11-05-2002 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission I City of Wylie November 5, 2002 Regular Business Meeting AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Tuesday, November 5, 2002 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 15, 2002 Regular Meeting. ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Railroad Industrial Park Addition, 1st Revision, generally located west of Birmingham Street and north of State Highway 78, being all of a .397 acre tract of land, including a replat of Lot 3, and a 0.123 acre tract of land conveyed to Robert W. Heath, Dorothy Heath, Dick O. Sharman and Carolyn Sharman, recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 02-0151549, situated in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. WORK SESSION 1. Review draft proposal of new Subdivision Regulations. 2. Presentation of the policies and procedures of the Tree Preservation regulations. ADJOURNMENT G-WW19-.) Posted Friday,November 1, 2002, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE.SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED A El ENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting October 15, 2002 7:00 pm Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present. Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present: Jeff Adamcik Claude Thompson, Director William Chapman Mary V. Bradley, Secretary Michael George Terry Capehart, Assistant Planner Don Hughes Mike Phillips Commission Members Absent: Carter Porter Tony Snider CALL TO ORDER Chairman George called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE AND INVOCATION Mr. Mark Forest, from Murphy Road Baptist Church offered the Invocation and Commissioner Phillips led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one appeared to speak. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 1, 2002, Regular Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed 5 —O. P&Z Commission Meeting October 15, 2002 Page 2 of 2 ACTION AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the ME-N-U Estates Addition, generally located southwest of Pleasant Valley Road and east of South Ballard Avenue, being all of a certain 5.001 acre tract of land conveyed to Darcy Wyler as recorded in Volume 5096, Page 1491, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, being situated in the Guadalupe De Los Santos Survey, Abstract No. 1384, Dallas County, Texas and Abstract No. 1100, Collin County, Texas, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, Texas. Thompson stated that the subject property totals 5.001 acres, and will create two rural lots as well as right-of-way for Pleasant Valley Road. Lot 1 is a 1.0-acre tract and Lot 2 is a 3.73-acre tract. This Plat is located in both Dallas and Collin Counties but is within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Wylie. The Plat provides 40 feet of right-of-way for the dedication and future widening of Pleasant Valley Road. Pleasant Valley Road has never been purchased or dedicated and the abutting properties extend to the center of this roadway. Commissioner Phillips questioned the note that the subdivision was an addition to the City of Wylie, rather than to the County within the Wylie ETJ. Thompson stated that the Plat would be corrected before it is presented to City Council. Dee Wyler, 6311 Pleasant Valley, Wylie, Texas, represented as applicant/owner and to answer questions. Dana Andrews, and James Hammes, 509 Willow Way, Wylie, Texas, represented as applicant/owner and to answer questions. Motion was made by Commissioner Phillips, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to recommend approval to City Council with the change to the legal description before submittal. Motion passed 5 —O. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase V Addition, generally located east of Ballard Avenue and south of F.M 544 and east of the existing Southplace Estates Phase IV Addition, as described in a deed to Wylie Southplace L.P., being part of a certain 48.56 acre tract as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a certain 12.754 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that the Plat totals 12.754 acres of land and will create 45 single-family residential lots. This Plat also provides for a 15-foot open space link to the adjacent Community Park to the east. The subject property was rezoned from Single Family 8.5/17 to Planned Development (PD 2002-08) District on October 8, 2002. P&Z Commission Meeting October 15, 2002 Page 3 of 3 Robert Betancur, Zena Development, P.O. Box 92864, Southlake, Texas, represented the applicant. Motion was made by Commissioner Chapman, and seconded by Commissioner Hughes, to recommend approval to City Council. Motion passed 5 —O. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase VI Addition, generally located east of Ballard Avenue and south of F.M. 544 and south of the existing Southplace Estates Phase I Addition, as described in a deed to Wylie Southplace L.P., being part of a certain 48.56 acre tract as described in County Clerk's File No. 95-0018290 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a certain 10.129 acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Thompson stated that this Plat will create 34 single-family residential lots on 10.129 acres. The rezoning of this property from Neighborhood Services (NS) and Single Family 8.5/17 to Planned Development (PD 2002-09) District for Single-Family uses was approved by the City Council on October 8, 2002. The Plat will create a new entry to the existing Southplace Estates. Robert Betancur, Zena Development, P.O. Box 92864, Southlake, Texas, represented the applicant. Motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to recommend approval to City Council. Motion passed 5 —O. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Corridor Commercial (CC) to Multi-Family Residential (MF), generally located north of Centennial Drive between Eubanks Lane and Spring Creek Parkway, being all of a 12.393 acre tract of land, described as Lot 1, Block B of the Woodlake Village Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-14) Thompson reviewed the history and location of the subject property, stating that the property on the north is the railroad corridor and is zoned Industrial (I) and occupied by the railroad switching functions. The tract is 185 feet deep and fronts along Centennial Drive a distance of 1,625 feet, and totals 12.393 acres. Thompson stated that the property could support commercial uses because of the larger commercial magnets likely to develop along S.H. 78, but that the adjacent railroad activity could cause noise and vibration conflicts for the proposed apartment residential. P&Z Commission Meeting October 15, 2002 Page 4 of 4 C.T. Beckham, 5400 Ellen, Dallas, Texas, represented as the applicant, stated that the berm will be increased and a masonry wall constructed which will separate the railroad from the subject property. He stated that the switching function is not immediately adjacent to the proposed multi-family uses. Commissioner George opened the Public Hearing and no one appeared to speak. Commissioner George closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman, to recommend approval of the rezoning. Motion failed 2-3. Motion was made by Commissioner Phillips, and seconded by Commissioner Adamcik, to recommend denial because the nonresidential uses of the current Corridor Commercial zoning is more compatible with the adjacent railroad operations than the requested residential use. Motion passed 3 —2. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Multi-Family Residential (MF) to Corridor Commercial (CC), being all of a certain 13.569 acre tract of land generally located north of State Highway 78 and east of Spring Creek Parkway, and being a part of a 286.398 acre tract of land as described in a deed to Centennial Arapaho Development Venture as recorded in Volume 2358, Page 673 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688 in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2002-15) Thompson reviewed the history of the subject property and stated that the property totals 13.56 acres and is 1,587.32 feet deep. The size and configuration of the subject property can support a broad variety of commercial uses allowed within the requested Corridor Commercial zoning, as either individual free-standing retail or a large commercial use or multi-tenant center. C.T. Beckham, 5400 Ellen, Dallas, Texas, represented the applicant/owner of the property. He stated that he was hoping to attract a single, large retail use to the site. Commissioner George opened the public hearing, but no one appeared to speak. Commissioner George closed the public hearing. There was no further discussion. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Commissioner Phillips, to recommend approval of the rezoning to the City Council. Motion passed 5 - 0. MISCELLANEOUS Commissioners wished a Happy Birthday to Commissioner Hughes. P&Z Commission Meeting October 15, 2002 Page 5 of 5 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Phillips, and seconded by Commissioner Chapman,to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Michael George, Chairman Mary Vradley, Secret ift r of Wylie Action Item No. 1 Final Plat Railroad Industrial Park, 1st Revision Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: November 5, 2002 Owners: Robert W. & Dorothy Heath and Dick O. & Carolyn Sharman Surveyor/Engineer: Jackson and Associates Land Surveyors Location: 205 Industrial Court, Lot 3 of the Railroad Industrial Park Addition, generally located north of State Highway 78 and west of Birmingham Street Existing Zoning: Corridor Commercial (CC) Summary: The Final Plat for the Railroad Industrial Park, 1st Revision will combine the existing Lot 3 with a 0.123-acre portion of the recently abandoned railroad right-of-way into a single lot. The property currently fronts only on Industrial Court and this plat will provide direct access to SH 78. The proposed expansion of the existing building will reorient the building to face SH 78 and thus be re-addressed as 300 State Highway 78. This Plat also provides for a common access easement to the adjoining property to the west. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipal authority unless it is disapproved within that time period". Final Plat—Railroad Industrial Park— 1st Revision Issues: 1. The Final Plat substantially conforms to the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. 2. This property was developed with an east side yard of two (2) feet eight (8) inches under the Industrial District (I) standards of the previous Zoning Ordinance. It was rezoned to Corridor Commercial (CC) in November 2001, requiring a side yard of ten (10) feet. Under State Law when a property is replatted it loses the vested rights to previous zoning, and the proposed building addition must therefore meet current codes. The applicant received variances from the Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 28, 2002 for the sign location setbacks and setbacks to the 2' 8" of the existing building. All other aspects of the new addition, parking lot and landscaping will meet current codes. 3. Since the new addition does not exceed 50% of the existing structure no site plan was required to be submitted for formal review, however the site plan and elevations will be provided for reference. Financial Considerations: Plat application fees—Paid Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Planning, Engineering, Development Services, Public Works and Fire concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat INTRODUCTION AND PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS City of Wylie, Texas The Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Wylie established the Regulations to prepare land for development. The process for gaining subdivision approval depends upon the size and complexity of the subdivision. Minor subdivisions,which are subdivisions of four or fewer lots requiring no public improvements, may be approved by the Planning Director in a simplified administrative process. Approval of major plats (involving more than four lots and/or the construction of public improvements) may involve from one to three steps, depending upon the nature of the development, and require approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council. Some types of subdivisions are not regulated under this ordinance. These exempt subdivisions include those which were platted prior to adoption of these new Subdivision Regulations (provided no re-subdivision is sought), divisions created through gift or inheritance (provided no improvement, development or subdivision is contemplated), existing cemeteries, divisions created by the action of a court of law, and certain types of building permit requests(e.g., replacement or reconstruction of a structure that is not to be enlarged, small building additions, accessory buildings, etc.). In general, however, no property may be developed or sold without an approved and filed plat. The general process of subdivision approval must begin with a mandatory pre-submission conference with City staff, and then it proceeds as described below. 1. Major Subdivision Approval Process - The approval process for a major subdivision typically begins with the preparation of a voluntary concept plan (as required in the Zoning Ordinance). A concept plan should, at a minimum, show the location, zoning, and existing and proposed use(s) of the property and surrounding properties;existing and proposed roads and utilities(i.e., how the subject property will be served); and the lot layout, uses, building "footprints", and phasing for the property. Approval of a concept plan is encouraged, but not required, prior to the submittal of a preliminary plat and the required associated engineering and construction plans for a proposed residential development project, and in essence, serves the same purpose as a land study preliminary plat under Wylie's former Subdivision Ordinance. A concept plan is required to be submitted for all nonresidential development, and is normally submitted and reviewed in conjunction with the preliminary plat. Concept plans for multi-phased projects may be amended and refined later (processed and approved as a "revised concept plan") as subsequent phases are ready to be detailed proceed through the development approval process. 1 The approval of a preliminary plat, must include review of all associated engineering and construction plans for public improvements, and must generally conform with the approved concept plan. The preliminary plat is a detailed, fully dimensioned engineered plat for the subdivision, and it will look like and include all information necessary for a final plat that will eventually be filed at the County. The preliminary plat will show the layouts and dimensioning of streets, lots, all required easements, rights-of-way and other dedications or reservations, owner's and surveyor's certificates, City approval note, and required special language pertaining to dedication of certain types of easements and other applicable items. Along with submission of the preliminary plat, and prior to being able to begin construction, the developer must submit complete sets of the engineering plans (paving, drainage, water/sewer, water quality controls, screening and retaining walls, landscaping and irrigation plans [if there is any required screening or landscaping for the project],etc.)for City review and approval. Preliminary plat approval is not contingent upon prior approval of the engineering plans nor does it formally approve the engineering plans, but the preliminary plat and construction plans must be submitted, reviewed and processed simultaneously to ensure coordination in the review process. The preliminary plat approval expires in six (6) months if a final plat has not been submitted. The final stage of the subdivision process is approval of the final plat. The final plat must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and final engineering plans must be approved by the City Engineer, prior to the initiation of any construction related to the development. However,the final plat may not be filed with the County after all improvements have been constructed and accepted by the City. After all of the required public improvements (paving, drainage, water quality controls, water/sewer lines, retaining and screening walls, landscaping and irrigation system, etc.) have been constructed, inspected and approved for acceptance by the City Engineer. Any minor corrections or revisions to the plat that may have arisen during construction(for example, some easements may be added or shifted from where they were shown on the approved final plat)will be accurately shown on the final plat. The corrected final plat will be signed as accepted by the City and may then be filed in the appropriate County of Record. 2. Minor Subdivision Approval Process — As allowed by State Law, the Subdivision Ordinance provides a simplified process for the administrative approval of minor plats. Minor plats can be processed for either residential or non-residential subdivisions, and they may be approved by the Planning Director upon determination that all applicable code requirements have been fully complied with. The Director may,at his or her option, refer the minor plat to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for approval. Replats which amend a portion of a plat previously filed for record in the County may also be processed and approved administratively by the Director as Minor Plats. 2 3. Review Process - When a plat is submitted for a development project (either residential or nonresidential), the City will route copies of the plat and plans to members of the "development issues review team" (including representatives of Engineering, Planning, Public Works, Building Official, Fire Department and City Manager, etc.) to review and provide comments on the development proposal. The development issues review team may require of the applicant any additional information plans or studies they determine to be required for adequate review of the proposal. Following City staff review plats which are complete and which comply fully with all technical requirements of City code will be scheduled for the next available Planning& Zoning Commission meeting, and will be acted upon (i.e., a recommendation for approval, approval with specific conditions, or disapproval) by the Commission. In order to disapprove a plat, the Commission must state specific technical reasons. All plats approved by the Commission shall be considered on the consent agenda of the City Council within 30 days following the Planning &Zoning Commission's action. 4. Appeals - Any plat that does not receive a fully favorable vote of the Planning & Zoning Commission may be appealed by the applicant to City Council. Such appeal must be submitted to the City in writing no later than ten (10) days following the Commission's decision. The Council may, at its option and following consideration of the appeal, decide to approve the plat(i.e., override the Commission's decision)either as it was originally submitted or with special conditions. The Council may concur with the Commission's decision and disapprove the request for specific technical reasons, or may remand the plat back to the Planning &Zoning Commission for further review and consideration (citing any new information or evidence pertinent to the plat and/or direction concerning desired revisions to code requirements, and that may have a bearing upon the Commission's assessment of the proposal). 3 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE City of Wylie, Texas Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY ORDINANCE NUMBER 93-33,AS ADOPTED ON July 29, 1993;ADOPTING NEW SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE; EXTENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS INTO THE CITY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY;AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THIS ORDINANCE IS HEREBY ADOPTED AS THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. THE PREVIOUS SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY,ORDINANCE NUMBER 93-33, TOGETHER WITH AMENDMENTS THERETO,IS HEREBY REPEALED AND REPLACED BY THIS ORDINANCE, WHICH SHALL READ AS FOLLOWS: City of Wylie, Texas Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) (This page was intentionally left blank) City of Wylie, Texas Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.1: Authority; Extension to Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 1.1 a. This Ordinance is adopted under the authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including Chapter 212, Texas Local Government Code, being adopted after a public hearing on the matter held on _, 2002. b. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted as the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, also referred to herein as "this Ordinance". The City Council hereby extends the application of this Ordinance to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, as that area may exist from time to time. This Ordinance shall be applicable to the filing of plats and the subdivision of land, as that term is defined herein and in Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code,within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction as they may be from time to time adjusted by annexation or disannexation. The City shall have all remedies and rights provided by said Chapter 212 with regard to the control and approval of subdivisions and plats both within the City and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Section 1.2: Interpretation and Purpose 1.2 In the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Ordinance, it is the intention of the City Council that the principles, standards and requirements provided for herein shall be minimum requirements for the platting and developing of subdivisions within the City of Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. The subdivision of land is the first step in the process of development. The distribution and relationship of residential, nonresidential and agricultural uses throughout the community, along with the system of improvements for thoroughfares, utilities, public facilities and community amenities, determine, in large measure, the quality of life enjoyed by the residents of the community. Health, safety, economy, amenities, environmental sensitivity, and convenience are all factors which influence and determine a community's quality of life and overall character. A community's quality of life is of the public interest. Consequently, the subdivision of land, as it affects a community's quality of life, is an activity where regulation is a valid function of municipal government. The regulations contained herein are intended to encourage the development of a quality municipal environment by establishing standards for the provision of adequate light, air, open space, storm water drainage, City of Wylie, Texas 3 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) transportation, public utilities and facilities, and other needs necessary for ensuring the creation and continuance of a healthy, attractive, safe and efficient community that provides for the conservation, enhancement and protection of its human and natural resources. Through the application of these regulations, the interests of the public, as well as those of public and private parties,both present and future,having interest in property affected by this Ordinance, are protected by the granting of certain rights and privileges. By establishing a fair and rational procedure for developing land, the requirements in this Ordinance further the possibility that land will be developed for its most beneficial use in accordance with desired social, economic and environmental conditions. The procedure and standards for the development, layout and design of subdivisions of land within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, Texas are intended to: a. Promote the development and the utilization of land in a sustainable manner that assures an attractive and high quality community environment in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie; b. Guide and assist property owners and applicants in the correct procedures to be followed, and to inform them of the standards which shall be required; c. Protect the public interest by imposing standards for the location, design, class and type of streets, walkways(sidewalks), alleys, utilities and essential public services; d. Assist orderly, efficient and coordinated development within the City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction; e. Provide neighborhood conservation and prevent the development of slums and blight; f. Integrate the development of various tracts of land into the existing community, and coordinate the future development of adjoining tracts; g. Provide that the cost of improvements to minimum standards which primarily benefit the tract of land being developed be borne by the owners or developers of the tract,and that the cost of improvements to minimum standards which primarily benefit the whole community be borne by the whole community as contained in this Ordinance; h. Ensure the most efficient and beneficial provision of public facilities and services for each tract being subdivided; i. Provide for compatible relationships between land uses and buildings; provide for the circulation of traffic throughout the municipality, having particular regard to the avoidance of congestion in the streets and highways; provide for pedestrian circulation that is appropriate for the various uses of land and buildings; and provide the proper location and width of streets; City of Wylie, Texas 4 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) j. Prevent pollution of the air, streams and bodies of water; assure the adequacy of drainage facilities; safeguard both surface and groundwater supplies, as well as natural resources and endangered or threatened plant and animal life; and encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community and the value of the land; k. Promote sustainability of development through the preservation of the natural beauty and topography of the municipality, and ensure development that is appropriate with regard to these natural features; 1. Establish adequate and accurate records of land subdivision; m. Ensure that public or private facilities are available and will have sufficient capacity to serve proposed and future developments and citizens within the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction; n. Protect and provide for the public health, safety and general welfare of the community; o. Provide for adequate light, air and privacy; secure safety from fire, flood and other danger; and prevent overcrowding of the land and undue congestion of population; p. Protect the character and the social and economic stability of all parts ofthe community, and encourage the orderly and beneficial development of all parts of the community; q. Protect and conserve the value of land throughout the community and the value of buildings and improvements upon the land, and minimize conflicts among the uses of land and buildings; r. Guide public and private policy and action in providing adequate and efficient transportation systems, public utilities, and other public amenities and facilities; and s. Encourage the development of a stable, prospering economic environment. Minimum standards for development are contained in the City's Design Manuals and Standard Construction Details,the Zoning Ordinance,the Building Code,applicable articles of the Code of Ordinances, and in this Ordinance. However, the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Plan express policies designed to achieve an optimum quality of development in Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. If only the minimum standards are followed, as expressed by the various ordinances regulating land development, a standardization of development will occur. This will produce a monotonous municipal setting and physical environment within the community. Subdivision design shall be of a quality that will carry out the purpose and spirit of the policies expressed within the Comprehensive Plan and within this Ordinance, and shall be encouraged to exceed the minimum standards required herein. City of Wylie, Texas 5 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Section 1.3: Application of Regulations 1.3 a. No subdivision plat shall be recorded until a final plat,accurately describing the property to be conveyed, has been approved in accordance with this Ordinance and with other applicable City regulations(described in Subsection 1.3(b.)below). No building permit, certificate of occupancy, plumbing permit, electrical permit, flood plain permit, utility tap, or certificate of acceptance for required public improvements shall be issued by the City for any parcel of land or plat until: 1. A final plat has been approved in accordance with this Ordinance; and 2. All improvements required by this Ordinance have been constructed and accepted by the City of Wylie, or 3. Assurances for completion of improvements have been provided in accordance with Section 6 of this Ordinance. b. Compliance with all City ordinances pertaining to the subdivision of land, and the Comprehensive Plan, shall be required prior to approval of any development application governed by this Ordinance. It is the property owner's responsibility to be familiar with, and to comply with, City ordinances. Applicable ordinances and requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan, which includes the Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Park and Open Space Plan, and associated maps and plans; 2. Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 01-48 and 01-52, as amended); 3. Applicable Chapters of the City's Code of Ordinances; 4. Design Manuals for Storm Drainage Systems,Water and Sanitary Sewer-Lines and Thoroughfares; and 5. Standard Construction Details. Section 1.4: Jurisdiction 1.4 The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to the following forms of land subdivision and development activity within the City's limits and its extraterritorial jurisdiction: a. The division of land into two or more tracts, lots, sites or parcels; or b. All subdivisions of land whether by metes and bounds division or by plat, which were outside the jurisdiction of the City's subdivision regulations in the appropriate County of Record, Texas and which subsequently came within the jurisdiction of the City's subdivision regulations through: City of Wylie, Texas 6 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 1. Annexation; or 2. Extension of the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction;or c. The combining of two or more contiguous tracts,lots, sites or parcels for the purpose of creating one or more legal lots in order to achieve a more developable site, except as otherwise provided herein; or d. When a building permit is required for the following uses: 1. Residential single-family: (a) Construction of a new single-family dwelling unit; or (b) Moving of a primary structure or a main building onto a piece of property; or (c) Renovation or expansion of an existing main building; or 2. Nonresidential and multi-family: (a) Construction of a new nonresidential or multi-family structure; or (b) Additions, or modification of an existing building; or (c) Moving a primary structure onto a piece of property; or e. For tracts where any public improvements are proposed; or f. Whenever a property owner proposes to divide land lying within the City or its extraterritorial jurisdiction into two or more tracts, and claims exemption from Subchapter A of Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code for purposes of development,that results in parcels or lots all greater than five(5)acres in size;or in the event that development of any such tract is intended, and where no public improvement is proposed to be dedicated, he shall first obtain approval of a development plat that meets the requirements of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212, Subchapter B, Regulation of Property Development, Sections 212.041 through 212.050. (See Section 2.7 of this Ordinance for requirements for development plats.) Section 1.5: Exemptions 1.5 The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to: a. Development of land legally platted and approved prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, except as otherwise provided for herein and for which no re-subdivision is sought; or b. Development of land constituting a single tract, lot, site or parcel for which a legal deed of record describing the boundary of said tract, lot, site or parcel was filed of record in the Deed Records of appropriate County of Record, Texas on or before 20 ; or City of Wylie, Texas 7 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) c. Sale, inheritance,or gift of land by metes and bounds of tracts greater than five(5)acres in size and upon which no improvements, subdivision or alteration is occurring; or d. Existing cemeteries complying with all State and local laws and regulations; or e. Divisions of land created by order of a court of competent jurisdiction; or f. When a building permit is requested for unplatted or already platted parcels for one or more of the following activities: 1. Replacement or reconstruction of an existing primary single-family or duplex structure, but not to exceed the square footage of the original structure; 2. Remodeling or repair of an existing primary structure which involves no expansion of square footage; or 3. Accessory buildings(as defined in the Zoning Ordinance); 4. Moving a structure off a lot or parcel, or for demolition permits. Section 1.6: Pending Applications 1.6 All applications for plat approval, including final plats,that are pending on the effective date of this Ordinance and which have not lapsed shall be reviewed under the regulations in effect immediately preceding the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 1.7: Interpretation; Conflict; Severability 1.7 a. Interpretation. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of the regulations contained in this Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare. These regulations shall be construed broadly to promote the purposes for which they are adopted. b. Conflict With Other Laws. These regulations are not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other ordinance, rule or regulation, statute or other provision of law except as provided in this Ordinance. To the extent that this Ordinance promulgates standards or imposes restrictions or duties which differ from those imposed by other City ordinances, rules or regulations, the regulations contained within this Ordinance shall supersede such other provisions to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency. City of Wylie, Texas 8 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) c. Severability. If any part or provision of this Ordinance, or the application of this Ordinance to any person or circumstance,is adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision, or application directly involved in the controversy in which the judgment shall be rendered, and it shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of these regulations or the application of them to other persons or circumstances. The City Council hereby declares that it would have enacted the remainder of these regulations even without any such part, provision, or application which is judged to be invalid. Section 1.8: Saving Provision 1.8 This Ordinance shall not be construed as abating any action now pending under,or by virtue of, prior existing subdivision regulations, or as discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or about to accrue, or as affecting the liability of any person, firm or corporation, or as waiving any right of the City under any section or provision existing at the time of adoption of this Ordinance, or as vacating or annulling any rights obtained by any person, firm or corporation,by lawful action of the City except as shall be expressly provided in this Ordinance. Section 1.9: Variances/Waivers 1.9 a. General. Where the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council finds that undue hardships will result from strict compliance with a certain provision(s)of this Ordinance, or where the purposes of these regulations may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal, it may approve a variance or waiver from any portion of these regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest is secured, provided that the variance or waiver shall not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations,and further provided that the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council shall not approve a variance or waiver unless it shall make findings based upon the evidence presented to it in each specific case that: 1. Granting the variance or waiver will not be detrimental to the public safety,health or welfare, and will not be injurious to other property or to the owners of other property,and the variance or waiver will not prevent the orderly subdivision of other property in the vicinity; 2. The conditions upon which the request for a variance or waiver is based are unique to the property for which the variances or waiver is sought, and are not applicable generally to other property; 3. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the property owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations is carried out; City of Wylie, Texas 9 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 4. The variance or waiver will not in any manner vary the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan or any other adopted plan(s) of the City; 5. An alternate design will generally achieve the same result or intent as the standards and regulations prescribed herein. Such findings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council, together with the specific facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the Council or Board meeting at which a variance or waiver is considered. A variance or waiver from any provision of this Ordinance may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Ordinance so that the public health, safety and welfare may be secured and substantial justice done. Pecuniary hardship to the property owner or developer,standing alone,shall not be deemed to constitute undue hardship. b. Criteria for Variance or Waiver From Development Exactions. Where the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council finds that the imposition of any development exaction pursuant to these regulations exceeds reasonable benefit to the property owner, or is so excessive as to constitute confiscation of the tract to be platted, it may approve a full or partial, at its discretion, variance or waiver to such requirements, so as to prevent such excess. c. Conditions. In approving a variance or waiver,the Zoning Board or Adjustment or City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the purposes described in Section 1.2. d. Procedures: 1. A petition for a variance or waiver shall be submitted in writing by the property owner before the plat is submitted for the consideration of the Commission. The petition shall state fully the grounds for the application, and all of the facts relied upon by the petitioner. 2. Where a hardship is identified during concept plan review pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance or during subdivision review pursuant to this Ordinance which requires issuance of a variance or waiver from a provision in this Ordinance,the Commission may recommend a conditional variance or waiver from that provision in this Ordinance in conjunction with concept plan approval by the City Council. A conditional variance or waiver from this Ordinance shall receive final approval along with a preliminary plat provided that the preliminary plat conforms to the concept plan, and that no new information or reasonable alternative plan exists which, at the determination of the City Council, voids the need for a variance or waiver. All variance or waiver shall have final approval or disapproval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council. City of Wylie, Texas 10 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) e. Criteria for Variance or Waiver for Street Exactions. Where the Zoning Board of Adjustment or City Council finds that the imposition of any dedication or construction requirement for streets pursuant to these regulations exceeds reasonable benefit to the property to be platted, it may approve variance or waiver for such requirements so as to prevent such excess. In order to qualify for a variance or waiver under this Section,the property owner shall demonstrate that the costs of right-of-way dedication and construction of non-local streets imposed pursuant to these regulations substantially exceeds the incremental costs of providing land and transportation improvements necessary to offset the additional traffic impacts generated by, or attributable to, the development upon the transportation network serving the property,including that which may be generated by or attributed to other phases to be platted in the future. Section 1.10: Payment of All Indebtedness Attributable to a Specific Property 1.10 No approved plat or replat shall be allowed to be recorded on any piece of land on which are owed delinquent taxes, delinquent paving assessments, delinquent fees, or any other delinquent debts or obligations to the City of Wylie,and which are directly attributable to that piece of property, until the taxes, assessments, debts or obligations directly attributable to said property and owed by the property owner or previous owner thereof shall have been first fully discharged by payment, or until an arrangement satisfactory to the City Manager (or designee) has been made for the payment of such debts or obligations. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to provide evidence or proof that all taxes, assessments, debts or obligations have been paid at the time of submission for any application for approval under this Ordinance. Section 1.11: Right to Deny Hearing and Plat 1.11 The City may deny a hearing and any approval if the applicant does not submit the complete information and fees required by this Ordinance in a timely manner. Section 1.12: Misrepresentation of Facts 1.12 Misrepresentation of Facts. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance for any person to knowingly or willfully misrepresent, or fail to include, any information required by this Ordinance in any plat application or during any public hearing or meeting or the Commission or City Council. Such a violation shall constitute grounds for denial of the plat. City of Wylie, Texas 11 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Section 1.13: Definitions 1.13 For the purpose of this Ordinance,the following terms, phrases,words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense shall include the future tense; words in the plural number shall include the singular number (and vice versa); and words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender (and vice versa). Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be determined in accordance with customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practices. The word "shall" is always mandatory,while the word"may" is merely directory. a. Addition. A lot, tract or parcel of land lying within the corporate boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City which is intended for the purpose of subdivision or development. b. Administrative Officers. Any officer of the City of Wylie referred to in this Ordinance by title, including but not limited to the City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, City Planner, Building Official and City Engineer shall be the person so retained in that position by the City, or his or her duly authorized representative. This definition shall also include engineering, planning, legal and other consultants retained by the City to supplement or support existing City staff, as deemed appropriate by the City. c. Alley. A minor public right-of-way not intended to provide the primary means of access to abutting lots, which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the rear or sides of properties otherwise abutting on a street. The length of an alley segment is to be measured from the right-of-way lines of the streets from which the alley is provided access, including any alley turnouts onto a street. d. Amended or Amending Plat. A revised plat correcting errors or making minor changes to the original recorded final plat. e. Amenity. An improvement to be dedicated to the public or to the common ownership of the lot owners of the subdivision and providing an aesthetic,recreational or other benefit, other than those prescribed by this Ordinance. f. Applicant. A person who submits an application for an approval required by this Ordinance. g. Application. A written request for an approval required by this Ordinance. h. Base Flood. The flood having a one percent(1%)chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. i. Board. The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Wylie. j. Block Length or Street Length. For a residential subdivision, that distance measured along the centerline of the street from the intersection centerpoint of one through street to the intersecting centerpoint of another street, or to the midpoint of a cul-de-sac. The through street referred to above shall not be a cul-de-sac, a dead-end street, or a looped street, but shall be a street which clearly has two points of ingress from two different directions. City of Wylie, Texas 12 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) k. Bond. Any form of a surety bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City. 1. Building Setback Line. The line within a property defining the minimum horizontal distance between a building or other structure and the adjacent street right-of-way line, property line, a creek, or some other specific environmental feature. m. Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The official proposed schedule, if any, of all future public projects listed together with cost estimates and the anticipated means of financing each project, as adopted by City Council. n. City. The City of Wylie, Texas. o. City Attorney. The term City Attorney shall apply only to such attorney, or firm of attorney,that has been specifically employed by the City to assist in legal matters. p. City Council. The duly elected governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas. q. City Engineer. The term "City Engineer" shall apply only to such licensed professional engineer, or firm of licensed professional consulting engineers,that has been specifically employed by the City to assist in engineering-related matters. r. City Manager. The person holding the position of City Manager, as appointed by the City Council. s. City Planner. The term "City Planner" shall apply only to such practicing, professional land planner, or firm of professional land planners, that has been specifically employed by the City to assist in planning- and zoning-related matters. t. Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City. u. Comprehensive Plan. The phrase "Comprehensive Plan" shall mean the Comprehensive Plan of the City and adjoining areas as adopted by the City Council, including all its revisions. This Plan indicates the general locations recommended for various land uses, transportation routes,public and private buildings, streets, parks, water and wastewater facilities, and other public and private developments and improvements. v. Concept Plan. A drawing of the overall conceptual layout of a proposed development, superimposed upon a topographic map which generally shows the anticipated plan of development, and which serves as a working base for noting and incorporating suggestions of the City=s administrative officers, the Commission,the City Council, and others who are consulted prior to preparation of the preliminary plat. A concept plan is also sometimes referred to as a "preliminary site plan" or a "land study". w. Construction Plat. This is the same as a "Preliminary Plat". x. Contiguous. Lots are contiguous when at least one boundary line or point of one lot touches a boundary line, or lines, or point of another lot. y. Cul-De-Sac. A street having only one outlet to another street, and terminated on the opposite end by a vehicular turnaround or "bulb". The length of a cul-de-sac is to be measured from the intersection centerpoint ofthe adjoining through street to the midpoint of the cul-de-sac bulb. City of Wylie, Texas 13 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) z. Dead-End Street. A street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one outlet. aa. Design Standards. The City of Wylie's technical construction standards and specifications for the construction of subdivision improvement, as published in the current Manuals for the Design of Storm Drainage Systems,Water and Sanitation Sewer Lines and Thoroughfare Standards,as maintained and available for inspection at the City Hall. bb. Easement. The word"easement"shall mean an area for restricted use on private property upon which the City or a public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs and other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective systems within said easements. The City and public utilities shall, at all times, have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon easements for the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of their respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. cc. Engineer. A person duly authorized and licensed under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Registration Act to practice the profession of engineering. dd. Engineering Plans or Drawings. The maps or drawings accompanying a plat and showing the specific location and design of public improvements to be installed in the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of the City as a condition of approval of the plat. ee. Escrow. A deposit of cash with the City in accordance with this Ordinance. ff. Final Plat(also "Record Plat"or"File Plat"). The one official and authentic map of any given subdivision of land prepared from actual field measurement and staking of all identifiable points by a surveyor or engineer,with the subdivision location referenced to a survey corner, and with all boundaries, corners and curves of the land division sufficiently described so that they can be reproduced without additional references. The final plat of any lot, tract or parcel of land shall be recorded in the land records of appropriate County of Record, Texas. An amended plat is also a final plat. gg. Governing Body. The City Council of the City of Wylie. hh. Improvement or Developer Agreement. A contract entered into by the applicant and the City, by which the applicant promises to complete the required public improvements within the subdivision or addition within a specified time period following final plat approval. ii. Land Study. This is the same as a "Concept Plan". jj. Land Planner. Persons, including surveyors or engineers, who possess and can demonstrate a valid proficiency in the planning of residential, nonresidential and other related developments, such proficiency often having been acquired by education in the field of landscape architecture or other specialized planning curriculum, or by actual experience and practice in the field of land planning. City of Wylie, Texas 14 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) kk. Lot(also Lot of Record). A divided or undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage on a public street, and which is, or which may in the future be, offered for sale, conveyance,transfer or improvement;which is designated as a distinct and separate tract; and which is identified by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly filed of record. 11. Major Plat. All plats not classified as minor plats, including but not limited to subdivisions of more than four(4)lots,or any plat that requires the construction of a new street (or portion thereof) or the extension of a municipal facility as required by this or any other City ordinance. mm.Major Subdivision. This is the same as a "Major Plat". nn. Minor Plat. A subdivision resulting in four(4) or fewer lots,provided that the plat does not create any new easements for public facilities nor the extension of any municipal facilities to serve any lot within the subdivision. Any property to be subdivided using a minor plat shall already be served by all required City utilities and services. oo. Minor Subdivision. This is the same as a"Minor Plat". pp. On-Site Facilities or Improvements. These are the existing or proposed facilities or improvements constructed within the property boundaries of the plat,and the existing or proposed facilities required to be constructed or improved immediately adjacent to the property that are needed to serve the development. Facilities and improvements include, but are not limited to, streets, alleys, water lines, sewer lines, storm drainage facilities, and curbs and gutters. qq. Off-Site Facilities or Improvements. "Off-site" facilities shall mean those facilities or improvements that are required to serve the site but that are not located within the boundaries of the plat, and are not required to be constructed or improved immediately adjacent to the property to serve the development. These include oversizing for streets, sewer lines, water lines and storm drainage facilities, as well as the excess capacity of facilities such as water storage tanks and wastewater treatment plants available for new development. rr. Overlength Street. A street segment,or a cul-de-sac or alley segment,which exceeds the maximum length allowed by this Ordinance, as measured along the centerline of the street from the intersection centerpoint of one through street,which shall not be a cul-de- sac or dead-end or looped street,to the intersecting centerpoint of another through street or,in the case of a cul-de-sac,to the midpoint of the cul-de-sac. For an alley segment,the measurement shall be to the right-of-way lines of the streets from which the alley is provided access, including any alley turnouts, or from the centerpoint of an intersection with another alley, which connects to a street. ss. Pavement Width. The portion of a street that is available for vehicular traffic. Where curbs are used,it is the portion from the back of one curb to the back of the opposite curb. tt. Perimeter Street. Any existing or planned street which abuts the subdivision or addition to be platted. City of Wylie, Texas 15 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) uu. Person. Any individual, association, firm, corporation, governmental agency, political subdivision, or legal entity of any kind. vv. Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas. ww. Plat. This means a preliminary plat, final plat,development plat,amended plat or replat, as determined by the context. xx. Preliminary Plat. The graphic expression of the proposed overall plan for subdividing, improving and developing a tract, showing in plan view the proposed street and lot layout, easements, dedications and other pertinent features, with such notations as are sufficient to substantially identify the general scope and detail of the proposed development. The preliminary plat is sometimes referred to as the "construction plat", since the engineering plans for public improvements are submitted along with it, and since it contributes toward authorization to proceed with construction of the subdivision and its associated public improvements,subject to approval and construction release by the City Engineer. yy. Private Street. A private vehicular access way, including an alley,that is shared by and that serves two or more lots, which is not dedicated to the public, and which is not publicly maintained. zz. Property Owner (also known as "Applicant" or "Subdivider" or "Developer"). Any person or firm, association, syndicate,general or limited partnership,corporation,trust or other legal entity, or any agent thereof,that has sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided to commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under this Ordinance. In any event,the term"property owner" shall be restricted to include only the owner(s) or authorized agent(s) of such owner(s), such as a developer, of land sought to be subdivided. aaa. Public Improvements. Facilities, infrastructure and other appurtenances, typically owned and maintained by the City, which serve a public purpose in providing a needed service or commodity, such as wastewater collection and treatment and water storage and distribution, and which protect the general health, safety, welfare and convenience of the City's citizens, including efficiency in traffic circulation and access for emergency services. Required public improvements may include, but shall not be limited to, street and alley paving, including any necessary median openings and left turn lanes on major thoroughfares; water lines and pumping stations; sanitary sewer lines and lift stations; storm drainage structures and storm water management devices; water quality and erosion controls; screening and retaining walls; fire lane paving and fire hydrants; landscaping,where such is used for required screening or other required landscaped area, and associated irrigation system; and any required public sidewalks, street lights and street name signs. The term "public improvements" shall not include facilities or infrastructure of private providers of utility services other than water and wastewater, but shall be deemed to include facilities and infrastructure that the City would normally require of a development but which will be owned and maintained by an entity such as a homeowners association, as in the case of private streets. City of Wylie, Texas 16 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) bbb. Replatting or Replat. This is the re-subdivision of any part or all of a block or blocks of a previously platted subdivision, addition, lot or tract. ccc. Right-of-Way. A parcel of land occupied, or intended to be occupied, by a street or alley. Where appropriate, "right-of-way"may include other facilities and utilities such as sidewalks;railroad crossings; electrical, communication, oil and gas facilities, water and sanitary and storm sewer facilities; and any other special use. The use of right-of- way shall also include parkways and medians outside of the paved portion of the street. The usage of the term "right-of-way" for land platting purposes shall mean that every right-of-way hereafter established and shown on a final plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way, and shall not be included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels. ddd. Standard Street. A standard street is a street or road that meets or exceeds the minimum specifications in the City=s standard street specifications, and which is constructed to the ultimate configuration for the type of roadway it is designated for on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. eee. Street. A right-of-way, whether public or private and however designated, which provides vehicular access to adjacent land. Streets may be of the following categories: 1. Major thoroughfares, also known as arterial streets or primary thoroughfares, which provide vehicular movement from one neighborhood to another or to distant points within the City, and including freeways or highways leading to other communities. 2. Collector streets, also known as feeder streets or secondary thoroughfares, which provide vehicular circulation within neighborhoods,and from local streets to major thoroughfares. 3. Local residential streets, also known as minor thoroughfares or streets, which primarily provide direct vehicular access to abutting residential property. 4. Private streets are streets which are owned and maintained by a homeowners association or property owners association, and which are not dedicated to the public. fff. Street Improvements. This means any street or thoroughfare, together with all appurtenances required by City regulations to be provided with such street or thoroughfare,and including but not limited to walkways(sidewalks),drainage facilities to be situated in the right-of-way for such street or thoroughfare, traffic control devices, street lights and street signs, for which facilities the City will ultimately assume the responsibility for maintenance and operation. ggg. Street Length. This means the same as"Block Length". hhh. Street Right-of-Way. The width of the right-of-way for any roadway is the shortest perpendicular distance between the lines which delineate the rights-of-way of the street. City of Wylie, Texas 17 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) iii. Subdivision(also known as"Addition"). A division or re-division of any tract of land situated within the City's corporate limits or its extraterritorial jurisdiction into two or more parts, lots or sites,for the purpose,whether immediate or future,of sale,division of ownership, or building development. "Subdivision"includes re-subdivisions of land or lots which are part of a previously recorded subdivision. jjj. Submission Date. The submission date is when all necessary forms, fees, information and copies have been submitted to the city, previewed for completeness, and deemed as "complete"by action of issuance of a fee receipt by the City. kkk. Substandard Street. An existing street or road that does not meet the minimum specifications in the City's standard street specifications, and which is not constructed to the ultimate configuration for the type of roadway it is designated for on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. 111. Surveyor. A licensed land surveyor or a registered public surveyor, as authorize ) State statutes to practice the profession of surveying. mmm. TNRCC. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. nnn. Temporary Improvements. Improvements built and maintained by the property owner that are needed to remedy a circumstance that is temporary in nature, such as a temporary drainage easement or erosion control device, that will be removed upm completion of the subdivision or shortly thereafter. 000. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ppp. Yard. The open area between building setback lines and lot lines. qqq. Zoning Board of Adjustment. City of Wylie, Texas 18 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) (This page was intentionally left blank) City of Wylie, Texas 19 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) II. PROCEDURES Section 2.1: Pre-Application Procedures 2.1 The applicant should avail himself or herself of the advice and assistance of the City's administrative officers, and should consult early and informally with those officers before preparing a concept plan or any plat in order to save time and money, and to avoid potential unnecessary delays. Prior to formal application for approval of any concept plan or plat, the applicant shall request and attend a mandatory pre-application conference with the appropriate City official(s) in order to become familiar with the City's development regulations and the subdivision process. At the pre-application conference,the applicant may be represented by his or her land planner, engineer or surveyor. Section 2.2: Statutory Procedures 2.2 a. Zoning Requirements. A property within the City's corporate limits that is being proposed for platting must be properly zoned by the City prior to submission of an application for approval of any plat. In addition, the proposed development layout or subdivision design shown on the proposed plat must be in conformance with all standards and requirements prescribed in the City's Zoning Ordinance. Noncompliance with the requirements of the zoning district in which the subject property is located,or lack of the proper zoning, shall constitute grounds for denial of the plat. In situations where the zoning on a particular piece of property cannot be ascertained by the City, the burden of proof regarding the property's zoning shall rest with the property owner. Proof of proper zoning shall consist of appropriate documentation, such as a copy of the ordinance establishing the zoning, which shall be reviewed by City officials as to its validity and authenticity. Any plat submitted for approval by the City shall be in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinance,if the property is located within the City's corporate limits,and,if the property is located within the City's corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction, it shall be in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, including all adopted water, sewer, storm drainage, future land use, park, recreation, open space and thoroughfare plans. All plats shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer or a registered land surveyor. b. Classification of Subdivisions and Additions. Before any land is filed for record with the County Clerk,the property owner shall apply for and secure City Council approval ofthe required subdivision plat, in accordance with the following procedures,unless otherwise provided within this Ordinance. City of Wylie, Texas 20 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 1. Minor subdivisions may be approved for residential or nonresidential properties. Minor plat approval by the City Planner requires the submission of a final plat drawing and other submission materials required by Section 2.11 of this Ordinance. Lots may be conveyed or sold only when the plat has been approved by the City and the plat has been filed with the appropriate County of Record. 2. Major subdivisions may be approved for residential or nonresidential properties. The procedure for approval of a major subdivision typically involves three steps: a concept plan, which is voluntary, preliminary plat and final plat. Sections 2.3 through 2.6 of this Ordinance provide the requirements for each. Major plat approval shall be in accordance with Sections 2.4 through 2.6 of this Ordinance. Upon completion of the required public improvements,or upon submission and City approval of the appropriate surety for public improvements,the property owner may submit the final plat for approval. All major subdivision plats must be reviewed by the Commission and approved by the City Council,pursuant to Sections 2.4 through 2.8 of this Ordinance. Lots may be sold only when the final plat has been approved by the City Council and the plat has been filed at the appropriate County of Record. If the land is required to be platted,no conveyance or sale of any portion or lot of the property may occur until after the final plat is approved by the City Council and filed at the appropriate County of Record. c. Submission Requirements For All Types of Plat Applications. In addition to the requirements outlined herein for each type of development application, the City shall maintain separate policies and procedures for the submission and processing of applications including,but not limited to, application forms,checklists, language blocks for plats,and other similar items. The forms and paperwork are available at the office of the City Manager, or designee. These policies and procedures may be amended from time to time, and it is the applicant=s responsibility to be familiar with, and to comply with, the policies and procedures. d. Official Submission Date and Completeness of Application For All Types of Plats. 1. For the purpose of these regulations,the"official submission date"shall be the date upon which a complete application for approval of any type of plat,that contains all required elements mandated by the Texas Local Government Code, Section 212.004(b) and by this Ordinance, is submitted to the City Manager(or designee), after which the statutory period required for approval or disapproval of the plat shall commence to run. No application shall be deemed officially submitted until the City Manager (or designee) determines that the application is complete and the City issues a fee receipt. Failure by the City Manager (or designee) to make a determination of incompleteness within ten(10)calendar days following the date on which the application was first received by the City, shall result in the application being deemed complete, and the "official submission date" shall become the 11 th calendar day following initial receipt of the application by the City. City of Wylie, Texas 21 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 2. Plat applications which do not include all required information and materials, as outlined below and per other City development review policies which may change from time to time, will be considered incomplete, shall not be accepted for official submission by the City, and shall not be scheduled on a Commission agenda until the proper information is provided to City officials. e. Submission Procedures and City Review Process For All Types of Plats. 1. Submission Timing. A complete application for approval of any plat shall be submitted to the City at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days, but no more than thirty (30) calendar days unless the applicant waives the 30-day requirement for action on the plat in writing, prior to the Commission meeting at which it is to be considered. 2. Submission Materials. The application shall include a written application form which bears the notarized signature(s) of the property owner(s) of the subject property, along with the appropriate submission fee, six (6) copies for review and fifteen (15) for action of full-size (24" x 36") prints of the plat, as required by the City's current development review policies and requirements, one 8 1/2" x 11" black-and-white reduction of the plat, a copy of any applicable development agreement pertaining to the subject property (if any), and any other applicable information and materials deemed appropriate by the City. The application shall be accompanied by a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property, and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property, in accordance with Section 1.10. Documentation shall also be included that shows no delinquent assessments,fees,or other debts or obligations to the City and which are directly attributable to the subject property. The application shall also be accompanied by an engineer=s summary report which describes, in as much detail as necessary, the following: the overall nature and scope of the proposed development, including zoning of the property, proposed use(s) and acreage of each proposed use, minimum lot sizes, widths and depths, number of lots to be created, and special amenities or facilities that will be included in the development; how the property will be served with required utilities and services; how storm water drainage will be handled; and an itemization and description of any variance or waiver from provisions of this Ordinance that will be sought. If the proposed development will have access points onto a major thoroughfare, the application shall also include a letter from the appropriate entity, such as TxDOT or Appropriate County of Record, acknowledging and approving proposed driveway locations and corresponding median openings and left turn lanes, if applicable. Letters shall also be provided from each of the applicable utility service providers, including water,wastewater,gas,electricity,telephone,cable TV and solid waste,verifying their ability to provide an adequate level of service for the City of Wylie, Texas 22 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) proposed development. A letter from the Wylie Independent School District shall also be provided that acknowledges the District's ability to accommodate the additional number of school-age children that will be generated by the proposed development, and that expresses any desire the District may have to obtain a future school site within any portion of the subject property. All plat drawings and other corresponding plans and drawings, including engineering plans and landscape and screening plans, shall be on sheets no larger than 24" by 36" in size, and shall be drawn to a known engineering scale of not smaller than one hundred feet to the inch (1"=100') or a larger scale. In cases of large developments which would exceed the dimensions of the sheet at one hundred foot (100') scale, plats may be on multiple sheets or to another known engineering scale, as approved by the City Manager (or designee), and in a format that will be acceptable for eventual filing at the appropriate County of Record. 3. City Staff Review. Upon official submission of a complete application for plat approval,the City shall commence technical review of the development proposal by forwarding a copy of the application and plat to development review team members which include, but shall not be limited to, the City Planner, City Engineer, City Manager,Public Works Director,Fire Chief/Marshall,Police Chief,Parks Director. Development review team members shall review the plat and shall ascertain its compliance with these and other applicable City regulations. Following City staff review of the plat and supporting documents, and following discussions with the applicant on any revisions deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be installed,the applicant shall resubmit fifteen(15) folded copies of the corrected plat to the City Planner no later than seven(7)calendar days prior to the Commission meeting. Failure to resubmit corrected copies of the plat back to the City in time shall be cause for the City Planner to forward the plat application to the Commission as it was originally submitted rather than the corrected version of the plat. If, upon re-submission of the corrected plat to the City, the City Planner determines that the application is still incomplete or is not correct, the plat application shall be subject to denial. After the plat has been scheduled on an agenda(or at any time prior),the applicant may request, in writing, a waiver of the thirty (30) day approval requirement in order to allow him or her more time to correct deficiencies, address concerns, or otherwise improve the plat pursuant to the City's regulations. After receipt of the request,the City may delay action on the final plat beyond thirty(30)calendar days following the official submission date. 4. Action by the Commission and City Council. All subdivision plat applications shall be reviewed by the Commission, and if in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance and with all other applicable regulations of the City, they shall be approved by the City Council. City of Wylie, Texas 23 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) The Commission shall review each plat application and shall recommend approval, approval subject to certain conditions, or denial of the plat application within thirty (30) calendar days of the official submission date. The City Council shall take action on the plat within thirty (30) calendar days of the Commission's action. Affirmation of, or minor modifications to, the Commission's recommendation to approve the plat shall require a simple majority vote of the City Council members present. If the Commission recommends disapproval of a plat application, the Commission shall state such disapproval and the reasons therefore. The applicant or property owner may appeal such decision to the City Council by filing a Notice of Appeal in the office of the City Planner no later than ten(10)calendar days after the date upon which the Commission denied the application. The Notice of Appeal shall set forth in clear and concise fashion the basis for the appeal. The City Council shall consider the appeal at a public meeting no later than thirty(30) calendar days after the date upon which the Notice of Appeal was filed. The City Council may change the decision of the Commission by vote of the majority of the Council members present. The City Council may also,where appropriate,remand the plat application back to the Commission for reconsideration if it believes that there is a compelling reason to do so, such as the introduction of significant new facts or testimony. f. Simultaneous Submission of Plats. In the event that an applicant submits preliminary and final plat applications simultaneously, as provided in Section 2.4 (c), the City Planner shall schedule both plat applications for action by the Commission within thirty (30) calendar days of the official submission date, unless the applicant has executed a written waiver of the 30-day review period for one or both plats. If the preliminary plat has not received approval prior to consideration of the final plat by the Commission,then the Commission shall deny the final plat application. The City Council shall take action on either one or both plat applications, as applicable, within thirty(30)calendar days of the Commission's action. Affirmation of, or minor modifications to, the Commission's recommendation to approve the plat(s) shall require a simple majority vote of the City Council members present. g. Proof of Land Ownership. The City requires proof of land ownership prior to approval of any development application involving real property. Along with the application submission,the applicant shall provide written verification,such as a notarized statement or a power of attorney or other evidence satisfactory to the City Planner,that he or she is the owner of record of the subject land parcel or parcels, or is the property owner's authorized agent. The City Planner shall have the authority to determine what document(s)the City will require to prove ownership, such as one of the following: 1. General warranty deed; 2. Special warranty deed; 3. Title policy; or City of Wylie, Texas 24 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 4. Some other documentation that is acceptable to the City Manager(or designee). If ownership cannot be conclusively established prior to the meeting date on which the development application will be heard, the City shall have the authority to deny the application on the basis of protecting the public interest. The applicant may resubmit a new development application, including the submission fees,for the property at any time following such denial. h. Lapse of Plat Approval. The approval of any type of plat shall be effective for a period of one hundred and eighty-three (183) calendar days beyond the date that the plat was approved by the City Council, except as otherwise provided herein. By 12:01 a.m. on the 184th day following City Council approval of the plat, the applicant must have completed a City-required "progress benchmark" as set forth below. If this is not accomplished,then the approved plat shall be deemed to have expired and shall become null and void. The series of"progress benchmarks" for a project, pursuant to the provisions of this Section, are as follows: Approved Plat or Plan—► Next"Progress Benchmark" Concept Plan —► Preliminary plat, as required by this Ordinance, and final site plan, as required by Zoning, and continued active engineering review of the engineering plans (submitted along with the preliminary plat and final site plan). Preliminary Plat —► City Engineer's approval of engineering plans for all propos applicable site development related fees that are traditionally collected prior to release for site construction, and an application for approval of the final plat shall be submitted to the City within three hundred and sixty-five (365) calendar days of actual commencement of site construction in order to avoid lapse of the approved preliminary plat, unless such is extended or reinstated pursuant to provisions in this Ordinance, and other associated development approvals, such as the final site plan, landscape and irrigation plans, etc. Final Plat —► Final plat approved by the City Council but not filed at appropriate County of Record-submission of the plat mylars, filing fees and other materials necessary to file the plat at the County shall be submitted to the City within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of final plat approval; an application for a certificate of occupancy shall also be submitted to the City within one hundred and eighty-three (183) calendar days following the date of final plat approval in order to avoid lapse of the approved final plat, unless such is extended or reinstated pursuant to provisions in this Ordinance. City of Wylie, Texas 25 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Final plat filed at Appropriate County of Record - valid in perpetuity, unless amended or vacated. i. Extension and Reinstatement Procedure. Prior to the lapse of approval for a plat, the property owner may petition the City to extend the plat approval. Such petition shall be considered at a public meeting before the Commission and then City Council, and an extension may be granted by City Council at such meeting. If no petition for extension of plat approval is submitted by the property owner prior to the expiration date,then the plat shall be deemed to have expired and shall become null and void. In determining whether to grant a request for extension,the City Council shall take into account the reasons for lapse, the ability of the property owner to comply with any conditions attached to the original approval, and the extent to which newly adopted subdivision regulations would apply to the plat at that point in time. The Commission and City Council shall either extend the plat or deny the request, in which instance the originally approved plat shall be deemed to be null and void. The property owner must thereafter submit a new plat application for approval, and shall conform to the subdivision regulations then in effect. The Commission and City Council may extend the approval subject to additional conditions based upon newly enacted City regulations or State legislation,or such as are necessary to ensure compliance with the original conditions of approval and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. The Commission and City Council may also specify a shorter time for extension of the plat than the original 183-day approval period. j. Lapse of Approval of Engineering Plans. The approved engineering plans shall be valid for a period of one hundred eighty-three (183) calendar days following approval by the City Engineer. The City Council may, upon written request by the applicant, grant an extension of up to an additional 183 calendar days, after which the engineering plans shall be subject to re-approval by the City Engineer if no construction has occurred. Section 2.3: Concept Plan Approval 2.3 a. Applicability. A concept plan, sometimes referred to as a"preliminary site plan" or a "land study", is required by Section 9.1.c of the Zoning Ordinance. Submission and approval of a concept plan can be the first step in the approval process for a residential or nonresidential development project if the applicant prefers to do so. City review and approval of a concept plan has many benefits for both the City and the applicant. The applicant benefits in that he or she gains preliminary review and scrutiny, as well as input and suggestions, on the overall conceptual layout of the proposed development from the City's development review team. Approval of a concept plan may also offer the applicant some level of confidence that subsequent plat or plan submissions will be favorably received and approved with few major changes to the project's design and City of Wylie, Texas 26 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) layout. For example, once the preliminary plat, and corresponding engineering plans, and site plan are submitted for a nonresidential project,unforeseen changes in site layout can prove to be expensive in terms of design and engineering costs and time lost during major plan revisions. The City benefits in that it is allowed to become familiar with and involved in the project early in the development process,which is particularly important for large-scale developments and subdivisions. This allows the City to plan for and closely coordinate the provision of public facilities and services, thereby potentially avoiding future problems such as undersized utility lines,inadequate roadway capacities, unanticipated shortfalls in public services,and fiscal inefficiencies resulting from lack of planning and coordination. Submission and approval of a concept plan is encouraged in the following circumstances: 1. In conjunction with an application for a major subdivision plat for a property that is intended for development, particularly for large land parcels; or 2. In conjunction with any project where a road is to be established or realigned. b. Procedures and Submission Requirements for Concept Plan Approval. The procedures for City review and approval of a concept plan shall be as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Wylie. c. Purpose. The purpose of a concept plan, as it pertains to this Ordinance, is to allow opportunity for the Commission and City Council to preview proposed major thoroughfare and collector street patterns; land use patterns and trends; environmental issues and constraints;conformance to the Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan,Parks and Open Space Plan,water and sewer master plans,and other applicable plans of the City; and, if the subject property is within the City's corporate limits, the Zoning Ordinance; and the property's relationship to adjoining subdivisions or properties. Review of a concept plan would also assist the City in evaluating the possible impacts of the proposed development in terms of provision of essential public facilities and services, respecting and preserving important natural features and the environment,provision of open space and recreational opportunities,and protecting the general health, safety and welfare of the community. d. Extent of Area That Should be Included in a Concept Plan. When the overall development project is to be developed in phases,the concept plan area shall include the entire property from which the phases are being subdivided and an approximate development schedule. Where significant natural or man-made features, such as thoroughfares or creeks, make inclusion of the entire property in the concept plan unnecessary to adequately review the items listed in the preceding paragraph,the concept plan may include a smaller study area. Boundaries such as major thoroughfares,whether existing or proposed, creeks, political subdivisions, or other such natural or man-made features may be used to delineate the smaller study area. City of Wylie, Texas 27 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Section 2.4: Procedures and Submission Requirements for Preliminary Plat Approval 2.4 a. Following the pre-application conference (as described in Section 2.1 above)regarding the overall general development strategy for the property, the applicant shall have prepared a preliminary plat together with full engineering plans for the construction of the subdivision and all associated public improvements and other supplementary materials, as required by this Ordinance or by the City. b. The preliminary plat shall constitute only that portion of the approved concept plan, required by the Zoning Ordinance which the applicant proposes to construct and record provided,however,that such portion conforms to all the requirements of this Ordinance and with any other applicable regulations and codes of the City. c. A preliminary plat, if not preceded by an approved concept plan showing phasing of the overall development, shall include all contiguous property under the ownership or control of the applicant. It may contain more than one phase that, if so, shall be clearly identified. d. The applicant may choose to submit a final plat for review concurrently with the preliminary plat. In such case, the City may schedule concurrent review of both plats, provided that all required information and other items are submitted for both plats, including full engineering plans and the appropriate assurances for the completion of all improvements, as per Section 6, and provided that adequate review can be achieved by the City. If the City,due to staffresources or other factors,cannot complete its review of both plats, and other associated materials, prior to the applicable Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,then only the preliminary plat shall be considered for approval and the final plat shall be denied unless the thirty(30) day review requirement is waived in writing by the applicant. e. Approval of a preliminary plat by the City Council shall be deemed general approval of the street and lot layout shown on the preliminary plat(approval for construction of the necessary streets,water lines, sewer lines,and other required improvements and utilities shall be authorized only through the City Engineer's approval of the engineering plans), and to the preparation of the final or record plat. Except as provided for herein,approval of the preliminary plat shall constitute conditional approval of the final plat when all conditions of approval and when all procedural requirements set forth in this Ordinance have been met. f. Standards for Approval. No preliminary plat shall be recommended for approval by the Commission or approved by the City Council unless the following standards have been met: 1. The plat substantially conforms with the approved concept plan,or other studies and plans, as applicable; City of Wylie, Texas 28 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 2. The layouts and engineering plans for required public improvements and City utilities have been submitted by the applicant for approval by the City Engineer (whether specifically stated or not,preliminary plat approval shall always be subject to any additions or alterations to the engineering plans as deemed necessary by the City Engineer, as needed, to ensure the safe, efficient and proper construction of public improvements within the subdivision); and 3. The plat conforms to applicable zoning and other regulations. g. No construction work shall begin on the proposed improvements in the proposed subdivision prior to approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council, nor prior to issuance of all appropriate construction permits by the City and other appropriate entities or agencies. The applicant shall also provide copies of letters from applicable local utility companies stating that each utility company has reviewed the preliminary plat and stating any requirements,including easements,they may have. This requirement may be deferred until the final plat is submitted if such deferral request is submitted to the City in writing and approved by the City Manager (or designee) prior to the Commission meeting at which the preliminary plat will be considered. No excavation, grading, tree removal or site clearing activities shall occur prior to approval of the preliminary plat and the engineering plans. However, preliminary grading or site preparation activities, such as limited excavation, filling, and removal or clearing of brush, undergrowth or man-induced debris , may be authorized by the City Engineer, at his or her discretion, if such request is submitted in writing by the property owner or developer,if such activities are in conformance with all applicable City ordinances and codes, and if such activities will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. h. Information Required Upon or With Preliminary Plat. The proposed preliminary plat and associated engineering plans shall show the following information(the preliminary plat itself shall only include those items marked by italics -- other physical and engineering data shall be included in the engineering plans or as separate documents): 1. A vicinity, or location, map that shows the location of the proposed preliminary plat within the City (or within its ETJ) and in relationship to existing roadways; 2. Boundary lines, abstract or survey lines, corporate or other jurisdictional boundaries, existing or proposed highways and streets (including right-of-way widths), bearings and distances sufficient to locate the exact area proposed for the subdivision, and all survey monuments (identified and labeled; see Section 5.2 for specifications); the length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, arc lengths, tangent lengths and central angles of all curves shall be indicated along the lines of each lot(curve and line data may be placed in a table format); accurate reference ties via courses and distances to at least one recognized abstract or survey corner or existing subdivision corner shall be shown; City of Wylie, Texas 29 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 3. The name, location and recording information of all adjacent subdivisions (or property owners of adjacent unplatted property), including those located on the other sides of roads or creeks, shall be drawn to the same scale and shown in dotted lines adjacent to the tract proposed for subdivision in sufficient detail to show accurately the existing streets, alleys, building setbacks, lot and block numbering, easements, and other features that may influence the layout of development of the proposed subdivision; adjacent unplatted land shall show property lines, the names of owners of record, and the recording information; 4. The location, widths and names of all streets, alleys and easements (it shall be the applicant's responsibility to coordinate with appropriate utility entities for placement of necessary utility easements and for location of all streets and median openings on highways or arterial roadways), existing or proposed, within the subdivision limits and adjacent to the subdivision; a list of proposed street names shall be submitted(in the form of a letter or memo along with the application form) for all new street names(street name approval is required at the time the preliminary plat is approved); 5. The location of all existing property lines, existing lot and block numbers and date recorded, easements of record (with recording information), buildings, existing sewer or water mains,gas mains or other underground structures, or other existing features within the area proposed for subdivision; 6. Proposed arrangement and square footage of lots(including lot and block numbers) and proposed use of same;for nonresidential uses,the location and size of buildings (this information may be provided on a separate sheet, such as on a voluntary concept plan or preliminary site plan; see the Zoning Ordinance); 7. A title block within the lower right hand corner of the plat(and engineering plans) which shows the title or name under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, the name and address of the property owner and the name of the land planner, licensed engineer or registered public surveyor who prepared the plat or plans, the scale of the plat, the date the plat was prepared, and the location of the property according to the abstract or survey records of appropriate County of Record, Texas; the subdivision name shall not duplicate(or phonetically replicate) the name of any other platted subdivision in Wylie or its ETJ, but phasing identification is allowed (it is the property owner's responsibility to check the plat records of appropriate County of Record to ensure that the proposed subdivision name will not duplicate or sound too much like a subdivision name already in existence -- the City may, at its discretion, require a different subdivision name if there is potential for confusion by public safety officials or the general public); 8. Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, schools, playgrounds, other public uses or for private facilities or amenities; City of Wylie, Texas 30 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 9. Scale, date, north arrow oriented to the top or left side of the sheet, and other pertinent informational data; 10. Contours with intervals of two feet(2')or less shown for the area,with all elevations on the contour map referenced to sea level datum; 11. Areas contributing drainage to the proposed subdivision shall be shown in the engineering plans; locations proposed for drainage discharge from the site shall be shown by directional arrows; 12. All physical features of the property to be subdivided shall be shown in the engineering plans, including the location and size of all water courses, 100-year flood plain according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) information, Corps of Engineers flowage easement requirements, ravines, bridges, culverts, existing structures, drainage area in acres or area draining into subdivisions, the outline of major wooded areas or the location of major trees, six (6)inches and larger when measured 4 '/2 feet above ground level,and other features pertinent to subdivision; 13. Engineering plans of water and sewer lines and other infrastructure(including sizes) to be constructed in the subdivision;the proposed connections to distribution mains shall be indicated; 14. Preliminary Plat; Texas State Plane Coordinates; 15. Proposed phasing of the development; where a subdivision is proposed to occur in phases, the applicant, in conjunction with submission of the preliminary plat, shall provide a schedule of development; the dedication of rights-of-way for streets and street improvements, whether on-site or off-site, intended to serve each proposed phase of the subdivision; the City Council shall determine whether the proposed streets and street improvements are adequate pursuant to standards herein established,and may require that a traffic impact analysis be submitted for the entire project or for such phases as the City Council determines to be necessary to adjudge whether the subdivision will be served by adequate streets and thoroughfares; 16. All preliminary plats shall be submitted in a legible format that complies with appropriate County of Record requirements for the filing of plats, and shall be drawn on a good grade blue line or black line paper; 17. Proposed or existing zoning of the subject property and all adjacent properties; 18. Minimum finished floor elevations of building foundations shall be shown for lots adjacent to a flood plain or within an area that may be susceptible to flooding; City of Wylie, Texas 31 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 19. Certificates and other language shall be included on the plat, pursuant to the following Subsections: (a) A statement that the subdivided area is legally owned by the applicant. (b) An accurate legal, such as by metes and bounds, description by bearings and distances (including necessary curve and line data), accurate to the nearest one hundredth of a foot,for all boundary, block and lot lines, with descriptions correlated to a permanent survey monument. (c) A statement signed by the property owner and acknowledged before a Notary Public as to the authenticity of the signatures, saying that the property owner adopts the plat as shown, described and named, and that they do dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets, alleys and easements shown on the plat. The property owner further reserves any easement areas shown for mutual use of all public utilities desiring to use the same. Any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or any part of any vegetative growth or other appurtenance for construction or maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system in these easements and all or any part of any growth or construction which in any way hinders or interferes with the right of ingress and egress to these easements for any necessary use without asking anyone's permission. (d) The registered public surveyor's certificate, with a place for his or her signature and notarization of his or her signature. (e) A place for plat approval signature of the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tern of the City Council, a place for the City Secretary to attest such signature, and the approval dates by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. (f) Following are the certificates and languages to be used on the plat to accommodate the above requirements: (1) Property Owner's Certificate (required): STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § WHEREAS, [ Name(s) ] is(are)the Owner(s) of a tract of land situated in the [ ] Survey, Abstract No. [ ], Appropriate County of Record, Texas and being out of a[ ] acre tract conveyed to him(them) by [ ], and a [_] acre tract conveyed to him(them) by [ ], and being more particularly described as follows: (Enter accurate metes and bounds property description here) City of Wylie, Texas 32 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That , acting herein by and through his(its) duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as ,an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements-shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 20 BY: Authorized Signature of Owner Printed Name and Title STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § Before me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Owner, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. City of Wylie, Texas 33 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Given under my hand and seal of office, this _ day of , 20 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires On: (2) Surveyor's Certificate (required): KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, , do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Wylie. (seal) Signature of Registered Public Land Surveyor Registration No. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § Before me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , Land Surveyor, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this _ day of , 20 . Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires On: City of Wylie, Texas 34 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) (3) Approval Block(required): CITY APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT Approved for preparation of final plat following construction of all public improvements (or appropriate sureties thereof) necessary for the subdivision shown on this plat. APPROVED BY: Planning and Zoning Commission City of Wylie, Texas Signature of Chairperson Date APPROVED BY: City Council City of Wylie, Texas Signature of Mayor Date ATTEST: City Secretary Date (4) Special Notice (required): NOTICE: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. (5) Visibility,Access and Maintenance Easements(to be used if applicable): The area or areas shown on the plat as "VAM" (Visibility, Access and Maintenance) Easement(s) are hereby given and granted to the City, its successors and assigns, as an easement to provide visibility, right of access for maintenance upon and across said VAM Easement. The City shall have the right but not the obligation to maintain any and all landscaping within the VAM Easement. Should the City exercise this maintenance right,then it shall be permitted to remove and dispose of any and all landscaping improvements,including without limitation,any trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover and fixtures. The City may withdraw maintenance of the VAM Easement at any time. The ultimate maintenance responsibility for the VAM Easement shall rest with the owners. No building, fence, shrub, tree or other improvements or City of Wylie, Texas 35 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) growths, which in any way may endanger or interfere with the visibility, shall be constructed in, on,over or across the VAM Easement. The City shall also have the right but not the obligation to add any landscape improvements to the VAM Easement,to erect any traffic control devices or signs on the VAM Easement and to remove any obstruction thereon. The City, its successors, assigns, or agents shall have the right and privilege at all times to enter upon the VAM Easement or any part thereof for the purposes and with all rights and privileges set forth herein. (6) Access Easements (to be used if applicable): The undersigned does covenant and agree that the access easement may be utilized by any person or the general public for ingress and egress to other real property, and for the purpose of general public vehicular and pedestrian use and access, and for fire department and emergency use in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the City of Wylie, its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along, upon and across said premises. (7) Other Plat Language. The plat shall include any other applicable language, such as for drainage, floodway or other special types of easements, or such as for a private street subdivision, as deemed appropriate and necessary by the City for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety and welfare. Applicable plat languages are available upon request at the City. i. (reserved) j. Engineering Plans. Along with the preliminary plat application, the applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the complete engineering plans for streets, alleys, storm sewers and drainage structures, water and sanitary sewer facilities, screening and retaining walls, landscaping and irrigation, and any other required public improvements for the area covered by the preliminary plat. The engineering plans shall also contain any plans deemed necessary to show or document compliance with the City=s ordinances pertaining to nonpoint source pollution control, on-site sewage facility rules, and any other applicable codes and ordinances of the City that are related to development of a land parcel. Cost estimates shall also be submitted with the engineering plans. For the purposes of this Ordinance, complete sets of engineering plans shall include the following plans or sheets (generally in this order), as well as any additional plans or sheets deemed necessary and requested by the City Engineer: -- Cover or title sheet -- Preliminary plat City of Wylie, Texas 36 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) -- Final site plan(for nonresidential and multi-family projects only- see the Zoning Ordinance for specific requirements and approval procedures) -- Existing conditions plan, which shows existing topography, vegetation, tree inventory, existing natural and man-made physical features, etc. -- Existing tree survey and Tree Management Plan -- Grading, erosion control, and water quality control plans -- Paving and storm drainage plans -- Utility plans for water, sanitary sewer, etc. -- Traffic control plans(if necessary) -- Screening and retaining wall plans -- Landscaping and irrigation plans City of Wylie, Texas 37 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) The applicant shall have these plans prepared by their own professional engineer(s), subject to approval of the plans by the City Engineer. The City Engineer (or designee) shall review, or cause to be reviewed, the plans and specifications and if approved, shall mark them "Approved" and shall return one set to the applicant. If not approved, one set shall be marked with the objections noted and returned to the applicant for correction,whereupon the applicant's engineer shall correct the plans as requested and shall resubmit them back to the City Engineer for re-review. Once the engineering plans are approved by the City Engineer, the property owner shall provide additional sets of the approved plans to the City, as specified by the City Engineer, for use during construction. A full set of the City-approved engineering plans must be available for inspection on the job site at all times. After approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council, approval of the engineering plans and specifications by the City Engineer, and following procurement of all applicable permits from other appropriate agencies, such as TxDOT, TNRCC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or appropriate County of Record,the applicant shall cause a contractor to install or construct the public improvements in accordance with the approved plans and the City's standard specifications, and at the applicant's expense (also see Section 6). The applicant shall employ engineers, surveyors or other professionals as necessary to design, stake, supervise and perform the construction of such improvements, and shall cause his or her contractor to construct the said improvements in accordance with this Ordinance and with the City's, and any other applicable agency's, design standards. Engineering plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas, as required by State law governing such professions and in accordance with this Ordinance and the City's Design Manuals and Standard Construction Details. All engineering plans submitted for City review shall be dated and shall bear the responsible engineer's registration number,his or her designation of"professional engineer" or"P.E.", and the engineer's seal. Engineering plans shall be approved by the City Engineer when such plans meet all of the requirements of this Ordinance and the Design Manuals and Standard Construction Details. City of Wylie, Texas 38 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Engineering plans shall be in conformance with the Design Manuals and Standard Construction Details and with the requirements set forth herein. Engineering plans showing paving and design details of streets, alleys, culverts, bridges, storm sewers, water mains, sanitary sewers, sidewalks, screening and retaining walls, landscape and irrigation plans (if appropriate), and other engineering details of the proposed subdivision at a scale of one inch equals 40 or 50 feet (1" =40'or 50') horizontally and one inch equals 4, 5,or 10 feet(1"=4', 5'or 10')vertically shall be submitted to the City Engineer(or designee)along with a copy of the preliminary plat of the subdivision. The number of copies as specified by the City shall be submitted along with the preliminary plat submittal. As part of the engineering plans, a drainage plan showing how the drainage of each lot relates to the overall drainage plan for the plat under consideration shall be submitted. The drainage plan shall be made available to each builder within the proposed subdivision and all builders shall comply with the drainage plan. k. Effect of Approval. Approval of a preliminary plat authorizes the property owner,upon fulfillment of all requirements and conditions of approval and upon construction of all required improvements(or submission of the proper assurances for construction of same, per Section 6), to submit an application for final plat approval(see Section 2.5). 1. Revisions to Approved Preliminary Plat. It is generally recognized that minor revisions to the preliminary plat will probably be needed before the final plat can be filed at the County of Record. Such minor revisions as slight enlargement or shifting of easements or lot lines, addition of private or franchise utility easements, correction of bearings or distances, correction of minor labeling errors, addition of erroneously omitted informational items and labels, etc. may occur on the final plat without having to re- approve the preliminary plat. Major revisions, such as obvious reconfiguration of lot lines or easements, relocation of driveways or access easements or fire lanes, any modification to the perimeter or boundary of the property, and relocation or addition or deletion of any public improvement (including corresponding easement), shall necessitate re-submission and re-approval of the plat as a "revised preliminary plat". The procedures for such re-approval shall be the same as for a preliminary plat,and such re-approval may constitute a new project thus necessitating submission of a new application form, payment of new fees, and other requirements. Section 2.5: Procedures and Submission Requirements for Final Nat Approval 2.5 a. The final plat shall be in accordance with the preliminary plat, as approved, and shall incorporate all applicable conditions, changes, directions and additions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council upon the preliminary plat. The final plat shall not be approved by the City Council until all utilities, infrastructure,and other required improvements have been constructed according to the engineering plans, as approved by the City Engineer, unless provisions are made for the completion of the improvements in accordance with Section 6. The final plat shall not be submitted prior to approval of the preliminary plat (see Section 2.4 [c] for exception). City of Wylie, Texas 39 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) b. Final plat applications which do not include the required data, completed application form, submission fee, number of copies of the plat, record drawings, "Letter of Satisfactory Completion"(of the public improvements)from the City,and other required information, including documentation that all required public improvements have been constructed and installed in accordance with City standards, letters from utility companies verifying their easements,and submission of the proper assurances or escrow funds for the completion of the improvements, per Section 6, will be considered incomplete, shall not be accepted for submission by the City, and shall not be scheduled on a Planning and Zoning Commission agenda until the proper information is provided to City staff. c. Information Required on a Final Plat. 1. All information that is required for a preliminary plat(see Section 2.4(i)),except for submission of engineering plans, provided that such plans were already submitted and approved with the preliminary plat; and except that physical features of or on the land,such as topography,buildings,structures,water bodies and tree cover,shall not be shown on the final plat. In addition to these items, the final plat shall also provide a place for the County Clerk of appropriate County of Record to stamp the date and location where the plat will be filed("Volume or Cabinet ,Page or Slide ")in the lower right-hand corner of the plat drawing. 2. All aspects of the final plat shall conform to the standards of appropriate County of Record for plats with respect to clarity, sheet size, lettering size and reproducibility. It is the applicant's responsibility to be familiar with the County's standards for filing plats and to comply with same. 3. Approval Block (required). The approval block used on the previously approved preliminary plat shall be modified and shown on the final plat, as follows: FINAL PLAT Approved by the City of Wylie for filing at the office of the Deed Records of appropriate County of Record, Texas. APPROVED BY: Planning and Zoning Commission City of Wylie, Texas Signature of Chairperson Date APPROVED BY: City Council City of Wylie, Texas Signature of Mayor Date ATTEST: City Secretary Date City of Wylie, Texas 40 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 4. Property Location Statement(required by Appropriate County of Record): This property is located in the corporate limits (or the extraterritorial jurisdiction) of the City of Wylie, appropriate County of Record, Texas. Mayor, City of Wylie Date ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Wylie Date 5. Certification of Document(required by Appropriate County of Record): I, the undersigned, Mayor of the City of Wylie, hereby certify that this subdivision plat conforms to all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of this City, and is hereby authorized and approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie for recording in the Plat Records of Appropriate County of Record, Texas. Mayor, City of Wylie Date ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Wylie Date d. Standards for Approval. No final plat shall be reviewed by the Commission or approved by the City Council unless the following standards have been met: 1. The plat substantially conforms with the approved preliminary plat and other studies and plans, as applicable; 2. The construction and installation of required public improvements and City utilities has been completed and the improvements have been accepted by the City as conforming to the City's regulations and design standards(or the proper assurances for construction of the improvements have been submitted and approved by the City, per Section 6); and 3. The plat conforms to applicable zoning, subdivision and other development related regulations, including the City's nonpoint source pollution control ordinance (Article 11.100 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended), on-site sewage facility rules (as applicable; Article 11.200 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended), and any other applicable codes or ordinances of the City that are related to development of a land parcel. City of Wylie, Texas 41 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) e. When all of the improvements are found to be constructed and completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and with the City's standards, and upon receipt by the City of Wylie of a maintenance bond or certificate of deposit in accordance with Section 6 of this Ordinance from each contractor,three(3)sets of"AS BUILT"(or"Record Drawing")plans and one(1)set of"As-Built"or"Record Drawing" sepias shall be submitted with a letter stating the contractor's compliance with this Ordinance. After such letter is received, the City Manager (or designee) shall receive and accept for the City of Wylie the title, use and maintenance of the improvements according to Section 6.7. The final plat shall not be approved prior to receipt of the above letter and other items, nor prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City. f. Timing of Public Improvements. 1. The City Council may permit all or some of the public improvements to be installed, offered for dedication,or accepted by the City after approval of the final plat by the City if there exists a compelling reason that is consistent with the public health, safety or welfare to do so (also see Section 6). The City Council may permit or require the deferral of the construction of public improvements if; in its judgment, deferring the construction would not result in any harm to the public or would offer significant advantage in coordinating the site's development with adjacent properties and off-site public improvements. The deferred construction of any required public improvement(s) must be approved by the City Council at the time of preliminary plat approval, and the necessary assurances for completion of the improvements, in accordance with Section 6, shall be a stipulation, or condition, of approval of the preliminary or final plat. 2. If the City Council does not require that all public improvements be installed, offered for dedication, or accepted by the City prior to approval of the final plat,the applicant shall provide assurances or security for the completion of the improvements or escrowed funds, as provided in Section 6. g. Effect of Approval. Approval of a final plat authorizes the property owner, upon fulfillment of all requirements and conditions of approval and upon completion of construction of all required improvements (or submission of the proper assurances for construction of same,per Section 6),to submit the final copies,or mylars,of the plat for filing at appropriate County of Record. Lots may be sold only when the final plat has been approved by the City Council and the plat has been filed at the appropriate County of Record. No conveyance or sale of any portion or lot of the property may occur until after the final plat is approved by the City Council and filed at the appropriate County of Record. h. Revisions to Approved Final Plat Prior to Filing at the County. Occasionally, minor revisions are needed before the final plat can be filed at the County. Such minor revisions as correction of bearings or distances, correction of minor labeling errors, addition of erroneously omitted informational items and labels, etc. may occur on the record plat prior to filing it without the City Council having to re-approve the final plat. City of Wylie, Texas 42 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Major revisions,such as obvious corrections or reconfiguration of lot lines or easements, relocation of driveways or access easements or fire lanes, any modification to the perimeter or boundary of the property, and relocation or addition or deletion of any public improvement(including corresponding easement),shall necessitate re-submission and re-approval of the plat as a"revised final plat". The procedures for such re-approval shall be the same as for a final plat, and such re-approval may constitute a new project thus necessitating submission of a new application form,payment of new fees,and other requirements. i. Subsequent to final plat approval by the City Council,the applicant shall return copies of the final plat, as approved, with any other required documents and necessary fees attached thereto,to the City Planner within thirty(30)calendar days following approval, in accordance with requirements established by the City. All easements shall be included on the plat, including the recording information for those easements that are filed or recorded as separate instruments,as required by utility companies and the City of Wylie prior to filing the final plat, and a copy of letters from each applicable utility company shall be submitted to the City Planner stating that the plat contains the proper easements. All necessary filing materials, including mylars, reductions or blueline copies,as required by the County Clerk of the appropriate County of Record,in addition to mylar copies and a computer disk containing the digital plat file(s) required by the City Planner, shall be returned to the City with the required fees. If the required copies and materials are not returned to the City within the specified 30-day time frame, the approval of the final plat shall be null and void unless an extension is granted by the City Council. The City shall file the final plat at the office of the County Clerk of the appropriate County of Record within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of all filing materials, including filing fees. Section 2.6: (reserved) Section 2.7: Development Plats 2.7 a. Authority. This Section is adopted pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 212, Subchapter B, Sections 212.041 through 212.050, as amended. b. Applicability. For purposes of this Section, the term "development" means the construction of any building, structure or improvement of any nature (residential or nonresidential),or the enlargement of any external dimension thereof. This Section shall apply to any land lying within the City or within its extraterritorial jurisdiction in the following circumstances: 1. The development of any tract of land which has not been platted or replatted prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, unless expressly exempted herein; 2. The development of any tract of land for which the property owner claims an exemption from the City's Subdivision Ordinance, including requirements to replat, which exemption is not expressly provided for in such regulations; City of Wylie, Texas 43 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 3. The development of any tract of land for which the only access is a private easement or street; 4. The division of any tract of land resulting in parcels or lots each of which is greater than five (5) acres in size, and where no public improvement is proposed to be dedicated. c. Exceptions. No development plat shall be required, where the land to be developed has received final plat or replat approval prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. The City Council may, from time to time, exempt other development or land divisions from the requirements of this Section. d. Prohibition on Development. No development shall commence, nor shall any building permit, utility connection permit, electrical connection permit or similar permit be issued, for any development or land division subject to this Section,until a development plat has been reviewed by the Commission,approved by the City Council,and submitted to the City for filing at the County. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the City shall not require building permits or otherwise enforce the City's Building Code in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction in relation to any development plat required by this Subdivision Ordinance. e. Standards of Approval. The development plat shall not be approved until the following standards have been satisfied: 1. The proposed development conforms to all City plans, including but not limited to, the Comprehensive Plan, utility plans and applicable capital improvements plans; 2. The proposed development conforms to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (if located within the City=s corporate limits) and the Subdivision Ordinance; 3. The proposed development is adequately served by public facilities and services, parks and open space in conformance with City regulations; 4. Appropriate agreements for acceptance and use of public dedications to serve the development have been tendered; and 5. The proposed development conforms to the design and improvement standards contained in this Ordinance and in the City's Design Manuals and Standard Construction Details, and to any other applicable codes or ordinances of the City that are related to development of a land parcel. f. Conditions. The City Council may impose such conditions on the approval of the development plat as are necessary to assure compliance with the standards in Subsection (e) above. g. Approval Procedure. The application for a development plat shall be submitted to the City in the same manner as a final plat(see Sections 2.5 and 2.6),and shall be approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the City Council following review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission in a similar manner as a final plat. Upon approval, the development plat shall be filed at the County by the City City of Wylie, Texas 44 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Secretary in the same manner as prescribed for a final plat (see Section 2.5), and approval of a development plat shall expire if all filing materials are not submitted to the City Manager (or designee) and if the plat is not filed at the County within the time periods specified for a final plat. h. Submittal Requirements-In addition to all information that is required to be shown on a final plat (see Section 2.6), a development plat shall: 1. Be prepared by a registered professional land surveyor; 2. Clearly show the boundary of the development plat; 3. Show each existing or proposed building, structure or improvement or proposed modification of the external configuration of the building,structure or improvement involving a change therein; 4. Show all easements and rights-of-way within or adjacent to the development plat; and 5. Be accompanied by the required number of copies of the plat, a completed application form, the required submission fee, and a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property in accordance with Section 1.10. Section 2.8: Replatting 2.8 a. Replat Required. Unless otherwise expressly provided for herein,a property owner who proposes to replat any portion of an already approved final plat, other than to amend or vacate the plat,must first obtain approval for the replat under the same standards and by the same procedures prescribed for the final platting of land by this Ordinance. All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the same requirements as for a preliminary or final plat,as provided herein. The City Manager(or designee)may waive or modify requirements for a preliminary replat under certain circumstances where the proposed replat does not involve a large land parcel or an existing structure or business on the subject property, and where the proposed plat revisions are relatively simple in nature. b. Replatting Without Vacating Preceding Plat. A replat of a final plat or portion of a final plat may be recorded and is controlling over the preceding plat without vacation of that plat if the replat: 1. Is signed and acknowledged by only the owners of the property being replatted; 2. Is approved,after parties in interest and citizens have an opportunity to be heard,by the Planning and Zoning Commission and by the City Council; and 3. Does not attempt to amend or remove any covenants or restrictions previously incorporated in the final plat. City of Wylie, Texas 45 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) c. Previous Requirements or Conditions of Approval Which Are Still Valid. In addition to compliance with(b)above,a replat without vacation of the preceding plat must conform to the requirements of this Section if: 1. During the preceding five(5)years,any of the area to be replotted was limited by an interim or permanent zoning classification to residential use for not more than two (2)residential units per lot; or 2. Any lot in the preceding plat was limited by deed restrictions to residential use for not more than two (2) residential units per lot. d. If the neighboring property owners file with the City a written protest of the replatting,or if the replat requires a variance or waiver as defined in Section 1.9,then approval of the replat will require the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths(3/4)of the City Council members present and voting. For a legal protest, written instruments signed by the owners of at least twenty percent (20%) of the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining the area covered by the proposed replat and extending two hundred feet(200') from that area, but within the original subdivision, must be filed with the City prior to action by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In computing the percentage of land area subject to the "20% rule" described above, the area of streets and alleys shall be included. e. Any replat which adds or deletes lots must include the original subdivision and lot boundaries. If a replat is submitted for only a portion of a previously platted subdivision, the replat must reference the previous subdivision name and recording information, and must state on the replat the specific lots which have changed. g. If the previous plat is vacated as prescribed in Section 212.013 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, a public hearing is not required for a replat of the area vacated. h. The replat of the subdivision shall meet all the requirements for a final plat for a new subdivision that may be pertinent, as provided for herein. i. The title shall identify the document as a"Final Plat"of the" Addition,Block , Lot(s) , Being a Replat of Block , Lot(s) of the Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, as recorded in Volume/Cabinet ,Page/Slide of the Records of the appropriate County of Record, Texas". j. An application submittal for a replat shall be the same as for a final plat, and shall be accompanied by the required number of copies of the plat,a completed application form, the required submission fee, and a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property in accordance with Section 1.10. k. The replat shall be filed at the County in the same manner as prescribed for a final plat, and approval of a replat shall expire if all filing materials are not submitted to the City, and if the replat is not filed at the County within the time periods specified for a final plat. City of Wylie, Texas 46 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) Section 2.9: Amending Plats 2.9 a. An amended plat shall meet all of the informational and procedural requirements set forth for a final plat, and shall be accompanied by the required number of copies of the plat,a completed application form,the required submission fee,and a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property in accordance with Section 1.10. b. The City Planner may approve an amending plat, which may be recorded and is controlling over the preceding or final plat without vacation of that plat, if the amending plat is signed by the applicants only and if the amending plat is for one or more of the purposes set forth in this Section. The procedures for amending plats shall apply only if the sole purpose of the amending plat is to: 1. Correct an error in a course or distance shown on the preceding plat; 2. Add a course or distance that was omitted on the preceding plat; 3. Correct an error in a real property description shown on the preceding plat; 4. Indicate monuments set after the death,disability,or retirement from practice of the engineer or surveyor responsible for setting monuments; 5. Show the location or character of a monument that has been changed in location or character or that is shown incorrectly as to location or character on the preceding plat; 6. Correct any other type of scrivener or clerical error or omission previously approved by the municipal authority responsible for approving plats, including lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent recorded plats; 7. Correct an error in courses and distances of lot lines between two adjacent lots if (a) Both lot owners join in the application for amending the plat; (b) Neither lot is abolished; (c) The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions; and (d) The amendment does not have a material adverse effect on the property rights of the owners in the plat; 8. Relocate a lot line to eliminate an inadvertent encroachment of a building or other improvement on a lot line or easement; 9. Relocate one or more lot lines between one or more adjacent lots if (a) The owners of all those lots join in the application for amending the plat; (b) The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions; and (c) The amendment does not increase the number of lots; or City of Wylie, Texas 47 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 10. To make necessary changes to the preceding plat to create six(6)or fewer lots in the subdivision or a part of the subdivision covered by the preceding plat if (a) The changes do not affect applicable zoning and other regulations of the City; (b) The changes do not attempt to amend or remove any covenants or restrictions; and (c) The area covered by the changes is located in an area that the City Council has approved, after a public hearing, as a residential improvement area. c. The City Manager(or designee)may,at his or her discretion and for any reason,elect to present the amending plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for consideration and approval. Any decision made on the amending plat by the City Manager (or designee) shall be approval of the plat. Should the City Manager (or designee) refuse to approve the amending plat, then the plat shall be referred to the Commission and the City Council for consideration within the time period required by State law. d. Notice, a public hearing, and the approval of other lot owners are not required for the approval and issuance of an amending plat. e. The amended plat shall be entitled and clearly state that it is an"amended plat." It shall also state the specific lots affected or changed as a result of the amended plat, and shall include the original subdivision plat boundary. All references to "final plat" or "replat" shall be removed. f. Other than noted above, the procedure for approval of plat amendment(s) shall be the same as in Section 2.8. g. The amending plat shall be filed at the County in the same manner as prescribed for a final plat, and approval of an amending plat shall expire if all filing materials are not submitted to the City Secretary, and if the plat is not filed at the County within the time periods specified for a final plat. Section 2.10: Plat Vacation 2.10 a. By Property Owner. The property owner of the tract covered by a plat may vacate,upon review by the Commission and approval by the City Council, the plat at any time before any lot in the plat is sold. The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged instrument declaring the plat vacated is approved and recorded in the manner prescribed for the original plat (instrument language is available from the City, upon request). b. By All Lot Owners. If some or all of the lots covered by the plat have been sold, the plat,or any part of the plat,may be vacated on the application of all the owners of lots in the plat with approval obtained in the manner prescribed for the original plat. City of Wylie, Texas 48 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) c. Criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review, and the City Council shall approve,the petition for vacation on such terms and conditions as are in accordance with Section 212.013 of the Texas Local Government Code (as amended), and as are reasonable to protect the public health, safety and welfare. As a condition of vacation of the plat, the City Council may direct the petitioners to prepare and seek approval of a revised final plat in accordance with this Ordinance such that the property does not become "unplatted". d. Effect of Action. On the execution and recording of the vacating instrument,the vacated plat shall have no effect. Regardless of the Commission's and City Council's action on the petition, the property owner will have no right to a refund of any monies, fees or charges paid to the City nor to the return of any property or consideration dedicated or delivered to the City except as may have previously been agreed to by the Commission and City Council. e. City-Initiated Plat Vacation. 1. General Conditions. The City Council, on its motion, may vacate the plat of an approved subdivision or addition when: (a) No lots within the approved plat have been sold within five(5)years following the date that the plat was signed by the City; (b) The property owner has breached an improvement agreement and the City is unable to obtain funds with which to complete construction of public improvements, except that the vacation shall apply only to lots owned by property owner or its successor; or (c) The plat has been of record for more than five (5) years and the City determines that the further sale of lots within the subdivision or addition presents a threat to public health, safety or welfare, except that the vacation shall apply only to lots owned by the property owner or its successors. 2. Procedure. Upon any motion of the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council to vacate the plat of any previously approved subdivision or addition, in whole or in part, the City shall publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. The City shall also provide personal notice to all property owners within the subdivision or addition and to the City Council. The notice shall state the time and place for a public hearing on the motion to vacate the subdivision or addition plat. The Commission shall recommend approval and the City Council shall approve the vacation only if the criteria and conditions cited above are satisfied. City of Wylie, Texas 49 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) 3. Record of Notice. If the Commission and City Council approve vacating a plat,the City Secretary shall record a copy of the resolution or ordinance in the office of the County Clerk of the appropriate County of Record with a copy of the area or plat vacated. The County Clerk shall write legibly on the vacated plat the word "vacated"and shall enter on the plat a reference to the volume and page at which the vacating instrument is recorded. If the Commission and City Council adopt a resolution or ordinance vacating a plat in part,it shall cause a revised final plat to be recorded which shows that portion ofthe original plat that has been vacated and that portion that has not been vacated. On the execution and recording of the vacating instrument the vacated plat has no effect. Section 2.11: Minor Plats 2.11 a. A minor plat shall meet all of the informational and procedural requirements set forth for a final plat, and shall be accompanied by the required number of copies of the plat, a completed application form, the required submission fee, and a certificate showing that all taxes have been paid on the subject property and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property in accordance with Section 1.10. b. The City Manager(or designee)may approve a minor plat,or may,for any reason,elect to present the minor plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for consideration and approval. Any decision made on the minor plat by the City Manager (or designee)shall be approval of the plat. Should the City Manager(or designee)refuse to approve the minor plat, then the plat shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Council for consideration within the time period required by State law. c. Notice, a public hearing, and the approval of other lot owners are not required for the approval a minor plat. d. The minor plat shall be entitled and clearly state that it is a "minor plat." e. The minor plat shall be filed at the County in the same manner as prescribed for a final plat, and approval of a minor plat shall expire if all filing materials are not submitted to the City and if the plat is not filed at the County within the time periods specified for a final plat. City of Wylie, Texas 50 Subdivision Ordinance(Draft) KEEPING CITIES GREEN THROUGH MUNICIPAL TREE PRESERVATION REGULATIONS By Claude Thompson Mature trees are as synonymous with the definition of "scenic" landscapes as "urban" landscapes too often define the loss and lack of mature trees. The Rio Earth Summit concluded that there has probably never been a human society which has developed with a truly sustainable relationship with nature, and the loss of native forests are an unfortunate result of even the most primitive agricultural settlements. Thoreau argued that "in woodlands is the preservation of the world. Every tree sends its fibers forth in search of that goal, and the cities import it at any cost..." Modern, large-scale development practices, which encourage increased land clearing for wider streets, buried drainage and utility systems, and larger leveled areas for buildings and parking, have resulted in the massive destruction of urban forests throughout America. Although confessing to recognize the value of trees, planners and developers alike have generally been all too willing to sacrifice existing trees in favor of later landscaping. But starting over with the planting of new trees can never adequately replace the loss of the aesthetic, environmental and economic values which mature trees provide. In response to this loss, local governments and even some States are enacting legislation which requires the protection of existing trees during construction. The National Association of Home Builders has called tree preservation "the next emerging environmental issue". The conservation of existing trees through local legislation is unquestionably worthwhile and even necessary. One of the earliest public regulations intended specifically to preserve existing trees was passed by the State of Maine in 1907. This legislation allowed communities to restrict the cutting of trees on undeveloped private lands in order to protect public water supplies by preventing soil erosion and siltation. Still, by the mid-1980s, there were as few as one hundred municipal tree preservation ordinances within the United States, and the vast majority of these were in the more environmentally-activist states of Florida and California. Since the 1990s, however, a great number of ordinances have ben enacted to regulate the protection of existing trees on private lands, and most applicable during the development process. Maryland's 1991 Forest Conservation Act regulates existing trees as a State resource, whether or not the local governments enact corresponding legislation for their protection. California enacted enabling legislation which authorizes and provides guidance to local governments desiring to enact tree conservation measures, while the New Jersey legislation requires all municipalities within the environmentally-sensitive Southern Pinelands District to enact local tree protection laws. Encouraged by either private environmental activism or requirements of compliance with public water and air quality standards, many municipalities and some counties throughout the nation have adopted some form of requirement for the protection of existing trees. The pioneering and often modeled Austin, Texas regulation have remained substantially unchanged since its initial adoption in 1983. Because of this relatively recent governmental interest in protecting existing trees against possibly destructive urban development, both technical literature and court decisions to guide such public regulations are still limited. The preservation of trees is very complex and no single model can possibly serve all environmental conditions or development scenarios. However, the technical information and case law which is available identify several major policy issues which must be considered if such regulations are to efficiently achieve their goal. This paper and presentation summarizes alternative approaches to the most significant of these issues as a basis for further dialogue and to encourage all interested parties to share their experiences and advance this growing opportunity to advance the quality of our built environment. The significant and diverse values of preserving existing, mature trees have been well documented by such varied sources as Henry Arnold's Trees in Urban Design, USDA Forest Service's Modeling Benefits and Costs of Community Trees, American Planning Association's Tree Conservation Ordinances, and American Forests' CITYgreen analysis. Retaining existing trees and limiting land disturbance is one of the most cost- effective methods of meeting new federal standards for stormwater management and protection of water quality from nonpoint sources, and this is a stated objective of most recent ordinances. Moderating climate and improving air quality is another historic and defensible goal of local tree conservation measures. Probably the most readily accepted benefits of mature trees are scenic, aesthetic and psychological, although these values are the most difficult to measure and are not normally sufficient alone to justify public regulation. Local governments typically cite a number of these values as objectives for tree preservation legislation. But in order to defend such regulations both legislatively and judicially, it is necessary that the specific benefits and value of local trees be accurately documented and that a clear and reasonable relationship (or "rational nexus") be established between the expressed public benefit or need and the regulation enacted to achieve it. The most common argument used against public regulations intended to preserve trees on private property during land development processes is that requirements are too restrictive and therefore constitute an unconstitutional confiscation of the property values without due compensation. However, the courts have adequately established that some level of lost in private value without public compensation is reasonable in governmental controls of private property for the greater public good — as long as the requirements can be demonstrated to prevent injury to others and some legitimate value to the property is retained. Those few state courts which have specifically addressed the legality of local regulatory preservation of existing private trees have generally interpreted standard subdivision platting and zoning enabling legislation as sufficient authority for local tree preservation legislation (Swanson v. City of Bloomington, 421 N.W. 2nd 307, Minn. 1988). But the few local tree preservation regulations which have been overturned have usually failed because of unclear or inadequate definitions or review processes. The legislation's nomenclature must be technically correct but popularly clear, and must fully define appropriate submittal requirements and documentation as well as the criteria by which proposals will be evaluated (what trees are to be inventoried and how). What trees are to be considered for protection must be clearly defined. Ordinances must also clearly state what types of land uses and development activities are covered and to what degree (many codes exempt public and agriculture uses and some exempt residential uses or tracts smaller than a certain size). Specific direction must be provided on what trees are to be preserved, in what manner they are to be preserved, and for how long after construction is complete trees will be the legally protected. A technical manual, such as that prepared by Prince George's County, Maryland, is helpful in guiding planners and developers through the implementation of regulations and in achieving equitable compliance and conservation. The definition of what constitutes a protected tree or what trees are to be preserved differs greatly between localities, but must be selected to achieve an equitable balance between private rights of development and public goals for preservation. The historic and still most common means of defining trees to be protected is size. Twelve inches (at breast height) is a common minimal size for consideration, but Montgomery County, Maryland strives to preserve "specimen" trees with a trunk diameter of twenty-four inches or larger, while the Dallas and Atlanta regulations use eight inches in diameter as the preservation threshold. A few communities concentrate preservation efforts on certain species, like Thousand Oaks, California where all oak genera larger than two inches in diameter are subject to public review. Fulton County, Georgia applies a criteria which combines both size and species, defining protected hardwoods as thirty inches and larger, softwoods at thirty-six inches, and flowering understory species at twelve inches. Several more recent ordinances focus less on individual trees and target a certain proportion of the tree cover on the development site, which is thought to better address the private rights issue and better tailored to both the development planning process and environmental goals. Garland, Texas requires preservation or replacement of sixty percent of the net caliper inches on the site, excluding those trees within the building pads and required easements which is considered to be a legal private development right. California enabling legislation recommends that municipalities apply a sliding scale to determine standards for canopy retention, based on the amount of existing base-line tree coverage documented by the site survey. Many cities, like Dallas, exempt from documentation and protection certain species which are considered undesirable for urban growth. Whether in response to the private rights question or to encourage compliance greater than the minimal requirements, some few municipalities allow variances to other development requirements as incentives or tradeoffs for saving trees, most commonly including increased building density and decreased parking. Sound planning principles recognize that the land dictates what can best be done with it, so that the location of development such as roads and building pads depends on the location of trees and other natural characteristics. While this is certainly basic classroom planning theory, it is, unfortunately, too often not the case in real-world, front- end-economy-driven development practice. Tree preservation regulations are but one public tool for encouraging the preservation of existing private trees, and also of assuring that quality development techniques are practiced somewhat equitably on all sites by all developers. Public regulations for tree preservation should encourage the same criteria and methodologies which sensitive planners follow in any development project. The initial site inventory must document the location and condition of trees as reliability as it does property lines or topography and drainage. The appropriateness of existing trees to support the proposed development must be analyzed as carefully as is the appropriateness of soils to support that development. The design layout must honor significant tree specimens and communities in the same manner in which balancing of cut and fill areas seeks to honor topography and limit land disturbance (and the resulting extra costs). Drainage should be accommodated by natural, nonstructural systems as much as possible before being buried, and other utilities must avoid trenching or overhead lines within critical root zones and canopy of major trees. Protective fencing around trees which are to be preserved and their close observation during construction must be provided to assure that no activity disturbs the ground beneath the canopies of retained trees. Especially for larger, older trees, the post- development environment of hydrology, light, wind, and nutrients must remain similar to that experienced in the natural state, or augmentation systems such as soil aeration/drainage and tree wells should be added during construction. Not only is local tree preservation regulation a very complex issue for the reasons stated above, but it can also be very political because it involves the highly emotional issues of environment and private property rights. Everyone benefits from saving mature trees, and adopting the legislation to do so should involve the broadest possible coalition of those most effected. Positive partnerships must be built, including conservation advocates and the development community and public officials. Everyone must thoroughly understand the goals and methodologies of the requirements, and sufficient resources must be allocated to implement the regulations and monitor development once regulations are adopted. Star Telegram 110/30/2002 I State's highest court to consider zoning case Page 1 of 3 (ills Click here to visit other RealCities sites Star-Telegram Ads Online Lr- ram _-I* l:� Our Local Channels .' News Business l Sports t Entertainment - Living I • I Help I Contact Us I Site Index I Archives I I Newspape Our Site Tools Back to Home > News > Wednesday, Oct 30, 2002 Shoppin, Weather Loca I Find a 3( Dallas/Fort- +72a45 an Apar Worth a Home Local Events Posted on Wed, Oct. 30, 2002 Staahlegrarn S Yellow Pages Discussion Boards » New! - - - State's highest court to consider zoning online Maps& Directions . case By John Kirsch Star-Telegram Staff Writer The Texas Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments today in a case that could require Texas cities to pay property owners when zoning changes harm land values. PHOTOS Star-Telegram.com » Fort Worth The case, which observers say has no precedent, has drawn wide attention from municipal officials and real estate developers. » Arlington » Northeast Tarrant Two lower courts have ruled that the rezoning of a tract in Glenn » Dallas Heights, which is south of Dallas, caused its value to decline about rr I » Texas 38 percent. A jury awarded $485,000 in damages to the owner, a » National residential development company. » International I I » Business A trial court in Ellis County held that Glenn Heights' rezoning of the » Opinions 194-acre property, which reduced the number of lots per acre from • Cheers&Jeers six to four, was a "taking." Since the city was, in effect, wielding ).> more t » Letters to the Editor eminent domain powers, it owed the property owner, Sheffield » Columnists Development Co., for changes in the property's value, the court said. » Special Reports • • The appeals court upheld the lower court ruling. Knight Ridder Washington Bureau - _ The city appealed the rulings to the Texas Supreme Court. Making sense of Washington Several communities have filed briefs in support of Glenn Heights, and the world. > Washington Bureau including Dallas, Irving, Plano and Rowlett. The Texas Municipal more p League and the American Planning Association have also filed briefs supporting Glenn Heights. Search go If the Supreme Court upholds the decision, it would hamper the » Search the Archives zoning and planning powers of Texas cities, said Frank Sturzl, executive director of the Texas Municipal League. http.//www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/local/4402529.htm /,� 10/30/02 Star Telegram 110/30/2002 I State's highest court to consider zoning case Page 2 of 3 Express condolences at In a court brief filed on behalf of Glenn Heights, attorney Robert no charge. Brown of Dallas stated that the appeals court ruling was without See Star-Telegram precedent. obituaries4 online. „ S_T "It is no exaggeration to say that the appellate court's ruling in this Obituaries case sets forth one of the most radical and destructive readings of our Texas Constitution ever rendered. ... If allowed to stand the rezoning ruling will have a severe, adverse impact on Texas takings jurisprudence and municipal land-use planning," he stated. Brown said the land was still worth more than four times Sheffield's purchase price. On the other side, the Texas Association of Builders, the Home Builders Association of Greater Dallas and the Texas Association of Realtors have filed briefs supporting Sheffield. "Reversing the court of appeals' holding ... will devastate the residential development industry," attorney Todd Haba of Arlington stated in a friend-of-the-court brief filed for the Texas Association of Builders and other development groups on behalf of Sheffield. Art Anderson of Dallas, an attorney representing Sheffield, said the city's rezoning reduced the land's value without compensating Sheffield for the loss. Arguments before the Texas Supreme Court are scheduled to be completed today. Brown and Anderson said they did not know when the court would issue its decision. Last year, the state Legislature considered a bill that would have required communities to compensate owners if rezoning caused the value of land to fall more than 25 percent. The bill died in the final days of the 2001 session. The measure was backed by the Texas Association of Realtors. Bill Stinson, a lobbyist for the group, has said that he plans to push hard for a similar bill during the 2003 legislative session that begins in January. John Kirsch (817) 685-3805 jkirsch@star-telegram.corn El g email this I print this Search if SELECT I OR type or Business n City• http://www.dfw.com/m1d/dfw/news/local/4402529.htm 10/30/02 Ocr-1, 24,, ?IA Telecom m. dtistry's bust sends home foreclosures skyrocketing S010.0.10 far Iwyood ah.I NLowl, bad almost 10 years of po,perity Collin County takes ponfitho, h,yolrs. I/-1.1V.and it stopped.- Persistently jobless and their sav- A.s beleaguered companies the brunt,with figures it,gs miritt,these New Esonmoy Ins,shed workers twee the last ".et'. Up 154%from last year h''' Pr.'"1";'' of losing their homes to tor,o- ill, rat 1.1111CS. .11105 By ANGELA SRAM sus iserceut unenolloyment rate is Tlial pain is aeuteb telt in Col- more than three times the 1.8 per- homer telecom CNLIMiVe Ken- 141 Comity.store to many of the cent figure reef September 2000. chi Stevens has lost his job.Ilifs tel,..iiiiiondeations industry's klebinues reported.unemploy- used up hissavings. brand 1101111,the area thrised client ra,of 11.1 istreed kist Now.Ite's afraid hell lose his lire 1990.as 1110,01/11111S Ilmsled month.its high.,level ever in to worker-gam-II et oil ipa..it,. N:010110111C. •We!MVO tel missed any Now,the dominion is washing erallg The number of home- paymeots."he 1but ifs 1111111i- 00,1y S1.1110 th,we:att,.re- 00.111.0.ill 1101.1110 I 1.1100 Imme tient this month.' mmtly created by the loam.. Louis is now at the highest'mint For a gnoving number of North George Roddc.if tn.relosure Texans, the peel otology bust leafing Service pit it this vs ay:"We Or FORECLOSURES Pogo, tel rage Thom's,Sistol,J,1.loud Ells Dallas Osman.Xnus II FROAI Ti IL FRONT PAGE -• Foreclosures rise with fall of telecom fortunes aod,ar I,mr Ms of dam,,Ms"I "Pissjsk aim null for/nook It,It Ill' Ihr tit I n'rvi h. a month , in the Issmcsr cads 19911..In Collin The imnk foreclosed on the Ittaihrhdp.titrihent itmittlilla ititi tilial t Bit,...it......it,. 237 ISonws were imusi Woodses•home inJulg Meinjittal unemplopuent,and if:,wally hard: " ic tor threrkmarc lag inonth.onn. The neat month,he mid,lie pajchmk. in IS172. pared with 93 homes in Seism. had a mental breakdown and iklitiquencics rise I,2001.a.;increase of 154 per- somas week at Parklainl Mena,. rrrrl, aesordiog to statistics Mau al 1 lospital.Caregiscrx dmie told tyleaderssay. km minims to psnieigate Nationalls,the residential de. slot—though dime lesels Iso• r-,,rrrelreeoeeidclrrrgieretc. him about Samaritan Inn m Mr. "For many of MIA thew is_rr,rrr,gi,srrrr. ntowney raw—the proja.Smof reached thine during thc Dallas County fosecknorm Kinney.On Scot_II.at 1,10 pos. .hiesol stssu to beam light at the Maned hy davadm.low atter. households behind on their mort- IONO,and mrly The.... rose tom the mom period,from he said'I svalked in mil told end of du.isomer ssid the Res mt mat,are hash, mar 100,r,lrttll Pm.m MiSliomes to S.M.Ilia that's an in. thent.1 need " Richard ialmak at Cling glutei. Imms,Slam lanimmtwA are Ant in the scton.1 manor,ail tIsc semod quarto of IShO. .wage of only 27,,scm mum,Alr lVmsh of PLum. dam trading,.or refioni.mg us. lom.16S i,'l,o'crirrr the hot otaar- .A.other„rtirud, gory isnot unheard of.ommoni- hookah..II1My of then nog, Mg therm.msli to hst kJ....midi.,ill the Nlortgage NA-COLLIN 1111,iS arid.,of the logisteeli bubble,"said Jack liar. rig a research economist at the Mal Estate Center at Tegas AS,h1 University."Most of these homes ocre purchased a few years ago, and they are mostly in the fast. growing.highprieedsubutta.• Through Texas booms and busts over the last 20 years,hlr. Stevens had held onto hisjob and financial security,even during his time in the energy industry.But in April the telecom startup he joined just two years earlier fell victim Is the slowing economy, and he found himself on the um emploonent coils Since then,the couple has ert- en through retirement funds Is make ends mert-Though his wife. Kathy.has a part.thric job Si the ltnivcrsity of Tems 5100115,.her paycheck won),caves the$1.000 mortgagepayment son of the end of the line,' he saidlis•very humbling espe- ricnce.Youdoolfeelthatyou're in control.' Most experts say the economy has bottomed out and resumed growing albeit sluggishly.But the regiods telecom Grins hoc yet to find a firm footing.Mired by ova. investencnt and tomlittledemand. dies-continue to slash payrolls. Total technologjobs in Dallas- Fon Words have Amok As they Jid see.many North Texans found themselves trappedindiechum. Only a fraction of homes post- ed for forecloses<actually make it to auction at the courthosue. SUMC011ees the kndcr and pm, crty myna agree to new payment terms.If thernmerhasenougheq- uity in the house,the lender may renegotiate the loan to help bring the mortgage up to dale If another arrangement owl be made,the lendercantakthebousebackand sell a throughabroker. And,ingenerakthehousing Mossy has been a ram source of Collin' County takes brunt of U.S.eonnoinicstren4h this war. Fleeting prosperity Rut Collin CountyT dnunstic surge in postings SIMMS LII.S11111e homeowners' mortgage woes of the mini,*in the mwtheri, tier suburbs of oxcart jean was Owing indeed. • "We're getting five solo phone Cunt Mod from Paw 6.1 'Ile toed I o nu&bat Luso. stay current.Priscilla and Roder- calls a slay from Kook who haw kit Ramos of McKinney hate al. basically become unen.ployedand Those cloy Mc.Stevens arc on Mahe flOaff hour.JAW ready resdimluled their mortgage arc&hind in their bee I the brink of thme statistics.To October,November,ICT T1'PI'Mcd meats;said Jeremiah Johnson. stave off foreclosure,he's plan- sion of the restaurant where 111r. director of educational Consumer ning to meet with his lender sobt,. shit/twig/ling behjnflund Ramos works disappeared along Credit Counseling Sessiets of "Emotionally,this has becn a with the telecom industry's for. NorthantralTexas. „gay big struggle mc:gaid nnikingtheni lale.Ili.Kra. sum,. Al the Community lifeline Center in McKinney,William Mr.Stevens.who came to Tems in .sh.din,d;.,,m peigoolgrjj 'Ile used to make bonuses. Robertson has watched his client the mid-1980s to work for an ' and he doesn't now;Ms.Ramos load bkom.Cash-swanned home- and gascompany and emerged in. sUsl.'Last October,Nos.:miser, owners today are seeking twice as tact from that decade's brutal re- we started getting behind and much in mortgage assistance as cession. Priscilla Ramos of McKinney tusking limns late.We were steal- they werelast year. Mier 11 years as a furniture in smings to pay their bilks in the Mg from Peter to pay Paul? People who used to donate to us arc now 00 the other side company executive,he opted for a last smen months.Plans to re- They set up a new payment looking for help,'Me Robertson chance to be part of North TM,. model their lb-year-old home or .hodule with their mortgage added.'For them it's usually the telecom industry.In March 2000. to Mke a long-hoped-for vacation lender,but'ear cc starting to get a /Mt time ma that they've faced that seemed likes good idea are onsliold irrdettrriiolv. little behind again,"she naid,Ifs mcmplopnenE and it's really ''We just ran out of time:lair, "I had wanted to take her to what keeps us up at night.Ifs hard? Stevens said.'Ile opportunitv for li.crrilli,he saki-Now,ice dttlt ,11,:thr,dmtrit::gtionf up when there's no- Laid off 6 times revenues was diminishing daily." struggle.' Since he lred his job,the Ste- Even those who are still on a In the last two year,Ted I Woods has been kid off from six veilseo have spent about$15,000 payroll have found it difficult to Eq....la:1.4s dallmommom companies.lie went froincarning 580.000 Ls•telemin engineer with a new$200.000 home in Wylie to beingjoblooMod Wow" hss. In September WOO,(Mims Network Cominunkations Inc cut hiro looseallmsesen)can.Ile quickly found work at World. Com'.MCI division but wasagain laid off inFebruary 2001. 'I lit,,had a couple of weeks' Alla at Nodal,'=Id Mr.Woods. theninedQvrest Cannon, cations Tug job lasted a few months.Mr.Woods went nal Ma small wham service provideo which folded inScplember2001, By that time,he and ha wife • hail spent most of s Roth IRA at- coons Medics/hills of shoot $7,000 from the difficult birth of their mn,Christopher.arrived al that moment. He worked a hodgepodge of jobs two and three at a time,in. cludingstocking shchmat a liquor gore.hot moklril cows...gage