06-25-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Agenda
Monday,June 25, 2012—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Anne Hiney Chair
Matt Rose Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
Cristine Price Board Member
Gary Robas Board Member
Jim Ward Board Member
Jeff Harris Board Member
Robert Diaz Board Liaison
Janet Hawkes (Interim) Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex,
distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a
courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to
step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair
accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the
City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6022.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board
requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any
matter presented during citizen participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 14, 2012 meeting.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Preliminary Wylie Trails Master Plan.
3. Consider and act upon Wylie Women's League vendor registration to host the Wylie Women's
League Fall Festival to be held in Olde City Park on October 13, 2012 (October 20, 2012 rain
4. Consider and act upon Wylie Evening Lions Club vendor registration to host a fundraiser
"Dinner in the Dark" event at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on August 11, 2012.
5. Review recreation fee options.
I certy that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 22nd day of June 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
June 25,2012 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 14, 2012—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Board Member Matt Rose,filling in for Chairwoman Anne Hiney,called the meeting
to order at 6:32 p.m.
Board Members present: Matt Rose,Cristine Price,Gary Robas,Jim Ward and Jeff Harris.
Staff members present: Robert Diaz,Board Liaison and Park Board Secretary Interim,Janet Hawkes.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the April 23, 2012 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Robas made a motion,seconded by Board Member Price to approve the minutes from the April 23,
2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Remove from Table from April 23, 2012 meeting: Consider and act upon approving the conceptual
neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek Park prepared by consultants Teague
Nall and Perkins,Inc.
Board Discussion
Superintendent Diaz presented the Board's requested updated park plan and price schedule from Teague Nall and
Perkins,Inc. (TNP)for the conceptual neighborhood park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek
Park. Board Member Robas asked if the price plan represented the total estimated amount needed for Park area 2
(in the event Park Area 1 is not obtained)to which Superintendent Diaz affirmed. Board Member Rose commented
that he liked the new design but noticed that price did not increase very much after adding amenities to Park Area 2.
Superintendent Diaz stated that TNP added about$300,000 worth of amenities to the revised plan. Board Member
Harris added,with Board Member Price in agreement,that he would like to see if there was any opportunity or
discussion in consideration to adding a skate park in Park Area 2. Superintendent Diaz advised that this had not yet
been discussed;however,since these plans are conceptual a skate park could be a possible amenity added to the
plan.Board Member Rose asked and Superintendent Diaz confirmed that in the event the City of Wylie does not
obtain Park Area 1,it would be possible to screen Park Area 2 from the property owned by North Texas Municipal
Water District(NTMWD)in order to create a barrier between the park and the retention ponds owned by NTMWD.
Superintendent Diaz added that NTMWD likes the conceptual Park Area 1 plan but currently has too many projects
ongoing to make a decision on what to do with the property in question at this time.
Board Action
Board Member Ward made a motion,seconded by Board Member Price,to remove Item from Table from April 23,
2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
Board Member Ward made a motion,seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the conceptual neighborhood
park plans for the Forrest Ross property and Pheasant Creek Park. A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
3. Review new summer recreation brochure and upcoming activities.
Wylie Recreation Center staff,Katy Burton and Steven Harben,both Recreation Programmers,made a presentation
reviewing the Wylie Recreation Center's summer activity and program guide. This menu was made available at
City Hall,Wylie Recreation Center,Smith Library and Bart Peddicord Community Center and contains upcoming
class information,membership fees and details,along with links to our webpage,blog and flip book. Each
registration kicks off a full week of Early Bird Online Registration,which allows participants to get a sneak peek
and register online for upcoming classes and receive a registration discount of 15%off all eligible activities. The
Early Bird Online Registration enabled the Recreation Center to fill all 200 Tween Scene spots as well as 900 of the
1,200 WAVE openings.
Katy Burton,Recreation Programmer recently applied for and received the NRPA Easton Archery Foundation grant
that included archery instructor training for USA Archery Certification with the National Archery Association and
$5,000 worth of archery equipment. Katy is now certified as a level 2 archery instructor. The Archery courses for
ages 8 through 14,new this summer are at maximum capacity.
Summer Karate courses for ages 7 and up has reached 26 registrations for classes starting June 4th. Summer Zumba
for ages 13 plus has more than 60 registrations for classes beginning May 29th and due to its popularity a beginner
level has been added to the menu. A variety of technique specific courses is offered this summer for ages 5-12.
Lastly,with the opening of the senior center on the horizon,Wylie Recreation programs as a whole will continue to
grow and shift with the trends and participant needs.
4. Community Park Project updates.
Superintendent Diaz updated the Board of the progress at Community Park. He stated that TNP is working with the
contractor to complete punch list items and final inspections,and a certificate of occupancy for the concession stand
was issued May 9,2012. Wylie Independent School District was able to let Wylie Baseball/Softball Association use
the Wylie High School baseball field for junior and senior level baseball games beginning May 5,2012,with senior
and junior level games starting at Community Park after the Memorial Day weekend.
The parking lot is currently being cleaned up and will be striped prior to being opened. To allow for additional
parking,rock was installed in the non-developed parking areas. Board Member Harris asked if improvements will
be made to the existing asphalted parking lots at Community. Superintendent Diaz responded that the two parking
lots with asphalt have a considerable amount of damage,which is a maintenance issue. He stated that plans are
underway for the City of Wylie Public Works Department to cut out and patch the damaged asphalt in hopes to
budget an entirely new layer of asphalt to both parking lots for FY 2013. Board Member Price asked why the
contractor JC Commercial was not responsible for repairing the damaged asphalt assuming they caused it.
Superintendent Diaz responded that these asphalt parking lots were in bad shape with significant damage prior to
construction and only got worse after construction began. JC Commercial is responsible to repair any direct damage
they cause during construction such as the damaged irrigation system caused while adding the walking trail.
Board Member Rose opened up discussion for plans of an official Community Park re-opening ribbon cutting
ceremony possibly on June 9th,the day of the league's championship tournament,preferably early in the morning
prior to the 9:00 AM games or late in the evening after the games are finished. WBSA President Lance Wallace
suggested it be held sometime between May 21st and June 9th' Superintendent Diaz agreed that June 9th was a good
date for the Community Park opening ceremony but recommended an alternate date be chosen in case of inclement
weather of which Board Member Rose suggested June 16th. Superintendent Diaz advised that he would present the
proposed dates to the Wylie City Manager,Mindy Manson and confirm dates with the Board later.
Board Member Rose inquired on a planned access date to the concession stand for Wylie Baseball/Softball
Association members anxious to set up shop. Superintendent Diaz advised that he will get an entry date for vendors
during the upcoming meeting between the Parks Department and Teague Nall and Perkins. Board Member Price
suggested another date be set for the Parks and Recreation Board to meet and view Community Park;however,
Superintendent Diaz advised that Wednesday,May 16 at 4:30 pm was already set for an official tour,and a 72 hour
notice must be posted for any subsequent official tours to be scheduled. He suggested that the Board would need to
view the park on their own because it would be too difficult to plan another on site visit.
5. Review of the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund projects for FY 2012 and discuss
projects for the FY 2013.
Superintendent Diaz presented to the Board a Park Acquisition and Improvement(A&I)zone map as well as A&I
Minutes May 14, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 2 of 3
budget data showing available funds. Superintendent Diaz reviewed the various staff recommendations along with a
review of last year's Board A&I recommendations. Board Member Ward inquired if any ideas have been explored
into obtaining funding from Rockwall County to go toward the Pheasant Creek Plan to which Superintendent Diaz's
response was no since the playground portion of the plan is located in Collin County.
Last year's A&I budget discussion included updating the West Zone and the Municipal Complex's property.
Current FY projects include Dodd Park irrigation in the West Zone,replacement of receptacles and benches at parks
in the Central Zone,as well as a proposed disc golf course in the East Zone. The FY 2013 budget for A&I is
approximately$300,000 for the West Zone,$190,000 for the Central Zone and$92,000 for the East Zone.
Possible West and East Zone opportunities include applying for grants from Collin County where the land value in
could be used the match for improvements. Another funding possibility is a Texas Parks and Wildlife Trail Grant
which would require the City to put 20%of the improvement costs up front and then the grant would cover the other
80%. It should be noted that county grants do not fund engineering or design for projects;however,funds for these
items could be budgeted from 4B funds. The proposed funding for the Central Zone($190,000)could complete a
large portion of the remaining undeveloped parking,landscaping,and other miscellaneous improvements at
Community Park.
Board Member Rose suggested focusing on the Municipal Complex Property by adding walking trails as well as
various outside amenities as he would like to see it become a focal point for the City of Wylie. Board Member
Harris agreed and compared a plan similar to the City of Plano's Bob Woodruff Park.
Superintendent Diaz reviewed the 4B budget with the Board.Approximately$560,000 is the debt service for
revenue bonds for the Municipal Complex Property,$260,000 for Parks salaries,and$246,000 for the Community
There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Price and seconded by Board Member
Rose. The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.by unanimous consent.
Janet Hawkes, Park Board Secretary Anne Hiney, Chairwoman
Minutes May 14, 2012
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Page 3 of 3
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: June 25, 2012 Item Number: 1
Division: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: June 20, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $
Exhibits: 1
Consider and act upon approving the Preliminary Wylie Trails Master Plan.
To approve the Preliminary Wylie Trails Master Plan.
At the June 12, 2012 City Council meeting the consultants Land Design Partners Inc./Dunaway Inc. with sub-
consultant Bowman/Melton Associates Inc. reviewed the Preliminary Trails Master Plan with the City Council
in a work session. The City Council had a few questions that were answered by the consultants and
recommended to staff that they felt the plan was on track and that staff could move forward with the adoption of
the plan. The work session was originally meant to be a joint session with the Parks and Recreation Board to
gather input from both groups at the same time. Due the anticipated absence of some Board members for work
session, staff decided that it would be only a work session for the City Council. Therefore, the Board will now
have the opportunity to review the plan with the consultant during the regular June meeting and provide a
formal recommendation to the City Council.
Staff will move toward having the City Council adopt the plan at a meeting in July 2012.
Representatives with Dunaway Inc. will be in attendance at the June meeting if the Board has any questions
regarding the plan.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD June 20, 2012
Page 1 of 1
300 Country Club, Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098
VENDOR REGISTRATION-Once approved by City Council vendor has 7 days to finalize event with Parks&
Recreation acilit sta .Recommended timeline or submission to Park Board is 3-4 months in advance o event.
Group, Organization,Individual,etc.
Name Phone Number
Wylie Women's League 469-964-7425
Address Alternate Phone Number
321 South 4th Street
City/State/Zip E-mail
Wylie,TX 75098 Motheroftwins21@gmail.com or sdanie28@jcp.com
Contact Person Name Phone Number
Stacey Daniel 469-964-7425
Address Alternate Phone Number
321 South 4th Street
City/State/Zip E-mail
Wylie,TX 75098 Same as above
Emergency Contact Name Phone Number
Cheri Rodriquez 469-767-7091
Address Alternate Phone Number
3406 Meandering Way
City/State/Zip E-mail
Wylie,TX 75098 Cheri.stamps@verizon.net
Event Information
Event Name
Wylie Women's League Fall Festival
Type of Event Purpose of Event
Craft Show Raise money for our scholarships
Location Proposed Event Date(s)
Old City Park Oct 13th(rain date 10/20)
Number of Individuals Vending Items Start Time End Time
50 Booths 8am 4pm
Anticipated Number in Attendance Event Target Audience
Specific Items to be Sold
This is a vendor and craft fair.There will be different booths displaying their gifts.
If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office(972.516.6420)in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the
sale of such products.An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers.
Section 78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states:It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars,tobaccos,cigarettes,fruits,
candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the city park or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to
any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the parks and
recreation board and approved by the city council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,or wares and merchandise within the city park or recreation or
community center facilities of the city.
300 Country Club, Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098
r VENDOR REGISTRATION-Once approved by City Council vendor has 7 days to finalize event with Parks&
Recreation facility staff Recommended timeline for submission to Park Board is 3-4 months in advance of event,
Refer to Cit of W lie Code of Ordinances Section 78-105, Parks and Recreation, Peddlin• and vendin• of articles
Name Phone Number
. t i_e_si J eel
I- Addre s , , Alternate Phone Number
City/State/Zip E-mail
Contact Person Name Phone Number
Ka1,e.v —Esc 11A.5_ IC -rt —
Address Alternate Phone Number
f) 5_.. ti1 trr� 5_.f' I 'i - -NI - 414 1{
City/State/Zip E-mail
lc P I 'n( '7 l'c I (:v y(i P tc.�a �,� �( ta,k C: CT'41
Emergerfcy Contact Name Phone Number
U Q .:1-e 14',/"V'S ---- — --1 6k c..) — g C - 3 S C I _J
Address Alternate Phone Number
City/State/Zip � E-mail
�-_� , l L., t 1)1 f -1 �C�_.1y..�.__-_ ---�-- l St-tic,l.L ft l l C''IS__ g.,_fst
Event Information
Event Name
.((Bier t,bA v -" J(
Type of Event Purpose of Event
7tvtrieA I Pc,/xlA_/2 /.. I
Location Proposed Event Date(s)
LECLASI c t r �Irr� S e 4 I A-u cts+ 11, 6 c7 i A
Number of Individuals Vending Items Start retie End Time
I '.j);L9 L `f70
Anticipated Number in Attendance Event Target Audience
I rib I c71,'. Lions C. u.bs it,t ,t ,.
Specific Items to be Sold 3 f1"'1J
If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the vendor must contact the City Inspections Office(972.516 6420)in order to
obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products.An Inspector must examine the food preparation and food storage equipment to assure the
health and safety of customers
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: June 25, 2012 Item Number:
Division: Parks and Recreation (Board Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: June 20, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $
Exhibits: 1
Review recreation fee options.
Staff reviewed the proposed recreation fee changes at the March 2012 meeting and the April 2012 meeting. Staff then
reviewed the Board recommendations with the City Council in a work session on May 8, 2012. Staff will now review the
Council recommended proposed fee changes with the Board for the Board to provide input. This input will then be
forwarded to Council for consideration.
Attached to this agenda report are the minutes from the May 8,2012 Council work session and an email from Councilwoman
Culver with some direction regarding the fees.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RD June 20, 2012
Page 1 of 1
Recreation center fee options
• Discount Option for additional family members-50%discount for each additional member
beyond 4 in a family(at appropriate rate), or flat option:
Scenario for resident with 50%discount: Family of 6 (2 parents, child-age 5, child-age 12, child-age 17,
child-age 18)
The base family is $325 for 2 parents and child-age 5 and child-age 12. Each of the other two children
would pay 50%of$175 ($87.50 x 2) in additional fees for a total membership cost of$325 +$175=$500.
• Flat fee option for additional family members-Below is an example of a chart of fees based on
adding an additional charge of$55 per additional family member:
Number in family Resident ($55 per additional) Non-resident($55 per
4 (Currently) $325 $405
5 $380 $460
6 $435 $515
7 $490 $570
8 $545 $625
• Attach the childcare fees to a child membership (ages 6mos.-15) instead of the adult
membership and raise childcare fees.
• New Childcare fee schedule based on bullet above (see chart below):
Current:w/adult membership Per visit 10 visit Punch Card
Annual Pass Holder Free N/A
1&3 Month Pass Holder $4 $20
Day pass& Non-member $4 $30
Proposed:w/child membership Per visit 10 visit Punch Card
Annual Pass Holder Free N/A
1&3 Month Pass Holder $4 $40
Day pass& Non-member $5 $50
• Adult membership begins at age 16 instead of 17 due to all membership privileges beginning at
age 16. Those ages 18 and under would still have to have parents sign waivers per the City
• Eliminate wording in the Fee Ordinance that states$100 deposits required on large events to
say$100 deposits required. $100 deposits would be required for all events at the BPCC no
matter if it was resident/non-resident or non-profit groups.
Robert Diaz
From: Diane Culver
Sent: Monday,May 14, 2012 9:50 AM
To: Council
Cc: Mindy Manson; Robert Diaz; Mike Sferra
Subject: Rec Center fees
I have been thinking about the issue with the Rec Center charges. One things that struck me was that the
benefit of child care follows the parent and not the child. As you know this is a huge expense for the city. As it
stand right now If you are an adult with two small children you can buy a membership for$175.00 and have
your kids in child care for free, no fee or membership required. I believe a more suitable arrangement without
raising fee for the family or adults is have the child care follow the child.
In other words the parent can opt to purchase a annual child membership and there would be no additional
fees for child care or the parent can choose to pay for child care whenever the utilize the service. Right now
we are only charging $2.00 an hour for child care. I also believe this fee should be a little higher. It is a
different way of looking at it but I think we can help fund the deficit of the Rec center with out raising the
membership fees. We can even use this structure with the family pack and the additional per person add on's
that we discussed at council.
For example a family of 5 can purchase a annual family membership at$325.00 and additional membership
for$55.00 all the children could be in child care and would not have to pay any additional fees for that service.
I also believe it would be a good idea to have the age for kids to go from 0 to 16 and adults go to 16 and up.
This is just some food for thought as a different option. If you have any input please respond to Mindy in order
to keep within the rules of the open meeting requirements.Thanks for your time
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns
Diane Culver
Wylie City Council Place 6
requiring notice of this resolution to the company and ACS's legal counsel.
(M. Manson, City Manager)
Staff Comments
City Manager Manson addressed council stating that ACSC engaged attorneys and consultants to review
Atmos Mid-Tex's proposed rate increase. Additionally, the ACSC cities passed suspension resolutions
earlier this year, extending the effective date of Atmos Mid-Tex's proposed rate increase to June 4, 2012,
in order to permit the cities time to review Atmos Mid-Tex's Statement of Intent. During their review,
ACSC's consultants found justification that Mid-Tex's rates should be decreased. On April 25, 2012, the
company extended the effective date of its proposed rate change, which similarly extended cities'
jurisdictional deadline to June 11, 2012. The purpose of the resolution is to deny Atmos Mid-Tex's
proposed rate increase pending further settlement discussions and to prevent Atmos' proposed rate
increase from automatically taking effect on June 11, 2012.
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve
Resolution No. 2012-06(R) denying Atmos Energy Corporation Mid-Tex Division's requested
rate change; requiring the company to reimburse the City's reasonable ratemaking expenses;
finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by
law; requiring notice of this resolution to the company and ACS's legal counsel. A vote was
taken and the motion passed 7-0.
City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2012-14, 2012-15 and 2012-16 into
the official record.
Mayor Hogue convened into work session at 6:55 p.m.
• Discuss Wylie Recreation Center and Bart Peddicord Community Center
membership and facility fees. (R. Diaz, Parks & Recreation Superintendent)
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Diaz addressed council giving an update on the Wylie
Recreation Center and Bart Peddicord Community Center and making some recommendations
for minor tweaks to the fees and regulations.
Diaz made the following recommendations for each facility:
• Raise the minimum age for children getting a membership to 7 years old from 3 years old.
• Raise the adult membership to 18 years of age and up.
• Increase the number of pass holders for a family membership from 4 to unlimited (in the
same household).
• Raise rates for meeting rooms at the Bart Peddicord Community Center to be the same as
the Wylie Recreation Center.
• Clarify the term "large events." The ordinance is currently worded as Bait Peddicord
Community Center Fees (two-hour minimum)($100 deposits required on large events).
Minutes May 8, 2012
Wylie City Council
Page 5
• Clarify whether non-profit organizations are required to pay deposits at the Bart Peddicord
Community Center. The ordinance currently allows non-profit organizations to rent the
facility at no charge, but it is unclear whether such groups should pay a deposit.
Direction from council included:
• Set family memberships over a family of 4 at a "per additional family
member"fee or set fees for each level of family membership, 2-$, 3+$.
• Keep facility fees for the Bart Peddicord and Wylie Recreation Center
different due to the difference in the facilities.
• Review lowering the adult memberships from 17 years and older to 16 years
and older.
• Review charging all not-for-profits some deposit fee for renting the facilities
for large events but not for small meetings.
• Bring revised recommendations back to council for further discussion.
Take any action as a result of executive session.
Mayor Hogue reconvened into regular session at 7:49 p.m.
With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman
Jones, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Byboth to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. A vote was
taken and the motion passed 7-0.
Eric Hogue, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary
Minutes May 8, 2012
Wylie City Council
Page 6
Parks and Recreation
Corporate shall mean any company or business with an address in the City of Wylie. The
city may require written proof of address of the company or business.
Non-resident shall mean any person or persons who reside outside of the City of Wylie
city limits.
Resident shall mean any person or persons who reside in the City of Wylie city limits and
can provide proof of resident status by showing a current utility bill.
Wylie non-profit group shall mean a qualified non-profit group that provides a benefit
and/or service in the City of Wylie.The city may require written proof of non-profit or
City Manager Authority. The city manager or his or her designee shall have the authority
to establish and/or amend fees related to the programs, classes and related services
available through Wylie Parks and Recreation.
Pavilion Rental(excluding neighborhood parks).
Wylie Non-Profit Groups $5.00 per hour(not to exceed $20.00 per day)
Residents, per hour 10.00
Non-residents, per hour 25.00
Athletic Field Reservation Fees.
Per person, per sport season, 18 and under$5.00
Per person, per sport season, 19 and older 10.00
Athletic field light, per hour/per field 18.00
Tournament or single use—per field reservation 10.00 per hour plus lights
Light key deposit 100.00
Late payment fee(athletic fields)Amount
plus 10%
Bart Peddicord Community Center Fees(two-hour minimum)($100.00 deposits required
on large events).
Room rental
Wylie non-profit groups No charge
Residents, per hour$25.00
Non-residents, per hour 35.00
Kitchen use fee
Wylie non-profit groups No charge
Resident, per hour 25.00
Non-resident, per hour 35.00
Cancellation fee (within 14 days of rental date)50.00
Park Land Dedication Fees(land dedication—minimum five acres and five acres per 100
Five or more lots per acre, per lot$1,500.00
Three or four lots per acre, per lot 2,000.00
One or two lots per acre, per lot 3,000.00
Apartment units, per unit 800.00
Wylie Recreation Center Fees.
Residents Non-residents
Membership Fees
Adults 17 and older Annual Membership Fee $175.00 $225.00
Youth (3-16) Annual Membership Fee 105.00 135.00
Senior 55 and older Annual Membership Fee 105.00 135.00
Family Annual Membership up to 4 members 325.00 405.00
Corporate Annual Membership (individual must 185.00
present most recent check stub as proof of
Adult 3 month 65.00 80.00
Youth 3 month 30.00 40.00
Senior 3 month 30.00 40.00
Family 3 month 120.00 150.00
Adult 1 month 30.00 40.00
Youth 1 month 25.00 30.00
Senior 1 month 25.00 30.00
Adult Daily Pass 8.00 8.00
Youth Daily Pass 5.00 5.00
Senior Daily Pass 5.00 5.00
I.D. Card Replacement (per card) 5.00 5.00
Facility Fees
Aerobics Room/hour $35.00 $45.00
Classroom/hour 30.00 40.00
Climbing Wall/hour 55.00 65.00
Meeting Room (per section)/hour 45.00 55.00
Kitchen/hour 35.00 45.00
Gym (1 court)/hour 55.00 65.00
Gym (full court)/hour 105.00 135.00
Gym (all sections/4-hour minimum) 325.00 405.00
Meeting Room (all sections/4-hour minimum) 255.00 325.00
Full Facility (all sections of gym and meeting 495.00 645.00
rooms)/4-hour minimum-125.00 per hour after 4
Cancellation Fee 50.00 50.00
(within 14 days of rental)
Deposits _ 100.00 100.00
Wylie Non-Profit Groups Regular Rates Regular Rates
The rate for the use of the Wylie Recreation Center by city employees is free. Family
members of city employees may receive a 25 percent discount on their membership fee to
the Wylie Recreation Center, based upon resident rates.
(Ord. No. 2010-08, §2(Exh.A), 6-8-2010)