ' - - - // A. 8•UiEM E;3MT. - f'' '.i A 1 '�i I SSd5.0 sa.ft. � 40.58, 987G9..fft j'�, A / A, k' yg 'y, 11 • 127$0' -405 #0 5 v^ / #6. - .l�A ...14. •/„. , 4"'1'�•'rtF?P • ' 3a.9?'- a �" 2y.0, ft co/ � iy, -}'\�'•.4�R7 i, 5' ifp .1 i ,ia 85a5o s4.ft. �+ '+ 7S'7d5.0 xq,fk �j ?r b',• • eN.,� `,t,L m F? np#G ,: v �" v. W • - 1..„:A i21.Sa' � •_ 11339.5 sn,.k. i '�'9B1#f.i aq.fE, � # �'" . �'d'�+' b. • ' 85050 a9.tt • y ( I''''' � n,2.7,v 2b. ..60. - y"" OW 11 ca • 74a.a• ''; .,,, f.. j 8 ' fr r fry'"'` /��+ 71 o ti 127.50' 13 $S,n, j,. 898.3 sq.ft. "x 1i NOTE: 1 3 ,' J • �• v` �f .:t a 1 - - �.'N 4 I. ,:.' ta67$6 waft. �8•.' > / 7 m �-(� � N n 55pS.b 49.6. 953 3§f "n vF {r?]�b ( BLOCK/ LOT CL 1 ry 1 ' ,21.49 •.1 9, ca 1 9 / i :. V - fV, 121.5a' U n !'j# ?: ^ 6s,s:4 aq.rt M..; i.PROPOSED ON-SITE SANITARY SEWER-$"PVC 0 4 n �' BLOCK A-33 LOTS 2.PROPOSED ON-SITE WATERMAINS-$"PVC a g 2 g 5795.2 qtt. .' BLOCK B-16 LOTS 3.SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES NOT TO EXCEED 500'SPACING ' asa56 sq tt. o ry + • 80' T TQ $«,• i 1 WANA�'�DISTRICT 0RA BLOCK C-20 LOTS 4.FIRE HYDRANTS NOT TO EXCEED 600'SSPACING. n� d576.4 sq.tt. �k �� REMOVE Kt.AND 121.50. + CONNECT TO EXISTING - [� g 3 #8 m VOL �R ' °R fOCT BLOCK D 15 LOTS 5.NO FLOODPLAINS(FLOODINAYS EXIST ON THIS PROPERTY. a 65049 e R m'`° - .263.2 8614 f2r.56 B`WORRRMA1N 1 r 1: n , BLOCK E-16 LOTS 6.ANN DRIVE TO RE 1/2 COLLECTOR STREET WITH DIViDED ENTRY 3it2.5 sq:tt. ((r ,#- J TO BALLARD AS SHOWN.(mitt.WIDTH 31'BC-BC) ,•� 2 54 -i 72t.63 m 7,`3' 8518.9 s. , -6+6Kk L k TOTAL 100 LOTS 7,ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS EXCEPT ANN DRIVE TO BE'50' F . r '73,8'ft. '' M1* ' ,.. i ' "b0 e2 t.k & f)/ RIGHTS OF WAY WITH 31'BC-BC BG MIN PAVEMENT SECTION. 121 5, .- �4` 148.-9, - i+^11 Y eorCT TO£}dST1NG B.BUILDING SETBACKS PER SF$51 BONING. s'sANirARY s£WER o ' $ 3;3 1 >�,,1 9.PARKLAND DEDICATION OR FEES IN LIEU PER ORDINANCE OD' GLEAN-OUT 93,8.8 5µO r 3307.4 sq# y <' SHALL BE MADE FOR THIS SITE. inn' , . -^"" .brP", ? 10.SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND ' W 9,. 14 '3{_b` BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE ANCE AND STATE LAW C� t- NQR'i}F1 .. a �,F•0.,.,�^,.,.'� "',. tr 2�'SSC �, AND IS SUBJECT TO PINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND 2 8 W I1,�'I -.-612.PO.OH-DR'COT ••^" h31S•8i. '� ,a • 6.r ` 11 l -' t 6',• ,".. • ' BUILDING PERMITS. c a 8 {{pp 1t9 t 76246.3 sq.tt �7 Q 9dd2�'aatt. ' "' - • • D 8 8138' h %rn: 2©. . • I.E CENTERUNE E EXISTING ELECTRIC con -EASEA lIT 70 31 'y, v. ttst,, snit.$ ELEC V.t U (.) 1 by -PROPOSED WATERLINE -X-EXISTING FENCE ' J NUMBER' NQRTH t4,, Mkl.ecT L 324.7 sa.ft. 21.52 raft, 8, t03240 san. `IA'. i 1 ..._ , 1, VOLff 6G&PG.7 O CCT y _ s;.ta' tom,` _ VER_PROPOSER SANITARY SE -SWR-EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 839 v 24996.6 49-ft. ts^i.1E•I. e 9, W • 6ssCP3U - : -PROPOSED BUILDING USE -GAS-CASTING GAS UNE p Ar ry ?" I 25 m;.a� -PROPOSED EASEMENT --TEL-EXISTING TELEPHONE DES�. B 0 C K A - 1fi2i6.5 S'�` 798459 gat.^*` a MANHOLE DRAWN: ASS w- ^K -WTR-EXISTING WATERLINE DRAY>N: ARS 0.1 ,., {: V$ TELEPHONE OR POWER POLE .____•V-EXISTING TV CABLE ! I E� CF"I1rCFCEf1: GKE K 2 ,0,.a,' =6=.„ "/ «., •,. .. 6' Q GATE VALVE SF SILT FENCE SCALE XJ ♦ .#�t PUB O RANT I�y "IT PROTECTION { � ►`t C? + �J P.U:E. PUBLIC UTILITY'EASEMENT fi=100' 1 1 BL BSSURE LMlE 10 50 200 BI}CI VI AND euRN'' ITtc�W SYBL SNSE VASE BUILDING U. t 1 11 1QL:i,PG.1Q-i1?III j ccT VVV RYS REAR YARD SETBACK 4 25 EDIT PLACE 6 SAARY SEihER ETJ EXTRATERRtTQR}AL JURISDICTION OF IN 11 CONNECT WEST,TOOWN ET PRELIMINARY PLAT-FOR REVIEW'PURPOSES ONLY 02 BR 11 DATE Legal description of land: 05 SEP 02 A tract of land situated in the S.B.Shelby survey,Abstract 820,Collin County,Texas,and all of a= called 3388 acre tract described in a deed from Esther Ed ,et al.to Peerless Mfg.Co.as recorded in Volume 744,Page 515,Deed Records of Colrin County,Texas,and more particularly I. described as f< lus: Beginning*.a'inch rod set at the of> ,,hne of A (F;M. Al , Road No.2514)and the northwest lire of the St.Louis n Raiii.01,said imn rod b being inning of a curve to the having a of 3 ,01 min,2 sec.,a . radius of 1. r„r�feet,and a tangent.bearing South 48 deg. r.41 sec.West; Thence with said curve iri a southwesterly direction and with sad oorttleaast line of said Railroad an arc distance of 1334.98 feet to a%inch iron rod seta the crud of said curve; Thence Sough r•deg.07 min.18 sec.West 196.47 feet with northwest line of the Rated to an OMfenoa post found; v Thence North l .23 min,53 sec t 605.17 feet with north line of said R' ` and g with the north IMO of Brown&Burns Addition to a 3/8 inch diararthr iron road found; 43 Thence North eo deg,17 min.00 sec,East 1642.57 feet to a 3/B inch iron rod found; 1..1., so s Ci di M~ Thence 48 deg.45 Dili.33:Se€. 779.05 feet,a fence line,to a fence post ,c1 'd '': Thence South 89 deg.13 min.30 sec.East 476.28 feet,along a fence line,to a Vs inch iron rod .........folt gl g set in the lid of Ballard Aa toe(F.M.Road No.2514f, , >w,r ism., Thence South QQ deg.03 min.18 sec,East 292.97 feet with the said west line crf Ballard Avenue : , to the place of beginning and containing 34.11839 acres,more or less. { I[. NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: Ili° THAT, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein-described Property ns S'S FS GROSSING in the City of'Wylie.,Denton Cabin County,Texas and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the street hgrats—of way and public easement shown hereon. t x KB Group STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GOWN BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public In and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared ,known to me to be the person whose . is eatellehbee te the foregane instntment and acknowledges to me that e, he/she executed the same for the purpose and consideration thereon expressed, .4 and in the capacity therein stabeer fi�r�,, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS DAY OF ,2002. W 'SII L o Ro#cry Public in the State of texas ice �m i� My Commission Expires a. 1 rw Q bog SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 0 0 N , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:THAT I,WILLIAM M.COLEMAN,Registered W c n an actualnl Land and accuratexsueo of land that this described hereon,ant was dethatdtheom TrEVFaCRTHEtax t2 v, Y IS RELEASED FaR TNE.PURPOSE d p, corner monuments shown hereon were found or placed under my OF INTE#RI REYtEw UNDER THE personal supervision in accordance with the regulations of Collin County, AU HORC=04.,tiAM M.COLEMAN, Texas and that all boundary and lot line descriptions close to an ttPisaooroff s accuracy of at least one in ten thousand(1:10,000). NOT To seumroaREC'e eg, CONSTRUCT.,MOWN.messier PUgrosss nos Rocores Tis NOT TO B.REUEO UPON AS A COMPLETE SURVEY AND SkiA1.e.JJ(7r „r. Wm.M.Coleman, R.P.L.S. 4001 DATE t ,,..� 0 'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" ND tit} mA Pl $,ZONINGCOMMISSION DATE: Ll Z L "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION' (Lom) a U. 8 t^ Q MAYOR,CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS DATE: C4 ol U U "ACCEPTED. JOB NUMBER 839 'MAYOR,CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS DATE: y P»EUM,ARr AT tak DESIGNED: ARB The undersigned;the C" Secretary of the City of Yyyte,Texas,hereby es that DRAWN: ARB the foregOina final plat of the Stiles CrassmMg subtlMursian or adcrrtian W t of CHECKED: GKE Wylie w su"7amiffed to the City Croft on the day of 2002, and the CgUnas'by for to genera mere and tat terre at streets, aNeYY,parks,easement pub is places,and water an rwsr nee and set SCALE x forth in an upon said plat and said Council kir..cut #the mayor to note 1. acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. 1 v=1 001 Witness my hand this day of ,A,D.2002 02 OF CC yaofWelaryTexas 02 , WYof Wye Public Hearing Item No. 1 Rezoning 02-08 Southplace Estates Phase V Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 3, 2002—TABLED September 17, 2002 - REVISED Owner: Attari GP 1, LLC Applicant: Zena Land Development Location: East of Ballard Street, south of Stone Road and east of the Southplace IV Addition Existing Zoning: Single-Family 8.5/17 Residential(SF 8.5/17) District Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family Residential Uses Summary: This item was tabled at the September 3, 2002 meeting, when the Planning and Zoning Commission continued the Public Hearing until September 17, 2002 in order to allow the applicant to consider certain revisions to the original proposal. This Planning Report and the attached Conditions for Planned Development District and Development Plan reflect the applicant's modifications in response to concerns raised at the earlier meeting. The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject 12.754 acres to Planned Development (PD) District in order to continue development of the Southplace Estates single-family residential neighborhood in a manner comparable to the existing development. With adoption of the new City-wide Zoning Ordinance and Map in February of 2002, the subject property was rezoned from Single Family-2 Residential to Single-Family 8.5/17 Residential. Both the SF-2 and SF 8.5/17 Districts require a minimum lot size of 8,500, but dwelling size and other regulations differ. 02-08, Southplace Estates-V PD The property abutting the subject tract to the west is Phase IV of the Southplace Estates Addition, the Final Plat for which was approved by the City Council in July of 2002. Property to the south is platted as the Twin Lakes Addition, and is developing with lots of approximately 8,200 square feet under the previous SF-3 zoning. Property to the north is owned by the Wylie Independent school District and developed as the Intermediate School and sports complex. Property to the east is the City of Wylie park. Public Comment Forms were mailed to forty (40) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Two Comment Forms have been returned at the time of posting, both opposing the request. Issues: 1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential use for the subject property, which envisions lots of 10,000 square feet and larger. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development. The proposed PD does not comply with the recommendation of the Plan and offers no enhancement or innovation of the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. However, the proposal does provide for residences on this rather small and restricted tract which are comparable in size and character to existing abutting developments. 2. The Planned Development District proposes to apply the requirements of the Single Family 8.5/17 Residential District, with the following modifications: Development Proposed Required Minimums Condition Requires for SF-8.5 District Lot Area Minimum—8,077 sq. ft. Average lot size 9,437 sq. ft.and 8,500 sq. ft. 82%shall exceed 8,500 sq. ft. Lot Depth 110 ft. 100 ft. Side Yard 7 ft. interior 7 ft. interior 15 ft. for corner lots 25 ft. for corner lots Dwelling Size 1,500 sq. ft.minimum 1,700 sq. ft. 50%larger than 1,700 sq. ft. 3. The PD requires that only 82 percent of all lots comply with or exceed the minimum 8,500 sq. ft. required by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed minimum lot size (8,077 sq. ft.) of the PD is smaller than the lot sizes platted within the Southplace Estates Phase IV Addition (8,500 sq. ft). abutting the subject tract on the west, but is larger than lots within the Twin Lakes Phase II Addition (7,800 sq. ft.) abutting on the south. The PD proposes an average lot size (9,437 sq. ft.) which is larger than that required by the Ordinance as well as existing lots platted on abutting properties. 02-08, Southplace Estates-V PD 4. The street side yards proposed in the PD are to be 15 feet wide rather than the 25 feet of both the current and previous regulations. Otherwise, the yard dimensions required by the PD are the same as both the current SF 8.5/17 requirements and those of the previous SF-2 which regulate abutting subdivisions to the west and south. 5. The PD requires that the minimum dwelling size be 1,500 sq. ft. and that at least 50 percent of all houses be 1,700 sq. ft. or larger. The current requirement of the Zoning Ordinance is that all dwelling be 1,700 sq. ft. or larger. The proposed minimum size of 1,500 sq. ft. is the same as the requirements of the previous SF-2 zoning of the Southplace Addition, and larger than the 1,100 sq. ft. required by the previous SF-3 District. A majority of the existing homes abutting the PD are larger than the proposed 1,500 sq. ft. The common size of dwellings within the developed Southplace Addition to the west is 1,783, and house sizes range from 1,023 sq. ft. to 1,966 sq. ft., and the normal house within the Twin Lakes Addition to the south is approximately 1,634 sq. ft. 6. The PD proposes the following substitutions to the Basic and Desirable Standard Requirements to replace those of the SF 8.5/17 Village Land Design of Figure 3-14 A Development Proposed PD Requirement oldie Comrdion Requirement SF-8.5 District Trees One/front yard,equally spaced Street and Sidewalk Requirement, points awarded for equal spacing Driveways Lots with alleys shall allow only Architectural Requirement,offset rear entry garages garage entry and points if not on primary street Public Open Space 10 ft.public access easement with 8 Land Design Requirement,points ft.walk connection to City park for wider easement and trail Park Dedication Fees in lieu of land Code allows either fees or land 7. The PD proposal eliminates consideration of the following Base and Desirable Standards of the Village Land Design and Street and Sidewalk Requirements: • Amenities along open space connection, such as lights, drinking fountain, benches, exercise equipment, enhanced paving, etc. — These could be added to some degree to the short connector to the City park, although not throughout the entire development. • Curvilinear streets — These are not feasible because the PD is a small tract which adjoins and continues an existing street pattern. • Entry feature, landscaping and signage — These are not feasible because the PD continues existing development with no major street frontage of its own. • Enhanced sidewalks and crosswalks — These could be added on a limited basis, but would not be consistent with the existing development which the PD continues. 02-08, Southplace Estates-V PD 8. The PD requires rear entry drives and garages when alleys are available and allows street/front facing garage and drive entry where there are no alleys. Alleys are provided throughout the proposed development, except for lots which abut the school and park property to the north and east. The developed properties abutting on the west and south provide existing alleys. 9. The PD proposes the following substitutions to the Basic and Desirable Standard Requirements to replace those of the SF 8.5/17 Village Architectural of Figure 3-14 D Development Proposed Multifamily District Condition Requirement Requirement Exterior Wall 80%masonry all sides for 2-story, 100%masonry all sides Materials 100%masonry all sides for 1-story 8:12 pitch,asphalt or architectural Roof Dormers or combined hip and gable grade shingles and dormers/gables earn points Plan Repetition Skip 4 on same side and 2 on No house plan adjacent opposite side of street before repeating 10. The current Zoning Ordinance requires 100 percent masonry exterior siding on all sides of a dwelling, and defines masonry as brick, stone or cementacious composite materials. The PD proposes to allow 80% masonry on each side of two-story dwellings and require 100% only for single-story houses. The previous code required an average of 75% masonry on all sides. 11. The current Zoning Ordinance requires that all roofs have an 8:12 pitch with architectural grade shingles, and points are provided for articulating features such as dormers or hip and gable combination. The PD proposes to lower roof pitches, but requires some articulation. 12. The PD proposes that the same house plan not be constructed on adjoining lots. The Zoning Ordinance requires the skipping of 4 lots on the same side of the street and 2 lots skipped on the opposite side of the street before repeating the same plan and elevation, and points are provided for additional skipping. 13. The PD proposal eliminates consideration of the following Base and Desirable Standards of the Village Architectural Requirements: • Front entry cover (porches) —These are a required element on all residences and could be added. 02-08, Southplace Estates-V PD 14. The PD provides for streets measuring 27 ft. of pavement within 50 ft. of right-of-way, comparable to the existing streets adjacent to the development constructed under the previous Paving Standards. The current Thoroughfare Standards require 31 ft. streets within 55 ft. rights-of-way. 15. The subject tract is a small remaining residue which is completely surrounded by existing development. It is appropriate that development of this tract reflect a character similar to that of existing abutting properties. Staff Recommendation: Denial of the requested rezoning. Staff agrees that some variance of the development requirements of the current code is appropriate because this proposal is a final and minor continuation of existing development constructed in compliance with different requirements, and because the small size and square configuration of the subject tract makes it impractical or impossible to fully comply with the current street requirements. The proposed Planned Development District provides a compromise between the existing conditions and the new requirements in order to assure a quality development and the PD is innovative in this regard. However, proposed elimination or reductions in such architectural requirements as the dwelling size, roof pitch, porches and masonry exterior walls are not justified. In this regard, the PD is not innovative but is rather an inappropriate method of achieving unwarranted variances from the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The appropriate mechanism for granting relief from legitimate hardships imposed by a site is not a legislative PD but the judicial Board of Adjustment. Staff would support a PD revised to comply more closely to these requirements of the current code. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Location Map Conditions for the Planned Development District Development Plan Notification List and Response Forms r am)..-.1 pg. .n- 14II, 6 . __L_ - -L__-1--o._- L \ N0 4D Li:1 IiiL.• ,L_Ai•i s i.. L- - -Mknm 1 LIIIIIIIII _ FM _11 544 — ‘ * _ . 4 . Cuncan res , --- D..rive-- — - • • -.• 1 '.----.-....._ i . . i --....../.:. .._..J.41 i 1 i i . )rive i •-•'''. i 1 i ... _._.._ / I i ... L a) i \ c i a.) i < i • 73—I--I-. 7 4 ill I UT ] ! Cleuderoft Drive '!''.•;.Y-':;f4-4-:: .K;; •',';'-'',..‘47.'$2 ' % ...5r.-;:41.,... l ., t i ‘. „ e 0 , ! .4„,„„,......,,,,„,„:„:„,..„:,..•;,.:„..: _.._.._ Silvsrcrwmic Driv• 4•;.1:,'!'ij440:i', ''''n::'-'''"f: 4,;•1 ':7,:i.'-'4,1:'*=•,V,'•': . 1 \. i 1%i'i...11•?::i .•,W.: I i t.;,,,:,,,,w ..s• ,-. ••RiiiiiiiNIM 8 - I Lake Travis Dr. , a) 1 I 13. .., o a > a.) _1 3 .1 ___...1.1.. _.__ i o • 1 I 1 1 1 ak - r c 1 ini14\ • .ve r 0 a) 1 1 1 - 7 i Alanis Drive! i , ! . Ala • $ • - I 6; 4111t. -' -0 um mum mum 1 x_ De e 0 i...111H.INIg, .. . -6 ... e srammto iii a MI ,I 0 CI'11111 M . N.. / , ,ro _ _•_ . . .: „ iitc,k! e. e. , .,..., . 1 . . .... , .e,. 07\ 2 4.., M lillm "Illj ....., 9111 1111 MI en i - .. ---O To in nve •....., tw _It .g. I I •, .' .L2./—.,1 / ..../V ..../ ! ! ! ' i ! ; ! ! i ._ _ - - -. I LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2002-08 CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Southplace Estates Phase V - 12.754 Acres East of Ballard Street and East of Existing Southplace I Zoning Case 2002-08 Description and General Conditions: 1. The principal use of this Planned Development District is for the development of single- family residential dwellings and to provide for an appealing residential area. This PD is intended to be defined and protected from the encroachment of uses which are not appropriate to a residential environment. Stability, appeal and efficiency are encouraged by the development of this in-fill property providing for residential consistency, as well as adjoining otherwise landlocked parcels. This Planned Development will provide for public access to the adjoining City park facilities. 2. This Planned Development District shall not affect any regulation found within the code of ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the Single Family-8.5 (SF 8.5/17) District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3.A of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted February 29, 2002) are included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. Special Conditions: Streets and Alleys: • All streets shall be be constructed with 27 feet of concrete pavement (measured from back of curb to back of curb)within a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet • No alleys shall be required or provided adjacent to the school and park properties Main Uses: The following uses are permitted as main uses in the PD: • Detached single-family dwelling • Transportation and utility easements, alleys, and right-of-way. • Temporary construction or sales office; which will be removed when construction work is complete • Public access to City Park Lot Size/Density: 1. Area • Average lot size shall be 9,437 square feet • Minimum lot size 8,077 square feet • Largest lot size 17,460 square feet 2. Percentage • 82% of the lots exceed 8,500 square feet Development Conditions PD 2002-08 Page 2 of 2 3. Lot Width • All lots, including corner lots, shall be 70 feet minimum at building line, and no less than 45 feet at property line 4. Lot Depth • 110 feet minimum 5. Density • 3.5 dwelling units per acre maximum Lot Setbacks: • Side yard—Building line for interior side yards shall be 7 feet, and for street side yards shall be 15 feet Village Land Design Requirements: Only the following conditions shall be required, and no other Base or Desirable Standards of Figure 3-14 shall apply. • Trees—One tree shall be located in the front yard of all lots and evenly spaced • Driveways—Lots adjoining alleyways will allow rear entry garage access only • Public open space—Public access to the City Park facility will be achieved thru a 10 foot Public Access Easement containing an 8 foot divided walkway. • Park Dedication—Fees will be paid in lieu of Park land dedication Village Residential Architectural Requirements: Only the following conditions shall be required, and no other Base or Desirable Standards of Figure 3-14 shall apply • Minimum residence square footage—All residences shall contain not less than 1,500 square feet, and 50% of the residences shall be not less than 1,700 square feet, of heated/cooled area under roof • Roof—6:12 pitch and architectural grade shingles, with dormers or combination hip and gable • Chimney—All metal pipes shall be enclosed by approved siding materials • Mail Box—One style throughout development • Garage Doors—Offset from the rest of the facade at least 12 inches • Masonry—80%masonry per side elevation for 2 story residences; 100% masonry each side elevation for one story residences • Plan Repetition—No house plan shall be located adjacent to the identical house plan Development Plan/Preliminary Plat: The approved Development Plan, adopted as part of this Planned Development District, shall serve as the Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Phase V Addition. f' 7 i jl ZC#2002-08 SEP 1 1 ZLi IZ �' Southplace Ph. V ""`ii Y '-7-1-7-1-7-F-1-1 I I I I I I 1-T-f T-�T-'�I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I ___1__H-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I �Y�� CLOtOCROFT DRIVE 11111 0 >o 100 200 I I I--JL--J L-JL--1 L__I I___I I___I L---I -1 L__I L_ L_J W �� `' ® L---I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I -- I I II I 1, Ii L-_ d`� I r--�r-� r-� r--I� r-T L- Ln iTJ" L_JL_ rms__ L_J" L...- i:.1-1 Jai -_J L_JI JL L_J1 1 L-_I I Ks ( I II 0.szafafciI I I s-a" fi waI I I ICI II o --- I I1 - ]ZOW Ir- H r-Hr--I L--1 r--1 I---1I---1 -- r-H 1-H 1--r-� -I I I I II I I i t I I i t I I I I I I I I -- I SLVERCREEX DRIVE �- I ri-T-I-T-I--1 f-1-T--1-7--I--r-T-r-I- 7-1--T-T-7-T--1-1 L.. g r .� 1 I I 11 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 L� _LJ_4,.8,,4,aE. .B61 L__1_LJ_J--1__L_L_L_1_-J_L_1__L._Ls_�J))1 �\ T I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I r I T 1 PNI �� N� 1 1 I I 1 T,--I-1 1 I 1 1 1 1 `t.a 11 1 1 CO �L1_L1 I l l l l l l l siy"la"�L I I I _-�4_ i [ fjZc #2OO2_O9Jirfl a _ Tm FOREST DRIVE -,t-a5„ 1---1-S O LA t t-i to 1 a c @ P VI _ V 1 --I-�- § I I I I I___ LJ_LJ_LL_1_L1J_LI_I_LIJ_L1J_1 sew 6740.1, il6.90 I 1 1 1 ��� - - \N� I I I I 1 ""e'`�'- I I I I I I I I I I r7 I ""`«T""°" 50.PP"»C.u �-1 1-L 1_ 7)` // I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TaTK�,, N9 20. 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Kimball Avenue 1 Zena Land Development Southlake,Texas 76092 1016 Dodd Drive Twin Lakes II 75098 2 Blk E Lot 5 R-4166-00E-0050-1 Tim Brizendine Wylie,209 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes II7ylie, 75098 3 Blk E Lot 36 R-4166-00E-0360-1 David Furentez W 211 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes II7lie, 75098 4 BIk E 37 R-4166-00E-0370-1 David Navarrette Wylie, 213 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III7lie, 75098 5 Blk E Lot 38 R-4608-00E-0380-1 Nathan Bland Wylie, 215 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III7lie, 75098 6 Blk E 39 R-4608-00E-0390-1 "Stephen Perkins Wylie, Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III7lie, 75098 7 Blk E 40 R-4608-00E-0400-1 Humberto Martinez Wylie, Lake Texas Drive X Twin Lakes III 219Wylie,Texas 75098 8 Blk E 41 R-4608-00E-0410-1 Rickey Rannabargar 219 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 75098 9 Blk E 42 R-4608-00E-0420-1 Rhonda Wilks Wylie,223 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III 7lie, 75098 10 Blk E 43 R-4608-00E-0430-1 Diana Peterson Wylie, Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III 225Wylie,Texas 75098 11 Blk E 44 R-4608-00E-0440-1 John Read 227 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 12 Blk E 45 R-4608-00E-0450-1 Crystal Boyd Wylie,Texas 75098 229 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III7 '\X' Wylie, 75098 13 Blk E 46 R-4608-00E-0460-1 Christopher Landa 231 Lake Texas Drive Twin Lakes III 75098 14 Blk E 47 R-4608-00E-0470-1 Francisco ArnayaWylie,Texas 233 Lake Travis7 098 Twin Lakes III 75098 Drive 15 Blk E 48 R-4608-00E-0480-1 Anne Steinberg Wylie,Texas 235 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 7 75098 16 Bik E 49 R-4608-00E-0490-1 Richard McBride 237 Lake Wylie, Texas asTra Drive Twin Lakes III 7 75098 17 BIk E 50 R-4608-00E-0500-1 Mick Mason 239 Lake Wylie, Texas asTra Drive Twin Lakes III Wylie,Texas 75098 18 BIk E 51 R-4608-00E-0510-1 Thomas Allen Y Twin Lakes HI 241 Lake Travis Drive 75098 Wylie, 19 BIk E 52 R-4608-00E-0520-1 Guadalupe Lopez Lake TexasTra Drive Twin Lakes HI 243Wylie,Texas 75098 20 Blk E 53 R-4608-00E-0530-1 Henry Dues,Jr. y 245 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III Texas 75098 21 Blk E 54 R-4608-00E-0540-1 Michael Strayhorn Wylie,Kimball 7509e Twin Lakes III 7207 ke,Texas 60 Southla92-9000 22 Blk G Lot 6 R-4608-00G-0060-1 Twin Lakes, L.P. P.O. Box 1048 60 Twin Lakes III Arlin ton,Texas 76004-1048 23 Blk G 7 R-4608-00G-0070-1 Choice Homes, Inc. 214 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 24 BIk G 8 R-4608-00G-0080-1 Ressa Holt Wylie,Texas 75098 216 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 25 Blk G 9 R-4608-00G-0090-1 Mark Frantz Wylie,Texas 75098 P.O. Box 1048 Twin Lakes III Arlin ton,Texas 76004-1048 26 Blk G 10 R-4608-00G-0100-1 Choice Homes, Inc. 220 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 75098 Wylie,Texas 27 Blk G 11 R-4608-00G-0110-1 Matthew Koonce Wyp O. Box 1048 Twin Lakes III Arlin ton,Texas 76004-1048 28 Blk G 12 R-4608-00G-0120-1 Choice Homes, Inc. 224 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 098 Wylie,Texas 75 29 BIk G 13 R-4608-00G-0130-1 Charles Cheatwood Wyp O. Box 1 758 Twin Lakes III n,Texas Arlin to 76004-1048 30 Blk G 14 R-4608-00G-0140-1 Choice Homes, Inc. g Kimball 6004e Twin Lakes III Southlake,Texas 76092-9000 31 BIk G 15 R-4608-OOG-0150-1 Twin Lakes,L.P. 720 Kimball Avenue Twin Lakes tll Southlake,Texas 76092-9000 32 Blk G 16 R-4608-OOG-0160-1 Twin Lakes, L.P. 232 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III 33 BIk G 17 R-4608-00G-0170-1 Edward Smith Wylie,234 Lake TexasTra 7 098 ' 75098 Twin Lakes III5 7 Wylie, 098 Drive 34 BIk G 18 R-4608-00G-0180-1 Ryan Hadley Lake TexasTra 7 098 Twin Lakes III Wylie,Texas 75098 is Drive Blk G 19 R-4608-00G-0190-1 Travis Switzer 238 Lake Travis Drive Twin Lakes III Wylie,Texas 75098 36 BIk G 20 R-4608-O0G-0200-1 James Everett 5641 Yale Blvd #108 37 Abst.23 Tract 57 R-6023-000-0570-1 Attari GPI LLC Dallas,Texas 752061001 S.Ballard Avenue Wylie I.S.D. Wylie,Texas 75098 38 Abst.23 26 R-6023-000-0260-1 W y 6081 Milton #141 39 Abst.23 60 R-6023-000-0600-1 Fred Kern Living Trust Dallas, Teas S 78 75206-4411 200North 40 Abst.23 23 R-6023-000-0230-1 • City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-08. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-08. • Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,September 3,2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 24,2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Ope% Loon (please print) v�S c Address: 2-2- 2 •Z-q L 0.k2 A .,>> �, 15at g Signature: Date: SSl 1102 COMMENTS: 0. CorvnnuAnn of ,L ("or G \\ C'{s3 d itt3iS Jr 1.)111°yowi05 wreck. • PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-08. 1 I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-08. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, September 3,2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: �1 C 1( ,) 1\ c\`!1 ,(1 c\ c`rT v' (please print) / 1� Address: . 1 `1 Lc 1c E- ) l'C\7\y 5 -�-. LA_:,) ; e , Tx , '7 s o 9 8 Signature: '—k-L._k(..iL:�.p(vLti'vTd-2't_nyt„.::) Date: 8 1 COMMENTS: 1. 1vv'\ nc rgidt }\-\z 7nNr1\ t\\ c� n\� l�l\\\ C.ecJeas � ��t Y� cAAN,d \ 'r'� m �. ,,� y vq 4.,..,� 4 if _OEN of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 2 Rezoning 02-09 Southplace Estates Phase VI Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September 3, 2002 - TABLED September 17, 2002 - REVISED Owner: Attari GPI, LLC Applicant: Zena Land Development Location: East of Ballard Street, south of Stone Road and south of the Southplace I Addition Existing Zoning: Neighborhood Services (NS) and Single-Family 8.5/17 Residential(SF 8.5/17) Districts Requested Zoning: Planned Development (PD) District for Single-Family Residential Uses Summary: This item was tabled at the September 3, 2002 meeting, when the Planning and Zoning Commission continued the Public Hearing until September 17, 2002 in order to allow the applicant to consider certain revisions to the original proposal. This Planning Report and the attached Conditions for Planned Development District and Development Plan reflect the applicant's modifications in response to concerns raised at the earlier meeting. The applicant is requesting rezoning of 10.129 acres to Planned Development (PD) District in order to serve as the new entry and expand the Southplace Estates single-family residential neighborhood in a manner comparable to existing development. 02-09, Southplace Estates-VI PD The western 2.759 acres fronting Ballard Street is currently zoned Neighborhood Services (NS) District, rezoned from Business-2 (B-2) with adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance and Map in February of 2002. The eastern 7.37 acres was rezoned from Single Family-2 Residential to Single-Family 8.5/17 Residential. The property abutting the subject tract to the north is Phase I of the Southplace Estates Addition, and is zoned and developed in accordance with the previous Single Family-2 Residential District. The western half of the property to the south is owned by the City of Wylie and occupied by the fire station. The eastern half of the property to the south as well as that abutting to the east is platted as the Twin Lakes Addition, and is developing according to the previous SF-2 zoning. Public Comment Forms were mailed to forty (40) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One Comment Form has been returned at the time of posting, opposing the request. Issues: 1. The Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential use for the subject property, which envisions lots of 10,000 square feet and larger. The stated purpose of a Planned Development District is to permit flexibility and innovation in the use and design of land and development. The proposed PD does not comply with the recommendation of the Plan and offers no enhancement or innovation of the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. However, the proposal does provide for residential development on this rather small tract which is comparable in size and character to existing abutting developments. 2. The Conditions of the Planned Development District require that no alleys be provided within the proposed development. Section 2.9 of the Paving Standards requires that "alley shall be provided in all residential areas". Alleys exist within the Southplace I subdivision abutting the subject property on the north but are not provided in the Twin Lakes Addition abutting on the east and south. The normal functions of alleys will be accommodated by other methods. The PD requires that garages be accessed from the front street by side swing drives, utilities can be placed in easements along the street and City code requires that lots drain to the front street. 3. The PD provides for streets measuring 27 ft. of pavement within 50 ft. rights-of-way, comparable to the existing streets adjacent to the development constructed under the previous Paving Standards. The current Thoroughfare Standards require 31 ft. streets within 55 ft. rights-of-way. 02-09, Southplace Estates-VI PD 4. The Planned Development District proposes to apply the requirements of the Single Family 8.5/17 Residential District, with the following modifications: Development Proposed Required Minimums Condition Requirement for SF-8:5 District Lot Area Minimum—7,826 sq. ft. Average lot size 10,188 sq. ft. 8,500 sq. ft. 92%shall exceed 8,500 sq. ft. Lot Depth 110 ft. 100 ft. Side Yard 7 ft. interior 7 ft. interior 15 ft. for corner lots 25 ft. for corner lots Dwelling Size 1,500 sq. ft.minimum 1,700 sq. ft. 50%larger than 1,700 sq. ft. 5. The PD requires that only 92% of all lots comply with or exceed the minimum 8,500 sq. ft. required by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed lot size (7,826 sq. ft.) of the PD is smaller than the lot sizes platted within the Southplace Estates Addition (8,500 sq. ft.) abutting the subject tract on the north, but similar to lots within the Twin Lakes Addition (7,800 sq. ft.) abutting on the south and east. The PD proposes an average lot size (10,188 sq. ft.) which is larger than that required by the Ordinance as well as existing lots platted on abutting properties. 6. The street side yards proposed in the PD are to be 15 feet wide rather than the 25 feet of both the current and previous regulations. Otherwise, the yard dimensions required by the PD are the same as both the current SF 8.5/17 requirements and those of the previous SF-2 which regulate abutting subdivisions. 7. The PD requires that the minimum dwelling size be 1,500 sq. ft. and that at least 50 percent of all houses be 1,700 sq. ft. or larger. The current requirement of the Zoning Ordinance is that all dwellings be 1,700 sq. ft. or larger. The proposed minimum size of 1,500 sq. ft. is the same as the requirements of the previous SF-2 zoning of the Southplace Addition and larger than the 1,100 sq. ft. required by the previous SF-3 District of the Twin Lakes Addition. A majority of the existing homes abutting the PD are larger than the proposed 1,500 sq. ft. The common size of dwellings within the developed Southplace Addition to the north is 1,783 sq. ft., and the houses range from 1,023 sq. ft. to 1,966 sq. ft., and the normal house within the Twin Lakes Addition to the east is 1,634 sq. ft. 02-09, Southplace Estates-VI PD 8. The PD proposes the following substitutions to the Basic and Desirable Standard Requirements to replace those of the SF 8.5/17 Village Land Design of Figure 3-14 A Development Proposed PD Requirement of the Collation Requirement SF-8-5 District Trees One/front yard,equally spaced Street and Sidewalk Requirement, points awarded for equal spacing Architectural Requirement,offset Driveways Front entry garage only garage entry and points if not on primary street Entry Features Landscaped median with sign Land Design Requirement,with masonry screen wall ParkDcation Fees in lieu of land Code allows either fees or land 9. The PD proposal eliminates consideration of the following Base and Desirable Standards of the Village Land Design and Street and Sidewalk Requirements: • Pedestrian connection to open space with amenities — Such direct connector is not feasible as the open space/City park is to the east through the developed subdivision. • Curvilinear streets — These are not feasible because the PD is a small tract which adjoins and continues an existing street pattern. • Enhanced sidewalks and crosswalks — These could be added on a limited basis, but would not be consistent with the existing development which the PD continues. 10. The PD proposes the following substitutions to the Basic and Desirable Standard Requirements to replace those of the SF 8.5/17 Village Architectural of Figure 3-14 D Development Proposed Multifamily District Condition Requirement Requirement Exterior Wall 80%masonry all sides for 2-story, 100%masonry all sides Materials 100%masonry all sides for 1-story 8:12 pitch,asphalt or architectural Roof Dormers or combined hip and gable grade shingles and dormers/gables earn points Plan Repetition Skip 4 on same side and 2 on No house plan adjacent opposite side of street before repeating 11. The current Zoning Ordinance requires that all exterior walls be 100 percent masonry, and defines masonry as brick, stone or cementacious composite materials. The PD proposes to allow 80% masonry on each side of two-story dwellings and require 100% only for single- story houses. The previous code required an average of 75% on all sides. 02-09, Southplace Estates-VI PD 12. The PD requires that all roofs have an 8:12 pitch with architectural grade shingles, and points are provided for articulating features such as dormers or hip and gable combinations. The PD proposes to lower roof pitches, but requires some articulation. 13. The PD requires that the same house plan not be constructed on adjoining lots. The Zoning Ordinance requires the skipping of 4 lots on the same side of the street and 2 lots skipped on the opposite side of the street before repeating the same plan and elevation, and points are provided for additional skipping. 14. The PD proposal eliminates consideration of the following Base and Desirable Standards of the Village Architectural Requirements: • Repetition of Floor Plans and Elevations — This could be added, as skipping of 4 lots on the same side of street and 2 lots skipped on opposite side is required and points provided for additional skipping. Staff Recommendation: Denial of the requested rezoning. Staff agrees that some variance of the development requirements of the current code is appropriate because the small size and square configuration of this infill tract makes it impractical or impossible to fully comply with the current street requirements. The connection as an expansion of the developed Southplace subdivision and proposed Planned Development District provides a compromise between existing conditions and the new requirements in order to assure a quality development and the PD is innovative in this regard. However, proposed elimination or reductions in such architectural requirements as the dwelling size, roof pitch, porches and masonry exterior walls are not justified. In this regard, the PD is not innovative but is rather an inappropriate method of achieving unwarranted variances from the standards requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.. The appropriate mechanism for granting relief from legitimate hardships imposed by the site is not a legislative PD but the judicial Board of Adjustment. Staff would support a PD revised to comply more closely to these requirements of the current code. The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. 02-09, Southplace Estates-VI PD Attachments: Location Map Conditions for the Planned Development District Development Plan Notification List and Response Forms I > Q EJ\ a i Drive alop —�� I Cloudcroft Drive i j I 0 0 o l I O c I y N a — I. rl Silvercreek Drive I I E � �rW o ) Lake Travi: Y '5 'y 710',,y ' ���•kivT -�'•J ^;k O1. .,.� , a, _1 Lake lhichita i i #4) � i j r o 1 C ___ O > i pxt Vi- % a e Se j i j j j I — Ala Drive I I j i o ' MI . iI ;I :L • • j . r 7 vartin Drive = ,_} Jr i ii . .._.._.._.._.._ j j I I LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2002-09 CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Southplace Estates Phase VI - 10.129 Acres East of Ballard Street and South of Existing Southplace I Addition Zoning Case 2002-09 Description and General Conditions: 1. The principal use of this Planned Development District is for the development of single- family residential dwellings and to provide for an appealing residential area. This PD is intended to be defined and protected from the encroachment of uses which are not appropriate to a residential environment. Stability, appeal and efficiency are encouraged by the development of this in-fill property providing for residential consistency, as well as adjoining otherwise landlocked parcels. This Planned Development will provide a signed primary entry and link to the existing and future South Place Estates development. 2. This Planned Development district shall not affect any regulation found within the code of ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the Single Family-8.5 (SF 8.5/17) District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3.A of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted February 29, 2002) are included by reference and shall apply except as provided herein. Special Conditions: Streets and Alleys: • All streets within the Planned Development District shall be constructed with 27 feet of concrete pavement (measured from back of curb to back of curb) within a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet • Alleys shall not be required or provided within the PD Main Uses: The following uses are permitted as main uses in the PD: • Detached single-family dwelling • Transportation and utility easements, alleys, and right-of-way • Temporary construction or sales office; which will be removed when construction work is complete • Access to the existing and future Southplace Estates development Lot Size/Density: 1. Area • Average lot size in 10,188 square feet • Minimum lot size 7,826 square feet • Largest lot size 18,965 square feet 2. Percentage • 92% of the lots shall exceed 8,500 square feet. Development Conditions PD 2002-09 Page 2 of 2 3. Lot Width • All lots, including corner lots, shall be 70 feet minimum at building line, and no less than 43 feet at property line 4. Lot Depth • 110 feet minimum 5. Density • 3.0 dwelling units per acre maximum Lot Setbacks: • Side yard—Building line for interior side yards shall be 7 feet, and for street side yards shall be 15 feet Village Land Design Requirements: Only the following conditions shall be required, and no other Base or Desired Standards of Figure 3-14 shall apply • Trees—One tree shall be located in the front yard of all lots and evenly spaced • Driveways—Lots will require front entry garage access only. • Entryway—A divided entryway will allow for a landscaped median and monument sign • Park Dedication—Fees will be paid in lieu of Park land dedication Village Residential Architectural Requirements: Only the following conditions shall be required, and no other Base or Desired Standards of Figure 3-14 shall apply • Minimum residence square footage—All residences shall contain not less than 1,500 square feet, and 50% of the residences shall be not less than 1,700 square feet, of heated/cooled area under roof. • Roof—6:12 pitch and architectural grade shingles, with dormers or combination hip and gable • Chimney—All metal pipes shall be enclosed by approved siding materials • Mail Box—One style throughout development • Garage Doors—Offset from the rest of the façade at least 12 inches • Masonry— 80% masonry per side elevation for 2 story residences; 100% masonry each side elevation for one story residences • Plan Repetition—No house plan shall be located adjacent to the identical house plan Development Plan/Preliminary Plat: The approved Development Plan, adopted as part of this Planned Development District, shall serve as the Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Phase VI Addition ZC #2002-08 U II li I�— Soutl-. pl ., PI-'i _ V U (� LI l X I SEP 1 1y )(( ,1 �L](t�.em l 1U�L iI �+LL'O�,ko-'pe.. 1_—i i r7 I-7 I-7 F—I 7—I T—i T-1 T-1 T-1 T1T 47'O4'E TOOT f y I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 '4 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I lik ——1—_'— r aaACROF COVE „..... 3") ---] ses4 {2'E ----7 —� I -1r -1 I r -1r -1 r —1 I —1 r —1 r n 4 e. 0® I 11---II--_-.1 L—JL__1 I----1I--_1 I---1 L--I $ oa,0 SCALE:r �° I——--I I I I 11 11 1 1 11 III 11 I NI I I r--1r—� r--1r--111tI(rS --1 r-1 r--1 r--I`: PN�` R r —I L—— L——J L——7,OL1 4;'2T'J'TT'`J L—J d' L=o„T,'„ ,T.TEf J�91t L--I I ..'.. 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Kimball Avenue Zena Land Development Southlake,Texas 76092 1 1308 Aspen Lane Southplace Estates 1 Paul Lawson Wylie,Texas 75098 2 BIk B Lot 5 R-3829-00B-0050-1 1310 Aspen Lane Southplace Estates 1 William Melton Wylie,Texas 75098 3 BIk B 6 R-3829-00B-0060-1 100 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 4 BIk B 7 R-3829-00B-0070-1 Daniel Wells Wylie,Texas 75098 102 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 Wayne KingWylie,Texas 75098 5 BIk B 8 R-3829-006-0080-1 104 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 Kenton Perigo Wylie,Texas 75098 6 BIk B 9 R-3829-006-0090-1 9 106 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 Patrick Prater Wylie,Texas 75098 7 BIk B 10 R-3829-OOB-0100-1 108 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 Harry Helliwell Wylie,Texas 75098 8 BIk B 11 R-3829-OOB-0110-1 110 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 9 BIk B 12 R-3829-00B-0120-1 Dustin Tanner Wylie,Texas 75098 202 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 James Jackson Wylie,Texas 75098 10 Blk A Lot 55 R-3829-006-0550-1 200 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 1 Bill Ware Wylie,Texas 75098 11 Blk A 56 R-3829-006-0560-1206 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 2 12 Blk A Lot 53 R-4152-00A-0530-1 Dawn Lacy Wylie,Texas 75098 204 Silvercreek Drive Southplace Estates 2 Dwight Beaty Wylie,Texas 75098 13 BIk A 54 R-4152-OOA-0540-1 9 1016 Dodd Drive Twin Lakes II 14 Blk E Lot 5 R-4166-00E-0050-1 Tim Brizendine Wylie,Texas 75098 1014 Dodd Drive Twin Lakes II 15 BIk E 6 R-4166-00E-0060-1 Marina Torres Wylie,Texas 75098 1013 Hall Drive Twin.Lakes II Wylie,Texas 75098 16 BIk E 7 R-4166-00E-0070-1 Jerome Floyd y Twin Lakes II 1015 Hall Drive 17 Blk E 8 R-4166-00E-0080-1 Steven Anderson Wylie,Texas 75098 1017 Hall Drive Twin Lakes II Wylie,Texas 75098 18 Blk E 9 R-4166-00E-0090-1 Cheri Hudson Twin Lakes II 1019 Hall Drive 19 BIk E 10 R-4166-00E-0100-1 Brian Clark Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1021 Hall Drive 20 BIk E 11 R-4166-00E-0110-1 Gary Poe Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1023 Hall Drive 21 BIk E 25 R-4166-00E-0250-1 Richard Chandler Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1010 Lake Dallas Drive 22 Blk E 26 R-4166-00E-0260-1 Eugene Garner Wylie,Texas 75098 P Twin Lakes II P.O. Box 1048 23 Blk E 27 R-4166-00E-0270-1 Choice Homes, Inc. Arlington, Texas Box 260 4-1048 Twin Lakes II Secretary of Housing 24 Blk E 28 R-4166-00E-0280-1 and Urban Development Ft 1004tLake Texas D 761s 3 2e05 Twin Lakes II 25 BIk E 29 R-4166-00E-0290-1 Angela Delaurier Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1002 Lake Dallas Drive 26 Blk E 30 R-4166-00E-0300-1 Maurice Patterson Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1000 Lake Dallas Drive 27 BIk E 31 R-4166-00E-0310-1 Glenn Smith Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 201 Lake Travis Drive 28 Blk E 32 R-4166-00E-0320-1 William Clayton Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 203 Lake Travis Drive 29 BIk E 33 R-4166-00E-0330-1 J. Scott Walker Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1017 Dodd Drive 30 Blk F Lot 4 R-4166-00E-0040-1 Teresa Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1022 Hall Court 31 Blk F 5 R-4166-00E-0050-1 Gregory Swindle Wylie,Texas 75098 Twin Lakes II 1024 Hall Court 32 Blk F 6 R-4166-00E-0060-1 William Black Wylie,Texas 75098 2000 SH 78 North 33 Abst 23 Tract 32 R-6023-000-0320-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Ensearch Corporation P.O. Box 219071 34 Abst 23 34 R-6023-000-0340-1 State &Local Tax Dept _ Dallas,6081 Milton 522 q1 9071 35 Abst 23 36 R-6023-000-0360-1 Fred Kern Living Trust Dallas,Texas 75206-4411 224 Meadowlark Drive 36 Abst 23 38 R-6023-000-0380-1 Richard Nance Wylie,Texas 75098 2000 SH 78 North 37 Abst 23 39 R-6023-000-0390-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 6081 Milton #141 38 Abst 23 63 R-6023-000-0630-1 Fred Kern Living Trust Da5641llas,Texas Blvd 75206-4411 le108 39 Abst 23 57 R-6023-000-0570-1 Attari GPI LLC Dallas,Texas 75206 6212 Wiscasset Road 40 Abst 267 Tract 8 R-6267-000-0080-1 Virginia Foot Bethesda, MD 2081 6-21 1 8 Bill Lovil, P.E. P.O. Box 90 Ballard Avenue Texas Dept.of Transportation McKinney,Texas 75069 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 NN I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2002-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2002-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, September 3,2002,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2002,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: 60, r Po 2 (please print) Address: \ 07—\ `�a-\.\ c Signature: G0,-,--,--0- Date: c6 1-1 l n 7 COMMENTS: